HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 146 finutn: acittnaidt. chit. st , Ata a r ti:140‘,.. THE ROAD TO WOtlaia• m m tate. nwaaS.•d W. their-Meretaes nod O.sset Wert...ds.d. What shall I do to dvaaes myself ! m a puilhs "eked by many young w whoa few ernes area shah Wigs= maw Tse sway an apt to meow it by sews" tag that ease briniest maeserMseh. M the tabour. that ie teepee the pathway of w- ow before than. Briniest nose eteN+kee, hrwever, slays ferry with Ib roast riche, and as a rule, the •dvansemeat made by pmsistent effiert is the ,•last, sweet ad meat "eery of •ttaiamsat. Is aheosing a pre - Swim or • trade, A is ell the Want Wi- portaaw to Delete oat that le easgenW to the toter ; had. havies chasm one, to stiek N it, for then is a wonderful element of macaw la the "whim thM while ser to shot. How way d ear mot woesasfd fern have dues to the pathway worked out, at tines when fainter hart would have ahaedoaed the tank and sought refuge is .este bar dimia.h oocaped** • 1 , LOW •gosd trade • is that • good profusion' are gem tow that may be at all tines ..,cared by " Yes, for those with the shinty eleeemry ter their pursuit sed who possess UMIA r- *overa•oe which tre8 ..owes at a0 *am demands. It is Indeed folly to expect to start out upoe may career with the p,May of pro- gress as ploidy mapped out as V hid dolma upon a tart : for Jl these thine regulate thews and while • permit which promisee all things May prove wtir.ly us - successful, one appsreatly very uninviting rosy lead to rapid program. AU oocups- cions have their periods of activity and of dallneaa, and the brisk buateem of today may be the dull oar of tomorrow. Be especially usretfal not to overestimate your own abilities. It is very natural to feel quite convinced of your perioral ability, sad to be aggrieved that your aorta are not more specially reougnised by employers ; but net moored that in the end employers will recognize any capabilities you may possess at to proper value,ad are at all times eager to •vest themselves of any elemente you may possess that are advantageous to the pursuit of their business. If, on the other hand, your ability u recognized, bear in mind that you ere fairly established upon the right Path, and be careful not to succumb to the inducemente offered elsewhere by a slight advance of remuneration. In • position held by dint of appreciated labor, there are s pat many advantages that are not vier bele upon the surface, and which can scarcely exist in • new position. First of all is the consideration that you are making progress, so that, be the ob stecles what they may, you are surmount - tag them. This is a great point, because is • new position you do not know what ele- ments of opposition may arise. Next bear io mind that the length of time you have been in one employ is • valuable element : you are becoming identified with the busi- ness , you are getting more familiar with It : and, above all, you are teatime s reoatation in tt. You are also forming around you s number of business acquaintances, who will be useful to you as long as they live. How often do we hear the remark, " 010, So-and- so rose because he had s friend who could push him ahead "' As a rule. however, the disposition to advance another does not arise from friendship, but rather from a full confidence to his ability ; men possessing the elements which raise thein in business arc usually tori just, too keen -sighted, and too careful of their own reputation, to risk the same by reoominendiag others mat of porn frieadsbtp : because, as compared to getting a good appointment, keeping it is tee banes more difficult. The road , u success is nota roy road. but is toter/Miy straight snd sero o e. An• arty and watchfulness for eneass readiness to relinquish what u already gained for something apparently more inviting, is more often • by -way than the highway. The energy expended in this w• will pay a man • hundred fold more inter if directed to becoming proficient in hit daily duties, in learning the science of los occupation. and studying its necessiti He should study trot only in, but out working hours,wheo his daily- duties are dad. It s this which will enable tutu data' duties to be per- formed er formed more e•aij'r and efficiently. In fact, every jot of k wledge gained after the hours of daily - bor is capital which will bar ample iprtereet. There wet sometimes ctreumstaoces which may inter{upt a successful and worthy car. ser in buiias, but in such • came it is only =to begin over again,undiscouraged increased increased determination to succeed. One/of the greatest muses of failure is a dis- Iike to strenuous exertion, especially when manual labor is entailed. Too m•.y young trees get the ides that because they we "mart" they ought to be able to live by their wits anti they shift about from pillar to pat in any occupation that does not is) pore what is ooa►monly termed mewl la - her. This indeed, is • sad mistake. All we cannot, in the very stature of things, learn or follow • trade, but those who ere adapted to do so will find the pursuit less oaerout and mors remunerative than that of eetaring some other pursuit because of a die• like to manual labor. Had operative becomes • skillful work- nra, he is a sower even though be does not attain riches ; and if he permits this latter fat to make him dieseatwtd, tt is not an evidence that his career hem not bees • we cess, bat esNrr dist he permits • . eerbid feeling es that point to overshadow hie moors as a workman. It seers to be • human proclivity to wish that ose's oec.p.- ttoo had bees something este than that which it actually is, and we often hear it aid, " if 1 had my life to pees over again 1 would Se a so— aad-as."" Ws bard the fallowing remarked a few her If meo y father had educated me until I was eighteen years 1 siesta set he required to toil at the beeoh. " The reply Po the was ss well ohoesa that we give it is fella fellows • 'That is a miM.kea idea. Whoa • young mos, of eightee. or twenty years old and with • geed deceits., w.ts oat to ars his own limn he le pitied. What is be fit for ! He karma .ethieg of my mai s beeeinees, and Inas so ezpmiwnee of either badness, ne the world : he ma perform elided work. bat so me the office boy who went into the Dies as fourteen years •M and hail • year M sight wheal. H. e.s probably do the saw work as the boy, bit he owe* work ter the boy's pay i he emaant •geed to start M the boglsaisg, tet dries to jotnp 'rte • middle pasitias white hes ate capable et healing. The ib la hie .ttpmisr, Wow* m Be W lammed s.sNhista el the meths . ad .f the psetiselar, j.msnteww..11tIbM eft bad will i Hpertiesiar bedew ein li s wTwel,sdthe leyeets Madge few the else b• forked ey up. astirer peliden =7idemselles- a , with the unless eE • eight eseignifea wf M a bol ter may stWsrp bare mod linedlosh bud BMestd taWWII ea • 464 Dues r==.bees j 1 it be be the best isaiMl- 1 ever rtri sold N ot sat MAW sallseing ham • terrible her.isg psis is the pit 4 .y st esseh. 1 seed six beadle .f B. B. H sod am (lad 1 did se er 1 Wald have been M sty ewe te- dy, it osmpbteely enrol sus. 1 take • bei - de ..try Ogees( .d wad nes be w1hase it if it oset110-• btllWa 8 Date Pentar, Marley, Alb. this.semens. -err rowfpywa A writer is thetW W oestaUy enssisa to pm the f nnmarbe, Mina may be useful she to "'time are preachers who never may • Ming which ham set been 0441001... ad is is day of thews he the ha•ria seats . mein which tuner truth into truisms. and pathos tate *Wades. Ministers mast preach the old ✓ apid, but they are not *impelled to be The ..wm.psn have mads it as tm• pomibilit ter dell preachers ow to be e choed with gssid •tteatios, eves if they are tolerated..sd itj is set meept.d that shay will be t.Msesd very long If they MOM what they my wawa they preach, IN theta he is wow ; lot them feel the trims= of the service-- far it is • m floe. ansa A real preacher is the ste.sfmi of a arewa w be won by bim- mdf. The saved .ed wedged hares are to be his crown of rejoicing at the great day. There will be no dull aoognratioa when that preacher occupies the pulpit who has no greater beppieon than winning the sods of his hearses to the glory of the Why aquaedr maoey to eapeners doc- tors' bills when De. Williams' Pink Pills for Pak People offer so chap and positive • blood badder, terve tome and Sprmwy recon- structsThe most marvellous remedy of the age. (titres where doctors have pro- nounced sees incurable. Sold by all deal• en, or snit en receipt of prima --b0 Dents • box or nix boxes for 8250. Address Dr. Williams' Md. 1'.., Brockville, clot , or Morristown, lie - Y. Beware of imita- tions. A Metier and aka la.". From The St. Louis ttepublte. The mother and her boy were waiting for the train in the Albany station, when the dullness was broken by a funny figure of an old woman, in rusty rowo, a cat.kin muff and tippet, and • black bonnet made of u many odds and ends as a magpie's nest, and - her take front askew. She kept cbewi on nothing, working her umbrella and ing and shutting the other hand in ide glove in the sonless way of old people. The high school girls began to Utter and make jokes to each other, 'retching the old lady far too openly for good manners, or any manners at all. The rang lady is the /mart tailor suit who gives read' nge al y school concerts smiled hack at them studied the okl creature with a ye. The boy to ugh quietly with the rest. " r. Isn't she funny' I)o I Dal you ever hoe h • sight' " The mother glanced delicately and t timed her eyes. " Poor lady," she said. Ile was &debt, considering. " If I hadn't yon," she went ow, " and had lost cif my money, and gneved over all I had 1 t in money and friends till my mind tonched, and diced alone among queer , I might look just like that wo She must have been very gond- !oohing when she was poling." The boy's mouth twitched, a lie turned is gaze from the poverty piece, as some of the gtrla called her, to hie pleasant mother, and, as the old woman went prowling about, looking for something, a light step was st her side, a cap raised, hat a kindly, boyish voice asked •' Can I do anything for you. madam '. " " 1 was looking for some place to buy scare eteekermi ter,.' mid the ofd awl, nod ding carelessly and blinking with weak eyes. " 1 dike checkerminte if they're Bos- ton brought, but I don't seem to see any, and then used te. be a boy with a basket come round in the Fitchburg depot, and I thought maybe I could find him here." "Shell I get you some at the fruit stall" - said the boy politely to her, but with dash- ing glance at the giggling girls, which some- how did not sake them feel proud of them- r_lvea Then the mother watched her boy lead the old wontan to the candy stall and stand by her courteously, pointing out this aad sst(gsting the other, till she made her fuablieg purchases, and escort her across the hurrying poserto her seat is the train, out of his own compassionate young heart. 'Ilydeer boy '-' was all she said as he mese back to ber, but it wan breathed in a voice of mimic, and .he looked most happy. The boy steed close to hie mother, thoughtfully, one. hand just staving to cou, ass her. Their train called, he picket up her parcels and marched prokrtingly by bor. " You have a boy, mother, who will take care of you," he said, lifting his eyes to hen at the rate. fled'. te.I SSt tel oyes a.uaayis. A Osnsq ■inners r.. e. Front Tbe New fork Wort, Four months ago two mother monkeys aad their three months' old babies were put en exhibition in the Central Park Men- agerie. They were the property of Mn. Really 1 ooklin, wife of the es director. They ware of the Mang•by species, add omx•npted nee cog.. A month ago one of the enothers died, leaving • little orphan behind, whish "docker" subsoluently adopted. The other mother and baby were plaited in a osier by themselves. Holiday aftersoeo, without warning, the baby fell from its perch and did. it had always bees lively and well. 1t had not been weaned, sett the malts loved it with an affection almost Memo. The mother was nearly frantic at the death d raggles of hr baby. She plotted it op in her ares and hugged it to her breast, and tne.l to make it mars After it WY dead she refused b give it up N Keeper Cook , het feaght for the poesss.iee of ber baby for an hour, at times midis( in • eerier, straining theto her West, sed utter- ing that imam West,little wry peculiar to the sioskey tribe whim see al it...sber dies. A Who she was thoroughly tired met, Cask get over her and meek her . her. ear.nhe the r'" ioor.1 the day she paved to sod fro Conk 1in ner 1eggu isks it did fnt bar frone .eesthf.g it ate wide" mine of the visitors threw fete the alga Rash& Spans liniment rose..s a0 hard, sett r esteemed hempr and blsmbees hes Menti 1ted rkee'`gYte. tea,ilvee •ei IMO y o w el ... Wile Wr.aaMi the wet wstedsehil blond ver Iowa dad by D. J.dm taly Tess tier A.A.. •.•m•L Mem The Obiehn 1dl ll.a " (hiss hew r' M seohimd, " W44I, .heMM "e/ I was tar ►tis." Oh, well, there's no harry. Wait • few s.inetea" " list a nti.te " I'0 sever be late to eery kind d • asst yds. My wife has 1.5(101 M better." . throe.. lemur" r - "Mem • lecture, hat --well, yew veMVes Minh "may„ " Real sine. corder, juicy mesh •• ()f .tours." " With the mottoes jest right 9" "Ya.. " These setki% w the seers elan with it who • mit is mei hungry, he there !" " No : 1 cant ser that theme ie." " TLmatees, «temettM, terraria, and an such things have to take • trek sat, dost they Well, did you ever sat a red good steak coli r' ' Um, yes ; I behove 1 have." •' A► t Now you're is my clam. I was half as hoar ler yesterday and she just let rue of the west stake 1 ser law steed en the table till I sem. Did yen .ver try to meaaore the amount of regret 1n every mouthful of cold steak that yea meld base had bot !" •' ;o home, old mut. Your wife hes all the best el it." A Nevada hearer spent three month looking for a grisly bear, and the Rhea's tea Wives hate spent three months looking fo- kte+. They think be must have found tier bear. .M .. tae other odd ea• Dawn i. VIankIrt day 1 heed la the with • rugged .ed dirty .M hasdketehisk mid, s• 1 let down eleiyride. he remised ; "Seed. d sow, • deal Mit !" et h He MMi des bertlhenhi.f with thereab- out reoe,, and there, e. one of the ices base, an ►.dYoa amp sad half hew, wan a little 61t•• Whom .yen pa hie," " I. the .hest eat theta (let se este b. was Whored." •• Ane whet wW you Oo with him!" ' • Get him had and woes mei K W ser He's • tittle feller •d ertr hive • fair stew." I added ney.sats to Jack's, sad idler • few ideelles the bird baps be neve sheet in • lively .resew and giving vat tee hie smashed= by • aerie al Meiepa. Jack lilted him op, gave beim • tale is the air, and away be salted for his Nest ander • high .eraia. • Boys kin lit .la.g 'oast anyhow," .aid Jack, as he shivered in the cold wind i1Wup from the river, "hut birds is = e fells• that we Ve got to sort o' boost 'sea saw and thea. He's all right and we're .11 right, and good-bye to you. The Leamington Peet ads : - Then is .em- ployed at W. T. McKenzie s carriage factory • man who talk• and waw dawtly niw different languages, and has travelled over almost the entire globe. As • woodworker Mr. McKenzie says be has never seen his wperir. nrssvd'. Yaameaa M ate ey.rywane. WONDER IN WELLAND! A Representative Farmer Speaks. SNI . 411 kerreeMla WAN DIJI1pp$ENTENI NIION 1 11ETa My Lli<Oi• e fir- t CAN smug tl' , —CITY COAL AND wood YARL'. Coal, Wood and Kineling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, Hard Coal. (fest quality chestnut, stove and egg coal constantly on hand. Soft Coal. Beat Shawnee lump oral for use in grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Oo*1. Best quality genuine Blomburgh amithing coal now on hand. Special attention given to coun- try trade. Cordwood. I have purchased 1,000 cords of maple and beech wood, 4 -feet long, from Mr. X. laechler, a( the Falls Reserve, on the river " Menesetang," to be delivered this Winter for town trade, and will he pleased to reosive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated nordwood at prvwent t.srket prices. COAL Spans_ Cornev of Victoria and Angle... seta Ramoaur•• Trafalgar... opposite Be .east k f9oo's °Mee. JOHN S. PLATT, 211M•1y Pso►a'rpes. $900. a '1 `wz..i1 tae awl ('t•tpra••• u i%wMM • Yes ,me warrea.da.d heed. mony of 19 Ouatsrl.a M hertelnitZisslailiewww Jesus of Naa.aMga. meet reemeheMe WI w MR. C. C. HAWN. The following remarkable facts are fully certified to as being undeniably correct in every particular. 1117. Hann is well known in the vicinity, havir ' resided hero over fifty yearn, and is 1.:. '.:y roepected as • man of the strictest. l.u:tor, whams word ti 13 good as hie bond. As will be sec)) from hit letter. f•,•:- physicians had 'Mendel Lint, en 1 It tv:a only after lie had "i c•t ftp b•;I,e of core that he d^cited to try 1':irdock Blood Bitten on the . Mr mcdof a i. of • NAIRN neighbor who had :*,en ct•:n,d of a s r,uiar disease by its tee. :dr liana writes A s f.,. o.rs : Dxaa f3rna,—I t'.'.tfi I harm been ono of the worst sunere: s yon havo yet beard of, having been rut y.an in the hands of four of oar best doctors without obtalr i:•,: permanent relief, but oontiaval•.y semi:::, worse, until eln:o•a beyeed hate of re- soyar,. I triad your Bitters and gat relic! in a few days. Every erten of Sty bale ws4 derang_•t, thn liver enlarged, hs and torpid, then heart and eli::.sti7er seriomu!y dcr..n;rl, es largo abuwesa in my hack, followed by paralysis of the right leg, in fact the lower half of my body was e::tirely useless. After using 11jes oak Blood Bitters fora few days the abler s bast, diac':arging fully ger quota of poll in two bon.-.. 1 felt s• I rprived c sly My re - revery after this sew the curs permassat, .sing thee ter tholinar yaw onset haw) hid as roil health se emir 1 had. I Mifl We on aeceieneillettta, sat that I Need it MA bore my 'yearn in psK-A trooth t tier I think ink of no more ease there bleat I have myself passel thtrfigh sad no words out samosa may thankfulness for such perfect recovery. C. C. Hatt:, Weiland P.O. In this the toM from T. Owen's. E.q., a hoofing of Welland, One ..peak. for : Mears. T. Milburn .t Co. Toronto. Gnsvtssze,--I have personally acquainted with Mr. C. C. Haan for the '&4 10 years, and hews always found him a very reliable man. You may place 410" atstod ooafld.nnn he anythint be oars with regent to your medicine H. has on many omissions within the lest four years told me that it wag marvellous the way the Burdock Blood Bitten had oared him. aid that he now felt as able to do a day's work .a he ever felt in hie life. Al quite well be dill Wee snore B VI! r, ae he sap, to low him he periodhwMbYou s toly, Tn W.45adOM. Ilm Meanly the WO p hew lean oak dbefore t . ! 4 *Mad he i1mcM.gltmerft owes d OA wenareh of mdiinss, the world a fat,mfh blood runner, bats and rese(ator. "August Flower" The Yew. J. W. Vennimore is tete Sheriff d Lest Co., Del.. and Hie it Dover, the Camay Seat and co- lts' of tee State. The sheriff is a gentleman I*y-wifte years of gps. and this is wbst M,I hen ,.used your August Mower Ibt sew- " eral ew•"oral years in may &wily and For my " own nae, aid found it does ms " more good than any other .seedy. " I have barn troubled with whop; 1 " fall Sick Hendsie. A pain comes " in tie ilhck part of soy head fr<nt, " and then was a geseral headache " until 1 become sick and vomit. " At times, too, 1 have a fulbis " after eating a after an " at the pit of the stomach. d ' • sourness, when food seemed to rise " np in my throat and mouth. When " I feel this coming on if I take a " little August Flower it relieves " me, and is the best remedy I have " ever taken for it. For this reason " I take it and recommend it to " others as a great remedy for Dys- •• pepsu, lir." 1 G. G. GABBS, Selo Maoufacterer. Woodbury, !ice Jersey, U. s. A. PATENTS MIMS, TRADE MUMS *10 CSP U1ITS per, sad W busbies. 1• the U. 8. Pastsplot •ts.Md to et MODERATE i/EES. Oar sloe le oypoette the U. B. Pleat Of - la toss time Gee. Wee . ead w sea ob Rite&RUVU MA*. Bead MODEL 01 DR4 WINO. W. ad sloe as to charge ....keXOCJARR UNWIC a TAM PATENT. Wa Mer, bare, te the Poerm•st r. the Baca. sirMeavy Div.. •ed to efoWa d ria L. ft. Pates' Ofoe. For etreolar, .dyte., terms sad referees.• to actual easels la rem Iwo *ate r Count T. writs to C • SNOW d ca.. Oppwrts haw 0111mwashInlos.D.0 Wof S1=R21•TC1- If you are looking for something new in CHAMBER SETS C. A. res Can interest you at ReilsoniiIe Prices. FREE TRADE • 19'GOODS fill;o The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at Tie Toronto Cash Store P. O'DBA, Manager. UNDERTAKERS J. ISROPI-1331r da BON Have addend to their parent business one of B. J. Nat's Icatwat Style of sty Hearties. aloe the Swat line of trasaai furdehiags in the warty, and are now prepared to oosdoet funsrsis et pion O. This department will be /tautly seemed te lag his MOS in the employ of dee tab D. Radon iir theparlt Ms ytmaq has • ~ kwowledge of the beam.., sed by rump alhitst1on hopes tO share pari af IZ p.blat a b...ar the p1.--W.uhi.kth . es year way to e past edam J. BROPHEY & SON. The Signal •Mmilies to width meat fhb 40 sad"easseldes el all elamerig• pima el this asaseefth Mat it lew ib saw iiiii wsell that ea re es.Yml to roMe wee MO tie approval ef r itewa sepitman. -tremor ♦hates In this line we have • very law stoc of fine writlag papers emir, able k for every class of basins) represented in this locality, tome prising laid and wove, hbep . quadrille and other papers, saw or mantled, as may be required /IOU batted. This aerial ase is kept in the fab rrssttmtggee at qualities same •• letter Ihesda. While memo ..Ntads h are not so generally used, the, til, warms in commercial See what we've got under the above beads. B•\\ ;Mads If the '•papas -you -go ' plan ova. the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some men who get so many dunners them they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at pnwent our stock is tram plete in this line with four rima Goal paper and neat ruling. Both single and double dollar. and centa columns. They come• cheaper than bill heads, and art the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him round sometime. Firart\oVt. Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, arr1 the priced will range from 15c. to $3.00 per M. We handle tom mercial and legal sizes exclusively C'Ireu\ars We aim to excel in all the differ kinds of work we turn out, hut especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. 4 rov.,rams of entertainments and meetings promptly tarred out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached Cards awl. T ue.U. is This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, frau an or- dinary admission ticket to s tasty btrine"e card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. T esters Our facilities for taming est this clam of work are evidence. by fact that the great balk of it is dune by us. This IOW also ia• eludes Dodgers which our three fast -running job presses are able to tarn out in • surprisingly short time. 8 a\t Bt.\\s belong to the poster department also, and we make s specialty el them— promptest, being our ass in this respect. A notice of mak will appear in Tea SIGNAL fres d charge when bills for same are get here. T ar tat ort s to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in seise tine sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping i stock the very latest and barn samples to be had Call and aero Commeriw►\ 4 rmAulmg, hart already been partially aur ended in some the heads above. There is, however, s vasa ansae, of work under this head lest ts enumerate would more Wen take up the entire space occupied by this ad y't, bat we do it all at Ties #\\ "Kutd,s of W orb. tri dee peke*. lame can be t stsbliimet in an expeditions and artistic manner and Omar V e1/4et11 %roe\\ bit joa' owe% rtasop s.&9 4. W• extend our theses Ise path Sav- er, and .aide a embosses 1 rs sell T mai. ST 61i#3L. assumes, tom Blad Ll very ticsirablf as they are ALL In Ajob 101 SA AC EVERY1 11 Just axrt neo WI Garde E Everybody h R. t• feed beta fere au eb row 0 Taa - THE MIXT THE MIT THE RUST THE 811? Tug BEST THE BM THE BENT THE BUT THE BW THE 811T TeZ 111111T i Hifi THE van THI 1115'1 TME Bld: TEM 155'I 1111 101 1 81 BEg'I TEM B191 HE gar TNS Eti THE TBE rag an THE E118 THETHE um )l1r THE pas THE ago THE THE 11111 THE 1p THE sots THt mm gge THE stil TH s. Ms THE la THE Zai THE ?ME In