HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 3Tim LSE gee Yee ?AMY years WA WOW the as el :249 Alia is aai,„sm1y. tweet ea the w • time • favorite nmgiNi m ai ioe O clad 06 ifgregrterh .striae pews* a ah the em be the up. tie trip sealtw.ng hem tee to ;Weals, ' la the k of tum t ...jai •t the Lake . Gastuthe lather part of the O 44.1a.aw--7 ase ase. steady N1. wog eye mpp•d.., od esemeeded whowere am i^a bo ret aomsrmies errata' ea deck with the mown they ey were with $$ teseepor- tltre ° stases oma* were fitted ill lessiness they core. eriaaPd- reshrl'dy d aeves elegantly. mad on terref Doses — Iiss They as gewa Mett a travel w Saw was„ .ad for dewier • Whisk re gr weer, d tail their plpt•est r OIL 1 oink 3 abet brown sugar weigh me poised. wiorrice la erst-oeas ste lye of the woe built for the Lake a pni.rsthousemo Mitheir kind e .0 war wuoomrscMsd mat aeras ship- mi 'rhe art of making swift and stout Women of wool had trot poiebed nail al- e tee war. But the era of railroad build• luso y to in the Late '60. tad oossinu►ng ted vwor in the out decade imp these titre like crafts oat of existence. flee d the best are still doing service as kers. Now passenger travel ou the wooers. M a .0 sought for either by the public elm the owners of the best craft between gi„a„g sad p4a lysis. of lake shemessereiaL ip- building que- lls tie b,LJm of try ocseider is not easy gas. -agars eon yogi carry, but We „say beech et rein sad toss of other bight, and how out you do this with the Bust mem ase the least coal. A000ntmo- yti,s fret • few psamagera is to be had o0 rMu the R s, but they are to be through favor, sad who take them nine, be contest with ash fare &ea sleeping arr$nge0e.te as are ward for the officers. A few passenger moan still keep the eke waters between away and the upper petal. of lar. Sup 1„ior sed, so tar asto be wa+s"t beau. are of t= ir.t-class. leel lake .reser bewerer. is the owl eighmt propeller. The eke shipyards we beginning w &ogpiee eemethiew off their ,id -time Igor. A .amber el them are wwww out everythtiaL eseel hem the steam buck sod yacht to the Meal propane*, and fir, r n., excuse for waters capital seek- i„g .bipbutldtsg .way from home. The dime in our treaty with Greet Britain re- „r,rtsrgnavel architecture on the tithes wdl sadt,ubtedly be repealed, if not by this y the next .ougreen. It is likely enough that sett year • sum krr of the propellers d roost .peed and ant modern type deviled now einklaively r height will he tumid 1.to paassaget ear • pHs for the world's her eirvles. • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1$L ORI$P ANO CASUAL The o,..di.. grain Messner Reendee is e reend 1. Mad tike. llayview park. 8arnt•'s peer.* Heart was mesad est week. I.wr. Sulphur heap is as ukpsi tenet .rMee...4 Aransas wad partial the ski. meet Asestenlly. lm lemigratise testi..* to flow into Meal toha and the North -week Thirey.4ve miles ef Taranto .frost railway will be res by eteotrioity in W Tall Ossamiosal dumas of • good cathartic like Burdock Pills are to keep the blood pare wad the body lm The *Masi ewe frosty Honduras is that Hee isearpn10 have bine defeated by Gov- ernment troops. Aa entYe hwilty of sew poems was drowsed mar Guthrie, O18thoma. on Tees - day sight, mem M the freshet. There are ,may indications of worm*, bet I. low's Worm Syrup .ssfa them is every cans secoesdRUy. Ilm The Durham micas bays been and will ream work .t tie reduction i• wages which they struck against. The Sanford Manufacturing Company, of Hamilton, are looking for premises in which to locate • clothing store in Windsor. Enrich the blood by the use of Milburn', Beef, Iron awl Wine, which supplies the svoses•ry blood building materiel. lei Man. Morgan, Moore as the foremost woman writer ea berm* and cattle in the United tttates, died Thursday morning in Jersey City. SALTYANO ITS COSTS. MSS Os People elf t.,tnla r., fine Keep• ties webs ihreseese I. view el the direct t.mdemoy toward• damermoy is the &*Wk We., Henry la- beeehers'. amble is the October Foram makes isstraotive reading. It in esuted hob, mange and *matches of every kind, on hums arMaras, cured is 30 minutes by Wooltater.8.•itary Lotion. This never fade Sold by F. Jordan. 48•ly NOT SO BAD. Spearaas..ad •p.ertsase from the (Whew rr. Latest declare. No man is too poor to be generous. Kut ineas is the sunshine In which virtue grows. • A real religion mimes from the human heart sad brain. Give to every human being every oppor- tunity you claim. LOA Sparta lisieMit sense' all lard, soft or ransomed hems sad blemishes k horses,s..p blood lop vinearbssts. rag loos, .weeny, stiles sprains, sore met Pollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by me 4 oi.e bottle. Warranted the meet inaderfull.kt:3i ver known. Sold by F. Jordan 48-Iy its Ter M M !Ye Lttehes. Ten .wnmon sired eggs weigh cue pound. Soft butter the sire of an egg weighs one niece. (Me put of coffee A sugar weighs twelve sires. Uma yeart of sifted Roar tweil heaped) one sent Os pint of beat brown sugar weighs thir• rm osnm.. Tie" towers (well heaped) of coffee A npr vetgh •ax pound. Two teacups (level) of granulated sugar weigh oto pound. Two tracers of soft bettor (well pecked) weigh one potted. Ose and omelitrd pints of powdered rog er sr dour weighs one ounce. Oee pint i heaped) of reanlated sager weighs fourteen ounces. Pear teaspoons are equal to oae table Two aid one-half teacups (level) of the Ose tablespoon Oren heaped/ of ltr•••1•" Keep your word with s child ea you would with • banker. Just to the extent • nun mingles thought with his work he advances. 1 don't believe that any trod well be satis- fied by the worship of hypocrites. Human love 15 • pupates' magician. It snakes of common clay right royal kings soil queens. There rent an orthodox creed in the world that hasn't been stained by the blood of persecution. Whitt air is to the lungs, blood . to the heart, light is to the eye, liberty is to the heart of man. Heresy is the opinion of • last year's leaf of a this year's bud. Heresy is what the coffin says to the cradle. Whoever has won the love of s good woman and has mile himself emperor of her heart and her empress of his, has made • success of life eves if he dies in the gutter. trwrdrs Ualsarss ter BhvnsaMersa- " Esglhb !Loyalty : he caste .ad *to Uses.' He says that the day for worship of royalty is pat • that loyalty to a king is no longer a fstiad= ; that the fuss sad feathers of marts are anachronism ; that oo menta* sovereigns are held u power by amnia and teal the Qu.ss Of libegbiad is tolerated partly hoses* of the Emilie dislike of ohmage is the abstract, and partly because she is merely a figure bead. Muaarohy has been lauded because of its alleged .octal advantages. Mr laboaohere *taints that this is • fallacy. Masuahy tends to breed snobbism. The teas tet a ooart depeads oa the character of the mon- arch. !luring the Isom* of the Prince Con- sort, the tone of the court was beesecial to public morality. But daring the reigns of George I, George II, and George III, the eosiul is umee of their court* was for evil rather than for good. Besides, a heredi- tary arbiter of social morals ia, •wording to the editor of the Truth, . transparent ab- surdity. It is in the expense of royalty that Mr. Iaboucheres sees its 100011venien,e w lim- bed. AU told, he says it oats $6,000,000 asas•uy. When William IV died, a uew Civil List act was passed. By this the Queen was allowed £385,000 or over $1,- 900,000 a year. In addition she bolds the revenues of the duchy of Lancashire, amounting to $250,000 a year. Then there is the cost of inaintaiuiug p•.Oes, and • Dumber of houses in which the friends of royalty reside, all of which comee out of the public treasury, •kid is not included in the Civil List. The Prince of Wales receives from the Duchy of Cornwall $300,U00 per aanum. in addition he has been voted by Parliament a sum of 1260,000 • year, and his wife, the Princess of Wales, gets 1150,000 fruit the same source. The younter sone ot the Queen receive each $186,000 • year. Each of the daughters get $30,000 • year. The Empress Frederick of t:ermany, on the oc- wton of her marriage received $600,000 in one scm, independent of her animal income from the itritieh treasury. The Duke of Cambridge gets $50,000 • year and his two sisters, severally. 126,000 and $15,000 a year. Notwithstanding this enormous expense of royalty, the .iueen is personally popular. The •Priooe of \y ales also. commands • cer- tain kind of popularity. He is likened to Charles II, and with some classes is a fav• orite. The other children of the Queen led quiet and decorns lives. The Duke of Edinburgh is the last popular ; he is rich and `atsimonioee. rd, coffee A, or bast brow. new, equals lee Caeca. 111 Mir I'srM• .ye oes ge.ao41• t of hesid, or Coe pint of ff.ety inset peeked solidly, weighs use gases it Valid be very ooaveni st M remember. Teaspoons vary in bee, and the new ones WI east twice as meek es an old-/nshiemed tees et thirty years ago. A ..mels* -mined ttssar. costatss .heat a dram. a CM rigs Sd a Mel The tarp • Good T.l.t• Jisoson--This grip is a mighty good thing when 7041 ranee to think of it. Jameson • Don't see how. That's because you are not practical. I've saved • heap of money by it." " Saved money " lots. The first time I had it I went to • doctor and got a preecriptios. Instead of taking that prescription to a drug store I made • Copy of it and took the Cope to the druggist. Since then every tithe I've caught the grip I've just used that some old pre- scription, and it hasn'ts e • IVO cent for or doctor's fees. I jest tellyou cheaper than having half • doves different domes, Do two alike. ---New fork Week- ly. --- ■,ssrd's uslarn/ is the Vest. TESTING A LIFE-SAVER. People Bonder lad how Ellpfitly bottle e restse•d by taking Apses Ilea ssrsr41is. The reason is OM thea vaporettos ameba only the panel and most powerful alteassiTe5 sad teats. To theemads yearly N roves • veritable oilier el 1110. a1. Ida. Jos. » L oo eht i= Kish.. i q lite • Weiss bah■it same sear eadiog my e>dMemen Vie more thee fear yeses I eldhired aft. tae Iraq. I was reduced same te •a o a sa ihoae Alllordly lkkindse s erfeed mod only the most EA- area theSeeies mld ateaedd edted at *IL MOO maaeal_pY7aleMee Mailed vie edgiest glvtng *1Moth.i. Mo lag that I Mak seamed glebes do say per- moanst rad wen I awe the ase of h7hicc6opro- duced woaderful . S comeasselos so take the 11a I scald sae e Improvement M ay se.ANies . IaM mars sad with 111 mese theb M to MOSS an la Mod lakes. no areas& impoorodeselt Ay, aied after a km nMmOrea' to log ime,I Rosi glean . your WOMB. nils to ahead M all 'toehold dittim. The aedW- has git. - m. • new l.ae etrash sad I cannot tbaslk pad too mash. we, theedtassa of Brockway Ceara, Iffide, kerrolo that the above .taNw.st. Ids. Lake, is true la, every s p articular sad entitled to tel crelbroe. —O - . A Chamberlain, G. W. Raring Wells. Druggist. "My brother, In =II. wee, for a time, unable to =IL W his oocn- he toe by reason et low oa el tl inb It conyer'ethOed d bile to E.deateet.l to l'h.ek Ilse I:esela of Ilse Ovally Railway Mahe. A car Coupler was experimented with by railway magnates at West TuroutoJunction recently, however, which may yet be the means of checking the deadly work. The new coupler is the invention of Ii Bunker, of Barrie. It was shown that any car fitted with the Althouse coupler could be easily attached to a box car, a i'ullaan, an ordi- nary passenger car, a high or low flat car, whether fitted with a Miller coupler, an ordinary link and pity, or a Jane coupler. The opuation of unr,up:ing may be per- formed with Coe finger, and never forme the employee to go between the cars or to leave the top of the car when shunting. 115 wonting parte are simplicity itself. Each coupler has • horiwotal bolt with an arrow head alightly twisted so that when the ars jam together the head strikes crosswise in • slot in the other coupler. The twist in the head forces the bolt to turn, allowing it to enter the slot, its own weight turns it back, and the oars are coupled. The coupler also has the ordinary drawhead, allowing it to be attached to any "foreign " car, that is, one not rigged with this coupler. The oo0p- ler now goes by the name of "The Althouse" after • Chicago gentleman by that name, who bought out the patent andis engaged in perfecting the design. so as to put it upon the market. The testa on Saturday were very severe, yet the 000pler stood the str n every time. The arrangement • car at 12 miles an hour humped against another on the sharpest curve o0 the C. P R. track. This was a curve on which all the other Couplers refused to act and over which a locomotive passes with great difficulty. Two ars fitted with the Altbooie were placed in the middle of • long, heavily loaded train ; the locomotive was started with a full heed of steam. At the first trial the coupler, drawhead and all, was pulled nearly off the car, at the out the pin in the car next ahead gave way, but the strength and utility of the invention were .early proem. 550114114 An age* Baptist elder, who was noted for his intellectual rigor, was converting me evening with a number of the brethren when the subject of old age was touched upon. One of his fries,. i ventured to ask if he foetid that his incoming yeas had in any way impaired hie memory.for •while, The good old stn.poedered mad then replied, " Well, 1 cannot .t the pi set moment remember anything that I have ever forgotten.' _ — A box of Ayer's a rremeedds yidoes mealy ot at of sicksickness.ckne. happen to be within reach, people are le to neglect slight ailments, and. of course, if arioun illness follows they bare to suffer he cosa•gsasOes. ' A .titch is time savesMae" MEN ANO WOMEN - A Trask ftaseen.M of she Cos. la a sermon es Journalism the Rev. Thee. Duren said The polities of the editor of • .ewspsprr of today is as solemn s trust as flat of a minister of the Oaapi. The pram is het, has absorbed many of the fuectisus of the minister of religion. The remorse bikties of such a position are greater booms the number of lives directly effected e Vetter. He has the power to poises the ands and unnerve the arms et ens of theumwls daily, with hatred, lies, evaders sad Meals the basest el the Srs•l, or to lift the world from the alum bur of the night to the date* of • clew day is the arms el ate, teeth, eallr.ge, bops sad faith. There Is .q wet seeders ,Mm who spirits with ash espeeme power se he who dictates the _m.mgemw4 et a •.•'paper. The secret of the power to Wm or the power M dams the Bic elf • sma eh*. Her the mbitst r et the meet herb GI truthhhha m ja g illswith ' IMP snored he d's•a ir fthst twerp 4 reugho VW derksem o iM al paden yams W. Prefer your .flaws, tor pity's rwke give few bar"* ,own a 'Meg It now • well man. wt,oereking in • wwas Oland, hip` mill At Bitewel, Sharpot Lake, Ontario., — A.. AtMweL, tsaar Ayer's Sarsaparilla, raa?Alltan ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. Naas' pyre $l, ata 00114011. $4. Worth M a teeth. $900 SAI.Azi'T! and ('ommfn nn to Agents. Men •MI Women. Teach- er* sod ('ix no men to int udu e • sew mad popular standard book. Testllnony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most rrn,ar\able TAW iso hook of the ase w ritten h, li.O eminent arhctars, Nnn-.eetarfan Every Uhl fel ten Tot 0I• a. Exclusive territory l o1x en. App! to The meaty 0111 ahlas&Ytg 1s.. Norwlrb. t'Coma. Chairman Clarkeon's u personal candi- date " ter the Presidency is said by OOe who claims to know, to be Senator Allison. Baron Fas is all miles and dimples since his stars to the Stets, bet it is suspected that h has a large size international corn epos his oosealea0e.Jacob trem, (;prnely'a sew Preeideet, is Geoida• few yes* ander 40, but • noted scholar. he was store as Pr*0oe Edward bi sd. Mme. Patti says she will sing as long •• Abe is able to do handl w did bt d o Al $6,000 • s of doter justice to ,n overlook the q her hearers. d imprisons - went Perry's term over ee t nillgivewlhettburit would nto ot ponderrhave been Setter to have robbed railroads on Wall street the to burtlsriee trans Is Notics. Based P , of Ray suety, u ty, aged 90 yearsis •penise+a Ms Stated fee w rved is eins war. Thepussies was pseud by • special eat of the LegimetUr• Ile ISM Copt. Jemima W. Lawler dCbsee.. Mies, will start Jens 5 as sloth* trissedente in a moll boat, 12 1.01in 4 (stmt sad 14 taches deep s rose wsad 11 be ever rote trek in exhibit his front at the Chimp tion. Flowerloo• eared it M ha sed easea llov.that he shieeared P wok though the provocation y 550 He _ I T soa er'ea set pdies with as reed iz sole e e M desire go es 1 W whoa I • reword ..d rape tet hee must I prepare Hems is, sod saeapt„ M et polities also` tam w Sawia C. Me ehe, silo° a M memost to slake bkl.bosase `mI d Ka.aa•. aSamoirly w ruditor ed ie .Sid M hs $M 1lsedast Tiaro o 10.000 is ►a • little ...snapmrN ; ii won't het bar• 8h. demn't awl N as ; k win 'asks Lee eyes open wider than they have tar the hie r years; belt it will do bar good far serosa .ad . There ere fora ward re } way mai os. -1 Yon knew that if the Is' is alma. labor hes beet performed M wake it ss Yon knew that if yes ass take from year drawer a elms dike whomever rhiivearat it, somebody's harm hay. «Asd- • hew *moan sane maks *bpt with a Mot • Ile Imp* pelia". ted, ser " i /gayour gam • me yea for= e uyea t erNatio* el IhaW_. Y yw atop eh. .l vee is haw. when Mother r," etes Mal *Imo asp laugh wg6 *at skit deep aossilmeal. hne MUM. ad -piste di?nos imosle i iNSr ogpaa al cltLETtS ('.seer.Is1 le0g.tsa. One of the most ridiculous and .arelw thing' that the people called Christiss, living in this enlightened age and country, do, is to go into blsck when some 1riesd dies. Many newspaper writers disoourugs the melees extravagance and often financial ernharraenne.t which this custom entails upon families who are frequently in env Using bat. any circum etaCes. Strange to " r, these same p•pere turn t heir Colas a ray ap side down whenever • sus of prominence dies ad thus show as little taste nod wisdom as do these distressed ones who ...brood themselves in the deepest gloom The wrier of tbis article has made it y disti cely known to his family that if or of them goes into warning " as it is usled, when be is Callen away, it will be h direct opposition to vim peasant wishes sad judgement' W. have oo desire either that any Sewgrpsr Colum. ray 'bold be tarsal nidi