HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-30, Page 4•
gilt Oigaal,
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Advertising Seim
and other (resod sdpNWW.sste, On.
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Ise cords aobss.ueat les.tfot Mises
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eards se six lines sad seder. 15 per
AdvertW.mits of lams, Pound. Htrayed.
Mtaatlo.. Decant. Ntsatlmis Wanted .ad
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AT TMS moon, Mit IT LOOKS A•. IT
there was • stampede ea ..west Lord SAL-
tl:nt-tv'' followers.
ant loyalist& are the first to go toadying to
American visitors when they arrive in
TO.ORDOw TH1 lhrtINlon wILI, ea
r temlig Sae years old, and notwithstanding
ear opportunities the public ledger Is
heavily loade.l on the •' off side'
Parliament will adjourn next weak. 'There
ha. been little public business of a ere.lit-
able character done considering the length
of the session.
THE nm.1Tn•AL nA*.tiK$ Cr OTTAWA
have loaded the dios for the next election
through the medium of the gerrymander
bill, and after the election they will say,
"The people did it."
Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE'S optic with • piece
of hand giegerbread was giving the (:. O.
M. a "loyalist" argument that he could
neither dodge nor hedge on. Still it was
better than giving him the rope
Tile Eli: eons or L..egrru 11 ti E
been •' heckling" explorer ST.tNLtY who is
running .r the Unionist candidate io Lam-
beth. They knocked his nibs off his perch
in short metre, but Dame I),Iurrut came to
his assistance and by sheer pluck succeeded
in rescuing the rescurer of Eris Pasha.
Ter'•LOYAup1,(" WHO wKRE Or "ern to♦
that there were few who espoused Contin-
ental Union in Canada, should get oueinto
the rural sections send canvass the people.
'Mere are no partisan politics in this ques-
tion, and Grits and Tris find a common
camping ground when discussing it. ('on
tinental Union has mane to May.
Rsv. i)K. Poore, or Togo. n,. HAs
been harangting the people on the other side
of the herring -pond ou the question of
Canadian loyalty. Empty vowels always
make lad noises. if Reedier Pores were
offered a better job at a laver salary across
the line, he would lose as little time pur-
chasing hie ticket as did Rev. W. Waei.-
i memo( CAtaoa.
Now THAT e:a.. KR ('LtvrLAND H t+
received the call of the Democratic maven
tins it w to be looped that an sleeting by
the people will be his portion. With
Cleveland in the N'hite How and • tariff
reform inaugurated, Canada would not he
long in wanting to avail itself of the great
benefits that would result frown Continental
Union with the great country to the
Hos. I•.nw .RI, HLAKI RAI. ♦Ali.1n MK
Ireland o contest South Longford for the
Imperial Parliament The bed wishes for
his swam go with him. The Termite
World puts itself in tench with the interest
the people of Canada, irrespective e4 party
or creed, fen is hos mission, by seeding a
reporter with Mr. 111.Aar to wire special
oerempoaderoe with reheesoe to the cam
paign of the grist Osradiaa is the land of
he faders.
Tier f4MAmT ALso. wile (i.1ga. ewe sm.
aerial brevities for the Reoiltel Spgstater
stews that the editor of The tondos Adele
tier w s.I a Oa dlaa bermes be was boa
in P -iM.t By de sages rescalag tbs
tel. pima OsadMsa wee have ream*
passed away–liar JO's MACDONALD end
lbs A,sz..sesa Mattis.•—tete .et
c'.— i-- It's alma ties Tbs aPet milled
larw mom
s ef $16,000 etas ease arr.or.a-
.ted by the (lgverame.t toward inp0sw
MIs for Qodrlek harbor, and $8.000 Our
Pert Albert. Hoe. J. C. PAT- MtuUN is evi-
denNy mating an anchor to windward
A Uovsscusee eremite. tie •lffeleD
baa kers appropriated towards the emi-
.truction d the proposed . Godebek t
Wingh.m R. R., ria Port Albert -31 mike
We are informed that that amount will re-
quire to be supplemented by 11160.000 from
the municipalities through which the line
will pass. The promoters of tte whamm
will presently take .p the question of the
submitting of municipal bonuses, and the
opportunity of this section of Nest Harm
is now before it For the tint time in its
history the scheme is in a workable
shape, aid the opportunity ahold not be
let slip.
The controversy between Sir Ouvtts
Mow (Ti' Department of the Provincial
Government and Mr. ELGIN !Ivens county
crown attorney of Dutferio has made the
question of Continental Union an moue in
Caua,Yan polities. Elsewhere to Tux Stu•
NAI. tbts week will be found the full cor-
respondence in the case, and we hope every
realer of this journal will carefully peruse
the letters from the 1)epartinent and the
replies of Mr. Mvnee
t'p to the present the latter has had de.
cidedly the beat of the argument, and today
is endorsed in tau section by four out of
every five who have carefully considered
the question in its full bearings. From
other ooantiee we have had similar opinions
advanced- some in fact placing the ratio
in favor of Mr. Mvras at ten to one. In
the comity of Itufferin, where the county
crown attorney Is beat known, his conduct
is endorsed and the action ot the
Department is condemned by the three
local newspapers of the town ot Orangeville
in which he live. -The Advertiser (Re-
form) and The Poet and Sun (Conservative(
speaking in eulogistic terms of the man and
his ability as a lawyer and a crown
The government should reconsider this
matter before tical action is taken. It is
coutende.l that the request that he send in
his resignation wan finally caused by be
daring to appear on • platform at \\•indoor
as an advocate of changed relations be.
lwseO this eroantry and Great Brit.
r claimed that such action on his part was
dialoyaL T. Si.:NAi. and nearly every
h meet -minded Reformer and Conservative
in Canada take issue with the Department
on that point., and if the( oiest ion were made
the test in an electoral campaign no Gov-
ernment in Canada that upheld it would be
sustained. Staunch Tory that Sir dots
Tilnwrsun is, he decided on the door of
Parliament that such action warn un -Cana-
dian and in reply to • question along this
line, when the debate on the new consolida-
tion of the Criminal Code was in progress
s mid
" No ; the mere advocacy of a c!. owe of
the relations of this country to other
countries would never be construed as dis-
1f any men to Canada has a •ay in defin-
ing what constitutes treason, sedition, or
disloyalty it should be the Mini+ter of
Justice, representing the Federal power
of the 'amnion, for it is the Federal power
that would he called upon to defend the
land against investor from without or
treason from within. Usually Tile SP:N..t.
endorses the opinion of Sir Olives Mower
in natters of low, but in the present instance
we are bound to rest our case on the
opinion of the Dominion Minister of .lus-
t ire.
And on this line we have yet to see a
published statement sivnedl by the Atty.-
General that he is of opininn that a man
who believes in Continental Inion, and who
has the courage to advocate it on a platform
or in the press is a traitor to Canada. He
has made no such statement, and it would
not be a wise doctrine for any man to lay
down. Sir OLIVER Mow. IT, at the Quebec
Conferenoe of Premiers, advocated radical
changes in the British North America
Act, if our memory serves us, owing to the
fact that Confederation had not been •
success under certain provisions, and who
dare question Sir OLItEii. loyalty. THE
Sea%.1. would like to ase a deliversnoe
from the Attornev•(;eneral on this point.
We have had enough from his deputy ; let
the ('hie: speak. •
Rut the ground is taken in the oorreepro
device that Mr. Myen. has taken the cath
of allegiance. What &bout that' So has
Mr. Soh. Witten, 11.PP'., amd so have
hundreds of others who believe as Mr.
'devote dem They have all kept their oath
inviolate, and resort to no disloyal methods
when they openly express opinions ow pub -
tie flotations. A short time ago the gerry•
mender contemplated the practical didnm-
chiaement of • whole eowaship eta the
vicinity of the capital. Hundreds of the
elm -tors of that tnwtnhip went t. Ottawa
and markt pret.st by their permnsal ap-
pearance and by veins against the iniquity.
Had they gone with utas in their hands to
the belle of parliament sod do.iaaded thaw
r*5. Obey would have teem celled rebels,
lest having ruse as sine to publicly pretest
May were bot -A upon as write moi
their grMvaar•w was eesrpieed •d m. •d the end will be t e down fan al Grillo
deemed. Th... were Maio.. of the pease oweemevs owes. sod they will de wen es
and et►.r. swims seism st die ?revisal
(s. u t a–saBtt this mos who ..ei M
en 'Ottawa bat we hew met heard that the
ebpty thoracis vesesd of Uatarw asked
• of them te amid is Mee resigns-
In the dtiousi-'. elf Csmli—tel Usies
Mir eig.sst d dieloyaky data net ester
os too[ as ties oessieso is diamond is a
oaks, oasseitaticaal .tsar, and as
falstiatfas truss Toronto tan prove to the
oastrary. A. the ores now moods Mr.
Meuse need have no doubt that the homiest,
independent men of lhitarto are et his
back, and endorse the honorable tad
aoar$Q.me tourer wlswk he bat taken.
Emma are fast shaping themselves fur the
making of history in the Dominion of
Carel& and in year' to tome when our
children revert w the circumstaoues which
aided in the development of the sentiment
(pt Continsatal Union and fanned the game
vigorously or, until its v,osummatios, the
worts and actions ot our "later HASP -
MEN " - ELGIN Metres --will be recognized
as most important fawn.
••T7t titAset•' Asti ISLE erii/7.
The (;Iohe bas heretofore been looked up-
oe as a staunch advocate of tree speech and
a free press. Under the guidance of the
late Ecom:& Mow!" it earned a great repu-
tation u a champion of the cause of honest
public exprerion, and it u to be hoped the
counting house policy which it has evidenc-
ed in later years will not be the means d
detracting from its once greet reputation.
The at..ve u written "more in sorrow
than in anger," for it is hard to believe that
the great Liberal organ has forgotten the
legend from Junius which it has ever float-
ed at the editorial masthead, "The subject
who is truly loyal to the chief magistrate
will neither advise, nor submit to arbitrary
measures." In its tint reference to the
M. vis persecution it went out of its way to
lecture the county attorney of Duffrin, and
then bethinking that it had given him scant
courtesy, .ought for precedent to bolster up
its first condemnation.
The precedents cited by The t (lobe are of
no moment at the present time, for times
and conditions have changed in this land
since 1849. Then, the action was taken by
the government of Upper and Lower Cam -
.da, and at that time the Provinces had but
barely started to recover from the effects of
the rebellion which had been forced upon
them by the evil doings of the Family ('om-
pact All that is changed today, and we
want Do such moribund precedents galvan-
ized into life to help up a petty persecution
of a public man io A.D. 1!392
Such precedents and such apologies for
hasty action on the part of the attorney -
general'. department may snit the "loyal
Bourbons' of Torouto– that class of whom
it wet said, "they forget nothing; they
learn nothing" bit it won't go down in the
hack townships. Here we all know that
Ei..rn M4tw• is in the right, for he voices
the sentimente of the large majority of the
people. Toronto u not Canada, and the
.entiment of the Province cannot be aseer-
tetued by simply feeling the pulite of the
pe•lpk of that city.
Frnm The Dulerin Post ICon.1
The offices of county attorney and clerk
of the peace of 1)ufferin are worth on &n &t-
erage not more than :1600 a year. least year
err. Myers received only ?ir133. The person
appointed to the ottioes must be a barrister
in gond standing and a resident of the coun-
ty. He must also at present be a solid (:Cit
and promise in addition to be alwa s ready
to ,lance as Sir Oliver directs. The only
grit barrister residing in 1)ufferin u W.J.
L. McKay, and it u altogether probable
that he will receive the plum. Hu father
was a loyal Tory, but W..1.L. has gone
wrong somehow, likely through being too
much in the company of I frits like P. NI.
Psitullo, and a now eligible for Gnt favors.
He is a native of this town, is a gentleman
of considerable ability, and hie appointment
would certainly be very popular. We hear
it whte that he u an annexationist at
heart, t his convictions will not hurt bim
if he promises to keep them to himself.
Prem The Dedesei. Post Won.,
The extreme coarse of the (lovernmant of
Sir Oliver Mowat in resolving upon the dis-
missal of County Attorney Myers for his
penutance in the public adrocacy a Con-
tinental Union will no doubt be differently
viewed throughout the co.intry. The ad-
vocacy of Continental neon by an officer
ot the crown may be • grave matter,
though we do Dot view it in that light when
it u made in • quiet and coretitutinnel man-
ner, and oertainly the open and fearless al.
rocate is to be preferred to the craven who
harbors nnpnpular or disloyal views but
refrains from an etprewiob of them[ Brough
fear of lotting his bread and batter. Til.
Post has no hesitation in saying that Mr.
Myers' open avowal and champioaiav of
Annexation has not bees i000nsi tort with
the impartial and efficient discharge of his
public duties. He has ablmid fearlessly
represented the crown in this section, and
has to our knowledge sternly @pursed the
guilty bribes which were .t once the
characteristic and the diagram of his pre-
decessor in cillos. The ewuntry u said o
be faire hrme oombed with Brit officials
es ing •few, like those of Mr. Myers'
and Sir Oliver's relent treatment of Dear
erne Chanty Attorney w probably istend-
ed se • salutary wain to ethers. The
Isle laid down by Sir Oliver a that his sub -
oedemas mas uay entertain its► views they
web so long as preserve • discreet
riles. The is truly • cove doetre*,
mod k r manly not one d the fruits of that
Christianity which !lir Oliver ha. recently
hese •xpoesdisg at Wo•dst.sk lied elate
where The Myers episode e M all pre-
babiliy • eeriest setter ter Ord rule is
Oat.rfe. it will, if we .re eerweetiy in.
term<el tars hundreds ef Reformers, hither-
to loyal M Sir Oliver. sanely ageism Idea
i. Ibis prwrw. Tbe •fhir w as Ingrid el
.kssrve • MAO ase ndity sad boort Mir
Oliver Ile ynt u oat wish kis bmiehmet
Tb only Omersieative dot put team
esesseted with the Cosh--- Ueimi
e Bal, Mina seri be is only as an
anywhere.soilminiest who a not wte•sty R
Beanie : ler. Uedtn7 hos disposed ed
his practice to Dr. Wilheime ds.urly of
Ssaf.rtk: C. W. Paps: hod Me nhfor-
tice to sprain W askde triticea was moaned
stopping from • high chair to the doer of
Whybam : Joke Cargill, jr., a Duluth,
Mian., is home on a visit Hos health e
t.ot tie bent, but the ohmage will no doubt
Wadi him. •
Wie hat[ Mn. Crombie Deltas, of this
town, hada paralytic stroke ou Setprday
eft.usoos last, but is recovering from the
effects niorly.
(lutes : W. J. Patterson, Mathe-
matical Mader, was ee engaged for the es
suing year, at • salary of $900, being •
slight •dvann over last rear.
Clinton : Alfred Thomas, of linin, is
visiting his old friend. in town ; be is tleitrg
well in the west, and claims that he ooul
not be persuaded back to Canadian suit.
Stanley : Donald Campbell, of Grand
Bend, has gone to Winnipeg for the Sum-
mer. He bas two sons in business in Win-
nipeg, and • married daughter in Portage
la Prairie.
Seid rth : The Broadtoot k Box Fur-
niture l'ompeny have the contract of finish-
ing • large mansion in Niagara Falls and
Messrs. McIntyre tad Neott left on Moodily
for that plans am artists.
t1intoo . Mr . Fur, r., while preparing
to retire on Thursday night, had the mis-
fortune to break her leg Deer the hip, by
turning rather quickly ; she u doing as well
as can be expected ffoi a person of her N•.
Colborne : lar. Baeohler has sold his
cattle to Mr. Groff, of Waterloo. Tan head
that he had fed himself, averaged 1700 ;
this is an exceptionally heavy avenge. He
seed, altogether, 36 head• that averaged
1440 lbs
Exeter : A gentleman, and ooe wbo Ma,
greatly in favor of having the market moved
to the town hall, says h. is strongly of the
notion of making the council an offer fur the
gram growing around the old market bmild•
ing. This is surely cruel !
'ieatorth : A young man of the mune of
Neil McLean, died suddenly at the Queen's
hotel at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, 21st.
He had only arrived in town on Friday, and
had hired with Mr. Barton, being a black•
smith by trade. His friends reside about 12
miles from Guelph.
Exeter : Tbe young man who interfered
with bailiff Gill while performing duties per-
taining to his ottioe, may 000sider himself
lucky in getting off as safely es he did. It
is a serious thing to trifle with an otheer of
the leo. The bailiff can &treat without a
warrant on a moneat's notice.
Brussels : Daniel Mackenzie, of Brussels.
a former resident of Seaforth, was killed on
Tuesday June 21 He was in the employ of
Coleman Bros , and was engaged in driving
• team attached to a load of salt, when he
fell off the load in front of rbc wheels which
palmed over his heal killing him instantly.
He was buried on the 23rd.
Exeter : Thos. lemming, who, some weeks
ago underwent the painful operation of
having a toe taken from each foot, is again
on his feet. He was confined to his bed
four weeks. and suffered considerable pain.
Wearing tight and narrow toed shoes in his
younger days, is what Mr. D. gives as a
cause for the thea growing together.
(:oderich Township : Mrs. Margaret
Thompson, relict of the tate John Thomp-
son, died recently in Huron township, at
the advanced age of 87 years. :he has for
some time been living with her daughter,
Mrs. Pollack. She was one of the piouser
settlers of Go.lerich township, and was •
particularly sociable and pleasant person.
Exeter: Last Wednesday about noon
death relieved the sufferings of Mary E.
Armstrong wife of Mr. Chas. Neil. Mrs.
Neil had keen ill for over • year, from the
effects of la vrippe, of which she had a
severe attack, heart disease and dropsy
being the direct cause ot death. Deceased
was 36 wean 8 months old, and had always
enjoyeif comparatively good health. She
leaves* husband and small family, and •
wide circle of friends end relatives to mourn
her death.
Seaforth : James Kehoe of this town,
met with an accident on the :doth inst.,
which might have proved fatal. He was
coming home in a light wagon along aith
Mr. Keating who had been raising a huild
Ing at Mr. Fortune's, in Tuckersmith, and
was sitting behind in the box of the wagon,
when he suddenly fell out on his head on
the hard road. The accident took place
coming through I gmoodville, opposite Mr.
Jackson's store. Mr. Keating looked trek
and saw Mr. Kehoe lying on the road tip.
parently lifeless. After7getting people to
see to him he drove rapidly to a town phy
sician's office. By the time the doctor ar-
rived Mr. Kellie was slowly recovering but
was still in a stupid, dared condition. He
was oonveyed carefully to his own boom.
He suffered severely from pain in the head
and shoulders. He is recovering.
From one own corespondent.
Mime Hattie Mahaffy has returned from
Brantford iadiei college.
Mir Burrows spent eatunday and Sun-
day last with friends at Kingsbridge.
Alf. Rennet and Walter Hawkins wrote
at the entrance exam. hell in (ioderich this
Misses Llraie Mermaid stud Nina Gardi-
ner wrote at the leering exam. held in
Goderich this week.
From nor own eorrempseeest.
School will close o. Thursday, the 30th
of June.
Our new hotel keeper likes living here
very wen.
C. M.IIia left last weak for Louden, with
the Lecknow volunteers.
Our Meeker. S..1. A. Boyd iattmda tak-
ug • trip to Manitoba the harem.
The lyses correspondent made a mwtake
i. Ie wet week'. news. He said Pat Mor-
gan bad the minfort•se to .pest hos milk
worse into the gravel pit a
as This was sot e
It wa boy w did not 'mow how to
drive • Mme 1f Pat bed boos &brig. these
would have Mel as upset. The
dost ars oris the gave pet was
wish wee eat the ogee The Maes earns.
t not be it•w'remise psttep-
A I — __L _ tor...
Of health led armpit nosed sad of ease
554 -....J.4 fdielw thew of Ryrup .t
!lam, se n talo M hammy with now, M
dhstraally elliensli the gesso wean
re kilns. _w ods but tles
115. U.petsws M tis '1Y' hlle...IIs
Pia W.".
r.. nr own eew.gedwt.
To Masnros .—Mise C. Dogger. of Iowa.
r e nwaspialittg a viola be M.adobe during
the .ern of Jay.
A Pounv L Vtete.--8. !laws •d wfig.
e1 AaWld. were vwitesg at the proem et
the latter, Sudsy Inst.
A Nast ran Tax MART. - MeV. Mr. Shii-
tes, ou tlmad.y [uoesiag Mot, took M. Ba.k-
with's jimmy/est daughter in W arms and
called het Ethel Floresos.
V A&•ATwE.---Msm.sr holidays oo.eteseed
Ike wreck, red ler gets• time to aro., boys.
girls mud teachers will be able to bask in
the (mushier mad warmth.
SOCIAL_ —There will Its • lawn social held
the I [bursae)) matting at the pretty resi-
dence of W. Cooper. All are welcume,
and a plers•nt time expected.
Lxavtxu.—P. Hayward, who for • cum-
ber et year's bee ken carry mg un imminent
in town in the carnage line, a thtukiog of
rani ovang therefrom. \\-s kuoa nut when
he oo.lempletes gots.
Care. Coox.--t.pt. look, of the S. A.,
was epeadtng • few days with her brother,
A. Cook, of row u last week. lu her deliv-
ery she is Nuent, p,ssess;ng great power,
good judgeuand eloquent speech.
Jute 1N TOIL We are informed that
one of W iugham . largest fa, turns, v oc.,
the Uuion tact.)', came near being deo
troye' by tin Sunday morning last, lot
fortunately the fire was notlye,1 lost soon
swath to stay a . uull•gation.
i Tru. Vire, eta We mast songralu-
lite Mr. t:e.rge Millar, who lives in Gede-
rich '1'ornshop, as his alto very kindly pre-
sentee' him with twins ou Setunlay Inst
He has now a family of ten, three pain a1
twins being among the number.
\'Iirh,Rt--Aniuug those who were vent-
ure our town Saud ey last from •• Wonder-
ful \\'ingham " we noticed the folios tug :
Metra Hill, Keonely, Basil, Helen mud
C....stable, they all joining in heart mid
soul helping the Brethren to perech the
gape -
('ort Aiu, SrE CS. -And w the e,lttor of
Tux (;oDtru.'m "IUNAL ha& been down to
Windsor "stamping " the people as to their
feel( ors .•omeernoue Coetiu.ntal limon We
would much like to .ate him in Ciu,tnn,
where we think three see maty in porton
sympathy with his ideas.
A GoxoD T,rs.—There were only about
six from Clinton who took in the excursion
to the Model Farm at Guelph on 1''nday
last, but they who went report having •
splendid time. Lunch was served freely to
all, awl although the crowd was much larg-
er than expected, there was enough for all
and to spare.
AWAY LOATnsotic For_ --A well -knows
old lady, living about two miles from tows,
can charm the toothache. It matters telt
beer excruciating the pain, when her wand
wafts, it Neon away. There is one peculiar
feature, however, in the charm, the subject
mast have previously enjoyed the rites of
baptism before the charm will act.
Ax Kxruletoi. —Your scribe had an ocu-
lar demoastratioo on Sunday Lat of the
(Mager of coal oil lamps. On. had just been
lighted in his home and set upon the table,
when it exploded with • dull thud, And for
• few moments the nom was pretty well
lighted up ; but luckily tee flames were ex-
tinguished before harm was done, with the
exception of a bad fright.
(korai. Prarrr. —The ltrethren have
been holding very enthustasuc meetings in
Clinton, during the pout week, and great
crowds from .11 the surrounding country
have attended thereat The (;o•pel has not
only leen preached Mut lived, from both a
spiritual and temporal standpoint. N hila
they endeavored in the name of their Mast-
er to administer to the wants of the soul,
they also cared for the wants of the fatly.
$earl's vacant sore was rented by them
and there meals were served out freely to
all who cared to partake thereof. Beds
were also supplied to any who came from •
A Bei CITY. A gentleman drove into
our Lowe on Saturday last and put up at
Lee'. hotel. (ta Sunday he arose and took
a walk''before breakfast, then returned and
broke his fast. Atter partaking of the good
cheer of mine hest he discovered be had
. unterel in by mistake to the wrong hotel,
sleeping the night at Lee's and eating bus
breakfast at Kennedy's. 1►fcourse it mat-
tered not, as he wired have fared well at
either plate. We only insert the above to
show forth the great .limensions of our Lily,
and haw strangers who visit here should al-
ways take the street and number of their
Prom our own oorreepoodene
('herhr is kept busy watching strawber-
ries. Ile is afraid some of them might •' get
away from him.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee, of ('listen, who have
been the guests of \\'m. Lenham, left last
week for their home.
Our new blacksmith, Mr. Johnston, u
employed with J. T. Goldthorpe. He is •
practical man and is giving satisfaction in
all general work in his Moine.
A number of our residents attended the
picnic under the auspices of the A. O. U. W.
at the Point Farm on the 25th int., and .►1
report having had • very enjoyable time.
P. McKean has the Contract of removing
the old pipe and replacing it with 600 feet
new pipe for Ogilvie & Cu at Godeirioh har-
bor, and it Inks pretty well to have • prac-
tical mar of Saltford to do the work.
Fred Sharp, of Listowel, is also • new
arrival. Hee • practical man and is •mis-
ted by Kit Symonds, who has charge of the
culling department at 1'. McKwac • cooper
shop. Patriots can be assured of having
first-cl•sswork sad materiel furnished them.
Wm. Connell, who had charge of :him eM-
pertinent formerly, is now making h•rre1..
Our genial cooper, John Boxall. is mow
oneeiderwbly interested in farming, hsvfag
taken up the vacant property adjoining the
cooper shop, and eneks.d it with at iron
fence in front, with • picket gate and at
the hack with • picket festa. It look., to
•ll sppearaocre, as if John were going to
depart from mingle bee medcess, but by the
look of that picket gate we do not think it
in dro.g enough for two. When John was
hnilding the Mace we noticed Eli in vary
earnest conversation with him, ad if i{li
would only speak he might • tele .stobd,
and of coarse ooagrwtartions wooled be in
eider. -- Poor et
soca.. ism Peeve ed.
A remedy Inc .vary ache and pais, &rd
science throvgh ema-ekee setivity end es-
priment w eecsksetly wasting the a•oren
of her domain. A sow and wonderful dos
ery hse
mesas of
.Cin taw d4Ut.oaa•sd. wiy hem ll a by
reed Prem
pais. Murrains, or serve pais scse, elo-
pements in every easescirsssd Oro no
mese pont
inks. sabseimess
kaisers too moodiest
say, it w of osb. ••••aggishis s m1.
la ww .tj itC- Pereclt lferepliBnelisl fi
pia ranedvstie sant R1. tl.. ' Tvyy red=
*wasps a _ °ma". 'be'' 41'
-, 4i1..' lii,a._sef6ule•',..mar" ,.abla'eC.,,)
Poem ear eels e.rrw{w.dmi.
Gagne lees card any' em the stood. he kb
wereztklg atimelteger last wen.
Robert Matters has his raised &ad sou.
ed. TM Palleck Drat, are to baud psi
Uevid Psnssos and domino, of Mon
wa...00k wens visiting at Mr. 1M
Mat week.
Joel Sana is meanly • brisk boar
the Bell Iona Go It SN. Wks will he Me
bossy lied'
Willies Thera.. hit lis burs mamboed
a ins fosdmiiss Mik soder i. Asses
She. sad Jan Magna did the stye
Then was a box wool bed st Jota.to•'s
as Friday, Both. The pr ssds Mer. hi.a bAo.ut,,
$l6, wish welt towards the Sty ,
Ciao Fraser, while plowing football at
Saturday evesiag, lab sort., broke one
the bones of Isis kg between She kale seg
tb. ankle. Bat Radar manful .dinitsso
asset it is doieg as well as melts he aspselsd,
The Signal
owe more calls special attention to its
Job Prolog facilities, which an nese-
paused oases& the cities for the prompt
and proper execution of all clawed of
prising. A perusal of this announce -
MIDI may some! .ossathing you may
be in rood of, and in nob was we salt.
that ler epesngkrw..M meet w1kct you it
the approval of oar lingoes
IAetter 4‘eads
In this line we have a very large
stock of fine writing papers suit
able for every class of business
represented in this locality, com-
prising laid and wove. linens,
quadrille and other paper*, ruled
or unrulett, as may be required.
•iota heats
This useful size is kept in the fill
range of qualities same as letter
heads. While
Memo. meads
or* not no generally used, they fill
an important place in commercial
correspondence. See what we've
got under the above heads.
;sx shads
If the " pay -aa -yon -go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper wuul(i not he
so great ; but there are some men
who get so many dinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out We dont intend it to,
and at present our stock is cum
plete in this line with four sines
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heeds, and are
the proper thing to send after s
delinquent once a month. Thiry
are sure to fetch him 'round—
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock os
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, earl
the prices will range from iSc. tc
i?2.00 per M. We handle com-
mercial and legal sizes exclusively.
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for AU requirements.
og,v awns
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from tier
plain hat neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attacned
This head covers a large range of
work, from a brawl or milk ticket
to t. nest calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tad,
Lumina* card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by tis
fact that the great bulk of it w
done by us. This line also is -
whtdh our three fa.t.running j*
P' are •hie to tarn out 111/ d
snrprseingly abort time.
ale $\ s
belong to the poster de
alma sad we make a speei.k1
dice—prrrmptnen bring our
in this ewRm t. A notion d .sMJ
will appear in 1•111181.211•L fres Ila
charge when hills for same are et
Owe P v els be IOWA
'*4 ?woos M,
We extend our
ere sad solid& s
thanks for poet itis
...Maumee of td
NZ Oii#T.t
:hest to., t>rtl