The Signal, 1892-6-9, Page 11 1>`: e gten we ism ter Ie*at y , 1Su$ ityyfll•tp 11 *. 1 ay. al is 4 is ti aiwui Sl,gek nal is Los el we fa tee 37 we Ie to ei mgi Iitwoi g newt 1 Ntslet ;Myth 11041 atoll d 11 will W Inman. few dye tthe k. tion tint lis tout emr t' T..i ✓ ia drove maned W 1111.13 gg a .hart Peat ►as Htl, sem, les "Pin* a :ut4 me season , army for the • eu Nat so4 aQ.n ley teen ether fes cadet. le ba erm II, The the rivet of " .dpix t.tf•C.a- e be eh nes at el Wrenn thirst d fibula at Wks bun It oak .tr A ref lien by, if water. 4, rem coved It. T1s seh-ward TIOtt tae Wee of the lea Mii 1 thumb Chutes, a of paw isesoaary 17 PO led to tea fro. quested, Bathe. Holmss Nil rocs ahs 1, sbos- ly grow - be ladies of the 1 of mew 1 reor& act, ne ly chew - revealed vstber In WOW s Stake M osis L. Mies the o• Late 4m ass sus ad Pea ss death Week. y Yrs. . S.ta1w Whet r Mks tem mei the Psu a w nom' Domee- a mem- work 1 •rip senna'. sed see- throes d Art 1e, seek Ill, dl► Is• s fmeek 0•sh lushes r. sea slime, fy u ria d teff gnig M 111111 41111MaNIT THEM SIGNAL Ma MST. tTpy',In Aym a a& nat. THD L DIWBP A P ER OF HURON OOUNTY- s clots AT file Wart • et • YOUR LABEL THIS WEAK. 8s glia* TOO li Nast t, M snoop a 121 AI)vaPta • VOL. XLIV. No. 2364. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNI*, 9, 1892. ISE1NENT8 TH18 WEEK W. HURON TEACHERS Pe. a sere -C. tl)sestb Oilloms Ur" peels -Mho lggJlbsen t Lsrer Brea 4 IL 10caw i Oa ,f py t--C•""io PM Iran tis. • • • • • 4 Lemma pub i Cum- . ....................... • me en. . A. lbeld • illani-A.Kileak'w......,,, •.iiia• $ ggr_ease 8. Ig. Meer ........ ».•• woad Iii serMs. -1 M. $. Ogler. • • II teilicise - H. YwCtermae. ' 4 wasted -Met It BWNaLprsng4 pyNe-H. It. Whim II• S _A. Saunders . • . •. uremia -F..1. I eMaass...- 9 DORN. % is Uode•nch. oa the Sed fest.. the Obit fee T. U.vl.on. of r sun. VA. Sr .,e -M.• U deriel. ea Eats • Juno at.. t the w,f. of W. A. (ta 1 b J.t•j o r N Lilly street of • the Itth 'mt.. the .peep F. as MARRIED. itll .: o, the la Rather of to ch bship, at not re •. ors ins top. LI ire Her. Dr.ne bird d.ogb se Jf mphStemW Usenet'. Jurp Wilma. DiED. o'meara- In Goderich township. on p>NII Patrick O'Meara, . meethr sod : da -a. NEWS OF THE WEEK IN BRIEF. Mist net has app.aareol in many Illinois field► Tarr ore 10.000 .'axe of tnlu..a. i n A) ria. ii, 1mehorning 0ommtrion finished iia at London Fate) . dati•l.hrut"o placards are again being ".many para of China. The exports of gold from New York dur- um week amounted to 91,150,000. e \, Skinner, M.P. hapool the te .1 probajwig+ eke J else. land Mills has beet. ap pnu*ted legal Me- n medal )alaprwlenoe m the Unt• y tt Tor oto. Proem Mane, eldest daughter of the of V. hnhurgh, has been betn•theel to roan Prince of Roumania. Tree };Itau.n 1.•,stroment has roused the •r ee owl and take imported at porta m . •e•4 and Bea ..f Azof. TUrty •.eruwna and twenty five Auteri - .mpetted ot being agitators, have been hots Boom without warning. reek seho m Friday at I.osg lathed LL, ea the Past River toast Tie will be eon tel within tae years. Ax sssso.e.td attempt was made war s 8etssiy night to wrecs the G. 2. eitpre n best Stratford to Godeuioh. Jibe Losvir has been rent back to Canada lily City, M -h.. under the alien labor He is now at (Delhi. (hit., his farmer J. A. Frskett. T, yews old, of Barre Sar., while ail=ing in an armchair ho hotter. was struck by lightnmc; mad U I..l,ehnsun has leen appointed super - en: of the Canadian division of the Central Railway, to noised J. It IN SESSION. Whit Wail Band and Done the Gathering. it THE SEMI-ANNUAL CONVENTION. a It. nesse eetea .( Teachers as iReseieat fest el Mysrta en ler Ware. - d ee -lbs.. Wegenge, et Tomato. see dressed IM I..e0... 1• Overlie/it 4404404 Primpr m trey librettos er *Oren -4.4. lana hi sew rremde.t. THE TEACHERS OF WEST HURON met in o..veeti.e M the model school, (:oderieh, on June Sud, 1892, pursuant to the call of the executive com- mittee, at 11 1.m. R. 14.. Koss, president of tae Aesucietion, occupied the chair. Devotional exercises were conducted hy Gen. Baird The minutes of the last seoioo at Clinton were read and adopted. The following committees were then ap- pointed. vie. : Audit Messrs. Jas. Ueigaty and S. .l. Latta. Resolutions - Meren. Baird, Kitty, in• vector Toni. Mimes Yusper and Isabella Sharman. Inspector Toni then took up "Neat Work in Primary Cleans," and dealt with school work to dre.e.al. Teachers were strongly urged to have as much black -board work as possible, gine plenty of probkms and hare them short, counting in addition should not be allowed, encourage and use phonetic spelling, do not allow pupils to destroy text hooks. Several teachers discussed the subject further. 1;. M. Kitty then read a short essay on giammar,pointing oat several of the defects w the definitions and their application as contained in the public school grammar. Messrs. 1141gaty, W. H. Johnston and Park continued the diecussios. On mottoo of inspector Tom the Avsoci•- tion adjourned to meet again at I 2J0 P.m. A rTxl'\our $611410!1. The earaceetice reassembled at with 89 teach -re in attendance. toes of the forenoon session were adopted. The president delivered a very able ad practical address on the pleasures and troultke of • teacher's work, which was we!' A este battle the been fought on the e near Valencia, Veltvuela, which re - ;c: the t.overnnment troops being coo y routed. The :rh:littes of Meters Bloode1 k Gar- . the .ackrupl Para bankers, amount QO06,C00 triers, while their =seta are ttely nothing. Tiet floods cooties to Increase In Indiana demo ere are reported front every int lndiesap,lia is in peril. Many gi are reported. prepuced review of French troops at ham been e ,untermaodeti. In 000se- many Tsars Joan:ale contain violent in against the 6.overnment. Notification has been received that the ton of the World's Fair at Chicago re dotted ten thousand mean feet to in the Mins and Miming building. The business part of Jimtovrn, (.red.' dei by fire Sunday sell i'g. Lome. .000,000. A great easy people are hose - No injuries have lees tin tar report' The now, bat that was sot to be commidered toe seastary of the present system whkb the speaker eosrsdeeed too mashie like. la c.s0ladhg • humorous and is.tr.otive address the teaches were urged to be faith- ful to the imports' trust 000.utted ts their keepir.i, so as to discharge creditably that important duty of starting the yes( aright P. Hath' orchestra furnished excellent 1:40 r. u. The mis- read and ramie. SECOND DAY --SATURDAY. rousemo: The oo.ve.tiw assembled, pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Roes in the chair. The minutes of the previous session were read ABOUT CONTINENTAL UNION. ?w. t..r.e ww.iComiarmed t. tae sebslme From the Norfolk Rata mer. Mr. Wallace Graham, • former editor d w • conwlpflluce of the 1'aclfk tkatala. Th. Wisdwr 11eootd uuw, curiotsejy e.o.gk A polnaerYitive Addr.WWeu MIS QWelo.or.e., took advantage d that ori se to advance the interests of the party ProVtnelatl Leader. he had created by formulating a policy, while in opposition, whkb, when the gen- /eel election.' came on in 187$. motored THE TRUE POLICY FOR CANADA whwlm whim to power with a support mo over- ingly .'rug that. untf the day of his death, hi was able to manual' IAN OPEN LETTER D. McGILLICUDDY. TO W. It MEREDITH. expecting had sot yet yet rolled over the A PALTRY ONE-HALF MILLION. It le eoautry as • comesq.esce of the faders- ■norceseery to stile that C7o.ad• km sot flus of the provinces. With the skill of suffkisat p,palatlm to Cosiest Os= an expert Parliamentary party tactician, ducts that might he tabs from ear Sir John Macdonald, who (tad lost power were they eves moderately worked' le'ae a furtive market bosom spM0 t their development- The greet dopease eine. (nnfortnoately there are tits Ohms- dinu border cities) that line the bound- ary between Cased& and the ('stud Moths are as coa0eskst to the Gtsrdl.a Nikki- g en, in ens w they are t0 those d Wie.on•ia or bl ' gen, and ander PORUS& Union of the two countries that great 'Parket (unasked by theme cities would be op^.t to Qitede on the eaune terms sa to t h.• etatM aim - .d, and all being one ...musics es este7, capitalists would be •s inert. interested its developing Outerko as the• States. la 11+51 tine iron ore slow shipped from the mines of Wisconsin and Ilii -ligan war million tow. worth at the point of meat. over siatre11 million dollars twenty-two million dollars at the of delivery-. thus giving the .lm.•rieaa Mk* marine interests in tbai year six bil- lion dollars. In 18' tie shipmeat4 amounted to over elev.-111-'1i mini"... d tuna. In the two rear. the .aloe of brat ore produced in Canada amosinteil to We thea a -quarter of it milli.,, dollars. The difference between about fitly winkles ad leas than a -quarter of a million is imtt= appxIli ug. It (. unneceseiry to follow fhb breneli of the subject farther. hat iso doubt it is and must leo, D..•11 for ease time apparent to a Stan o: your wigs i. - formation. breadth of thought and bees• nese of perception, that as respects the mining inlcreete of conal. -anal thw7 tl4 not the least loport.ut orY-alu el our iuteresta-they at lout. have not been " fostered ..d b'n,f,de.l " by tie Nat 'oda 8Polley aa all 6'..men Aline anti- cipated and hoped ; Ise .•o c6- roetasry, so far as that pinky he- ameio.d in Peer - pet unt Mg e - p•tmatiug a spirit of ant "gement between the two countries, it ba. teen to. .1.1 itt. mining interest a p..+tie.• 44044- .uutare and ti kms to 1 1' 1 he pev.,wu geneea- tinn ahn•st beyom1 the nbdity of man to compute. ic. -With regard to the cannfscttiring interests of the country. it nowt he ad- mitted that $ uwmber of era exotic in- t. works., have sprung ea. .hi.'h prob- ably roleably prov jar employment for .e consid- erable number of workmen. Thew nay he yi el.lin.t handsome Teter:. to their owner*, eapri:tllV if. under high protection. they are ennui.. to r.,arg. their Canadian coat orncrs high prices for *he it pnduct. ; bat, in rnnsideriug the questi.a. whether them industries have been u benefit or other - w }s.• to Canada. w•,' mutat not fail to = w !tether ouch pricer res Mc were hew. or mime than the tea', *Mel for .emi- Inr article. in a foreign market. ('on- snunern outnumber presltren, and the greatest good to the rotated possible minder is a principle that .4,06.6 le our guide in administering the alloiro of a nation. even though t6.• people. Ling Con• merratives and allow to enter. appear dis- p.wvl to submit to any west., ret the hands of rulers with aline they are in fort ions .ympathv. If the ro«►a1np._.•r0. be- ing the large majority. are pent•higher pries than they would pay tinder free trade, then the pr.gomrt . f the minority the manutarton•rris a dieted - vantage to the country. Ina renumber that when the campaign of 1.7• yeas DI protease'. both fernier. awl toweop•nple w -ere appealed to to eopeort :6. ropes", ed National Policy on the rowel that the towns. by the reason of .nrre-ased manu- facturing enterprises n--ultisr trout the N. 1'.. would im renes• in !mutilation sod fu: nieh a home market ter warty all farm prolure. Where, Mr. Iler,•htk. is that increase.) home market " Toronto grew until recently .aa a result d the N. 1'., but ire growth la- been ret the expose of the entailer towns tItroudbwt the pro- vince in w hieh p.wle-mu• sat extensive mauufneturiug .int. rprie•• vete in oper- ation before the inaugurate* 4 the Na- t ions' a•tions) Polley. Thuwe insluaries. wb:,h pro- vided employment to t Is• Nape and kept real estate from at (east .kekeing in val- ue- here goer to the large 001 centrally - bested city, while lrhnl..r1 been writ- ten shove their ;o wish. deal their tall chim- neys ant but mniok.l-so sell pirtnrespie rains. While Toronto grew. such places an Port Hope, Chatham. t11. 1'a4hurinas, ingrrao ll, I)sadas, Napsre. Strithroy, .- 1's rim. W hit by. 31'ward tee. Ambers tbui jar Mitchell, Thorold. IhutiviYx mots Peery. uttacter- well as err - 10.6 poPO' be poorer years •R0, say fatten author es the a( the field. fpr prodigious piled up by wee been made ors and to 4, reentry at for so patriotic • gentlemen, • redden of Chicago, has been writing a long letter to that paper. in which he bebttles the country .f his adoption, and attempts to prove that it will be to Canada's advantage to retain its t colonial and depeedent status, calker this seek a betterment of its condi. inraelf as the Omnipotent Rader (14 ten- th= w.u...l teller Severely Crstlrlaed- h ads. as h hr had •ewers hero a Pm" ninnies! Ia letspe.dettCe or union with the sir J.a■ aacd.•ald'. leevolelt•e Tae United Stats. ninnies! Iver trader. the e:ig.'ucws of party He has been ably sad fully maw. e4 int Danner W lie rreasise. Wade Way we led him to espouse Protection, and for sod adopted. The election ot officers was then proceeded with, the following being appointed tam - mates d scrutineers, viz. : Messrs. G. Sheppard, Kilty, C. B. Latta end 8. J. Hayden. AU the officers were elected by =clematis, as follows : President, S. J. Latta, Zurich ; vice pees., Mies Isabelle Sharman, I;oderich ; sec -tree.., G. W. Hol- men, Flimville; executive committee, G. Sheppard I:uderich ; G. Burd, Clinton ; N. J. Boyd, Belfast ; Misses Itlair, (:rand }fend, and Watson, Goderieh. The auditors' report was then presented and adopted. On motion of G. W. Holman, seconded by G. Sbepp•rd 6. J. Latta, president elect. was appointed delegate to the next Ontario Teacher' Association. R. Park. principal of (;o45derich model school, then showed his method of Leaching literature, for which purpose $ class from fie model school was present. " Fine Mumble Bee," frau Hook IV., was taken as the lesson. This proved very interesting, and ivatructive, and brought out much profitable dlwussion, taken pert In by the president, Messrs. Baird, Holman, Kitty and Brown. Messrs. Park, Johnston and Murch were appointed a committee to collect material for • program for the next aesocietion. 1:. W. Holman introduced a diecuwwn 011 "Our Municipal Institutions as taken with third and fourth Classes." Chu evoked considerable diactwion, in which Massa Johnston, Strang, Baird, Latta, Brown and =here took rt. In the absence of W. H. Baker, the secre- tary introduced " How far should the Sub- ject of Politics be taken in the Teaching of Canadian History This proved $ very interesting subject, and evoked much dis- cussion. H. I. Strang spoke .t some length, and his address bristled with Capetian see- timeut and the duty of teachers in incul- cating • true and loyal respect for Cana- dian institution& Inspector Tom also spoke strongly on this point. The discus - saw was continued by Molars- DeWitt% (:rant, S..6. Latta, A. J. M...e and other.. On motion of Mr. :-:,au{, seoonded by Mr. Tom, the emaciation adjourned. Arrrevaof areae•. The meociation assembled at 1 40 e.m. The mtuutee of the formulae session were read and adopted. It was moved by K. E. Brown, seconded by T. A. Brown, and resolved that this be the only Institute meeting held tins year. T. A. Brown then took up " Singing in Public Schools" and cited various reason why it should be taught. By judicious nee it oould be trade a power in morel training. it was restful and an aid in keeping order, it hada wholesome refining influence. Mr. Brown showed by the manner in which 6e introduced the subject to his pupas that he had given the matter much thought and understood voice culture, by taking the sudieece as a clams. Much interest was created. R. R Rom next gave a short report of work dune at the last meeting of Ontario Teachers' Association. Mr. Ross eonsiderd it a grievance that teachers from rural schools were not placed on same basis as villages in regard to holidays at Easter .o that they might evil themsevs of the privileges of attending the Ontario Teachers' Amoci•tion. axone? or Ri9ULCT10t .bmNJTT[e. received and showed that much careful thought had been given to the subject. Miss H. Charles, B. A., was then intro dueed and reed an able paper on literat ure, and the method of teaching it, taking "In- flames and Beauty " by John Keats. as a basis. Miss Charles in the t urse of an ad- mirable address urged the importance of getting the pupils to memorize poem' pre- scribed for literature, and to do aa much as Passible towards bringing out the pupil's ideas, ..d these should net be despised. On motion of itsspector Tom, seconded by G. Sheppard, Mum Charles was requested ed to bawl her paper on literature to the ss. clary for publicatioe. The motion was carried nnanlmossly. A short address not on the printed pro- gram was given by Thos Bengough, of Ter- mite, who exhibited what he called en " automatic speller." in the shape of a Item- ngton typewrites. The idea of teaching spelling automatically seemed to catch the fancy of the audience, and as Mr. Bengough proceeded to argue seriously that as spit. ting is inertly a mattes of form, and as the form of words is better :detected in print than in script, a typewriter would prove • rateable adjunct to school apparatus. The teaching to young people of the merles used by printers would, in Mr. Itengough's opin- ion, result in a great saving of printorial profanity. This treat moral object might easily be attained by means of the type- writer in schools. Practical Grammer, wee position, and all the English branches could be better taught with the aid of the mach - than by any other method. The .ext subject on the program " The New Drawing Books sod how to teach the subject," was introdaod by S. 3. Latta. Mr. (sesta contended that though the new books are very good, yet the matter in them wee cot..sed as well as it nurht he, many of the o ject. in No. 4 book those in Nue e 6. Te dismission was further o.rrid ea by Meer& Holman, Park, Brown, Deipty and Kitty, all the wreakers oo.curnag in the opideo that not sufficient number marks aro 'lowed for the subject at entrance examinees. to daoosm T. G. Anse thee proceeded "School Discipline." Mr. Allan advised teachers to di.dyline their own beheads as best sited their individual shook mad is- teremta and sot =tempt to the me- thods of others. Another Aightsder war bee broken on `.cramento, Out A kinds in the on Tuesday sight remelted in the of two Chinese and the wooed iag s third. VAST MINERALRESOURCES- Marl. will Advertise set amend woolen et tar Wered's Pate. The World's Fair at Chicago will be the t exhibition that has ever done justice tolei 10,000 feet °O _ minerals of Ontariioo. atCan•da her baso Temkin mid` have recd The was adopted. which h 4 hitan'o lbws have at fusel 1,000 lits to impart isetewetionm. ( areMrA 60 .0 . sad made • state while 5.000 feet will be need if k can through 1•ok of tM knwMdg. 1> •M regard to some misunderstanding "mit of These iso& Em leas from d lies. "Brown. I4tM, t that had gained currency m the streets terms of the 1'ro.inee Frees the is Mlmre. I)eH ,r ri t with Menace to remarks trade by Mr. T74. Johnston,o. Holzman, Kiley, Strang d0rhag the thermion in the tote noon. The outer was est right and the Assotiiss tion adjoined with "God Piave the Queue." Ono. W. Holatae, Sea •tress the same column by Mr. F. P. Boutedler, already somewhat known to readers of the Reformer. Two of Mr. (;sham's premises are w frequently made to do duty by upholders of the status quo that we reproduce Mr. Bouteilkr's reply. Thew two premiss 'al- luded to are " that the Canadian farmer is much better nti than the Amencan, sod that Political Union would only result in bringing hint down to the level of his American cousin, and in that state taxation would follow.- ' In no .ase has an attempt been made to prove a position esu untenable. Like the Iinti.h Empire, the 0 S. translate of • vast aggreg.uoe of contmunits in all steges of development, from the most prima's° to the most advanced in culture, arts and civiliratiou. It is tnan,fwtely unfair to male • comparison and expect the sane ad- vsseem ant in wealth and comfort in the Wstern pioneer just emerging Irotu the territorial status as ought to be the case in the farmer of Esvtetn Ontario. To ire just os.mparis,n should be between the farmer of Quebec and that pf New York, Ontario with Pennsylvania, Manitoba with Dakota, British Columbia with °1 hagos- Because a traveller has obsereedd much hardship in Kunnas, Colorado, or New Mex Ro, gives no more ground for mistiming that Che Ontario farmer would be; educed to the same petition than it would for insist- ing that we should sever British connection to keep him from descending to the wretch- edness of the Irish peasant, the nakedness of the Hottentot or the destitution of the Coolie in India. it is not proved but only &esnnted that political union would diminish the fertility of our soil, the salubrity of our climate, the skill of our artisans, the wisdom of our legislators, the efficiency of our education or the integrity of our judges, and unionists can well answer that to these factors is due prosperity Mr. I.:reham claim" we enjoy, and not to British Con- nection, for it that was the case the same state of affairs would lee found in all parts of the Empire. In what way a union will either advance or retard the imposition of • ;;tate or Provincial tax as your correspon- dent threatens, 1 am at a loss to imagine. Our Provincial subsidy is but • small fraction of our general expense, and the great balance is provided from the sources that would not be affected one way or th e other. and in any event we would save the forty millions extracted from the Canadian people to run the Federal machine that would be dispensed with. Another point omitted by the writer is contrasting the great prosFerity of Canada with the poverty of the U . ti. is that great force and attraction which tends to equalize auditions on both sides. At the rate at which good Canadians like Mr. Graham, hare been docking to the wiclel U. S. for 15 years, there will shortly be so many there that it must soon ►.,come„nearly as good a country to live in as wealthy Canada, and that will also greatly mitigate the evils to result from P. 0., notwithstanding, Mr. 6;. holds out no hope that a single one of the over -burdened million that have gone before will discover it in time to return to the happy Canada they have left behind, hut predicts that more will follow to prove the old advantage, that misery lits COM - Lam repalau .. - - • strew s et see raters Oar t'.4.parls.e •s tar hie platform he adopted the following re reins& meet solution. whkb he had moved its Perlia• men*. but whkb hal been defeated by the Reform majority in the days of the Mackeuxie regime : 11ea.eta1 PT1HF. FOLLOWIN1: OPEN LETTER 1 from the pen of • Itte-loot Conserve - tire a one of the latest and bust coo- tnoutwns in favor . 0unttuental Union which hes appeared. Mt. White was her eats editor and prop ' 'ser of The 11' iudeor Review, the leadteg Com_ ..tt.ive jout....l of Fan:, and is today identities! with the Con- servtire party as erunat the Liberals: nevertheless he }a formed to admit that the coalition of Canada is not such as to give hope for the future, and es has devoted his ability towards honestly piacutg the came of Continental Uuiun before hu fellow alt'eeus of Canada Mt Pit comer. -We, your Resolution Committee, beg to repot as follows 1. That we =firm the resolutions sent to as by the West Victoria A.ssociatioa aiming that algebra and enclid be added to the P. S. leaving examination. 2. We recommend that the H. S. history be placed on the list for public schools in- stead of the public school history now auth- orized. We ask this change for the follow- ing reasons: 1 We believe the high school history is much better suited to the eapact tis of our pupils than the public wkool his- tory. utory. (2) We are eatis4ed that this will be • wring to the pupils as use book will then serve the pupil for the entrance and pri- vy exam., thus making one book take the plope of the two now fwd. 3. That • copy dot this report be set to the Minister of Sdsmaeion R Bwun. AR - leo. RJat. Ton. O. M. En '.. To W. It Meredith. H.A., LLB.. Y•('•. Leader of P. - )taJest)'e loyal elneeedoso in *he Oates t,sglslature . Reeperted Sir :-During the meet few mouths a number of a. -milled "open Iet- tero" have been •ddrmed by Csua.tians to gentlemen eminent iu Canadian poli- tics. From that Tory Opportunist. Hon. Oliver Mowat, Vrrmier of Ontario, we have had a -letter •ddresecl to the late lamented Hon. Aie=•nder Mackenzie, giv- ing repression to .usage vagaries and elaborate incowisteseks in defending Brit - yeh colonialism in Canada. pus s import- er. Mr. C. J. Whitney, M. I'. 1'. fur .ale daa county, replied to Mr. Mowat, ahuw•- imR clearly that that hon. geotlemaa'e declaration$ in favor of British connect- ion were incuusistent with the polky of aureetricted reciprocity. supported by Mr. Mowat in common with the liberal party of Canada. Mr. John Crerur had addres- sed Hon. Mr. Mowat du behalf of Fre Trade and Direct Taxation ; ant last, though not the test important, w the recent powerful and patriotic appeal of Mr. Elgin Myers, la. ('., Comity ('row.* Attorney d Dullerin, Di the Hon. Edward Blake to corn to the re•s.•ue of his native country, by espousing the great and pro- greseiug Culls*. of Political Union with the United State'... It ie With u feeling of diffidente. sir, after thew abbe letters haee lama seut to the prem., that 1 r.•ntor• to ad.lrsa you 0o a subject of great importune. Having no wish tee appear pre.umptnous. nor caring to acquire notoriety. yet 1 nm impelled by a steru 00*100 .4 my duty n$ a native of Canada. and interested. am you ore, in it,. prosperity and progress and the happiness and contentment of ire people to address you. 1s a politician you hare .4 course giv- en great attention to true condition of the country, and the the 1',wlol'.•'' -- of the queetioo. what can be donee to bring to Canada prosperity and incomes. its poPnlati.u. without which latter them eau les no lasting prosperity, no pr•'Kreee, no greatness as a nation or as n part of a nation. To believe that you have not thought over the aituat' of the country weak! be to assume that you are neither nn intelligent nor a patriotic Canadian : and no person who know. you either personally or by reputation --no one who knows of your uoselfi*h, unrewarded serviP5 to your provin'P for many years in the Ontario Legislature. where your advice and counsel hare materially assist- ed in shaping logistation in the beet in- terest. of the people and the province, can doubt your intelligence, teal or patriotiam. Yon ere, like myaoll, n ('opsrrrative from birth. and have anted in harmony with the l'onseervetive party brauae you, a« so boie.t man. believed tint party to be governing the country honestly- and by • policy better calculated than any other to alrsnee the interests of its people. But Yon are asked d it is not a fact. manifest to every one who giros the ques- tion serious and cowllentious study -that Canada is not making progress at 411 approaching the glowing anticipations in- dulge.l in when the Confederation of the provinces wan effected in 1897 7 A. a atod.nt of history you will remember the bright picture of future national- wealth and snows that were limned tor the gratification of our mosey by tbe able men who assisted in ropsammathet Con- kderati.m. One has but to contrast the grandiloquent utterancew and the bright predictions of that time with the actual conditions that now confront as, atter a quarter of • (rotary bas p.i*.d into his- tory. to fully •ptreelsto how thorough has hers the failure rot the great mi•.ioe we net oat 54' hopefully to accomplish. namely, to bold up on the North Aam•ri- 'an o•ont inOnt a sit ion with semi -Euro- pean institutions that would. even whilr its founders were Mill lining. not only rival but ecli•pP the great sal woofer - one Repeblir lying alongside of sin on this eontieent. Any 0mw who has the *oar - age to examine (seta and to arksnwl.dge the troth. moat admit that, so far loon that miseinn being •reompplhehel, we are farther from .nee,.a. relatively to the advancement made hy the United Inane in the sante time, than we were when dm Dnmini,u Mg was adb.tltatod as AP Ca - OMNI' visage= for the Heine Jaek of OM England. e country north-east of Tomato lad come, a. mW m 1 UI R• sNa. toalliAle ples*hMe el hew frown Wanton' salt 1011111400114OdelaM m, marl, u101111140011400eM114e e jrd m..Md not kinds of bellow Mum bury .ad oe the mega dime of I.Iw Otte are food iii iepatdle d dakdl. tad ices, widefortis west PM elver, d lead head all the s last these Pnwimee. A fele Doc ..sswlk knows. see in the Mow the World, is that M .cries d Owtariq sue es Renfrew, Cornwall tease ad seed die senient diking las 'marbles andWY. hlwit and f to b dhlned d the are Clommaidemer Link k dMst igd the restineese d'1111 Posies v1eee prep * isa fahut the= sed leeks M 17 d i WWI OueemM'sC We biew the aainb Nh w4.kl.M nee t , but ieh this exhibit will Strang g dyoumed the subjeotfarther. The hour el adjoenneset baying arrived the Assoei•t1en adjourned out mono. of Mr. 1) y, aesseded by Mr. Kitty, to meet at 9 Aum. M the seer.M0. TNS mama p00fLm. Ia the =shy • ottntkial mud literary ea- teri.i.4.e.t e(• high etas was elves M the Opera Hose, resident Rom occupied the .hair- la •d4Mha to • 1•rge array al modeel lehsa, when darts were deserved- ly appr'Olate& resit timet by Manes JeYamtee aid Ball, wee, exesltestly render- ed. Ton gnat same sweet be gives M he Merles mud her demdwadd delight- ed with s " fair ▪ thdr soareidep sad time wield pat te ebb nab d these who des the yP., shims, s1• for . flamer, Pthe apee se rts el mem .t ids early askedebb* utak ads di_ the hal al Ur sewee eisberhig the thea with Oahandsel lb* ru Mr. Gorey mid tae am w9 as ibltM stadia la then daps ss The real question after all is not what Canada is at present as compared with the others, but is Canada, situated as it is, ea flourishing and pr nsperous as it ehoald be if united. In all dimension the main point should not be lost to sight." OBITUARY. A F.IMOL'S k1 (OL.rnie N. " That lbw Howse is of the opinion that the welfare of Canada requires .1. • adoption of a NATIONAL POLICY. which. by a JUUN'l(C'$ RE -ADJUSTMENT OF THE TARIFF will benefit and foster the Agricultural. the Mining, the Manufactur- ing and other inter.•sl.. tof the Ikawiee:ou; that such a Policy ail) retain in Canada thotuands of our fellow -count rymen. now obliged to expatriate 1h ni.elve..• in search of the employment deuced them at hour. will restore pr/soperity to tour struggling industries, now et molly depressed. will prevent Canada from being made a SA- CRIFICE MARKET, will encourage and develops an retire interpro.in•ial trade. awl moving lam it tu4ht to dot 1N THE 1411:EATl0 . )F A RE('1P1:O('ITY 01 :'.11:• IFFi 111TH 0111 NEIGHBORS. at far se the reified interests of Canada may de- mand. will greatly teal to procure for this country Pventttally a reciprocity of trade.,• The for•goiug resolution has formed 16* bean. of the Conservative [volley from the ever memorable 20th of September. I':`, sutil the pr.siut Lour. That p.liry Puri been on trial uearly tourteu years, a asffirient length of time, we must admit, to enable as to judge. by its results, of its emcees or failure. The reputation con- tains see era l-well-di(inesI though inter- in- ,1r1«•nk•ut premonitions 11,45..1 00 the gen- eral premise that "the welfare ,4 Cana- da requires "the adoption of a National Polley, which by a juditioos re -adjustment of the tariff' would produce alio follow- ing reesultet : 1.- "Will foster the t5) agricultural, the lb) mining, the 1c) manufacturing and other intenets of the Dominion : 2.- "Will retain in Canada th.umands .l our fellow countrymen. now obliged *o ex- plalriatr themselves in swath of the em- ployment denied them at bonne : 6.. -"Will rwore prosperity to our iar0g- gliug inlusri.•s, now so sally depressed : 4. -Will prevent Canada from bei,4t made a sacrifice markt- : enr,mra.n' and del -elope an ac- tive inter -provincial t rade ; and 4.-"Moviuot use it might to do) in the direction of a reciprocity 44 tariffs with 001 neighbors. mo far as the varied in- terests of Canada may demand WILL GREATLY LEND TO PROCURE FOR THIS COUNTRY EVENTU.(LLI .1 RECII'RO-' ('IT1 ..F TRADE." Su. u mediation. sir, no the foregoing. plain that it cannot be mi,wtdcr- oto, . ; and it ought to be easy to 510 cert.. in whether the• policy founded upon t hose propeitkms has been am successful as it* promoter« and its supporter« at the palle ouceeaaively in 1e7S, 1452, 14x7 end 1891 anticipated. Leat see P:alaIne it point hy point in the order above given. le -Has it leterel the agricultural, the mining or any other vital interest of the Dominion'. Can Raynor tell 0s i0 what mingle particular the agricultural interests of the Dominion have been benefitted by the impeitiou of 4ntir45 on agricultural produce'. Ilea it enhanced the price of a single product of the Canadian (arm '• Pork is the only product of which we import more than we export, bat the very feet that we do not rasher enough lurk for home commtimption ant meet buy abroad, renders it more than doubtful if a tariff ou mach imports is any advantage to the Canadian pork -rawer; but if it 6.. and if it increase hie prices, then the con- sumer of the pork is the loser. e. that erre if it do benefit one else it injure« other cheer which can lest afford to be injured, mutely. the artisan and the laborer, who are the chief con■Om0rs of pork. No other farm prdnrt w bit. - fitted to the extent r4 is dingle son by the tants. lb. -Have the mining intermits of Can- ada been beswfitted and Metered by the National Polley'. No more important question to Canada than this' can len ink- ed. No Canadian interning are se import- ed as the mining interviste world be were they "Irreterel and developed" by the .o-ealled National Polley or any other policy. To say nothing of the 97,000 sq. mike of coal deposit« in Canada, whkb wonkJ be of e.ormrus vane to the pe - sent generation leap we .build sot live wholly for posterity) were Canada sad the Failed Mates commercially and pnli- cally united -to say =than of coal, w• in Ontario are more especially concerned about ' he limitless wealth In oieerals of all •Im whish Ile buried in the M■tern part • P old premier* and (e the Algoma dietrkt •4.beveisg • etreteh d over S t boatman mile., largely H not wholly tens incognita whet' the neolstian, now the policy of the (Ymwervative party. wan ante omitted to P.rliarwt by the lately de - reseed leader of the Cannerratave party. Tb6 immew district, as large as • Euro- pean kneadom, eemtahre fabulous wealth in gold, .diver, copper, trona =eke!, lead. mica. asbestos. phosphate*, marble, ate., etc. Ex - empties gold, these products are exeleded from the Alaskan market by sa almost wnsermeentable teal. Almost all our ex- port of ssh.esle have them hr cow to the United Stats, which, being seer etar- rat, le nor most a•torsi market for thew products. le 1890. is spite of the draw- back of the U. P. tariff. sad notwithstand- ing Ow bait, ./ori4 by ire• trafe with Ragland of emedi.1 mar mamma a to the mother reentry, we exported thrum and •-gsn0Mr mEYe'e d mineral prodeen to Milled elates, AND TO GUA ParrkIII PATRIea ,1 m1ARA. Death last Friday added on ite vast roll, in the flower of okl age, Patrick O'Me•rs. in his eighty-eeoond year. The deceased, with his family, came from near Nevagh, in Tipperary county, Ireland, and before miming to the Huron Tract in the fifties, resided at Deeds. and London. in this °panty he was • contractor, and gravelled the roads tate. building. For many years he resided on one of the late Sheriff Mac- donald's farms, neer Saltford, which he rented. After his wife's death in 1880, pre- ceded several yeses by the death of ha danghter, Mary, Mrs. D Corbett, from near Rinngghamptot, New York Stats, with Jeer family, removed from there. The weight of yew Doming upon him, be, with • wen and daughter. «eat to I.. derich town ship. From them every one that true and filial duty could bestow, was given, brightened by the Heim of his children and grandchildren. All, with many friends, will remember his tall. familiar figure and hie jovial Dammer, as he was always ready to do • good turn for hie neighbors, sad win the respect of all who knew him. He was a member of the RC..barnh, but lived is hsreasaJ with people of all weds At his funeral services Ids pastor, Rev. Father West, at the class d an impreseme address, showed how firm and abs •Il who lived • Christian lite bid to fight apiece the wand's teseptaticse. A lards concourse d .•idbors ird friends in (:oderiek sad Col- iseum goweship followed the remains to the grieve in St. Peters oeswtary, whore the fast sad rias were omedsted by Rev. Father West. The p ellagrare o were : M yseo•, H. lite= Msdient1on althamis d (. Foley, •Coil ' and' R willimms and M. Fahy, e/ His 4.., Miehmel, and • with h married daeiteed. Mrs Tobin, of Dunlap, ad Hyde Park, eosinhim . We, w1A ethers, extend to than our d..p••t a mea0v is their bereavement. Bewsdeld : Wm. MSQwesa • rude - ate d Soder* Celle- 7: lasktsts, the wee llosmoville Mash oohed la bees el the bid* me die Weeps Menten Peens ea Mor. .M errs. The " Sunlight" resp Co., Toronto, offer the following prism every mouth tiU farther ..ties, b boys and gi*i. u.der 16, raiding M the Provisos et (Dario, who send the greaten .amber of " 8sslith6 " wlwppeee : 1.1, 410 ; Idwd, l46 ; 3rd, 4th, i1 f bth to 144h, • ►asdse.•a book ; and • prone pietsse to these who egad set boo dies 12 wsa pra Bead wrappers b " S -ja1.r Dios, 63 Se et -a. , Tomato, set thea Se of aaeb aaath, and marked ompaelbise" ; she give fill 044.5, ad - de m, sip, end somber el wappera. mem Row will _ be ibbedhh'1L Tomato Mail se first n4'4. y $edmlb : Juba Ward has pssdb.nd tae yrm4bi lurhseo and .bet of (Osage 1L g5admese, dad we, herd./Mr. esby ac ►este+ M Mr. Nadssgsa'e same 11M we snake mss berwea shop Inst 1. tura THF NATIONAL PO1.i('.Y CRITICIZED. Prom Contddntioa esti' tire gnat de - premiere 'iterating one *be period from 1472 to 1879. bat few opportunities were offend us of studying the =edition of tlae sentry that uwr emcee in nation betid- ing might be maser el. bat m4. the eo.rr1.1 stele of diet period brought to steal Ca- rrdlas•, ,ted eapclaily to the Cooemrvative party, ► paihl realwni•o d the beet that tam wave el freeway we W Men Fergns.-nearly all thr.'i'd ing towels prior to 1474 - end ambition. village., lation and rosegueetly to -day than they weer even though the money upon the poverty .14 h culture spots the carr It le quite manifest, t fortunes which have individual manufacture at the expense of the the crow detriment 1 large. 2.-114. the Nat' • - mei "retainert in Canada thousands • R 1.Ao" roue- trymen obliged to exp .. 'r tlemaelves in march of empioymet dialed them at borne 'I io angers 1. 'lir moinentoue quo:di.m. we have If net . dud by thin eke gaunt and simpeares weimony tea of census returns for tie policy Ire, during which the Nie 7 ee leen in operation. Tie e,ikmre ie tie nowt emphatic condor of • pol0y which severs In twaim•* width, by one being phkally one. c s1W Poo- *. should be al= 000 renally sad Po- litically one Turning pre•.4.d Cosederwt6*'*, men who then debated lag. with every •ppes in the infallibility til t in • quarter of $ reale tion al the sew itnminin. e million ens ! Mir Jobs U eipated an lmmigratine d from lee Britee bake ales of Cnnlmderatios, ad v sad development of • ernes a terrain It wee act asetesse l io berme, over that isuh leg year melte the whet he Oiled wlal • ow pada. That ea haw boa des . Where me debate" which n Ileal the able bar predict - d roundest', rdgmeet , that ti► Paints' be t vasty .ms6A •stt- b$11.a-millidd 1M lire[ y.r the =soft ess•1r7 pet' mu Reser. ors • steady me h .snesed- _sgaisa would 4 s t.. mop in *res