The Signal, 1892-6-2, Page 6• see l' 1 tM 7 Il► 6 T111 F. FARYBIR'S WRN ER. A NOVEL METHOD FOR DIUITROYING CANADMN TNISTLEU terries nee Wsileden CsI--R.e.am..'s MM A ,deed U s Dip -Aa stemeea7 lien taaarre 1. tae Oardes-. A Lorne gals Ad.a.t.ges of email reetaree. The ono tli-of-an •err patch el Ominho n tll.iIM G Ni. corner of s to awe field oettainly needs aueutioes. else it will moms *pried ever the lotus ten acres. Lave the posed occupied by th thrt{ss eaapltivated this enmess, est, obs the d ells have grows un to twelve mates high mew them off ad drop • Leh ssemmisl or Isere of salt on the lop eat ohm stomp in seek. Whim the neat se .t sprouts has appeared, now again and Tepee: the app ll• cation of salt, and two ter than Mown's% ad saltioge will usual)) destroy the roots. bat if any sprouts should appear nest auto mar, treat that in the same way. De cot trait this work to some hired saes Galen be is mon then ordinarily cantle). bat M teed to the matter yourself, in order to be certain that no plant is overlooked. We have known whole fields of Cattadiaa thistles to be destroyed by this process of mowing and salting, and it is not sepses sive, but requires care and atteattoa, with a repetition as often as nmvesary, to pro vent too vigorous a growth before the plants as cut down. J. Roar, w Amerman Agri csltunst. Hareem for Trai.i.a t'.11.. A cult *bold never knew how much strength he has until he knows how to nee it. 1f he ...nee runs way he s neyet • safe horse aftet-wool, nod. while he may u. all appearances forget it. there will moms • taus when he .111 run again, and the chtta es are that hr will do much damage. The harness for breaking and driving colts shred.' he extra strong and heavy. The reins and bit especially must be stout smalls for all possible emergencies. a straight bat hit is good enough fur a steady berm, hut it c-aninot i.e depended nn with fractious antmala There ate names -cos kinds of bits that are easy when a burse is ►tenth. but so made u tc hold the base when he tries to run. Iletektus'. tripe. '17:e climbing shrub known as the 1)utch- man. Pipe grows to the height of fifteen of twenty feet. is is a native of the southern parts of the Alleghany \locnteius and is frequently planted is the t•eit..d Staten, an Britain and o0 the Coutiuent of Europe, t.. torus shady bowels. 1t has very large heart -shaped leaves to foot in bnesdtht of a beautiful green. 1'1.« pipe shaped flowers bang •)ugly or in pairs on long etalks. At a di,tan . the ,use might It mistaken for ■ beau vote, but the flowere can be taken tor netiung else but a Uutehnian's ago. They ase three or tout inches l..n4, .i y,0.1.ia11 gM brows and veined with ix.hlksh-brown Minh ��.,r� A {fined sheep inv.A simple yet effectual remedy for disprus- isg of ticks easy be wade fromtoe fullewt�g recipe : Otte gallon of wan nu water and I. lbs of hard soap cut in she.-. and 'hookal in lite water. Th••rnuhldv int: w ah : jab. of kerosene oil. until it stakes a liquml re- sentbliug milk. To each silluo of lite mix- ture add ( gab. ut water. 1f lbs is used twice dun ug the y.sr, once just after she rug ani &gam to ti:.• fall, you ell' lav trouble from licks. Tee sheep keep in much irtter tou.ltt!on, w U.at then will it not .111q.e.l. be n.,ole in about au hour tae the cost will mw exceed -- --- A. As the warnydaye et spring Bosse oe. heavy .nal tires are not comfortable and still scene artificial heat n, needed, es.dal ly durto damp au•1 woody day-. I-'tnele mfterns see end ..rat mixed half and half Mrmcsaurement burn with 'officio nt inten misty and heat and hold the fire better than a cleat owl fire kept low. To keep a ri.•ar coal tire burning it is often neee.lary to burn then stove or femme too brtihtly, thus wasting cowl and rendering the Mouse un comfortable. The hest n also valuable in heating plant houses and hells. ono r.ss feed is dip cast anyone, and Neu Manure an the Garde.. To use hen manure it is the ).est way to rake op the droppings from under the roosts, and mix them with equal pans of earth. leaf mould preferable. Keep in • dry place, and put on laud, at the rate of 10 tors to the acre. pluwmg uuder. Or, it, as is usually Use car, one has but a little. pat about 1 quart of the euinpncl in each hill for much trots ea cabbage. corn, pota toes. etc.. steep) tomatoes. unLees you wish • splendid crop of vines. On cabbage the result will enema* yea A Larne Less. As a rule then is • large loss of fat in creemingg and churning the farrow cow's milk. The milk is much more viscous, and its hotter fats will not tome •pas in new milk with common setting. The farrow cow's milk also dont not produce as good flavored butter as does the milk fmm new mulch cows. 'rheas, should be. of possible, .erne cows fresh in mi k with them The addition of new fresh milk to that from the farr..w ...two will .1.1 in getting up the hotter (ate : it will also help the churn in getting them net of the cream. Ad vnnteas of •wall Pastures. Two or three small pastures are better than one large one. The cattle as. be turned out a week seeder. mid, when ates field is well erten .luwn. they can be turn ed solo another. They can always have fresh grass if changed every week or two. The pasture will last longer and the cattle he better for frequent changing. Ton many fences are no• de.vahle, but a four or five- str.eJ herb wire fence may be beast cheap- ly, or a movable fence used, .sed changed e s wanted Iamb Plasia Farming will hear more shire, sedate snore .la. -derma, stand up under more last sass and outlast more neglect than most any ether kind of business. Mune Farmer Hr who can pest a gayeties fairly and •sq{u•nly to mature, ani wait perhaps • lifetime for the answer. is more than oma Ran picked out of ten thousand ; hot epos such mai the progress of ear agriculture depends teal A.n., to eke Nen-Noe.. K hem yon empty the cool ashes after claming nut the moo. or furnace. oaks t. . mil .hotel atone anti nae at to 'ratter • few ahnvellide of hot dry ashes on the hos sesta and •b.amt the hen hoses Erse. creek .mol envies of the homes will he filled w ith fine .nut to no dyetructinsi o1 all ie. met life Ib this mew or tonss every weak A Rig neeret The secret el the what dairy Msi•ess is tester sew. batter erre d teem, Meter y meatus cad • biker erases el marimbas MIN ANO WOMEN. Ii:slfA pees. hem tke resent sow et kis " Modern Punters "were $30,000. The neer Asehhiehes el W mss eeteti r js is laver▪ k *Isfer bserto the 11111411111 lb▪ ..rner Illimang. (t.rgti. wean • pair of cuff bake mads d bras battles oat trees • Wsfdrste soldier's east. Sir George Odea-Pwell bus mess to the oesclssiee that dewstary illaia. r the greatest Amesiosa state ems of t w present age. Cu- reasnrs Curtis, the one -eyed repro matateve from New fork, is kaowe shout Washington me the Cyclops of the Hoose. Hairy K. Abbey said Maurice Gras ate ..cured the Anditertum Hall at (mango for the mitre season of the Wurld's Fair, ed will devote it te the sp.uuensr drama, with • slide grad epees. Thomas A Geraldd, the only brother of the 1st. President (:arktld, reifies oo • Mak farm near (heed Rapids, Mick. The family commie of himself. sew alma 67 yeah of age, Mn. I:atfield and • or, Jas. Abram Garfield. Mesart'■ watch, ori.in•lly preowned to the ooespoeer by the Empress Maria Ther- esa, has just been deposited in the Moine- mum .t salaburg. It is, of course, an aid fa'htased but very headsoam affair, the owes big sot with diamod a RMaare% ua:.sssaa rows Im arta.. TIM Reese. (:aitleatan tat an eretuog Party)— " Madam, will you tell me why your low dresses are called ' full dress' Lady. , For the mote realise, 1 suppose, that • picked chicken is called a • dressed chicken. ' - - aWerwh. Sin', For five years i suffered from lumbago and could get no relief until 1 used Hagyartis Yellow Oil, and must say i find no better remedy for it. 2 Joie. i)etme:up ve, Sandwich, Out Weald tied Lend Them. " Friends and fellow.eitizena '" cries' the agitator, •' Lend me your ears. , Not much, retorted a minion of the opposition. " If we did, we'd never get 'em back again... A torr M ('e.MlpatMn and aieadarbe. Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Moun- tains, discovered a not that when combined with other herbs makes an easy and certain cure for ouuatipation. It is in the form of dry nests and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. 1t will cure sick • headache. For the blood, liver ad kidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it doss wonders. Druggists .ell it at 50c. a package enough for tee weeks. [hew Preseere .t m. A Mtn 1•. O. fart : "it is svekit that woman over there paints.'+ The Vicar '• She is my sieffir.' • Miss F. 0. Pur : " I meas going to say that it is evident she p.lkfta, from the in rarest ahe takes in tfellt young artist. American Paper. ,, C 1 Ijj ii-ti;o.. k 12o 4.Jpvr..' I sprained my leg so badly that I ,bid to 1.e dnven nano in a carriage. I finmediately applied MINAKI 'S LINI- M ENT freely and in 48 hours could use my leg again as well aa ever J..art-t Wit sats:LR. Bridgewater, N. That string on your finger means Rasing home • bottle of X11\ARI):' LINIMENT Int They Rod to pee op 11111. •La. Iwi.e.it.. P,.t.Snsl..5.. "1Ndu'1)ou hear me ring that bell ` I want to get off here." Jtreet car conductor " 1 can t stop here. Thu is the middle of the block.- Imposing personage lin a towering pesaims) " I'll re- port you, sir, for incivility " I'm alderman of !hie ward'" Street car conductor -- (apologetically to the passengers •• I'd drop him out hen, gentlemen, if it wasn't .)`ides' the rule.. You'll have to put up with him for about half a Mock Os" -Chicago Tribute. The mseatUd v grippe. - Following this scourge of humanity come a train of eel's in the shape of obstinate colds, lung troubles, etc. There u to remedy an prompt. and at the same time effectual an.l pleasant, as Milburn's lied liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypsph,les, which Is the Latest awl beet .aaskenation of anti consumptive re- medies. Prior 50c. and $L00 per bottle - 2 A fare ensure. Art l'atroo " look then. a Rembrandt at 300 franca and signed. too ' What a rare chance!" Friend "What does the pie taro represent Art Patron "The Taking of Sebastopol." Im my endor.enaeot of Anti Dandruff 1 as. say something that 1 never could before, which is that this preparation is • perfect recover of Dandruff not only in the first slags but eves where the plume hu be- come chrooic and has merged Itself into • dieeue. Veen of experience as • hair dresser, during which time I have ex- perimented wi h every recommended pre- paration, not one has. nor 1 might say, .tai as put together given the satisfaction that Ants ItandrutI has It positively removes Dandruff. It stops falling of the hair. It cools the iced. it stakes an elegant hair dressing without leaving • trace of its use. i use it daily is my hair dressing place, .t Balmoral Hotel, ad have yet to tied the first customer who was not pleased with it. J. T. Fo,Tttaa, Proprietor barber .hop Balmoral 1401.1, M oetreal, 1'. V. A GENEROUS HERO. The seen of Lord William Ia.re.f rd'. MI - ant Meerut of • isern..sl. roan Ilea What one 11km is Archibald Forbee'e " Barracks, Biveseee sed Battles " is tae sir et freedom, the rebaetesas, the Mustiness of these episodes is the pageant of war. Mai do their /were deeds without parade sad without fake humility, het with jest • tomb of assumed e•releme- e ms. 01 sears•, ern nraa rata his life without caries, unless ha is tired of it mad fa that oar there is not spacial .sant 1. ,nester after death. Rat really to earl IIA M the somata, and pet it all in peril far • .eattmest nae thrnogl *shuns te wear • hatable of • eons that mese. twiner that takes sive., Gad to do it with • awns, as thresh at were me of the polite amventieme of hie which are n of physical impertertehhwm wb.e& we nae 'Newer." it demesds • eseadlesi spirit era in thine n etches, hen we reed et Lod Wain ir_:rra Meg dab He d detail M ai.M�&►g �a wounded iron W t �Ad Tieferiere read t�: wettatisd Elea nhsed to so wish bias be- muse it Weald eadmrsr .•ettewbe.I d et brassiest revisable dealt ea was.. -we Wt. Jon is • brave men i.1 wheat it is added that Loci Wiltiata •• mere wish eimohd httatl M would puha the woaaded meg Mod it be did not allow bis life W he saved " the touch of Minor brim the whole seem wilds the rage at err sympathies. Is is alt a play any wags with aeon et 11111 - other Iso', hooka bit et ordinary, everyday life made ides!. Then we ,ay, • He as • hero. " e.rg� The. • third mats mss. fria O'Toole, ad 'boom down the Zulus, who an at the very herbal the over- burdened verburdened horse, and the throe emendes teen `ether at Inst reach safety. Py sail by the Brinell troop, tad he. but tae news al the les.* deed W lees preceded thea Lord William is ems - Mulled to Wisdom to receive the Victoria crura Surely he had ,orated is denhly, bol :here is room for eves more •'star" in such • hero. He will hare no heaer that he cannot .bare with ( )Toole, and the (,hens knows valor whom she sees it and gives two Victoria creases. Then we say . " (fere to • Mee who is not only humane ad brave, but isaetoss and modest, ad withal be has a masse of humor WLy, he is not what the looks tall • hero he is • man, every inch of him, sod 1 woull like to take Ms hand sad tell hint BACKACHE C000� oil 0 N E Y PILLS WILL CURE YOU so. t.lr■rd'. melenall m elm RM. ..r eneenalleilln From The 1 outh's Compankm. Thu works u getting too maaU te Mid certain kinds of bad people. Two years ago a bank meeneerer in New York stole a package of bank notes worth forty-one thousand dollars. He cunningly kept oat with his work as usual for a year, and then reamer.' with hie stolen money to Hondur es, where he heed quietly and in much con- fidence, because there s no extradition treaty between Honduras and the United States ; but all this time a detective was shadowing him, and finally got the money from him and will probably get the roan. Lot year a thief was arrested in Mouth Animus., eight years after the eomtnisaton M a robbery in the tutted States. There is now a secret understanding among the police authorities and detective agencies over the greater part of the globe. They aasint one another in such ways as to render it all but impossible for a criminal to es- cape into whatever pert of the earth he may go Nothing can oumtnp the electric current which now pampa over nearly all lads and under nearly all seas. We often hear nowadays of defaulters running away with or without their booty, and we do not always hear of their arrest. Generally, however, they are arrested, though sometimes they wow the penalty due (hear crime by Burr nng•great part of their plunder. The system Is not yet perfecter and its working is attended with Po much expense. The time ie sot fu du- trst when the chief of police in New York or Boston will be able to arrest a man in Australia Just as easily. quickly and cheap- ly ate if he were in the next street. ore apse ass say. The best half of life is to front of a man of forty, says an old , osintry contemporary, if he be anything of • man. The work he will do wi:l be well dune with the band of a master. and not of a raw apprentice. The trams' intellect does not see " men as trees walking," but sees everything clearly and in jot measure. The trained temper does not rush at work like a blind bull at a hay stack, but advances with the tales and or- dered peace of conscious power and deliber- ate determination. '1'. no roan is this world se new, and the future so fresh, a. to him who has spent the early year of rnanhoosl in attiring to understand the deeper prub- Ieneo of science and life and who has made some headway towards comprehending them. To ben the commonest things are rare and wonderful both in themselves and as part of a beautiful whole. such a thing as attendees in life and its duties he cannot understand. Knowledge u always opening out before him in wider expanses and more commanding heights. The pleasure of grow ing knowledge and increasing power makes every year of his life happier and more hopeful than the last. shard. Liniment Mases masimr. A hew-1rshMma deet. Prom The Boston Journal. She'd a great and varied knowledge, picked up at a female oollege, of quadratics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics, very rut: She was duffed with erudition as you stuff a leather centime, all the ologiea of the colleges, and the knowledge' of the put. She had studied the old lexicons of Peru visas and Mexicans, their theology, anthropology, and geology o'er and o er; She knew the forms anti features of the prehistoric creatures : ichthyneactrus, plesiosaurus. megalosaurua, and many more. Weed describe the ancient Toscana and the Ilan{see and the Virtuosos, their grid dies and their kettles, wad the victuals that they gnawed She'd discuss the learned .harmer, the theology of Krahw, arid the scandals of the Vandals and the sandals that they tred. She knew all the mighty giants mad tae master minds of acusce ; all the {seem- ing that was turniag in the harming brain of nun . But die couldn't prepare a dinner far • gaunt and hungry stoner, nor set up a deoent sapper for her poor voracious papa, for she sever was ooadtr.cted on the net' domestic plan. The Mlo.. Serosas. (brained. it is • Mumma which every merchant stud bass me sirs haus sad detests its a Mosinee' which is the staading (treed ol mothers. it is • hseitsem which is the mantas fear of fathers. it is • Matas= which n the horror d every wife. It is a business which i.akye ninety per cent ei the baboon of the rrietimal marts. it is a Mrinses whieh makes .sooty per tat. of pauperise for which the tae payer dens te pay. it is a buss.ess which keep .mpdeyd an army el petiedara is the titres. it is the haeisess whieh festers vise for profit, sad dtmYas is wtcked.ese ler Rale. Dbuakaissss wirepriaye ell sober vier, t Y lbs dietiemsry 01 vies, for it Malden *my idea AKI POWDER Oluslss ne Alam. Asttrsla tier Fkmpksre. er sus Is jerla.L LW. GILLETT. TeasR s. OM. WONDER IN WELLAND! A Representative Farmer Speaks. MR. C. C. MAUN. The following remarkable farts aro tally certified to as being :-)deniably correct in every particular. Mr. Hain is well known in the vicinity, having resided hero over fifty years, and is highly rocp'ctei as a man of the strictest honor, w:.cse word is as good as his bond. As will be seen froze his letter, four phy-aic:ans had attended him, and it was only after he had given tip hope of cure that ho decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters nn the rccom:.isndation of a neighbor who had )"n cured of a similar disease by i:a oat. lir. Hutu writes as follows: Uz a St: s,—I t:i_nk ? :,ave_ been ens of tlia woad suffere.:. you have vet heard of having been .tx yeas in the heads of four of our best doctors without obtain).:( permanent relief, tut ccntintully growing worse, until unto:: beyond hope of re- covery, I tried your Bitters and got relief in a few date. Even r y ori as of my body' wat deranged, the liver cr.:are-ed. hardened and torpid, the her rt aid digesti7e organza seriously deranges{, a large absoves in my back. followed by paralysis of tl.e right leg, in fact the lower 1 ail of my body was entirety naele•'a. After tieing Burdock Blood Bitters for a few days the abscess burst, dia.:hcrging fnity Cue quarts of pan in two hours. I hit as if I had received a shock front :. pow. Hnl battery. M y re- covery after ti. s was steady and the cure pennauent, seeing that for the four years since 1 have had Le good health as ever I bad. I still take an oocasional bottle, not that I need it lest bccsuse I wish to ken my eyetem in perfect working order. I can think of no more remarkable oast than what I harm myeelt pawed through and no words oan express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery. C. C. Hach, Weiland P.O. In this eonnection the following letter from T. Cumtn.s. Esq., a lading druggist of Welland, Ont , speaks for itself: Meters. T. Milburn A Co., Toronto. Gztrnt.tnua,-I have been personally acquainted with Mr. C. C. Hann for the last 40 years. and have always found him • very reliable man. Yon may place the utmost confdenco in anything he says with regard to your medicine He h►a on many occasions within the lest tour years told me that it was marvellous the way the Burdock Blood Bitten had oared him, and that he now felt ss able to do a day's work as he ever felt In his life. Al quite well he still take(' some B B 000uionally, as he says, b keep him in perfect h Yours truly. Tress ! Welke& Oat The a/mdiy inerwsdng sole of B. B. B., the length of time it has Men Mime the people, and the face that da muss to stay oared. attest the darling merit of fife monarch of s. bete ss. bete �beadle blood mid THE SIGNAL Fess now till Jaw. IM. 1102. FOR SIXTY OMITS. HORSEMEN. TEs ARRA? tenAnl?es r7A5J.10v, CARLISLE 13026 wtiJ. es AT TRS Albion Hotel, Goderich, From four r. N. Monday until ten A.M. on Tuesday of each week. Parties having maria to braid ahould not book them before sw- ing this grad harps. 57-11IR "I.esacki the+.wp.►s saw the Ili -sl/ Meg )enter. deme are la "Delp is boob& Dears �EE�.Nra. Mep- Kibep Tibial?* I.c t54 bIdaep p,. (reMiJ treaty•. rear It •'1i per stat la Iad hood, of dise•e. 1. Opre tou r Neiere/ s/frer ii, and the west Ian- erers • all, a'Nightgown bIgMa try b bare • Diabetes gad healthy city rankest swat- ' y . a4•0• egg as geed inseam e•E•et Mall ashav the exist whir• hid..ga are Dodd's Kidney. clawed, t1/p are Pigs ow newt IIM kr d dudes ersset by sties nreelet Fk. er a Wt4M. haiaisi Wier T22.+F ! 1 CHEAPER THAN LUMBER - The subscriber has he, pule the laid agent for the celebrate41 Drayton Tile, And is prepare[ to furnish any quan- tity of any size on the shortest notice, . tical.. r than lumber cam ti.- had for lex draining. PRICES : Per Per 1.0)o Rod. 2 in. Tile, 14 in. long $ 812c 2. in. " " 1014c 3 in. tt 44 12 16c 4 in. • sew 17 26c 1 idler of De:itery at G.T.11. Sta- tion, Goderich. 1st -3t NEIL CAMPBELL. OODt1RJCH Sten m Boiler Works. .l.v'rABLt3HED IDH A. S. CHRYSTAL '.tvv'aer (" t'Arystal at ISheet. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular ROII.MRS, Salt I'an.., Stroke Stas•6s, sheet Ir..n Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in t: pt•terht mad Horizontal Slide Calve Easier,. Automatic Cni-Oar Hatless a pecialts. A:I else. or pin^ and yipe•flttin,t non.taiUy on band. lt.clnu'es furnish...) on abort notice. Itepairiait promptly attended to. LMC'-Iy P. 1). Sox T. iloderich. Ont. Works Opposite (i. T. it. Si*tlus. tiodenctt. PATENTS! 111115. UDE 14113 110 (0PIItN T Obmined, sad all bossiness h the C. 8. Pates ONee etteaded te •t MODERATE PRES. Our office .s opposite the U. S. Patent Of- fice. and w e sar obtain Patents in Mss time Ise those remote from WAS1!INOTO.% Bene MUD6l. OR DRAWING. We ltd. rise as to patentability hes of chane .mud , we make O CHARGE UNLESS R N os - TA IN PATRNT. We refer, he, to the Postmaster. the Supt. 4 Money Ororder U.v„ and to officiakl of the U. 8. Patent (Moe. For circular. advice. terms and roferresem to aerial clients in your WO State or Constr. write to t A sa.w t CO.. Oppeelte Patent Omeawaabtagtss,D.0 2741 SPILING CLOTHING. My stock in this department is now complete and customers can find what they want in any line of s. The assortment comprises lI, English and Canadian fab - ries, and cannot be surpassed either in beauty or in durability. Sole agency for W. E Sanford's celebrated ready -matte clothing. Ordered clothing a specialty. —/I Your attention is also directed to the choice selection of WINDOW BHADEB, in all the latest designs and choicest patterns. on extra quality of cloth . all bought direct front the manufacturers. —11 Special valve ia offered in TEAS and other family groceries Paints, oils and builders supplies always on hand. Patent metdieines a specialty. People of an unheeded mind w111 find my prism as kw aa eke lowest comps n•d with those of other hooses. R. B. HOLLAND, DIINGANI0111. 14 . e The Signal �p�^� M�. post . s Me settee he the prwheel' are ams A psi .1 i •emeses: emmitaa elAO Mr Mmad .[d/ iadM wih bawe we e oh � � 1 �� j�'�_t eeideat Tn,«tr iicu4 m that oar to semi wish vitt In ibis line we have a very lair stook et fine writing paper. a g. able for every class of businam represented in this locality, ,,,m prising laid and wove, hem. quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may he required, ate ' tuM This useful sine is kept in the fail range of qualities Mme as letter heath:. While 10►tmoiitOt i are not so generally used, they 1 I an important place in oomntercial correspondence. See what wP. n got under the above hent,.. $•\\ iitatJ►s If the " pay-as-you-go " plan wa. the order of the day the dewami for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some inns who get so many ttunnen that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is coo pieta in this line with four .ire. Good paper and neat ruling. Both single and double dollar, and Ixnta columns. They come cheaper than bill heads, and air► the proper thing to sent) after a delinquent once • month. They are sure to fetch him round - sometime. Yanyt\ohes Now, it would tie hard to ate• along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for then[ we keep a large stock a, hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range front 75... to ft'sl.00 per M. We handle cam menial and legal sizes exclusively C•Areu\wow We aim to excel in all the differ int kinds of work we turn out but empecially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy paper• suitable for all requirements. oortv.vAs of entertainments and meeting. promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegan• with coral and pencil attached \i QC t\r. tw.o. T \Ckt<w This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a nett trolling card, from an or (finery admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. V os<erw ( bur facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by tiff fact that the great hulk of it is done by us. This line also in cludet Viot\$trw which our three fast -running jai presses are able to turn out in s surprisingly short time. %u\t 13%.k\w belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty of them -promptness being our his in this respect. A notice of ode will appear in THIt Sinew. fees d charge when hills for same are /at here. T V�1sV<(,tkohs to an "At Home" or a writhe* require considerable taste in lienee tion sometimes, but we make it an may matter by keeping fa stock the very latest and best samples to be bad. Call and ver OtNViIMAL tike\ 4 vera<vng {tea already been partially MMR• orated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amotm' of work head slut to enamerat.ander worldtttia mora than lat7a,'S' .p the entire epees 1151.adv't,bastwedoitoeevpiedallatTI" SISiMAL #‘.\ 'W orbs. in the typngraphitsl printing lair can he done in this estahlisdameat in an expeditious and artistic manner and OtLr Q r'Etw vee\\\ be So". tour rtawotnab\t We mated our thanks for poet fa' ems and solicit a oontinnanme of tis NNW T WIL wows. slit* Aug F1ov Sarahmo 111. f daring- a,.t 'd th berg Stomach a us my food Inc at l u v vu trpoIv, my beg ' pajttl jn my RnK tv of mut alta pbitter t! •y b(cath became .scb queer, toil ,tpgmtiuu-t atvund it dgt unties the � kft side, 11 ( In Iambs. It tit u the wet . cold w .d Spnng; and fI ci* on. my' feet .nae' cold. and I c at d1. 1 tried case so relict before us.] 1'1� the change mem wonderful dt *time 1 have tat ieg a complete cc Gg 4NEE`. Sok 1 ROSI d LAES' tN moods vie NEXT Remember Ithan itcan Irs...1t.ot EVEF Just shown Oak Ererybc