The Signal, 1892-5-26, Page 6•••• .41E.7! :O.,- ""3! • • THE SIGNAL': GOD ;•.111:54$141. RICH. ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1892. %At THE KINGDOM OF WOKEN A USEFUL THOUGH UNREADABLE USE FOR NEWSPAPERS. ittehee u um SUSAN' Too Mee - of a alposy tram. - • 1111einensee Send Nomis-A Ptillowdetweas 1 Beeese- Whew by Irmay-litenipeo. The nese of • as wepaper. aside heat its w adable twilit..., are not perhaps fully !sews. II ea • raw dee you have to walk amens Woe ler several blocks sad meet the kens wiled step at the corner stead sad hem a se --its politics are noweemmeliel -wbich stip beseath your tor cape sr wrap, from mock to belt. Its protectios is re- markable. Two newspai•-• spread becomes the lasufficheat covers o bed no a cold sight are as excollent substitute for the ea - procurable bleakets or comfortables. Is travelliag. eas of these oleso. new sheets es the awe et • dirty ear mimes valuable dram protection. And light -04M shwa are mast e ffichatly added to by two thscksesses of the seam thug. Stand the slew ea the paper mid drew aa outline *1 10. soh, which tams eat eat ; this slipped is piece is as geed all a cork sole -..•e.A vastly more orma- fertabh Ideboa Meta As victors to Whom kaew, essay of the girls in the Portuguese capital are very beautiful and attractive, says Londe. Ft - pro But they are closely guarded, appearing outmoded In the streets. and rarely beteg woe on foot. Carriage -driving of decorous ktod te • favorite amusement, but the girl who follows the queen's ex- ample and appear' on horseback ti regarded as very advanced in her ideas. The girls play • little tennis iu sannenisr, dance and play cards for amusement in sinter. They are rarely dirtied to formal duiners as thew parent• are, but are taken to the opera. The chief delight of these delicate- ly bred end carefully guarded maidens as the great bull fight at ('intra, which some uneonventional Eugludi girl. who carries her own latch key and travels alone in the plebian omnibus., would scarcely have the nerve to edema, much less to eajoy. Kicked Teo High. the of the Stockton's belles who had heard of the skirt-danoe fad thought she would astonish her ft -deride, and so under- took to practice the art of high kicking in private until such time as she should become sufficiently adept to appear in public. She was sucteesful beyond her wildest expecta- tions, says the San Freedom Chronicle. 'taking the gas chandelier in her room as • target, We was soon able to reach it with her dainty foot. But while praetielug the other day her slipper and etockiug caught uu nue bonier and she was unable to extricate herself. So there she hung tu • pointiou neither very agreeable nor graceful. Her screams brought her mother acd her aunt to the reavue, but they were unable to cope With the extra- ordinary difficulty, and finally a stalwait young cousin was lea in, with many in- junctions of secrecy, and with his blushing aid the asthma's aanocr W.16$ lowered to the floor. Medal et the Gypsy gneiss. bout pomp or display and followed by only a sinall grail) of her mourning sub- jects Annie Young, the Romany queen, era* borne to her final resting place in Mouat Olivet Cemetery, near Elizabeth, N..1 , the other day The remains were brought from East St. Louis. o here rote died Her father, (lief Joseph Lovell, knoo u oolong New York and New Jersey horse denten., brought the body, as her husband, Holberd Young, was too Ill to accompany it. queen Annie had been • devout Catholic, and recording to her wish she was buried as °s.. Amite was the eldest daughter of Chief Joseph Lovell- A year or a httle more ago Annie met Holberd Youog at the gypsy encampment near Cincinnati. It was • care of love at first sight and the young people were soon united in marriage. A few days ago the young queen waa stricken with oultnonary troulbe, and, failing ropid• ly. died. A Woman's lewd Name. Many people who would recoil with hor- ror from cutting a human eresturas throat. which really does not hurt very much and only lasts a moment ,will murder a woman's good name without remorse or comptinc- tion ; and that hurts worse tltac death for a life tone. It is a meaner crane than murder, writes Robert .1. Burdett. in his department in the LadiesHome Journal. W. cry out, and rightly, too, /against the sensational and depraving liabit of making h eroes of rather' and cut-throats It is a horrible thing to do. And yet 1 have less of hatted and loathing for the late Jesse James than I have for some people who have never been convicted of • (spool mime, but whom tongue*, we know, &re worse than any knife that ever mused a h uman jugulat A PIllow-abasn A pretty and convenient pallowshani bolder may be trade by taking • rod two inches longer than the width of the pillow - shun, and covering it with • piece of dotted Swim mualio, &nightly tolled ami edged with lace two inches tleep. The rod should first be covered with combo. to match the fermaking of the room. l'ut • ring and arrow in each end of the rod and loupes.' ti is a coneenient place l'ut a ribbon bow at each corner and also at the top. Pillow - 1111•111111 are slippery thine and easily shde to the door from chair back and Wrest. This little holder is orecineatal es well as useful. Nether by thew. A Boston woman make. • business of taking care of children by the day or hoer at her home oo week days sad Ssadaya, to the great relief a mothers not able to hire • aerie. and am wishing to accept the charity of the day 11U111.114 Her services are at mud. la demand that she is some- tirne. engaged as fru as three weeks ahead. Flusinem women and tired mothers irbe cannot other woe leave their homes Sad her serviette .1 11501 value This add. mother to the many expediests by which rased women, teo delicate or toe retiring, may earn a liveliooted Irish's% leaving Weir homes. swipes. Fried Boiled Eggs. - -Shoe leard-beiled eggs, dip is raw eeg lead bread crumbs. fry is butter, and serve ea it., eippets of mast Creamed Pommes Chap cold boiled potatoes Au. and pet them ista • saesepan with • little Natter add pepper and salt to mate . stir eseasesisally so se set to brows Woe: poet Were talkies .p. add a esp of rich meet swam ; omit a salaiste Imre sad Germ Abend Ilbeemes Mimeos ennaint two dation mess. WM ladies well over the efts* and oesipsine. Neely hum, the ether tram the ahem be - tag "Wit Ntins ; er a hall 'hart ref as moNfir la eopplmasetai by • Isms elm' 01.... tillag rear 10. 105' ia Blow Islet style 1 •-ro • .4rw . o PASIASSAPSNO POMMTS. The Sem and Frenbeall Same° sias seemere ems Sem& The gm a who preys tee Was be rabbi prays toe abort is private One ie generally compelled te aejey the seed of the tame witheet satehing the tomer .1 the seas. Log' -10- loader. 11.. Posh -Never saw sash • crowd at ear Woo* before. Me' Posh -New min. Mier ! Mr. Posh No; it was to need dem" 1051 MOW -Idle. Minister --The lees of mosey t.10. rem ed all evil Pariebiefter-That met Om worst thiag about saasey. Ak! What is f The difficulty of paha( any. -Detroit Pres Press "I eat Wispy to say," remarked the promisee, "that the sheriff died resegood." "I dispute that etateuseet," said the editor. "ffis died, but 111 be banged 11 10 resigned." -Atlanta Coast action. Whoa some rasa get religiose they carry theasselves is a proud, "I-am-better-thaa- thee" friths wide& amkee the devil feel that kie hold on them is almost as geed se new. -New York Tribute. Jeanie Whet was the text your muenster roesehied from today ! Pearl - -Don't kaow. The texture of ter dress in the next pew wag se isterestiialithat 1 didn't follow We winnow - - New I srk Honda. Little Nell What dues the organist at our church have • lookin'•glass deed over his head axe the organ for ! Little Dick -I guess that's oo he can tell the choir when the minister is lookia. -Good News. A vino devout bady, who for many years has been • resider attendant at church, te- nsioned at home all day last Sunday. The shape and shade pleased her, but the trim- ming was not put on to stmt. Lincoln JOU roaL Mn. Lurid". (.7501 inarriedi-Now tell me, Charles, did you ever tell me a false- hood ! Mr L. No, not that 1 know of. Of course, 1 mean since we were married. What I used to tell you when we were courting doesn't count, you know. -Boston Tranacript. Elder Berry- olublots has suggested • change in the way of handling flowers et our church. Dr. Thirdly What Inc..he want to do! Elder Berry Send them up by an usher at the end of the lung prayer. -New York Press. Coberigger -The churches must be be- coming bloatel bondholders. for now when a man gives them a subscription they ssk him how he made the mousy. Merritt But you must rementher it is the churches that don't get the money that ask such questions. -Life. Mrs. Lagleeze -1 was WU glad to see you at last Sunday's service. Isn't Mr. Serpits a beautiful preacher' Ills discourse is so full of eloquent Fiero/its Synnek •-H'm I listened to hini for over an hour, but as it didn't seem that he ever would 'ome to a period. I left. -Boston Tranocript. Miss Candid. -Where I spent the o toter there were twelve girls to every plum.: man. De .nothers How 1 wish 1 had been there. Miss 4 'andide -You ought to have COM, dOWII. 4voung mon would have been al• most worshipped, no matter how unattrac- tire. -Sew lock Tribune. 31e. feratebar's fles Philip. My Friend Walter Cratelmr." said Mr. Stoybolt, "seems to think the 1111 son ; Philip. who hes just turnel I•2. is a re- 1 markable boy. Mr. Gratebar lives m the suburbs, in a house which has a slate roof. 11 appears that OS the course of some retain, to this roof last fall many ,mall fragments of slate were scattered Joint on the oround. When the time came to dean up ,.round and roll the laon this spring it 0 ourred to Mr. Grander that those bits of slate ought it. be poked up. He hadn't heel in the country long. but he had lived then- long enough to know that grams wouldn't grow through slate. "After 1 -king up about two hundred pieces haniself and dndiog that it was back- breaking work, Slr. (broodier thought be hiol better get Philip to pick up the rest ; so he talked it over with Iona one men et dinner, and Philp undertook, in considera- tion of the sure of fifteen cents, to clean up the remaintng date on the following day. It WU underetood that all the money was to br withheld until the oompletion of the work. and that the work must be done to Mr. Gratebar's entire satisfaction. "When Mr. Gratebar started for town nozi morning he found Phtlip on the tuna knocking a baseball about with great earnestness. ieorge. aged 7, and 1 'bra, aged o„ with an old grape basket near theta, were laboriously digging ont and picking up the wraps ..f elate. •• •How's tho'. Philip said Mr. Grate - bar. '1 thought 1 hired you to jock up that slate.' " 'You did,' soul Philip, 'and I'm doing it. Don't disturb yourself. 111 attend to it. "That night when Mr. Gratebar got home he found that the work had been carefully and thoroughly done. There was no ground upon which he could withhold pay ment. '• 'Rut,' he said to Philip. 'I hired you to do that work, and you seem to have got George and tiara to do it.' " •I sublet the contract,' said Philip,`aad when I get the money I'm going to pay Leo rge and Clara a nickel apieoe. See ! "Mr. 4 lratelar did see, and he p&id over the money very cheerfully ; and he didn't hesitate 10 507 to Mrs. Gratebat after the youthful contractor had gone to 1.4, 11.1 he thought Philp was & greet 'my." As lawseable Sauter. -What's that! You dos.% call reit:fir me Miss Sweetie any more ` Has she rejected yes! Jack (eadly)-Ne t 1 digit propose. No George --Sere ' Jack Mere as 'booties. Owe Eight I pretended to admire me of her rings and hitched up • trifle closer to examine it mom deftly. you know. George (refleetively)--Yde-e, I know. Joel -Weil, she took it a and heeded it to nee. A Ismibt Dispelled. Par slit months be argued the Ming pro and eon, Till his salad was sense mazy that subject epos To wed her or not-vore she worthy his lore / Would tie prove • shrew wife or • MIN* IMF till doss I At last, after eioaryiug body and maid, He decided to marry bar. going it blind ; No be promptly proposed Bat she wail's slow, For she Wm toe& six essioidis to aumeer kin No I - - - As Verso* Casa Peer rtierit-1 sem for you, deem, het sumo 1 now you aro • noted phyrielos, bat I 10.1 11 my dusty to inform yea that I Immen't owe I to way same Dr. Nees -Very well, thee, we mese ley 4...,. y.... qinck,y am posaible. - - - - - TM" Mainsessedilus Wow "Tor years," elsened tbe verimes miler 10 11. busy odder, "I have bees endseiree- mg to dimmer Moe lest tribes of beaell." "Mao ft WO, resumed lie you to tise ler taster sir' the ibs14Is..vi10 dog 4111111111111S. SOME QUEEN WANT'S. Wasted- A skilfel duelist to NI the teeth of • sale Wasted A Goa to prepare &aim 0. • metiatate ramp. Wanted- -A etaad-ap collar ter she aark of the weeds Wassed-A hoz to tit the head of ths Mansur% Wanted A set of anaemia teeth ter the mesa of bliamasipm. Wasted- A ween foe the brew of a bill. Washed- A eaug-dtting Wee for the feet of a meastaia. Wasted -Da cal bemired smarm te wear Mee reentry. Waisted- -Ata morgenc huller to Aar* Os imo el rim oarsh. Wooled -A lady to Wier the cape of Geed Hops. Wasted -Leeks for Melds Keys. Wasted -A wins ama tr teach the Scilly Idea& kilsimetel We WM flese7 berc UMW affilieM ansaiern. Prom The Osameser• Tango wrote his tamest piece' 1. tbe lurid tatervals of madam" Recess composed hie serer wide waiting about, reciting them to • loud voice. Stilly is said to have been skis to dictate to four secretaries at a time without &A. culty. Cuter never revised what he had canoe written. He composed with great rapedity, oorrectness and decision. Milton was of the opinion that, the verses composed by ham between the Autumnal and Spring equinoxes were always the best. Pope never could compare well withont first duicleinung for some time at the top of his voice, and thus rousing bas Der% one sys tem to its fullest activity. Richelieu &mused himself in the intervals of hss labors with a squadron of cats. of winch he was very fond. He used to retire at 11. and alter sleeputo three hours rise and write or work, fleetly composed after playing • prelude oo the *rpm. or wink taking his &ate, tentacular or •• post prandial " walks. He found in the solitude of the dente forests something more profound or anizeitive than anything he could find to books. Camelia composed ham vertes with the roar of bootie in hie ears, for the Porto guese poet was • soldier and a bra . e one, though a pot -t. for severe yeare 1 was pervistently an- n oyed oith an excessive accumulation of Dandruff and although using various pre - "orations revonimendell and shampooing rr gularly once a week. no material relief was realized until my attention was called to Anti - I woodruff ,which has produced u u look ed fur results an my Libor, four epplitatiorts removing every pai tide of 'Woodruff and as a specibc for this trouble it certiouly has DO equal Your truly, W, T. ibito!,./iN, Can. Pae. Rye. Telegraph Co. Montreal, P. 1,1i. lelionlsilved .1111blellea. From Tte Boston Trainer. Did at eater occur to you that athletes are ruely long -laved" By *Nieves 1 mean the folks trim are training themselves continu- ally for special feats of mascular power. and I leave out the &tenant amateur who exer time slightly, comparatively speaking, and then with only the object of physical de velopment*. It is my opinion that. ma rule, the professional atbelete is not a very good risk for the insurance people. And this aside froth any risks of physical injury of • sudden nature to which the athelete in the course of Ins performances may be subject I think it would seriously stump you if I asked you to name a dawn cases of extreme longevity among men who have been furious for their muscular power anti skill. Rut anybody C11.11 same a dozen people who have led sedentary hires frow boyhood and at- tained extreme old age. Yery strange as it may appear, consumption is • dowser to which the 6111,101111C1, the 011/111111111, the remi- tter and the lighter have all oo numerous accasuons fallen victims. Rheumatism se &pother 000111100 disorder. All of which sometimes' makes ine think that nature never intended the development of the human physical energies to the point at which they are dies observed. The ath- lete who lives the *gest is the man who used to be an athlete and gave up his ath• hue fancies andci=i before he had reached noddle life. So you find that the average of year, ele girth 41 athletes ia surprisingly low. "JUST ABOVE TM ANKLE." r*WilaisoilSoL Is WInnes50. Femme Mimed awes WM die- & tuns aad plea to the *os'. Journal, @ar- rest issue a " IfemeseramformarAgen fess ism" apes to stand 1, 5001 la wend* tarese AIM NM de a01411E haw the aelike T. de ism is similemly aed owes ea tits rospacal a every Mask* pr- om mite ams us drabs saws IS one Mow arsggitiersapedilinas Lot re Weil se thio deseenee mho. ril =Sul hetalette ir weaknA esses's,. is the sem, this the beark denease ;.41 ohs that hs.I11, rafedsoty aad red mots ia• dimes will fellow.- -Proems E. Willard." II Weds Wel& • erastry 'Moister was 'Mimi by me of 11. 1.51, • wiiitio-is tarmac, who told him that he male ea a very unhappy minim : tho hot wee Met ho and his wife bad bad trouble, sad he "rested the suaister's ad- vice. " Wbet's the matter asked the minis ter. " Can't yea agree! 01, I can agree, you see. parsoo, beit Matilde Jane, We can't agree." " Welt" said the teduster, smiling, "if there is ow of you that - agree, yea ought to he able 40gu1 " Dal," said dm (armor, "if Matildy git &hag. I think there'd be peace in the •• Bat tt takee two to make • quarrel, farmer Jaws." " Two •• Wal. all 1 CD say Ia. parses, that yoo dont know *Middy Jape. 11 101 'ere woman can't git up a gourd all by Iser self, 1 miss my arum •• She must be • very capable weman,111r. Jones," cud the minister, smiling a little. " Capable if you've Fat anything in your catalogue that .15 010 t capable of. 1 sb'd like to know what it is." "Com.. come, Mr. loses' You have al- ready shown yourself sufficiently sharp tongued I will warrant there is mother side to the story." "Thai'. just what's the matter," sari the farmer. •• Witen 1 hear Malady lames story. I make up my mind that toy side hain't got no story at .11. She's • dreffel smart woman, Mouldy .1ane Is." •• Too valuable a woman, Mr. Jests, far you to quarrel with, be bound." •• Wal, parson." asul the farmer, redee- cooly, " I don't know but what you're more'n half right. 1 guess 111 go home and see what Matildy Janc's got for supper. Soettethin' good. 111 warmat ye. She s a powerful good cook. Puts in a lettle mite too much pepperbut it's pretty good cook - And so farmer 'ones started couteatedly home, reconciled biy the thought of Matildy Jane's cookery. 1 outh's Companion. *at of' etbusrvat . Miss Ile Fashion I've been hating • per- fectly lovely tun.; teas and parties and music and daocing and prIvate theatrioals and everything you can think of. Haves% bed so niuch fun for a year. Friend shocked What I hiring Lent ! Maas De Fashion 011, it's all right, dear. 11'e were in the country. PERI - • • TARTAR Ileaarer• unimosew owns Blaws. The Inlet libsellesid. St. Peter Mi. are you! Shade of Bostonian -Pardon meant to say, " Who were you not ! Si. Peter See here. Either my English goon or you go. Shade of liestoatan-1 insist on the tor MI100. Si. Peter -Take the Lammas. wee. You did you IDOPMAIVII Sem Cured. 111vAii Sine, I take pleaaure in tesufyiag to the great healing qualities of roar inedu eines. 1 hate the misfortune to injure my leg, and through cold sod neglect it broke out in 0 running sore, my leg became in• flamed and very painful, and the discharge was very offensive. various remedies failed to help me when 1 had the good fortune to try your KWH. and Hurdocb Healing that - mein( Before 1 bad finished the second bottle the discharge had stopped, and in two *0.15 5050 my leg was se well as ever. 1 feel justified an reoemeniediag 11 10 the public aa a care if only gives • her trial. 2 I so. Latani,Pertage la Prairie, Mao. Os IMO Oolloomoo. Small mg - Why Met their any OM* cakes this morning • Mather freproviagly ) Bower yoe neg- lected to go to the Moore yesterday and set 1115 00551 e(ga, 01 I told you. Small hey twith tapered air) You did teat tell me they was for griddle cokes. kw. Ahem Tees. It 4. 11. mrreet report about town that Komp's Balsam for the threat and lune is .110104some remarkably cures with who are troubled with coughs. sore rr%Pti7 asitilne, bronchitis sad consamptios. Any druggist will pre you • trial bottle free Of 0051. It ill guarasteed 10 014.,, Ned cure. The lams bottle. are Mc ma ill. (fleow) The original inaneserips of the " Reek et Moments is now la owe af the beaks at Richmond. Ray ros.ty ilo, in restedy J. D. W Wires ionaigho and apparent am polygamous atessors aim lawierais. The Mealmal 11111.11110 les Melo *No deed ep Sas paid lied hem time to lima. bus MO gine Miamian to them. whilivislass=are the aseest magi 10. native power fie in Kaman. A won roar hod olo boo. AKIN ow MUST, SIMLA BEST. Csolniais no Atom, Ainessola„ Lima, POOSpeates, or asy Ige W. GILLETT. Terme& OM. ATENTS 1 "German Syrup For children a lima - A Cough eine should be &boo - re liable. A and Croup motherluklY most be able to Modic'. pin her faith to it asap 6r Bible. k must contain nothing violent, uncertaint or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admis- ister ; easy and pleasant to take. The child must e it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi- ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick. grow fast, and end fatally- or otherwise in a very shoat time. It must not only relieve quick but bring them around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under Long con- finement. It must do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of medicine in a child is not desim- bk. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as young folks, and make Bo- ischee's German Syrup the favorite family medicine. • /9 BACK -AC H E :CODS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU MAIL MI (1144 MD tellINLIIT Meshed. and all business la the U. 14. Pates Offies ettembed he at MOOKRATR 10NRS, Our Ogee is opposite the C. b. Parma Of- 11011,1Uilli et sae oloalt Patents to lose time has those r enema from W AIMING TON. Send 2101111. OR DRA WINO. We ad vim as la paterateletSV free of sharp, 'and we make NO CHIROR UNLi8.9 WI 08 - PAIN s • refer, here, to the Pessarseter, the Sept if Order Div.. sad W ellicials of the U. & F57.t Oce. For Messier. &dries. tows wet referescas to ordeal climate la your 2W. Mate se Oseiste. write to 1 • MOW dt Ctle“ Omm000lo 011soWtotOlootoo.D.0 Wtf SPITZ:ITCF If you are looking for something new in CHAMBER SETS -0. .A..- NAIRN Can interest you at Reasomble Prices. "tachach• weans the hid- e eye are In trouble. Do's Kidney Pills giue prompt1 L,e 51 of disease is ptd caused eNsonlerwl " Watt as moll try to bats a h•althy city witheet ~W- age. ea good health whim the kidneys are clogged. they ar• the sea= •1 the "Delay is dangerons, Rey- lected kidney trembles ,...It in lad flood, Dyspepsia, Liver Com pia n t, and the most 11411- ge r o ws o/ all. Bright, Disease, Diabetes and Drowsy.- - T. above diseases ewe exist where Dodes Kidney Pills treetd" Sold by all dealers or mat by madonna** of peke go meta per boa at Ss for Saes. Dr. t.. A. leak a Co. Tomes" Write for bookaillit Maw Tab. -CIrr COAL AND WOOD The Signal Coal, Wood and Kincling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. Hard Coal. Best quality chestnut, stove and egg coal constantly on hand. Soft Coal. Best Shawnee lump coal for use in grates, stove*, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Coal. Best quality genuine Blomburgh *UULIIIng coal now on hand. Special attention given to coun- try trade. Cordwood. I have pup -hued 1,000 cords of Duple and beech wood, 4 feet long, from Mr. X. Beechler, of the Falls Reserve, on the river " Mentsseumg." to be delivered this Winter for town trade, and will be pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood at present market prices. COAL Snsoti-- Corner nt Victoria and Angleeea e feta. Ritst DISC. Trafalgar -s,.. Bo .,an ik Sou's office. JOHN S. PLATT, 2344 -le Pnorsurrou. FREE TRADE -„1- J� ibm gni1001k v4 Psialiga=:".11461pwrilal .11010 -is host amen icollOugaid rosidoSsash mattors ais poor poor000go, Nita tosalimi limo war Sane f• pialS, SIM WWI the appsmal dour sabres, 1.444vr kkeali.s In this line we have a very Iwo slisokable forolineeverywriciassting mime( buitt represented in this locality, mu prong laid and wove, base, orquadrilleitamed.ande asothmayrpapers,berequiretimisi IICAThs mengei.kkuseba07:lualiLticaimune is kept in 11. bess&. Vit IMO. %Mike are an imlo'riutangetueruliplaoeY ilitigrd'oonithriniereis,11 correepontienoe. Kee what wee. got under the above heads. The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sel and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the West and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at bard -times prices at The Toronto Casli P. O'DIA,, Manage'. 13.kk If the pay -aa -you -go" plan ea. the order of the day the denims for account paper would not b. so great: but there are some met who get so many dunners dist they wonder if the stock will eveT run out We don't intend it to and at present our stock is cots pieta in this line With four size- Goud paper and neat ruling. SAG.% it me. Ms Both single and double dollar and omits columns. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after delinquent once a month. Thee are Imre to fetch him 'round sometime. YaiNeetkoleete Now, it would be hard to go'. along without envelopes', and tp keep up with the demand fie them we keep a large stock ot hand. We have now about hundred thousand in stock, se the priors will range from 7 !h. t. pthon per M. We handle cur mere'sl and legal sizes exclueiveb C'vr c‘Aor We mini to ezirl in all the dia.. reit kinds of work we tore es, but especially in this, and keel in stock plain and fancy pert, suitable for all requirements. ▪ V 0 el it tam of entertainments and meeting- proinptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the moat elegem' with i,ord and pencil attached Caro.* ttA•6, 'ex.ets This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from Amor Binary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. ▪ ()stirs Our facilities for turning out de- class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it e done by us. This line also in chide" VIO&Cr eve which our three fast -running Joe surprisingly short 3O\1 13.Ms belong to the poster departmee also, and VIM make & specialty of them prouiptneas being our sea in this respect. A noticv of isk will appear in TIM SIGNAL free of charge when bills for same are got here. ▪ tetl.ettsXeows to an "At Home" or o world* require considerable tents in seise ti)nawneelirter but we aneaay mterpintaknge 11 stock the very latest and bee samples to be had. Call and Fee C ommer i•csX It'u•‘..vaxg, haa already been partially muss erated in some of the heads shove There is, however, • vast sonollei of work under this head that to enumerate wreaJd snore than take up the entire epees oetepied 17 this adv't, hut we do 11 011 at Tee MISSAL. #kk IF:vcvis oi off& in the typographical printing blo can be done in this establishment in an expeditious and artists manner and Our "Vi..e.ts vlAkk Noe Souivi *tam reasousaNkt. Wee:tend our tkoaloi for past by ors IBM odieit a 000tiosoaro GI do woo. T %IL OiliL OMMIalk Or' •• ' Blac la verY tie5*111 as they a ALL I] A job 14 SA BIJ DYSTEPSI CONSTIPI BELDAM STON F. 1', 11' :1o01 nal Thous the z.bove $: per bon EVEI Just shown Oar Everyto