HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL: OODRRIUH. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1892. jOHN T. ACHESON SPECIAL VALUES IN American Challies at 8, 10 and 15c. All Wool Challies at 20, 25. 40 and )C. Ladies All Silk Undervests at 75c. AI ine of Parasols wol th $2.00 for .50 A Special line Ain and checked 40 inche3 wide in yards ends $1.00 for the piece a irgaln. JNO. T. ACHESON. NOW TAH33 BOOTS :AND : SHOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cor. E.et-.t and Square. P.S.—The latest and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand. CAN USE ANY WRITING In. G 4 y I q d I/ d i Y •e4 v e o 4 tea d ma f— S GO • d W ao a ix W M 4 1 0 3 a g a 1 HOUSEHOLD. Sid awes.... 'men : i hare bees bsaeatted so much Your helpful Wks, 1 think it i. about . ant me to contribute my mite. I will Iyon how 1 renovated an old drsa.. It s made with a *in ba.q.e and trimmed n, and after i had wort it for over • tr as one of my hest drowse, it began to k (seed •••d thew algae of wear. fie I eel ,t apart and brushed it well, and '..d it wrong side era end made • skirt, u• s front ..d ti,. sides, ..d fall beak 'pity The dress we. green, sad 1 tad- s black V..q,aped fres, bleak seller end The i had a dress whisk did service for ewm rat school, a.d 1 theses it wassum treg s pea reedy red Isrksdye, •ad, ka w d dark ge two 0�k brown aw Mora( sad weehy��k, dyed It a dark °w•- Of oases I as.td net use the bleak *Wag. en I get esu sada half et 1i a coifed g»$ brews end aMi strips Pita• *vie swami Imamails ernni • to arks it keg eeosyb, us fe tsH to dye age The cif 1M ass" woe a1 jibe siri �et.4d,, as woe Me tin frost from the aaier.eres asses to thin sheet two Sieben of the meddle .t s (rest, and .s frees the bit le K shore the darts. met ed the Ilett j �•d� a wh.&rplease el the I the Mewl` �• ..tr.r awe beM SI the eased -*nil. 1 a dries widish would a str- $TRONCI$Tp DIST. THE POET'S CORNER. Jima it SM.1 'When one talks df hsredit•menM, slePte- o:.1 end indentures. Of chattels and of mortgages of chums and debentures, Of essumpsit, debt and anaemia, of tres- pass and attainder*, Of write of habeas corpus, of reversions and remainders, Of attaching and conveyancing, of signing end endorsing, Of femese both sole and 'moved, separating and divorcing, Of .orals of twenty letters, which you'd thine would break hie jaw, Yon will then know that the fellow's just begun to 'tidy law. vice for soother term of esbeel, sod that, with halls treabk wed uvea. 1 think then is n ensenm ler girls pas shabbily tend. whew„ with the .eeieta.es e( hahsen.ad a little pati.ees n od iisraa ,�M ad, m ma be bM cans whisk resembles Aad do.. . early .. mach services Y a sew ems A drese akar will out • weave white will ex- actly dt you. for • 80011 amount livery girl should learn 'sage about drr.maki-g to make her own clothes, at Meet the aw- mos everyday drawn Thee she eta have as meek more to speed for the waterals as it oasts to get them. (ltd baler ma be awe if washed a.d starched very .tiff .ed care- fully premed. it is batt to face it up, on the serous .id. for • taw laches with dark ins er actualise, es that the skirt will b.ag smooth .aid straOt. it Is beet to ma new wares lining. The waist will set heeler them if old ie um& Girls. r.t tembar that • eAsdiem,am p dr, ai- p `d + aria .I.11ily ~be Beed' ep; prettier th1.tbouagn►- seed material will pay bitter la the and, w it esa be made user several teem — Mesa R. be the N..ssk.evar. trepan' Jima. Later.; R. CLraa'T. We boys 'aid run an' romp an' play From early morn till clave of day ; Weed tramp for miles with dog ea' gun An- think that buutin' was such Inn 'Ceptin' Jim. He wax a cripple from his birth, An' wax no sort o' mss on earth, His mother was the Widder Flynn. Who hadn't nary click nee kin 'C:epti■' Jim. She lived by t•kin' waahin' inn. The widdier's face aux sharp an' thin ; Hard work had lett its cresols then. An' no one thought ber sweet ner fair 'Coptic Jim. One day we went below the mill, Where shedders fell so cool an' still. A -fishing than fer perch en' trout. An' no one knew we were about 'Ceptin' Jin, - When someone dame an' raised the sluice An' turned the rush o' water loose, While everything began to go -'n' we were all down Thar below Ceptrn' Jim. He got a pole an' limped eroun' An' pried the tate back to the grown' ; Then slipped - • • • We used ter gather by A kettle crave where grass crew high, All, 'ceptin' Jim - CRISP AND CASUAL NOT LUCK, BUT PLUCK! I HAVE ONE PRICE FOR EVERYBODY ' AND THAT IS THE LOWEST. The Quebec Legislature has prorogued. A Leedom cable a00ounoes the death of the Earl of Harewood- A five-year-old boy named Steel was drowned et Hull, Friday. The Lord'. Day Alliance of Canada held its annual meeting in Ottawa. A ten -year-old London boy named Shit - lock died Friday of sunstroke. The French (:oven,ment desires to hold am bnternat.ioaal i:,cpo.itioa in 1900. Heavy rains awed a sewer to care in at Binghamton, N.Y., killing two men. GeorgeMonteith, aged Z,, dropped dead of beard disease near F.e.ter Friday last The cholera epidemic in Persia is spread- ing to the provinces bordering on the Cas- pian Sea Thirty-five business failures in Canada were reported to Bradstreet's during the pant week- i'el.,.ao, ex -dictator of Venezuela, awl an exile from bio native land, is now en 'onto to Europa Haider and Homier w ,l1 row a single scull ran, at 1lartf..cd, Conn-, on July 0 for 86.000 a .,d,•. l.ow'r Sulphor S ..p is as el.-gant udlet arti�k, said +mss. rod put bs the slut most effectually. Priace Riesnerck arrived at Munich from Vienna F.,day ea.l waw licoordedi an enthusi- astic reoeptima. Prof. T. H. Cooper, manic teacher of Toronto. dint of heart feilnro at Niagara yl.th •'t. rbarrl.y. The National Convention of (;ulore.l De- moarats has adopted resolutions moderning Cleveland anal Stevenson. Then are many indications of worse, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup meats them is .very case lmcase w The atrikiog ifamilton moulders mations to red ive their weekly payment of 111,000 from the , ,tern.tioeal Unio.. The reeved reesptlon at Vienna to Priam i ismerk is spoken of air equal to that ever 000ss,led any foreign sovereign. Karla% tb. b:ood by the use of liithera9 Beef, Iron ..d Wim, which supplies the ussessiey Mood building material. la A break has no.urrsd in the Erie Chas!. went of Syracuse. whirh will delay saw*. ties for two or three days. Itch, mange and serener of every kind, e human or animals, awed in s0 Wainer by Weolfcrd's Ssaiterry Lodes. Tie aevca ens. Hold by 1. Jordan. *-ly en An ds► Dasa1 have used Dr. rewisr'. &A am of wild HwswMrry for ft.mmer arses lalatt, sed after • fair trial have petered M • ono sera beth d my own sus sad 'there ofthe hat oatlA w NOV Deals% Oil a..avf $. mar Ea tla.'tasal,-1 had a heed rhe for. leas time, Aad mein B.nieek Bleed Bitters .d veatieed, I gat • battle. sued N net e.l re- lieved see as the time lint I ta.• tet been beahmed sines with heedsehe end 1 Utak i bate wee the beet of it Miawt■ Huts, Orville, oat I HAVE ONE CLASS OF GOODS AND THAT IS THE BEST. RE -DIPPED TINWARE HAS COME TO STAY. MILK CANS, DAIRY CANS, MILK PAILS, EVERYTHING MY OWN MAKE FROM SPECIAL RE -DIPPED TIN PLATE SEE QUALITY AND FJUCE. BOTH RIGHT. SOME PEOPLE THINK 1 my store is ruled by the lucky star. That theory does not count in the big track which 1 did last year, and which is growing so rapidly. It w.ts not luck, but slier pluck. The foundation of Business is RELIA- BILITY, REAS(►N-1BLE PRICES, CL(,'E: :1TTENTItIN. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOLS. Edervone, whatever their position in Itir, twee' attention and ci%ility, both of which 1 nista upon. 'The careful housekeeper is looking for something to make wof k easy (luring the warm weather, :old 1 hoc,• it. LOOK AT TIIIS FREE TO THOSE WHO ASK FOR IT. I have only a few, but every lady should have one. It is a bright little Book about good Carpet Sweepers ---about BISSELL'S C ARPEr SWEEP- ERS- -that everyone who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a new way. "PECiALTIES FOR TRE HEATED TERM : REFRIGERATORS, FLY TRAPS, WIRE DOORS, LAWN SPRINKLERS. ALECK SAUNDERS, STREETWEST The sale' wise le away k art deeen"t Vie I.1 . hie }Mmes M the sehibleica I. • dealer pmelem—Yeia tl teemem >la —f. aemnene ewes Mo" ea A. B. CORNELL 7.7===, McLean's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL CONTINUES T) CONDUCT FUNERALS AT:HIS USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;rNO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. stl.tl-q A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front as Usual. ION 7 OTWITHSTANDING the loud -toned advertise- ments, ,is beteen in our local paper' from time i to time, and the now atock•phrar•• : " I buy all goods for cash," all goals are supposed to be bought for cash, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do fetter than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my SPRING} PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few day+ hence, which for style, variety and price will he second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one price. �T�^ Draper and Haberdasher. UN DERTAKEFS J_ MROPHI3i9Y ddC 801•T Have added to their present boeinem con of B. J. Naeh's Latest Style Of City Hearses, also the finest line of funeral furnithinse in the county, and are new prepared to conduct funerals at prloes reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by itis .on William, who, is the employ of the tem D. Gerdes for the past ten years, ha. a kaowIeilsa of the beams, end by preempt attention hopes to shays part of paddle p.M..age. Raenaotb•r the piece—WWAet, on yoer way to the pont edam Ohs um a oaf. J. BROPHEY & SON. WHY Iles GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And bow is it that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : '• Small Profita and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hard. 2357-y DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND L.AnGCS BALI IN CANADA - NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS LATEST STYLES. wam.a.r 'este smeary .wee P'efit H. DUNLOP, The Warty' Tatter.