HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 3fa KINGDOi OF WOVIN yet WILT At111Mq MNL A SOUN- TLOttiG IK i' fie Moor mar ammo are Mee D♦ Mss Thant tress -,a. erre if Me gym_ A our Aro a.geme 1M." eve. -.y se m.... pie sawwwer dass shapely y.�-mit �Meea ami M bar pereaMial lr t.lierrad • dopes siesta. r es ohm alumnae d the sheathed .hops hes ad, est, sad the fresh maist d to• •1r and W brasses have gives • nee-hardb.es Msetaer fragile setae She iswheal,A seas a any way you take her. with r wing hats sod lettering ribba.s, mesh weeded waists. What will the nee M ere pow things, seam she hem aides their amine, treasures, aid appropriated them se her own res ' Th.f eonly Mare i. �iyderment and vets •. Niece charming ass ever .bird d T1s warner prl i. M auer.tab. lass cot make - Iklfi co. - Irene to . (esu day, u' pieas.rs•asskiaa u Me mods, or by tice wevua els G •t hose in the city, on her ewe parlor, ea the p,aammie, or wherever she happstm to b., led lief wtlata an: es fresh aid (Yr . *nib designed tor the eyes of the .ulti- teda biro is the isaer.atioa d ewsommes and pan'y. wad if a 'rookie appears on bar or rho .foes mit fret or tar. seam pretty • trying to look it out of ssmmtesems. list it . the summer girt's toilets thto desertOe, mut law awnat �I loans about And yet thou are so s. .ch • pest P .f herself that it u hard to say where "Dante f•' remarked )ire Brownley inter- mixes blends tow art. The ribbons ul her rigoHv.1y. -No. 1 don't knew as I ever just, list sro sur. w .met saber tip heard of him. Bet the name u familiar, 'ink m her roosts. or the hiss b her eyes, loo- Ok, yes ! Aim Dante ! I knew I bad sad the slims are luras., tilts her heir, and hard of somebody by that name. Weeder Iry dress u r confection while odor all a it our hu dwg6ter Y' -Boston Truro the e„mponeat parte tet the eaaa tlet. minister's vette Ito iadwtral setolar) asiomolet me Just nils . huh, bel salsa. of bar -Mac Jane, Ive carr, to flew from your miestub inning . s icy M irate sub sshed mrtree)w are not d1igeat at yosir Dom sr.Js•t beginning shells+pahalis � gig Wigan aesdeawork. You know who it is bods e ped no a • • u work for idle .aids w dot Eliza Jan" (-.- ,ap.,►tuone, and • msmmlal. trait lee lis dmtrisu musts. Seib et diem. are if mow tttttrdsd; swamis to Crow) -- Ymi. ; avec Daune:s, bat see is start • radios t rids m. you M 2 -15d -Bite. tie ase for the water with the indiepmer Wooden -Aad so Miss Passes aid Mr. able actor het, while the other sea ih- Dorms really got married. Was it a love dtrwiaal with • broad brimmed demes W meld ! Ikea $.siert--(Jin th. eostrnry, 1 and set.•ucaa. Than there abeal/ .he.Y nail It • rete match. Wooden - hos breakfast suita.aad white • 1 don't understand you. Nd.. with :Indy feathery ••ssusi lee" for ilk. -Why, she hated to be se old maid head And lace and silk for calk and hsps. and be hated to be pow. -Scotus Courier. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONT., _.j . jr dommem. 010. Pimm urtiv r won't �, Mart �. Drbe.. �..,..1. I MANi A f� .FIFE' rms. a....... Whom . r•.. l.. ow.. he Mti i Hal MID glow*Cprl M bel s. tea—�mton h{fra j7 P. The tramp meg ha MI toed sod • ,tl ( ata me *Mkt to 011101111111118 a flit olds. hat ha is goods Hiss will .m a.� Dams Nor. .1�W yhile ,mantles always bolls wish . ♦ it Amo smarty of Mom rtr.werba •sus Bk. 'amastia 11 is aha ateaha r Nr Mos maks Morn tires. . —New OdorP1wye... ••Thb is on for relief," . the ams .vd whet he Musk the prof plaster ✓ . his pia -Philadelphia Rimers. 'Then was . Amos dow.-fal , said the barber. e be 6ished shrug the prig ...:.her Up.-Warb,.gto. Star. Miserly -1 have beeo so poor at times that I raid have sold .y seal for • VIM, tor. Cj.k..--That showed • sharp b..M e s. moss. -Naw York Herald. Bate AFS to km Srelydudmb et raabtmmli Ihmd Inmi dims ffnbl�o. Iattd ~ll._ —i iNitase Of rib"IBaw d I~ Mas marremssur owlil r arras /s M tea tvDlMO lit ae.aalst/r Oh me= a simply of Discs PUit. i11 mid rogue* is -pratbm. b eco eta W aro ; Moy ass mash wpt.hle sad cyst ostra +fir alter utilise Dos ofd and yams, at Irmo or mlrm.d. "tor with b•.us �d hep doctors maid M mo are /tr msec. Tho. I bogss to tale Aries laic. sad moa As bowels r.00ves'd OM marl and rigor smarm. so thr Is is well .sough tar the politicise to be goer I am la se early bud, bet it is • good thing to be easeful and sot 000te &eros the worm at Its proverbial turning ptol Kate !Wire _ Excellent Washington. Ma K. Clark. Ttiwlabnry. Ueda Amino (t„ hu nepk.�)-You▪ semsrPills ea ems of the should .away. be modest, .y chi Nephew moo al ,,madly of oat -I have tbeght that matter over, argil. Wow Thor hoe Ossa 4 mss in m1 Then is just a.s objeatius to modesty- Moly for • sailers ror.hellg • pryer are •pt to take you to yoer own des, and hers Ovowy� valuation. -L.. Figaro ss.for thew MIgs.aaa•"- Firut Tbuatur-Goer -1 u.derstaad that W. It.1Wcods•a. V1 W s*. Tomas. Stagestrut le erring DOW. Wonder what " .,,far I Ines nod awe part b. takes ? llecusd Ditto-- Part ! Bless yo� )jh a>� t/a mgfildmi you, lee takes the whole. The support has miss isHie m.dldia mh.at to tug.lsM . �t .1osq the hest way it ase and lad my wt� � inithei has L -Boston Transcript TMss in their so- licit. int M thdtr work .j Bat girls, whatever you do, dust., I les you, mix your costumes -Atm from Mika ..rt fro.. saother. You will •lweyshwte • pierced -rut, crazy -quilt effect If yes de. Tat r toe charm of the eraser girl sad what led w w don her. She est bor- rowed toe harsoasse d warms days, and s. time to her proems, as • tree kis loth its toltyt e d the flowers with their bloom. 1a [ern she kora the mao,o of the caterpillar, •ad whea to be • bstterdy. M} ra, in Detroit hoe Pre.. Neighbor (oocupyiag djO1dK scan - moats on the saute Asti -Ab, my dear young lady. I have a great favor to ask d Ae. Would you be a hied as to sing this Amos. b etw.ea 2 sad 4 ! Somgstr.. �Ita.ud)-Very wiUiagly, air ; I *oppose ram are leaving company ! Neighbor - Not exactly. but our landlord a cooing to draw bb rent, sad I should like to tofu the to ask him to redoes it ?- Good -My t. M.P. There are fashioos in fringesag VDU Y is Sowers, moles to the testate d the color of eyes, the shape d sbe.ldr. and 1M testees of the figure chit ono ma f.aow rigudly 80 apte nature's Wirt to Ms msa- tr.r7. Just Dew eery able worn most have what soli one woma0 in • Modred oder wee naturally endowed with, softly waving locks .4 glassy silken shone. Not the Topsy busk of the days of tea, lead •ed win curlers, sot the acts smoothness of the early Voctoran era, but the abtntttg waves I sad light', curling Huffiness that the em hairdresser h. learned to predate from meet unpromutng straight tress.. The bug is doomed.►soordiDg to the Booth- Ayers. We shall see it for some time yet pwhps but ita days are m.ttoba.od. It br i us on. of the greets,' Wrings h.- stowe.l upon womankiid. Ilei worm h.r• been made beautiful by • dustereos cut and urs of the bang NSD •U the jawsI. .d finery that ha,. boss ssMem,d in the adnrstag of Ere's *sebum dint tic j pother of vanity �.ostu.. ds.ipittg. We most trate our r now is big wore downward from • precool ia the eaetee. It r only . matter of tams mod patio,. DrIIR Saved by His les..dtag r?eela.ae. "Rhea I was oat ea the Platte in 1872," said the Major. •'I had se erperieoce that I wieder didn't turn my hair gray. I was camped all sloes on the mde of that kie- torM .trove, and had occasion to go for ..Nis water to 1..i1 .y haus is First I knew I stepped plump into • quick - I knew what wag up at Dass, and bow that I was germ. Aad I •m wilting to admit that I w..eatod. In fact, that i. how I mem to ..ape. As I stood therm with that bornbi. and dragging, dragging, dragging •t me like some living monster. I tared colder and colder. De what I could, Ni teeth would keep on chattering, though I w that every vibration of my jaw was . h.kiag me farther down onto that ready- made grave- And 1 grew colder and oeld• .r. Soddenly I notioed that I had .toped . inking. " "Struck bottom, .h r "Bottom nothing ! i had grown a cold tram horror and -and fear -1 may u well adtais it -that 1 bad actually frame the weir u the quicksand -frozen Om whole Mier .olid, tet, .olid. -Indianapolis JeareaL Hyp..YW at the Alter. The mysterious smbj.ot d fl lo- fsence has been eg.t.ueg ty is Osl- emu to awnectiom with • very intereetiag alas. A young f t shirk rho o las than three re atu.pte to got married to tat girl d bis choice bet ease tome he was mysteriously overcome at the altar .d throws into • erases or The first use, whim be had arra iD church, h..uddeely eah, •ad the mut thing he know be erases • railway train • considerable hoodoo from Calcutta. IIe same directly beak mid snootier tic. orsmony thenets �mr14 g ke got to his turn to ay "1 wiIr ha fall dews in • stupor which lasted several boar. Hs male another attempt, sad hod milder Al* The clergyman u the rims ,ouches for the facts. Al last &dram Ms young mom our still unmarried. Thiry Oleg t. O.sasa Women us not permitted to s11 is Ms body of the Tempe. Chane d London. M wase many ►usdnds .f years ego 1b mals were rm..u.d for th. .amide knights, for whom the Ann& was ersstsi Another .tory, illus slag the tes.ity d eastom to F:eropes. ommas.sitfms, is this st the sentinel •t • earlobe pial fa • yobbo palm u Loudon. Nobody *ow y b w. stationed u that �� pint orb or one, ddvi in sat rs 4., dbeeve.d tk•t imenitior� • motbsi had boos pled there to ware .t • o.wly- pL: ite1 beech. Eva bird, arm teu&ciats of presedset. *rotary bird, ds em class the M.diterrer.•. at he m•r- rowest pont, hat ea exat.hnti.m hie proved that the point at which meq M from w•. •t ons time the .errowest port .f the se. laevsa, ...d .Dr gflM% tho cony Msa.Wp� T s.4. " I l rs !load Chthonic M loos • better m aedicine for tom PM Mae cess than any FIlls within s knowl.dm. They an trot only miry olsotre, bit stab .ad plsasent to Mks alt{mi which roust rho thou by theblic.'-Jul..Band. Porinniox. Philadelphia. �. Ayer's Pills, halves. D alr SOW 4. O. Ayer & 0o., Lori. M. sheat b. as Desks is Mealabses THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1892. T►.5.t1.a TW1ea. Two old fellows, atter . ley .p•ratioa, were talking over their earlier year* "And whatever became of Maj. Cosrtley; 'Beau Coortley' se we called hint !' .ked o... "Died • doom years ago," was the sad a "What • da.defied chap hew. ; loved Ass clothes better than anything he the world. "Yee ; .ad yet he died without • shirt to hie back." "Iadeed, is that so! Had he lost every- thing r"Oh, no, be wore pajamas." N Bever rays It sever pays to do ero.g, no master how bright the reward tray look. It Dever pays to he careless &boat your health, even if you can get your duct..riug dose for nothing. It sever pays to break • promote made to & celitis It Dever pays to run in debt for things you tea get along without. it sever pays to buy anything just he - mow it is cheap It never pays to be on the wrong side of the truth. It never pis to pot off repenting until you get too old to find pleasure on un It never flays to leave the weal. .n the garden until they grow bigger. --Ram's Hort+. A Nero meita.re. Gnier saax,-We hair a family of seven children and have relied on Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry- for the past ten years io all tames of Mart boo asnl Sum- mer complains. It never fails w and has saved savvy docto.'s 14418* J. T PAYKIenn%. • 2 Gnomon. Out. Pear Mumma Nature, Mr. C.ogw•ter had beam reading &kind tie hie family the details of the totnete tor- nado is Mi.oeot. ••L that ell then . of it, Josiah r asked Mr. Cberw•ter. "Tee" he replied, laying the mewep•psr jos. '•I've read to yes the whole .tory, seats* of the killed and wounded sed .11. •I know • great slay people in Mimso- se w." rejoined Mr.. Chsgw•ter with • sigh of mild dia•ppoiatatw►, "but none of thoso norm mond familiar.' -Chicago Tri- bune. A wars..Weadier late four quarks of Wang water Hiss. leer taMespoo.hh .f fee e1. •.d • *um ray-skin.el appeal* The herr must ha nabbed thoroughly Mese via' • sett .leak est is quarters, aid eared, bet of prie& Nor, vary gently for an basr,the meals, add learn piles •sd seer see,(_ te tate, .ad drink who. quits .oat.Ism T'h. will beutthe employod s.6e more emtt.sbitng A very popular sums drink, tae, is ole frp. rh.b.A, .00g it is the lams soar ea ds.orihed arm kr appla- Philadelphia inquirer. Wel* Walars l wises Tree wedding pressuta .r • W.kh bride w of the most umbel or Thiry are gam - welly i.is Gorr days attar she mos- miry. rns- ! er and rosins d Wambold homitmr , nuns* and ,.t.sN.os mrs,y. in the ia',t tins. N mood M he Ms velars to wta that ss. lissowest he thankfully 1momsprr m ti.11Meas w . ray lan old nods t "Whomever been you sq tem. Mdnk tin o w* mom r witsod mold h Cooks Drst�.I. donlimr remir." About as Oscal. Ptablea Spirited Cour (who hos invade sundry d.s•tioes to alleges sod hospitals) -Airy .mil d im.ort•..e tSts morning. wuli... Private Se.retery-Nothiag hat that weak) paper from Toronto mw every BMardaa y. ..No sremean, or •.yt1img of that kid!' ••N.. mit. Nothing d. .scrap( arss pma* of bagging I.tssr . Thin aeon's quits os Barmy .i Mom this .rsimg as ssu.L No work for mm to -day. it Thank. Then I'U go to No ban game." Owe el tie Joys of simmer. A hamuli tic re *o srophy lo And deoap Dear VI MI shyouth, T Twos a omdss. seg loam Oro To trysrsour Mai in sigkii. a Hiortget The enation hr.bing- m.rlarsd "Derr' r H 'Why, denwshe ..k 'Mont t 00,pokiyii r Ufa 1:10:44,` � I Rervic:es the Stomach. Liver end 3 .wcis, unlocks the Sec retin.^ .Purifiesthe 'Blood and r c:novss ell Im- purities from c Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. ONSTIPATIGN. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. UMATISM. SKIN DISEASES ��Bfl�— AA�.elw *Pa* lid • PATENTS As O.itaa Iws.rs. lgra sings. -Wim'► your mother go with r Mr 11.,sbod--No, she .ye aha .sera's this! she is MI .untgb te shopssso you. dr. Asa mortes. Frh.d--Dom year ens Miry M the al wthe row makial OM lady (whom sr is • pe )- ads. ha darinet brig to am; y sari at sow e, res fisimaimil tor two ymma orris M ttswT T levee Ms 12‘icirkax "ga.ha.ho muses fee hill- y temils mora aro la ".Lsg 11 boob& Detdrl Obey !fit eta /oe d •14..y troubles 'earn ~ 7i per ret la iad Oleo{ o dlseaoo /s User orraa/ Imre sed d/awdsrd AidMM the west dam- aelfs•or=ra a all. try raaaM sox= I►+gfta M have a Diabetes anti healthy *Hy without ewes a above ago as good & eam oaamet hosts whew the earIet where hIdneg. aro Doleo Dienes ologge{ they an PM aro sad ef mite ea woe& me Add lc dB &sin craft kr De. cif S Co. Tti.orw� JUST GPENED OUT AT R. B. ButLAND'S DUNGANNON. Another consignment of new and clsoice lines of PRINTS SND SHEENS In all the late.+t I.Attertly and colors for time Mummer tr „ie. Also a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, Direct from t he manufacturers bought at it sacrifice price - and will be sold away un- der regular value . If you are in want of something choice in 1!INDfu! SHADES, I have just what is required and at prices second to none. Quality of cloth and style considered. PAIKTS,OILS & BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Always on hand. Extra value in Family Groceries. Patent Medicines a specialty. The purchasing public will find my pricers low as the lowest, com- pared with those of other houses, and prices marked in plain fig- ures. R. B. ROLL, DUNOANNON. ONT. PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED It1F. Buchanan & Son, r A. r, r.crcttxw SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Dealers In .11 'clods of LUMBEK, LATH, SHINGLLS A.d builder's n.aterisi of every desoriptlun School Fnrnitare a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -.t- strmarE R GOODS rp900* tf i Ausg ora, 500.54 W,:m.,` 'hr.e- eve and ( teremwew so late..d.s...stat► pa w esslar rtead.,r tarsi. Testimony of 19 Contorted; to Josue of Nazareth. The n.• -t remarkable r. -taros. ',.,..e of the ra• W r{t ten •r tan endnemt echelon •. • "w•eaMarrr. E mery (',.rk.len wmnte h. t r. ..•,• • tsrrft.r/ .n- ryl� Mn Mr.ty Mtlf i•wMlah11t.a LATEST STYLI:S. fM.smite te to shared nut. Perfect sad showy shape. H. DUNLOP, Tao Nasser. Tatler. MOLAEOD'S SYSTKM RENOVATOR GODkRJOE Steam Boiler Work*. I TAUilOHt1) 1001 A. S. CHRYSTAL, am.+ws► to ohror.f & Moak Manufacturers of ell kinds of SW/ow .ry Marina, Upright ft Tabular Halt Pan., Smoke 'backs. Shoat Iron V rerli ,ufg.sttt t�.,� a r bed. Worms Me., etc. AND 01.Y Tn.ttD in11111W . Specific and Anridole for Impure, weak said impoveriehed Mood, dye- stecpMo sik paipitmtisedthe nregl• poll �rstores. �jtlttmtlEae, diseases. St. vltsu' dimes. fo..i. irrsg- uhriti..md ,sots' debility. LIBOR/TORT, LOORRIIL ONTARIO. J. M. McLEOD, Proork•'or end Nametemwnr. McLaren.'. sorrow Raeov0roe am tie hot from all •�g1,y la tow. as wait as from g�yy th. d,it.itM. its we.. thran emir said iladarse. llrmwls. 1).rt am end T"ea r.. PATENTS 1 MUT' T$Mt Silli<t Mill UIPIMMTS SEIM. ass e:l suet o 4t ah }-U poison m� �OOi�� �Ir Ma MO ` • ge.dg- Hhe r is I Ji 01 vilt ,esu hese r vsonsr..▪ Mm4 ec II • MOW a ewe ii 1 r- t t —AND— 3 _,, ekt IACD CURTAINS.! WHY HAS OUR CARPET AND LLOE Curtain trade during the last month exceeded our most sanguine expectations ? Because we have a large stock and our prices are right. Every one wanting these goods should visit our Carpet room ---stock yet well assorted, because we keep adding.,to it. We have made a second purchase of Lace Curtains (in Glasgow) this Spring of 206 sets, which will be here in a few weeks. It is needless to say anything about prices. They are away down ! Just imagine, over 500 sets for this Spring's trade. Price does it all. A ;fine assortment of Art Muslin, Rugs and Mats. Satin Check Mullins, worth 12',c., for 10c. A fine line of American Challies, DeIo.iii s and Cochecoo Prints, fast colors, [rock -bottom.] to COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. • Great Carpet Warehouse) of the County. l: sass-_�.rwi THE AGE 1TTO FOR THE CELEBRATED 118 AT CAMPAICNE'S Best Tea in Town, Only 40 cents per lb. ~at R ..' of w f � , r h•u.. Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire, at your own price. THE THE THE THE THE Tn$ THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TIDE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE res THE THE TBE THE THE THE THE THE THE TPE THE THE THE THE TSB TR TSE THE G. T. 1R •Mteo OM.dia tsfr1se, d PPM Comdr Parr 01Brog rlsglsa.i .0 • EMT 18 MT IS MMT M• T▪ I8 saw Is. • r BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEET BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BUT BERT BE8T BEST BEST BEST Bin BEST BEIIiT 3111 ? BEST BEST BEET BUT BRIT BEST EMT BEST NWT E'M'I' THE CHEAPISBT AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BAIiT THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 TBE Bain THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BES? THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST THE BEET THE BBST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST $ 11 THE BSST Ul THE MT qi~i q THE EMT 1111 111.11 THE NWT $$ $ 111111 THE DEBT 11 1 111111 THE BEST q $$ 11 1111 THE van 1111 1111 THE Ilan THE 0181' $ BUT N 1111 THE BM 1 I TEM BEST 1111 i 1111 THE BEST fl • q 1111 THE BEST N $ $$ 1111 THE BERT "T" 11 THE BEST 111111111111 THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE REST THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BENT THE BEST DI THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE 10011AL IS THE BEST 111 TSE cawAPEIiT AND THE BIGRAL 1S THE BUT 111 THE CHEAPEDT AND THE SIGNAL 13 THE s31T 13 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 1S THE B1ir is THE CHEAPTIS? AND THE S19ONAL 1S THE EE•T THE SIGNAL ONLY A YE1./`R IN ADVANCE!