The Signal, 1892-5-26, Page 22 THB SIGNAL: comma ONT., THURSDAY, MAY it, 18f!• THE POETS KORNER Rem .ty alseaaer's t....... le thy scum .f eadnfsrt waning' Rim and .hese It with soother, And taroegh all the yeah d famine I4 akin serve thee and thy breaker. Love Dins, will 1 1 thy .termho.m. Or 1b7n um handful .uU renew : feomat fafor will Mere Make • revel felon fur two. For the hart grews rich is giving : All ita wealth is bring grain : is.ds, whteb mildew in the renter. Scattered, till with gold the plata Is thy burden hard •af heavy Ib thy .ups drag wesril Help to bear thy brother's t:ud will bear both it and thio Numb and weary oa the mount•.., Wonldet thou sleep amidst the snow • ('hate that frozen forst beside thee, Aod together both shall glow. Art thou stricken to Ides battle ! Many wounded round thee moan • lush on their wounds thy bananas, and that lulu, shall heal thane own. Is thy heart • well Ott empty Bone but t;ad tle . mid can pill Nothing but a careless fountain Can its ceaseless longing still. la the heart • living power • Self -engrossed itastrength .inks low ; It can on y live in loving, And by veering love will grow. REDEEMED. "ill give up this .ort of thing alter I am married," mid Perry R•lst ase be raised ► glade half-611ed with dark -colored liquor end drained it to the last drop. •' Better reform before the event takes place. or the little .vom;an who takes you in nand may Lind her task a pretty hard one," mid the young men's companion in • jokine tome. Perrys tape flushed and his hand teem Med as he replaced his glam upon the coon ter. " What do you mesa to laminate he asked angrily. " Nothing, nothing whatever, replied the young nun hurriedly, evidently anxious to avoid a quarrel. " ('once," he mid eare- laealy, " suppose we take a .troll up Broad - As the two yo.11g oleo mantered along arm in arm no one would have imagined that they were p;.rle intro hated, or that they had been upon the verge of a quer rel. The man wh.m reasoning powers have hese destroyed by the demos Hum stands upou a ,mouldenag volcano which 'nay at any moment destroy him, body and soul. Many • life has been forletted or spelt be hind the bars of a prison is payment of the blow given to remeut • taacied insult. Father, mother. wife had child are mode to feel the unjust fury of a drunkard's fre.ay, and as they crouch trembling at the sowed of the dreaded footstep, may God in His infinite mercy watch over them " You are not goiug out tonight, Perry! 1 thought perhaps you would like to hear she new song that I have been practs- Lag •• Bother the song ' Krug Bertie out of the nurser . he will eiyuy it immensely mid Perry Halston as he drew on his verr- uca. Toe young wife turned aside her neat to hide the tan that dimmed her eyes. " Non couldn't have me give up the club, Myra! The fellows would my that 1 was henpecked: and you wouldn't hale them ever think such a thing now would yon, Myra'" asked Perry persuasively. "OH course not," replied the little woman emphatically : " but -but. " I am glad my wife has common sense," interrupted Perry. Pressing • careless him upon the quiver• tag bps of the wife whom he had promised to love, cherish and protect, be walked hur- nedl away. Game I'll have to tura over • sew leaf after a while," muttered ferry. " I'm glad them 1 married • seeable woman. 1 ebonite - ate solum, 'Candle lectures,' and all that sort of thin." "T10& dreadful club ' ' axe/mused Myra. .o Why d.. Yen" spend so much of his time there ! 1 try to sake hs boon pde.mn1 ; 1 Mee eve gives up *pendia( . mob time with baby . that 1 will be aide to attend to my masse. Perry used to be iso proud .f my ideate, but Lyteg her head Spon the arm el her chair, the bole wanes sobbed, until � �hly esbaasted, she fell uw • drip Five bean pater she was ar.am� by feehng • beery hand ape her shoal. dr. •' What in the mischief are ou da lag bar at this hour " ascbim.d • loud eon". " firm have been waiting forme, the soea5r you Map that sort of thing the better it will he.r sprang is her feet and .w bee bit . laaaing against the wall- There wee a o adiin leer upon kis .ouateaaaes, and his body swayed to sed fro, es he made as effort to Mand erect. A startled look crepe into m M Ralston's dark eyes, and without • word else left the seem and walked slowly tip the stirs to- wards the nursery. O baby, baby ' she rammed, .bald g opts her hams by the side of bet sleep- og child, my cram is greater than 1 caa bear ," ' Miffed, s she ' said Perry with • snow, as his wife eieappeared through the door- way. " litter not wait for ns again !bat's all I've got tom " he .secluded in • muffled voice. He onot have roatinued his remarks even if he had sleeked to do eo, far by this time be wee esteaded upon the 1 br.athntg heavily aid filling the at- meap a nth the foeses of the vile stuff that has hese the .hese of m many enfold heartaches. As hour later Myra Rauh, with la. bincheAd to • death -Bite entered the roan. She paused beide the reeembeat bgnn and clasped her beads convulsively. Hot tears fell from bar band% eyes, and her hends trembled as tit gike.d • large shawl upon the form of the me VIM lite hnsgiast &strew and WS a itallM t `might bee bens am t mMlappberas Paso alga ! "The mime of lily y 1 - tit. i• Ae1e i Way Ile ►leek ergs .t dselsdei Ile tempered by a mt> • . • • A word of rioter men are I Me eseral i. • fourth rale burr aril it die leu pearl al the city. A dna . ebb y dre.asd r bairn ar mss• Wow M gra him poet w.S MM " Cain% de it, Rearm. a en ewe tis .s deisms now, aid the bees gams odes to shut dews es yea," said the barkeeper, His- tea.Mailing the �. star: g.w •rl'u take the ria.," said the visa, tmt.� kis dyers area it gaudily ; " hot will have topity of W old wss se," noled►elo with a tantalising laugh. 1 t was Herts'. neo. Myra gave it tome to buy bread and coal, ' ttauered Perry, as be t armed away from the bar. There to • stir at the door, had the seat comment • man bearing a child in W arms eaters the room -• Gores this youngster's dem for ; I found him in • mow dant elder the wiw- dow," mud the sem, moviag towards the stove. '• Throw the brat out wilt ; there's no mom for bum barer mid the pre prrt.r brutally, at the 1"m same e elating forward se if to carry out hid Lebaanon or- der S.eiag tkot he had goes too tar, the m•s drew beck ..d permitted the perms who held the child to •pproseb the bre. As be luted the limp form the old cap that cover- ed the child's head fell off, disclusiag a mea of golden brown nogkte that da•tae.d above a brow so white that it seemed as though the •. Angel of Death " bad already cleansed the little one. The warm glow of the fire revived the child. Rasisq hs heal, he said faintly . " lot see go, map ; 1 must rind ?go" The blue eyes wandered from face to face, the child's lips quivered : thea • succession of quick sobs echoed through- out the room. -''1 figure crouched is • distant corner of the roo:n moved usessily, then lifted his heal and glanced around. As the child caught • glimpse of the ia- divdu•1 • smile illumined his pinched fea- tures, and, reaching out its arms, he ex- claimed "'There's paps ' See, papa. I tried to stop it when it tame out of mamma's mouth :' He held out hu thin little hands, which were covered with specks of blood. Perry Ralston bounded to bre feet, and, eloping his boy ion his .nice, sped like the wind towards the miserable teoenient which but partly sheltered his wife and Mold from the cold blasts of wind that struck a chill to the heart as it whistled mournfully around the miserable old build- ing. Mill clamping hu iight burden, Perry mounted the rickety stain and entered the room where his wife lay upon her miserable Iced, so white and still that, for a momeat, the wretched imp thought that her spirit had taken flight. In his talcum. agooy he threw himself beside the bel. "t.) Myra. Myra, my darling, I have kill- ed you! Will you never come back to me again felt the eft pressure of a hand upon his head ; musing his eyes, he encountered the tender rare of his wife, wbo, eren though her trust had been betrayed, stall bred the miserable creature who had, through his longing for strong drink, plunged himself, his wife, and his child law the seething whirlpool that 5 ever groaning to esgulf all that are too weak to resist temptatuo.. The child Itertre crept close to the aide of his mother and, closing his eyes, slept the peaceful sleep of childhood. The spirit of peace seemed to have en- teral Myra Talman's heart. l'erhaps her near apsroach to the dark river had enabled her to lift the veil of futurity : for, still clasping the hand of her husband. Ube, too, slept. . Pepe are you going out tonight ashen • bre rt•fece.l boy as he glanced eagerly into the fa -.e r•e a gentleman standing scar. •• Where could I find • better place or more congenial company asked the gentle man smiling. " Besides.- be continued, '• mamma a not well moonier, and we will have to contrive something foe her armee- meat. What shell it be, dear"tensing towards the frail armee that occupied • great easy chair near the open Pic iec p l-ou an always dome something to promote our h. pine.., Perry," said the paps lady, smiling. We are very happy ra Bars and 1: yet sossetimeu, who. I think of ef- " " We om.00t entirely blot out the pot," mid Perry Ralston s • tremulous voice. " My .t a.nwit shall be life- long devotion to my God and my loved ow. 1 know that to the life beyond there is • peace which ps.etb all urdentasdisg,' and a reward in the love of • ,savior who suffered and died that i might be redeemed." -M.A. Thurston u N•twssl Temperanw Advocate. C. C. RiefkIaue & Co. • (;atrmestr5,- The top of my heed was bald for several years. 1 used MiNARD'S LINIMENT, and now have se good • growth of heir as I ever had. Mss. Aueauy McRet. R beatly River, P. F.. I. 1 bare mod MiNARD'11 LINIMENT freely ea my bead end sow have • good head of heir after Meng been Ir•W (or 'semi year. It s the may hair saner I have ever found. Mae C. Avsaatm... Stanley Ridge, 1'. K. 1. le THE TRAVELLING DAIRY. and the Miscall's', West M is .Lima Tase.d..t ter l'revlarv. The travelltag dairy seems to he • sur.... O Canada, end if its personae mantissas is aged to ite promise, the Canadian farmer will never have cause to regret its inception by Mr. Jobe Dryde•u. It was le also first conceived the idea of seeding s travelling dairy through this province to give the far- m rs, their wives and daughters, practical instrusioes in better making, sad to arouse • keeper interest in duty matters generally. For thin purpose he .Maned $ small amp. proprieties from the Legislature, pad ea coo ulttne with President Mills, el the At. ricultural College, they decided to mod out Professor Ikea sod tee assimilate, who ware to taker with them • complete outfit el lwattermaking and milk testae apparatus, and to hold westinge at varies plum. Doris( Meptamb.r ten of the ladiry 1.11 fain were vested. ..d in Dreher twelve meetings (iedsdieg attendance at three fain) were held h Aum. pont . Daring the owning months it ie to n-eemt- ttsemp. the work imago leis your, and kgm.r5 should certainly aot lame a op P.rbanity of this sort, width le la the lino not only of instruction but pelt. Aar -.nano. Is.e y hoes made by Peaelde.t Mille for • large aember of asset Ops deputation' es is chane d W..1. R R A. lir. Palmer, • gradear o1 the A °Ykarat College, montes Professor Dean mut year, in kis traveling dairy work Be bit lately bees atteadi.g the famous (kdr, oohed at Medius, Wb., and viitiag ems u/ the ler eentaifeeef r.um.rkt se dila.. Re "U1 be arieh d by Joy Me 7ivfalh, .f Shatertb. whoa at het tended I Dew - tag ▪ the last three year. he Ine sessegml ria Leadesher.' eseamery, .wad by JAW Harsh, of Disdain►. 11i. dgatnlw .torted lam Goseaag'., 1a.i *.sally, ea May 2, wish • main reed malt Ak.0 Sweaty -or me alp will he held is that moody. 1k. Praire. M.PP., d New - hero, .mu/ Freeman Bates, sit (:.a•aaiaa, seresary u/ the inetitate, are making the Leoaaa•ry an.ag.wanta Whet the meet- inip in that uottnty are finished the dsputa- tien will move ea tbro.gb t:res•ille, lien dr, Stort.out, Glengarry. aed bark west through the northers comities. About live uurtug. will be held km weak. The round d.pst los will be in charge of F. B. L 10 .11, R. S. A., of 145b.ra, county of Heron. Mr. Linfield is .leo • graduate of the Agricultural College. He attended the Madison hairy Schou/ during part of the Winter, had hr needy been working in Pretence Roberl.ou', expert meatal creamery pear Woodstock. Hs will be assisted by Janine. Ilona, of Ayton, a butter maker who has had a gnat ileal of experience in practical worn. -Chis depute - eon ,toted is Weetwo.tb oosome with an outfit similar to the first. Their first meet- ing was in ?melons on Wednesday, Nay 4, at 2 r. v. They will pees through Limodn, Welland, Maask, Haldi.mnd sad Oxford. MEN AND WOMEN. Mr. t.1•dstooe's writings till twenty two pages of the British Museum catalogue. Mrs. BaUungtoe Rooth is mid to receive but $7 per week for bar services to the Sal- aams Army. Dr. Jame. Martineau, ramous r a then logien and ethical teacher and the brother of Harriet Martineau, recently celebrated his 87th birthday. T'be Archbishop a Canterbury favors op- enissgg the picture galleries and mesas on 4unday as an antidote to saloons Great Britain's Sunday drink btll is 175,000,000 a year. Mrs. I:ladatooe has an orpb...re at Hawarden with thirty five or forty bo • 5 or t, years old iu it, and she gimes the Ode her personal attention. Mrs. tela Intone isa G. O. W. Mies LOU Harrisoe, of Leesburg, Lomdon count". Va., has been selected as the most beautiful woman in that State to represent it as ode of the original thirteen States at the Columbian Exposition. This is fair to the fair. The money order deportment of the Pitts- burg Pot Office is excessively in charge of Mir MarySteele, and the reoeipte, almost 12,500,0lot year, marc it as probably the largest business Dandled by any woman in America Miss Howe, the woman who won the second prize in the competition for designs for the Women's Building in the Colombian Exhibition,wr • classmate of Mies Hayden, who won the first prize in the unto. In- atite u/ Technology. 1)r. Haynes Agnew. the great Philadelphia aurgeoe, who died re•ceutly. made it a rule to charge his patients strictly according to their circumstances. Those of moderate mse•n. paid 12 for each •sit, whale. wealthy patient was often charged from. 11,000 to $2.500, and the wife el an English nobleman once paid 120,1/00 for • single operation. Otto Mears, president of the R10 Grande Southern Railroad, when a lad of ten years ran off from Russia u a cabin boy on a lum- ber sloop in the Gulf of Finland, -and a year later he found himself in San Francisco with a single 1250 ifoM piece. He was a soldier in the war In California, thea • burro pack- er and an ex driver. Afterward he develop- ed into a railroad costrsctor, and ever siaoe he has been on the high tele of prosperity. He owns farms and .attle ranches and has helped to make and unmake Colorado t'om gresemeo and Senators. Mears is now a wiry, rather dnedup looking man of 52. TEMPERANCE SENTIMENT. Welke • •seep. 'there is a temperance lessee tin the fol- lowing anecdote- A farmer owe employed • young man to labor ,upon his lar., with- out knowing anything of his habit. AU too soma the farmer found that his now hand was addicted to drinking Medians. and this habit interfered with hie useful. D OW "• Joh., said the farmer to the mea, " 111 give ye one 0 my but sheep if yell give up drinking while ye work for brae." • Is s • baryon." declared the man. A grows son of the termer, overhearing this agreement, looked op, and asked, " Pa. will you give me • beep, see : if 1 will ..t drink this masers •''s.," replied the father, "you may lave • sheep." Then the little boy .pole up. and maid, " Pa, will yes give int • sheep. too, if 111 sot drink! S., soh, you shall have • sheep After • rasaaet ■ pa.e the little hey darned to hie father, and mid. " Pa, hadn't yea hotter take • .beep, too I dorso, I demo," the father replied, doabtfally, .red then .sddealy concluded, "1 decks' i'll try it and me f" The old gest1emss wow beard afterward to declare that be male the beet is - vestment of rasp that •.sees he weer triode in his life. TO. 11,0611111 SMega prem T1s Netfaawxfllnlwr H.tld. Philadelphia has as anis-treatise society and it pee it• brit annual dinner in that city • week ago, all account of which agree that it was • brilliant e'00• . Mom than @pity members were present and the officers reported that they bad received a Iur masher of applications for membership . the ergsaiestios. The Anti•T eathtg society is os.iposed of club men who have banded together n e .fart to abolish this Antenna custom of treaties. It is an orgssired protest against the Mbit of treating not oal bemuse it is riotous i. practice, bet fou/ in theory .red ss.esd in prbriple. No or .t all familiar with the whi•et seed he told that this habit o1 treating is one of this moat conducive in. Meese to intemperance. The oma who iso a ethos ales, bays • shies of and departs. rarely accumulated a jag. Oa the .thea hated, ddoeee per e ons enter • •sres sod me says " Geoe boys, it's MAL" It is coa•ilered quite the proper Wag. as • rule, for the rest of the crowd to repeat the invitation and by the time the party is reedy to break up the individ.•l members thereof are quite likely to have imbibed mor. than they or cao- vesiesatly arra and if see actually istox• bated ares • kir way to become se. The tholi s. of the habit of treating would de more to reduce the stations of o]reakensem in the 1.1151 Steles sham all the leagi•Isti.e rMMrietse that new I M ret kms or ever will be enacted.._ Rttglia1 Spawiti 1411111111111111 re rar,ves all Merl, sett our caltraaesd heap and blemiehee from harem, Mort spaeie,enrlm,.ptiets, rim Imam, .wewa.7, .tiles, sprainst sore ,urea owellen threat, cough., ate. flava 150 by mee Of owe tittle Warrented the meet wead.f.l biami mer ►.ewe. Reid y F. Jerome, 413.17 t M.staw M1 Clnittilnt. The preemie ed Massing M'. and boys' lathing i. perfectly style, though Sher ies..a.J aoirdaarrnt. Diammei, taarm.su .ad with materials win stood weelon,. and if • art, vest or pen d woman 1. very dirty er Shiny this s the beet wyr b dims .ad tomb's it op It le the way the pro /.ssirsal scourers do it. runt, slake a strew s.o.p emits with clear Warta weber. Never ..oh cloth w water that bits been used for other tftttrg., aa it will make it linty. Somme the gareeruts up and down is the audit std rub out all duty pl.c.s sod grease •pole It .ray each soiled, it may go through a mooed suds ; thea roma well through .w1eral memos as emus as rho suds Sud Imo./ up to dry. Whoa impost dry roll It up for an hour ur w . then pre.. It. The secret el pxtrsuug without banal the good. b....• •huuy 5. to put r piece W old muslin lmtw.m the goods and the iron and to take up the trop wuhout la, before the steam stops riuug from the cloth. If there are hail wrinkles, ur shiny pieces. put • wet .lath over them and pros with • hot tree, uut furgutti s W lilt off the umwhim the full hoop 4 at..m is ruing, au that the nap of the cloth will be lifted. e '• ■stetmesdal nares.." 'flu following uaa lust *tern ta.ued to the Salcatiou Army w Englaal •• S*frt y natchse are mow uuole by the Social %flit', without sulphur or pea pborus, which will flame without .t.rtkiag. What do we mean ! Just this That if yes are uun,+rnrd and do not luuw whore to °home is partner, you own communicate with (i.looel Parket, klatrimosu.l Bureau, 101 Queen Victoria street, E. (' . and be will toot probably :pet you rub lest what you want- y lovable end Peopie Wander WIi EN they final how rapidly health 1�� is r.•.tored by taking Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The reason is that this preparation; contains oily the purest and most powerful alteratives had tonin. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of Ilk. Mrs. Jell. Lie, Brockway Centre, 11JLh., writes 7 " Liver eompfaint and fadigestlon made my life • burden and ,time near ending my existence. For more than tour years I suffered un- told agony. 1 was retired almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. AL kinds of food distressed ten•, and only the most deli- mit ,old be digested m a11. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do lacy per- manent good until i began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which bag pro- Mused wonderful results. Soon attar c.esmeaciag to take the Sarsaparilla I .bald see an Improvement O my condition. my appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength Unproved each day, and atter a few 'maths of faithful attention to your directions. 1 found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine bas gives tae a n ew bone of 114, and I caaaot thank you ton much-^ • We, the undersigned, citizens of Brockway Centre. Mich.. hereby certify that the above statement, reads by Mrs. Lake, le true la every particular and entitled to full credence." -O. P. Chamberlain, O. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Druggist. "• My brother. in England. was, for • Wag time, unable to attend 1 . his ooeta- ytion b rear. a/ stns on his foot. I sent bin Ayer's Almanac and the tee- tas.oniais it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it a little while, be was eared, aad is now a well man, working in • sugar mill at Brisbane. Queensland, Australia" - A. Atteweu, Sharbot 1ak., Ontario. Aysr's Sarsapariiia, n atraaa er Dr. .I. Q Ayer a Car, Lowell, IMMMs. >lMesp;.1s. basin, et. Worth M a bolas. ANS TMt Insplogplits No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It toes not separate nor It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach Can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Alk tar "C -e D k L " L• mu!sies, sad ream as others. rams COC an* el Ks S07rlt. Bold by Ir. Jordan. >felsars Ai arias A NIMAr ATENTS satwfi.s i�ii� licit�wnku ewe re • MO PRIZES FOR STUPID PEOPLK %' who h3�ht�J_�/� ;a �• g_• without 11107 . I F s, .. u • ass id the !Male cues Mil c i•• r a ' t!aw theft tf rebus ave may tenth! a frigid • i.', i, w I' e- •u Italy • 1 1 yob? tr Milds. 7 t. mn.t,., of Tea LAI)Ililb• Pit, t*R1At. WIaC':LV or.rs either aur-ct..s V-4tht t, a Amur ler '1 brow Hundred t lase te the •l.., ret ds trills fired carr,,, mistime •o the.b.•.r u.i...ti a teat rd •t a r qtr "ewe-, Ili:, Ear L, +, .ecosd Corvert soIl...• 5 a r.•m?tel � . aur �w•�Kyo: ropy.. t!.•tb:rd .. art .0 ur...t• . 1 ads: til m'aaei I w each el sem thesis c,.,.. ism. t .rte, s gala 1)re.. p ,cern .�t•') sols I* a ,v orkre' to cuk }I tseat in COMM tors. eas,uar.nt Dinnsard rrenem ('war'! 4u14 I. -reach et the leer t ten. E reedisig • rcl ti.rn ingot ser osa with the rt'w. Ina el oe. cent .5..„," , le ecnh�t I'•pnr• mortb;s trial .mbar ; let tr5.5 eaphil 1., THE LADtliar p° ,i- T'Ofi! EI:IaLT. 4'-smla'r .Lt;.1� oetl,ilUehlN_rd w•n'.ytr1.r. Tt.r cd .AIM cost -!',1 «,ret •maiden berry tion ;amain ma rec. in first reward, had D ash aloe 1• cider u leccred. '" Pm the correct seam,. reecho, tut k rt!ercJ a 111,,, pate* v l ek ..luted at Iy ho r tie soar to its la•i • 1.1 10 tea. i i k .d g..tet p. t1r+'11ratmaseanal Far itlege I r nee 0,1 ho..rth and fifth Isom t'•e het w.e bre a, ted d se rlel:.n' 2v1.4 (intd N .tea it, ike ,i•.u. ',oath.e•;h.` uh, n'nth s..4 test. $ •.••t I. •• f"t • .1 Art be :o riled saber a ASIk 'Luis lattIeen (.n :.:: ' Fermi to Lay mho: a Berke Stare Ilea. i•' • tf: •. , pi. c. s. 11 there abet:el be tie stz r. r n oar tw".,.re,! potsses aM4; u•; • ,r..- • .ol.ttoas to this roe. r cb wilt be me: dad wi di a a Wit a I'o'ta. 01411ue4 rem* receiving kenos ,em oil: be pub+:vea1I.. 1 l is ;,Naewt evl :,nyen lltsoigh '.t Canada. Extra twr't,ice•w all M to n obit w$t'Irr t..: • abet to taves.l.g the lineal♦ tuts Gee ul ;h,, 1 , mien:c to astst w.ray. T7ts c kisol is % t u i!on t. s pr:la- rats t. so 1-s:t ,r.•-ti...t• 1 • '• 11ntrs t.". ' t ii.t.".kw. mtkSt sisal!t M alloft ea$eb-prang• iterate-:. It'.:t:..:.a.tte '•M-:" tMrre'usl..•.tsy1 I rra.thr,ar 1.r..rel . r • -,.. , aro ftr:743 cru, surbelky is raoraaraeea 1n a w - tits "ravels. .1.. 5..410/01.3 ••ars hi. ..0 ..r Lion hoe t....v)r. Addie.: LADIES' PPCTO"IAL WEEILT, - !gib TOaONIO, CANSO*. t/ c tri cw.< river taupe -at put., VI 011 SUPPLY SOU 3PRII9 11018811118, TAe Venders* Rent rood, ArcdZeaf fsrJlouwraaJall plow*, Goring Seed. Plurer Seeds-apsertni rwriefy. jf rse jedsGl i. - 4 Oen (Amditioes Powder. - ..aiiy lad Quinas Phn,ilnrc The odd rrl:abk, prom filmed l t fur bur olieseiwy. t 7 ...r M.f.1 Pekin, I hr .12 md.l v Jr. C. GOODE, - A. 1). ( . Veda *as.patw, far preardliM jar. Sassafras /litters. .4 yer'. Sarsaparilla, B.AR. and dR Irndiy para., THE CHEMIST. 713J` v 'V ,V "cream PHOENIX: LESSIVE gOTS AND falba of THE TAM. TREATED ... wasease-Tfa. sr. - 0.~' - via y,..s..a - pmmm podia XL. 1 1 d 1.4.11x%+• tau ta sosiClatana r, mow Oaf cern Tao Watrntri- t pe tie a al t►. riedortion 00ne menthe .( the , myw the aver. Ile 41 The latest and best 3ompoand for cleaning and washing. Will not injure the finest fabric. Used and recommended by the leading institutions of Canada F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL -wits - TheLatest and, Bun 0 UR Mlat DOEAOH has just returned frim Detroit and e4ber cities with the latest and best ideas is Spring Millinery, ani will be pleased to give the benefit of her experience to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity who desire to avail themselves of her services MRS, R. B. SMITH. Glasgow Hower, Mardi 23, 1898. NOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just received a very amiss ism tl: NEW T EAS! •-+--1oTpa'r1U0 Of BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Wkioh wo ;nor•ntra IA est at lord 10 Cents per Pow Cheaper Than oan be bought from pedlars. A trial order will ate - vino) yon of the trntltness of this assertion. We also sell the best OO77fl obtainable. REES PRICE & SON. 2 11 v fh. Average tali r 4591* at tke 4 .5..e average* are • IS 15 = , N'.rddo cl Toroeto ' a.ntenhsrst Ike pnekliR& 13 6e . I.rru.l though o mote the •ver. ge piatpitatr.n of 9 ay.th. crammed 4 is lmdbaa d soot we a.eraje for t u. tau tea years. W fir .1pnl to speak • hon: whole to wane and genial. tan hos ranged fr swam with Int , ether:v had nor Fiat \CaiAT. 1.50411 a very fare sal tb..-rop - pal pre.*r el an ea l.-o•smr when tip .or.l by a outfit.% •.1 Ow: slightly ▪ •.w Sri very rap m,h. until About n teed. whon 11 seer fn.tr nag • tinea follow e rihu4 the west) Montalto growth O ani, 500410n* ti • te.ureai,l set l rows hat browns •: . cn! &flashed maul *4)015 • eeatbel was ear u a.iyent, if pot wdi d.,ni.tless :q reprds the coal. .rel* although t u looking +arm loons anti .ants ahl blac'I wet l.n.hs at has t••rn frost. The •�ippee�waar te have l Hereon fly dal a tise on early ere err,- worm nil !soft I'ractaca larrt% .s to the c from the count' water., nn rtt-enu vu/ not start the elope F:acept proem tudicai4 to wheat will 1 tht ;uta, .l tune tie of May it N lust• for gorwl WIvrta RIC rrgeetaog met -reIt tuffs killing, nail 't quite wlsfacto to a very lame rule to early M 'off se. -As eh -wet winter*. Moser,, male trate of writing weld be rsprm proem indicat potion .of the rather light yw le.rtt n.me fro pas Bay c Naos, lere7 ■ lions feu • fab nearly all oth 4reeth od last 4.1 held•, whit owl for the n s , etletnuent 1! •h.a.v;T."n 67s.where *ha ''•.owl, tunable heating, u 1 .a low, frosts b est* .extent. fa.rrATwua uulturt 'mutter reesai .tole hue Iittl mess wf .tpril. 1' the early p 5 ngnrnwe c •rwthen, had vie-. an risk the m5foonesh h• smith, u sesame the -aril coastal ess districts, 17n5 hrfloO kind• love Soh .+.itis owleg t- .r.ewl• of Ato the ttstecoin, many lamb. Mgt en set