The Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GVDRKIUU. Wr r., TRIUWFa s, 4 U L Ji W, avis. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. 1 NAVE aaCULED • JOE LOT Ov IIDIES' AND CIIILDREWS HOSE (ALL 8IZ) IN COTTON AND CASHMERE. Taw goods were bought at less than manufacturers' prices, and will be offered for sale NEXT SATURDAY EVEVING i Remember, after 6 o'clock on Saturday you can buy hosiery cheap - gr than it can be made fcr. JOHN T. ACHESON. • • BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH. A rovm. aas 'ow TME GUIDING TO HEALTH. r .Sneers CU POR LTi*fitA, SONOTLILLOSImmrWAOD�1•► J TION, LD BLOOD, 1L>t1EUNLATEIDI. IIMAnAOL'y NOM HII><O=/, JAUNDICE, tad all dist: ses arising from a disordered condition of the !STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS ,JO BLOOD. B.B.B. acts on all the organs of the body to produce regular action, to strong::.en, purify and tone, and to remove all impure accumulations of morbid mama. from a Common Pimple to the worst Sc:ofalcus Sore. Thousands of reliable men and women testify to its good effects in the above diseases. 1s it not worth at least a trial in your case 1 Price $a per bottle, 6 for $j, or less than rc. a dose. DIRECTLY TO TME SPOT. IISTA$TIgIEo5S iX iTS ACTIO. Per CRAMPS, CHILLS. COLIC, DIARRhOA. DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all DOWEL COMPLAINTS. KO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bow sl ComplaInt• sus ct Is It corns In a very snort tiros.e THE BEST IMAM,/ REMEDY FOR BURNS. CRUISES. SPRAINS. i HEUMATISM. NEURALGIA end TOOTHACHH. goon dvsr weesee. erg sea • aovT a! H...ie 04 oosmaMm ass I.gmYma - NOW TAK13 BOOTS : AND SROES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cr. East -et. and Square. P.S.—The latest and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand. lAt STRONGEST, VEST. • HUMAN HAWKS. setas Traps tie the Tawary Reeerlbed W seeerseve grew. Frans The Montreal Witness. Tma " noasa ,.Yr." There are many things in connection with the business in which I am interested, that cams before us in such • wanner that we pe.. Mete err whew meter blahm se "nee a his deem the she " dews M Ba. at dirt pies.' As her easel re week, d e.s omit afford weak waning. make the Milds ams ink " dinner arose " or deem../ Men — t+wis..d ae de/.d in • miente, sad pee atm bee ler week ties r tiger be their freellog and vane/Nag, and myiag le prowl& other 'employments lir dent. As for me, 1 sewer feel any .air ahem* them as mends d• both health and mesh, than whoa, deemed i. their dfasf.R ..susses and armed with epos., iaaadd their t spas the pile af di begin •.d I haw that seeml hours of leisure probably await me before they will tire of iL Ol earn they will came in looking like riblimarsmesps, and almost have to be put esti se bshw I shall ktrow them, but the odes poem wool lake heE, sad they de ib w -arid is that .sl) hos W a A/alba &me mothers will mill.e hews d _.aster to dkug the elides Reeky dratas,whlub will afford little pleasure, ofd begrudge the little it takes to hit them have time a deed si jt!! as a mL t' la time . little .eW1i�s alma[t ! Ib we we think re mane of tihelt gifteaNal .m we do of our pride is their proefiks001 The re always ...,.lusted, too, .Peen the dirtt. Dime is no other blain wane are Lem Intel and quarrelsome. r happier in each ever% company, sad I think it helps to esMb+te cheerfulness and conteat- ment lime is absolutely nothing to be bre.ght upt it except tie ma Smeaat of trop l! it makes, and oar eel ie pride in their white dreams ; .o my verdict a uobeeitatingl in ill favor, for I always believe u taag a child a coveted enjoy - west atai.st, which there is so valid ob- notion. otter feel it would he • pleasure to impart the knowledge to the community, and above all these things, the subject a news- paper advertisements seem to atasd out ea the most important. 1 wish to notify the unseepiogae portion of oar people with re- ference to these. A day or so ago there ap- peared in e.s of our Mootreal papers a horse dealer's advertisement describing how. tkrwrh sed misfortune', • gentleman was compelled to part with his steed, which could do • quick mile,•nd mat have a rood home ; it would be sold cheap, but w horns dealer need apply. The advertisement was likely to catch the eye of person. inclined to buy a good fast horse that they could depend upon as hav- jag belonged to some gstlemao, who had met with a sed misfortune, but, unfor- tunately, this was inserted by one that is known to the officials in this city ae • "Horse Gyp "- one of • class of criminals who aro, perhaps, the most dangerous be. cause they ply t heir crooked business in such • careful manner as to make it hard for the mealier of the law to rrch them. 1e the principle cities in the United States they are looked upon as a dangerous class sad as Inspector Byrnes states in his Professional Criminal. of America " : " Their purpose is robbery,poreasd simple, with just enough tinge of trade to give It a color of respectability and to keep out of prison." tle abo states that hoes sharpen, although frequently arrested, are rarely con- victed. I oho readily understand the difficulties that there are in the way of convicting the party interested in the case in question. 'I herefore I take this means of cautioning anyone that may read such an advertisement that before they part with their money, if they will apply to me, I shall be glad to give them the t of my advice with re- ference to these so-called Last valuable horses, that are adored regardless of con, provided they Ret good homes std sofortb. THZ " orrice A'J.leTANY" o0DGF With reference to another class of adver- tisements inserted for the sole purpose of Weeding the poor young man or young girl of perhaps the lest dollar that they own in this world. I will quote • postal card, re- ceived at my office this morning. Pasted on the back of this cards. the following advertisement which was taken from an Ottawa paper. It reads as follows WANTED—A permseented office sena- teat, either ss:. Sslery $P750. Pae paid here. Enclose addressed stamped envelope, Secy., Box—, Montreal, Canada. TOO SIOrr Y. O -- TUE OPUiION Of APLLIt'ANTIS TO PUICHASE THE BUSINESS OP' ALECK SAUNDERS, ETRE rrsswt t apany saas sd- A late matrimonial segapment is maid to be the the oatooms of • daring little piece of repartee s the part of • young woman who has eajoyed the reputation of being not only • wit, but a beauty and a belle as well Although quite yim, she was known to have declined the boor of m•trimaninl alliance with several so called " catches " and It bra at lest to be rumored that her mad •add heart were set on one of nor ad- miters who had not as yet the temerity to mane to the point. However that may be, the young man in question was bar partner in •reassembly, and during the iatrmismon for supper was seated wits her in • sequestered nook, " far from the madding crowd." Apropos of something that had been said be askd her l•ngiingly it the report was true that she bad refused all the eligible men in her est, The blushed vividly for • moment, then suddenly rained her head, looked him full in the face, and said pointedly. Yes, it is true—present company e:- cept�., It is perhaps seedless to state that they retninedin the " sequestered nook " some time. Rumor also had it that the above conversation was overheard by one of the discarded sailors who forthwith " gave it away.' WAN THAT TUE S'l*X'K WAIS TOO LARGE TO HANDLE. IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE STOCK C. C. Rtctuaps & Co. (:era'—I sprained my leg so badly that I had to be driven some in a carriage I immediately embed MINARIYS LINI- N ENT freely and in 48 hours ooeld use my leg sgain sa well as ever. J..IIrA R Y)NACG11T. Bridgewater, N. S. That ssttrrtt��gyyoouarr �Baarr means " Brine home a bottle of SUNARD'8 LINDIXNT." • lin 0 BIG BARGAINS 0 WILL BE GIVEN IN Au, ulna LOOK AT SOME OF THE PRIC The remarks below this " .d " read as follows .—" Sir, --the above, taken from an Ottawa paper speaks tor itself. It is • freed the kisses of the box deserves to be brought to junior.'. the above advertise - mesa, willilell et�noe that it is a fraud. Thery idea of paying $ female oEoee sias-- taat irs0 per i On°m, ad enraepan her fare to this city, is enough t of this is, however, that many . poor girl who imagism site is fit for the place, ad - drams • reply to •a advertisement, .a3 in return she is told to .end three, four or five dollars, as the ossa may be, whiob will pay ler the a airy to be made into her ebaree. ten, mod if this is s.tifThem nctporryetthe p• hoto willl ~ ,�,� g they ...d in Nei ..ch that p0Ue the advertiser and cathing is ,thea pler the individual who has been keg h_k~i for wink ad s:peefs a reek to this ermoidvertL,meet o"numerateI .. "numerate ss by the memo when widows and ..oras have applied to this ,IEioe for some stating that, they paid to metals meikymens agencies aims of $3 or $$ arW the imps of getttag emissions in recurs, mid that their tepee lave bees NeBMalterd e sir, it is Mae.Mdime wale mee by Steely. emeOesieq for the Aetestee. 4Wees kt��. the aper girl sed held est and iodeeemet whim. she 'nil sever have M pleasure of ankles. 'nay Brass of pmte hawks have grad - ,Mduring the Wafer yeses, worked their oto oar Canadian society, .ad I, for one, shaygive( lli its harehareuse my tmost endeavor psblcicfty through the prase that they de- serve. JoHs A. t:moa*, Supt. Conissereial Braami Canadian Secret. AGAIN ON TOP WITH EVERYTIIINC FOA THE GARDEN IIS THIS SHAM OF + + t + + + + Juat arrived, the biggest stook of shown in this county, and the prioe will Garden Hose away down- Agents Everybody:knows they are the best. R. P. WILKINSON ARTICLE. Handsome Parlor Lamps, Knives and Forks, Plated Tea Knives, Carving Knives & Forks, 1 doz. Milk Pans, Wash Bowls, Dust Pans, No. 9 Wash Boilers, No. 9 Tea Kettles, ONEINDIAN RACE EXTINCT. Tbs Enrtairks et seweennenasi. • Proem able Rare. e.serety.wept away. The Boethick Indio of Newtoundland, at ase time the aboriginal inhabitants of the island, can sow °sly be oounted by one r two skeletons sad • few skulls, .o soss- p Iy have they been swept away. The French employed the Mic Mac Indians e( Nov Scotto, to fight against and extermin- ate them. According to an sa.00st in the late issue of the transactions et the Cana- dian institute they ere • psaessbls sod quiet raps, give to hunting sod They awed caress mads .t idea rhed and el skit of deer, like the IDeg iesson cayak. They had no pottery and mrd Meek of bili rind sewed , het temm- •+ eas 5* *s ssb8k_ 8111miliorred 81.1111111.d diems e7the mel YM sr - sed mets whisk Sky hem ea thin drams sad seasesented Mir heeds with samba The esrekw ars is tDLeg kr memos, sod oat et the ergs odteelles is the mesa= at 8t. Jon's there are w two emsRtwt0 having the sans pattern. Their gess im- plements were mon rudely 000ser-M.d the these of the wasters Indiem Lawn Mowers ever suit every for Budge & Co. r Regular Price, I Hoer tinny for. $4 to $5$3.48to $428 1150 to 7 1.28to 4.48 . $2.48 1.98 .75 .68 1.50 1.05 .25 .12 .25 .14 2.50 1.98 1.25 .98 A thousand useful articles at similar reductions. Ready -mixed Paints, Kalsomine, Pik -Ron, Stove Polish, Brushes. Call and see the bargains in all lines. J. W. WHITELY, - Manager. A. B. CORNELLI Me was raresemar. From Tb. Detrett rhes Prima He was seeing at the oerar .4 Wood- ward sod Jarmo .venni/ het Sunday morning, evidently in doubt, whoa • police- man mese alaog. " I want to go to Wrtmi.etr charcb," be raid ta tba ofhoer. Up hen on Woodward avenue, is't it • " inquired the Line coat. ',boss timligi- aua ed.c.tios had possibly bees seem - ted. Tb is what the hotel clerk /aid," ex- claimed the visitor. Well, you jest Dank this oar and it will take you past thee." • ' i don't went that kind of • oar," objec- ted the inquirer. Weare the matter with that car ! " ar- �ued the officer. " Do you expect a vesti- bald train 1 " Anal be looked m if tie good mane of the easy of i)etroit was being smirched. No, not exactly" hesitated the Aran. ger. " I west a oar that will take ma where I want to go." ' Well, didn't i tell you that ear would take you right past there 1" asked the Aber somewhat provoked. ' yes, yea did, and 1 am mach obliged to you ; but I dent want a ear that will take me past then," protested the visitor. What I want is • ear that will len Mas get oat whoa I get tire. See'.' The police- man gasped ono/ or twits, the meager let • wee bit of • mile Nicker on his Nor, and as the ear eae.e by le Meng easily on lite platform, levee the officer to wonder why moms maple tragi m tansy as a S..daT- • Mame Mea mem. The bat este we knew el far aosstipatinu .end headache is the p1eseast herb drink called Lase's Fluidly Mediates. . it is maid to betoot, °ambt..d with simple aures, •.d 1. made fin ee by peer- ing water ea to the dried tuns sad bherbs it is reeriarkattly .Miami. s is all blood decriers, .end 1. awe the eoveresgn remedy with ladies /.r eiisrteg up the oem- pp11ww,<iea. Druggists sell the p •t b0c .ad a ♦ Illos err ease Plea. I wsat to add my piss ler tido children in favor al " dirt plea' " Dirt per " de.oa't Iaesa dimply dirt pie : it memo making yr- dw. and meaataio. sad Mosh* and havieg tepees. with. variety of pdte4sed ping - hog store, sad to bet giving the ,asst as pee same he M baby Ir.gisatie., and mimes h,ds. delated .steer bees in M ...t dl..rVas. frame -t, rad iea lh-stvieg of ewr/Imwls. I always Mei es wiry ler M miming McLean'S Block—Oa the Square--McLeala's Block, STILL OONTINUES TO CONDUCT FUNERALS AT/HIS USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The beat stock in the county to choose from. 2 first -clans hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Pro$l tendance. :NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. 110104? A. B. CORNBI Os as Square - To the Front a Ueual. i a_esaY a.m. Frim hates elfebtls " O.. el tae. de ke is • ee..terf it, ma'aot," mid • neck l a Broadway Moro M lira Marra)! Hill. Hew sea yen tell t" " Simply 4y�. usd.. Jest it and iter Nees whhim sleet en I tap the .i �y Um" 2014 NOTWITHSTANDINO the loud -toned advertise - menta to be seen in our local papers frog time to tithe, and the now stock -phrase : " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are muppoeed to bo bonght for cash. and I am one of tate few who buy for spot' He tinds dim S PI' in thlo UD i cash or on receipt of goods. Thome who are in a position long : to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who' H"'all Itis` buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my WHY Does Giro BARRY, the .nderieb leiter° dealer sad dertake%lsm than hest stook of ferttits, and under supplies? had bow is it that he as+ se Neap i BECAME SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one price. sed... 1\ . V .kT�?.O, Draper and Haberdasher. NDERTAKERS ' s_ BPOP "' " dao SON Nave added to their Ili bsdaat ono d B. J. Nasb's Latest Style of any Hepiss, ale theism* Nab a funeral furnishings in the °minty, and are now pawed to conduct ter& at vetoes reasonable. This dgp.g`� will he Jt . to by bis son William, who, e�My D. Ian the pad Mo has a k twigs d the modems % .•r Wpm* at ealiw hsps to share part al public patronage AdRwMwr iV pies._1Re0MM., OA year way to the post omoe. Give us a o.11 J. BROPHEY & SON. ,. sad Quick Re- • tome ib ski makes specialty d *OP fora Give ing he Maisel Emlts.hRing Fluid a1,Ms an hand- 23571 DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THEBESTcFRIEND LARGEBTN� NEW ARRIVAL .r- GOODS LATEST STYLES. Good .et, Peryea Ilamnsar peat:dspa H. DUN