HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 8. TSR SIGNAL : GODBBIOH. ORT., THURSDAY, JULY Te Ise potao. sum THAN POWDER. PURE PARIS (IMM Caren Tat ALS.. a.xo NOLO Mr rear Faan% thsoar LT Para REFRESHING AND LX HILA RAT- r"" PRO TIMIS, OUR COUGH SYRUP r always la erases. CvvARLSBAD, \ THY AND FRUIT Salts la heli. PUREST AND STRONGEST FLA - ming Itztracta. SPONGE 3 . A NEW CONSIGN - meet Just to hand- Ilse our prime. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WITH Dare, outside sad dispatch at the Phar - imam GEO. A. FEAR, ttucoeaeor to Geo. Rhyne% GODXRICM. pea Sundays for dimitating and medicines eels. Art K. CROCK ETT, Attr,t%T. Landscape, wane dead portrait psisllag oil and water colors - CLASSES Oa Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays. !tont to A.11. 10 IS o'clock. and from 2 to 5 o'clo k i• y. is Arehltetend and mechanical drawing. Dsaw inns for totems, etc. STUDIO : -North •at., Snit dor from the Simon The People's Column. NEW PLANING MILL Sub and door factory. Latest plans and designs of bowie., latest =riZad machinery. latest drop In prices. latest aad most modern workmen. lowest prices ie shi•gks. pine or metro. lowest tender Issued, lowest pr.t es on doors or sash. Mt !laving received indent for 50 domestic refrigerators, i have decided to build a num- ber -my price. being so low ell an afford to have this luxury in their home_. and grocer+ must base ti mut. 1 have sect.-. 1 latest An erl- oan patents. Trlept•ooe your ordc.s for ail classes of wool tout Y. JuSEPH KIDD, 63-1; 17 Britannia -et. fflA RA RA 1(Mi 1 LIE AY 1 300 window evades sold in May. thermos is rushing and we feel gay. Beery day • bargain day. Room de y. The public we s:,d appreciate the fad. that we have the largest and beet assortment of wiadow shades corium poles. pole 8ttiwp. stair plates. curtain chain& braes rude. ring.. }olote. brackets and upholsterers' true good. is flee e.•, .ty. :shade -loth all widths. lace carte 'u,a.h nges,ecery thing in the window line. In ft New everything from a parlor salt* to • kitchen chair. and our Increasing Moines, Prove* that a - primase are right. We .Iso have • large range of useful articles required is the house. such as washers. carpet sweepers. oieth rests. etc.. and can tet you out from the kitchen to the drs wing room. also to fine wore., of art to adorn it. 10.003 feet of Ameri ca•. Uerman and domestic mouldings In stock. and a full line of British. Gerntao and common mirror plates always on had. No charge for cutting or fltting them. SMITH'S HAL.. Alt & PURNITt-RK STORE. taBly Otnbb's Block. atustleas vasa& WARTED -A GOOD WI ZEAL PION. Itelbrimaillitret.17 Property Or MN .r limp amt. FUENt$RID HOUSE FOR RENT.- Tw haiek ere r s6. Aa rewe ha.Msad t Ela edeas. wilt hire he • very =mamma ahem to the take dead ••I et 1i V __ s. the rlar _etas er HOU8E FOORR gSaALE.-ONE OF THE = 7boo w.en ttttll Ian. •d iwn .sekt{ae m sad ease lfaroCAthe beam RS G1OOD HOUSE AND LOT FOE !ate W. Mc1 .. ter sale the reeidaama em opted by Wm ma 7h• helms omatala. • 'a'.ea . .r k = aceta. lea xi A ALOOLII xrli[N. rtportio.mItanth. !tt LION SALE. -N. LOT 31, !ND OON- 1 Wwa.ek, 1 .otrm. The r . Ake fawn lot 1711. Dods rhah.arm;s •las ht .•darbk town. ode whittle PHILI f H.,,LT. y ak aott trc. Aspty ; FOR 8AL1 AT A BARGAIN. -THAT ads, esamedla tate .. kelael iidel aag o& Rivet -at.. Br by F, e. •OV1T. Nruits- esst. P. Oras Ka to M.dl.sL DRKWHITELY A HUNTER, Sos-- OGrad Opera Huge. Ooderir.h. i-tf DRS. SHANNON & SHAbiNOIf, Physicians, Surgeons. Aooeoshsss• Of/a, at lir. Shannon's resldease. mar W sad Dederica. 0. C. SHA.:.aN, J. R. Ina* m-3. 1711 Legal. 1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- we la Maritime Courts of Ontario 04111om-8ontb Colborne hotel. 3811 `{■ U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 111• solicitor, commissioner. &c. Leaoa, collections and real estate transactions cam. .s"y•tteaded to Odic. --Cor. Hamilton and Kt. Andrew's -et.. Godrricb. Ont. 1261181yi JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, 8elcitor, Co•veyaacer. Rc. ; Moony to lead. Omoe over Post -001u. llodericb. 83-11 141 CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor, Notary Public. e t e. 018e. -Over Jordan's Drug Store. the roots formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. UPS C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. Omce, twiner of Square and West street Uodtrich, over telegraph office. Pri- rate Funds to loud at 8 per aunt. 29(0 (`t ARROW & PROUDFOuT, BAR - v• rioter At:orne7aa,, tSolleitors, &c.• Glide Hob. .1„..T. Barrow. Q.C.. W. Proadteot. CAMERON. HOLT A CAMERON, Har;•iaters. Solicitors is Chancery, to Goderich. M. C. Cameros. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. Loans (Lea lneuranee. L't J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE LIFE AND C • aocident lunrwe.e agent ; m lowest rates. Once -Cor. North•et. and Square. (lod- anch. 71- 1t1ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE L amount of private and other funds et lowest rtes on productive town and 'um property. tipeclat terns of repayment to suit the borrower.- - o oummt,uton. -Call or write M. 0. JOHNSTON. Oodnrich. 113 O1-2 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO i CASIIRON • HOLr & CAMERON, God* riot. '751 MONEY TO LZND.-A L A E O ! 121 amount of Private Foods for i.v ssest sit 'owlet rates o0 !rt -cies Mortgages. App tOOARROW & PROUDFOOT, ItRADCIIFFE, GENERAL LN• 1I. 'mace. Real Ileum and MOW Loaning Agrut. Only 8rstrlams coesphahla represented. Money to Lecd on et glek loans, at the lowest rat.. of interstg.1ng, ba 1110f way to suit t1. ooRUwrLtNOe fit{,e- den• ond door frons .' .tnsrr. West Oode. Spadini Plotless. I rich. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, tt . $c.. end commissioner for taking and re- o(iries recognisances of ball, affidavits a •8lrmation.ti deposition. or solemn de,lare- Uou In or coucerioug any action. suit or pro - seeding In the High ('ourt or Justice. the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in any County r Division Court. All transactions carefully amid promptly executed. Residence and P.0. ddrem Ituouannon.Ont. UM--tf IN EW CHOPPING MiLL I •m prepared to do all kinds of grain trot. shortest notice. Mill N running at A_o i'- hoar. 1 have the latest and lest imp*erg Articles !ler Bible 1 iME FOR SALX.GOOD FRESH / fla-kept 000etly oo hand at the Falls Reserve lime kilo. AU orders for delivery will mp be p mutt) .lfaadal to. X. BAKCHLUR. 384.. 141011. SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST 1 16iltys t{ in. face, 1 1118 to. bore. r can ilted to tet larger shaft. flood se new. L be sold at • reasonable 0g. e. Apply u 1110N At Steam HOU. 40, rioting oue, North-st., ch. OLtt. for dispatch dead elk Mor - hacsea Travelling Guide. yea. No delay In getting your ode - -- - - Joao.43-1 KIDD, ORAND TRUNK RAILAAT. Treks arrive and depart at Oodrlob as fol- lows : _ annus Empress 1.50 m. eEdey and M'e• ................ p.a. . ..... lo.10.00 p a. led10.1.1 a.. Mixed ...,...-. 7,10 p.m. Mall .............. 1vA... 7.e3 am Ma<i.adlupeas lip peas Mixedlama AuottoneePlitg. JOHN GRIFFIN. COUNTY AVC - nonce', land valuator. loan andt g e pe agent. Sales attended In all parte et tie ee n- (orrespoudenre.dd icit. Address JOHN GRIFFIN, Kingebridge. Orden left at Tint Saes et. (Mice promptly attended to 311.tf JOHN KNOX, GEIIERAL ACO - Hauer and Lamed ait{.r. Ott Having tied Y mkje esm ta...1i se theauctioneerinQ trade. he a to a Fe•ltt.n le discharge with tliot•oagh eatfseaotlot •11 Dost missions entrusted ea Mgt. Orders lett at Illsrtm's Hdel, of seat L/ mall to his videos% Dederick 1'. 0.. cane** attended to. JOHN KNOX. Count, A aotleaser. IMO Desgstrj. 11NICHOLSON, LAS. -DENTAL iv. maw.terl email* the 'saw Peet r., rr DR,. E. RICHARDSON, L D. S„ .a.oe dentin. Gee aid neighed air Mmulsswad Ior palatine extracting at teeth. etcaatien glees t° Ms _p reervetsos aatH.mslwieetk Osee-L'p wlr. w Beek. entrance of Wirt. 1161-17 Hotel A1sos000datbn. UNIONi MOTEL. OODERICIi. - 711e *.d farmerti *e4t has hems ( of by Saul, !•ear. end r eery meet malting 1ltt t the neatestameh*asme is the Nis 10 mederateieittSA Vl'.T11 %Liellta{ . OM elf ►rens HURON HOTEL - THIS JLwM 1-kasm wngma nd impalarprh.ea as ll hlama sal.recos sis sews.= ton ogee (a gook* ef dersod emenehearn for the travelltag pobie. amrr, rM 8.uan, eeie 1001033es. „We.. .-OeMetiii£D1&N 6OR D EltMR 1 s miOWe matinees rswt11011B seamsel MUss DtheC I. lea Me PubOo Notllees. NI/TICE.-ALL PERSONS FOt/ND hunting.tr.era ging o• aerie b .htfetlag, wee ll b . ranging. YMg or etie • Much leI.nds are the Hart heeisessto heap ren, In the he of Colborne, deed the property Motownn as as the Palle Reserve. 1a the townships of Uoderlek and Colborne. X. H.aUMIAK 6 CAMPION. U, C" Proprietor. $eMaftr. Mfr Meehaslso' Inatltute. IODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI- '.11 TUTU LIBRARY AND RZ.&DINY- ROOM, oar. of Ram street and Square lap Open from 1 to 0 Peau„ sad from 7 to 10 r.... ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY, Leading Daily, Walt, end Iflsshwfed Papers, M .Bene, rte. , ode las. RUMHURBHip TICKET. ONLY `e.ea• erasing free use of Library and tome ag- AppUe•tie few .1oiibashlp reo.lrd by I/krvla.. In roam. MD. SHARMAN, 010. OTITIS. Preeideat. gyemery. Oedar$cb Starch ISM lea, HiRE'S _. ROVT tri A De_ ketlI of Root Beer, • Is k. MARQUA74DV FRUCELk LOTION, ma 8UA SALT ter the Ruh, n.. Rex. RATH AND SLIMY SPONONS. HELIOTROPIC TOILET SOAP. Na J. W i&,,o.'e Pummels" Daae groan TO ADVaaTIOSAI . Nein et Areas mese he Mt et dei Oies .at ititer that Batneidnj ..a.. The Gory for sheers Ewa be ldt not wthan Mo. - 4y boos. OLe.ei Advertisement's nessEtsi tp to aett. Wednesday d lash weak. SPECI:1 L VALUE. We are showing • line d Flaltsei- elts in light and dark colors at 7c per yd. worth 10c. Gray Cottons, narrow width, 3c per yd. Yard wide 4 and 5c. Extra heavy 7 and t4: per yd. Wets in 30 yd. ends, tine and biometry only X2.00 each. balance of our new Spring stock of Lace Curtains, which was acknow- ledged to be the best value in town, now at coat price. Our privets in Many lines of Dry Goods are lower than other stone*, a -rd never higher in any case. Every article sold we guarantee to be the best value obtawabl4 or money re- funded. Inspection and uomp•riaon of prices invited. Goods shown with pleasure. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's Rioc&, Ooderich. June Ski., 18/2. ri OWN OF GODERICH. THICAStRIM'S SALE OF LANDS FOIL TAXLS. P/40\11,1101, ONTAI.IV, • Hy virtue of • Tower or Uot..*t. a. ' warrant under the hand of tpe Major of the Town of 9udrrich and the seal of the said corporatiot her ret date, 23th day or June, 1184, tin me directed. commanding me to levy upon the laude in the fulluwia,r Inst of arrears of taxes due thereon. that unless the said taxes. together with all coats, are suuner paid. 1 obeli proceed to sell the said tondo by public auction. or as much thereof as may be sur!lcient for the payment of the taxes and court thereon, at the ON N Uh' GODEIt1CH on Friday, the 25th day of Noe ember, 161[. u the hour of two o'clock. The following lots are A,areared. Lots r Cowmen°s or port of Sol, Street. et 0 /- 93 Running Noe. 14 let 70 10 f0 S. pt. b-" I-8 38 N'3 0o ss 1f W. pt. IAN " 1-8 31 RS t 75 r.1 60 10.13 1-a st; "1315 39 1051 -. 1i N12296 320IS; 15 Wilson's rear'y IS 3 75 2 35 6 10 le Steed'. Surrey 1-5 10 IS 50 12 65 V " " . 1-5 5 Si 2 P, 8 24 3E. 1E. 3 602 35 6 15 Yait. Road37 1. 3E. 6 70 .J4 13523i 670 W 1 2 3E. 6711 81,0.1 1-1, 3 61'2 3J 5 38 1.4. 461270 5 i " t 3 142 30 514 W. W. L HORT011. 77-13t Towa Tra•wrer. Goderich, June Z. 119E Lost or Found. SHAWL LOST -ON SATURDAY afternoon. June 3, a gray shawl was let from • buggy while subscriber war taking drive around tows. The finder will be suit - a10 rewarded by leaving it with the owner. 3111& HARRY ROTIIWELL, I/31ast-.t. 1t Zxeoutors' Nottoo. -. P ERCUTORS NOTICE uF SALE .- _LA Tendon will be received up to 8aturdar, 16th Jul. for the stock in trade of the late James sunders. consisting of farcy geode. wall paper. jewellery, cutlery and plated ware. ea bloc. at • rate on the dollar. The stock Is mostly new and well bought. and would be a weed chance for a person wishing to euntinue ohm hts>Aaes. Stock sheet as be seen at the store of tae undersigned and a1i particulars. ALNCE SAC N DKItS, Executor. . 3t Iiuualaees Property lb, Ode. Pk0PERTY Volt(IAL&-A WILL - equipped Mashing and *gem busmen part of time 1s fur *kW the undersigned oo reams/WI* tort., Ass° a two-story store and dwelling adJ together with a cottage nn .onnectioa E- ters for the whole or portions of the proper( will be received ea the yurn,'misew or by letter .dreeed to U. M. STRACHAN, t od t,ch t. PROM Awa STATION. IN ()NT.'.kl0 ON THE LINOS OP THS CANADIAN CACI FIC } ' Y. TICKETS WILL BB SOLD For lxcur.ion leaning TORONTO 11 r.u. on JUNE 28, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 7th on JULY 18 AND{ 19, 1892 Oood to return until At (IVKT 16th T. the roti wi.e peels al melee named NESBiTT MdOSOMOXBOWIN DELORAiNES28 BINBCARTH REGINA MOOBEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON $30 $35 $40 The Winn Agricult ural iMostrtal Uxbibltion w111 be held p Jsty 31tb, te'xk l.eleslve, and July IMIt and (816 hare hems hoed apse for excursuses to maims pamessureee to attend the 8zblbltion. Aa Aootle. male eI lenedian Perla RAS way Bads w111 be fold a. Ifdmo.ten ea July as. PooseMers taking dvettme of the 01 of Jane UM w111 nitwit ketramno• le is attend the ea.. feriber I•rt eelare apply a say Agouti ee iti Ass.DCLIPPR L 1ilesmieme le en..em. All eine tltNW so the ite.e the their ream,mery family should ha Mama gyp ehem et Is best family remedy, e1Gil to cisme. the system whoa r to.a For eel. i. 75o bottles by all i•edlar deagggiise& 1. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. t 5trF11t,.q go MAW mks AW J..i hfa - a 11! wts.t • d est NOON Sea F. J. Prtdhe.. /IIME TApApW0 tts ses b frena M 11r Daft e. saa e I rsre • Wt en style aa/ M •t veryThe heet e.trw geed Now *et day le post there wUl be Y of IlIdlows. use mow as the them al The weer has est knot so • serest e.edl- Wee W i eaeatee• e}smr aehhh est raaMr•d u w Wiest b tLiwtsr .••, kettles at low ritm., es were sail tltst..r jr.iiit. see Ids advt. es ems 7. Pte Nee. -Eureka Owsaoil, No. 103, IL T. of T., and meads isle.! Mvisg • pic- nic Friday efternoos of the week. livery number should try to towed and bring • basket Xxr.irR,ACHl,c.-A teen from Sea - forth was fished 16.00 and oo•ta 16.90, by Mayor Bailer on Eatunlay kat for poaching on 11. C. (1.eeu.'s trout stream, Colborne. He will not try trout fishing again in Shat poi Creak. CHAAN• ExrottsiuA'.-.Excursios at re- duced rates will be run from Toronto by the C. 1'. K. at 11 r. u. on July 18 and 19, good to return Aug. 28. The points touched at will he Delors.se, Oxbow, Nesbitt, Moosomu, Binecarth, Regina, Muueej•w, Yorktoa, Prince Albert, Calgary and Ed- monton. See advt. hese. hit eshoss"rrala, Cueix Or THE Tutu. -At the c meeting of the (:al.rich l ollegiete lastit Literary and Scientific Society on Thum evening, June 30th, 1892, the fol cwt t'rarnnie was presented Solo Mr.ead Williams; reading Miss. on M. Dickson • citation, Miss Curry ; address, Mr. F Blair; violin solo, 11r. Peck ; readies, 111 Strather.: question drawer, Mr. Strang reading, Mr. S Beckett ; violin sob, M Peck : recitation, Mies Winnie Hall : rem Eng, Miss Florence Williams ; Editrees' Iectioos, Mies P. Strang. God save t Queen. C,l.,xl.tE Illoory.tu'. New Srrt.-M ger Samoa."'" of the I:rand Opera House • letter ye.ter.LAy from ('has. H•ystead the manager art the Jew Mills Co.'y, which be saes . 1 have just close.! for B Kind uniforms, elegant in blue and the drum major's ruin meting 6100.00. . 3f people will commence to gather sJf' y town about the 10th of August atoblee w have a fine band and orchestra with (went sit people in the company. Tell y people we will give them. t good oho Horace Rawson is with " THE Ki rieho earex Ex uw. -The closi exercises of the k mderg:u ten school coo ducted by Mir Thomson came off on W d n eay, June 26, and were we.1 atteoded the relative/vend friends of the pupils. T us varionorhbers on the program were aver out in • manner which reflected great Bred m on both teacher and pupils. The little e and women who took part in the exerc allowed that 1h.- training received from k der garten tuG.":, ears of a nature which ten al to develop them mentally :and physical! as Miss Thomson hthe good will and gear wishes ..f every parent who has entrus her with the care and development of th little ones in the term .jest past tz Krt..t Coregit't Orn.'utti.-The o cera of Eureka Council, No. 103, R. T. T., elected for the current half year, are follow': 15,('., J. E. Tom; P.C., Jno. % t-anatter: V.1.., Mins Etta Baker; Chap A. B. Davidson ; Rec.-Secy, Miss M Craigie ; Ani Rob Roc. -Secy, Miss Etta ob ertson ; Fin. -Sec., Geo. McTavish : Teem Dunlop ; H., Ales. McLeod ; Dep H Mir Janie Craigia ; G., Mir Laura Pm ; S., Albert Cox. Room Comte mite A. McLeod, !lies J. Craigia, W. Media ,lar. Craigie, jr. The quarterly n .how the Council to be in a proeperou state. The membership reported in standing is 117. The members are at pros ent working up a progruof work fo the (text three months, having .n view bot temperance agitation and financial inlets Pr into S. H.... Bo.esu SlArrc:.,. town clerk's certificate of the election of J H. Colborne was read reand tiled. Minn of previous meeting read and oontirmed The Priacipall report showed the attend losing ate day WIJwo J Dion re - red hem r. se - he tn..l metingmay, y our our w. ng • ed - by n 0001 10- d- '.1 hal tfi of ea seY .- Purl s good h re. Ti tae aloe for the half year as follows : January 547 ; Feb., 541 ; March, 549 ; April, 559 May, 570; June, 578. The caretaker of Central and St Patrick's schools was direct ed to hare the schools thoroughly cleaned by 1st of August. The principal rep rted the suspension of a pupil for miseonl.ct. The suspension was sustained by the board. A letter from trustee Swanson, replying to ths vote at the last meeting, was read and ordered to he engrafted on the minute book. An application from Miss Blair for balance of salary was received, and the sum due or dcred to be paid. Mss i'arsons applied for the pointless in St. David's ward school tem porarily vacated by Mir Addison. The application was hid on the table. Geo. WDods applied for the position of mutant ptinoipal during the model school term, and was duly appointed thereto. Mr. Colborne was placed on the coatisgent committee, vice 11cKenrie reigned. The secretary and contingent committee were instructed to ark for tenders for repairs to roof, and the oommittee was given power to act. On motion the board adjourned. MATH or Hos. .iogg Rosttns.-\'tt•. T'o$IA. B. C., June 29. -Hoa. John Rob- liea, Premier of British Columbia, died In Ledo. at 6 V. w. today. The dead premier was in poor health when he left Victoria for Ludo■ rm busman c.,0uect.d with the reher colonisation .cheese. He thought the trip would he beneficial, bot it proved otherwise He was taken ill is Ludas a maple of days ago and his weeks's., ag- gravated by • .light accident to • eager, Mimeos/ dsssol.tiss, General regret is felt here at Mr. Robes.'. untimely death and hie lose at the pressen tone will he severely felt, several mothers being concerned in hie .enI risk to England. The body will be "rvagnt to Victoria and probably • public fonssal gives. Mr. Robson wee a native of Perth, Bet, .her. he was bor. in 1801., his /rarest' Mvi.g emigrated to (\.sada let 1890 from .Scotland. lir Rtteeow wont to *igen Columba es 1869, where he stab- Bohol •ed edited The British Colombian. He was elected Mayor of New Westminster III 1866 goad was Croveraetoat paymaster d the Csa•distmi Pacific Railway surveys from 1875 to 1879, when lhe poitios was .4.44- 104.1. He est in the Legislative Coined of Briant (olusehi. frost 1866 to 1870. a.d for Nan•imn from 1871 to 1875 At the geminal elections in 11182 he was sleeted at tie head of the pollm for the New W.stu- ear dietrrt, p , bowies Proviesial and II Mines is $.ltban Wig s t w by ...Ysetioa Ills was rw.iers.d es av d 1466. OB We abash e1 IS Mr ltd tie lemonades d W Davie edmi unless ew, to 116mte. 1r7, Yr. Bahama sampled W mid resides. white he Dentiseed to held to the tins el the death of the 1... Mr. Dade. in WM, w►.• Mr. Rehm meas soiled spas to fen. • ,g , wpremier.r wahe w.. premier up te the tle of his death. At ria gamma .Mesiees of 1180 he was re-eMwed for New West.imistr, sad wee able dossed ler (1rib.e, white laser &Meta he represented .t the Hato d W death. As married, is IAM dams., the fourth is.glNr el (4pt. John Loegwer5, a( Oedseiali. Ont. Cox-Downing.-Tharsd•y. Jesse. 3br'd. fresh 10 te 11 a. a. witneme 1 crewde weed- iest their way to Nertk-. Methodist church, t:odris& The tows seated all astir. The oeosaw was Mismarriage of Dame( lioderitei ohsrrieg sed mem highly rampaged yang MAMA, Mies Annie M., only daughter sad child of Ephraim Downing, .rab..t. Goan - rich, sad William. D. Cox, ta.rehsst, Loam - Memo, O.s. The weather was Jae and brightened into more fulsome loveliness as the dear fright r ed,life bespeaking • aright aadstill brighter life fur t young couple, who this day were o.hhrating their marriage vow& At the hoar appointed the groom and his attendants, Ed. A. Cox, his brother. and K. Moore, of Chicago, appeared before the altar in happy expectation of the im- portant .vest t was to tike plans. Shortlyafter Mss Downing, dressed la beautiul attire and covered with a long ttowtug veil of tulle, leaning upon the arm of her tether, made her epp.araom Her waiting maids were Miss E. Ifur.loo, of Brantford, • cullege associate, *ad Miss Maud Ross, of Stratford, two beautiful young ladies, fittingly attired, who 41 their part in chaste and elegant style. The church, which was beautifully deooral*/ for the occasion, was filled with aasileili and alternated spectators. The uric.% Will Smith and Jack Acheson, did i g•tory t duties to excellent order t'sfso manner. The ceremony funned by Rev. J. E. Howell, M $, for d the church. 11'•en over, ,, ri party, with s ro.,dly Dumber of gusts i•srrug.e wasting at the ch ;,,' door to convey them), returned to the . f'.eat* of Mr. I./townies. where Done tions "tions were tendered by many. A . +w' nee o'clock the wedding party and ,r' ` te eat down to a sumptuous repast ellning wt•ooly the substantial' bet the, .l1caclee of the merlon. The atter- noon. , spent pleseantly in • wend way. In for the four o'clock train the bridal y and friends were driven to the station, 5l%I.ere in due course and an.idst shower of orrice and the good wishes of all the bride and groom took tete train to spend thew honeymoon in Detroit, Chicago, etc. The presesta were maty and valuable, including choice article. by friends in the old .wuntry and • substantial cheque by the father of the bride. We join the maoy friends of Mr. sod Mn. ('ox fs hest wishes for thew fucuro happiness and proepenty. LOCAL BREVITIES. S. t b S. No. 182 wjuyiiis spl elaT nibtttMRO Thuredap sigh of rhos week. Two goodsmseml head Safety bicycles, oheap for era Moos se good as new. (le.. t\'. Thomson, Square. The Whyte Rrus. sod 31 THE wesKLY Mow w M MARKET Ripagp Also ?- _.- --_ Jtry t, ■t t's.t ...,,«.. »..s..... w •e.... -..! :got u ogy. We are pi.silsd Is tears that was essemefal Is b` et.misetien. Jas. Strenhaa, s..^ el ibis now • lucrativeasd p tsyes aeay au formas in cue .1 the degse gee ts 01 to Tomato type iaasery. e)K. ie stk,,.00 pliable rooms Enloe, mod hes already etc weeded in wiesty the subsea of the gra hr which he is eespipd. MARINE NOTE$. Th. soar. Orr/hosed. Capt. A. ikal„y. cleared on Monday with a lead at Wt lie Owen !Soloed. ()apt. Colliday, of the (ioderwh Ite1{e, treated • number of young people to a tern mil on the lake Tuesday e,a.aei t The err. City 01 Windsor made her .sells during the week, gong down cm mum day, up on Saturday and down agate o. Tuesday. The eche. Carter, Capt M. ILA Omit, arrived here oo Friday from (re Ray wick lumber for N. Dynast She cleared oe Monday for Thomaston. The for ('lues, Chpt. j(aloolm Mclk,o, 4, from Toberuioray wired here on 1'11.14,, sal °leered oo Saturday with the hull of the old tug Myrue and the sew Bah hon( m tow. The fleet of row boat* nadir the superie tamdence of Charlie Hebb, who, by the way, is proving himself to bean aceotontotietueg melee nae this season, were in great de - mead on the Sat Jas. N iggine had his sail boat. S y Memeoger, also the taw boat re orally built by Win. Marital, running et oursio w on the lake on Dominion day The God rteb Belle mho did excellent senior to wards accommodating the crowds wk wanted ti, take a " ren oat " oo the water during the .1•y. -- GREY. Newsy Mer. Osseo (tae sass Wt.a of mine ehr.•tup 1ele,esd. Prom oar owa correepondeat, Mrs. Geo. Forrest is netting friend§ ie the vicinity of Sedortb. . J. Mitchell, Crantxnek, made • bus: p to llemigh hot week. on under the auspices of the tt'. ('. T U. ir. M. Nicholson, the Wast-st. dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth • specialty. Gas administered from 9 a.m. for the painless extraction of teeth. Remember Prof. 1)orenwe.d's visit with Lathes and 4 entlemen's Hair Goods, Wigs, Toupee*, li•nge,Switches, etc., at the British Exchange Hotel,Thursday July 14th. Teachers wanted -to purchase bicycles, new and second hand. Prices away down. Also • fine stock of pianos, and sew- ing machines, all of the cokes, at tar,. K -..veno prices. G. W. homson, Square. Four some of account paper, single and douhle.rulel statements, ..1l suitable for rendering accounts at this season of the year, neatly printed and put up in pads of one hundred sheets each a very reamoneble prices at Tax SIoNA1. sbeain printing office. Rev. J. E. Howell, 1f. A. will deliver • ser,non to Orangemen in North-st Methodist Church on Sunday July 10th at 11 o'clock. All the Lodges In the District together with the older member of the order in Town are requested w meet with the hrethern of 182 et 10 o clock and march to church .t 10.45. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Geo. Baker, of Chicago, u the guest of A. Nairn. Dm McLeod, of Club Island, was in town last week. Capt. N. McDonald, of South Bay, was in wean het week. Mrs. S. J. Reid and stn, Kingston, are visiting friends in town. Elis Roes, Stratford, u visiting at the resident's of F:. Downing. K. A. Mcleod, of Tobermoray, .pent a few days in town last week. D. .1. McLeod, of Hamilton, is visiting relatives in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gordon, of St. Thomas were visiting in town last week. Ross Resta'', of Kincardine, was in town daring the past week on business. Mrs. Goodman and daughter, of Hampp.. den, are the gust& of her asst, Mat, R Dowing. G. H. Hanka, of The Globe, St Mina., paid • flying visit to trissde in town last weiA (leo. Nairn left o. Tasday for Hsmilt.a to join • party for New York, Albaay and (keen Grove. Kd. Moore left Monday lag for Cbz cagso after • visit of a week or es with trustee and relatives. Miss Hurdon, of Brantford, left for home Monday last, after • pl.aaaat visit with friends in town. Miss Lone Bailey reared to her horse In Woodstock as Monday after • pietemat visit with friends u town. Mi. Wallace amid her fried Miss Mo - Menem of Berth. west 8aad y u Olsten the get of Miss McGaw. Mrs. Mebane Mahwah! and family lit on Saturday for Tobr.ray, when they will opsnd the remainder of leo 8...sr. Bert Kissed', forams d the Arsteaaug florriogo works, (Judp81, is upend • wsmiF la the gong of Mra A. N. D)srid- sea, W.m-et. gmiMiies Helen ilieugi.., who had bees th. wares* Mr. sod lira (lee. Cos, left eset ell her essdthe tint for hr home u North Dakota. Rev. Remittals ti B. A., a former ts modest of Ged.r{te wee wan by his was bad w 'aftt *re am Friday het ter hes *ea maidend. ..wire M Neon.(8ehoa44 u 1. iaeso, when he= reeenied `~ a tar. in persesees .1 hi. medlss 1• F'oreMsa of Cr*nbrooke, attewied onstratioa at W Ingham ou I i .m peas dna. Bakst, and Mies Reggie l.eiv,b, of t'ranbrooke, formed • lite partnenh last *Velneelay, we wish the happy coup) health and prosperity. A picnic was held on Domioiom Ihy ZI1 try s grove, 'ruder the auspices of la e sauspices at S. S. No. 1. All having a good time. The new bridge ea the 12th line knowa as Calder's bridge is tinisbed. Itis a strong substantial structure, the additional in the centro bringe great improreinse The bridge u • credit alike to the and w the township. Hoo. J.C. Patterson's well wirer h th section are inclined w b e • litfl4 jealous him because so ,much money u w lie r pealed in his riding fur railroad construe ion and other improveniemt& An ani0.a like to see a deliverance from the Clinics summating $121,000 we believe. 11-e woe correspondent on the (tatter. There was no jubilation town this way the 4th of July. There are not enough as mexatioais1 rornd here w raise the although no attempt i. made to throe free arch. We do no' approve d . Olivers recent action in the matier,alt we expected be would get • little uppish aper being knighted. Let who likes talk the matter up. Most of the statist. labor u dose A Sarre amount of gravel was put on the ros.k, which will improve them for future travel, we sight say here that • great deal of the gavel put oe the reads i. far too coarse. In fact some of it in so coarse that it doss more harm thea good on the roads. it r waste of labor ; If p•tbmaet.n and others would pay more attention to this better cads would be the malt. Showery weather still ooatuoo.. Up to the present time it hes done little r so arm in this emotion, bat on tea other heed doss good ; bay had all kinds of Spa. looking the very beet, but sow that hay ready for matting dry weather r &axioms - 7 looked for ; besides it is feared if wet ons - Unties mush the fall wheat crap Kish is the best-known u this soothe for years, will be I•m aged bin east deal ether camera& I)owtitog DAT. -The 25 anniversary el the day which marked • new ere in the &gory of Cased& wee tearred as a bab- y gleu.eully. The *.*cher was fine end cool -all that meld be desired for • day's Wig. y leek traits for different pasts,ether while others ettenied psesiss sail .poets in different ieeetlti., so that Bose gourd was very imaall. bet tb. bravely held the fort, no doubt •barjoi th the to that man r a ell* tri, withj1.. people M metre the treat. het the bravest, the hem stared sad best kek t , tis 81ppimes • ad meat igloos coos the Ilse of the glib., cc ip Eket. is report Sem battier of D .tote, throttle Nu b a h has and ie da its w h Ne ani coag ti. rel SMILLER. Freon oar own a rrmg•saient. The .wvSreaalseey astnbas i esaseedre rat* Eeabd shard will be h(dd a Be Oa e 11116 het. 3 ire ea Sunday at 10.30 Oman J s ewr. M. A., acid at 7 r.w. by the plasr, Rea. A. Thibaddeao. A toatame og *0 l held ea identity .resift Tea sewed Meat t M 8 P. u; program •fterw*rds. ASMFKLA. !rem .der mea e.rregm.d.L Mto celebrate the 1! b: 10/4. O.NRimi.*rdies. u The resent heavy raise *.t dew. the 84 wheat in momn pass pretty badly. The public schools clewed Jams 30th W will mopes Aug. 16181 la rural amentias. The Sunday mheek .f the AMNON *- emit bead their enema pings se Dembise Day in Mr. McD.aegb esrgreyst, 1M ertaseb The ma mope owl fog very well There 1..i ss i mm ern leek pesos "eie to be i.r ` y Asr ""w.i.C::