HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 66 TUX SIGNAL : ao1P tICtM, ON'F, TA RaDAX. JULY 7, 18* TALIE$ FOR THE FARM KR. TIMELY INFORMATION FOR CAN. AD/Ael AGRIOULTUMST8. a•e••aa Oatete•H•s meas Nasaral Ter teller -►arty r lereaae {,rids-w- Mw.a Legiish cues. -Th. ca..uaa Smarr Ssk.ots-t.w Tease Calves Mar b. ratalesols D.k.r.ea. "A farmer's Met is the bast .,..ori' is •s •M saris, wkieb .imply swans that whoa Ike is watkty over his Lad las es cultivating ds the way of plowt.g, harrowing or koda& There is enemy of ferelsty is ams mils bet a weeds to be made available by cattle. Ho., druwg. •ad getups into • proper p& ouodttlo,. Aoo.lpruua of ties oral ugu,.s of t..a ramose on the prod.. - Nee of *steals la some of the States to the Am.ncao l'ntoa situated to different sec lions preemies most suiting evidence of the ea erity of 'military aid intelligence dine natural advantages u the fundamental say tmportaut industry of agriculture. la {ko tre.tie.teld per .ore of wheat and This to the II" w woe the SCII�NCK AND PLWOR tawn r ea be net t.Mh a issiMes M “G end N. 411"11w that t►• salsas w INTERESTING PA DRAPMe GULLY MOM q bMis wtu ••lhar -lies. Toth FROM VARIOUS FIELD&. 99 erman Th. old . Y•ep. 8 Old •ak(jese k sded at Dwight} -'s this Dr. Lime -keg t elaims. Dr. Keey-That in my S. Old beth this deetor, la s see 'sough f r you! A >ra.Mw eple. Bsstiag-1. yeses Dabber emelt of • la paces .is Lark -1 should say h. was. H. paLet- o d • picture of • swamp so assuredly thats u usually bred sa megait.•a More Of It. She -But, George, dear, do you think you o•a support tee un $lO • w..k ! H.-Thent. dk ireeg,' 1 kaiser it. it. The • place "Iowa tows where em am get twen- ty -os. meal tickets for 12-.10. very Neagy rue i Mrs Newlywed -1 have mud that balk ' through. and there f.a't • bright idea i. �4ptthe rtlggba. it. t•tea of N. w Euglu.e al makjfr.l�ewlywed-That'.eUligbt jfMn it betty •kowlag than sae- teed Aloe•, m you would be palette if then WWI ill' two of the homier isrnun rich ._ etre a� , Nieto. �. •• jI( !� hfi�A• .Peel • and easily tilled Miesiestppi \ slue. in earn miens four out el the •tx '.es. Eng - !pod State. report • !tinier average yield than Kaaeu, and one of thew, New Ham- 'Illy honor is at stake," exclaimed • no - shire, leads Iowa. The average of New tore"us political heeler to an edttor be was England is a tulle higher than that of the two Western States. In wheat the yield Its blamed rough uu the slake, "IOW .% • acre in Iowa was beaten by every one . •dltor, sad the ratervtew eau st r of the New Englund States ea.ept Rhode Island, mai Ilitce and Verm rot exceeded At Letent., the high a..•ra* of Kansas. The average ,.Aa Cbappie married to haste I suppose of the two typtva: agricultural states of the he is now repenting •1 leisure," remarked Mussily t ass about 1 i l bushels to the Soi tete Heuer. Ile mese Teel tines•--A.s ttao.a.s. Tu .trete-heseera/stsa n71a...u...-a tfel Mose_ wrest Mfs..S-A Rs. IRas•ses. M a - -* s-Thireadiatelas► T1. um. 1. •ppreaehlsg when tell chim- n ey. wW serve ao men medal rupees thea thud momen-ts to the loft y .t their Wild r& The feel tined to • mwi..Mry .wc* toe seeds to allow 23 per era► d it t. .amp. up a brick .haft. h teems that the /gssase.e. meat leave the larder .t a e..spaJ . 17w1y high temperatar., bat there ane No- len eateries the boiler at a mae1 beer temperature to which this beat ..old whit advantage be transferred. la the feel - waver and the supply of air to the furores mach of this beat may he directly returned to tb. Linke Steell, while by its eppltoatim to the 'cheating of •xheast Neem, fitting it, for beating and inanufaeturing pro8`.err� to the iuterseedi•te cylinders of cosppoousd engine., and directly to purposes useful is the arta. the necessity lor the direst eon. heetjs'a ^( a! alditinnal {,';:•hut of coal ,� to 'sappy soppy ,'Celt to''•": 4irpu.t. tI svW But. to may b. argod, It is ea the very di - motion .1 allowing of a considerable cool- ing of the furutm gams that tall chimneys are buil!, for to to a .UTicteut dm.ght vying w work. with compst&tirety cool gases, the ehlmtety acre, W t ,e .luaus veer, whereas it was about 19 bushes a gels England. On the other hand, Arkansas illustrates pretty well the results f.dlowtng the 'tersely cultiv shoo of naturally r.ch soil fructified by • good climate. The average yield of corn in that State is leas than ooe-halt as great as it is rel i Awa or New Hampshire, and is far below any part of New Eugland, while in wheat the Arsanass Jrt.1d per acre is only about one-third of the New England and Kansaa average, and but 40 per cent. as high as in Iowa. In Ontario the average yield of wheat and other cereals is higher than it was forty years ago when the land was comparatively new, because Dew It re- ceives better cultivation and drainage. It is very clear, iu the light of such figures, that pauts:akimg industry far surnames the best natural soil and the favorite climate is produciog g.e.L crops. • I "Doc I d k he d th "1-.s. sari Malley, "and as elegant leisure it is, too. The girl was worth three mWions." Weak.. Defers Takes. She shoot wy haul. 1 felt the thrill Of her mutt touch. 1 feel It Kill. Anil when, presuming un that touch 1 foolishly .•..eyed to•, much And said 1 loved her -urged my plea - By all that's gaud rhe shoo& the net o[ tae. Teathfsl Depravity, Caller -What a pretty little pet chicken ! Haveou ggttren it ♦ name ! Willie -Yea's. I call it McKinley. "On account of its bill, I presume. • No's 'tkuse be's got • tari&c ap- , petite." A Preserlptloa That WIII Most the Dey. Ilirltatlea sylish Ckeee.. Imitation English cheese I have own made eit.tout artificial heat. The milk of for cows at night wee strained into the vat. The neat mornings milk was added to this awl the whole bass thoroughly stir- red and mixed together. Thou the rennet was ino,rporsted with it, and as woo as the curd was firm enough to break, it was stirred tut. one homogeneous mass. The whey was dinned or strained of[ at an e arly stage and the curd dipped into strong fax strainer cloths previoasir placed in The coruers of the strainer cloths were ▪ Mfolded in over the curd, the followers pet in, and the screws run down so u to give coustderahh. pressure. After • little, the curd was taken out in the cheese cloth, finely broken up wtth the bands and then returned to the press, this operation being repe.tied until the whey was sufficiently ex- pelled and the curd was what we call done and ready to salt, when it was finally broken up end salted and pat to pre to the usual way with upright screws. These cheese. were rich, very digestible and al- ways .obi for an extra price. This was quite • departure from the common way of making cheese, and aroused all the danger of retaining unpleasant vents by leaving the curd m the whey, and also avoided the danger of beiug caught be an excess of acid. -T. D. Curtis, is Farm had Home. Fmrmly In Foreign ieads. root and mouth disease has appeared in Holland, and the importation of live stock into England is now prohibited from all European .ountrtes. The expru of wool from British India will be as heavy se two year. ago --about 24,000,(100 pounds, compared with 21.345,- 000 pounds for the 189,i.9I season. The first crop of tobacco, 510 bales, Jrown in North Borneo, was shipped in anuary, to Europe. The grade is well spoken of, and It reaches an early market. In Palestine early rains should fall in October and November, or are likely to be small. If the late rains do not fall in the early put of Apnl, the cr.rps will not mature at a11. Cotton culture has been introduced into several districts in Russia, and so sueces- filly in the Cossack country, ern the river Dina, that the industry will be thoroughly established there. In connection with the Amenities' eon - foresee ow net in wheat, • series of gums - Limo bas leen propounded and sent to growers, whereby valuable diasutatoos and revolts sur expected. Germany has spent upward el $60,000 in lighting the phylloxera, which did not tags, as much destruction as in Femme, and so far has been kept oat of the fine vine. yards of the Rhine. Elevated lends in Bolivia are prodsetive, mad the valleys and lowlands extremely fer- tile. Barky. wheat and corn are grown, but not to any large extent, owing to the erode agricultural methods. A botanical station st 3t Veaest, West Indies. is condactiag experi.rnts mediae toward programme agriculture by import- ing recta and esthete. Most of the man - ▪ labor a perforated by prisoners. The French Minister of Agriculture has takes steps to study mean. for increasing the sheep production of Algeria. for im- proving the breeds. and for organising a practical and inerpen.ive export system. Tb. Comedian Dalry n.b..Is. Farm and Home say.: The idea d send- ing • travelling dairy through the Province to give turners and their wives and daugh- ters practical instruction is bntter-a aktng was tried lest summer will excellent re- sult& Pref. Dean end two assistants went with • cnwtplete hatter tasking outfit and mdk testis apparatus Then were 27 ta•euags held with an attendance masses fru elf to 5I10. During Nsptemher. 10 ni the leadingfall fain were trimmed. Rail in October 1! rrwun(. lineleding attendance as throe fain) were held. D•nng the room- ing menthe the work will he eesleag.d for the iestreethea and prole el fermis Debartolo. Carves. To debars peon, calves motets. the ni.- ed spot en the heed where the hors Is to appear and rah tN end of a Kick .4 es.at,c potash over it. A scab fortes, wbreh rotas NI is two or thew weeks, Rad the self .ever knows that it was htsnded to have horns 1 bare Mead this method saltie.. ter,, sed shall aha Mea all .dues i rate 4 e tar -11. P. Disarm., Is Farm and tor, on t now w t W o wt my boy. He doesn't seem to be sick, and he va't lacy, but he acts kind o' dazed end queer, es if he had wheels in his heal." "That's exactly his trouble, sir. He has bicycle on the brain. Get him use." Drowsed Hb .mor.. The deacon was snugly ensoonoed in his Pew. And he slept, and be snored, yet cru one distorted, For his wi(r', fl.,wer-epangW saw hat .WOO eo loud. That his ,tertoroas breathing semi stiareely be beard. ease. Bad Boase Belt-Reimeet. "Did Mita Sowerby have her photo- graphs taken yesterday'" ,Yen.. "Good likeness!" "Yea, must have been, for she refused to %eke them of the photographer." -Boston Bulletin. Aad the Carght Oise. Evelyn (at the sea shoe1-1 saw you and Jack under that parasol of yours yesterday. and it looked too funny. Why, the handle is long enough for s fishing rod. What to you uac it for Marion (toying with a new diamond ring) -A fishing rod -New York Mail and Ex - pre "Be snows About It Alt." Jervis -What is the meaning of that aM.ge of Scripture which refers to things g hidden from the wise and prudent teed being revealed moo babes and suck - hap Jennings -Why, have you never met • collegian just graduated! -New York Herald. look/ns His J.dgmeat. John L. Sullivan (•t race track►-Wot's the horses that's rennin' this heat " Fellow Sport -There's Handspike, and Sleepy Sam, and Eldorado, and Charley Mitchell --" John L Sullivan (at she top of his voice) -1'11 bet • hundred agin fifty on Charley Mitchell '" Trite t. Lire. Mist Footlits-Tilda, I want you to run down to the druggist's •mel get me some roue.. Tilde -Would you mind gib'n m. • ordab "I gave you the mosey, didn't I r "Yesum. But de, might teak I want- ed it fo' myself. i dean want people to teak i paints." ---Philadelphia fres. vet !nosed by Ordinary Unless. Puuhioner'a Boy -Maybe we'll all Dome to our house and visit you some Sunday. Johnny Fourthly --4) no 1 It'. wrong to go vesting Sunda]. "Why, you folks have all come to take digger with us to -day. and this is Sunday, ain't it !" "Yes, but that's different. My talker's the preacher." Applyly Mao Rate. The Maiden --(N lours' 1 like yea, Fred, but I hardly know what to say. Papa ob- jects. Th. Youth -He's a good Democrat isn't h. . "Ys, he's always bele • Deemnerat." "Then its all right. Yoe and 1 are for. He's against_ Wive got the nooses. y two-thirds majority, anal it goes. He' 1 kick. Lucy. bat he Il come is"- Chisege Tribal.. raleskw-her P1.asare. "Mita Gasket, 1 love you dearly," ens. teemed young Mr. Smith ra '1 am so OKI." r.prud'Mia. (leaks fer- vently. "Yea less flat intaaaty ksppy," he re- plied. "1 hope I shall continue to do to, fee 1 am to he your stepmother "- -Harpers Bazar.May They Wer. Deed to Dim. "Who a fiat long hired ynaag felIew who smear to have nothiag to do !' haver- e d the .weal stnager. "That's oar poet," said the village dark. "The village clothe together tied pays his beard and clothes " "Where ass hit works published r "Ain't never published. He's arranged to have 'eta primed after he'. dead- 'That's why we are tryt g s keep hien ales as keg se we ass." must have excessive height or area, r both. The high rates of economy realised in manse practice, where anythinglike an approach to a tell stack Is out of te ques- tion, forma suttictent answer. Future de- yelupment will probably be in the dinettes of regaintug from the line gases every pos- sible unit of heat, and the maintenance of the drsft sot by the inatntenar.ce of • tall column of hot gas, but directly by mechani- cal moeau. -Iron. As Lleetrle Thee -rte. An enterpriatug electrician in Indians some time ago constructed an elocution tricycle. The machine was worke.l by storage batteries carried .safer the seat, and which gave enough ...,•teat for an eight hours run. Whether the machine turned out to be impracticable in the form then adopted, or whether its invoutnr semi• tated to audertake its commercial exploita- tion, is not recorded, but the pub)* at ell events, has heard no more of the Indiana nachane. Another Inventor, however, is ambitious to be the tint to claim the in- vention of a eommerctally practicable el.e- tnc tr.eycle, and his p.temtel a machias which relies for motive power also on the steerage battery. The singular point in its coustructou, however, is that the storage batteries are carried around the ctrcumfer- eaco of the wheel, perfectly clues to the tire, and there can be any number of cells, according to the lower required. It is claimed that in this way the weight of the storage batteries is more equally distribut- ed. and in such a manner as to .muse the mtntmum interference with the elficent relining of the machine, while ea the same tune affording • simple and easy method of couatraettou. The cells in esnected by wires to insulated sleevesllii-errr] ski current to • motor in the axle of the wheel, which gives the motive power to the machine. Photographing Ylylsg Ballet& An English photographic journal has tea interesting account on the 'senate u which photngr•phs have been obtained of ride bullets traveling at the rate of .1,000 feet in • second. The some of itluinieation was the electric spark such as that given by the discharge of a Leyden jar. The camera and lens were dispensed with, and the genatine plate impressed direct with the shadow of the m sane as it traversed the intervening space between the plate and the tight sourer. One problem was the discovery d the best means of cansiug the bullet to turn on the electricity for its own portraiture. At tint two copper wires were plaited in the path of the projectile, the motion being that the bullet itself would make the neces- sary metallic bridge between them. But the wires were shot away without doing what was expected of them. Lead wires were then substituted with success. One very curious result was that the prom produced a picture of the disturbance of the air by the p•ssag: of the bullet. Any gelid body traveling through the air mast, of course, push the air before it, causing • asomcntory vacuum behind it. The pictures of flying bullets show clearly the curves formed by the disturbed air, both betides and behind the lying projeAtle. A New Material for Insulating. A new material possessing improved he 'elating properties is announced, the article being composed of seven potted. of sulphur, one and one-half pounds of pipe clay, es* and one-half pounds of .late dost, two ounces of paraffin. was, and a variable quantity of oxide -the amount of this atter to be added depending chiefly upon the color which It. is desire to give the mix- ture, and may vary from one-half to owe - fourth of the total weight of the other in- gredients. lo the proems of caking up this mixture the clay and the .late duet . are first thoroughly compounded together by grinding, the materials being heated; the paraffin* wax is then added, and de mixture incorporated into a paste. After beinget forni.n • time, by . d whicmee dry and bard, the mem- I position ingroaoil to • powder, and f then combined with the proper quantities of sulphur and metallic oxide, when 11 is in • proper .tate for us.. • A Threading Tale Following the invention of a mash sim- plified and more effective lathe toots, .l - ready enticed, • threading tool made on the .ane principle and with equal adaptation to varied usefulness, has been devised, ad bds fair to supersede the ordinary imple- ment. mplewent. To insure deramlity as well as ac- curacy of work by this machine, the cutters are made of the finest .teed, and, being ironed to precisely the erect eagle after being hardened, no ganging b reoder.d necessary all that u required beiag to g rind df the top faces of tka tetters, mob end being sirnili•rly available for the pre.. peon. In this arrangement the cotter di. •1 coarse, very firmly held, sad forging. ismd peeing, and .est of the labor of adonawaynwith. The cotters are are e degrees angle and either United (Matas etwatird r Ase* O, es slay he daeked. As it{ .WI. Loft. V Windom leak bee bees Patented by whi.h data.. •I.., say M bawd sad ..- leaked frets a elders-'• el.set.all). It is spa -tally spoilable lar deer. M private and bagisaem hew ad ewes, whore absolute privacy is paid or desired. The looks operated by .ispiy tunas/ a'reht.b. Thee the ensupast of a ream may issantaneese- ladmit • parses and issaseasor.ely look deer ea his vermin without Maytag hie .hair, as the Write& sea be plead eke" to W land. Then are many Iteatiggeise with will .1 ease themselves to hominess w•. when rias • masa el pPrr.e-• ag eke ishtlains. ewe .1 Os ease bsg"m,`wm b. who .--miet 11111111 Syrup J. C. Davis, Rector of St. jamas 8plaoopal Clain i, Eufaula, Ala.: l y sea has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly restored by the use of two bottlesof Bo - An Eplsoopal schet's German Syr- up. I can recom- Reltctor. mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long- standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: l always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. 1 have never f;uiid an equal to it—far less a superior. G. G. GREEN, Sole klan'fr,A'oodburr.N j. %U.ETT9 ws PURE POWDERED E PUREST. STROMGUT. BELT. ]mdy foe see In any Quantity. For Nokia!seem 1OAmfau Weser. Dietafeettue sod a battbatteredeaYf ...L A era equate le posed' kir Bodo Bete by Aa Croats ..d Peso. MI. W. OatraraBri 1. Ztosr•osew An Overworked la valid. Doctor -Have you tried the ...shore Invalid --Yes, 1 tried it once, but it's too hard work. Dressing and undressing is very tiresome. I don't quite otsdentand." " Well, you tiro the doctor 1 had there said 1 most take • toddy after each bath." " Yes, but suppose he did." " It keeps me bathing all the time." seemed sem sbe..Wle rat... Noakes, Mattawa, Ont., writes :- "I have been troubled for years with rheumatism and nervous debility. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills entirely restored me after all other remedies hied failed." Sold by a!1 dealer ••r by mail at 50c per box or 6 boxes for $2.50. I)r. Williams fled. Co., Brockville, (fat., and Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations. 1 The aoatea CIH el 0*.m.. Two young ladies got into an electric car yesterday afternoon. One was pretty, the other wasn't. All the meats were taken. Two young men were sitting together. They spoke ( .erman. Said one to the other --in German " I'm going to give my seat to the pretty girl." The other replied, also in German ; " Well, 1 suppose I must give mine to the ugly one, then. Both young ladies accepted the kinda.s, and thanked the young men -in German. - Boston Herald eaves Seed Appellee. Sias, I think your valuable medicine cahoot be sureal. according to the bene- fit I reamedfroom it. After suffering from headache and loss of appetite for nearly four years, I tried B. B. It. with the great- est success, finding it gave me great relief and good appetite. I sow enjoy good health which i owe to your valuable medicine. Mess Motets Baume, 2 Loudon, Ont. W ktaesly ernes 011I18 Peaasere. A laundryman in the vicinity of Paris has discovered a very ingenious method of cleaning linen without soap. He tises no soap, nor lye, nor chlorine, but replace these subet•noes by boiled potatoes, with which he robe the linen. The curious pro- cess, it appears, is much superior to those hitherto eniployed, and the worst soiled cotton. linen and silk, cleaned hg this method, er. ma•ie whiter than they mold he by the use of an alkali. Besides, the method has the advantage nkat brushes can be disposition with, and well water he used. For several years I was persistently an D otted with ao excessive aooumuletioa of Dandruff and aly thoo t uteivarious r preparations oomwandpoo+ng regularly once • week, so omteriel r01 was realittetd until m) attention was called to A.ti-llnadroir, which has predated uo- i•.k•d for ..sults da my ease, four applies- ti.es rsmovint every partial. of Dandruff sad ss a specific for this trouble it osrtakely W ao equal Yours trod W. T. Roatxgoe, Oen. Pee Rya Telegraph Ca Montreal, P. Q. 1 pWLER'� tx't OF v WiLD 5 Rfe TftAWBE —`', CURE; c+ c H GOA" ERA CHOLE�� IORBUS D1ARRH Y pySEN�A ,c,grALL s(Jri� �rof LTS CHILDREN ADU S Price J3crs k{ARE es irurArions PR 1101 TO P1181111 S66 LBS. OF FBOITI TB=IMQMS, sr B 011 DOI,I,u -03R----- 32 illsFrifit Eit For Tulltyhe Cells + + + + + + + American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid win do it. Try it, yon will like it, you wIIl And it less that half the trouble and expense of any other method, and more reliable and accommodating. For Oider it is cheap and decidedly the best knows method for keeping it sweet. It will effectly allay or prevent fermentation and preserve all kinds Fruit, Juices, Banos, Spice, Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Full directions inside each package. FRASER & PORTER, SOLE AGENTS, CODERICH, ONT. Arabi for Butterick'. Patterns. July Delineator to hood. Pearls Greer. =3ellebozo trisect Powder Fly Papers Etc. QUALITY GUARANTEED. W. C. C000E, - THE CHEMIST. N 0 T E . ----Use Davegnon'a Witch -Hanel Cream for Sunburn and Tan. AGAIN ON TOP WITH EVERYTHING FOR THE CARDEN - + + + + + Just arrived, the biggest stock of Lawn Mowers ever shown in this county, and the price will suit every buyer. Garden Hose away down. Agents for Rudge Bicycles. Everybody;knows they are the best. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. The Latest maBeet OUR ML98 DONA:H has just returned from Detroit and other cities with the latest and beet ideas in Spring Millinery, an 3 will be pleased to give the benefit of her experience to the ladies of Ooderich and vicinity who desire to avail themselves of her services. MRS. R. B. SMITH. Glasgow House, March 23, 18115. NOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. • Ws have just rsoeie.d a very time int d NEW TEASI TING or BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Which we guarantee to sell at least 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than can be bought from p A trial order will oho. vines you of the truthfulness of this assertion. sell the best OOFFnZ obtainable. REES PRICE & SON=