HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-16, Page 7PA1TERNS 1 jjadrei & Porter! MKN PO1NTED irmitarars PILT17418. + * + s the only perfect -fitting pattern terns on hand. I not in stock will be procured in D sheets monthly to customers free. 1. 1 continue& Tica THITBSDAY. JUNE 16, 18i2 • HN T. ACHESON SPECIAL VALUES IN American °hales at 8, 10 and 15c. All Wool Challies at 20, 25,40 and 45c. Ladies All Silk Undervests at 75c. A line of Parasols worth $2.00 for $150 A Special line of Dress Goods in lain and checked 40 inches wide in gyards ends $1,00 for the piece a bargain. i:vit.717.;. NOT LUCK, BUT PLUCK 1 &UR & PORTER, ilephone Exchange, Court House Squats, JNO. T. ACHESON. SOU SPED 111088181111 Mauer Pt ...awn 1), The olel rvh,i6,yeu:sa f It for heeser-elosemap. Llinter:Metel Potids, !For all meat sem E. LA e. Moth ClerapAor, for propiectipy furs. Ilsurifrea B Air'aSemaparillet, BAB. avid ail Iced* pm, . THE CHEMIST. 011111telfiT TO Toss War. IliTISTASE003 rrs ACTIO. I HAVE ONE PRICE FOR EVERYBODY AND THAT 18 THE LOWEST. SOME PEOPLE THINK may store is ruled by the Jacky star. That theory does not moot in the big trade which I did last year, sad which is growing so rapidly. TO wax not luck, but sheer pluck The foundation cot Business ic RELIA- BILITY, REASONABLE PHICEB, CLOSE ATTENTION. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOLS. • 41.1••11110 Pat CRAMPS. citrus. coLic, DUUtRhCall„ DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, 011 LOWEL COMPLJUNTS, PIO MCKIM' 110UALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Caenae Choleirarnd Riau el Corrtpla.nte • Haat L magicu". itcuros In a very sti..rt time. TUC 111LIV• rAMILY Pinetall r011 BURNS, 7.2UIS=S, SPRAINS, RHEOMAT!Slill, NEURALGIA and TCOTHACHE. 004.0 efearwassess AV Bee • esorrao Sesiese Oameaddle seit - IN TOP WITH FOR THE CARDEN 3E OF IMPLEMEIN173. rest stock of Lawn Mowers ever the place will suit every buyer. wn• Agents for Rudge Bkyoles the best. (INSON & Co. NOW TAU BOOTS AND SRNS kelt and Beet SS DONAGH has just ed from Detroit and with the latest and ri Spring Millinery, pleased to give the T experience to the ierich and vicinity avail themselves of L R. B. SMITH. , March 23, 1892. FOR ENSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING. cor. sass-ia. asd Square. P.S.—The latest and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand g MOINIESTO lens Osnedne es Wm. easeserse% fiem Pameme. et IWO CRISP A140 CASUAL. Hitie deallos have fanned a natiosial 110- maisties at Lineage. Nicholas Bird, a laier el Wichita, bas challseged Judge Reed of the Dietriet Court to fight • deal There ars many radiestions of worms, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup meets Owen in every owe succeed ally. lea Emilia Scott, aged 15, is under arrest at Nertibero, Mem., to shosees and 'allies a thirtesnyear-ohl boy. Otesaiseal dam al a geed cathartic like Burdock PUle are messeary to keep the Mood pare and the body healthy. les A eyeless streak Cleburee, Tex., Senday deseeliakieg forty -two boom Sev- eral persom were Waned. Enrich the blood by the use at Milburn' II Bed, Iron and Wins, which supplies the necessary Med handbag material. The Canard Steamship Company aad Laird's shipbuilding works of London have decided to send exhibits to the Chime fair. Inspector Marsh of the co Detective Deportment has been seminded soder chore el borrowing money ea • eambiers indoressmeat. Themes Moore, wanted for murder ea Busts. was Mot to death by eithme at hie old bone. Jericho, Mo., who wasted the $1,000 mined. A youth ot 18 hes offered himself as • victim at • native km at Madras, ludi% to be inipaled ea • book awl im- pended in Await. A play reeestly pet ee the .1.5. .1 Milan, in which Ramat* the mantles% was typified, hes been withdrew% owing to threats of marchista. Itch. nosy and scratches of every kind, es human or animals, cured in 30 manatee by Woolferd's Sanitary Loess. This never tails. Sold by F. Jordan. 411-ly The Appellate Court in (Mew has sue - mined the will of John Comer, which snakes a province for a blowy en the meth side in Chiosio to met alma $3,000,000. James Ostrander, the delanItiag tresearer of the Meter County *wisp lostitutem, was rearrested at his berm lato Meader air aed resented to his old quarters in IE PUBLIC, ved a very chola, lot d USEFUL RECIPES. in a slew oven, as a battered pie plats; when light brown, ton it out sad serve at Fried Hemaess. -Peel, roll in flour sad cow !r) ei deep, hot fat -ming • ferias basket Coned Owe Opstera-Chop • caa of -te • golden brows. .S. with powdered own Gas • add 05VVis and salt to taste, two eigar or foam Magi. Hanna Pieddiag.—Ciet spesisszkeisrik; dims, sad is • gime MA pet aye of cake and • layer el elioed bana- n a& Pour over a soft ouseard flavored with Mon or orange juke. Cover with a n olagee. Doughnut& Ow cop sugar, three table- •p0004tila melted lard, two gm, tempsonfuls cream tartar is the Gear, one teldsspoonful a soda in • piat el milk, • Peek of salt, flour 'Dough to mike • sett dog* Rept Pickles for Wine/fr.-Bel die beets until tender: shoe while het. To EMI, half gallon of vinegar add one mem cup el stew heil tug/ether and poor over the baste while hot. Add white mustard seed 504 705 have • nice pickle. Graham criddie Cokes.. --One pint el sour milk, ooe beaten egg *Woe with two thirds sifted graham flour, the other third wheat flour, and one tonspooefel of ends dissolved If sweet milk is used Aft a leaping teaspoonful baking powder with the lour inetemai of soda. EAS! IMMO 11111heesime „ tr AND JAPANS ISM sgal se bug Pound Cheaper dims. • trial order will eon - rams. of this assertion. , 001/TEE obtainable. PRICE & SON. ; Apple Core Starch Paddies. -Tart v- elem, itewed with very little water until Pulpy. evreetened, arid Chickeeed with own sturch,matte nit," pudding to beasts* with ,Team Rhubarb is used ra the same way. The corn starch mast be disonived in • little ,uld aster heinre adding it to the boiling hint, A G.wwl Rice Dessert, -Take one quart of 'wen milk, two thirds of • imp of uncooked nee sad a little salt. Put this in rem set them in • steamer nYer a kettle cif hoilleg eater, snii mink until the ries15 Omer* like *if • When cold turn out of cape, serve W ith Nies, tad cream Savored, or pudding Owe currant Rireakfeet Oaken -Pot a half teacup A dried awned& hate • Meader raid an is dish In the water wiU Ass:above en currants. thee nib well and drain. Take ▪ oleal grotto el areas re the best am mtalyel sail inIx with water. Bake in • lottemi tin about half ea hear, but do not hrntrin Fitt with better. hived Moth Oiaellet.-One p151 04 bread evernhe 'Lad half a very sumll mho slopped spneriful of milk, • of nutmeg. very 8... Seat twee, light, add • Ma - tad salt liberally ; a lump el bates= 11116 am egg. Mix all together end Woe Milk oat 44 flow rod two table- seeenfals el meshed butter; ask well Have woody a kettle O boiling fat, drop O • spoonful el mixture at • time and wok to • &MOM brews. These are Woe as ea ac- cobt=iineet to mot% or for a passable dish. 1 HAVE ONE CLASS OF GOODS AND THAT IS THE BEST. Everyone, whetever their petition in life, deserve attentMn and civility, both of which I insist upima. The careful housekeeper is looking for something to make work easy during the warm weather, and I have it. LOOK AT THIS FREE RE-D1PPED TIN WARE HAS 0011E TO STAY. MILK CANS, DAIRY CANS, MILK PAILS, EVERYTHING MY OWN MAKE FROM SPECIAL RE -DIPPED TINPLATE. TO THOSE WHO ASK FOR IT. I have only a few, but every lady should have one. It is a bright litUe Book about good Carpet Sweepers—about BISSELL'S CARPET SWEEP- ERS- that everyone who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in • new way. old were drowsed mar Forest libeler, his wife wed Mess -yaw - City, Ma, while trying to ream riballes sixteen-year•old boy. Five children am or - phased. ma obliged to enter meseotionsa tVhbrie The bond Pato whiek George Westinghouse contract for %Main the World's Fair with electric lighta was reduced km $1,000,000 to 000,000. Tillie Ludwig shot and killed Walter D. Clark. her repected lover, in Tracy. (al. For wenteding Clark when be me on he way to kM Mies Ludwig. in April, the girl's brother is now ma trial. The services of all Dominion immigration 050510 from Victoria to Montreal win be with July 1 The Dominion lend assets ma perform the wortogittirest mosesey in expenditure will be It is essiested that • specific may yet be found for every ill that flesh in heir to. However this may be, certainly the best specific yet foiled for diessaes of tbie blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and nosi dames originate from impure blood.. 1 At • meeting of the trustees of the Johas Hopkins University the tees O the faculty was inin:de7bliorpme:. femora. G. H. Smoot% *.IL; F. Fraaklia, Pb. D. • Hoary Wood, Pb. I). To be col- legiate Profs/mere. F.dward Rentief, Pk. D. To be associate professes% Aadrews, Pb. D. W. B. Clark, Pk D. " My father, at about the age of afty,ket all the heir from the top of bin head. Alto one mooth's trial of Ayer'. Hair Vigor, the hair begin corning, .04, 15 three methe, he bad • lee growth of hair of the natural color." --P. J. Callen, Saratoga Sprees, N. Y. It Is The sow. Here • little iseident whisk may hap- pen is filso Promise Onset my Wm seder thiron=ioe 411 the Adams exehmive law : " I beer a new Chimera bee ar- rived at year hoes without asesenting for Omen 1. 11. meigrelien edisen." Ah Weag-" There boa" " bus reberned mersimat Hes be ever been is the mentry Ware? "He bee Nat." " Then I suppose yen Ono it is maim' the Ow far hint to stay Owe." " I did not know it* " it is se. Prodaos him." "Dos he is rely • baby. He was Irmre this meraing." " That melees* dilemma. Unitise hems pave • previous residence in the Coated bates he will have to be seat Me to the country where he mine from. The law is explicit." • Bayfield: Mrs. Samuel Hannah, is., mother al Mew J. T. Dickson, a Goderich. died as Saturday, May 28 Mrs. Hannah bed maid the pipe op of M yeers and within • few year, wee nnuenally active. She was a hied and affectionate mother, an obliging mightier said • worthy calm. The remains were interred in the Maitland bank cemetery ea Tuesday. May 31. - Minerire easensent te Maar Ihriewer. SEE QUALITY AND PRICE BOTH RIGHT. SPECIALTIES FOR THE HEATED TERM: REFRIGERATORS, nY TRAPS, WIRE DOORS, LAWN SPRINKLERS. ALECK SAUNDERS, :MIT A. B. CORNELL' —TU L3LDISS-- TTINTIDEISMA2=01%, McLean's Block—ft the Spare—McLean's Block, STLLL CONTINUE" Ti CONDUCT FUNLItAla ATMS USUAL WW PRICZS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to 've Aim a call and save money. Prompt attendance. .1160 CHARGE FOR 1TARAES. Melba, A. B. CORNELL, on the Square. To the Front as Usual. A leents shwa "What dose your husband aor ..ked a traveller out West of • elattemly Irolinsil whom he found lives in • little old cabin hi the baokwooda "Well" was the reply. "has me el these heady gifted sem e per• son, my me le Ho kin Ost tare hie hoot se anything. He's e lellookansiSh by per- fuelea, but he cooked in a restMet is town meet o' km winter. &MI he elle kyorpent- oriel end palette' all spring, and then he lectured re tanip'nusee unAl be got • Manes to run ea Olin* ter a mouth or two, and thee he dog wells mil hues wall PoIN.fr °nth 1" a flood elimme to lay beim at three dollars • day." "And what is he doing sew"' asked the winged aumag- sr. "Teach's' singue-school; bet be allows to give it up pretty seem end go to emetic. to' mediches. He Ithe do anything he's • Mad to tent hie bead to." For the peat year 1 have bees troubled to • very grew extent with dandruff, also, • dullness d color in my hair and thro' the advise of • frilled who spoke trete Imperi- ous* (I teed your Anti I teedruff, whinh epee the appleatise of less them • WOO of yew Slog I led my head apt °sly thereaglily simatted but a met improveneet is tee 'else sod growth. bellemik tied 4. reensnemed it ea highly to the preheat°u end pubhe peer - ally se an agrerahle and voltam improw Mee is the remedies put forte for public fa- llow% bn. Wis. P. Wein% Advertises/ "?Mak I)ssaids Cs." Season UM -M. WHY OTWITHSTANDING the loud -toned advertise - N ments to be seen in our local papers from time A- to time, and the now stock -phrase: "1 buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought BECAUSE for cash, and I am one of the few who buy for spot I cash or on receipt of goods. Thoee who are in a position i to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who I buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am I receiving portions of my Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap I SPRING PURCHASES i And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to DUNN'S none I am nct afraid of competition. BAKINg POWDER He finds that it pays in long run. His motto " Profits and Quick turns." He also makes a specialty of __ picture framing. (live him a call before purchaa- ing elsewhere. Embalming lPiaid always on Wind. 2357-y the Re - Strictly one price. We air* the Glesawes laihe H.u411 learned many thingi while toiling in a blacksmith's .bop A hie, the world renowned philosopher, was a physician in Scotland, and he got his phil- osophy. or the chief part of it, while, is • physician', he was waiting far the door of the sielltrones to open. Yet how may there are in this clay lirlto my they are so busy they have no time for vegetal er spirit- ual illiprovennwnt; the great duties of 10,11 eras the fietd like Meng reopen sod sorry el all the bows awl Lbws is rely here sod there a figment left that hi ant worth tarAli, my friends, you could go e busiest day and boniest week of your life and fled enlive mpnrtenitima, whit* gathered asicht at last mak* • whale sheaf for the lord's gamer. It le the away .pportivabtls. and the stray privileges wbosk en up sad broad together sad bastes es ISM Ohre SU you with me\ ley. -Dr. Tsi 11084 1VramlISC), Dreier and Haberdasher. N D ERTAKERSI 2114.0P1 -1 -M -St eht Eta/sT HaVe added to their prevent business one of B. J. Nash's Latest Style of Cllty Heeirsee, also the Snead line tJ funeral furnishings in the county, and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by his son William, who, being knowledge 1.4 the heehaw, and by prompt attention hopes to share pixitiTure in the enmploy of the late D. Gordon for the pert ten years, has a pehlic patron/Jr Remember the pima -West -et., est your way to the poet oinon. Mee is a oan. J. BROPHEY & SON. THSWIREERMEM NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS LATEST STYLES. ftemeante to be cleared out, Merest aed slimy shams. H. DUNLOP, The West -et. ISOM