The Signal, 1892-6-2, Page 44 I : . • - • 1 WA s . ! 1 THE SIGNAL: 001)11111011, on.. TH UREIDAY, JUNE 2, MOIL - • Ib ARA, I'', 0„: """....,""'„,....:,...7.:, .4' .....s to emit, aims who have the bettent s.s 18 111111/41111110 are stigmatised es IMAM EVERY THURSDAY 11101111Tho sT IlisalffiffINIVIIMI• 011os of Pithij=llartselftlethaerest. Terme of ibullego2.21111111 Doe moot O. la adeimisa. ••••••• $ 12 Three sonatha ' ....... DA ORA pear, 140 21 credit is aims* to. rd. ow Yo will be .. 1 AO Ad vegilleing lasses Legal and other caveat adv.rtholenenta 10a. per line for Orsi iasarties. and 1 mate gar lbws for each subsequent issertiou. Measured by • nonpareil scats. ses cards of six Uses and erodes 115 per Advertisemests of Lost. Found. Otrsyed. Situations Vacant. tittuatioas Wanted stad Business Chassoes Wanted. Dot exceeding to.. nonpareil. III per mooth. Houses oft eels mad Farms on Bala not to exceed $ lines, $1 for first nionth. 50o. per isub- einem month. larger .die. in proportion. Amy special wale. the utoect of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any mit vidued or nompaoy. to be considered an ad- vertisement aad charged scoorditurly. Local noticeo in nonpareil type one cent per no notices lees than 25c. Local notices In ordinary reading type two mats per word. No notice for less than alet. Notice* for churches sod other religious sad benevolent Dualtutloas half rate. - Cominserebal Con/rare adverftrisments. A limited number of dispisd advertise meets will be inverted at the OlvrIng rales: Per inch. one insertion $0 40 " four insertions 1 00 " three Ismailia 2 00 " six months 3 00 • 000 70.7 „ . 5 Oe No advertisemeat Mee the* two Inches in length will be calculated on above beefy. 5 per cent. discount allowed for cash payments ea three smiths' contract 10 per cent ou .41 months'. and 15 per wet on • year's. These rood Mons will be strkrily enforced. Moms **Vibe signal^ 'envie y. Subscribers who fail to receive THE BIGN•L regularly. either by carrier or by mail. will confer • favor by acquainting us of the fact at as early a date as possible. Lamb all Tome label. Your label is • standlog receipt of the dem to which you are pald up. des that it is not allowed to fall into arrest. When a change of address is desired. both the old and the Dew address shoold he given. Rejected manuscript* cannot be returned. Correepondence must be writtession one side of paper only. limbeitmer's sealer. J. C. Le Tourtel, of Ooderich. has been ap Pointed Loral Travelling Ageut for the town- ships of Goderich. Colborne. Ashfield and Ws warmish. Loral postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to I'm 8iuwaL All.rommunicatIone must be addressed to D. McOILLICUDDT. litarl•t„ Teleehose Call 30. Ooderich. Out 000111143CH. T11117111111MT. JUNK 2. 19M IT ID hefts TO WIS. The movement which has taken hold of Canada during the past few month. in favor 01 Continental Union is melting strong head- way. In \Yestern Ontario, especially. the reties. of the present Government are doing much to accelerate the movement From Windsor to the far East of the Province the leaven is working, and the whole lump is fast becoming permeated with the impel of political regeneration. During the paid week a Provincial Union haa been formed, with headquarters in Toronto and connections in many of the coanties, to tooter the good work, and high hopes are entertained that success will crown the efforts of the men who are endeavoring to 'reprove the condi- tion of the land to which they live and which they love so well, by an educational ,empaign against the mon lied methods that now prevail at the Veinal cannel. TOE 4.40114:1111011 a W1764:11/1.111 We learn on good authority that the chances of the Godench 4 Winghain R.R. look brighter than at any other time since the inception of the scheme. lt is now beyond a peradventure that the goveratnetntal 'ubsidy of $341100 per mile will be °humeri, and it ie possible that other advastages may accrue. Capitalists have begun to turn their attention to the scheme, and tf the municipalities do their duty, there is every reams to believe that • comparatively abort time will elapse before the osestrac- uoti of the contemplated road is assured. To gain the desired end work will have to be done toward getting liberal bemuses from the munkipalities. and with the bene- fit to be derived by tbe construction of the competitive line there should be no difficulty experienced in securing the local aid which is deemed necessary. United work by friends of the scheme and liberality on the pert of the municipali- ties, euppletnented by the Government sub- sidy, will swore the desired end in • com- paratively short time. Now, let everybody get to work KIT 1E41 " LOT &LTV " CS II a Oat. They are making history fast down at Ottawa this seesion Not ramified with continuing on the old tariff line, which has for thirteen years been siteh a racier an depopulating thr I torninion and taking the heart mit of timer who remain here, the men at the governmental wheel have thrown law and order to the lands, sapped the pil lars of the onnatitution, debauched the bench, and nuurle an unclean this of what ought to he the seferserd of the people's right -the Homy of Consimes. That is not all. Efferts have bean mode to est wilebbsr ageism sembher. asiel mire - der aril* beenneli area have lied the mango to ere* rtimes the mega of rottessem •bat has meek the mom 014riads • hies*/ sad a byword ammo* da raker of the earth t sied became • Memes is MMInellsi lt was always Melo. nem are km kinds of "loyabsta" they who are fey reirmas par. poses solely, sad they who do sat take the troulAs to think, but follow the bell -wether whams*, lid. This has always been sad probably alway• will be, but, in the program • f sdisostion and oansonsent sithiliteenvest of We human mnd, they are lemming is number Why it Is that men should be will- ing to condone .isublic offences that are oar damned when found in private Me ts one of the peculiarities of the age thist is past nod - 444 out ; and why limners and business men should uphold a Gruen' which is day by .lay melting then, poorer and poorer, and driv- ing their .on. and daughters from the home 04 their youth and the kindred whom they love,is another phase of the questiou beyond calculation. Yet both of these cooditioss exist in Canada, and to • moat surprising exteeit. It can be found here to the Huron Tract which at, perhaps, one of the mom intelli- gent sections of Ontano, although we are plemed to know that the majority are fast waking up t0 the fact thet the existing con- dition of things is inimical to their personal interests and the welfare of the land us which they live. Since the published returns of the census have appeared, and since Sir Jaws Timor -es has embed to lie • patriot ID his position ol leader of the House of Commons and has taken to himself the brief of • crintinal lawyer before • packed jury, the people have begun to think, and by thinking, they have discov- ered that Canada in business enterpriee, population and public atonality is marching to the rear from the front posttion It once proudly occupied. It is time a atonic was made. It is time • halt was tailed. The duty of every man now is to pause and think, and thought upon the subject will satisfy any right- thinking man that a great change is needed be!ore the Canadian can be placed on an even footing with his brethren who are not hampered by the artificial barriers of °ono merce and trade with which he is fettered. - - - TOE P•LICT TEAT KILLS 111e Fir -TER" and other tariff fillibusters Should learn a lemon from the manner in which the industnous Canadian hen has been handicapped by the commercial war bet -on Canada and the United Statile ID its effort& to make pinmeney for its mistress. Much injury has been done to Canada by the last impost which our neighbors have been nagged into placing upon eggs. The Canadian who has been deported from employment in the United States, owing to the present steamed reletions be- tween the two countries, and who cannot find work at home, has had hts eyes opened to the fact that all the talk of FiriTtlt, Trento, and all the editorials of The Em pire that "Canada is a self-contained cow. try,- is • silly lie, born of a desire for the spoils and office. The father who has been forced to mend hie sou forth to a strange land because the conditions at home were such that indite - tries had been stricken almost nate death by the efforts of the tariff tinkers to work in the interests of the red peeler crowd, 'Inuit be strangely developed if he sits down to think nut the problem and then rises up to say that the sacritita must be made tor the sake of his loyalty to the old flag. During the 70.1 (00 yam thousands upon thousands of well educated young men --- fine ypecimens physically of honest and up right Canadian manhood -Nice left. the Horns Tract to give their strength and ability towards building up the great. nation to the south of WI, and to the &area that the United Suites has beastitted by their proses°. C•nada has been injured. A few days ego the cable despatches brought the news that one of the savage tribes in Africa engager, in war had offered up to sacrifice several hundred youths and maidens to propitiate their god. and cams him to allow victory to perch upon their banana. .% thrill oi horror must pass through the ordinary I 'median reader at the ignorant,' and superstition that would cams so great a sacrifice to he made by the bar hamar nation, in the loss of en many mem bent of its ruling hope. Hut what better are we in Canada, when to perpetuate • system which is ruining the land in which we live we uphold a pirate crew at Ottawa, and foster a false sentiment about a maim three thousand miles stray which oares little or nothing for Canada, awl agairin which Canada has ertoted tariff walla as high as though she were its worst camsy • What better are Cauadialsa who under theme conditions drive anomaly 1r/we, Canarlim hearthstone. not leen than 100,000 oi the brightest. heat and most energet it - of their eons and daughters • ALL MI alt N. Awrey, %4 P1' , Ontario's Comes* MOW for the World s Fair, has ismoi an invitation to prnelneers mock Isreeders, agrictiltarista, rnanafartorers, fruit grow ere and others, 10 .0.4 in their applicatioce for oparo in the Ontario einetion at the areal fair Applications ere already pooriai se rapidly that Mr. dimly, is sow inaltisig 4811041911•11884 is Clime for hir sely yew toomoo. att the sawsID- s by PRINIMIII 41 RH 011111bMoN1 Ws MN, It will bear no sessgesistie to 18181116. Awesy expecte to do in 1893. Bet t• dr this he mem hare the Marty oo-operstien of the citizens of the Provisos at large, aad 4110 to be hoped that thie will be forthcoming, so that causes of Mr Proviso, risitang Chicago 'am year will have Just asses to roast with pride to who Ontario has leas. ONTAILIO Isoass'T TARS Alt oLT TO EVIto- psan ths the day that ":tir Ou- r= was created, " Sir ALAN:41MM" ceased 10 110. Psan Tilt SIGNAL DOA,. trR IT IN the right light, but we think Huu. 01.1% SR Mon AT was m better deugnattoo for Ont- ario's tirand Old Man than 10 " Sir Ouv tn. Tux ritot.or it. Toin kelToR to Toe Star (from I).troit) is sull in a state of mind bsOlutile THB Sli:NAL behoves that Continestal Union is the destiny of Curdle. AA AATILII As W Used to say. "Thi. is 2 mutch." Michigan has 104 millionaires, forty-five of whom call Detroit their home. The State has also the largest number of iinpov• wished farmera of any State in the Milos, population considered, and the same result is being rapidly brought about m Canada, owing to the operations of the red parlor gang. It takes a large number of paupers to create a full-blown milliosaire. POLITICAL POINTERS• • - - It 41 said that a grand banquet will be off ered to Mr. Laurier in September by the French-Canadian rteidents of New York City. Carrying • close constituency iv easy for a Government that out stagrer along under John Haggart's Ministry of Railways and E. Deed oey incompetence. - -Toronto Tele- gram. The writ for a new election for L'As- menption, (,fu.., made necessary by the un seating ot Mr. Gauthier, Liberal, has been issued, fixing nomtnation for May 31, and polling June 7. In past years the Quebec Government has given an annual sum of nearly 8500,000 to the charities of the Province. The De Boucherrille Admutustration this year has mit down this item to 8365,725. Sylvester Neslon, of Si. Catharines, will lay before the Minister of Justice at Octaves the views of many prominsot Comervativesof Lincoln who ere opposed to the Redistri- bution Bill as it affects the country. Senator Boulton, who was mice defeated by Mr. Watson in Marinette, Manitoba, intends to resign hut seat in the Senate aod contest Marquette wben • Tammy occurs by reason of Mr. Women entering the Greenway Cabinet. The Senator's plat- fortn will be free trade, and he will stand as an independent. Mr. Earnest Pacaud, of Quebec, has had an Interview with Sir Adolphe Caron. There are two versions of the reasons for this extraordinary interview First, that an arrangement is being made under which Mr. Howell will not appear before the Royal Commission to peen hie charge against Sir Adolphe Caron, and the charges at Quebec against Mr. Pacand will be dropped. The second versitu is that. an understanding being reached to let Sir Hector Laiigevin off from any criminal charge if Mr. Pacaud is relieved of the criminal charge against him. PERTINENT AND PECULIAR. The Bishop of Ontario recently visited • crowded bazar in Jerusalem, and while viewing litany curios had his pocket picked. His gold watch end valuable chain were taken. Samuel Foreman, of Greedier& Ind., is .aid to be the oldest OddreLlow weed of the Alleghenies He is eighty two years of age, and for sixty-two years has been • member of the order. Colorado appears to show a surplus of commemorative holidays. Anion the 011. niveruanes celebrator In the State are Witt- ennelou Day, Peach Day, Potato Day, and Grape and Cherry Day. Al the Divorce Committee meeting os Thursday the wife :f Robert Rennet, of Toronto, applied for an order to compel her husband to grant her sufficient funds to pay witnesses and counsel's be.. to remit his application for divoree. The IMmisiou Government having refused to remove William Wilfred 4 .amOts11, the poet and litteratenr, from the Pastoffioe Department to the library of the House, where he could woo the muses, he has de- cided to move to the United States. NOTES OF THE WORLD'S FAIR. The English admiralty authorities wifl send to Chicago models of • number of mod- ern English war vessels. The Ecuador commissimers have had con. strutted • Mc simile of the famous palace of the Inca Peirce, the rules of which stand near the city of Quito, and will exhibit it at the Fair. J. J. (:nal/num, World's Fair I 'ommis- moiler from Ceylon, ts in Chicago, in making arraareenests for the (realli;lt court. His country is meetly interested in the Fair, and will make a notable exhibit The H. C. Frick Coke oornpany, of Penn. sylidon, has decided to rit&k• • complete working model in Miniature of it. entire pliant. The machinery will be in operation, the motive power being electricity, with gas for the ovens, the coke being repreoss• tad 4,y asbestos. The New York Exposition board is plan n um to show in it. mate building an exhibit illustrating completely the art history of the state. An effort will be made to have every New York artist, painter, sculptor, etcher and engraver of talent, front the earliest mooed, repreessited. Carl Hagenbeck, of Hamburg, the cele- brated dealer in wild animals, will take to ( %Maio his entire collection of wild animals, also his collection in natural history A structore in the form of • Roman arena will be erected in the Midway Plaisame on a space 110 feet square, where mine seventy animals and several hundred mookeys and =will he shown. The wildest berate together with domestic animal., will go through all sorts of performances. The French govarninent has consented that plainer casts 11. 010110 for the World's Fair of the nitinereele 071 tressiaree le the TrocitAero, Paris. The Exposition author dim will 'oar the scrum, Whieh will he something shove 112k000 Th. ^^11"014,* will be a sorry fine one and will orromy onomptowsio plata in the Fine Arts looltiliag. After the Fair the collortion will he placer, is the ropers -err chime mem, where, it is lienevel, it will more of great hese to Animism' artists sad M meek isiterom is BOOKS AND PIDIK3010ALS. liAltria's Wismar. -- The number el Harper'. Weekly for May 18th ouetame es Ulusteated article ea the athletic develop - ▪ 01 Atimpolie and West Point, by Casper W. Whitney, ilbutreted Ity Rufus V. %Arbours- % renunteroos of sport at oar eeriest academies, with • arms argu- ment as the hermits to the esrvioe by its introduction. The illustrannos include pot- tnutis of the prominent football -players, outs 01 eyninsaiums, etc. Is the nuns niunber there is ea article of each Intsemit covert. asso on " Snapeahooting." with • fall -page illustration by A. B. Frost. There are also • frost -page portrait of the celebrated composer Charles Frannie Gonad, end • view of the nosettag-pace of the National Presbyterum Aassaibly at Portland, Oreiron. CANAL, t volt MAY The May number of Canada fully sustains the high reputation which this popular monthly has so well earned. As the most thoroughly Canadian or all our literary journals. it should find • welcome in every home. The poems are by .1. F. Herbia, •• Erie," and Thos. C. Robeou. Mr. Le Moiae's very interesting paper oo " The History and Legends of the King's Forges," is itself worth the price of the number. " Pastor Felix " talks about 'Book. in his charming style. " A Tale of Annapolis and " l'ritictsms on Eulog iumr" are very readable oontributions. The departments (Canadiana, Home Topics, Our Own Poets, and Our Young Peoplet. are cramped with the very beet original and selected matter, while • sew department. The Christian Life, is introduced. The editorial and literary mute, &ad the cream of current wit and humor, are prominent features. Subscription, 41.00 • year. The publisher offers Canada to naw subscribers eight mouths (May to Dec. r for 50 cents in stamps. Address. Mathew R. Knight, Benton, New Rrunswick. This Jt'.,. Cte-morotir is. -In variety of subject and popular treatment the costente of the Jane Cosmopolitan furnuth 00 attrac• tire standard. The magazine is leading a movement fur the solutiou of the problem of aerial Navigation, and Hiram S. Maxim, the great investor and foremost authority of the subject, gives the result of some re - emit experiments under the title, "'111. Aeroplane.- St. George %heart, who for forty years has been known to the public as an ardent student and thoughtful writer upon all eabjecta connected with evolution, begins • series of papers in the Jose Cosmo- politan, in which he will set forth the coo - animas he has reached in regard to the meat theory of natural seection and its philosophical bearings upon the religious thought of the day. The magarins with • charming Philadelphia story by°ralla n vier, with artistic illustrations from Wil. son de Mem. Mies Hewitt, daughter 01 ex-blayor Hewitt, gives some very sound advice regarding buthioos and counterfeits in brica-Nac. The fiction includes • mys- tical and peculiar story by Howard Pyle. the well-known illustrator, accompanied by two fine pictures of his, and "Mow,' a rather striking cnaracter of slave life. Other important articles In thts number are, " The Working of the Labor Department," by the Commissioner of Labor, Carroll I) Wrht, and Fur Seals in Alaska_ Many peo e will read with interest also the poem, Mystery, ' by Amelia Rives THE METiloheiT MAI.AZi NE I 11M JrNit, 1892 -There are 111 this number three il lustrated papers on travel. The first takes us to the sultry plains of India, with their strange peoples, costumes and customs. The secood describes the Editor's ex- periences in a thousuid-mile ride on the narrow-gauge railway amid the .oeoie wonders of Colorado. The third is from that interesting writer, Rev. Geo. J. Bond, B. A., who gives thrilling incident& in that classic city of Athens, entitled "Attica and Argolis.- A portrait and life -sketch of the revered and beloved Rev Wm. Arthur are given. The mooed valuable paper of Dr. .1. J. Mariam's, Q C.. on " The Story of the Dominant." is oolicloded. A stirring ad- dress of High Price Huges, on "Jams (Allot and the Masses," will provoke much thought_ Rev. A. C. Courtier B. D., writes • graphic sketch of "1)r. Santos' G. Howe, Patriot, Philanthropist and Publi- cist The story of his instructing the fettered intellect of Laura Bridgman, deaf, dumb and blind, is of intense interest. Mrs Mary S. Robinson, a daughter of the dis- tinguished Dr. Awl Stevens, the historian of Methodism, contributes • graphic bio- graphical sketch of "Dorothea Lynde whose philanthropic labors extended from Canada to Russia. Dr. Warren continues his "Recreations in Astrommy," and Bishop Nina, describes the marvellous pro- gress of the Methodist Deaconess movement in the United states. "A Woman's Fight with the mounter" is approaching its climax "The Miracles of mimosas," by Mrs A. G. McMechan : Religious and Missionary not.. with review of Jams Ihryce's book ma "Social Institutions of the limited States, - °occludes the volunse. Special attractions for the next volume. Send your subscription@ in now. Price 42 • year; $1 for six mouths: 20 cents per number. Tomato: William MVP - THE TELEPHONE MAL TIlr. NELL 711001.11 Ara/DIRR THR ONTARIO '41000 ON mush ilATIRWACTORT TO 1440 mii•RRNOLDBM4. From The Peterboro Examiner, May 42. 1321. The telephone deal, by which the Ontario Telephone Company is to be absorbed by the Bell was practically cam:moisted ket night at the annual meeting of the former. There was • good atteareace of share• holders and Promideut Keadry's report, which we give below, placed before the meeting in • very mine's' way the present position of the company and the ressoos for the deal in which the directors are leading. After a very full and frank disciumion with explanations from the pounds/est and members of the board, the report was un. &unmanly iminoted. The following is the full text of TAR raitiontaxv's To the aliaieholdore ef the Ontario Telephone ("ashtray Gx.rt.roxv, In presenting to you the first annual report of the transactions of nor company, l regret that I casent ortmeratti late you on the result of leet year's opera tions. The estimates funitshed us by the gentlemen who undertook the coeistroctioe of our system proved altogether oureliabie. Th. plant meteor' of metier no 09.000 we was in -moused and anticipated, cost or sear ly, if 1101quite, double that amount To 1.114.nee fact °sly we cian lay the whole blame of nor present position, for it in sem to understand that the rate whir* was reindeers(' 14 47244)4 a dividend epee as is. vestment of $9,000 is altogether insuilleiset near existing eirmonetamesa. Your directors during the pant year have imposd away hours Weekly to the all11111111.0 Met Of the rnmpany and have farther carried the cement mitirely no their owe persemed desalt with the banks. Is oddities to the heavy lead widish the hoard was ealled nowt simelder, they hettl,= hew, to fight against %bestowment p =Woe from the Bell Comminy. The as 1 said balm hos sist hem orrovagisg. your dimmers leed that they moan leaser devote the tans pad messy le •el the berme mid trreestim-'17. :tentage. Doi.. them eigeoinseances the hoard 4.4 that the present egrasity ho &epos. of their Meek he the Tel Liosipsay should be aseeptodlimy of the mere - holders have already attempted this ogler, and 1 am pleased to be able to mote that OM Sams opportunity remains upon to there that still had Mar Maras Year dimmers is yielding up their server have the sanatoria& of knowing that for seventeen monthe they hare given Um pub- lic an excellent service. le cooclusios 1 ask that every sharehold- er will investigate for hissedl the rineiline which have 1.11 1. the promo. surrender. and will openly and abuse board make any refiectims they nasty see fit to met on the management of the compaity. If this is dose there will 11. 50 difficulty in satisfying everyme 11101 (11. proses( step is the only one to take under existing eircurristanoes The halanoe sheet and auditor's report, which, 1 regret to say, 070 .0 unfavorable, are ertbautted herewith for your inspection. Jt.. KRU Dal , President - In regard to the future policy of the Bell Telephooe Gonipany nothieg has been de- cided nor will be done until the meeting of the Board. Thome who understand the inside workma of the local telephone company know that Prendent Kendry and his board of directors have fought a good fight, and that if sue ogee hadbeen possible° they would have gained it. While the officials frankly give axpremieo to their relief that the fight is over, they retire riot without honors. The public will echo their congralulatiess that they have given their patrons an excellent servtce, and that tn trying the experiment of cheep telephone service they have given it every chance el sncotes sod the result is not dos to any tomtit, of theirs. The mint ts an amicable ooe and as such will 11. hinted with very ors& entisfactioo. --- DUNGANNON. n(h, rarserapiM Prersnd ter Ileedleve ter The elpaal. From our own correspondent. RaTHEK 1)tur. Weather excellent for growth of crops with °sceptic.° of too much dampness, mired by frequent showers. A Sitalorn CAML --Oa Friday last a Mare of Joseph Strothers, W. Wavratiosh, re- ceived an injury by being kicked by sm- other horse which broke roe of her jaw- bones. Our popular vet. is using his uhil ful treatnieut. We hope he ell' be sumer ful in restoring her. Eit'LVOASTIC. The sacrament of the Lewd'. Supper was administered in Erskine church oo lain Sabbath .... Ser. A. Potter being absent on Sabbath, the 15th dist., his pulpit will be occupied by Mrs. 8. Pent - hind, who will conduct services both morn- ing end emming. A G000 'ox. -• During last week our rm. took • trip to the city ot Brantford. He, while there, mire • purchase of an exoellest driving mare, being pronounced so by ex- perts on horses. Sloe was sired by Moon stone. He believes in having • good article 10 1110 horse lioe. A Sevens FALL. - We regret to have to state that as John Klock, of Ashfield, was on his way home on the evening of the 2Ath he accidentally slipped down an ocline on the side of the road into the ditob by which he, as we are informed, fractured mine of his ribs. We hope he will soon recover. Renato ID loot Gather. -May has re tired into the history of the past, having left behind cheering prospects of good fruit, cereals and other crops. Providing John Frost doee not pot in an appearance, as he did recently, and all other favorable cir• commutes being ague', there will be an abundance of everything. 0. Wednesday. the 25th ult., • sale of the stock. farming implements, et.., by public auction, was held oc the estate of the late John Finnegan. Jos. Mallough, the people's auctioneer, cooducted the sale to the malefaction of MI conceroed. Although the weather was very unpropitious during the sale, which commenced about mon, the auctioneer, amid heavy rain, stuck to ine post and disposed of every article for sals an the short space of two hours and a half, realizing the sum of 111068, which clearly show. that he Is quite an expert In that A Bit: Dir. -The oelebratioe of Her Majesty's 73rd birthday at !Imre wag, coosidenng the state of , a great semess, and so far as known to your humble oorrespondent, exceeded any previ- ous oelebration held here in point of num- bers present. 4;Meek speediag on trotting course rod several other sporta and aura . - tions were indulged in. The gentlemen composing the managing committee of eery - imams for the day greatly deserve the high- e st credit for 111.energy used to make 01) happy with themselves ad others present. The Queen may feel proud of her subects in tios and surrounding dintrict for the Ioy al manner in which they unanimously mined in the celebration. It was • big day at Dungstaines and but for threatening weath er there would have been a greater number present, which number is said to be about one thousand, the Sepoy village north of us being largely ted by • good turnout of the citizens 111.r.oI and vicinity. The committee and all who took part is the a1. fair have gnat memo to mingrstalste them - "elven on the sucoms, both financially and otherwise. Suffice it to say, that in the per formame a the first act of the day's amuse - meet, viz., • football match betwom Luck now mid Dungannon teams, ie which the Sepoys took the prise, unfortunately there seems to be dissatisfaction about the ratan nor in which the Sepoy team got the prise, owing, w. presume, to some mumnderetanding in the rules made at the outset for the conductor the games. Bag pipe oninpention. lst, Archie Anderson, St. Helens : 2nd, C. McKenzie, K iota& Girl's race. We have not learned who were successful. Running hop, step and jump. let J. Jones, Godersch, 40 ft. 10 in.; %id, T. Little, Lucknow, 36 ft.. 1 Welt, J. Jones best his oompetitor by 4 ft. 9 is ohm The lest act on the program 0.0 20 the evening, the Looknow Dramatie Cr, brag assisted „ivy Harry Hares, acted " Harel Kirke, there being present as 54007 05 the reechoes boll oould scoomenodate. The Iricknow hand did gond service (*Airing the afternoon 444 rerderin taloa por tions of music conelneluag hy playing: the National Anthem, "God Have the Q..," Th. am005t 10 111. hermit of the D. P. A. Co., after 1111 =rem were nettled, such se prises, ete., meted the enni of 8161 aq Is the sleek roost, which wasvery miming. T. Little took first arei J. Jesse (Winn in eat owl. Jones did .011, having moored a number of pHs.. both 1st* and 2n11s. The meretarr of the alnociation and °there de- serve the Amok" ef your onvrespolidest for osortereely repplying information. oh. Weise • memo Will yes nod the warning • The areal m t = of theMeow minsemptioe. Ask yourself sore appeaser of hat ere yen es• semi for the mks of saving so ran to r the rink smil do nothing for it We knew frees experieree that Skiloh's Dere will awe your sengli. It sem OBITUARY. wurns. By the death of Mn. Abraham Wilson whisk took plain at her re* oilia.2 richliewhir."-ket. memTkoflina.Y. ito ukonid"aelifikerett apautad catiamns. Mrs. Wilson wee Wei the smity of Tyrone., Ireland. os tia. of July, 1819. and came 4.0 11115 woo, about the year 1846. 1861 she Abraham Wilson aad with hint ears s Goderich, where she resided up to the o f her death, a period of over forty y,0 bli817 POOMMOOdWilla 41:11.1irlinuessuamsurnelharugatairir lifted her above her surrounding O,ni. ammo at all tunes and won fur INIC the spec% and esteem of MI who were Permit to make her satuaintsam. Mn. was otioverted to God in childhood ahad aceoconsineekastoot haresumember awitIsu: Itlh:rehlitifeit.144,4; lend up to about thirty years ago, alien " church, and was • member of that body to the tune of her death. Site exhibited 4' to the latest moment an earnest faith ,t Jesus as her Saviour and died riesoefoi. trusting Lnsihnethaisofwavuollnenst.4 ofs (deliglinskt.: mate ihervices of the church until a taw yean her hearing failed her, but in early 111e she hail committed to memory • large penis, of the English church service, as 14.4 portions of scriptunr, and the recottft.tio-, of these passages proved • mum of got : ruargarefort tl torbewoofy.kwt•hoyeseuriaide Miontsatiorkno, was • sister of John McIntyre and iirt and • brother hied sister in the01.14.* a actor is British Columbia hued • star New Jersey still survive her. She was* another of five childrea, two mons and goo daughter.: Mrs. Brealey who rears is the Northwest, Benj. Wihna, a nails or sc. Louis, Mich., and Ilra. Joke 1.. klievn. ed1 at Isome,114. livrirYood th 11.r :hurling; illants:ht the heartfelt eympathy of all who fro them. aim. agrutv CIA Mrs Wiali.HT. :Mtorday's Globe contained • very no portrait of the mother a J. J. Wright, the Point Farm, accompanied by the fai lowing reference to the deceased. In Chicago, on May 5th, there died at the age of 96 years. 2 months and 19 dm Mrs. Betsey Clutton Wright, a lady tib swat many years of her life in this coop try, where many of her descendants sol live. The deceased was burn in saga. Ragland, and spent the early part of ha tito Rmichardthe fannWrtahti nat18Bury18 aheStws.. admarrisitnead, Suffolk Co. To than were born sutra children, aine of whom are still brag - Mrs. W. Melina, 8- Cr Wright. Ayboo. Ont.; J. J. Wright, Goderi.a ; W. Wright, Marquette, Mich. t Mrs. Page ar Samuel sad Juneau's Wright, Berkelev. Cal. : Mrs. Pell, of Riverside, Cal., asi Robert Wright, of Chicago. uillffIrliciand. .31122,,n Wright moved to Cam& two eldest children were than living. 11:. Wright was ordained Baptist minister mai had charge, at Saltfieet. tiladrom 04 Dorchester. is 1872 they left Canada re Chicago, where attar a brief resort -ore 'A four months. Mr. Wright tried. blo. Wright then made her home with her as Robert, st whose residence she pemo away ins the 5th inst. She was • quid, active wranall, retaining the full use el tie iisculties till within • few months of be death. In religion 0 strong Rapist mid a firm believer tn. "what is, is best Rii leaves 40 grandchildren .ad 30 great -grand child rem. URA. R. R. Ty..%10,,co.. From The Drayton Dak echo, May 13. Mary J., late beloved wife of R. R. Thompson, was born at Sutton, Ontar,. June 12. 1844. Her father and mother 1st died when she waa lire years old, when 10. boante the adopted daughter of an mair and aunt. She was confirmed in the Emilie church, when quite young, but subsequeet) is 1875' united with the M. E. chart* is Goderich, ()uteri*. Was married to R. IL Thompson, May 5, 1672, at St. Marys. Ont., am child -Mable A., aged 17 ream - being born to the union. In company will her husband and daughter the deceased w moved to Drayton, N. D. m April. 1841, where (except One years re:edema in Hen- ihoo, N. D.,) elee lived until her death Oa bit arrival at Drayton she immediately united with the M. K. church there. She • zealous Christian worker, mid might 11 ways be footed at her post 01 duty in tlif church and within religious circles. libe hived the church of God mad sae always • attendance upon the " Moans 01 Gress' when health aad weather wood penor thereby proving her true allegracs se tit mese of bar Lord and Savior. She me a true tied faithful wife and asseber, mesh beloved and respected by all who knew het Though bee death came assIdealy she ass prepared for the change. A favorite Met often repeated " Be thee faithful sew death and I will give you • crows of life. Her ke1 words were: " All its well ' Heaves I" The bereaved husband sod daughter carry the heartfelt sympathy the entire community. Affectionate las ily and kinship use broken 0(11.7111. my he reunited is Hearse. JA1400 catrithens A well-known and respected resident Gederich passed away en Tuesday net efrel, in the person of Jas. Sonaders, who for the past thirty-five years was a resident of the town. trammed was • satire 04 Perth Mire, Sootlead, and was is besmear • Blairgowrie, for a number of years baba comity to this muntry His first Own dian eiperios.oe was hi Hamiltee is 1884. when he was in the employ of Disis Moor.: next he worked in Caimiville, new film; .tnber ford.m.nntio: y 1867earfe:inanadd himininmeraGorierieh 0 He was inspector of weight& nod measure, Manner with his brother John in the building on Kingston et. now occupied DlosmeTp. After his brother retired how 22220the 67221a:melir,wisenhht .2tohkeItswirk, gundMr on. Satchesdri a, mime of Raw Markey, • be build* on IVelt wassirdepperchaesdwith, iinelhain. Ailtieekt° p.rtwhich continued to February. 1691 He thee establimbed • separate boo nem in McLean's block, which he 01 thwart op 10 0*. time of his death. Mr *mousier,' was • hearty, resist man. dor (nigh Rust and ea ardest Liberal, and be t mak and genial "crack arjaalladaaaintanote,IV mwhmedho areignessernimPil freme'rHe :wtr been ailing for several eiveadelLand pen daimon: alestamintywaiwaarietioniamelynabohers.aselatuiplosfeRie .tssandl 140*. 04111 Alenk Samitelem, en behalf of the eerc!*' ing L rehaiteves...preM withehtteh.artiel.lanseas SIIIIIIAWthusarsto all Shoes who se kindly aseleted them ni the time of Moms sad bereavement. Jails" Hogns gem judgment se Mosta" T20/44/ ibel Ibistielsa low berbiaall lotteries wient be obsysi. GAN ADI wow, "Mb 1 1001 " • BM* DOA' 6 UUt aff 7444 %Koala OV 111. Lcunt.D. kerrand run ID am spoo1•1 At iod irannette LEE wormy Maur 81. 14.1 seph:,f,pefa.tper.ite:rdii64 brIii.if.1argeeicrir wfhreti .:iP1:7ar7eiris WI bt1:11010:n jow1lh!1 Jur an interval of oar burg. has ice, lie, underlie morberhosto :,.matitbdatuteulgt avy..N1lifiruou' Lon the TE1IrLI 0:a.brrizoyi wthore"L. short20 Ilresn::2w.dust,iyheieuat • eld last summer '\Iweivialu...ra'▪ eLsakand :ear'bpi clutne, "ilidPiamebetmesdvia moperaDoe at the :alb, b,tn wioll. nbe: N I. it. G T. So t 11 nautif ;eepilirwsaiwnva of tbc chair Were 14:6":1°I I I.: oTi. Tirade': axe lodge here. .:vm by there wh :ram He hoped aim a line of rail .0/11 with Port Al ci electric realm: op alai Loeber*, rovernment gran slBaoliye at turorthe I rendered by Bros Alber lodge, 4'.:111:11,t1A'rwrb1b41Hcfhil took :ur Mies May tk -a debut to the The .lusticre,- well calculated LI •ne audience. net took part in, L .0o, Wm. Garda Annie Green aa p.....47:1:11Anowtodau kto iatartbe . p b/41tsisters 2242donai tr) all The ant singtog the Na trbught to an otertammenta t road time. rem our oaf ea It number of -vid ut‘migiesrth 01 .1.11 I ue port having had Crops In this The spring sows what from role wheat aed hay Mien t appear largest fruit yia Rev. Mr. As ne temperance week, it being recently gives Pacific nseL summit of the At the mous Mechanic nifivere Were el \Memoirs : TU 1. R. Weather' directors, Mem R. K. 1 \minim sad The fair sex toslaught on tear opened s 'h. heretofore iteis to the am est to sp.:remit ,0 Monday of sod foot for 11 from Morn.. rratulatioos ti with the hope *hal, of the j de. P rom our era TI -IR Sonar Pelfaat will Is 'lay of nest w 'he Exchange ois family, et keeper. AM with a /Merl business *ha Roth he and here Pro...flesh • e retrieve 'lotto. of Dr parr hissed • rwr reels fr wood, 01 4.0 ri ih# &sten ,Io -tor to Ire e ithrtniza of not, lik. hoi 000t 5404. i miring th Si 11001. 'Aachen wil to give theii ing In pleating 0*. who+ they not minor Now, w.4 will grombi raestiog wi