HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 5THE CANADIAN BANKUF COMMERCE HEAD OFFIO(TORONTO. solown‘. IPA* OP) IBIZ 111111.10111 DeWitt. - WTI 111 L WALKER, 12110111tAL. ROMenCen. GODERICH BRANCH. g Onsertai. GAMOW OUSumas Ttiotebern&D. Fiona, NOVIta Disomorto. Damns MOW PATASLI AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA AND ThIlt PRINCIPAL COSA IS Trelt USITID STATE& COMSAT SONVADA ISSROSIJOA Da. EAVIIIMIND RAM REPARTOSERT. meow* Or 61-00 AND UPWARDS 111CCEPIRD AND CURRENT MAVIS OP INTINLST D. itirreoMNIT Avow To Twit weiNCitrat. AT TM (NO CW MAY MAO .YIMSU sat NAPO OW. Spooled Altomflost Skim 1111 Is 11•11satkoss of tIonireerelai arid rairmserle Sallee Metee. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. S0.000.000. 00.000. te go for 'A birthday wo here. Th fror astiou • km/47= oat beildsep Wil a vety dileresis el alba Seen ed =sot: )7 removed so week. Several beragtors,oeno a le they seem yeas isiehlocwito te The farms wore MA borsht farm el elf Labe Herm, TOW anise WOO el Me . sbis 1111116anal ree The billatherd by a lig dews listaterly teacher tia Olt ;71 tiM mutt trisinei the rim het west Park, is vita' this week Detheich to.ot thole fads& art1 inst., a MIL& met ea My onset minis& reeve was ap simmers se111 . •Cinommto each asi tis. 8.11 to Mary Skop N. H. of It md is A.. eosin demi WIDEO at ase %this Lye la dog tax hi $71 salary eat we, eel attend* a 8amed Wet. Memo Jos. Jells wes Beplidd ilea bawls Hs, , of ft S. LI met red to be pad e we ma& kr od &1 6 0 ; ova MO;oos. as.o ioss 12 awl U sates line 11.10 iso So Gosh" SO ; Breams M $10 ) ; Mania% 1, $10 ; Vanish, *10; McNees. A 1130 Seth $100 esdk I then adjoin& June fib wane, Clerk. =orb atteedef Ilim MoDbe ay, the 1st if let inowni the Kesel es de DUNGANNON. rift rameresbe Prepared Ier Ileadiees of Tbe ppm Der own earmagieedeet. ViNrrim.-R. Wilkinson, of Goderich, nowd our village on Mooday. Arraooloati Commenos. -J. M. &A- ar' tine rsidewas is rapidly amaaam,„, oapiatsaa, the different mulleins" Wag ingsged in the respective departments 01 thor work. LIKELY re Reioves. -We afe plisesd to w tar 10 state that JO41. Eillother's awe. Much is isjured maws time ago, through gad rechoal skill of oar ve& getting leper al the injury. Ar rirs literrrors..--Der priacipal. A - McKay, aod Mies Y. Potts, assistant, &g- usted the commotion at the circular town, winch was held there lost week. We on- hismad there woe quite • number of the oilingegues present on thio ocoaaloos. C(aserrioN. -Flame correct the follow. wg, which appeared in ib. =inutile of last moos of maned of West Wawaish Twelve hundred dollen (imposts," for Grimes's Drain, instead of twelve dollars, a published in lost hie ol Tin Swam - /lows Ai:AM-Rev. J. Carrie. who has eeto co a tour for the boss& et hie health the having bees indisposed for mei time pot, mosetomatly sot being able to °Relate m lus clerical oapacity) returned home on eturday last- We, thous with the rene- wd gentleman's other weltwithere. Maoism ly hope th.0 hie tour hes mode an improve. met is his health, sad that see lig be ON =moire Both the method rnd ermIts when F yrup of Fir is ta' l:en• it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts rntly yet promptly, on the Kidne3ni, Liver and Bowels, amines the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, inpt in it$ action and truly 11 m its effects, prepared only kan tha most healthy and agreeableenhbosess, its manyexcellent qualities oommeud it to all and have made it the most popular remedy knorn. Syrup of 'Pigs is for sale in 750 tonics by all leading druggists. Any reliaLle druggist who may not have it on hand will mount it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. OSA PRALMOI100. OAZ Lonisvu.t.s.L. zw ?WM. 1.Z Gen. A. PTA; ADIDIT AT GODBRICH. IT RESTS"'""""k" A about tbe misery ot J•I` . THE Theo ,many BsrkacSore Ha .t Hard Robbing over a BACKsteaming tub. an,i hours. This falh to t ne • f throe who ase poor, cheap. and in- latiouto soaps. This Soap. dens sway with Hard Rab. Nag Tired web. Hot Steam, and Sore Hands. It blimp comfort to minima �t tv'fres, sad wag do so to yours if yos will U m it. firtrostrwer tro Homo " SUNLIGHT " inay be able to retains his paatoral duties as formerly. A LADY Pianism -Mr& 8. Peatiaad, is the Amos of Bev. A. Potter, who is at. tidies eauderemee, ocoadooted service is the Methodist thane lame both raerniew end ening in • very genie and= sive aminaer. Then was • large att itt evening servies. Cies Loot WI:La.-Weather, for the past few days, baa beam excelleot, having been fair and wane , which is favorable to the growth of the Fall whom, Spring crops„ fruit, ete. The general opiaion heriaboate is that crops have sot looked so premising at this time of year for many years past. Dit • %%arr. - Tosaday,8th,Mn. Craw ford, wits of J. It Crawford, the well knows and popuhir merchant in our village, left here on • visit* toar to Loodon, ra resell aad other points. We hope she will bare • plemant time, eujoy herself Amoni her relatives, ete, Lad have • safe return. Miss Hoer. or Retrain. --A. McAllister, formerly mine host of !husky, cc Monday. the 6t8, peeped through our village with hie ternoure, etc., ea roots for Belfast, where, we learn, that lie is to be mine host in the hotel known as Lougheed's hotel. Win. Lougheed, wit understand, is going to the Sepoy village to reside. PAM.= His FL/Jr.-We, in common with al/ the Minds of our follow citisso, Chas. Nevins, who bee beam attending the univer- sity at Tornio, coogratobtth him apon his sachem pawing the 2ad year's exam. standing with honors in history. He is bound, if pomade, to reach the top step in the ladder of education. We wish him and all ouch al our thead.iass 8.0001111. CottsTv PanuatiesT. -Masan. A. Stuart emil J. Bowan, reeve sad deputy, regret- ively, of the municipality of W. Waw.. oath, left here on Tose&iy morning, 818 Mat., for the county town to attend the June session of the county Parliament, and to look after the iaterests of the municipal- ity which they hare the h000r lorepresent; to mast in adininistorimr the munici- pal affairs of the musty at large. RAIUMAD News. -The W. D. & Goderich Railway, ovine to • statement in the last week's same of THIS 8K..AL, ill CAIAMOnj quite • sensation hereabouts. A number ferni- er* are waiting further developments as to ita construction, not oe paper, but in reality. We can without esaggeratios safely state that m no part of the °panty or in Outario is a railway niore needed, and a line of rail way from Winghani vie Dungannon to Goderich or Port Albert coold not be ex- celled. IstrnoveuesTs. -Our enterprising citizen and merchant, L B. Crawford, has reocently been adding to the appearioe of his rem - demos, by the addition of a handsome ver - 1, it which is the attriction of all mad sundry wbo as. O. The work was done by Geo. Begley, ceie of our popular oarpothere sad oestractors in each a manner as to redound to his credit aim an 'otitis. painter, Jae. Black, has the aentreot for pointing it, and we presume that whoa be has tithed it will fully bear out his reputation se • firm -class artisan ot 81. 18... James is as hustler and performs excellent work, which is evince by the large notaber of oontracta he haa for thin meson. Itacri.- -We ere informed that a large cat a tatillfell AM not far distant, earth of bear on Sunday t meke his appearanos Ashfield, sad took the liberty to satiate he hirer with one of the skip. On Moiday mooting be mode a short visit to. Mr. 's pressisse,but ere have not learned how he behaved him- self there. However as being pursued by some Nimrodu of that locality Ise escaped into A. Stewan's revamp, seventh ow. I W. Waimea. Whim news of his hea;- e ltip's perithabitieso rosched=onoe it est quite a nantherof our roue 'imrode of this willow is the qui vire, sad having procured a moveyesioe they wended their way towards the locality of the mrsani. Brain, probably beiag aware of danger secreted himself in the thickest part of it, when booms to his hi.lig plena .55 001 ob- tained and they r01. .Cho..&.ointed in not having mound Gindsinse try again THE TOWN OF CLINTON The taannetsines sa the **Slab" lbeirlim tar Pad wont. Frain our owe csereependsnt. Glows Away. -Mr. Ghia, so employee at the Clintoo foandry. Mama this week for Detroit. STOUT. -The first lacrosse match of the mason will be played in anti upon the 164 WNW. GOODPTIL- The lieutenant *4 18. Mel ration Anay farewelled for another field of labor so Sunday hoc 91. term-- Mr. sod Mrs. P. Hayward lett as Saturday bet for St. Lib to Mid the funeral of a relative of Mrs. Hayward'. Is Rseuiso.-Ilasors. Castellon & Cook mat • table to their Meld@ la Clinton on Maturday sealfag thet they bed Moth larded is Idverpool, 0.11 To Ni Farm? A.,,Arq. --The heads of the Olsten Organ Factory, who have for the past swath or tiro helm working on time. Warted as Monday is full Math Good for the boy& Ws MINIM NUL-Mr. Bohm Is this rakirteseadellipth Um thisliph rmg Itatli aiary Wrest • .8*. Thiestilribst time fw twelve yeses that Mc &isms hes 1041.5 10 mei ea esabooase Seaday. ir Wan Goon so set Tema. -Mr. Lash* pessies4 on Sontkay inoniss les1 to a full and apyrosiolloo osnrivaptins. Ria wilijoet wee i(Iffestreo sod his IMICIA014 fall of fares eisel psalms, was vary eensmitiy lieweed to. We hops ellen linassiseth to bob hb yobs b obi& 15? Ali 0.1C.-Seq, Mu Editor, do yen %bore that shoes is say prolosboa wham& I thoso se awry Imilliays sessihml boy =1:n lob the wow) in *8.4 01 ihossissal t Moo .008. 01 ssithosanote, two Iat lbushthese M Chshismo sod wiry waren Pr. dmidess um. ease., osu011sieswa sheordir. b=lispitiordtla. bus: seao 1111111Mmi 1110.11yes es* THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THIIR8DAY, JUNE 9, 1812. NO117 Goods, New Styles New Prices LADIES' AND Gaff BOOTS AND SHOES OF JETITELIRY I have visited the eastern markets and, owing to the large number of failures among manufacturers, I have been enabled to secure such bargains in the above goods as will give my customers the advantage of securing boots and shoes at the regular wholesale prices. In tine goods niy stock can- not be surpamed in price and quality. I keep goods from all the popular makers, including J. D. King, Geo. T. Slater, John McPherson and several others. It will pay you to inspect our goods and prices before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Boots and shoes made to order and repairing promptly attended to. JOHNSTON CAREY, THEI saaromixtxciam. take place in the middle et the term, as foe instance. last week. whereby the scholars had to low two days We cannot help bu think that them .me conventions might so be arranged es to come either m the Kamer vacation or Summer holidays. GLUTTONY A SIN. -A horse belonging to W. Young broke lose the other day and got at the contents of the oat bin, and, partaking too heavily, required the servioes of Doc. Illackal to alleviate ite sufferings. The reams we give the above, sir, is that it r an ocular derzionstratioa that greed often- times brines great suffering and trouble. We have reference just now to the Dominion Government, which at the proemt time has full run of the gerrymi oat bin of Um Dominion. If *1 4054.14 upou gor too much it will ere long get stomach ache, die the death and be barmi. bered henceforth with shame. Tern ye, ere it is too late. Mies Dey, of Wingliare, who hes been t Ilaid up with an attack of oniony is well itia. id oonienced wanton as Monday Mat week. LEFT A 1.4111:ACY. -Report DVS that • ow- tein Clinton citizen hem bequeathed to him by • deceased relative a small legacy. The deceased was living at the time of death in Washington. Last week the Clintonian re- ceived a letter from the lawyer of the do- omed, stetinf that there was • law 111 the .1.4. 01 Wedowee whereby DO Noe ostild will :Twomey or property to anyone outside the state. 11 such be the case our Clinton in will be minus his legacy. No., Sir, we know that each state has the power to make ita o.rn law.; but we rusk, oan a rata make a law such As the above! SoNNOS such a lair would not effect the state abbe but the whole country; for instance. a Washington man might have oce• 141111411.01 all over the l'nion, id would it be ;net, we ask, to debar him from willing his property to his own kindred or to whomsoever he wood... Now, Sir, if you will not only in. nen this, but please inform us if such a law does in reahty exist you would neatly obLiged. Armory TO WILTAli THE EVENINO Ex- PAIDIR.-A diabolical attempt was made to wreck the evening eipreas from Stratford to Godench. due here at 920 last Saturday evening. Some fiends had piled timber and stones on the track, and had the train been time the chine are, as the night was cloudy, the train would have been thrown down the embankment, but lir. Holli0111111., of Stepieton, had been to Seaforth, and finding that the train Was late started to walk home along the track, carrying • towers. When about two miles eagt 01 Clinton he found the obstruction on the track, and being usable to move it, lie treat backoowards Seaforth, and warned the ap- msarhing train, thus averting • larr ices of property id most probably loss of lives. AUBURN, trots) oar own correspondent. J. P. Llrown is doing a beg buainese in selling machinery this year. Misst Liddie Hair, of lioderich township, ,11 giving mimic lesions in this village. Wm. Symington Ira bought James Fluken' house and roved it as to his own place. Mears. Erect and McDonald are putting in a tile dean in front of their farms which will make a groat improvement. KIPPEN. rrom our OWD worroirpordwat. Tux CANT II erructi.-The railway auth. orities have graated fare-sadoosithird tick. eta from Wiagisaan and Loudon sad inter- vening *taboos to the Kippea comp meet- ing, which minmencee cot Sunday June lath, aod also arranged for trains to truism I10 .1.09 direetly at the grounds. This will be a grit ooeveniessom BE Nota rim waive lie& Stacy aro • BOILIMS. Tonic and Sawn. NIPPit in* erwocroat= form Lb* substanese ually noodood boas - eh tba Moog, ~bit I diseases emalog • Poon sad PAW sy er tram Omar= ta Mama also visors** ✓ the sreri. ion down by mental w 011011111111111 dose They A01111111 os IMmiss. sinew at ans and wawa& • LOIN 555 osetesthis", wassanswarresa and Wb. Midis Ids mostal kis 4 dam dreez follia& or PLUM. TkarePeweitterill rostrer2 lost easeples, both oohs orbs phobia sad sassitai. 1111 BEIY WOMAN rarinthcor premien* ead irresulavfoss. :Leh UMW deksese when imposed. tnpEa '4tout7 .ir often 21.18WallEll should dim diem o stis.ths. Thole PILLS van Par ism he en dreishas. or will be stab awe ssomps of pries pee. per bort by sdarendue Wit DAL WILLIA NAP Wit CO. Broelotrio. OWL - Children Enjoy It. SCOTT1 EMULSION of pure Ood Lauer 011 with Hypo- poospottes of Unto and Sods le A malt. R.13111 PRODUCER imvau it Is IndieeM Mid tim little lisle end baMstest wan Mk* sold mralfri may be 014Chinn 10.11555eseteet coons Met midst mow" owsous, by teems sooty* *8.winter 1101100*. asissmw. delaillifosHoose and batsmen& Itseeleion after time lobellis during SCOTT di 111011111111. (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHIN (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immenee sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest at Tobacco mainglsr- taros is Canada. - IfORTILICAL a ism 10e. 1to No& 10a. WI*, XL LADIES, NOTICE THIS ! An A11 -Rod Ruciion IILLIBERI PRICE. As the Hamwor is now upon us I have decides' to make an all-round reduction in my stock of Millinery, and especially in Straw Goods. The entire stock is of the latest ityle and newest shades, and at the nwhic tion contemplated will furnish great bargains. farpeetion invited. VRL N. L IRTSUR. muff MM. !Mari* hos 7. 111141 The Signal sees more oat= eamaties ite Job whisk are emsolf- pm.‘Pri=le the Wien kr the prong* sad peeper execithion of dimes of printing. • permed of this Ansolaa60,- maim may negrat something you sea, to ia aged 4, end in esth twee we oth- sit yearotisidest lbw. r oar erXekplesselse441 meet with the approval et oar swum licriAtv %mats Itt this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers suit- able for P.very clam of liminess re/resented in this locality, com prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may be required. Xott. iNitaiks This useful sine is kept in the full range of qualities NUM Ad letter While toAs are not so generally used, they fill an important place in commercial correspondenee. See what we've got under the above heads. If the " pay-as-you-go " plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great; but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out.. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is cum plete in this line with four sizes. Good paper and nest ruling. ihatemeMs Both single and double dollars and cents columns. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. uvekcet•es Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 15c. to S2.00 per M. We handle com- mercial and legal sixes exclusively. C;wevi,\.(tve. We aim to excel in all the differ- ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for a requirements. Ott SWANS of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. ei a.ti trao, Yvekets This head covers a large range ot work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. VotAevs Our facilities for tu ing out this cls s of work are evi.c.d by the fact that the great b4k ot it is done by us. This li. also in- cludes Vi °bitty' s which our three fast -running job premise are DUE tO GUITI out in surprisingly short time. t!)oXe INAks belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty of them- -proniptimis being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will eppear in Tug Sweat. free of charge when bills for same are got here. A At,:s.koNAo‘xs to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in selec- tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be ha•L Call and rep. ouctirAere..e.k has already been partially enum- erato4 in sotrie of the heeds above. There is, however, & %quit amount of work under this head that to enuinerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, hut we do it all at Tea A%N.• W•5•6.% oS'W oek. in the typographical printing line can he done in this establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and OUT "ii° T.‘e e s %IAN\ kte ICAttlhit werm re.e.sowcaAt. Wo extend our thankll $Or past fev- ers and atheit coathasaage at the mama 'VW% ISA Ocessucts, Owe \ BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, -- REST, - $12,000,000. 6,000,000. A Saving Department has been oi.ased iNcon_ 'section with this branch. Interest allowed al cm gent rates. OGE DRUMM ND, Afavaler Godelich Branch. + t OittS, Having passed into stock today a large shipment of Corsets, we are in a position to give the ladies of Goderich and vicinity Corsets at PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE 1 so not buy till you have seen our gook 0 PRICES THIS WEEK: The great Surprise, 25c., Sensation, 40c., Thalia, 55c., Common Sense, 65c, Fedora, 50c., B. & C., 90c., Featherbone, 90c., 11 worth 41 $4 64 44 41 40c 60c 75c 90c 65c $1.00 $1.10 Every lady should take advantage of this put sale. flee our window for Friday, Saturday ad NondaY. Your choice for 50c. ROBERTSON. FREE TRADE 1313,00DS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sel and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factary manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at The Toto1116 Cash Store P. O'DEA, Manager. 11 you you sze looking for something new in CHA M B R SETS -0. .A..- NAIRN Oan interest you at • ' Mifiatitwo, -CITY- COAL AND WOOD -2%Airm. - Coal, Wood and Keeling deli- vered to all pars of town with quick dnpatCh, ZAZD 00A2e. best qualaty eitesnidleve sad eim coastaxitir on WWI. SOFT 00AL. Boot Shawbee huts ma ler Me lit ✓ ales. stoves, tweed eta ILLACZSICTZ 00A1. Beet quality emollient's/0 south - leo coal sow as lir BMW asthenia eves tomentry int& WOOD. I have now go so ilium la MEW 4WD for midair saissuste weal- Cift sad split wool woo k,. always ta moth, aay the yo emr. Dirt iler.lt that 1 am sellhatest.NS 554 thet es cheap Mi yea cubit WI op" es ara stattot. .ali ou rot Is mid by the bird et WEI feet whirandtbs ; Isar oe hsa badness else& zonmuto WOCt meow" h. • • t est bob oe eat sal bet ear Ierwt% mot, YARD U. Sesta in aid drill elm', Ni /wet., hat of Ham - L, ;moo walk has Court House Nom Omani het st soy mania * sear It8. tassweVIII gloomily* Westin attentiem TIMM MN JOHN 8. PLATT, Proat tr, THE SIGNAL Yrora no* a J"- 1°' 181118* FOR SIXTY CENT& SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This MEAT t els soccer il cfnestrltrurs withsat a pea Ilea use Ilke,re et aseitier. re alabsebed s we do as cow no we pes ham a Crack Sue Throe. ,e kelt eel me Pli• Colase, Whairlq ad mild b 4,./011. buss COSWITUPTIIM.. 8. 41 sot yea or Zeta St.on. 10110,