HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-30, Page 88 TSB SIGNAL: OODBRICK ONT., . THURSDAY, JIIN$ 30, 189 POISON SURER THAN POWDER. PURE PARIS UREEN Cavo 7r Alms D Hay 'get raar 11.•m* tirtcsY 1t i Parma REFRESHING AND EXHIL.ARAT- Mg Vtearrat Llano huh JMss. Yens' Rut w NaMSSti Loom Water. PliTCSSIS, t ll K COUGH SYRUP la always In season. CARLBBAD, VIc'IY AND FRUIT t3alta In bulk. PUREST AND STRONGEST FLA - Turing Kttracts. SPONGES. A NEW CONSIGN - meat just to hared- 8ee our prices. PRESCRIPTII'N3 FILLED WITH tarn. neatness and dispatch at the Phar mac,. GE(). A. FEAR, euea..eer to (leo. Mynas. OODERICH. 46.�dlaesatne at' FR. PRETTY & Co., F. PAINTERS, PAPER -HANGERS AND INTERIOR DECORATORS. Estimates ma.leout for all lobs, and good work and reasonable prices guaranteed. Mew end sample room :-One door Fast of postomce. Orders by mall solicited. Addreae- F. R. PRETTY & Cu., 56,3m. Ooderich 1 Art Al3'I; x x x x R. CROCKETT, Ratter. Landscape. marine and •portrait painting in oil and water colors CLASSES Ou Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays. from 9 A. M. to 12 o'clock. and from 2 to 5 o'clock Y. Y. Architectural and mechanical drawing. Drawings for patents, etc. $TU DIO :-No tbet., het dear from tote Square The Pisoole'a Column. NEW PLANING MILL Bash and door factory. Latent American pleas and designs of houses, latest improved machinery. latest drop In prices. latest sad most modern workmen, lowest prices is salagiea, pine or cedar. lowest tenders issued, lowest price., on doors or sash. dr Haring received orders for 50 domestic reffnereratore. i have decided to build a num- ber- my prices being so low all can afford to flare this luxury in their home. and grocers must have ttem. I have secured latest An:eri- .ea patents. Telephone your orders for all classes of woodwork. JLMILPH KiDD. Oily 17 Britannia -et. TA RA RA BOOM DE AT I- 7M windo-e shades sold in May. Busbies* 1s rushing and we feel gay. Every day • bargain day. Roam de AS. The public tree and appreciate the fart. that we have the largest and beet assortment of wiadow shades cornice poles, pole• fitting,, Mair plate.• curtain chains. brass rode. Hoge, }dote, brsek.•ts and upholsterers' brae* goods is the count). Shade doth all widths. lace curtains. frin.es•everr then, In tee window Iloe. is furniture everything from a parlor suite to • kitchen chair. and our increAsing business proves that our prices are right. We also have • More range of useful articles required in the bougie. such as washers. carpet sweepers. cloth reels. etc.. and can At you out from lite kitchen to the drawing room. also to Nee worts of art to adorn it. 10.000 feet of Ameri- caa. German and domestic mouldings in stock. sad a full line of British. German any comities mirror phoss always on hand. No charge for cutting or fitting them. RIi JBAZAAR t FURNIIT STORK. WSJ Notloee. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J. te.. tad virinsigrssa�gc for takinngg and re bail. amdarlts a or .demo deolers- aes action. mit or pro- of Justice, the Agea.l for Milo. or hi say County ge �.wrt t•All traaaactim. lardsllr .m.el:ted. iN.Wence tied P.O. me. Ont. fllr tf NEW CHOPPING MILL 1 em prepared to do all Pads d grain Wo"- ..fIa.gg s• do meat Dodos. Mill le diming at all hears i have the West and best Iesprgved machinery tor dimatch and ed.Mssr. P1io.e No with rem. delay In getting your ship hems R10DD. 43-ly Auotloneerandi. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AW- ti.s.er. land vahotr. lass god fggodI.enteaoe meat. Sales attet0S S >• *USaC Address JOOH the N tdiu K I pagern tett at Te ■ Bs.w5L O+oa promptly attwded t.. NO JOBNN.r KNOX, GENERAL AUO- tiliOat 1pvrwg }a Load : ire._ gi_e to .nutted to Na lett sat iligy� r seat by adds R 0. .sMSEy tlk.adal Is. JOFN Ae0lt.er. ItHftt Iflielise to Creditors NOTltlt TO OR*DITURB ATs O1 JOHN QRARAM, DECEASED. Mama that atter the said Md day bit, m. sdmlalemster will pressed es the .sue et the loosened loving il�ymmgqq1*I claims . et wklah aide. doll • CAM1RU HOLT ft cwt k, w JJ`am. MI MIL at do listra atea at about unkrewired tft nod sem ISae. to is ISM R nett .tlas�issret And ►statins Vassal. $IIET OyIItL WA1 T1D.-TO W. , �II Preka A•M/ Misle. r. (gOVD OSNSRAL SERYA!? lA ■ eels -seeds t. nos A.M. WIT. PMgaelft. Ser Bale or Ilbr Beat. FURNIIIHED HOUSE FOR WT.- Tl.1.o,�tsMbrict Aa4 w.wtIl bs `►.teed: awW-/astes.0. .a lakeeery 471 sMa ANM104- t0 as or ass N. Oodertok 1'. O. 11017811 �.0FOR SALE. -ONE OF THE Al bum North -M. tor male at • /f Rowse basted i,� a Two�ad�dt7weesr land ei tk. h�s.ao.p y. • to JOHNSTON CARZY. O.derfakba.e• t GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR gats.- O.wt. W m. Madame Who ler eats residues. Weis occupied by Met • 6 ha1L' wa�aft home ormolu des games.► kitek.e, etc...ad M as pangod for .,s lare•LCne LII McLAmply [AN Wartea.t.. GederlokV 1[A 11e4 V'OR SALE. -N. j LOT 31, 9ND OON- 11' ea.los. Rua Wawaasa► lee arra. This Is • erstclasa farad. Also tows lot 1711. Sou. rich. Mao lot 233. Uodericb town. on which there in a good brick collate. A to PHILII' H()L'r„ ' t t! FUR SALE AT A BAKUA1N.-THAT ooenaio.iinsea. at pressns ous budge. ea King 0.. Br - W m. 8m i t , is on sale. ashy) at Apply t.. r. t;, BCOrr. Worsts P. 0. est( Medieval. iDRrt. WHITELY & HUNl'ER. lJ Ods.-gmwd Opera Hoe e. to �. DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Yb elmlens. Burgeons, Amon -chore. Re. 00111o.ae lar. abauouo's rrsid.soe, near the eadO.dsricn. 0. C.Suaxxea, J. It.Situ *us. 1751 Iowa. L1• N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- L for In Maritime Courts of %taro ma O.--8outb Colborne hotel. • U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, Lel. solicitor, emmiwioner, lc. LOADS. c ollsetious and real estate transactio.s care- t.iUy attended to. Office -Cor. Hamilton and 8t. Andrew's -et., Uodericb, O*t. TOtiN DAVISON, BARRISTER, el Solicitor, Cmveyascer. kc.; Moue; to lead. Ogee over Yost-Omce. Ooderich. 664i �L' CAMPION, BARRISTER, I. Solicitor, Notary Public. etc. Once -Over Jordan's Drug Store. the room formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 22116 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. Owes. corner of square end Vee street, Ooderich. over telegraph once. Pri- vate- Funds to tend at 8 per cent. 29*»- GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- rlsters. Attorney. Solicitors. tic., Oode rich. J, T. (harrowQ.l .. W. Proudtoot. ('IAMEK:)N, HOLT & CAMERON, \�J Bar --later., Solicitors in Chancery, tc, Ooderich. M. C, Cameron. Q.C. ; P. holt ; Dudley Holmes. Loans slid lfIUP*hOS. • J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • socident Osamu* moat ; •t lowest rates. Ogtr Ogee -Cor. Ntb..t and Square' God- • ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of pirate and other funds at lowest rates CO native town and farm property. S Sims of repayment to mot the borrower.- �q�eaysion.-C:allor write M. 0. JOHNS . ewdesioh. 22 01-tf ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO �e•aNNHHOX.1•Da.r 1 CAM/MON.t ends MOEY TO LEND. -A L A R 01 amount of Private Funds for Investment at lowest rates on 01st -class Mortgages. Appl) toOARROW t PROUDFOOT. • RADCLIFFE, GENERAL LN. eunnce. Real Baste and Mosey Loaning Agent only first.'laes companies represented. Money to Lend on straight loan*• at tlm lowest rat._ of interest going in any way to suit the oorrower. Ogee -Seo. and door frons Square. West &reel. tOode- rice. Artlolss Air dye GODERICH • FOUNDRY. Canadian New Model Rowlett Machlam. Tnraip Cutter. and Pulpers. Plows. etc. We earn a stock of Mower end Plow Repair. m62t RUNCI)rAN BROS. 1IME FOR SALE -GOOD FRESH I lime kept constantly os band at the Falls Reserve Iltw kilo. All orders for delivery 1.111 be p otsptly attended to. X. BAI I3HLEK. 56 en VOR SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST be bored pulls o ell In.face. 1 11.14 in. hare. or can huger shaft. Uood as new. Will be sold at • reasonable ;gr.*. Apply at Tes SIONaLSteam Printing House, North -st.. Ooderich. 1114f. Travelling Guide. 6lRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trslms arrive amid depart at Osd..ieb as fol- lows : Aaatys. Mall sad Express. LSO p.m. Mall and Repress IO.OD p.m. Mind ....10.45 a.m. NMI .............. Dara--. Mail and Rearms ..................... ile pm Mixed ....... ................ ...........fog►am Illoaetiee. CANADIAN ORDER OF HUMS Genion-Oisderiele Circle, No IA omits Ikfrd Mendes el sash month In the hall ovr Tae es$AL ages. Special 16Am:weawe Is •mol J. A h SIGN D.Tr Stier/ R J. AC >;. Trs..ut.r; L ANON. Ste.mry tL1yr Publlo Notloe(► NOTICE ALL PERSONS FOUND trespassing on my ,ands by shooting. hunting meads.. osenp,ng. Oohing or ether - wise will w prosecuted .eoerdla• to law. Sub lads are the Hen farm. is flu township of lblberae, and the proper known as tis rams Risery-., in the townshipsqtSaiderich and Colborne. X. BAIQC•esR. E. CAMPION'. o. C.. Mdbltor. Hama u ROOT ;)EER • 11... b0110, mels 1 salaam at Rost Hear. • dsYMswt Swm.w ,Ole. MARIJI'ANIYI* FRECKLE LOTION. ase. SRA SALT ter the Rath, he. Rot. RATH AND SCOOT SP0100r. H KLH)TROPE 1'UUa ' SOAP. lee J. W 1 ego it'. PMeeaur, r,.Y Dun Ilona TO ADVBLETwBIL Setae et shames nest be MN at this Ofoa art hatter than Saturday soon. The Ow for shames meet be left net Wee than Mo. - day sone. Casual AdwrWssts.ts aooeptd ep td) Door Wednesday of sack weak. SPECIAL VALUE. We are allowing a line of Flannel- ette in light and dark colors at 7c per yd. worth IOc. Gray Cotton.; narrow width, 3c per yd. Yard wide 4 and Sc. Extra heavy 7 and Se per yd. Web. in 30 yd. ends, fine and heavy only 82.00 each. The balance o`yur new Spring ;tock of Laos Curtains, which was acknow- ledged to be the best value in town, now at cost price. Our prices in wavy lines of 1)ry Goode are lower than other stores, a.md never higher in any case. Every article sold we guarantee to bo the best value obtainebl or money re- funded. Inspection and comparison of prices invited. (woods shown with pleasure. JAMIE. A. KKID. Jordan', Blocs. Ooderiek. June 8th. 100t • 22i1- TOta N OF t:ODERLCH. TRKASLRER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXICS. P*mvtNc. OW ON 1A14)4, , By virtue of a Towx or 0OD.HII H. , warrant under the hand of the Msyor of the Aiwa of Ooderich and the seal of the said corporation. harmJ date. 25th day d June, IN-:. to toe directed. commanding me to levy- upon the lands in the following let of arrears of taxes doe thereon. that unless the said tate*. together with fell costa. are sooner paid. 1 shall proceed to roll the said lands by pnhllc auction. oro much thereof as may he sufficient for the payment of the taxes and cost thereon. at the TOWN OF GOUKRICH on Friday. the 25th day of November, 1Mf. at the hour of two o'clock. Ter joffotriep lots arc parented. i Iota err 1Coseeealm or L+ is • part of lot. Street. ; i P C, 1- 93 livening Nos. 14 lit 10270 S. pt. N-:, •' " 14 36 It 3 00 W. Pt. 1YW " 14 21 K5 2 75 1003 " 1-1 36 303 15 1051 " " 1.1 M 122115 St, Wilson's Sur? 1-5 3 751 35 19 Reed's Survey 1s 10 15* 50 43 lA 564 2 is 55 14 3 M 2 35 9 Melt. ;toad 1-1 135:36 w•. •• 1-1. 135136 It " •• 1.1 1 35.2 35 l8*Cypre.s Street • 1-4 361 2 311 110 " '1-4301131 fN 14, 3 14122 3n 10 99 3344 24 a. M 41 32 1'7 6 1e 12 66 8 21 6 13 670 670 670 501 501 5 9i 77:13tW. L. HORTON. Ooderich. June U. 1011. Town Treasurer. Card of Thanlu. eARD'JF THANKS. lo 1h. North .4,ner.re. Life daseronre teet- po*y. Toronto. O•NTt.ertzN : We have to acknowledge receipt of your cheque fur $5t et. handed to us by your agent. Mr. Naftel, being to t ull pay - mens for policy Na 3335. on the tits of the late Mr. W. J. Harris. We desire to *spree to you our appreciation for lbs courtesy we re- ceived from the oltlorrs of your company. and also from your anent here. In fact. we were re- lieved of all trouble noel anxiety is t he matter. The only part we appear to have d.ne, was incepting your cheque for are lhowaaed welsh was paid over to us L.,mediately the claim papers were oumpleted. Certainly your com- pact). its ed by its agents bprompt n•e oeMing' d the l lle cin payment - of death lowes- t ore•1 ANDREW A. YOUNG. i REM PRICK. As executors of the lsea will and testament of the late Mr. W. J. Harris. Uoderlcb. Juste 2t•, lta. 17.11 For Berries LULL FOR SERVICE -THE 1)) Holstein bull. Kind of Denmark. No. 18u00. H. F. H. H.. is for service at Ridgewood Farm. Terms $3, to be paid at time of service. A Ase opportunity to improve your moot with a superior bred bull. Also a Holstein bull can of ♦ superior breeding. for sale. RU. 5 OUNO, NTManager. p -linos Dentistry. t( IPICHOLSON, CAL -DENTAL u t'new O0810.... W en at . he Poe 11116-17 DR, IL RICHARDSON, L D. 8., Amu duties- 0...ad vitalism air ahs far e painleextracting of teeth. a1..wrNsiren to the preservation Ward teeth. Ogos-Up stain. 0411$ Howse Block. memos os. West - 113111 -1Y Business Property AIr Mie. UKOPERTY FOR SALLA WILL - la good palmed 00.0 t ereileesd M • see d .fir Also a iwpdpory stare old d .U.leltmealds a Sieegg.' together with a mum la e.saseth-. ut- ters for the whole or portions of she will ba resolved es aresd D l sow MeaM MAC 1. Yydesleh Hotel UNION l HOTEL. OODERICH. - This wall-ksowa .weal .sol farmer.' hotel tea. bees takes ..as...lo■ of M nests Rrotbesaed need le everysnaking it eau nd et th....eta.4 gs cul ea N the trade. Mae leoadso. Erod4*t stabil ag i - Ruin moderamoderate.SAULTS 131100, Proaef tore. 00-11 THE HURON HOTEL, - THIS wdEks.wa sad p..ular hotel W bees ratted. s.MMr..d sad Improved remotely sad Y now ..mesa is same is qualtyas- 812 ..mN mstess Oar tho travelling p.b0aa Pr./rle� , the eaten ., O Msshaadss• Institute. IODERiOB M* BANHIs' INSTI- '. TUTS LIBRARY AND RLDiNY- R0011, oar. et East neat sad Square (V Opsa frees 1 N 0 P.m.. •ud from t M 10 P.m. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Ws.My .sod Mus/read Pepws Mapastiae, aft*., ew i is. MEMREABHIP Ti0EIf1, ONLY ease mastitisfree see of Iibeary W Seed LI a rt*.. seembemN. ►awed M RD. SHARIllg• 0160. envoi, 0.brt.k ' WaOoh 4f� Mila••s•sa•y, THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. 4 Ali. esu .t. wine olden As' Jhra mfg pini oremssga arl.Ir.4 Ts. sem We • PINS T style ad b as very 1i tloiv.In ind firW es Pad Mar. spox10 .1111.'12! sed D.�te�.al.• kerma ,s�1.Y..�b 4w• at M J. 1.13. es «;t •t i1. mad gleeful sallssqw Oman se Jule tat ffir- diy wi .ta•wltselU of .suedaides wad wwi ft nog a l ds� wrgwrism s : lay le +o. sutler. OaU early .n/ avoid prises w raw. aanevr ewa Laaue Sraaw.aatns.--W. C. Darer, of Colborne, brought into Tule S*IaAL ode. • a •e•trtment o1 strawberries which ..i- deally came from the d ghats loe d them girdled bi inches, and wee luscious e wemgk b sake anybody's month WWr. le Oraavnus. -The sot paned at the re- cest maim of the Ontario Legislates to prohibit the sale of tobe000, cigars or sips, cotes to parsons under eighteen years of age u now In operation, tit• penalty for selling or giving to snob perwus is not leis tb•a $10 nor more than P60. N,T ANS,'1',it & Yore-Loud.,u Advertis- er: David L. Macpherson and J.J.C. Abbuu once advocated Continental Union, and were afterwards knighted. So following the precedest, we may see Mr. MOGiJh- cuddy, of THs G-oI tau a SII.NAI., at any moment turned into Sir Dan McGillicuddy. FINS B.&.... -John 1'6illips, the well- known sorter, Wednesday last presented Tug Sn.s. I. with three very tine bus, av- eraging from two to three pounds each. They were beauties and they were tooth• acme. John didn't say it, but he evidently believes that a brain -making fah diet u good for hardworking editors. FISOT o, THE Sa.a,N. -The first crowd of excursionists for this season arrived here on Thursday from Hensel'. The day was not very favorable, but all seemed to enjoy themselves. A great many took advantage of the rowing and sailing boats that are always on la,..1 to accommodate excursion- ists. All went Koine pleased with their day's .port. THg Lu,o::•tt .AND Suo,*w.T DA)'. -The longest day of the year 121st Junel is put, and Summer is at its height. From the 19th to 25th inclusive, the day's length or duration of daylight extends over a period of 15 hours 26 minutes in each of the 24 hour -these are the longest terms of day- light in the year. For the same week pelt month then will be 23 minutes lees of day- light, and fur the third week in August, 1 hour and 26 minutes lees. The shortest day of the year u 21st December. when OW Sol gives way to electric light or coal oil, after a short reign of eight hours 56 winutee. Txt: Sratebgakv Suet tt--A very sue - onside' social was held on the grounds of Mrs. Wm. Mclean on Tuesday evening un- der the auspices of the Epworth League of North -at. Methodist church. (respite the threatening weather • large number were in attendance and +.Il apparently heartily en- joyed the evening's entertainment. The refreshmssa provided were first -clam and a good musical program wee rendered daring the evening. The piano playing of Mise Millie Myers, of Montreal, • pretty little girl of about eight years of age, who shows remarkable muak-al cultivation, attracted a good deal of attention. Tor Tinware, INDU.TKIAI. FAIL -The puce list for this years Industrial fair b be held at Toronto from Inc 5th to the 17th of September, has been issued. Many changes have been made in the various classes, and about $2000 added to the amount of prizes offered last year. The Association have ob- tained about fifty acres more ground, and a new half -mile track will be oonstructed, and • monster new grand stand capable of seat • ing over 12,000 peoe is to be erected in time for the fair. New stables and cattle pew are &leo to be erected and many other improvements made at a cost of one hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars. This year's fair will evidently be a great one. For copies of the prize list drop a poet card to H. J. Hill, Manager, Toronto. DOMINION DAY GAwtoe.--The games on Friday next promise to be of • high order of merit. A capital competitive list has beeu prepared, including men's, children's and bicycle race, all of which will be fres of chane and held on the Square. The old time attraction -the greasy pig- -has also been placed on the program to test the agility of the men of rrur time. The Seaforth band will discourse music during the day, and the Cadet band will also entire° the proceedings. A championship lacros.a match will be held on the Agricultural Park commencing at 230, between Clinton and Coolertch teams In the evening there will be an mastic exhibition of the harbor, and • Vary fine exhibiti, n of fireworks on the Square. The following committees will have charge of the ,hay's doings : i,irla' Games -Jas. Addison, Alex. Saun- ders, Wm. Craig. Boys' Gems -J. Dickson, C. A. Hum- ber and P. Holt. Men's Gasses ---F..1. Pridhan,, Robt. Mc- i.eaa, D. C. Strachan, R. Wm. D. MoOillicuddy, Geo. Price, Thos. 1cKee- sie, Fed Campion. Bicycle Rao.---0ha. A. Nairn, C. A. Humber and Jas, Mitchell. Fire Works -C. A. Heather, F. J. Prid- 11... Hand --W. L Horto., D. Caatelca, H. W. Ball, D. C. Strsches. Spring Pole -1). ('. McKay, Robt Dick - 000 the woram.s S on. Grassy Pig -F. J. Pridkam, John Dick • . os.. THY A. 0. U. W. Pn'ite.--Tie phonic at the Point Farm 9sturdry afternoon by the A. O. U. W. soolities of Oodr4ek, Ren miller, Dungannon,' and Manchester was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable rather. Mrs ever held in the section. The attend- ance was between 700 and 800, end the -hest of feeling prevailed throetrbo.L A foot -ball watch Meows menthes of (Jedo- r/ok tad *..milia► indene was ones el We features of the day, .old emoted se amen amount of marrinasat for the outsiders, Th. Masehegter and ilhepparooa folk .I.0 had a lively gams. Another hokum that attrastad shanties wes the tug d war b tweeu rival Mins es•eaie.d r..pssyvds by A m. RI•k., d Boweiller, ..d br �/Lit.ly, of Gede- risk. The framer team won the pull is two straights. Alma b p. n. Brother Joe 6..k, Master of Sheppard Ledge, No. 247, wee appaht.d ohainaes, sad the fsllowlag pra- ggrraaww was gone through with to the salts. fasts el the hep sadism.: Rwiesties, Mier Meek Ilii l 8810, Nisi r..tts$eo, Mks SWIM f address, Rev. J. L Howell t veaih detest, the Mese Mel..rsa ) kr minebenese wee Mee tea est sbe sad w tae twee► dprepand1��i. hese st Isah d tis 1 was mads. L Ms ogres - lag • in whi4p4 of hessian was gives by the Mbm whish wee lielleedet by as edjalnrea1 de *h. bPparkir wham she young 6ik tad pare is the may welts ad lively samisille wee tae shades of ..owing 4.U1 The wast hand, of Uodsrid, .mdr the hri.t.kf• d M. Assisi *ha d' aa.° se , AD puss* wossarsed re Ind is posies of the trwienest reodnd hem M. Wright mad kis able aseies..4. LOCAL SR&VI41 T erosad head shady he seat almost se Two Morales, Y BOW. (i.. W. Theses, Swims. D.ri.g the Sommer she kmodem is 1.w• sots does at 3 o'.I..k. sz..Ps timer - day, as which day at 1 o'clock. The 1 fib p.m. tela wee over two hours Ma os lam r� lea. As ao.idewt to • freight ca N. Redo ad Lake Rates lies sear Caledonia was the nasus of Ms delay. Lir. M. Nicholson, the Wust e. dentist, makes the prss.rvttos of the natural Neth • specialty. Cies administered from 9 a.m. for the 004.1... extraction of teeth. There will be a gb1ac t*orphan next Sun- day evening At St. Peter's church at 7 r.tt., when badges and diplomas will be given to the promoters of the League of the Sacred Heart, • society which has 18,000,000 mem 11.r.. Teachers wanted -to ppntnnt,•te bicycles, new and second band. Prima way down. Also a has stock of pianos, e; and sew - ang niacbisea, all of the hest es, at x.s t.-lgrrn,w prime. G. W. 'bottom, Maar,. Four sues of account paper, single and double -ruled statement*, all suitable for ✓ endering account* at this season of the year, neatly printed and put up w pada of one hundred sheets each at very manmade poses at Tru S Io'IAL .team rattling other. PERSONAL PARAdtAPHS. Ilerb t'alliday spent Sunday in IiaytiekL A. Mclarmid, of Seaforth, was in town this week. Miss Nancy Nairn is rising Mi. Bird Jaffray, (:alt. .1. A. %Wilson, of Salifund, was in town on t'nday tut. Miss McPherson' is the guest of Min A. {1'allac.. West -.t Miss Carne Lawrence, of Lacknow, was i tows m Monday. Miss Georgie Martin and Oliver Whitely spent Sunday in LuckDow. Mrs. C. A. Nairn and children ars visit- ing re/stirs.' and friends at Galt. A. McVio.r, W. Graham and Ralph Davis were in Seaforth on Friday last. Miss Howell has returned from Alma Ladies' College, 8t. Thomas to spend the holidays at home. Rev. Hamilton W ay Ie late of Leamiegtoa, occupied the pulpit of North -et. Methodist church ou Su-Idsy evening. Mrs. Moss, of Aylmer, is rutting in God• erayh, the meet of her daughter, Mrs. K Richanlaon, 261 Britannia road. Chas. D. Williams, l'bm. ii., loft on Tuesday for Torouto, haring taken a posi- tion with Sherrie & Co., druggists of that city. Wingbam Times : J. A. Yetis, of l'hi• cage, and .las. Yates, hardware merchant, of Godench, spent Sunday with W. T. Yates, of this town. MARINE NOTES. The warriors of the Meneeetung were out for practice this week. Fishing for the put couple of weeks Mae not been very good, some of the boatget. ting less than • hundred pounds at • lift. Wm. Marlton has finished the boat he had been building for Mr. McKenzie, of Southampton. He is now repairing the fife -boat. Wm. Watson is busy this week caulking the hull of the old tug Myrtle, which will be taken up the lake, where It will be used s • storehouse. Owing to the storm on Saturday the str. City of Windsor was not aide to make this port ea her down trip, but called in on Mm- dy on her way up. The sty. Acadia arrived in dock on Sunday morning with 22,000 bushels of wheat from Port Arthur for the Big Mill. She cleared on Monday for Evia. The achr. Kolfage arrived in on Mooday from Toledo with coal for Peter McEwen She cleared on Tuesday for Stokes Bay to load cord -wood for Kincardine. While • few of our boys were in bathing recently they caught a very curious Ah•pel serpent,wnich. after being closely inepeeted, was thought to be • white water make. It was pure white, and was the first of Una kind ever seen in the river The long expected dredge from Sorel, Que., reached here We week and was work- ing on Friday, Saturday and Monday, het owing to some mishap to some of the machinery on the tog while Doming is on Monday evening,sbe was unable to work as Tuesday. They expect to have twenty feat of water between the Men and eighteen fest in the harbor inside of Mrs weeks if the weather keeps favorable. BEMILLER From our owe correepe.dast. lent Sabbath the Rev. Wm. M. Bielby pr.acbed his farewell sn,so° which was Uatowad to with much inter..t,aad,we treat, profit His text was : •' 1 will give you pastors awarding to my inert," Jr. iii. 12. Lest Friday the members of the Tempr- an0a Lodge had se interesting picnic as be- half of four members who were leaving these parts. Rev. W m. M. Bi.1by, Orta and Willie Biel4, Aad Mies Jellison, who ^mentty reigned her eituorties ae toor is the day ,wheal oa aseellMe d recent dids.l- ttes ooanected wlr lie principal of the school. A. flys •hOM.r *►.nisei *e be rainy, Mr. Seeman hardy awed him bow sod lawn.people susm Sofffnarr viebity d whom soww- j theologian', to di* loneVe con- tent. HOLMEJs11LLE. grate ear owe ewrsa}.d5s. Rev. W. Aysre estsMsd from the Kippe camp andiRg last week A mem d ser pep& are lrykag the w- traaa ummimihM Oh week. A aUrilhirifII*Aim are tomum es the Merle el ire Rem e. Dominoes Dry. Gay Rink► Imp a minable ben.s nae day het week. It dropped dead in the sable. A .sb.r el Qe oiliness ars Nazism to assure hind Mit go many of the wegdey- s e ham mowed away to the Dated ewe. Ned the Northwest, that fanners era .ow saxes.. to swore a N. Tessa . It... W. Ayers lases* a tesampeg hh sae, Fred., *e Detroit, to ..ean a i111ae lee her the loner them. It would be wall If parties Yng at outlook TflfR Wf<i(LY MARKty yPoRT e.e...a 11'.f.a. 1n.nsa anew It mi. _::sees:` • •tae.......» sees ••t awl M ebwk� ! •h e eseaehd.•PA- sees ; t • ... ice..._....._,_., 10" dm anon Oee.eetee. tee. r, gee gall Whist String Whist . ... so S . lent oats110rle1 . � 1a *tali i ............... ............. 1 Pas, ae7iee *pima twister). pee kegei is ;per 1k.) 0 X0 e , le •_ rssdB1 Wool. ..................... • - see • Ulug Pork :sSelte)e DUNGANNON, may Yara.rapa• Prepared tar Menden et The sigmal. iron our oma OOtISS*.ndeSL fucrss<tutl.---Quito • *umbar of me ,pd nue and others in this and surreally country, left as Monday to take in Nae& voodoo trip to the model farm at the Shirt THx W hansa-Waatker for Cann in*. has bow o4.iabla std somas hat rata, oossegaastlii growth at meals outflow* r he **peeeai.Mt.d in oomparie,o with len y� E�taasca Exam -The entrance meshes. dim oameseeed here on Tuesday. Sheppard, teacher at Maitlandville, r tiding ower the examination. Mors p lars next wank. l;OrOT.-Division Court wes Mid les M S•tarday, 18th inst. His Humor, Jdp Doyle presided. The bar was npmttmi by Meson. K. Campion, of Ge sells►, std J. Davidson, Lscknow. The docket eel very light, :Itere being but nue suit. A Guou Hoses. -Chir popular and sem prtaiog horse dealer, T. K l)urnm, u m. m poseesion of w foe looking horse, whir he reos.tly purchased. It is pronounced s be an azo fleet driver. It is aired by Mountain Kiwis and stands 16 hands 6* Ni* 1'stnottaarusa-3% I Ionia, d Ktna*rdise. is new suoeamor w J. Mag. who gave up basins' durietg last week Mr. D. comes highly ren. ---.L4 es photographer, and all who favor hie will their patromp may expect to get a pd facsimile of emitelves. Algoma Flow= PLCCHzD -0a Mee day lout the remains of Gorge, two of Tkta H. Treleaven, Luckmow, were interred e Dungannon cetn*Nry, age 4 years, It months and 23 days. The bereaved paresis have the sympathy of the oammwty is tee toss of their beloved child. Movxw. --Two eons of Peter Camped, West Wawanoeh, near Belfast, have roots. ly moved on to the farm knows at tis Johnston Farm, which Mr. C. pszcbusi some two months ago at a very {a* prat It is situated on 14*e fourth osees..i-, Eft Ashfiel1. We with the year mea trent in thou new locaNm. OaANt.3 0111r1M. - At • lutl.ist of the representatives of the laws the district of Wawo.osh, white held at Dungannon on the 14th, it was decided to odebnis in victorious battle of the Boyne, or •b. 1!• July at I )ungaasoa. -There were a goodly semillird 1/id de fes present from Nos 499 324, 13 7, all a which along with Salt. ford, 14nntektllen and Manc4*ster ledge, are expected to take part in the noel celebration. Weather permitting s gems affair sad a harp crowd esu antiasalut We prs.eme that as we have a. yyd0 .d hatrd of any action towardsoalah.stitt Dominion lay here, the oMabeetios site 12th will .*flies. Ptcsu• -Cin Saturday lett the me.M0 of Duagasnon lodes of A. O. U. W. eel others of air eitireas took ie the pinr which was held at Pedal Fern ends de auspices of that sodst Thy repot hie ing hada good time. lly the way, Deems nos mtemlws looked quite .obhl with they 0501 belga, 0111104* wet., w..r.s.as. tee centro of attraction. The lodge whish Is been but • short time in mimeses is pre growing rapidly. Nrw TaAre,*.-Nr. McDonald, wee in 8. S. No. 6, AD2fi.ld, having secured s position in • 8. S. nearer bom., has, week the permiesion of the hosed of trustee, I0 d eed C. Nevins, formerly teacher sed innerly a Misdeed in Tweeet° Universitet sad to whom refereein a recent lanes o referee." Taut Sloe AL, wee made as having euoe.dd i* tea e9MieetMsi.iag "ccedtho rv0a our* el the first wheel tum gteem1.45* 1M Iti1/eA day el Desemher, ISM We prawn* towhees haw tarda a good shahs. Fwaswut al eiwarot. -it... A. Penile who lm... ilii. week 10r ►i. saw .ppsi► Hast, C11g std arced; ea S.wdsy Y/ pees sol hie berwell ..resew, oohing sib tent the words. Y they are food iefee third epistle el 8t. Job, "i have mope* or jay, d.. Erne widish the m. gslOr Fr: a veerry efeeM,e wed nine ea r' 1,s. '. *, ter dome ersshe held fmille M i dieseene, Ned in *Ma *.°etr114 flu flit.. oke hew tlatede s Yes Isill M ..Mlle. and program la walk a.g ■ 1M troth, whisk would he • source al jo► w 4*i., ad M filer d t►.m h the 4.1.1. Y the nisei el W dh...rw heaffartioUI 1.045 Cha lu.w.id, slier a oar iN I. w Ills- lf.._ pimple depa nes.. sod aMee1 Ind. le Ile. *e.h, e.dst.d his e� ..gay tad .gresbo rrsaaasr, nkat hewY Y w*e.h aato►d. if 50•84171: .9, to I .1j - -. dr..i$ the* M ottdt ia whisk he Meed ffved. KINOSSMOOE. flees our .w. a.ormifasitimtt Mr. sod Mrs. Taylor, d St. Aep.sM sow. the gw1. d 1r. 00..sar. swift end 85.4.7 het ods A. Burrows, d Pro Albert. Eli v and Sunday lest with 60.b . ally Mead ssaistiromwas YMrally beishal �1r1..Y.a11111 fiowegn tee w▪ hielr th..reghly ref these h est a grail (r be fees 1 W. 1. r• 4• (1 I 1' { } 1