HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-23, Page 22 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT. TWTRSDAY JUNF• 23, 1392. Choh.m's bride was ortgt.aUy kilt by the Gewernseeat .ad afterwards kept 1a seder br the enawu maid it was abeedsrd. •.d Tia ken's bridge adopted by the Camay Comma is iia plass. W• find that swing te cheap is keataes of Midge a few panne Ito isgl user the tad Medisg to the ahandea- ed bridge ars stow sempsUsd to go awned by the tree bride-.., whir.*es seelees semis i•smavemaaoe, the diet."' M soil from the town of WmaMla being iscra.esd seven• eoteenthe.1 • toile. From evidence heard at Wiaghmm we believe an agrsrmtsat wee .rade in the year 1880 or '81 by the thea Reeve of Turwberryy, to build • tout bridge ou tbe site of the old bridge to satiety the interested parties'. The work was not flow 00 with uu account of am objection having been entered spinet a foot bridge by ewhe of the parties mow *eking for Its erection. who thea demanded • twelve foot bridge. We had shot .n opint.m was obtained from M. C. Comecon et the June see•ien m 1870, as to the liability of the county in the emit- ter. He advised that the .omnty could not be cvonp.11ed to rebuild graham's bridge, but that tt would not be advisable W par • bylaw closing up the road allowance, es it yy M afford good reaaoo for anniment that pantie. injuriously affected would he entit- led toeooIpeusattoo. 11'e tind thyt motions were introiuoed in the County Councils in the year. 7679. 80-81, meting, to the first place, the county to build • bridge end of terwards to pay the aggrieved parties the sunt of .600 in full of their clam against the county. These motions un each occasion were Jest. On the lost vote taken in 1881 the majority ateeinst the motion wN 24. The committee 'lar been informed that • grant of $600 was at one time offered to the partie• and refused by them, but they can- not find any minute to that effect. We find that the bridge asked for would require to be 140 feet long, and that there are two wash -outs in the grade at the Mouth end of the old bridge, one being 80 fest long and 10 fest deep and the other 60 fee' ''tg and 12 feet deep, and that the tnaiatenaace of that .echoer of the rad would be costly. The Committee believe that the Council, when amounting Fisher's bridge in 1881 were relieved from any cost in rebuilding graham's bridge, and that the township of Turnberry is the proper party, if any, to afford relied to thecwnplatnanta. The Com• mittee, mithough not admitting any legal right to do so, would recommend that to e( feet • final settlement of the nutter, that upon the township of Turnberry under- taking to build • suitable foot bridge and relieving the County of any further rea, possibility therewith, that the sum of $300 be granted to the Turnberry council to as- sist in building said foot -bridge. This report was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. TRS DRAINAGE you tlrTTEL The special committee •p tad at the January meeting to meet with the Drainage Commission appointed by the Ontario Legu- lature reported N follows : All the mem- bers of the committee expect Mr. Mooney, and in addition the Warden and Mr. Oli- ver, met the members d the Drainage Com- mittee at the town hall, Clinton, on the 15th Starch sed following day. That the committee and oommission together went carefully over the Acta affecting drainage acid suggested such changes and additions as were thought desirable. The committee were much pleased with the courtesy of the members of the commission and from the practical knowledge of drainage natters shown by them, we are satisfied that they will be able to frame a report satisfactory to the people. The commission informed the committee that after they should com- plete the taking of evidence • set of ques- tions would be preferred and sent to each memh •r of the committee and others giving evidence, .o that 15,0 questions can be con udered and answers sent in before they oomp:ete their report. The members of the commission expressed their approval of the method of giving evidence by a committee adopted by your council and considered it the most expeditions sed setisfactory me- thod of taking evidence, and they believed the meeting at Clinton the most profitable they had yet held. This report was received and ordered to be printed in the minutes. TIIE HOrsE Or Rtri',.ti Moved by Mr. Promlfo of and seconded by Mr. Britton, that the council of each municipality in the county be re.iueste.l to take a vote of the eleaton at the nett mmoi- c•ipal election as to whether or not • House of Refuge be erected in this county. 1ssr*No COUNTY 11CII.UINut1. A committee composed of the Warden, ('Jerk .rad Treasurer was appointed to look after the insuring of the county buildings and report at the January meeting. LOWERING THC IiTI:Rw••.T. Mowed by R. H. McLean and seconded by A. T. McDonald, that the rate of interest be reduoed to 5 per cent. on loans of the county funds neeggootiated after this date. Referred to the Executive Committee. THE oLD VLA... Moved by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mr. Kay, slant the caretaker of the snort house be inutructed hereafter to have the county flag put up on the flag pole on the tlueens Birthday, 1st July, and every day that the Governor-General proclaims to be a fay of general thanksgiving and during the sessions of the county council -Carried. The council adjourned until 10 o'clock Friday forenoon. FOURTH DAY. --FRIDAY. fbe first order of business of importance this morning was the presentation and read- ing of the report of ems Rut ALIZATi0N Ct,r YITT&L The committee this year showed a disponi• tion to take matters easy. After a couple of sittings and looking over the ground pretty thoroughly, they decided to leave the eivallratidwn the rine as Wt year and re- ported the old table to the council, which mews read. Moved by Mr. Either and seconded by R. R. McLean, that the report of the Equaliza- tion Committee he referred back lo the com- mittee to have the total figures corrected, and that the committee add • column to rhe schedule showing the local mss,ssinent per acne Carried. RICORT or ROAD AND nt,M1E ComerrreL The Road and Kridge Clomwnittee reported recommending as follows That Jobe Car - pester be paid 12S, this being Heree's when of work done by him on drain on b nundary between McKillop and Logan ; that a new bridge be built on the gravel road north of born' : that the read oomminsiouere' report he adopted and that all repairs rsee mmended therein he earned out ; that the petition of the council of Morro be re- ferred to • committee of the whnls council for oneidssatiee ; in reference to the el el a special committee oe l ltrham'. ! o it in recommended that in order to have • fanl setalemeet of the dispute std relieve the enmity of Herrn free" all biters habil. Z, mm to .etruetiea earl meinte.ames d a Zags: mi. this tonality. that this amused pay the in of 8300, which shall be considered es • anal .Ntimmm.R' and, that the mid 8300 be paid by the imposer of this c.ninty to the neer.eter or ether penes entitled to Nasi,e w demo apse Ilio hawks, obstaieed bees the ratepagere b...gited by the oma- eMwetles of the said bridge, as agreement tea•vp.+ trod of by Ube oo.aty suhicitor. Indm.dyiag tale council from any further Moved by Yr.'Colsmau and wounded by Mr. 141% that uses pact of kin spurt re Teensy' be liesrass's binge he struck out sad that no anon be Iak.m at es Nmatter. Lost. t Moved by Mr. Heithad sseoaa.d by Mr. 8esoom, that the cisme of tae report mems tag to Graham's bridge bs sateaded by strik- ing out all the eords after •'thereof," &81.1 sesertiny the following : '• Upon first hattug ubtamed from the township of Turuberry sed tone of Wiuyhaah en agreement err bond to be approved of by the cuuuty o ichor, iademmtyt.g this women from any liability. either past or future in eon necuon with the bridge or road." Parried. The report was then adopted is amended. THE ED(ATIO%At. 0EPURT. The Ktincatioasl Committee reported making the following recommeadatioos: 1n refere.oe to the petition of ratepayers of school section No. 11, Hey, .ell 1. uiw sec- tion No 1, Hay mod Stanley, the committee recommend that His FLOWN Judge Towns, Willer 'oaths, Clinton, and H. E. Huston, Exeter, be appointed Arlin/store in thus matter : to reference to the eititiou of John Schroeder and other, asking for the forma tion of a new Union school sectioe between the townships of Hay and Stanley, the coin m1ttee recommend the appointment of the same gentlemen es above recommended, • committee to examine into the matter ; N to the petnou of Thomas Maunder's and others, of the township of Morro, making that the south haloes of Iota 28 and 30, in the 7th concession, and the north half of lot 28, in the 8th concession of Morris, be de- tached from Union school section, of grey, Morris, and McKillop, at Walton, and add el to school sectloe No. 4, Morris, the oom- mitlee recommend the appointment of Messrs. Uriah McFadden, grey : W. J. Johnston, Mohs, anti Thomas E. Hays, McKillop. • committee to arbitrate in the matter. 'The committee further recommend that township clerks who have not sent fn neaps of school sections and peri of school sections contained in their municipalities, to the county clerk for use by the county council for reference, be instructed by the county clerk to do so at once. This report was adopted without amend- ment. r,yt'ILITATIIO; BUSINESS. Moved by Mr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Mooney, that after the finish of two sittings of this c.uncil the different commit- tees report as far as they have proceeded with the work. t BRIM:[ WANTED. Moved by Mr. l'ox, seconded byy Mr. Beacon, that the county engineer be in- structed to examine the two bridges on the Bayfield concession, Goderich township, known as Dunlop's and Person's bridges and report at next meeting of the council, tind if reported favorably that they be placed on the list of county bridges_ --Carried. leo tv nota. V EETISI:. 'Moved by W. H. Kerr, seconded by T Taylor, that this council dispense with the December session of the county council for 1892. -Carried. THE ISE4't-Tiyt ' Ytw.ITTEL The Executive committee reported as fol. lows That the account of William, Dickson. jailer, for the price of a washing machine for use in the jail be not paid ; in reference to the letter from the same official asking for the sum of $24.50 paid by him fax assist Once during his illness, it was decided not to racemmend any action ; that the county clerk be instructed to send • notice to all the division court clerks end bailiffs that when any books an required by them for use in their others, that the same must h' procured through hint; that the usual grants of $25 be mane to each of the Farm- er' Institutes in the county, each Institute having held the requisite number of meet• Ings ; in reference to the vrant of $2110 asked for to assist in the erection of a new desk -up in the town of Seaforth, it is recommended that this sum be paid when the lock-up is built. In reference to the applications fr,m I;ndmrich, Clinton and Saforth Collegiate Institutes for the proportionate cost of the maintenance of county pupils attending the respective Institutes, N provided by Via 54. Chap. 57, Sec. 31. and su ee.iuent sec- tions, the committee have agreed with the representatives of the different Institutes that they are to be paid the sums to which they are entitled, provided the respective secretaries file • declaration with the county treasurer that their statements are correct, add that the deliverance of the committee nn this subject last January be repealed. In reference to the motions of Messrs. Stew- art and R.H. McLean, respecting the adver tieing o1 sinking fund monies and the rate of interest thereon, the committee recom- mend tat to action be taaen, as it Is con- sidered that the warden, treasurer and solicitor have at present full power to dal with the sinkingof nd. This report was adopted without amend- ment. THE IAtlA1.IZATIUN IIiliHRD, The corrected report of the Equalization Committee was submitted, anal the council, after voting down an amendment by the re- presentatives of Hullett to hare that town- ship reduced one dollar per acre ; a motion by the representatires of West Wawanosh for the reduction of that township by one dollar per acre. and a motion by Messrs. Beacom and Kay, to have Hay township rained two dollars per acre, the report was finally adopted without change. The usual motion, that in the event of an appal from t he equalisation, the final equal- ization be left to the county judge. was carried. 'oQNTY VALL•ATtiR.e. A motion by Mr. Reck, .econded by Mr. Taylor, for the appointment of throe oouaty Taluan::n, as provided by statute, the valua- tion so made to be adopted as the baain for etealizaiioe, was voted down. vor NTT TREAat'at0. REPORT. lite county treasurer submitted a state mens of cosh on hand and enttm-•es of the amount required to meet current expense, showing a braes of 112,900 in treasury, after all claims no hand are provided for, and asking the council to authorize the warden and treasurer to borrow a sutra not exceeding 1120,000 for current eepeoere .hould any portion of it be regal d. He &len gave the following statement of noe resident land cnllectiotu between January 1st and April 20, 1802 . Ashfield $45 58 Colborne 5 07 (ieterich 8 00 Grey 36 42 86 88 Hallett tb Morris ' 909 9ttpbea • .. ..... 179 54 TursW& ane+ 26 22 Ernst Hayfield. 9 00 lineeele...... ........... 9 00 8681 04 Tet Wwseb agervaLSIIT. The %Bowing an the .m.mmts ngeire.1 111111111111AIIIIIIIImmor to be mama by the eternal wsidpWiss as equivalest the legialetiee ssthsm1 Aaktie I1, KW; Colborne, snit 1 terrane. $377: t. f aey, $b6 ; HsiJ,' M51 i &Hein. 1636 ; Hrllett $361 t M.kMiq. *318 ; Msw'- nu, $.368 ; liteuery, 82) 1 i Stepb.uu, iM7 t 'ruckersutuk, $313; r.ruberry , Us- burutly ; 11 est 1Ve..w.it, Fin IBA Wwwuesk, 8257 ; ...kblg • total of dikh011. rat (Vt':,TT raSr1RTt. The Dunt) Property l'ou.mtuee reported having 'sated the jell .ad fouled It dna sod ie e.eel unler ; ear, rak.•.au,o.-nisi eeudry weal' uu}' u.. •uouu us the "'oily 1 uddiug. relenemt:n ler tae J..11 lrsp'si.a's re- port rruorinwo.liilg the tndeleliag .•f the jell, eller ceretut to ee•Ier4Uun It a n- o.lut"..ele,i 1.y the (utumltlee Ihrt a0 action (.c fakeer. 711E rl\.t\1•t Ittr/RT. The Finance Committee rel t tvl easel. mending the paytueut of sundry a.wexuals, mad orae dell. erance oo thi- following nat- ters: The relue.t ..1 M. i...urge Wood, Reeve of limytlehl, t.. have lief a McCo), as mdigeut Iu.ai,v persw, maim.- .. ward of the county, was r..wuuo.ndel, to 1.e [.and quarterly .t the tills of t,100 per aneunm, comnescing June 1st, 18191. The rate of taxation for the ctirreot tat r.cou.meuded is 1 mill and 13 20th& ml the .collo. 00111.11'I LA111. The special committee appellate.' to en- quire tato the clam et the tewuship of Mur - no, '.n account of brulges, touunuuw,,itd tbrt the t.uu.1,11, of Morris 1.e re[uire.l to furnish • statement of the Lunt, character and cast of any I.rei,e or 1.iIdge. proposed to be Iwitt slant • 111 .,.me within th.act un- der which they make their claim, and a certified staterneta showing the amount paid out tun I,i ,l &s lit their uiuniciprllty 1a each year dunce( the last. tell years, givis, length of bridge materiel used and also amount levied ler each year for local purpos- es ; that when the township of Moms files with the County l.lerk the mforu,atton eked for, the township clerk shall at once correspond with the clerks of all the other municipalities iii the couuty, &eking for the eine iuform&tlwu fur the use of this corm tnittee. The committee have not been able P. procure the advice of tine Solicitor uu the interpretation of the Act. owing to his ah- sence, but iutend to do was 'seminary in- formation is furniibr.t the Committee show the justice of the cant of the township of Morris The above reports were all adopted with out amendment. lliet•ELJ.t" E.'t'4 1cerees L A motion to order a copy of the Mun- icipal 11'orld, a paper pubh.bed in St. Thomas, devoted exclusively to the diecur non of municipal marten, for each member of the Council, was voted down : a motion to re.ciud the one passed at the tint sawiou of council ainending the minutes respecting .4- riculturs1 S'citiee shared the sense fate, while one authorizing the Clerk to order a copy of the Consnlidaten t'rinonal Act for each Reeve and Deputy -Reeve, Ute said book• to be the property of the respective municipalities, WIN tarried. After pawing • number of by laws the Council adjourned about ten o'clock Friday tight. The Best knew ■. I►at It NILS -1 cam recommend Dr. Fow- ler's 1.:x4sct of Will Strawberry for Som- mer complaint and diarrlima i have used it in my Lundy for two years for children and adult* with the greatest ..tisfaction. Mite. FR VC. HUH.N, Austin, Man. .1 tl.drva earn mad Akra11.m. ( Atte.', Newe, June 16 --A pair of in- fants have been presented to Harrison Breed Love, who is 70 years ofd, by hu wife, aged 63. They &re believed to be the oldest couple . t record who have been favored in this way: It is proposed to send the father, mother and children to the World', Fair. A rare ter reassip•itea and Iteadarbe. English Spavin Liniment removes' all hard, soft or calloused lamps and blemishes from Peron, blood) sp•vin,curl.asplints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 150 by use of one ieetle. Warranted the moat wonderful Menu ver known. Sold by F. Jordon 48.1y .1mblgne.. remise. New York Prem. 'foveae you like the ending of it asked the young poet of his friend to whom be hal been reading a poem. " The ending is the hest of it," was the reply. " i dent think I e.er listened to anything that I liked the ending of better than ihat, " dews Abet Tama. It is the current report about town that Kemp's Hallam for the throat and lungs is making some remarkably cures with pp0000pk who are trouble) with coughs, sore threat, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Any druggist will give you a tnal froths free of c•et. It is guarnnteel to relieve and cure. The large bott les are 50c. and 11. (7eow ) keep An Eye en deo. Good News : Little Nell --Whet does the organist at our church hey,. a lookin' glass fixed over his head on the organ for! Little Dirk -I mess that. so he can tell the choir wham the arluister is lookin.' la All Caere. Dion Sta11,-1 have used 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for Summer complaints, and after • fair trial have proved it a sun cure both in my own cess and others of the family. LAiR.ATTA WING, New I)undms, Ont. Amass mer WOO. From ltaial.littereea. Charles M. Welch of i►etroit was re- cently employed to take the yearly means of births and deaths in the Fiat Ward in his city &.4 he Teter lel 1,816 of the Termer and 1,270 of the latter. It has bees ds - covered that be copied old death lists and pre • hmby to about every family in the ward, including numerous taehelon ad doyens of old maid& A man with Welch's ability as an enumerator has no business in Detroit New York should have him. A Pleasant I1Mrb arenb. The hest con we know of for constipation and headache is the pleasant herb drink called Lane'. Family Medicine. It is said to be Oregon gon grape nnnt, txlmbised with 00 herbs and is male for me by pour- ing hailing water .wu to the dried roots and herbs_ it u remarkably *trimness in all Mood disorders, sad is now the sovereign remedy with ladies for clearing up the ern- riea ibeggi.ti sell the poukagee et and a - - Maw) 1 IA daughter of Direetor.fieaeral [aria, of the World'. Fair, imnk the prem ear tweed making • tow days ago at Le Salle %min- ary. She reams to hone a pressor far anodyiag hems kends. --Philadelphia Led- gar- .onird'a tenmwe r tam Ilan glirssonst. GALErrs PURE POWDERED E PURllUUT $ThOMOEST, IgIi$T. res. Aems "'Uai10 . meta by Ar IL mews sod 1116 W. obi•. w THE POET'S CORNER. roauewkat TUN. Weary of 'Ise rattle of the waggons on the stones, Weary of the newsboys' shrill exacerbating tones, \\'earl of the ear horse and the tinkle of 1n hell, %Vtary of the people .'n the thoroughfare as well, Weary of the clatter of the elevated trains. 1Veary of the cugne and the cinders that it tains, \Peary of the •' choppers " with their regu- lation aim, \Mary of 1he platfuruu and of hanging on to strap. \\'eery 01 the dirty streets - •Iternste dust and mud, Weary .1 the ash -tort man and thirsting for hi. blood, 1Vary of the smell of gas the broken Uinta 1Vary of the odor worse that comes from weaker, too, 11'rary of the organ's drone and little Gem- laaw, hands. \Ve.ry .1 the paper -covered novels on the stands, \Vary of the showbi Is, on t..e eyes forever thrust, With everlasting pictures of wuinou'e leg rune bust. Nary of the loafing crowds that stand around wloonr, Weary of the dreg parade on pleasant afternoons, \\'eery of the backs and cabs and coaches and coupes, \1-rary of the full-grown men that go to matinee*, Weary of the ogler* that promeuade the at ort, Weary of the laced and powdered women that they meet, Weary of the thought of work and tired of seeing vt'w1e," %Veary of the city's din and longing for the woods. WOOD STAINING Minn) Tetley,, Tra..l.eee. alae, nese. It.. begs.) nae ether nae, It is astonishing in these drys of damns - tion and home beautifying that so little is known about stains, ave the Kansas City Architect and Builder, which proceeds to give the following hints to the ignorant : In the tint place all of the transparent Col- on and *sone of what are called opsibe oolois can be used as stains if sufficiently thinned by the ole of turpentine. Rene &tenon is one o' the most useful, and if mix- ed very thin will give, when ranwbal, the sunny yellow of yellow pits ; and as it .low not *hoer dust or footmark. is most useful in r Summer cottage. Prussian blue makes a beautiful stain If mixed very than with turpentine-- when var- uishe,l it hat all the translucent effect of water. It must beb Prussian blue -no other blue will do, and with a heavy large pro- portiau of turpentine. In fact, it can hardly be mixed too thin, (Inc cannot lay too great *treason the thinning of stains, for that is the groat secret of staining - that, and to apply it evenly with the brush- -and with due modesty let the writer ay that these steles have been pronounced very goal by professional decorators. There is one lovely floor in • certain country house of crimson lake : diluted it makes a beautiful nee : deepen it and you have a crimson. Burnt sienna mikes al nest a perfect mahogany and matches ode's old Chippendale pieces admirably. Raw umber make* a very good stain if greatly &luta', and very thin Vandyke brown on Georgia pine has • particnary good effect. On white pine the umber is beet. The va riatinn in color o1 • stain should depend simply on its dilution with turpentine; it should never be mixed. The walla of OUP room in a country cot- tage which was celled with Georgia pine are stained with simple diluted white. The de- licate blue and pink colon of the wood show through the white with an ops tecett effect which is lovely. The inventor of this decoration has been much &mused by p(aenople asking how such a result could be produced ; it was s1 very simple. Only the floors should be varnished ; the stain on the wall is poet tier and softer without. For a varnish, hard oil finished is as satisfactory es any thing, and is the cheapest. Put it on jest as it come' prepared, and a day and • night will dry it. C. C. RIVRARIm & Co. (io,Ta'--I sprained my leg so badly that 1 had to be driven some in • carriage. I immediately applied MiNARD'S LINi- MENT freely and in 48 hours could me my leg again as well as ewer. JOSHUA WTNAL'UHT. Bridgewater, N. S That string of your finger .lean. " Rung home a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT." lm "sive me tlwy Remit." " it is a good thing," said • man to me the other. day, "to lave a bad heart." " How do you me.." i asked. Weil," es maid " whenever I get angry. or berry too much, or do anything 1a stone, m sealed heart knocks et my ribs,' N Macbeth mays_ In atm poetical l.agnage, my heart, which ie not • stroes ona seta a pan in it when exerted, and fhb tan warns lee mot to tr:A• with it. i take the hint, try be re- strain temper, and to he moderato la tall things. There is another way this had heart hew beer •geed one to ata A .edi- col friend arses tail are that it night ' earry me off any day,' jest as if sty peer heart were as midwinter. • Wil,' said I to mr- i•U, ' if this he w, f W better give my heart te God, get a mew leas, and allow my life to be (aided toy aserestre•.neable. nese of esus l7rymS,ha This will save me from heart-bseakog ergines, .d make sae iaatsmt dew to live or die as OM deter mass.' Yea. it is a geed thing for nee that I hada had heart, fee led's gran has nu - vetted this we.k..m of mite eirength.- Ayer's Nair V1gir 1 din " ideal' Hamster tag. IA re. stores the endue to hall' t psoas • freak and olgaro growth ; Mavest@ Use Ionisation of dasdrwll matts the lair Croft asci Miksa; turd imps • deb- ases but lasting per. tons. " Several months ago myhair 00ar mesfalling est. .ail in • few weeks my head was •loon hid. I tried snag but they did no good• 1 Aa - toea nn s • toe of Ayers Mar Vivo, sad. aper !Wag only • part of the sew team, toy Mad was covered with a heavy growth of hair. 1 r.eommsad your tion ne the best le the wmeid 7. MMetday Shama Grove. Ly. " I have sed Ayer's Hair Vigor for s number of years, std it has always gfvee me satisfaction It te as excellent drew - tag, tag. preemies the heir from taming gray, insures its vigorous growth, .off kegs the soap while ..d clean." - Mary A. Jackson, Salem. flame. I have used Ayer's Hair V for the growth of the tobr•fli , and It a.equ•led. For the hair to rte original color. and for a firma . Ing K cannot be surpassed." -Mrs. Geo. L Fever. Raton Rapids, Mids. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is • moat end. lent preparation toe the hair. iI speak of K from my own experience. Its en promotes the growth of new hair .ed makes it glossy and soft The Vigor 1a also a tare foc.daedruE." -J. W. ►tenon, Bilflor " Itnqudrsr," McArisar, Ohio. " I have teed Ayer's Hair Vigor for the pant two years, wad found It all it 1e 7:e repeamsetad to he. It restores the nate- to hair, casket the hair to grow mel end keeps 11 soft rad Waist.' fDay, Oubboea. N. Y. loin an he fror. IIS m the tout rop sd hills head After nae =oath's trial of Ayer's Halt Vigor the hair began comlog, .ad. la three scathe, he had a fine growth d hair d the n.toral oo)or. "-P. J. Calla■ Saratoga Spriny, 14. Y. Ayer's Bair Vigor, .wa&*D IIT Dr. J. C. Ayer et Co., Lowell. Mall. 1004 by Dragnet. asci Perfume& '!'hc klhe.liv,s., .dowager is still a leauU- ful .omen, with a magutfireit tom pieuw, boot eyes anal hair of & reddish tinge. Notwithatendini her power over him, ebe never &t'erupte.l to assist the late klnenive in the affairs of the nation, confining 1'cr self strictly to social and domestic duties. Men, permaturely aged er broken Clown by over work, er suffering (roan eiee•e.'. er indiscretions will find Dr. William.' Polk Pills s positive core. They apply the material necessary to build up ,the blond, and neer• an.) restore the shattered.ys- tent. Sall I,v all dealers or sat ea ereeipt of price -50 cents a le,. or am um"... fur 112.50. Address Dr. 1Villiania Ment. Co.. IK.ckville, (hit., or Morristown N V. 1 Umberto, king of Italy, has oily one child Victor Emmanuel. !hence of Naples. Tn this youth, who is hew in hie twenty - thiel year, may dm,-mnd the lea -tehtp o1 a patten that has duriag recent years de- veloped ler army mod navy mole r.ptdly than any other. He has too recently em- erged from tutelage to have nate ee yet any decided impression upon his contem- poraries Me wife and self hal dandruff and Inc. of it. accompanied by almost continual itching of the scalp .1nti Dandruff entirely re- tirely relieved us from both annoyances and we think it the beat preparation known to clean out IMlwlruff, tone the hair and act as a dreesiag without giving an unnatural ap ['enrollee. L W. Keowune, Conductor et C. i'. R. between Montreal & Newport., Vu. 1 Ilibillas Miriam ATENTS CAYEATA$I 1 g, miaow PATI tt1•i/ pkat e eetOteFViIICaWTs, e... 11111 a Crn i a♦DA itWAT, . inti Yong, Plies berme 7n. emeierhie patents In Americas. ib. pn• notes thein ffrree ormbefore In the cif CIcutific American -.arrest eir.ebn.m M ay seeemwtme neper M Me S$en t.et nisaf 1lfte err Mea .h.w,M I.e elthnttl It. e 1'- }ate +ir MAI nes moths. __Ashram rYtfltlre 1 • uussoss.inmoseser era. JUST OPINED OUT _ -LAT R. B. HOLLANO'S DUNGANNON. Another consignment of new and choice lines of PRINTS AND SATEEN in all the latest patterns and color• for the Summer trade. Ala. a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES i)irect from the manufacturers - lought at n aacriRrn price -- anti will be sold away un tier regular value. If you are in want of something choice in WINDOW SHADES, i have just what is required at prices .eoond to none. Quality of cloth and style considered. PAINTS,OIIS 1 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Always on hand. Extra value in Family (iroceries. Patent Medicines a specialty. The parch/using public will find my prices bow am the lowest, nom- pared with those of other houses, and priors marked in plain fig - Urea. R. B. HOLtLAND, DUNGANNON, ONT. The Signal eras sacra ca1M Job Freels; nee, wbiice are to passel oataide the shies 4 the mad .rtar maedarelisa of all dare , prat al g5/A perusal of its atunosee rens r monis.& eeN lotag p.m eai be d ...d d. ais such cu.e ea sol at year ppa.teosage, fed/tog c.u84sat Ur,,, our *duets to plena will onset with the &pproval of our patrons -Lttkttr \Cah\s In this line we have a very 16r^, stock of tine writing pap ;t1 alit able for every class of husitie., represented in this loselity, eau, prising laid anti wove, Inert., quadrille and other papers,"deli or unrulemd, es may be required -Rote i\eat\s This useful size is kept in the fen range of ttualities saute as lone' heads, 3% hide U4t1 0. \\eatJ►s are not w generally used, they an important place in collutlertio correspondence. flee what we i,. get ua(ler the above heeds. I3M\\ ii\etaJ►1k If the "pay-as-you-go" plan mets the order of the slay the demand for account paper would not F. 00 great : but there an sonic moll who get so many Banners that they wormier if the stock will ever run out. We don't intents it to, and at present our stock it nom pieta in this line with four tint Good i .- Goor! paper and neat ruling. E\taternems Ilotll single and double dollar, and cents columns. They cows cheaper than bill heads, and an the proper thing to send after A delinquent once a month. They MR sure to fetch him 'round_ sometime. 1.txve\o\%es Now, it would be hand to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on baud. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 15c. to 12-00 per M. We pantile, com- mercial and legal sines exclusively C• rt !►\ars We Aiul to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in thia, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cool and pencil atta heal l` arils saA IA 7%ac.ets This head coven a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to o neat calling card, from an or ilinary admission ticket to a fast\ burintwe cant or a handsome., printed membership ticket. -Closter's • Our facilities for turning out th. class of work are evidenced by the• fact that the great bulk of it i. done by ua. This line also tr. eludes .Uol\2ers which our three fast -running )ci presses are able to turn out in surprisingly short time. \3a\t 13%\\9. belong to the poster depertmen' also, and we stake a specialty of them -promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of ask will appear in Tits SIGWAL free d charge when bills for same suer here. nb .tat‘Ohs to an "At Home" or a weabliIi require considerable taste in stilet tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and brit samples to be had. (]all and ver C treatUsty t:MOX ? iM11\ mot, has already been partially enum- erated in some of the heads above There is, however, a vast amount of work under this hpasi that to enumerate would more than take up the entire vacs occupied by this 'idol, but we do it all at Ti* 131efl!At.. 1 #\\ Kmd.s W ooh in the typographical printing lir can he lone in this emtablisblfeat in an expeditions and artistic manner and OUT N. ruts sift•\\ \it, jov►dti bens rtasoub\e. We extend our thanks past fa' ors and solicit a castanaaneee of d'e WOO T tVE %A C1114#1.. Goosiuca, or