HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-2, Page 5LANES. read and pseud. Moved by James Connolly, From oar own cor*eepoadent. weooadsd by fi•Muel sturdy, that the peti- Itobt. end Jeno Ferries spot • few days tins of T. C. Pickard sad twenty -fear this week visiting friends in Kinloss. allow* the residents of Holmesville to others, their road work m the lengthening of the sidewalk in Holmsville under the wperviniou d T. C. Pickard, be ted. Moved by J. H. Elliott, es000ded by J. CosnoUy, that the following persons be al- lowed to do their statute labor co ridde road, lit eon.: Charles ftrinoombe, R. ford and S. Fuzee. Moved by John Beacom. seconded by Samuel Sturd . that b Ino Moved by John Be e, ssooNo. 3, DOW read ea by •I- H. Kiliott. Ry what we bear, Bob Howard most be ramming a tree btu' for dressmakers from Luoknow to lAn•.. Jeremiah Sullivan is preparing to erect • epMsdid brick residence, which will be • credit to the neighborhood. Quite a number of the yon0g people took is the 'porta at Dungannon, also the ball at Kitten, on the 94th, and report having • good tone. We w to state that George Camp- that the foliowiag a000unta be passed, vu bell, of this, is becoming blind. Mr. Wm. Wk.Beld, balsaoe on salsa, $15.00, Can.pbrll has not had the sight of one eye postage, 12.00 ; Hanley Dint d being out of s for the put eight years, and it now seen 10 caused by lines for maof re - probable that he u going to lose the sight pair, X3.00 ; clerk, to?' of the other. oouncillora, 11.40: Goderich Star, for print. 10.0n Oseaoil adjourned to meet Rev. Mr. Anderson, congrpastoregations, ioof Vit. n Helene bit Mood• u Jtme. and Eur Ashfield oo0greg•Uons, imtetsds y Nr o Srrl•tut, C'Lsas:. ggitver • lecture on bis " Trip to the Pacific Cost.- in Kest Adrfield church, Lases, on May 3rd, at 7.30 r. u. This will be • Feat treat, amid all should avail themselves d the oppor shity to hear hien Admission, 26 cents. Prooesda to go for good of the church. _ TOWNSHIP -COUNCIL.S- HAT. Council Inst pursuant to edjournowOt is the town ball on Saturday, May 21 ; all the members present. K•lbdersh - Schnell - That the fol owing change be made in the .ssessseet roll : John 1)um•rt, dog struck off ; lot 24, L R. E., two dogs struck off ; Central part lot 9, con. 15, saws to Henry Kreuter ; FA. Marshall, struck off ; Henry struck off ; E. 1 lot 16, ooh. Yager, Dae Voeiker- 6, reduced 100. l istried. Kalbaeieh. That, a new road divbeoa to be Mown as 1b A. sod ocrosistleg of 11. 12. 13, 14 and 15 u cm. V he formed with Abs:. Munn as pedometer. .ter. Carried. Kalbleish -Schnell. Tbat on request of Messrs. Gies sad Schwalm the clerk be instructed to notify all parties affected by the Little Marsh Drain that the matter of cleaning out said drain will be taken up at nest meeting et the osanciL Lose affected are 22 to 28 in - elusive in ooh. 10 and 18 sad 19 on Borth besdary. Carried. Turnbull - t'oelker. That the reeve •iad treasurer be instructed to borrow on the credit of the municipality the .em d 12.000 to meet current expenses. Carried. Turabel -- Voelkur. That the Orth be _appointee ory, H. id ao and La.rl boBBd•r H. Gies and (A•rlss Troyer • south boundary, Henry Yager sad Daniel `laeffer; centre road, dir. 1, R. Carlyle ; div. 2, G. Parker ; div. 3, H. Werra ; div. 4, Notion Mem Carried. The IsU.wiast momenta were ordered to be paid : J. Hil ebr•ad, care of Caney. 1112 ; M. Witmer, cdvert, Suable has, $1 : J. Curt:, enlver $7 ; C. Holbein, culvert. Bronson Rae, ; Dr. Thompson,es Margaret McVeigh, 130; Keep•r Weber, repairing hole u centre read, 75 mu ; Sem. J. Latta, pert e•l+ry, $s ; R. Hicks, twu- tractor, Ii. R D., 8274.00. Council then adjourned to meet again os. June 26th at 10 A. N. SAN. J. Lime*, Clerk• ot.aoas L. want wAwA:'OKH. The council met on a(•turday, May Mtn, members all present Minutes of farmer meeting were reed and approved. The member, formed thetruel es intA • Court ot Revision by taking the aeosss•ry oaths before the clerk. An appeal wee read from Wm. Davidson objecting to being as- sessed for W. L. E. L of lot. 14, ammo' 7, he not being the owner. Mr. Ieividsos sited that sioce •ppesliag he had made are marmots ..hereby be is sow willing to be asal assesesd tor the property, oaoenL y the appeal was dismissed. J•mss Johnston re- quested that his goo Sassed he seemed as joint owner instead of as farmer's se Granted. There heists so other it was moved dry Mr. Bowers, Mr.s Medd, that the se — t roll for 1 as sow revised, be adopted. Carried. The Treasurer's report for April showed • balance from March of $138.90 (mot 1184.45 as incorrectly reported in April Mental with expenditure 186.74, leering 162.16 to May account Report filed. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Misty,, that Mr. Stitt and FAw•rd Craig be ezeillpt frees performing statute labor for this year. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Medd, that the massae be given • check for the amount of his s•1•ry. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Bowers, s•osudsd by Mr. fledd, that the following estimates for public works be armed ea for the current year, vis : Rc.ildinr bridges o0 comes - sloes 8 and 10, 1170 ; boundary lines, 1400; roods. $700 ; gravel and pleak, $300. Car. Md. '1'be fotlowinr checks were ir d : Musings]World, of paper pair and carer, assts :Cyclo Styli -Ink, 3 ink, 12.10 ; Beek of Commsrerat _ _ esu drain debesitores, 11200 Peter Cr:,rarepairing washout. 11.00 ; John Smith, repairing washout between 18 mod 19, oenceenoa b, 17.00 ; W. A. Winos, asseNiug. 160 ; John Butler, u'etso book, 60 cents ; Thee. McRoberts, drain acres. road, 12.50. Council •djoarmed to meet cm S•tur'd• . ,gust 13. The fallowing eum- o•r takesMtree' the eessssent ro lI meq bed Moron : Number of acres asserted 41,706,17-20; acres cleared. 26.778,7.20 ; value of real property, 11,136,575 ; dogs, 212 ; bitches. 3 : number of persons, 2166 ; osiNe, 3660 ; ebeep,1793 ; bogs, 643 ; horses, acres ; acof woodland, 4760 • swamp, tn., 9179; oreb•rd and garden, 415 9-40 Fall wheat, an; s$ R. M mile 9. PORT ALBERT• From our own cerrtspmdest. P. Kelly. of Biyth, was in the Tikes m Friday. The gmisl oeuntesanoe of Richard Fohiin again apron in our midst. He i. engaged •s miller for Jos Mahaffy. A somber of sur villagers attended a ban given by Thos. Griffis, of the )(Steil hotel, on the evening of the 24th of May and re- port a good tame. THE SIGNAL: GOD$BIOS, ONT.. AY, JUNE I, lard. TMs CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE AD OFFiO(. TORONTO. Ale Paffil In au Names solikaila--;- eikeee.000. e 00.000. •1. a g. WALKtR, 13000m.1111111ABIL GODERICH BRANCH. glgotnel BAstrueso OUSUtaM TRANSACTED FARMERS' NOTES DMnOuNTEO. DNAote ilISIND PAVANLE AT At... POSITS IN CANADA. AND Tee P* NCtPA,_ c:T,ES IN TME UNITED STATES, (MAT ITAMI. FRANCE, BERMUDA, A¢ *AVON'S WI RSPART$II'T. ggHITS OF 111.00 ARO UPWARDS REQS D, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTENSITY to iNTESRST ADOSD TO TWO PINININPAL AT Test EMD Or MAY AND opugaset1 sN SAPS TSAR. sM•IRI Ilitme bs gives M ilio Rielleotto. o4 P ea,,io...e:Inl 1.,,..r. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. .d Farmers' Rolm Nsto . sup the • WOW." Will scholars in rural W LEE1tN ectioos .speed dm m.sl.s? i weekly liewame tie laserbseemd. Eosrs M lea ear Owe •hl•L lees$' tttasn,. • The tan laird has lately Acted . large circular clothes line so M 10 ore sup., which the guidewives amid gentle I, complained of so much. Then he mo red his Naos nes oo the road to ctoe ty f Dunlop by pulling down the long trio es top and substituting • win. pLso.AL-. Jobe Hillier. of W..dehoek, .iter an interval of eight es yarn' amine iteebu1-,,—,r.wg.+,, Ar i o o me back hen with • ,mos wesu•nsrsseo", of heresies • mei- not dine Met of the Point }arm had AM • number of guests on the Q.aen's nittbd•Y from loodesber'o and other potato I.• tt Team -cow Mewnsi' - Tbe numbers of the L 0. (:. T., No. 213, may shortly renew the gospel temperance coem- p on Sunday afternoons, n se they old last '-ummer with such good •uooee• its Biel 0.0.1 audiences. They hops to hey had lest °.ftt wawapeakers ss., he teditor efn tars as t The Clinton ear. +'• • Nee h:n anal f(e.. Gtr. Hughes. of W ien- t.ny worker in the tempr•aee moo *bp would be winug too geiivteaaan addressen maraca' m them ge, started som, please send a acid to the seoret•ry. J. 1.. Chinos, Dunlop t'.o , sed a date with him will be arranged. L .,. 21 t a may social of of the 0.6. T. , No. 213, het week saw • goad maims. The a Liss of the chair were ably discharged by G. Merton, of Toronto, • former member of the 1. ti o.. T. in it. earl years ae • temper- ble mom THE TOWN OF CLINTON Tae anppealap r • " U. Oaring eke raw Week. Freak oar itiswi eorruepoadest. IN New Goods, New Styles New Prices sEN'P ► o s rs' BOOTS AND SIIOES I1ABIES'19U Mrs. J. Foster returned home on Mon- day after spending • week with fogad* in W Ingham. Rn'ovCstv,:.- -Mrs. T. Kuwbrll, wbo hes beets sack for tome • time, N. we see glad to este, nicely on the mend. Go•rsr. - -Tke brethren of this town w peepsriat for a big ounp meeting to be held its CI' or vicinity, beginning about the 23rd d Jana Fakes ILI BD. -The furniture of T. (lark, formerly of Clinton, but who last Week (mad it eo■vemient to leave town, was sold by •action Saturday Mt up on the market square. 81 YCAM, - Mn. Hunt, mother of H. Hunt, d town, oelebr ted on Sunday hurt her 81st birthday. She u still quite hale sad hearty, and u, we hope, still rood foe quite • number of years. RACING. Upoo the evening this budget is printed a big foot race will take place up- ots t¢e town park between liessr's. Reid amid (}sstk one of your Goderich causes lost tea dollars upon the head of the latter ea the 24th. Bucriert_ Ilintos houses are just sow biking pretty nice loth inside ant! out for the abominable hoose cleaning is finished. The very praiseworthy work of gardening completed and nature u doing her work in H. in v • beautiful style. reps 1ptri hare. Sacs AGAIN. --W. Webb, who was for- n,adr by. those wbo took oa the pumpers elyeeoy ea ti0Mnitb 10 the firm of .:Ym by those todk • pert m the pro- H.rlene $era but of late has been living ;ram .. hoped4railwa day wee set bele u \esu York. C. ' has •ein returned to sum • line o/ railway woald cess,.. Chasm and again entered into the employ et the above-mentioned firm. Holmes. -Mr. Smith, the grad marshal few the C.O. F. order, is arias •ppaated de - OF E ,_ R -IC 3DESC7RIPTION- I have: visited the eastern markets and. owing to the large number of failures among manufacturers, 1 have been enabled to secure .inch bargains in the above goals ala will give my customers the advantage of securing boots and shoes at the regular wholesale prices. In tine goods my stock can- not be Aurpa. ted in price and quality. I keep goods from all the popular makers, including J. D. King, Geo. T. Slater, John McPherson and several others. It will pay you to inspect our goods and prices before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Boots and shoes trade to order and repairing promptly attended to. JOHNSTON CAREY, ON THE ars with Port Albert and Sheppard w electric railway woad ply between Dim - op and Leeb•ru, the former burg to get • of:cerement grant for its harbor, St. Mar- b Lake Reut (;cart Me,.. a......... a s Bey, at the foot of Mount ICis•betk, :Moto o Hures. •citati• were well 1b. This i be the 701 time that Bro. rendered by Bros F. Hayden' sod Mabaffy. I Smith has filled this honorarytion as of Albert iooge Port Albert Mrs Oars ddepte to the high court Camila. Wehner. of (:oderich, who is not • etrsder t Ova Reeve is Hous Reeve Meunier u • 1•0010111 Melt well. •10° ipso. • resit•- returned itosse Saturday last H. u roe - tan, whine meotisu is , dAer•bly better. •$born b as yet be bis not her debut to the andome. er selection, thekeswe ere reel g ( sew I 1.. Mies May Gordon. SM p•rdtaa. m { the physical st+velth leo d yore• but, never - to nes his '• The Jenks." was well dehverod, sad was ' genial face is our midst, and may he very well ckulated to win tiro deep applause of soon enjoy geed be•lth and strength. the audience. Those of the local taker I :;aavrr:xe!ia•s - Thie bring °mini um •kat took part in the program were : S. R. i week the pulpit ee yeti&y wit m the :o• Wm. Gordon and Moen Mary and I marring by .1 1 ousg, • id m ter ea eatrtg violin selectness 1 t eisewhtn m tb t30DRRIOB. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - REST, •- A Saving rtment has been ooei in coa. Vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. - $12,000,000. 6,000,000. tCiltl•ss, LII . H. A. ortoo, A. H. Cha ' Rext ..bury -et church wri'l he filled in the taste t rtes arl 1411th Horton, wb oci. of Sluod•y evening last Mr. proadal at the organ 10 un acoaptabi• nes' preached in Maaehester, and filled ser, supported in severalr t ` e mum_ by .1. IJaklater. The refreahmenu gotta• 1 ! ,p ley the niters, rade. the mansgsmsmt d I PbwA. !-We have ouch respect for Sir ,uttrs l:vrdoo and Clutton. wets en1o701 Cheer Mowat, but more so when he wee to all. The entsrtaomest wee clesedwhirls by pits mpg t .'• un,ught to an ori Doe of the • otertatnmenta that has been held bre for -onotime. Mb Oliver admit eke eir. W e have me b N' tion•! aetheen and Mit is these royal favors. They wow ties Gene • mon thing himself immortal, when he is toothier bet •,Dor finite ore•ture, who will seminally lie down and die like .ay otter poor beast of burgles. B. A. -J. Cooper, son of W. Cooper, of tows, bee sow Galahad kis university .s- eer, sod enjoys the Moor of a B. A. at the end of his cess.. We believe it is the fatestion of Mr. Cooper to make journals lis tome profession. We would much like to see bits ret upon the (.lobe's staff, al- though we tear he somewhat favors Tu. Empire. Ono 18,000,000 Pea YEAR. --118,000. 000 that is • snug little ems, is it not Mr. Editor,bet withal it is yearly paid 10 Queen Victoria, her children •Wed gra!deh ildren ST. HELENS. • rpm our ow• eerreQsaAenr- t number of the menlhMe a the temper - awe lodge Mended the diarist ...stag .del in Meth on Friday, the IMIh. sad s port having had • very sees—ad s.esting- t'rops in this moth= are very pnmisieg• fhe sso pring ws pets lea ._I.d mew whet fres coil and wet wentkss• by a wheat ad hay are remark•bIy present •ppsarass we have the :argent fruit yield we have had for years. lite Jeri05Wv°f Althorns* Wiltsive lecture b legal h. tees I •m T1eAar this Bre gsglielMea of Rr+tatta if we lave week, it being • continuation d the este • awa•euhy le(• es se ib. moeMeh meetly glom es hu recenttripp the i'actllc ('o.st The m esnis mew auspices of the Mechanic' Institute. At the annual meetong of the NsarMrs of :he Mechanics' hesitate the telbwug officers were elected : Preideae, lit.. Mr. tnderson ; rice-M1A, Peter Clark ; use•. 1. Ft. Westhurha.d; ales.., W. C. Webb ; directors, Messrs D.ierd, A. Cow - ice, R d K. Miller • Mimeo Meinem *, tnderlon and Gorden The fur se: have been tatakftmg • reTami t per ,.staught esu the eel iho' +te 1 ear opened epi as a remelt .weal of • he heretofore invtaclblss have false me- - piia te•--ima to the snares laid for thea.- The leo .sr to auocumb is NMI Fitzpatrick elect, bet wily os earth' aid English !ste- p.ers support tea children and grand- children . within • abort distance of Buckingham palace, with its guards and grandeur, year scribe s seen the most M- ien poverty, theerty, went sad eyo•br. We teethe peeeer and Rors•kes, and ttle more alit. le 1 m pelt Isr the risk end the silent CARLOW. hem oar owe osrr epeedenL Wet weather dill matinees. Mss. Will i own, Jr.. and Mies Jena Johasto' left for • Tisit to the Niagara Fele net Thursday. • of Nov Scotia, IT'B WONDERFUL HOW WE D0, BUT WE DO SELL DRY GOODS AT woNoERRILLr pow FBJCK& 1NOTHR SHIPMENT OF LICE CURTAINS To hand, at the ridiculous price of 45 CENTS PER SETT. rrThe regular price was 75 eenttt A FEW ENDS OF CARPET LEFT To RE SOLD AT HALF PEle. Dress and Mantle Making in full swing. A perfect fit guaranteed. ROBERTSON'S Creat Oaeh Store, Poor Man's Friend, - Goderich. Monday of chir we'k. own bona tatoad Rev. lir. and foot font for better or for worse, to • lady s oosd d Reservto.s hen Sabbath. He t s fait Mortis- We extend our Marty se- ChoreaCe t Sabbath •Esc. :r.telationa to the wort, wedded •+Gita d mwidow of the late Rev. +nth the hope th.tys may have • g4sd Mm Jamison, is to deliver • rte. aur. of the toys Mild iapp)h•N 1.11 J. lues es. et Formosa, lecture on Monday evening. Jam 6th, is iethemay behalf of the Woman's iMeip M GonetHer lecture will mein of dss- wipt3no' mein d the customs and Wahine et the people in Foram, aid of how mimics work is -programing in that far away Isla A ms is expected.A silver oolleedeo will be takes at the oor. Music will b f.rsisbed by the choir. WAWANOSH. From our owe oerresp•adew ll hurt. le Jobe Garton. wire sues es badly getting thong Idly. Robert Pardee was Dined away to D.l hemi' lest week to see • wick relative. William Risted, hiss_ r to the South d framers, get Ms bead rather badly a • raking.Mire es the fourth eon eft work far • essaios. It W naw cilia while. The glories t eT t}feto W3past. s•m std from this program lime different from ses•L •took hue i erg semen. sad Indy • few) went to Oh. --1 perbage the some eloped at Mon ale pmhap• were to v their ez ped ideas el tss.l this Beet II p, d 1., bold ins lost r05 1. neat tk..nlinl.re will k.' •fitltai 1its 1., pluU.r ti. powb. dow. tae less wheat tion t.wlp eeer h m le Get like ever the dads Rewe bit ospp••' the ru+•l will yrn+uhle Y ter .djserasashe •esti•` win Us at • Meath dm h DUNLOP. Prom nor own earrosperilld. Tits -neat .vo As,110a-The hold at !;situs will Tuve a sew landlord on Man- ley mley of next week is our former landlord of •he Examinee, A. MacAllister, who, with 'we family, dill move up there as the hotel c..• r Andy was ever as obliging hest *oh a che.rhl humor and with an eye to amines' that few landlords win equal_ lineh he •ad his family will be much messed here '111040X Ai. iN. and Mrs. W. F. "ark 'eve removed to Goderiek to reside in he b ss boor• of IN. Aikesed. whim pranks pnrehasel a few eaNe ago. lie's M• Sew e mer reams fremn coley, stedi e T ` wood. of s kwiesidi n the veterm•ry aims. M with the 4net,r to kora more of tie Mt of easing the ntlertngs ol th. dumb sslmsls. which ma not, like h.me.nit] tall of the gene Maumee Went nrde in medical sesame of late years te caring the wick. v, itMH. Warms—So this week the ta.elnrs wi8 Imes • eeswestlen le Oederi'h The Court of Ravines for the township d Colborne urn in the township ball, Car- low, ea May 27. The members, Meth d iap the declarations required, follow- ing Jwere Mitt,Ithe court, 111.: os Renner, bathe ssssNed for • dog when he only owned • pep ; 2nd, d too high assseemest. It was moved and w ended that so action be take Carried. Jame O. Stewart appealed that the follow - i' •ssesements were too low as compared with osier lead. wiz.: Jamew abw, Wiliam, Arthur William. Jahn De torw, Jame Bogle and Thome Max- Town moved...seeded by Boyd. Malloy. that Do •odes be taken in the .hove, aid chat Mrs. Sallwn' let be reduced 1980. Carried. Tim fdlowlag doge were struck off the lief, the omen having destroyed the, vis.: Wm. S. Cosine, Nm Nevins sod R. P. Blake. it was than moved by Alex. Young, seoohded by A. A. Yowl., that the e. a me -t roll be resolved as osrreeL Carried. The court. thee formed a .wadi, for the despatch of regular bemire, revue in phe chair. mem- bers all preset. Mbiutee ot list main read and adopted. The following soonest. were pawed. vii: John Symington, build i r.lvert and tarnishing p1.nk to same. P7.ff7 ; Star, prihthg, 113.40 ; Thome Gil den, work on D.alspls bill, 050 ; RA for rowel,, mew. 00 ; John Robior. for Mea nrmme'18.70 t, 11.60 J. SJobe ; J. $ neamuel, clarity NI ] Mary, 160.00. The enmasl than ad to meet July Mk, sA 2 &.leek. F. W. M :Drof Min, Clerk. Mat M tae sveep•tal. Teens Nos. It is perfectly proper for a young ml•o to far love ; but when a young roam bilk m love with every young women he sissy ---end it is out of the question that he Mould marry them all -perhaps the easiest way out of the difficulty r to take the one b.dio.ppd by • fortess. L ' KINOSBRIOOE. nem our Owe oerrespon47•t P. S. I. Tom paid his official visit to our school on Friday )set A number of the young folks of the vil- lage atemeled the Rioted hall on the 24th cave sad report • good time. rHmraaN•W *.5111.1117. pob.,esville, May 1161). Caused est te- a" ea4 , as court of revbion. Members quailed .wording to stasis and the reviics 04 the reU was preessded with Moved by John neneees,s..onded by James t .smile. thee the ed Moen by Jobe BeBse ' emended by Jame Connelly, that the appeal of Themes *web bent grated. Moved ly lame. 0.5.117, mended by !(•Nets) Piefarl hatread $allflMiss. los 96ed by pee n No-..-.ded by John Moved J. O.hheily. Resesm, thee the Mltlsmaent req now re- vised MiasbM el RA a u-ikg el .semi$ WW1 4's. ► 0.14.. tae ... ............. $OOTI4INQ. VLeA11a+•.•e. lnsfMf At'•' rr.. ,,• •t Fir...a..:14... t MaaatA w ` r.`•ni e.e..t,M yep ' et Nwa L7 tN . • ►y M w e. .......„....,.....,,,..,,,,,7.1,. ... r ar r..• .. Y.:we.ww. 1 1- 17.4=11.04.. ', Jo 4 . aaatscsieT'r l Mr ,... rye. w Ne L i^ ,s„eesssne. ef ••. r.t..aaurse NORM sr.dWKaO.. MUCH BETTER, • Thank You! • TIM 18 Tea UXJPUSAL 1 1 NOWlef Ores sees lees sitprsdnime ClrsoMo asODCNITIS, COMM" COLDS, OR 4.rT FOAM OF WAFT- ING DIe1LSL21, eller Om" noes treed $CO'I'T'B EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and NYPOPNOIPHITES -Of 1.11.s. aoa 0.aa.- lT 15 ALMOST 45 PILArApLa AN MILK. IT IS WONINTs7VL 1Laea Psoorces. n Y and seal ..d.eed br Psq.lvee.5. leets .it eseisstesras .r eas5Hratl10a . add Ay eR Dvarrsrsr em tee. end I1.tpa soon s somas, MELLINERY OPENING —AT---- COAL AND WOOD -=.4clasr). Coal,'Wood and Kint'ling &i4- veit to all pas mvan with quick despatch. $AZD a SAI. • e coedit, obestsut, stove and ems Dead / orrotsstta*Ur o• bawl. RO • COAL. Beet Sl awes Imes mal ler we le Rutea, stoves. funieces. etc. )IJCZEIESTii O0.4L.sem quality ueaufwo Diwomaorrel siuNk- ins coal new en lewd. ttlpeetsl setesMles E lven boolatrrWade. WOOD. save thew set lay msehiaew7 la opera - ties for sawing weal Minces weed. Cut sod spilt woad ready for stove always is .tees. any size you wast Deft tlsesss that 1 An NEWS weed. cut .d mu; es mem .s you use any tests woad ea tb Markel All my weed ie mid by the nerd d MUM or hall cord lou : so load erjos bosiness Meet IL sPiss and B hentleek. t het MS or cut .54 spit soy least►. Orv1Ct, YARD AND COAL SHUN! in ole drill shed, Nelson-st., foot of Ham- iltoo-st., three minutes walk from Court Hoose Hgnara Orden left at my remidesee. Ns, t Nelesu-L. tsar Gmelin'. messy, will rooms moms attention. TRIMS C TIE NEW EMPORIUM, west Street. Mrs. M. S. Cr9eler Will open out her large Gad well as- sorted stock of MEW MILLINERY Math week, beginning en TIIESDAY, APRIL 12th. The exhibit will be of the latest and bed design. in Millinery and will embrace every branch of the art. The ladies of Ooderich are cor- dially invited to inspect goods on and after Tuesday, April 12th. JOHN 8. PLATT, Proti,:-v+ THE SIGNAL Fres now Al Jan 1M. LMR. FOR SIXTY emirs. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Tide CREAT COI "GH CURE, Oh IMMr el CONSUMPTION CCRE, u without s psi lid its tbe history of needici.e. All d.a D re sethoritesd M sell it on • positive gesrnlsEl cert that to ether awe ram seeradially cast ryes have a Cough, Sae Throat, or RronchWti se it, for It we one yes. if your chill be he Creep es Whooping Conk usr IS pr eel redid 1e stns. 1( wee Med that today time CONSIIMPTI()N, Ariel Oit to nee kis Alen . Ark t lrrliyp t to 8$1 1 O 4'11 Cvt."1ge. Peke to dt, Od . end Gem. 1f your teems ere sone a lack less, sea Peale Master. 21 be