HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-6-2, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1692. i OSP AND 00115DAL. pear seed M be ssm slsff ss.- u1wgtoMH a w«k- rr/.-,y,� ethall Herbed twisty • i 1100 e� esti.' elegeat .iM-.ad wet the Ala ••40444111.age600 wane he Eejaad via . 'of tk. R meg fat. ta..t• irsslti0141 10t eriegtee i• D. es alisMe wimp lea ro 1$ psieMbeittie lits ile•rt" l'd& cerg ma= a� keepleis g„ -m ted the bony wa��1r' '72 mese et Woke bet •e ieris.iW tea els' whhh.ease mens wheel let= maps aa•hayn, wear is �r �• a • 73 years m{o Mose the pea% 3•ta, who were Uvi118 shred sod au M order that nmight be -me o MR+ee' ray tatheitioes orenr. bat rho"may WWorm firm. wee them le 14 ese Ilinnerek mosived 3,000 . s1a- peels rdapsme w his birthday, and Misers tolled at r.dnthoesso to pj wpm. le rim ore mid �.o Japes. rb mem are .old by the posed is Sous the blood by tbr use of Mdbnrs'e sad wise. which supplies the 00.1887 Mood building oroterial 1m woo, by depinig Oreenwicb tune, le dee wve.tese minute from old -_a Tea The jest dair t South as the stream et Panama on to Thi ,moil etyma are N rwthes.d by the m d Ayer. Cherry Pectoral. (serge.=, mom sayers, actors, and public speaker ii dei 'reparation the meet easetiwe re. seat for Irrtattoa and embalms a the swat sad lungs, arid for all ademices of Y. okal organs n, ergot farm m the world Mia bream 1: is 100 by 25 mile and eon - brim 1.000.000 a:t.• 11 0004 460,000 to tin it ley i:1 1 hafkaton, S. C. has derided the Mk •tt map by a s ltayoh.um rel iy r bwlu.. Ivrea*, ant la rdlsas ots of all Bael•..artninclea, and eruptions unit ere astute . elforte to throw of pollee Iran the bumf This romnit may be ac- ottershed .ouch more eiactually, se well • y• through the proper excretory dsa1by the use of Ayer's Sweep - Eck reap- llherrhttaetta Constitution costaius premiss requiring that all citrons shall sires the State • I .uteaaat t ;0%-etnor as • aaorable- ' Tree factories in the United States oee aur nearly 2.000,000 eggs a year to ..king tar polder bad of paper .ed by photo. prates omen as elbows pap. ;mak. erase and scratches of every kind, :nota or .nim e.., oared is 30 miaow ti W .slford s Sanitary Lotion. Thu trv.r UM Sold by F. Jordan. 444-17 1e mss silo was " never overtaken by Ss; nut have base a mighty fast tnv.j- le i olemhua Pose. la rreuoutuni sad sciatica lir. WU- -. }'uk Pills have no equal. A. 1'. ..tee %suss's, tat , writes : -I have bete :;waled for years with rheumatism wetness debility After using six boxes • ?k Wil.ums• link ItiW am eatirdy eed too health. `told by all dealers or -_: post paid .a recetpt of price 50 omits ...x or Ile boxes for $2.50. itr Williams t1�i. t'o , Ilr,ckytlk, Ont., or Morristown, Bdr.b..,...e-... t_I Aya,'sllaIrigi Vigor Ws mime, i. boll d 11 fMI.1 " 1�1 peat_ - Rog.. .ad es AM frit is d.r the l le Ws "iter HMMr dr.toloM u /. bee Rosie te advisors to tin..» logia - 1 • *-k 141111111.1•• r.wtk , Ir. -o.1. Wires Mat overtake every Abet that hes et.eetb•t1del is chert hair ; pnim04el ties is Perdi....t Mr. bei•, of West - ..ti, is +.nWlag to map the imdRo.bip el have been t yeses party* 1 have voted tar every temptress. nee ages fiat W been peemated is rhos..' gismo I armed L There is U. bowemhi* i• •y riobrw width is r atreegly 1.-preene that tetdemure will .et penult • li essd pions is it, yet at the tem paimat eledies Muni were $4 .1 • majority et mem epimer r. is favor of mimeos.wit was • browse .ed . large 1B• gum Mean W. seedy es Tonight it eaters se humble home to MAIN to ores from • women's cheek ; aid feel -row it oballsegtm this PI-'- is the hale a Gower Today it strikes • most hem tat lip .f a starving child ; and to- morrow -morrow levies tribute tram the Government itself There is ao cottage ia this oily humble eeeyh Mast it oat. It�dative the law whoa 11 0111.04 ~tie a.Qrsgs It ls menet the weanet pews sad or�deer ; the anpeder et men sed tomer et wont= : the dead tett diadems the beset children : the deems that W dig more paves sad Beat ✓ ete mule .sehrived to iseposet than all the pmettlsecea that have wonted life vises lied sent the plagues to Egypt, and al the wars aims Joshua stood beyond !.Hobo. It ewers to ruin, sad it Mall profit mainly by to r01. of your sons aid arise It comes to mesad human earls, and to crash human hearts cider ill rumbling wheels It owner to brig gray-haired mothers dews s Maine and sorrow to their graves. It comae to destroy the wile's love into despair, ..d pride into shame. It soma to still the laughter on the fp of little Mildew 1t Darras to stifle all the mune of the home, wd fill it wttb silence and desola- tion It comes to ruin your body and mind, to wreck your home, and it kuowa it must measure ito prosperity by the swiftness .ad aertauty with which it wrecks this world. "woe• A re1711.r ttbl1iI s. Among the industries to be represented at the World'. Fair is the .siufa:tnre of beer. The brewers are to be o0 bead in .treagtb The was the ease at the ('entenoal Fxhibitioa at Philadelphia. It is said the growth a this brooch of the buri- nem and .11 the improvements in the pro- duction of the article will he illustrated. All the sooessories to the beano es will be represented, from barley in the sheaf. grow- ing bop vines, harvest -rakers and w�ggwo builders to beer in the keg. Therm will also be etatistice of the number of persons elm• played by the trade, the capital invested, number a carrels brewed, etc. The dr tillers will also have their business fully re pprree++.e**�Mod. It has been suggested by the }Motto. Traveller that in order to show the fruits nod results of this business should be set apart for this purpose. The Traveller says v sexes sad There might be a graveyard • funeral the funeral of one of the victims a the brewery sad the distillery - father foilowed to the grave by a broken hearted wife and had -starved children. Then there might be se 0the paison home tilled with Ole it seller, from the drunkard gtrl in her teens to till cola blooded and heartless w tb r. and the prtso.•bouse mit tlflashed it mad house on one side anal an ,.Imamate on the other. All three institutions could be connected with arched passageways, the buildings bring or the same style of architecture, to indicate that tbey were designed and built by tie tame ar.hitect the rinseUer. Tye Jeww ememer. The editor a the Leedom Methodist Tithes lately tempered the celebration of the .lowish promo in that city. and at the close of the .ervioee said to the Rabbi "May 1 ask with what kind of wine you have celebrated the Passover this evening'" The answer promptly given was " With .00•utexicating wise, Jews never use fer- mented ella..oted wise in their synagogue services, and mule not nes it on the Passover, either for synagogue or hone purposes.' '• Fermented liquor a soy kind cones under the category of leaven. which is pro- scribed in .o many places in tet old Testament. Tie wine which is used by the Jews during the week of Passover, is sup - ,ed to the community by those boomed by the chief Rabbi's hoard nby those only. Each bottle is tooled in the premiere of a representative 01 the ecclesiastical authorities- The bottle .taeding over on the sideboard, from which the wine used tonight was taken, was tbussealed. uI may n also tnsetIow that the poor sot afford to bay this wine, make ea safer eteated trios of their own which r ttrtkiog bet u 4.1000n a V aleool. or M raisins. I have recently read that pears• is Matthew is whit& the Paschal sapper le d.icrib.d, there win be so doubt whatever, that the. wins toed apes that ocomies wee Jerre. aefer anted. m drank ebeirrest feamJew. would sot only sot *vs but would not have ntoe �° ted tlia Passover in any house from whichLbeenisted 41.41 eel been removed. eny a waters that the wise s.a u she syaagsgee is an infamies of ' es will elbow me, to uproot that Christie'''. w profane to hefollowerseeriest, wt Jesus et l�laearet.htrho. ass take what He ensu set pmeibl7 e • Jew --da- tasieadag wise --ac so ecrsd • service so the eam•ert et the Lord's Supp.••" The mss. -Exodus 12: 14 to Ii); Exo- dus rr d s L3; 6, 7 ; Era 43 : 18 ; Paries 34: D ' Lev. 2: Lee. 10: 12: 10•. u, aa•1 �4. 1 Cor. 8: 9t.13;1 . remarkable bow healthy aid stress pret.n are. considering what feat lives s Seel stale m training. --Philadelphia t- sell %ad1.h Spavim Luuseot remover .1 7, 4. ed: or =hound lump and blemishes lelse beiges, bk,od.p.via,curb.,upliete, ring hoe. ,weeny, .tide., sprains, more aid .. Alen throat, coughs. etc. Save 160 by we of one bath. Warranted the met sederful blemu ver known. Sold ►s F Jodie 48.1y lx the Furniture Stars -lady--W bet Its br0»u,e of those handsome sideboards yea lid when wr tailed Ise, Salee.m i1rNa1, yet gratified) -I've shaved tum alp, moa ---Piot Me Up. HEALTH ONMRTSEENT. A seed asappeollieu • -tt constipation to seat irregular .odea bnwrb, often called oosttveses. and wormy caused by dyspepsia. • .:ell :n eating or drl.ki.g, eta Itis • ernes rnmplau31, and sot to be negMetod -oder any circutwtaaoes, es it Ina w to pure blood, headache, debility, Moo., He. A =darsaly successful reedy 1s B.rdeek hosed Kitten, which, t faitaf.11lr ever fails to effect • prompt and re even in the wont cava TMs follow Jit eitract from a letter from Mr Ja.. 11. .rete, Kart, N. W T., will speak for itself -•' 1 have bees trembled with ow. raptor sad general debility soil wee M- ewed to w your B. H. d theue�b =WowIre. adrertieMt. i noir Ie�a plaaste ,a Iearele.dt.g le he . :sods, as it areglesey eared tel." IllessemesesendL 1icqueer- 1)o you believe in .ympathetie .agw„e, lhsty Peck 1M I e You ought to see how 1 suffer whelk my wile le est et sorts.- I'ack bele elft ere Mikes; lied Imports • de& sets Mt 1••1+0$ pee. Maw rem=bar am* baba and in • M wrtgis wee asset • -.."1 ortedisf bet they didAysosetatir 1 mint0 wa •eevedd the sis- weft • bevy of boa. 1 eau el104beetle lYtr.dq. Mews Grove. 4• "I lave used Ayer. Hair Tier lir a •amber sed k hes Heise glees ▪ eidieles irgiir•`drew les the llrem ` hour.. fes . ILow w ��` "I lave geed Ayer's Mir Vigor hie k ft .atble thi+re dmt beeis r to he os., aid fir . hag dem.•eflloenrp..d.•"-Mee.Ger La -Fewer. Dr.ee Rapids. High. "Amer's Heir brit prsenlo ors Trrtthe bob. I emit eti 11Wook oar sore .opid.sos. Its gee pwm04- the growth el sew Mir esti sohel It does! aid..u. The VW, le else a c•rs 4br de.dr�"-J. W. Rowes, Mbar •' Rsgdrer. , McArthur. OMs. 'Ththe pet two yewused s •mad bead Mian M is she M be. Is remorse the sets. rel o� so pp1y beer. a sees the beer M grow >dtsW sad keep it eget sod plbtat "-i1n. M. V. Dsy, Cothe ebs's, N. Y. lastall Mbar, � Irmo tthe .( m board. Inger t beetanal��mad. Bair three mosthe. he had a tiso growth el beer d the oatmeal eotar."-P. J.iRei e . thtr.114• 1peisp, BIL Aycr's Hair Vigor, SHAMMY* .T Or. J. C. Apr & Ca. Lowey, Nus D.. MM. sed midmost. $900 ICARPETSI CARPETS fcARs5Ets1 Tsxoxa io erre 431.35 - Come and Examine the Largest Stock Der Shown m the County SdL &ear and t'etamue on Areels . Nee and Women.Teanh- .re and eterw. men to tetr.wlu w it slew sad popular .tawtard baa& Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. Tte now , r,nsrkabte religious hook of rte. Iwo w rinse ht 3eminen t a•holat7.'nnaecearias tvsry ('n'..:.wn •rwnu n. tu•a.ive ter• ,S..rT pp, en. Apra' o Th. Mulat hill rote Vero sea. 4.... a` • senniefs ie ..id ere Ke.sp's Heiman hr the Woes ad hare I t r e.riar .ore aim.ai e..�s, aW. asthma, breashitis, ma=p sad .0 what sed laag triable,* ass ashy other mallow. The prepekeor Gr embalmed flee c (Waistn. � a the yes Mbottle erit air shim= "ready. large berth.e as esi 11. OF BRUSSELS, TA pSTRIEBY AL' JUTE BRUSSELS. LS, UNIONS AND HE1ST8A�, 3 -PLY ANDAND IF OUR PRICER ARE NOT RIGHT, DON'T BUY. WB ARE SHOWING AND HAVE NOW IN STOOK Over 250 Sets of Lace Curtains In cream and white, from 60c. to $4.50, direct from the makers in Scotland. It is needless to say anything about prices in these goods; they speak for themselves. A COMPLETE STOCK OF 4 Art Muslims, Chinelle Curtains, _!Moquette Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Dachestan Rugs, Axminster Rugs, Beam Rugs, Door Mats, Cocoa Mats. PURE POWDERED � E Rfg:T STRONcIST. slat. mer ell 1. a. eats. trrengirri a ay -errs T•w•e. " wet " mid a gide girl who W been Pita., • peat .-tgumy . embris the es lrM* a to "I et earn us haya y0 kb tet Mew •Mi4 yew ani homy- The ..Y Ti. Oga 5seeles. havi eared WA roshy maraMer omettes �iw..►wdiel. e. el seishwest be. ilur'hei Bitten the est Pit'asr• 3y�ersi. tad iel�dsmei bier w Vie. tsui. ne.veNng $ vl 4ao' c.a. 1 A%U 171111H TeteT1U Hlitel".a. Specific, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished l.."td- dy.- peima, .teepl0.. 44.tl•tt..t4.n {,cart, liver rwupt.int, to or.l_ui. Ir..s .•f manor'. 1.r.w.caitt., ..•.ma.i.,4ni.x1. gall stones, jaun.G11. li.hr•y sal urinary diseases, St. Vitus' Luce. tena:e irreg- ularities and :-inial debility. Sonedi fa-seers- B.t ..J, %heel Imposteraillm Kew we lata soma, uta Roe whet we red �arbt l .a yew r..bN 1N� 0 ��"�a� bow nosy Miles wired er Baur ! iS wdea be e yNoMate ►us.amuse rev a MAO e' gee ell et Car. 3 : 16, 17 ; gah.k E 18 ,11e Asti -Tyra -1 Cer. 5 : 7, 8 ; Bolo. 9 : 18, 14 ; Jess 19 : 14 ;1i•tt• 96 : 17, 19. !7. >iE ; 1 Oar. 10 : 16, IR : 1 Car. 11 Si. 16. Luk. 11111 14 5 20: Mark 14: 1. 12, lti. M f t Sieh .lowers raBelus4 r et11 tori► {!_ewer. Om a lamare$ore.-•ed • firew'L (1st., at a ptbmfitg at 3.000 p•spa at Airtime, I ewe mud bawd MaoGreger mum wad isthmian• by simple merles "Tiers was • 4J," 4...id, ., en wbW .a mow ter e .r.. e. el hie - TMi''ea applause d tresstregiestehistwo- frohar : 1 add have se way N woe lot e l 1r.g a• ens the way is shish the �.ass.�` wr7 pelt their Hy I.L IM/ e•�w wee . wee thmtt Myo ase Twee, Obit e• be wee • &ale - M web Awed et whet netgd 1 the Mlle. is whisk ~weeawl d• rind M e.aetod • "lid=bsob�elit twee of wee - M with .tell woe 11!4'.tel M, t PRV M hurry.' Oilcloths, 4 quarters, 6 quarters and 8 quarters wide. Linoleu,ns, 4 quarters and 8 quarters wide. Curtain Poles, with Trimmings. Curtain Chains, Curtain Pins, and Angle joints for Bay Windows COLBORNE EROS_, G ODERIOH. LABORATORY. COD£RIAH, ONTARIO. J. M. aicLF.(,L, I'rot•rtr.or and It.anf.Mnrer. ycl..aw. `Myst V7. Itavor•r u bc a•ll a. hurt ftsr, ata druutho• la too r neathe. draiteieis nostos. bettering •Med int *ad 'for.nen. 211' -Ir. PLANING MILL fSTIBLISII9 ISS.. Buchanan & Son, ,i AwrvACTval.'. SASE, DOOR and BLIND, II.•.Arr. le all .loots or LUMBEN, LATH, SHINGLES FREE TRADE ! TSE A.G-ENCY Aad builders saaterist n' .very description School Finites a 4ecialtt. Patronise True FOR THE CELEBRATED J The only duty there will 0 SOON be in cnection with my goods will be my duty to sel and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Toon1 Cash Store Competition. P. O'DEA, Manager. cLEL SkLI JAS. SAUNDERS' Ira CAR armor P.etrtc Its.l.wae (Fn's Ter nits lies Prow . eiaMtahbd be eel. tam meals a aired.. with fah ad P.- 1:17ii e.r.p w..••00..••00......1.orme of.d.. Mdmeerves w.s omorese tet ar et awsef pe.. who fee resperti w„ emetemb w Pik reseran ti ieLwUwm r w�slMe�elp Cm= 0aaat� reale ts=ar IZATIMe itestignalh NMI lbtied Neee$en, t-•4- MCLEAN'S BLOCK. -Ls AT- INDIAN T CAMPAIGNE'S ! Bost Tea in Tow, Only 40 ants per lb. Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire, at your own price. THE BEST 18 THE BEST 18 THE BEt;T 18 THE BEST I4 THE BEST IS THE BEST I8 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TBE HEST TME BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THs BEST THE BEST THs BEST THE BEST THE BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 8081 BEST BEST Bib? BEST TB BEST LOOS tells 9f 11111 hpsr l,d Ygflgn, T4H1 BEST BEST '!'UE REST TBI BEST THE FEST THs EENT A. w hat=& retinue frost b.einem, be I THE wit)..41 his large sed weIl s.eortd meek at THE bots.m prima THE THE Chinaware, Jewellary, THs Wedding Rings, Silverware. TTHEHs Nickel and Plated Lnives, Tug Forte and Spoons THE Albums. Plus and I TBE Other Goods, Toys, TBE Fanny Gooda.ot;o. THE ins watott writ as age.. aT 5*41 MMM. New to year lir Mr harpies. THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS TBE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL iS THE CHEAPEHT AND THE OIONAL iS THE CHEAPEST AIiD THE SION AL I8 THE 09EAP'MT AND TBE RiONAi. 18 THE OYLP16T MID THE SIGNAL M >E 101 OA_AID 101 SIGNAL THE BEST THE 008T THE BUT TBE BEST THE BEST THE 01ST TBE BEST THE 818T THE BEST THE BEST TBE BOLT THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE mew THE 018T THE BEST THE 13181 THE MIST THE BEAT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT TR0I Re THE BIIIIT THE MIT THE BMT THE BENT 110E BEST IS TBE 0881 11/ THE BENT iS THE BEaf IS TRE iIE8T . Mia THE 8181 IS TBE BEST