The Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 4THE SIGNAL : GiODERIQH, CONT., THURSDAY, JUN$ I, 1812.
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The mast important subjoin M widish the
thisling sun d (lard• ods devote their
•ttenttcs at the prweent Lines that of
cadeavo seg to discover what would be the
host way to improve the present caadition
of the lead in whisk they live. 11 M sot
enough to say, " Whet is, is right." There
must be progr..,oe retrotresawa will scam
sandy omen•
Starting from the above premise, what
tens the destiny of Canada! There me
three answers to this guestaca : 11) Re
solved that thuds reals as she is •t
present; 32) that Iedepsodeace be the ulti-
mate goal ; (3) that Continental !'nice with
the Poised States be the destiny of the
(onfederatld Provisos Only chess three
000ditions ars debatable, and they should be
discussed trimly and unreservedly, and bon -
godly and soberly by every men who lovas
this land mad has hope and .on8desoe ha
the future.
(1) Taking up the fiat proposition, what
do we find' Is there one thinking man in
Canada, outside of the office -holder, who
would desire a perpetuation of the existing
condition of affairs! 1f there be such an
one, Tet So;i:.ti. will be pleased to bear
from him and to publish the views which
be would enunciate on the question.
A quarter of a century hea elapsed solace
the scattered Provinces which now comprW
l oofeder.tion were united, and great
expectations were raised because of the
Union. Then, Confederation was looked
upon as the acme of political progress, and
it was believed by the framers of the British
North America Act that the establishment
of • nation had begun on the northern part
of the continent. A marvellous increase in
population, and • development of the
resources unknown in history was promised.
The country would be made to flow with
milk and with hooey ; prosperity would be
the portion of its people ; a Greater Britain
would &rise on the American Continent
which would rival the parent land in arta,
science, politics and commerce ; the farmer,
the merchant, the mechanic and the laborer
would be blessed in basket sod in store ;
and the voice of the turtle would be heard
in the and.
Twenty-five years have passed, and as we
prepare ourselves to celebrate the anniver-
sary of the twenty-fifth year of [Inion, it is
only right that we should ask ourselves as
honest men, have these promises been
realized. if they have been literally carried
out, it will rejoice all loyal Cana3iane to
know it ; ane if they remain unfulfilled,
then, it is the duty ot every man who loves
Canada to ask himself why has Confed-
eration failed to bring the blessings in its
train which were promised by the projectors
of the scheme • quarter of a century ago.
And now let the atter be quietly looked
into. Has the program warranted by •
twenty-five years partnership of the provin-
ces been realized! Has • satisfactory in-
crease ad population resulted, as shown by
the emus returns! Have the soon and
daughters of Canada, after being nurtured
in infancy, tared for in youth, and educated
•t the expense of Canada, been retained to
bsild up the country and enlarge iia possi-
bilities! Is Canada today one whit nearer
its cherished desire for nationhoc d than it
was twenty-five years aro ! There is no
answer to any of these questions beyond •
mournful shake of the head and a straight
negative, and none other can be vouchsafed
by the sturdiest flag-waver that breathes
the pure (andha* Njr. Confederation as at
present carried on, after • air Vain extend-
ing over a quarter of canary, has proved a
dismal failure. The Maritime Provinces
are more in accord ,lith Maine mad New
Hampshire than with ()utario : Quebec has
done more for the mills and manufactories
of Massachusetts and Rhode Island than it
has for :. .' the sister Provinces ; Ontario
is more In accord with New York, Ohio,
Michigan and Illinois than with Quebec,
and Manitoba, the Northwest Territories
rad British Columbia have stronger affinity
to Minnesota, Dakota, Montana and //retool
than they hold to the more eastern Provisoes
of the Dominion.
Gaming down to the quediou as it sirocco
Ontario, what have we to show for • quar-
ter of • centney of Confederation, as at
present existing! The Province is the
richest, moat populous and wealthiest of
them all, and yet the prorresa mode haa
leen only partial and anything bat gratafy-
isg. In increasing population there is little
Of nothing to boast of, and in material pros-
perity, outside of .oma of the ett.ies end
large towns, it is not to be seen. Ask the
farmer, the merchant or the mechanic and
Mrs mower will be that the ooad.tion of the
wintry on the whole is far worse than in
the early gnties, when (asfe,let .:ion was
unknown and the markets to the South
were open to the people of this country,
peactically without let tr hindrance. And
this unfortunate condition of thin," exists,
e cewithetanding an ostay of huadreds
of millions of borrowed money which
have been expanded in an effort to improve
the oesditton of the 000atry and develops
its onouredes.
Under these e.aditiame we ask if these is
a sans a•aa is (hoods, whe is willing that
thew should rusks as they we, and who
le Niwd that Cada ismY cashes. to
(!s • la1.mder ba the marele d program'
a- Than. if a cheap, asst te had,
wkgi drill (the Amoy be? Idrpaideass
Weik, let tka ben -ll- el Mele,endenee be
breaght M She fresh ladipeadence ler
Canada amid be a mop tswerde satisehad
.. admit, and as • stepping -.tome to a
bettor .tato of things world hen ,the sage
port et Tao S.os*L-aeythieg is pcoleruble
to the Moogb d Dsupo.d in which Lbs
caiilry .t prow* in mired. Ilia 'adepts
duce wesld be bitterly ettw.tad by the
Arg -wave., and the men who are fond of
precis( the chastest :
" A British subject I was bons,
Aad • British subjoin I will die,"
would have to be off and seat
beck "'eme to the bold land," ~ore a
Canadian nationality could be born. Ad
netting, for the sake of argument, that
('aaadun I.depsndeaco could a achieved,
in what better cnodition would Canada be
than it is at the present time' True, we
would be able to dispense with the vice-
regal figurehead at Ouawa, but ws would
in all probability have to elect scone goal
Canadian to take his place u the head of
the sew nation, mad the expense would ran
o.. The Federal system would not be
maternity altered : and if that were to be
the can, the burdens of debt which at pees -
eat prevail, would continue to bow down
On country. The perpetuation of the pars-
ent system of Federal Government would
remain to furnish cause for litigation
between the (.overnmeot of the Dominion
and the Provincial powers, notwitbtaodmg
the precedents in favor of Provincial
Righu, which already have been afforded
in the oomusts between Ontario and the
Dominion : the scoundrelly Franchise Act
and the thievish system ot gerrymandering
by the Federal Government would remain ;
as separate franchise would continue to exist
for Provincial and Federal elections, and
appear on the respective statute books ; -
Cenadian military and naval organization
would have to be maintained ; the system
of commercial Isoatiott would be intensi-
fied, as Uncle ' e, world then know that
the continuance of the present war tariff on
trade between the two countries would
beyond doubt compel the capitulation of the
weaker power in due time ; the national
debt would continue to increase by leaps
and bounds, and our p "palmed) would
receive • contra impramion from the stet r
logic of facto as they stood. These, and a
thousand and one other points which apace
will not allow an "iventory of, would face
the policy of Canadian independence. Who
is rash enough to follow the question out to
Its logical conclusion, in the chimerical idea
that such a course would aseurodlly lead to
nationhood and prosperity in the time to
come !
(3) The only policy left to consider is
that of Continental Union. This could be
brought about either before or after an
attempt were made to establish C.nadism
Independence. The inception of Con-
tinental Union wonld abolish the vice -regal
figurehead at Ottawa without entailing
corresponding costa for a Canadian successor.
It would do sway with the Canadian Fed-
eral government and wipe out the army of
harpies who have fattened on the decay of
Canadian political moral. for the past
twenty-five yeah -for JACK ARNoLot sed
his associates were no more honest during
the MA. kZNzlx regime than they are today.
It would lift the burden of Federal debt,
and an arrangement might be time to
whereby the Provinces and, municipalities
now overburdened might be relieved of their
existing liabilities. The man of Ontario
would be placed on all fours with the man
of Maine, Michigan or any other State of
the Union, and wculd have a voice &rel vote
in the (;overmnent of the nation to which
he belonged, and would cease to be •
colonist without vane or vote in the In-
duct of the Parliament of the empire of
which he had been a rolonial dependent.
The policy of deporting Canadians from the
other side of the artificial boundary would
bur idi nluheidl and, paraphrasing the old dia-
tich :
No pent-up Canada would contract
Thr whole broad Continent would be ,,n,
The Behring Sea difficulty would no :.:n,
r..ud.e its hood to vex our people, and :he
faberiea question would be only • the
The millions that have bees expended an
keeping up our military school from
which no earthly benefit is teosivd-could
be applied to improving the condition of the
land In which we lice, and we would have •
far better result from the invegonost than
from the tuppemy-ha'penny attempts at
eolidier-paying that have of ate years pre-
vailed in I Asad.
There are hundreds and hundreds of
outer henetita that would rsult from the
adoption of Continental Came, but only
one othc r factor will be mentioned that
ought to convince every loyal Canadian
that such • policy would redound to the
prosperity of ottr beloved Canada Years
ago the British capita let sought laaeda u
a field for revisionist H. built the (;rand
Trunk R. R., and got little return for his
labor. Hs went further and fared worm
when In Molt the Great Western. He
aided soil sesut el many of the local haw'
that let as trade arteries for the llouninwm.
Hs then looked op the quakes d had and
made heavy ,owretin ata by p.rrha.
Manitoba and the Northwest Trritoriee,
and by mortgage i. Ontario sad the other
older Provinces. As to his railway meiberes
eo it was in the end spseuatie a -t8.
Blithh eapitaWt remind • severe eguama
Resat prime in Manitoba and the North-
west fed mi.w mien W ares lands and
towel property M tl.terte sad the other
Provisoes hided away from hen values Aa
a result Josh Beta, sought inventories ce
the other nide of the Ids. sad donne the Inst
Bre years has made • larger outlay of caW-
t•1 inn the load ol Brother JOS erste than
was mads in Canada shoos the colony
was first appended to the British rayl chain.
The British capitalist has lost all faith e•
Canada red iu future under existing
ooaditiosa Further than that, the Knuth
capitalists not • fool, and bo' no need to
prat* et kr loyalty and wave an uld flag.
He sees that the United Stasis is hosed to
ern in the march of patina, and be pieces
his mosey on the winner in a commercial
seta without regard to oatmeal prejudice
or sentimental drivel.
In the event of the adoption of ('o
trental Umon by Canada tin untold
wealth of our miss,, forests sad eateries
would &gaol receive the attention of the
British investor, for then, under diferest
auspices, there would be a magnificent op-
portusity for investment with • probability
of excellent returns. Not only trom Britain,
but from the uninvested capital of the V. N •
'moveLTA, the MA.'KAYs, the (;ouLDS and
the SAGES • Bow of wealth would tome in
to develops the vast resources of this land,
and the day of prosperity would be ours.
The tariff war would iso.e to be, and the
miner, the tat -mer, the artisan and the labor-
ing man would have no high wall of parti-
tion between him and the best return for him
labor or his produce. The bands of the
clod' would again move forward, so far as
Canada was cono erned, and the continent of
North Amend' from Alaska to the Mexican
gulf, would be the home of a united, • oo0-
tented, a patriotic and a prosperous peo-
The question is well worthy of carefrl
study by evetj intelligent l'anadun.
*ow rt $uc IsotilT ooss.
Montreal Gazette : According to Mr.
Hagg•rt's figures, the more the Interooissial
is extended the smaller do its earnings be-
come In other words, the longer it grows
the shorter It tinds tacit
wI..TwoRTH'i NOW *oot'NI/AOICI
Dundas Banner : The new South Went-
worth as gerrymandered by the muses at
Ottawa, now measures 14 miles one way by
50 the other. It reaches from the county of
Wellington on one hand to the county of
W ell•nd on the other, and seems undecided
whether to strike for Lake Erie or the Geor-
gian hay.
A TRCF. otorrax.
Montreal Witness : We never lied any
faith Io Sir Joho Thompson. He in a piece
of lath and plaster, printed to look like
solid stone, as Bism•rk, we believe, once
said of a public man. He is not only poor
material, but poor material which pretends
to be good material, and which, when placid
instead of good material, gives way, be-
im). end bring. ruin. It is satudactory to
know that Sir John Thompson ie beiog ds -
covered, and that he is revealing himaelf for
what he is.
11■ OttifT TO HAVE A 1111A1-
1UUAL.SL Thomas Journal: Sir Hector Lan-
gevtn seems to have entitled himself to e
trial for perjury. He denied in his evi•
deuce in the McGreevy investigation that
he knew anything about the Reptile Fund
in Quebec, and now his own letters and
orders rise up before his face to oondemn
hire.. In the minority report of the Privil-
eges and Electioo. Committee he was given
the benefit of the doubt as to whether
Murphy really paid him 810,000 direct, bat
people are now wo.derinv duce The Globe's
disclosures if Murphy did not tell the truth.
St. John, N.B., Telegraph : In the Tittle
000etituency of Three Rivers there were at
the last election about 7,600 people, d
whom precisely 1, 567 were voters. It was
there Dat Sir Hector Ia.geerie p•id$lb,000
to corrupt the electorate and induce them
to return him to Parliament That was .t
the rate of very nearly 810 per head for
every voter in the town, or nearly 825 per
head for every v.,•.- " c Hector received.
This ts no hennas or trumped up charge.
The Toronto (:lobe publishes the vouchers
for this expenditure. By such corrupt add
corrupting men and inflame* Caudle i'gov-
erned today. How long will the national
.debauch continue!
A Tony es tion.CR Or 1'013LEY.
I oronto Empire : " Look on tbispicture
of i.W'd Salisbury with his consumptive free
t -:tele policy and ea army of starving Brit-
t... workmen ; and on this of Hon. Wm.
McKinley with his gay columna of full -
chested and well-bred American artisans."
So say the cartoonists of the Republican
perineeion in the United States, and their
pictorial contrasts contribute much to the
enlivenment of the Preaidential campaign.
Nor are they without truth. The facts are
(ally •ppeooi•tad in England. (air cable
new' t. moruiag conveys the eigmithcant
information that Leeds manufacturers de-
cline to exhibit at the Chicago World's Fair
on the ground that its impawlbi. to "a-ry
no business against the McKinley Bill
Brookville Recorder : A gentleman oboe
remarked to the writer that on • trip in
England a few years moo the first porno h.
got ae.luainted with casually asked him
what country he was a DOW". d. He
•.•wend with onn.iderahle paid. that b
was • Canadian. The only remark made by
his new friend was • significant els'" batt
to saw at, Gnu he had considerably fallen in
the elkinaties of the Engli.kman. During
the not of hie stay he was an Amoebae and
the diff.rea„ with which he was received
was aateuieheng. As a mere entrain he was
oohedy. hut as ea American he was resent-
ed with more respect. The Canadian has
ma national statue At the best he is only
• Native of • depesdtncy of a European
eosntry. His country c•amot negotiate bar
ewe treatise She anent elect or appoint
her ewe Governor, though she um pao.Mo
le=ritel ens with a geed job. dmgb�
a as 1.Yeh to remain ba this
parities trod dem mama.. hew tem we sever
idaMrlltilp, we ere big emotegh to he
gr at say naso a ought b he,
A--11100 hens $..M Amssimn Nook&
Iis d mere esasagnenese he the haiy el
w heels sham we ern Ls1 m cease M be
1.Dboay ..a joie the family. Let ss be a-
dore .dent.
AN A1xa10AH 011* sn.
Chicago Tribune : Aa (*Lena (Oat.) au.
poke mays
worm show that the with.
drswab hem peal savings hanks ex -
misdeed deposit. during the month of Apil
by $141,000, or at the rate of over 81,5000,000
• year. This is taken to iadisate that •
large number Of people aro lsaviag the coma -
try, taking their savior' with them.
This is just whet 01 moans. The CLa.d-
1•ae, especially the younger &sol mome eater -
Krieg case, see nothing to be pined by
staying in the Dominion, so they peek up
and Doors to the United Stave, when there
is le me chum to get ahead in the world.
The endue is going an .11 Moog the lime,
from the maritime provisoes, from the
French Province of Quebec, ..d from
Ontario, with its English and Sooto►-Irish
population. The oo.dit.oes of life have be-
come harder for farmers sad .l1 others
during the let year or two. For that the
Canada= here only tbstselv. or their
government to blame. The policy of the
letter has been contentedly sinedly to the
United Stats, add thio country, atter put-
ting up with it potently for many years,
f holly saw fit to retaliate, with conse-
quences disastrous to Canadian trade. The
Tory Government made efforts to find new
market* for Canadian products in the West
Indies, Australia, and England, bot with
poor wooer. Hann the increasing Ca.a-
dan emigrotion, which 10 depriving the
Dominion of some d ita best citizens.
The Curewitch is ooming to America
early in June fur • few months.
Jay Gould carries in his purse a ten one
pieoe which he declares was at one time .11
that stood between him and a dead broke
The Japanese Minister to Washington
wear m his turban • magnificent opal almost
as big as • pigeon's egg, set in • frame of
sparkling diamonds.
A liosol descendant of the widow of John
Bunyan lives m Lawrence county, 111., it is
stated, and has the original MS. of the
" Pilgrim's Progress " in her possession. An
affidavit is called for.
Hamilton L Earle of London, who was
married dm April 30 to the daughter of Sir
Edwin Arnold, is . direct descendant of the
Mayllow•er pilgrims, his grandfather, Ad-
miral Earle, having married Elisabeth
White of Plymouth, Masa.
John Morley, in • speech in the Commons
the other .ay, pronounced the library dila
House of Common., one of the most stupid
collections of books that could be imagined.
He had failed to Lind a copy of the works of
John Stuart Mill in it
A letter intended for Bishop Brooke and
addressed "The Right Revd. Bishop of
Maeschusetta, The Palace, Boston, U. S.
A.," was returned undelivered to the post
office by the intelligent corner, indorsed
"Not found at the Palace Theater."
Llrru L'+ Liv i-,; A.. t The numbers of
The Living Age 1..1- the weeks ending May
28 and June 4 oontat. Wm. 11., waverer,
none and corrspoadenoe with Thomas Car-
lyle, and the New Star in Auriga, Contem-
potary The Queen in Politics, Notices!
..izt x is a Inv -Flow, An Adventure in Tene-
rife, and Sketches from Eastern Travel,
Blackwood ; Benjamin Robert Hayden&,
Temple Bar ; The Balearics and early Rail-
wayvelling Corohill ; Hampden Court,
Medallion's ; A Paris Correspondent of 17-
53, and The Wild Flowers of Selborne,
Lon11Dlbn'e ; The Early Lays of French
Newspapers, Good Words ; Church 1)....s
in Seville, Spectator ; Nunc Daniels, Chem -
bar's, with '• The Conquest of Dona Jacobs,"
" Kenyon's Innings," and ,'oetry. For
fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large pages
esch (or more than 3,300 pares a year/ the
. b.cription price 1881 is low ; while tor
$10.50 the publishers offer to send any ore
of the American $4.00 monthlies or week-
lies with The Living Age for s year, both
postpaid. Littell & , Boston, are the
T . Ter esM Papers.
From The Hamilton Herald.
Ramon of impending changes in the news-
paper world in Toronto are going the rounds.
The latest report is th.1 an amalgaatioo
of the World and Empire will shortly take
plate, the idea being for the lista ors
meter to absorb its more ambitions but less
able rival in the morning field. The reos.t
e lection of W. F. Maclean to • seat in the
Iomanon House will likely have the effect
of bringing the World more in hoe with
the Cos.ervative party than ever, and with
its editor and proprietor sitting in the House
it should lead all ate contemporaries in the
raps for new., seeing that Maclean is one of
the beet all-round journalism in An.enc*
with • nose for news that ken scent an item
• mile off. The Empire has Muer .mounted
to much as • n, , ft is understood
that it has never sn.xv..rc.. w making more
than eleven thousand dollars a minute winos
it was established, and the Conservative
piety can have no earthly use for two or-
gan. in Toronto.
There are toe. many newspapers in l'oronto
now and the wonder is how they all gat
acing. 'fh.• V:..1 has a field ot iia own and
seems to be filling it. It is undoubtedly the
bast and faire0t morning newspaper in
Canada today, although the Globe, under
the able direction of its young and brainy
editor, J. S. Willison is giving it • race for
first place. The Globe has • regular con
stituency that is solid and impregnable, and
its rivals do not seem to ent into it any.
The World is well established by this time
and is said to be making money. In the
evening fold the Telegram and News divide
the homers, though there is talk of • third
ppaappeerr Neing issued at no distant date.
HuniIton Herald.
$250,000 PAID nM A ■.11 INT0RwT rN Ter
PTu.IOa 175 1 NIT[D ITATE•e
The brilliant reputation achieved by Dr.
Williams' Pink NIL in Canada has not
only extended to the United States, but has
led to ern important business trenno tion.
OM of the heat, known American pro
prietary medicine houses, the heel of which
a the president of a leading National Hank
in New York State, hew rsewntly membered
a half interest in the trade mark of the Dr.
Williams' Medicine 1'o, for the United
titans only, for which, we undonWd, the
«amelorstiee was' 112rj0,000. This sole is
probably the gra imitate* ia which an
American institution has pereh•wI an iq-
tercet in a Canadian remedy, and offers the
very beet proof of the airlift merits of Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pills, as we may he
flet the Amoebae tyilrlMte, dsfors vam-
ta ing see brie
a stn fthe e half 104011110 of
investigated and veri-
fied the skims made far the rgrnady. It is
• tribute, Ma, Se (Medias melba
w la !&&!&wins i
Vee ttl.e..t WI she eon are awn fossas. er
We .nee em.
From or ewe esereserea mol.
Pensos*.-Mies Tema Murray, d Pam -
about, M vatting fkmei M Clover Valley,
this week.
Mire. James Downey el (.lover Valley,
was visiting frtesds in Coral Wreath Centro
ens day lest week.
MAK Nei Ismovers terra -Daniel Murray,
of C.n1 Wreath, is ereeties • ales sew
kiub.s to tie mar of hs bocce.
QUOIT. -I wonder why Bob took Cssn
Wreath centre in last Sunday •iurnooe ; I
theegkt year " 4 " bawd in or aroused
A Wass or (Aurelio. -We believe that
the meet d leerwo.k was Brent COs
.keep throughout the sates
and leeeiag s nage at Md
Amens* Curium oN Daus - -The Clover
Valley P. d 1. are head over heels in m-
oths- literary oaste* whole is very in-
, trective as well se anemias.
WooLD Luta To Know. -The young
Ladies d 1d Paramount win like to kmow
whether itis at than or their mothers then
Duna is throwing the kisses as kis home-
ward marok from the cheese hctery every
A Stance ACVIDur.-We an marry to
nota that Mrs. Black, of the (lover Valley
• very futile old bully, fell out of bed mad
had the midortane to break nee d her loge
Twee met math bops entertained for her
GE'rneu R*ADT.-We believe Wen
Murdock, jr., 8.. [peat moa the .tome
work upon when Samuel McGaire, of
('lover k ales Meade ereetias • naw poo.
of abode, we aeo believe Mr. Murdock has
the job of **brick work.
Tux Guns or Foor-BAh. - Football
caught grief het Saturday erasing from the
Coral Wreath club. The P•rsstoumt kick-
ers are ixdsigisg in taw rune rams. 1 have
oe doubt best they will stand Locknow or
Dungannon off for • game ere hag.
To Ptcitw AT KINTAIL-We billion the
I, O. O. T. sad the P. of I. and grangers of
Paramount and the Patrols of Industry, d
Clover Volley, Luo .meat to picnic at Kis -
tail sett Saturday. They are expecting •
high old time
p� �. .th : yea, sad why mot
To SICK lAL MzD..'AL AID. -M111.
W. Murray aft last Tuesday moraine for
Toronto a000mpaaied by J. W. Murray. it
appears tint Mrs. Murray was going blind
for 0010 time past Hence her trip to Tor-
onto to have • medical opentlon performed
on her eyes.
Lw: Ks000N.-We are sorry to note that
young Mr. Finlayson, while engaged In •
gams of football in Lochabh a week ago last
Saturday evening, had the misfortune t..
get one of the bolos in his leg broken by an-
other player falling on him. We behove
that In is as well as can be expected under
the cxrcom.tances.
A Wert*" Messmer .t Ieeer,stlae Sew• 1.
Ube Ieegkberbeed.
Rees our Own eorre1p05 eat
J. G. Clutton waited relatives Dear Strat-
ford this week.
ATTteDLetu 0/1144171/C1. -Quito • number
from here were in (.oderich on Sunday last
&reeding the funeral of the late P. O'Meara,
M. bony being ase of the p&llbe.ruen.
Facie ELI -JCL -Master Roy Linklater,
formerly of this place is the guest of his
cousin, Geo. and Alex Chew.. Roy during
his visit will see many of his former .cbool-
mates of No. 9, Dunlop.
Four carloads of soh lumbar were shipped
by X. Baechler, jr., by the iron horse from
Goderich to Tornow recently, the material
being for the Massey Co., for making up
machine, for the Northwest trade Kone
power drew the consignment to Godericb in
four days, and Mosso power took it to
Torose iD ooe day. We must have & R.
R. station.
Ceram Name. -There was u fair at-
tendance at the congregational mentmg
Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. J.
A. Anderson, pastor in charge, was chair-
man, and S. B. Williams, secretary. It was
decided to have • boo to repair the church
grounds and buildhag. On Tuesday after-
noon material in the wayof lumber required
was left in the hands oA. C. Macdonald.
The church is to be painted outaide shortly.
The was left in the hands of John Horton,
E. N. Shaw, A. C. Macdonald and JVs.
Linkater with full power to proceed at
once. Miss May Bogie's statement of
reoeipta and expenses of the last tea meet-
ing was read and received. The balance of
fads in her hands was paid in by her to
the treasurer. A tea meeting will be hold
to a few weeks' time, and on Wednesday
n ight of this weak the ladies will decide the
day and date.
From our own correspondent.
The eacramate of the Lord's Sapper was
.t.spensed in the Presbyterian church on
Sabbath last
Miss Borrows and ]lies Tem" Hawkins
attended the teachers' convention held in
Gderich a. Friday and Saturday kat
Mrs. Joie Grandin loos Mim Kate Mc-
Bride(, of Chicago, s the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Wm. McBride. She is ac -
;waled by ben niece, Miss Nay Mc-
Neil Nilktna means the lens d hie spl.-
darer. Ne had anchored it at Kmtail,
where be had been engaged dnving stakes,
but, elan he returned to finish the work
the spite -driver was mot to be found, this
obliging him to get one at (.oslerich on
A speciy. men of the tramp genua
through this Misr on Friday last in tag
n ape of a strong healthy lookers man, a -
parently about fifty years of nae, but clam
ing to he over seventy. Me wanted help to
go from Toronto to London, having spent
the last eight months in Toronto hespttat.
P'e .oaM not understand) for the life of ns
what hraught him to the neighborhood to
react: lon&u from Toronto and declined at-
onrdingly to ve him any help. He told ns
WP were an ah ppaawpa and he never
asked any help English pawpaa. Those
people are a terror to ehiklren sod • outs -
ince to the mnutnnity and 'hook' be lock
ad up.