The Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 2r test, past se to a• i 7.t is the aoaatry saes some has them birth hi sod fairly ♦ Lail pert le votive te t bei t. It a.aase of tis busts t oloaied Molly el w it =MDR friends ing fora ity and true we, ole domed policy Pres'" are the ead namely, it nat ion the I Lbw u onal lend a emicl Hun. comm mit ted tbo to (-heckle( --fur t he wrltae grower of the very land. to nand outstrip the duns and aeon the have el a destiny that of 3 and t Moat perity to sacrifice only c trona of tries. as bat they as the to the e permitted tort fre products, an a the mss has the riches of producer producer. tort ion may be 'tor the bring Canada ft if *Lowrie,* male in nailer*. his handl! 'eutel tar, the rhea. get into the la • THE SIGN : qe ONT., TH(JRSDAY, JUNE 9, 1892.` ei made Canada • try IMMO people are he Canada, mot - minim dol - atoms row that ptpulatioa of the 600.000, which we paid to ley aad takes with In number to every Ws the Mem period, at over • million -sad- a fact of ..cions leo whether Comae - who have gives say o1 their country, bright aaticipetions ratite have sot he regained leader our *ad isolated couleur mom the custinrnt plyskally a part ; Oar meigbbors and brothers are aloe - highway to prosper - mations at • rate kbtory of the world, tamest, as richly en - impoverished by a capital and ester - holding our own, but moth • rate that a be but one result, and nati sal collapse.; Mood of our infant Oa t0 swell the veins t beside us; it means d our hopes of nati- tbe -Canadian nide- her ultimately by that British connection, the When Conservatives Ives, it most be al - of repatriating the w wbo were forced at abroad, or even the National ib)ky may be made clear by mak v. ay as he par the brawn awl brain expatriation in the been vainly atheniptiug limey it who may, to United State. wee themselves ley Cana- lising who. by playing their patriotic (wide. to believing they had Irom and eulrrior to the continent. Dina that the Na- -t•) -" restore proo- fing industries" •d a from being made a moot be am sat idart- the n•maining propel- . Some of our iwln.i• tied. nee prosperous, as just in proportion ern�pro••iwrotit and pot Yee tribute they are tional Polley to ex - who consume their words. t IIt• N. 1'. i* need titer-iranl obo has the long end. of the cuneumer-the tuner mom.• from the 11. and the fewer the r must 1a• the ••s - maintain profit. It tber-tmrrienn ;tools ✓ other country are ; 1n that revert rifled. market" : tut gook are being why should the ra- ther he most keep ins ' He io pre - the most of hi. dol- igh tariff wall which Id have to .limb to inn market in which former make. hie purchases, 1 --Aa tom` inter- pr. 'rinrinl trade. who known of may : It amounts to nothing. bat tinge bag been a movement of 1 1 tarso cameo! by the exelnsioa Lrm product- from the State. by Bill. O. The that the National Poli•:y. b'. the Americans, would Owed to ' - toally for Ibis cone - try a res' -01 trade" 1. probably the moat impepleini contained in the reso- lution. It MAr M careful and cons-kn- tiomu rotea1411 nom- Need in connection with the repand attempt" of all lana• dies -ldmisfeser nesse, both before and .ince at N. P., to secure re- Umited States, it teaches tion of the tariff' line the produce of the Considered the most im- Canadian prosperity. In phase of the question, boar in mind that all motional boundary es potable a war - 'serious' impediment and the oblit.'r•t ion and perpetnal rea- war wouM1 tonere- to Canada's /Wron- g, ark. has the about that remit Mae.lonakl and hop - bee possible result party and the room - figurer. our neigh- ,aaab the pot -and t for quarter. But h appeal for mercy. Awe ti.m* of mp.nie.I with vain with unfriendly. 0 Goan on the part the United States. preen too often gave is 01 hootility tp- and instead of gir- Sir John deemed prvaperity, we hare ✓ menaces against ting eneh drastic the McKinley Rill. be Canadian farmer 1 profitable mar- e, hay. poultry, etc.. etc. It is that the Nn tional in the direeti.0 between the two mise! to do. bet, bed the effect of the excell.•ut in the 1'nite•l is market is the to force the i-ait,d : and that such mtaat appear to yon Conserve t insp. place the glory ixterent..14 0411 - factum above I o• natk,n- the adopt nom ciprocity with as that the at least as soil, has M portant dealing with we most, partied, line. so far fare of to Canada's d that at ion eely be tifagP. Itut tow prwlkpa[ ed for by the try 7 We bor.--tbe to bear we have On the 'S2, and glorious not hiss of •RF Oar oratols utter:,nee t• wards oar lair se the em.ry,ti•l to them restyles their connate* tarameres of wbkh has r his most eon het for kis vegetables, quite clear, Polky ices d• eesatriee ole tbe very matt* lansees. tel remit et *tetra tate fe the rte who, all party er-baetere every al pram The at tempi swee•as bp whleh banded. ale my d. home*. V a lame to Polio of its 11•901111. 11..11 upm 1 Policy i. Pspportel it with eahetel co owed", sed that not oar teem trv'e gond k00 hu been •• rammed after thirteen wase' trial. ('OLLATLIKAL ALS TO THE N. 1'. Debre *atria( the NatMnrl Pulky, a rrmwee is is place to these collateral aids which were dr tgmed kg the Posers - meat of the Dormanta to owlet a high tariff in beagles wealth, popuMti a, foe- teatment and greatness to this country. That the imposition of • high tariff to enable manufacturer.' to exclude the pro- ductions of other countries would not alone mean• pra•per(ty to Canada could tot reawo.ably be expected by even or hope- ful a Government es that which emceed - Id the administration of Hoo. .tkxua'Irr Mockers:1e ; sad the tariff nem propped up sad supported in other ways. Coincident with protection to tastier industry, and as as eseenttal and integral part of the N. P., • policy .1f rnertretic interior de- velopment was decided epos awl carried out so lar as the expr editure of • public money is cowered, with all the energy and enterprise that characterise the .'.a- glu Seam rate. (:anals were dug, .'sift- ing canals were enlarged, harbors and piers everted in different parte of the country, though there was no chipping to be accommodated. railways subsidis- ed and t-uentrnrted to open new and de- velops old territory. ■12.1 public improvr- eneat• OM • grand scale undertaken in every throttles -sometimes. possibly. with • view to iufluen•i.g constituencies rather than to help the country. Milhous of dollars were borrowed in Europe to Pli- able um to carry out t he grand acbeaoes which we were profaned would being nr prosperity and build up on the Amerkau continent not so much a depeneknry of Great Britain as an imperium in ineprrio. *1w pride of our people and the wonder of the world. Nothing wase untried that the min.l• of statesmen could *ugliest a* likely to moist in developing and enrich- ing the country And alter the moat in- contestable precede of failure. this but house method of .eselopment rt ill proceeds: millions of dollar. are briag ,pint in building a canal at Sault Ste. Mark. for the alleged purp,sr of rendering a. in- dependent of our neighbors --who charge tis nothing for the nee of their canul u few- rodeo diet/int - and to aceomniod.ate *be lake shipping which under the N. P. ie steadily declining until to -day but one per rent. of the craft ern on the bk.'. is 1anoIian and but woven Canadian et -s- w an of any pretensions are afloat on they waters to take advantage .4 this .tn- pendons, .end. melee the cirram.tancew. criminal folly of the Government. While the Government contractors were .prn.l- ing the 120 millions .11 dollars which this ".kvrlopmeent-' coat. money was plenti- ful asp tines. were go.wl in Canada. • re- sult which all of ue who eupportad the Government crron.v,wily attnitrated to he hmif►rient working the National folks. We mortgaged tl.r country as lamer* ttfttimen mortgage their farms• when money is entree. awl an the farmer lisle himself in easy iin-nmstan.-,'s while the borrow- ed money- lasts so was Canada apparently •coaxingly preperous while millions M borrow.] capital were Ming ,pent in pub- lic work* very often of more than doubt- ful utility. (*that 120 million may seven millions harm Men repaid, leo that. while s..un•w hat facilitating the movement of trade. the NET RESULT OF SUCH IfEAV1- EXPENDITURE OF BORROWED MONEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSiST- !NG TILE N. P. H.t$ BEEN TO V,IRTI.i' AUGMENT THE Itl'RlEN WHICH EACH OF 1'S AS -t ('AN-1I)IAN H.%$ TO PAY, • branch of this grant gpe.tion which dull be touched upui in it. pro- per place before t hie letter cowhides. The farts which hare been pointed oat Ore known tee yon. and in view of the more than tomtit 1,far1ery con- ditions which undeniably eti..t-with our heavy awl contently in.rea+ing national 4111 : with one heavy and constantly in- crement( national expenditure : with an in - creme of p.pulntion hew than the per tentage of increnw in an old rot : ry like Great Britain- which people areeav- ign by the hundred thousand annually for the United Rtat.w, Africa and the Anetnilamien colonic, - with, etch a grave n itration a, thew curditione within your knowlyd. a imply, it would be bile to way, what every intelligent 1 anadian knows it he will admit it. that the Na- tional Policy. se a means o1 making Can- als great and p.pnlo.s.. and her people prosperous, has hewn a ron.pieuoue and d i eaatr us failure. WHY WE l4It*'E I't*l'1.1_1TIoN. Neutra tle,rieto have been advanced to account for the alarming abowiug we make to those who very properly meas. tire oar national progress, by the increase of our ponplation. bet to the indepen- dente unprejudiced mind which meek.. neith- er to acture' nor Pxcuwe Government, there i* an easy and rational way .4 accounting for our Lamentable failure to inerrare our population and thus add to the wealth and .trength of the Domin- ion. Asn rule the man who is leaving the old world and it* monarrhive I hot ita- t ions u a ht fund home in the new world awl to better the material condition. of himself and family. has no sentiment to waste about thio flag or that flag, Ile i• thoroughly tired of old flag* and all that appertain to them. The goeation* flint proven thernial ves to the in- telligent emigrant are these.. where can be most easily and certainly acquire that rompet.•n r for himself awl family which is denied him mover the -old flags" .If Europe When, ran be find free and .tan bele in.*1*ntions Anil • healtbful climate for his family '. Ian the Korth .l merkaa continent t here nrr hu' two euoutrie0, each powwowing about an ritual *rex oI territory. to either of which he may rea- sonably tome awl expect to find the rnn- dition. cel which ie is in neer'-b. He will carefully rcratir'ne the eowlitiwis which prevail in each, to avoid .'odditiona which he is baring. and, as a seneibl•' man. will make the home of lunw•If awl de- srenlant. in *tint country which offer. the most ruhstantial inducement. and is Ow farthest removed from the milit•rl.m of Europe which has kept the poorer clog.,. in • eosdition not altogether die - similar to .erfelom. Dora he come to Canaan awl gra farm- ing ' 11e finds, hiteaelf obliged to pay re tax of from 25 to ii► nrr renton every thing he pun•ha.... sar*t. when he wells any of ►Y produce to the 1 nitre, Slate■. to pay in addition t. tribute to the same extent to the Washington' linvernmest for the privilege .4 selling- Hence his dollar become* worth only from. :.0 to 00 rrnlr. He +mer his brother or remain. It nifty be. farming in the 1'nitel Stat.'w. Ile Nowa him n. a .itiven of the 1'nin..l S inters. •.. n .ubrrilrr to their p.liti- eel prineipin• ',play ret hint he pru- des -es without paying one rent .d tri b,a*e t.o any 1)merameet on earth. for Ur roar. nothing that I1. raaIM rB either In free trade England .n' •t beam, and never in prole. -ted (beads. Se ars him elan paying a lower taxation a what he sad W family coamuttw than *bet 1M as a laatedisa farmer pays, ler wiling the eesteme Meatus i• (sands is 54.00 per braid triol spies up, It is but $3-E11 intim Wats. aid is Mils rapidly reduced al- ma* to tis rambles p iidd& Be Bade - lialnar teethe d 0lis ahem* at a eom- pkte stsadstr, witty al them guts( back- ward. sad the esportesitiss limited for the rmpleymaat d his children who ray wade to Mate the large ; the .sly thriving industry is Caasds outside of the pro- tected one, brag that .4 the money lead- er; while almost is sight d his owe farm, close to the imagt.•ry list whiik rues •thwart the soatheat. and farms the bouwlary between the two countries, be wee on the Americas aide of that liar. cities from width Le le excluded, growing as cities nowhere else in lb-- world have grows, amt where aggregate popaislion ie about lee mesh sr that of the British lake. use of throe cities ;:Son,-, likago, •till in its infancy, .'Ontainic4 is larger popslatioa than all tic riti•-- awl tows in the whole Ibminiou .d Canada put together. Last, but by no n.eaas least. be rant in the United State. • practical application of the eternal princiide of gov- ernneat of the people,' by the people and for the people, while in Canada we has. • hermaphrodite thing, meetly monarchi- cal. a relic of barbaric age. covered by a this mask of wham rrpubl*eaaLm tO conceal its bid'-ouce (-barmier ns bring gralnally rey:ald by the inrsorable hand of Fate, accompanied by gusrrnment of the people by Doodlers and for Doodlers and thieves!! What wonder that when the Continent becomes (ally known to the emigrant ver have deluded to our •horn*, he dues, as do also our fathers, and brothers and (gobbet". goes to the great- est. and the moot preperona country known in history ! A t'OM1'AIIISON OF GROWTH. !upending. albeit discouraging to 1'a- un.loalr, is a comparison o1 the growth of Canada with that of revere! of the States of the fniou. - In the last 10 years l)ntnri., hos int -reseed 180.00*) Alabama bar in r,-a•.el 350.000 Georgia has increased 575,000 Kentucky Ms int -resod 210.000 Illinois has increased 750,000 Miuuerots hes increased 120.000 Missouri haw increased 510,0(10 Michigan her iucreartd 456,000 Arkanaar has increased 32:0,000 Kansas las inc reamed 430,IM)0 New Jersey hn. increased :112,0(*) New York how increased 915,000 North Carolina bar inereuae.d 215,1**) Nebraska has Inc -reseed 607.11(10 Olio has increased 475,0011 i'eunsylvnnia has ineremed 965,(1(10 Mas.erchusetto has 'renewed 400,01*) (hilifornw has increeted :171,000 nehington Ter. has increased :140.000 ihikota has incren.ed 271,000 These figurer should etnrtle and alarm Canadiarm. They afford a fair means .4 comparing our progrs* with that of the several States mentioned. Had Ontarit leen allowed. free from tariff embarrass.• meat. to develop her great natural re- ,uuree., her advancement would hare beer a. gnat a* that mode by any of thele Had any tot thew States been separated from tic rent by an international bound- ary line, and flanked .en either aide by an almost ineurmountnble tariff wall, its progra* would have been no greeter that, that of On*ario. lewd prohnhly leo.. for Ontario, with the been agricultural land+ on the continent. her great fi.hrrie.e and her unrivalled mineral resource... is more rich- ly endowed by nature than almost any State in the ['uion- t►I-L' FINANCI.1L 1'Il$ITION. 10 1807 Canada was in a much letter pantie financially. se in alneort every other way. than the Unite! States. ,her neighbor having just emerged Irom • terribly expensive and dr.tr*rtire war, those Canadians who. from mom, inewrut- able reason, felt b.wtile to that aoanl- e1 and bleeding country, predicted its 'seedy di.ruptio.. and were encouraged to hope that. in the lifetime even .4 per- sons then living. the northern halt of th.- rmntitwnt wouhl become a greater na- tion than the wontlwrn half --thee hoped that the meek monarchy which wait at- tempted to be transplanted to the free e.oil of this continent would grew up to overshadow the Republican institutions of Ow rioted otel States- }low i•.entpletely Can- ada haw failed to gain population, the eg- .,-ntinl deeidreratum .d greatneete. we hare men. and we have .aero how the United Stats has gained in the direction in which we lost. Now let os briefly rxam- ntw' the finaorial condition of each coun- try and aaecrtain how we have retro- grade) while they have been arlvaw•ing until today the United States stands the richest and the mo..t lightly taxed nation on the face of the globe. .1 change in the debt of the two countries has tabs place as follows : U. 8. H1(IIT. CA7(AUSAN DIST. vial areausT. ca1:14DT' . axestar?. 111.1h 1111611 lMl: 01 i 1- 77.710317 gibi.s.m i,7s, M 1• ' tsuaoAOP m The forgoing shows a eduction of thir- teen hundred million dollars in the debt of the State. and an inrr,ar in the debt of Canada of One hundred and sixty-three millions of duller., while they are fetter prepared to bear an iorrase than we are. le not that comparative 'statement euffi- rient to cause (an•dian, to ask tbcm.elves aeriomty "w hit her are we drift ing"' Bear- ing in mind the moot important feet, that when we began our s' -called national raietenee• Ave a Confederated l►netinion d British province., oar debt stewed at 622 per head, and las .'iore gone op to prac- tically *00 :-- for with peovlarisl debts which moot Ir arsamad by ream* it in /note that figure;- nnaidering that we have melerteken no extraordinary expe.d- items. •:rcpt in the rain attempt to '• develop " our resource.: t hat while their debt her .decreased from 511*1 to 510 per heel. and our expenditure hes increase.) •nd their* decrraael, THEY HAVE l'AID THREE Tl101-S.1Ni► MII.i-ION i*1I.I.ARS TO FNTIN111lISH THE WAR DEIST. and are now paying at the rate of over Oar hundred million dollars' annually to pen- sion old rolefkn and widow. .4 ..,Mien who fought .vel died to maintain *he integrity of the Felon -•cel we hare • linamial Contrast hetween two rdnntrieo. *ides by ride. and peopled by the sante rare, 'het In the worl'* I ronery hew never ti.•o and never ran he again paralleled nnhw indeed. Canada p'rwt.to in her foot- led' political and commercial isolation from fta wealthy .al powerful atighhnr. 01'R EXPE\DITI'RE. An Non lly 'tenting object le..nn is fount in the romporisn of the manned etpetwlltnrra of the two countries. When Confederation doe formed. the affairs .4 the eoustry wore hirar roadeat.ed in • emu pratively ereeombel ameaer. Canadians bad renes dlMaarsgd date whet so Miley d them mow appear to bras aspegistlell d office beldam ad sib, awiase Irll�lay to ahs oat • meadow existrate 1f Lu- ing w Oa bulls d their Walther% la- bors. A e mpar.os d the expeadfsme of the Ise resstrlse shows aa: Fyn ILLISIIIINITIJSTAL QIIIIi0TUIts tAy aaot•aT. 1411j- 11 Vat a55909. wast 1 s� IQ- Ir7lllflH! 7 '1*(ta7t t T 110 Ma sti-ata 1 10 1W11 11.1111Lial 5 CO This comparison la distinctly to oar dna Muleteer. The po•itiuu of the Comedian Is growing worse every year, while that of oar ueighbere is irapruvirg. It is stile to ..vert that the c.mbiuel Natives!. pro vist•tal. a aunty ave) municipal iwlebturae OI (rials slower out fall much. it at all below 5200 per bel of the popubition. lu for l'aited States these comlisel debts, as well as rshutol debts, gee but 5211.13 per head. What dace this excess mese to the bead of • large family of young Canadians THE FINANCLtl. OUTLOOK. It is perbape annrremary *0 puna• fur- ther a consideration of the ifNnrial ride of this great question of Canada's Future. Irnt it le worth while to enquire wbrther there w good rva there any go.uu 111 expect that we cru nater ruder our colonial .talar recover the grtanet we have undoubtedly lest *lace the Confederation of the pro- visoes arvises and the abolition of slavery is the Stater and the preservation of their political melon, shill many of r out of abater and wanton malice. hoped had bees shattered by the war beyond the hope of repair. (Mr national expenditure to - days about right dollrrs per head of oar population ; their* about half that sum. There is little reason to believe Gausden expenditure will or can be re- duced to any get relent• nu patter what party may hold the reins of power. Glance over the different branch.. of ex- p-nliturr and select the items that can 1,• Iopp.d teff. Our interest is • fixture. as ale° is the am"uut we pay to the ...vend pro* Ines's to weld them in main- taining e' v n g thmr kcal gra erumPnt said 11e it remarked. en lmrennt, that the interomt of Quebec's debt. as rolled up by Count Mercier, a great deal more than eats up the Queue sufr.irly. Together federal in- tereft awl 'ub.idie,., with charges incident thereto. amount to about sixteen million dollars. this leaving barely auffrirnt 10 provide for *be ordinary peptone+ .4 the government- The probability ie. that the expenditure will inrrram•. The best of gov- ernments are continually incurring obli- gations which most be honored and which render curtailment of expenditure per head impossible except in countries w -here the population is in.-r'siing. as 1n the State*. oo rapidly that the new comer+ help to hear the bunion• of the older citixena- Thr very condition which make impera- tive the raising of a large. revenue effect- ually destroy •II chance« of entering on Imperial Federation. Canadian lndepelo- ,n.-e•. Unrestricted Reciprocity ..r any other mode of national exigence wbkh will not render unmet -awry at least two-thirdo of the present Dominion expenditure. WHAT (IF THE Fl TI 'r be belief i* I.coming general that Can- ada cnuu,* mach longer continue in her proven. aneemaluns. unique and humiliating position. There are people who believe in is loaner faire policy, but they are mostly theme who. either living at the expellee of it he general tealsyrr ter growing wealthy out of the tarrn'ities of their power reighlors, have little or no "ym- }atbr with their fellow-citiarne. who. be they ever so ambition. to ancrod, be they ever 00 iwlu*trionm. find few opportuni- ties on this, our irolai$l and retrogre.- eft, .tate, to better their rond(tiun in life neod to ensure the future .4 their fam- ilies. 1t behooves those of as who think a •large, in the near future. not only .Ir- airnble but imperative, to ...ashler Mow emit n change as will hoe to the advan- tage of •11 concerned Ian be brought about. It is with a view of bringing the future of ('auala before one of the most intelligent and patriotic sons that this letter has been aeldreened to you. For mouths pads in fart. it may be maid for years -au agitatie.0 has been on foot *9101,9 your •IIppert -r-. awl admirers to induce you to a-rrpt s portfolio in the iAominion Cabinet. The writer, for one, would have been more than pkseed at any time, up to within a few month. pest, to see an announcement that the servi- ces of 11'm. Ralph Meredith bad been fittingly recognize) by hie admi**mice to the Privy Council of Canada, with the prospect of moron becoming Prime Minis- ter lint sir, it a mw•h better now to know that y09 have steadily declined to advance at the call of your Maden to • place in the counsel"' of the nation. but have remained in the les. pretentious. though perhaps more honorable, arena 01 procircial politics. Shakespeare tells ma that the man whom• puree is letukn le woo trash. but that be who is robbed of hie good name haa filched from him that which can never 1e replaced and heves him poor indeed ! What, Mr- M.•reslith. would be your position before the n,rhl to -day had you yielded to the welw nations of well-meaning friends to fp, to Ottawa and accept a *hare of tin reop,n.il.tlity of governing thin country"? 1t w not flattery- it would 1e unbecom- ing to stoop to an set 50 nimble-- to •.- sure you that of the few men holding lead- ing p8itioue in the Conservative party who can look his neighbor .gnarely in the Inc., place his hawk upon hi,. Mart, may truthfully, "1 lave .lour no wrong to my country," you are one. Thia implies n ',weeping iwfktntent, it is admitted, od tIce lending Coneervatire. d Cassis; but is such indictment not oust a Intel by the (arta and the evidence of guilt acrimulating from .lay to day, sed which must. in the rad. cover with recriminate shame wad infamy the names of not only those who ron•r'irel and executed thaws. unspeakably odious deed., hat those who, aA you for- tunately hare not dope. have, for the lair of party. taken alma themmMlete re- sponsibility Inc mnrh transactiros but lit-' *,• ,hurt of that attaching to the rrimial.. thea•.Plvr.. and have lest their gored re- putation. and draggewl their honor in the duet in the attempt to shield the guilty from the deserved rondemnat n. of as outraged) all diet -Pit -ell community! The Toronto Mail• is a rer,nt isspe. comnent- ing npos the Tweed like political villain- fo* wbkh are now bring praetl*e1 and t hose which here hews enamrmmateel by tlkrw*aghe upholder. and almost in the name tooAritiah lanenuagemctiomade le use d the gm •' A ve17 aupsssaut aad dior aragiag Mature d thin affair. shad not M this Af- fair 'glom. Is the apparent Poll•pa. of po- litical honour is the pent. of Air John Thompson, width memo to show that so rhar.et.r b /rale agaisat the faflurnee rel Uwtiow. Wk,a the rte Ptemi5r diad the *sal aspprl.d tie dole r Rha John Tbeeisae le the earipsdea lie was • ROM walls, oniallAnd prrhap b 11. ,atlfrMale el a mural ; •ad this stably was s drawback is a cosatry al ready too emelt leader the ia0asege (atd the Whelks vela ant Ids coeverJMe at all eras*, proved hist to Ile 1n ,.real about relights ad likely. to queettotr of sada morality, to be sadthe reetrah d religitss prlaoiple. His character, fora ed partly ora the beach of justice, amain* * to rise abuse teat of his fellows, sed o utstay above that of fir- Abbott, who brad col ally boleo aeewhat 1alstel by the Iiacdie drewaded, but W .asmltl•d baaabetterell to Very alter sentlmpsit slash the legitimacy d each traa.aesleea fie' lion has, howrver, uaire wore rgllpal its as•eadaary uvrr principle. air dais Thompson has tl.wewled to the eoiatsas level• and as the brat thing'. wises ear, become • proverbially becoe theworst, he reamw inclined to sink to a lower depth than leown le aoetea" Tbir language i. hand. hat is it more morn. than Uoiw ir John Thoapn drvt+'- -1n1, Sir, had you taken a portfolio to the Ottawa Cabinet, and heroine, as your abilities would have est/tied you to be w' - come, oof the Madera of the party. awn. in that polities, had assisted iu burking inquiries into the most shady transactions in the political history .d the new world, as Sir John Thomso pn u doing, similar remarks would have Igen wale by the independent prose of the ronntry about you; and the motet painful feature about garb utterance* would tun that the condemnatkm, COO tnarly and and contempt would have been deserved Yon have had a narrow escape from being placed in the empo barrassing sition .c copied by stir John Thompoom nal col, leagara The bold that party'al.*wars to have upon ('ssadiaw is PO powerful that the moot courageous natures awl the most determine) will -power. appear unable to siae.udully battle against the mighty fortes that appear in every instance to sweep men into the rapids and over the cataract to personal dwb,.u,r and pediti cal extinction. It 1. to be trusted. Sir. that you would have proved a notable P:reption and would have reached the shore d truth and honor. WHAT YOU HAVE k1+CAI'ED. Let no briefly Owe over the different arta nr,.l transactions which. es a *0.5 party man. von 8,9111 have been expect J NI to apl'rone. defend and conduce' had you eta -hanged the diadem .4 integrity for the more than dsbion. homer .4 taking a seat aCabinet t the Canet Council sod advie- in(; the representative of Her Majesty Queen Victoria at Ottawa. -The National Policy is a failure and ruinous to the country. You would have have been obliged to ray otherwise and do %wiener to what must be your judg- ment. But the most serious feature of the N. P. is the part it playa in sapping the foundations of national and individ- ual honor. The power u. regulate the p tariff as it may emit them is undoubt- edly placed . ain the hawle of for Manu- facturers' .tser•iatiou et hew genu*- They pleaseare permitted to extort what they plea from the cununtrn in Canada. They are liccaeel to rel. :end 581101h- Canadians at (heir •west se•iL. By common under- standing they hard over a per•entage .4 their extortion* to the Dominion Govern- ment who give them their license, awl the Government through their protege - innal boodle carriers and !order., spent this money in pnrcha+ing a sufficient mem- ber of (:auade ian vote to enable them to elect s majority of supporters and thus control what should be a free and un- fettered Parliament representing the far pe Bentiments ole a free people. We *hum have the asp and shameful ap'cta-I.' of Cana- dians being robbed and then bribed to submit to still greater robberies in the future. The my.tem. for which Sir John Macdonald is reeponatble. is the most de- grading that eye- prevailed in say co91e- try prokaaing civilisation -YET IN SPITE OF ITS DEGRADATION IT MEETS WITH THE AI'i'ROVAL OF MEN WHO IN THEIR TR-(-\SACTiONt4 OF EVERY DAYLIFE-. ARE THE WWL OF HONOR. To such a peas have we come in our deifkati n of a party leader- -Next, in order that their terse of office may 1r made more certain. sod the collar of servitude more .ucurely riveted on the Dicke of a far -Men people, the Government conceive tie ides that a rail- way or gloms other public work is ne- cessary in some locality. They go through the form o1 calling for tenders, but they have decided in advance who *hell receiven the contract. The work is comment -eel all then alteration, and addition* are made so that before it is completed the, hem contractor has hepaid probably mil- lions more than hi. work is worth -the rxe....ire payment. being e• clearly stolen from the taxpayer% as if rhe members of the Government pat their hand* into the taxpayers' pocket.' and abet meted their pocket -hooka. But the contractor is not allowed to keep all this mosey. He a per- mitted to take it only on a different under- standing. Ile is forced to share his stolen wselth with the other *Mesta who as- sisted him in the theft. Him romplianee entitles him to Innk for fresh favors when the Government boodle drawer needs re- plenishing. A portion of the money tion* obtained by skilful frauds le kindly returned the e rawly among the people by way of bribery at election times in the in- ept of the Government who are fighting for the maintenance .4 British connection and the apotheosis of Sir John Maedoa kI. the champion eorruptioait of the age. the I'rince of Machiaevellian poditk,sna! - Rot. am if the destrnetion .4 public and per consequence private morality were not wsffieient to pI.r beyond the perad- ventureof seridentperpetnal power in the hands of the Adminslratiom, they strike a .deadly blow at the very liberty .4 thehjd . net, and the great magna charts, wrung hanlr ole sof year. at the point cel the sword by our brave and liberty loring aareeton from the unwilling bawls .4 a tyrant king, in pet la jeopardy. Coder the pro*Lion. of the British North America Art. which provide* for a rellatributiom M remota, after each derenniat rena, the Government with consummate akin and running, so arrange the new boundaries .of the different pnlitkal divi.ions of the ronntry that there u poi bi1ity of rule by the. majority of the people,masa. that majority be laroresle to the (government. The earn, remarks apply to the trivially oranlalora gerrymander of tlaterin in the interest* .d the Mowats, Government, a fat. the Oerryai.ldr .ams he thin it binds head and foot over ~- halfeo the pple of Cassels and make* their *Prlitedbe e complete for le year,. when pew gyve• ere to he pot upon them. -yet on decile Aare Canadian. heroine : an .r dead to any use of degradation nnder the in0,rmre of the pasha hi. rlhro which have en.tahandis*ted the haIn their roans; an inured to Ow stripes laid now them pry ,+a their taatssa•t.at Ottaweve a -that n *erosion attain .meet area& mos le whose merino eriro the blood el irsark- ow a -bora ark- othat spirit d rsaietaees to oppressionr which wrung Isom their aaetors la h'it- aode- els 11919 Yltmaim Mom despot kbigo blows" s•iad loe Ih•m•eiv.e 1• (Leach tbe blear by +9 wrpesibb goverameut, sow, alas, , karma again it Casada nu more. Thew deteetahie robberies, sad tib is - varies d lb sacred liberties oI the sok t Oct, Mr. Iloredttb• you wo0W have boss - walled epos to defend aad vuetin.e as • thp !�mtintaurairttioa know■ leo slirsw r biaet.p amsJ ($l'tCf1VE M tis remembered well who yea were I>sr4 Marker d the Oppuaitioa. Your sel- tlallon wag at urea • tribute to worth lewd a concession to eke yotug meu d that day. .1 retrospective gloats over tb hew brief years that have piece rasped my not nes witbout is valet'. Although you have fought several caapaigor in an boo• orale way, .grou have loot them all. showing either that the eraju.ity d the people of this province are is .myp•thy with the Administration yes .eppowr or that yv0r party have not given you their undivided rapport.. The latter suggestion dues not appear at all unlikely wins we ser that while the Monthlies Cunnervative• hold by large majorities each cities as Torouto, Eiagaton, Ottawa, anal lire• Ilton, thews all. excepting Toronto, which sow sends yea bat oar supporter out of the represeatatives, elect supporters of your tlpponest ; and tl there be a Con- servative who M retitled to the unasl- mous support of his party it is the man who has been honest. consistent. patri- otic and eell•aocrilicing to an extent never dreamed of by Sir John Macdonahl. Sir John. an Imperialist to the rare, s be• liever in the divine right .4 king,, • con- temner of the people. who would have turit.d back • century the hands .4 the notional clack, diel a wealthy runts. awl coded from head to foot with imperial- ist decoration*. cabalistic insignia and other pewter things which belemgel to the deal past and tee abaol.te monarchies awd were •naebronsms on the far moil of moderu Democratic -1me•rica, Excluded. so • man of your honorable career must feel that yon are. from active participation in the politico of the dom- inion, the smaller arena of Ontario poli- tica can .car•rly afford you nope for your energy and ambiti u. But .houl.l von esrt, become i'remier of Ontario, would the prise. when scureel, repay you kw the sacrifices you have male for your native province'- Why not •t owe enter the world-wide, and. as many heliete it would prose to you, more rongeniel field of continental politic.. for "- .tmbition, like a torrent, 'we're looks back"' In the grand work of re -uniting the An- glo-liaxm race on skio continent. of mak• ing America the great,., nation to the globe. and through each union. !winging ultimate union with England. there is room NOW for a greater than Grover Washington. for one whose Inoue 11111111 Ir forever inscribed ou tbie bead roll of fame, for -Peace hath her victories More renowned than war." Nu healthy. manly sentiment, no loyalty to England would he yiulatel by a Poli- tical inion with the United *tate+. o1 fair and honorable terms. '-le.yalts- is an expression which we venture to tray is misunderstood sod misappli.-1 here. Had we faith even in the semi -Demo- cratic institutions .l our ronntry, we most believe that the well-being .d the human family .bnnhl he the chief concern of man. not the pliability of a king or an emperor on • throne or the success of ibis or that political faction. •• For forma .hal Government let food. ronte.t ; Whatever is boat administered ie beet." True loyalty, therefore, to aur* coun- try consists not in lending the knee wort swwring fealty to a reigning family or in following the turluvaw windings .1 a Parliamentary faction. fighting to gain or to retain the spoils of os.e, but in doing that which, according to the light that is given u.. we consider beet calcu- lated to advance the well -bring and en- large the freedom rel the masses wbo go to make up a nation. AN APPEAL T() MR. MEREDITH. No man in Ontario, the premier pro- vince of the Dominion, better fitted by natural ability, education. entbnioem and popularity since* the masses to carry to that sweei.s whirh inevitably awaits it. the great movement which has. low set in and which ran never be arre..ted until the coctinent is gaited under ors flag. ODP government and Republican in- stitutions. Your are a native /median. yet in the prime of life; yow are reputed to pewees courage, eloquence. and determination your record is without stain ; while you are more than popular with your .npprt- Pn you are esteemed by yowr p, Utical opponeuta and all elapses of the people ; you have • reputatidm which you can- not afford to lose, and your elf -respect forbids you to share the re.ponwihility of condoning and &asiatine to continue high treason agaia.t a .:r.rrtiAa people such ave falls upon present members .4 the Ottawa A.Imini.tration ; your •mbitios ran scarcely be a•ti*iel even though you gain *le rirbest prise contested for in the domain 111 provincial politico: your legis- lative resod show. that yon .ympathiae with the masse• in their efforts to im- prove their condition end thus add to the sem of human happinsa ; the course you have permed in the L.gialatrr, where von have invariably rhan,yfonael perinea, - pave ideal and wen the first to oder'. rate manhood suffrage and the election by popular vote ..f certain officiala now appointed by the Crown, allow■ you to powaras Demn.cratk sympathies; you we your native country shrinking Into in.Ig- nifiewner and Its people neriag Irom its shows while the neighboring nation has grown grater than was eyed ri 1Pd by •n Imperial ('seer. 1'0r mn.t, a. nPar- ly all politicians do. gee impending the ipeyltable •nnrxetion of Canada under the strew• of ,hear ne•eaity U an honorable Pulitkal i'nitm he tomer dotayrd : Yon ere asked, then. as one specially gnalificd for the task. to piste* yusraelf at the head of for advancing all inrrw.ing host of Ca- nalian who, believing that we here been experimenting ton long, are determined that fair Canada shall takes her proper pisre on the American rentineat-cone- arreially and politkally united with the bright an.l glorious, ronstellatinn of pros- perous.. powerful and free Repihlie,n row mnnwealtha which make the grand Aster - {ran natins. You are yet m the prime of life, though silver hairs hors anti there pro claim that youth hag pawned away mad that the in- evitable "sere and yellow leaf .4 obi age' b Coming all ton scow. Bat let Its hope that whhn your head M roaplet.ly ravened er, and your hays retied to • we1- aarlea l mime. Ned el pars sad -"Aa old lea ewer sad w� Aad lseatr r •ai�k.'`' Shall lad tram to vel-'• tN to. 4565150411 sw••r•fh crab the Peat Wide • os is es 1: as •f th..m+ru 111 11a-iIpit itf writ l Irk leg~ 'wit Y41=1, tio• week tsar r ilea Ills avast T1. ▪ d•t1a t. idea sus ' akas a19ke wwrasR a of a lugs: hat W wurY �a�bt w to 1M Aad e t the aN *.pram(. • M ,f right t►evufp# tea ss Are we. * rest l a amUl lahak mae.d Ib Nw alstiw Nor Morey tM 4(..�. .l oif •I'Nr7 itlr is award enaroui of asthma 1 Pan ver heads b hada is ohm As Y M mr Is s AmellimniT1sav�Mmmleta isgwmrai�yres s net 1 hahesm rt tile" Fhsonor1Lwtalantalybara ,1 One of Your Follower, T. M. WHll1< Sufferers F1t01[ e'oeni a * ldwat alms(, Seadao_ , � _ rase rata * *Ws PULL Iasi OMI where a to rmraic is mask Neem PWsaraatmm -soled fly Inn physicians. • Ile. T. E. Ila1bR oitof Baltimore. eiga Ayer's Pills ane bast cathartic nal aperient within eke reach d my mow anon." Dr. John W. Brown, of Omuta, V. Va., writs: " 1 have proscribed ArylMb in my practice, and fled them so gullet* ergo tar ge sral w i LisWaa.•• "Few • amber of years i wasattlidel with billowier which alma* - - *led asisWorded M e.IMbtb��� e Aries 111e."-43. aWerXek, acrostics. Pa. "I bare used Aye's VOL ler the tblrty years, sad aim Milk* 1 aha for btbeem. are heyy awed t abed/ when all other remedies 611141101= occasional use has kept sae M a Welk condittoe ever alnce. "- T. P. heal Chaster, Pa. Navies been subject, for. yams. a cosatipasioa, without bilis aIle to Ad much relief, I as het Wed Area Pity, and teem it both a dilly ale a pima to testify that I bare derived past Ira eat from their use. ft. pieless psi past 1 bare tabes owe ee these ph every night bei,. midis. i would set willingly I I UM Men et., (1 11walla& thaw" e, P "Aye's PBL lam bees mead ma: ly upwards et Meat hay. 9- t 'yW artadya31 La' claimed ler thaw1a smacks of pat* from white 2 suilleadl alms?ty afforded a raid tidy •n7mei kin.. I eves flied." -Thomas P. Aden Holly 8pdfss, Texas. Ayer's Pills, rartraaw n On 4. C. Ayer A Co.. Low*, Man lad by al Da.mpawad 11a•im, r hears SAMS. Amyl= .am arse $aa�a� wry>L as r a 1Nrirwa+tr,) ` Y eras• b • aaesm im ab aseba a tY �$cientifi�c Interim wcmx zrrnrfi ea/a 0 cosies l "..r le M SPRING CLOTHING. My stock in this department it now complete and customers thrid find what they want in any lit. d A. The assortment oompriss h, English and Canadian fab- rics, and cannot be surpassed eitalNI in beauty or in durability. Sole agency for W. E. Sanford's celebrated ready-made clothing Ordered clothing a specialty. -// -- Your attention is ales directed M the choice aelertioa of WINDOW SHADES In all than hamlet designs and chmit tt pattrerna, on extra quality d cloth ; all bought direct from the manufacturer. value is offered in TIM and other family g Paints, oils anti bsii.rc' HOP always on hand. Patent medicines a specialty. People of as unbiased mind vl/ find my pm•ts as low an the loud corn pit e'eri with those of other hooses R. B. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON. pg LAME MASS ga vat Trauma Ian age. bis 1»ty ale y asiv+as•4 - ails aid de mem/b ogi a sod el the Asia 1a goo trip eselesitaull a p' • rota Mai t Lose !nighties at the Lai � leit m the latter p } 1 p taa 1' oem 47 Sae a Is," it swopped sad ser • ,.a oars** mem. who NM dews" ht evesiog en deck athey ware with the o wes 6,01 e~piat~warts hansom 1'M -n y • id -.vera elegant you d lima the W9. Mogr plower* tMse Dome� a mid der several yew rtes w p .sewer trend whl fie ▪ wean to maiatala their Int awe is drat -dew style.P� sop built for the lake brimodels th m war were at w. o ilgee• The art of making sail Of Kt die aha. Kut the era ohad sot ff nail (.„tttag is in the Iota 'cos mad td ..meted vtor in the s solidi these tier lake crafts out c Sweet the 1401 are still &Wars olossI' Now cher Ybw u IPA .ought for ou by irk tic owners of the heat era onege and Midair. ' lean SS assonfiniAL tie tbe p of *sdgy otos MPas."1111111 700 easy boatels d nils and 1 i116►t ..d Mow esu you do *hi betas .lee and the least ooal- beia fee • dew ps.aengere is to peed ate propellers. but age] roared rowan/ through t as he tate them most, he oe wort dem and .deep►ng arrangen rja.rifor the ottcers. A fe sewers st,11 keep the lake war (Yyago and the upper points of prior, sad. eu tar as they Qa boat", are of their ku yrI lake steamer, bow ear! might propeller. The 1a1 are b•glnna4 to soothe sonte11 .11 -tone .Igor. A number area; out everything( naval in Mich and yacht to the steel p there is no excuse few western . s1 shipbuilding away from daces our treaty with Great sorting naval waiter/ea c roll undoubtedly be repealed,i les the nes'- OperigalL It u likely awash that next lend the propane./ gnaw seat smarm typed/00A use t• tragic win Me ward late g nes far Me world's air swats Ilaghah Spavin Liniment hard, soft or calle.sed Imps a has horses, b!.,al ap•ru.a=b hat sweeney, stifles apish realkn throat, coughs, etc, we of one bottle. Warms* readerfallsletnf v.r 1 by F. Junior ale. TbI. up M !M ail Ten common sued ages wsii Soft butter the size et ea leg ohm One pint of coffee A auger v mom One quart of sifted flour it'll pee ant of beat brown saga tem tensa. Twe towers (waA heaped saps weigh one pegged. Two teacups (level) of fps wog. we pend. Two teacups of soft Mutter weigh one pousd- Ow and one-third prate of r ler dour weighs one cameo Dee pint thsapsd) d gra weighs fourteen oases•. Pour teespoo4I are equal Epson. Two and orae -ball teacups het brown s.g.r weigh olee pee tahkepoor (well heaps ted, coffee A, or hest brown Me . Mrs Parka says Vas gu head, or one pint d Bsely peeked solidly, waasle ass wield he very eoereelast M Tampon* rary ia vies, an Mid shout twice as snob as mosso of thirty year, Na. a teaspoon r.mtaias about a dr • Frans 11•0115_.M oaf in • sermon on Journalises [ham said The position aewrpapr of today baa nos that of a minister of the Gns in fact, has absorbed maty ef the minister of magias- h litie. of such • p sitios are the number of hem dire greater. He has the pew mends and .arve the • Domande daily, with hathe all appeals to the b•..mt i animal, or to lift the world her of the night to the data is the arms of love, truth sad faith. There is ao t tins who speaks with Sid m ha who dictates the ire lisroosper.1 � iso his He is the minis er l God, charged wishal trait loarsiour hgaDils through nit sweep thtbiMele_ Pada taw w Prala yea w51m• ,s, Mr fes akw. She da►ms% alma seaarmgmmalat 19 *Yea epos wider this het inn yearn ;5.N5�it MIR way ►tickyIN snatars( 111 Iku. tine t. ea Seal ie sham, him bah i« asks it se. Ye knew W flea roar drawer a Ai want it, sosabedylaYr do.'t y eft 117. bun plmetM Thai wok' " I am ebird 1 si iamb pica . PI r -tfxtier peat `m u ; yes wail hake mil pa ere seam awed mak he eta-Oir.gr. Tat