The Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 12•t'1' u : ",< '1 ..'r •`l`ietK,01,k k ttdlj `t 1 TM; SIGNAL: QOI1IBIOK f . 'MUR8IAAY, MAY 1$ 18ltL b+, ithe• i+ gnall, wtherity. Aad the FedaFederalwt►erity 4 the Meted alae dukn era tMally fries Moo Feekral anti s* r d Omar& um that it m n:trt.tmtm Maks mm alert o using Me assodiotamid Rv itY THI'ILSDAY Yoram$ I6.,,,,..1.•aed la the ffteteinta,wtty. nth JR itegetthaegamel. . tgam, is the meet of Cbstisostei Vomit Oise of l'ubllatw a tad t0. N ort►411eeA Otode rob, Ontario. Teem. elf mab.mepaw . On. month, la advance. Three most be. 1 1 se (ane year, If credit t •end. th. /ei.o For Mt I se will be 1 l0 Ad vrrt..1eg sea LIZate other casual ndyerttnenseate. 10s. Ise Snit insertion, and: neem per Use strMabm eMcAdams ins mina peered b dacarddsss of ell Uwe and corder, bi per •IverULemesu of Lost. Foa.d. Strayed. Vacant. Ilttestlttse Wasted amid ('haace. Wanted. set eseefag 4 nonpareil. t1 per taesth. Hone on Sale and Farina oa stale, not to earned a Ilan.. 01 for new weak 50c. per .ub- equest month. urger a4vts. in pruportloa stay special notice, the object of winch Ia to promote the pecuniary Sanaa of say tett- virtual or rempasy, to be cosshd•r,d an ed yertfeemeat wed charred .oeerdln.11. Local [otiose is Domipareil type ow coat per m DMfew lees abs fib. Leal n.tloa in ortbaary rending WIND two pr word. NO Molloy for bee than NM.cakes Ileetd Meer r'elKtous red pmt ot halt rota. corasereat f.Nr..! edvevtbealenI.. A limited number of d advertise .sets will be inserted at the floflowing rates : Per inch, one insertion. jh N four Insertion... 100 " three months . 2 00 .• .in month - 3 00 • one year . S Os !Co advertisement lose thea Pea lathes in length will be calculated on allow borle. 5 per cent. discount allowed for mash p.ymenta oa three month. 000tr.ct ; 10 pee mesa au as =oaths'. and IS per .cwt. on • years. The conditions will be.trlctly enforced. Asea. "Tke saran " nettlery. Subscribers who fail to receive THE BwxLI. regularly, either by carrier or by mall. will .eater • fetor by acquainting w of the fact at as early • dates. possible. Leek as Tear label. Your label is • steadier receipt of the dote to which you .re paid up. See that It is mot allowed to fail Into arrear. When • change of address!. desired, bob the old and the new addre...boald be given. ReJected mannearipte mmol be returned. (brreepondenae meet be writtesIon one side of paper only. Pabiteker'e Rested - J. C. lore Teasel, of Ooderfch. ha. Sees ap printed Local Travelling Agent for the Iowa. 'hips of Ooderich. Oolborne, AMI.ld and Wa- waneeh. Local poetaaaters over the district are also empowered to receive smb.eriptloas to Tek time at. All oammaaicatiow must be .ddrea.ed to D. YcGILLLICc UgD DY. T- -r - W fs YMw1eh. Oat. 111110WR1ce. T111711111121134 a y1S. 1118 ■ .* i IT Rus The atter of " t'anedis.," which appears on oar first page, will repay perusal. It shows that expetnated Canadians have warm heats for the land 'hat gavel them birth, that nourished them in infancy, that educated them. that brought them to man- hood, and whose absurd tariff regnlatisms then caused them to seek the meas. of earning a hvlihood in a strange land. Tn,; St..N vL is pleased to receive the contribu- tion of " 2'an.dian ' to the discussion which .al now being carried on in Iu columns relative to the destiny of I't.ads, although it dos not agree with the deductions drawn by the contributor. in the tint place. '•I'filmdom ' avows himself in favor of la dependance for Cas - ..da. Let us grant, for the sake of argu- ment, that independence could he had : it would not improve the position so far as our Federal Government is (eocerned. The premier condition of affairs would be per- petuated : the gerrymandering of consti- tuencies in the uters.t of the Federal Government would continue to bee thriving idaatry .t Ottawa : the fraudulent Fim- ehiss Act would remain to hold the opposi- tion by the throat : venal judges would con- tinue to be the appointees of the men who meditated the 1 kabinet ; the departmental etpeons for the government of say 5,000,000 people in (.nada would continue to exceed those of the Government at Washington which supervises 65,000,000: the barriers that exist b.twesa Canada and Canada's bast minket for hors, cattle, hay, barley .d other animals and commodities would still remain ; the commercial war on our take. would owti.ue to prevail, ad then would be so diminution of the ilk from *blob we at present suffer. With regard to the moral craditiom of the two countries Tod Mi.". Al is of ,Fajen that a question of euvirosmen1 u involve) Wong that lis. If Gaderich were as larp a. Toronto there would be more difficulty is enforcing the laws than exist herr now, although at puma% the tome is being ren with .n.ewhat of a loose rein, so far as .weal. .re concerned. Were Toroste as Ler as Chicago, the former might be forced to relinquish the title of " Toronto :be Good," which SA is .lo. r. or some other shekel heater afflicted Ger with a few years sire. Asti so on. Hut basila wonld sot be compelled, In the event of ('ostia..ta) Union, to accept of the Les and conlitiosr of (ltieago to any greater extent than do the New Fag - Lad Stases at the prei t toe, and is st- ain parte of New Faglasd Sabbath Amore - we and the marital Marianas. are mess strictly upheld than in many testi... of 'amid& ll., c.rr'espei.dent eight as well nay that, bsaUee Canada n . cokey of Britain. the morality that pervades the Whitechapel date -tot of Lond...hould per *mete taw entire empire_ Inthe wet ef ('astim.nal Daiwa every Preview, is I;.sfederstion would have the pea to oast ire esu. laws, as it isms today. th. ,..17 .tlpalaei.s hear that the laws se made weal set motet with the Poiwral ho mantis. weld ►.ee to be made by utter •ditu. They would out he ahem, but would at ones eater tato abreasbtp Milani" free. An open market kr the feriae:, the miner, the lumberman, and the fisherman would :mmeelately result. The embargo opts oar hake trade would tease, sad parte like Goderic4t wb2*k have bean blighted Mar by a curer from heaven, by cooditoua as they et present exist, would revive i. trade, increase in population and w -al fat to affluence. American wealth and enterprise would develop oar tremolos in miss and ao forest, and the tide ..f en.mtgration would be turned so that the exodus would he a thing of the last, and the inerrant would maim oar way. The foregoing are a few of the benefits* that would accrue to thus country in the event el Continental Como, hat there are soy others e.lually tangible that could be pointed out wore the time and space et our disport ilut enough has been said to show that " tMeehan " las so cane. Tree haven of Cootioental ('nw is working,. and although our friend says the adhereau of that policy are few to numbers be would be surprised were he to return to Huron to find the progress that has been trade st.oe his departure from his native Lod. Continental Union has cone to stay, and is a very live Islms. TRITE W1U. PRZT41L The Toronto World is a clever httle city newspaper that, by setting its salla to catch all t he winds that bkw, has managed after a somewhat turbulent journalistic career to keep afloat doling the put ten or twelve years. Originally started as an advanced Liberal journal, it soon discovered that anything in the shape of liberalism, and the object of which was to sink self in the interest of the people, was a commodity which did not pay in Toronto, and so when the projectore of the sheet stepped down and out and the proprietorship was assumed by W. F. MArt..A.., the Liberalism of The World gradually coaoad out. mita in 1887,a straight purchase of its goodwill and amistaace dur- ing the campaign of that year was mads by the Government of Sir .e..e.. MA.'t•is•Ll, fora stipulated amount. 'ia:e that Um, The World. although not the Goveromgeorgan, has hem an organ of the I;overnm and W. F. MArLYAN from being an advanced Radical and afterwards a progressive Liberal, has settled down to the position of a Tory of the Tories. Three times since 1887 has he been • ('onservetive parliamentary candidate, and after two defeats be succeeded in reaching the goal • week or two sinee in East fork. The foregoing is given so as to let oar readers koow the erratic course politically which has been followed by The World, and the boxing of the political comp•" which has been found necessary by its proprietor to new hint into parliament, so that the fall vale of any criticism from that, source may be properly estimated by those who read it. (hi Saturday last The World fell foul of THY :$I.:N.el. as follows .COTmat 1Al1J.R. 'tilt HUkoa SIGNAL, published in the town of Goderick, owes out for what it euphemistically pals "oostiaeotal union," but what plain mss would call annexation to the Vented States. You will always observe that when a man is concord in anything he is ashamed of he given it • fancy mama When he is caught atnlu.g he calk it kleptomania, and whoa he medi- tates treachery to hie country he calls it by some pretty same by which he f hopes its mew= ad lanimity will ewe- c,sled. Treesn by any other name thinks Me - mat the shoo. H■ SIGNAL m•a, it ie scarcely ..Denary to say, is of the Grit persuasion, and wears the very bluest pair of the party's spectacles. " It makes no difference in what direction the eye may be cast the Dame evidence of decadence is vis- ible, and the Dame erprerioss of despair are heard," he gays Pour fellow ' your case is very bad. Not being as the spot we could not look around few the editor's watch tower aid a the blue -moulded ap. pearaace of things in his vicinity. The only thing from Ood.riek that we could caw our eye epos was the m which these lugu- brious 1ises are luhed and we don't mind gives. it . free ad. by stating that • handsomer or more properoos leaking weekly dos. not lie on our siohenge table. By their fruits .hall ye know than, and judging by its newspapers we should gay 4 oderich and au .urroundiag country has got plenty of sap IDK in them. In reply, we are bound to .tate that tete handsome and apparently prosperous appearance of THa taw. ti. is sot dee to the N.P., or the eo'm,erct.l coaditiame that obtain is this neck -of the-wnrich• Tin Si.: . s n never believed in the N. P. heathen. ami does tint sow, bat of The World wants 1n see and wimen 12m handsome appearnos of a aewsaper that do.e believe i. the N. P.. Dad has implicit esnfide.oe that the country u more proepornes mow then ever beam it should at nae ..d for and ee•psj.e air town coutempoesry. Se .tach for that pie No attempt is made by The World to combat the statements d I'm w Sem t. relative to tar ,kyr ire that exists, not only fm this ~tan. but all eve Canada No, b Rat the bogie of emaeTatiee is trotted out and dwok upas, Sad to dearth of asfement remota. r had to the howl ' Tramiel del ,.. • Tea Rens to aka mai with The World ' eveshlg es the loran mega& 14 le n hew we 1health are loyal to Canada that we wast to see the prima seediti.s d dome changed - It M twine the eM1.r eat Tww i MMI IIA belmwee in dspRph g the rewrote 4 (heads,h. terih.ras. forest., fiekertse ..1 ant esYr-emd elstlig a ersomery 'A.I the wan who *toys hen will bare se good • chess to risks hat ph dp the world .. Iia* his brother who has 1.ss..d tat* ertitical hoe, that be has sere lit to take exception to the evils that slut a our midst, .ed he is not disloyal to t ands whoa be thus takes esceptira It is the leassaietic Hesuase who accept the -' dirty shilling .od un the white wash brush em etalawag politicians, who for • price sore pro.penty where adversity holds . wey, and who core not what may befall the eatantry so hug as their salary con- tinua these are the traitors to ('.nada, and we regret to state that too many of them five on tbe decadence of our Canada, like the maggot au the New:no .arches. That Canada is not only marking time, and not stepping forward Again to every t oe of intelligence who cares to look into the gumption, • and it is not many moon* sines The World editorially referred to the falling back of Toronto the Progressive. Then ea effort was being made to stab Mayor Fi..wt., , and perhaps it .poke rather harshly of the coeditiou of it& bee town : but admitting that it stretched the point on that mansion, its cry that Tomato's growth had received • check was true, and ita wail about the city being overbuilt was correct. The World does not require to look at the condition of things from Tile Snot tt." watch tower. It sun see It in the stave - non of business in the so-called Varela I'ity in the empty dwelling -houses and the vacant stone of what was until recently the only place where Tories could point with triumph when asked to show what the N.2'. had done for C'atada Now it has been struck with the cyclooe of deprempioo. Nodding has .received a check, the boom has col epsed, and some of the papers are calling for certain public works to be im- mediately gone on with sr that employment cam be flocked to Toronto •• when times were good-' This is not a pbsntom story, but • stern reality, and The World knows it. The N. P. has failed to fend work for the tnduetriou and to give progress to the country. It is only a few ,Lys since Architect Lennox reported to the property committee of the city council that " there are hundreds of at •rvi ng workmen of Toronto who hare to walk the streete looking for work.- The ork.-The unfortunate state of affairs which prevails all over Canada, and which the editor of The World can ere from her own " watch tower, :f be looks honestly at things as they are, u the fruition of years of political rascality at Ottawa. It is the result of boodling, gerrymandering, Mac donalding, Md:reeyying, Filleting and Thompsoning. It is time a change was had sad the best clomp that can be he.) is 1 'on. %Mental faun. liven to starving workmen vibe Ati SAT Is Hoa. .1Asa ('oua.was PAT - '1 ..oN doing for Godericb, .7hew W rel ,osaaoliT MILL TOM Maar f► THS gnlbrnstoriel figure -herd at Ottawa is of any practical value to tin country, orna- mentation barred Hn•. .IOH.. TnoleMON 0I.,HT TO hilitis the I)ecalog.e. The elimination of " The Malt not steal," and the nlstitetioe of •' Everything goes, when the astaest of the party calls for it," would make it tit the req.irements of the case. Tur.T.'-rw'o a Tilt font' Masses have petitioned Pullman to grant • sum to erect • mo.ameat to the memory of Sir Joan MA.Tte*ALD While the memory of the Pacific Scandal, the stets of the N.;'.. the osrruptios of public assn, tis throttling of public opi.ion by the gerry- mander, and the theft of oesetiteencies by the Franchise Act remain there will be m n eed of a public monument to the memory of Sir Jon... If these twenty-two Tories want to erect • m.Om.sent let thew pot their hands isms their owe pockets. Tile. .rr.Aty Or THS IxntPTYnx6M ow the Coiled States, ..clonal, .ata sad local, W iest been published by the .0 peri. te.dest of the ,..u.. la •U caw the debt per capita r riven The enUre public iedsbt- edne.e of the world. Jane ), 1800, was 030- 338,12b,431., .ed the asti.tated per capita i.debteder.r 13285. The total debt of the I :and Sates auto..), state and local was 0$027,170,646. The materia. progress of the accede, 1810 to 18110. was marine. dewed in the blarneyed any people as .bows by the redaction of the p.Wie debt •end the increase of tamale wealth. The pubis debt diml.j1ed en an average of 0100,000,. 000 yearly, and the taxable wealth increased *row, $17.000,000,000 to 125,500,000.000. The total aka indebtedness in 1800 was 12IIIL907,:1liH, a redsoties of about 1169,000,- 000. Municipal indebtededeese maimed during tae decade from 1684,348,643 to 1720,463.060. COLSOIi$E. Prost esu own a rrwspood.n1. BArrt•... .1 eery tntertoisoug after -nom was moo at the re sdenew of Perry Stewart on Saturday, April 3001. in the trptssieg of hi.uolf sad his little w Wilber. 71,. eermment.. were performed by the Rev. Mr. Black, pastor .t f.eebar. citurct The guests pewees were Mr. and Mrs Jeb Shaw Mr. sod Mr*. .1. l►. Stewart, Mr. sod Mrs Jetsam l'irrk, Mr. enol Mrs. A. C. Matte aid, Mr sad Mee S. Pother, Ile, and Mrs Haiti (l,i•belat, Mr sail Mr. ul Rtu4img Jaw Puma raid Miss of hart Albert. Aber a 'ple.tamt MO Spat W separated to their 00UPITY ICURRENCY. , I his meg lip* SADO° or not ie ans te tt , t gttestisa We are of opiates last he hem for lomellswe 14a.l&i mos W any maw A eta {li eslt. --We %sso 11b he write • Male Imp, Mallet this week Mr. Uttar, but and pe wimr ate pot hew se thepe. Thome hen we no thus to look in tae shop winnow or gather up faismeste of sews trim the ode -Wks Whom we become Canada's hinder ib. know .beemin►ite. will bo astray wiped of from tan fan, of the earth, and se Meese m that lames and ubligo, sat telly yours ta.[<y. Mt • euLeimg harnaa'ty. Pert' its laws -Aad so, Prince George and his deceased brother's .w.the.rt are betrothed. W. weeder whether the ler elm city counsel will vote htnt the fifty thousand pomade se a will weddiag pros est sash as they proearsd to hs dead broth- er. No doubt they will, fur there is yd blood to bleed from I(ngland's oppree.d ratepayers. As fat as your scribe is con- cerned he is loyal to England, but not loy- al to such uncalled for attr•v.ga.rs. A 000W Trigg. At the C. O. F. "At Home'' bold la their hall as Thursday of last week 12e following program was eery piessssdy carried est : hear iumtd duet, 4cas Oakes and Wald ; 4.ett, Mimess Lead and 140110, ; •ddrau, R. KR. Galloway i ems, Mrs Jew : reading, Bro. Stanbm'y ;aangor W. Harked ; Gee F. (Skew R.besimmm--eyerybedy. Ia- strumenta. Mew Oakes and {A ash i song,, Ifni Jones ; •dare., Bro. Witt ; coag. Miss Yparliag ; •esg, tiro. Joe ; coag, W. Harland ; 'sag, Bro. Stasbsry. Rveryow was well pieaaed with abs even- tsI. program, both with respect to the mind aid the body, (rt, Mr, NUT 1v'. AWPVL'---vy, Mr, Bdbr, we are meet heartily gad that the month is drawing te • elms, the reason be- ing that is the oath d /day there is mon owing " 0anttMbd thio in all the other • one mouth.: thea, aodiouaded old stove pipes, the phagney ole carpets, and the ab- oesimn6le white -washing. Thea are enough i am sure, to drive • sea mead with dish pair. Oar *dem toy atm co.ompls- twr .stri.ouy is tails : To he sure and sake • oomsact with the lady roared nod, that hosts•-de.atsg will only take place once to every twenty-five years, sad dung d that time the haof the household be •I - lowed one math's neattem whereby to re- cuprr•te hip health. tae, sears about the In lame Seam. --Lk Jetsam, >3tilp 2*. hes m 1111 is biome the Waimea stemerisg 74 x 62.c2*. Tris is very large. Whe ate Mee k W nntar*ur Umtnnrtt. 1a 'ILwday afterwoos of last week Mr. Beeth. Clinton, removed so lam Aso thirty -taw Sloth from esu individual. at • sluing. Semite .I Y ILL. ---Mies !1. Oariwe%2t. of Hdlstt, muter of J•mes% M ser ieualy 111 with dropsy, std bat hopm are eortntwdF:7 r her esv'vy, 1'tsecetoHa. Kori w. - t>l amigb- ter of Jin . W. Irw, Utneem t s.ssstly pawed her gat s ezamimesiem a Trim• sty Medial Co11, se nom. for the peun.t. Lams Rom.- -Mrs. W. Townsend, sf T.ekerwmita, takes the take so far for heavy eggs. bsviss sad some to Gilroy k Wiseman that weighed 44 ossein to the Joann. .jouCostsxam*i. I'.VON . Will Robb, am 4 Mr. Rola, (linos, who recently west W,st,bea Imes appointed poatsuster of • new pikes that is boominr• short, diatoms from Deaver. To Mee* WIN,;HAu Ht. Hors- Jan IC Lewes, of Ilar..t•bie, Devonshire, Nag- 1•sd, • ..phew of K (' Clarke, arrived in Wingham om Tuesday evening. May 1014. He load. mating Wingb•m his futon bases. PASOLD VHS 2x1 lsn.ssn,Ara, A, s. Dickson, of 'tanley Hays' office, :n Ye•fortb, p•amd his snood intermediate examioatlos fon t6. Law Society, at Toronto, last woe- Sar. I)icksu. is • clew yo.sg mail, who may fairly look leeward for • creditable future. Doom or Ma Acre Ms, Httensc. The numerous friends of lar. and Mrs. Hastingo, of the 3rd oosoaseios. Saslsy, will regret to Mani of their death which sod event cc curr,d last week. Mrs. Hasting died on Tuesday and Mr. Hasting followed her three days after. They were both interred in Bayfield cemetery. C. P. R. Cnsfca (iv TIM'' TA.Lr_ A change has been made is the rnneiag of the C. P. R trains that will be appreciated by the public. All trains are now run into Wombs.. Troilus for (r..gerille, Tomato Ac., leve Wthgbum at 5.30 a. m. sad 2.35 r. r., sod for Gk . s•nnaand Te..water at 1.25 sad 10.50 H. r. Tai l SEAN CYY BCKtNem.- - John Hannah, Seaforth, has associated with him in the creamery business, Aaron Winger, of Ayton, ()uteri°. Mr. Wieg:r is a gentleman of Tong experience in the business sad has ample capital, and the amalgamation will be in the interest• of the patrons of the several creameries uters.ted. lhen I.. E!ro1-1NI. -Mrs. Christopher .lohnsto., for ma.y yew a well known resident of 2eafortl., died at the madame of her .ice, Mis Laurie. in Derby, Rag- land, on the 25th of April The old lady west to Fng1•nd about .ix months age to spend her declining years with relatives there, and was well and kindly cared for. ATeetktsLr Masai,.. Rachel, the little five-year-old daughter of Mr. s:eo. Leith. Blyth. is the v tet im of a painful and dangerous mutakc. The other day while at her grand- mother'', Mrs. Eggert's, she went to get a drink and mistaking • pail of very strung lye for the water pail, p r..k a considerable quantity. The child is la a eery critical conchae. A Goon !SAL.. Expositor : The tows de- bentures, issued under the authority of the last by-law, have been sold by the mayor for 1034. This u best bt sole that sr ever been trade, and shows how high the tinauciaJ standing of Seforth is in the com- mercial world. The debentures bear five per cent. rnterest, payable annually, and run for twenty years. Peery,. A.nourt. - Was. Campbell, of North Main street, :;eaforth, met with • painful accident ne Monday evening. He was up to au apple tree reoperiser some of the hots, when he noticed • new oeeaiag into his Lia. In borryier down to drive out the cow, be mimed his footing and tall head foremost to the ground. He was stunned by the fall sod had hie face badly at. bat was sot otherwise seriously injured. Tan E,.. Tana -Mr. Wiles, of 8m - forth, reoa.thy made the remark that of the McKinley tariff were off he would at GOOD pay 12 omits per doeen for coo pssgja who vainly suppose that there is " lig money " in the export of ages to Great Britain will be interested in knowing that on a angle shipment made Lot year-end under apparent favorable ciros ---- Mr. Winos had the misfortune to dreg 12,500. THE TOWN OF CLINTON. The Rappeming* In Ike -MEW' hwreug re Pest weak. Teem our own ..rreelondeS(. ` SALIM Caws. -Then were Jinn than three eatse of bosesbold furniture in (1itlm. last Saturday. Tee Sear L..m.. INtwerar. - Mr. S i7iheom is this week away i. Sammi• with • her shipment famous step ladders. T►wrsa*v• t Mr. Scott, of Toronto, lectured on temperance in the Ratt..b.ry- e . Methodist church on Tsesday evening last. CHSAr. -The wonderful phonograph was in fell play in this tows last Saturday, sad for • .2.kd we could listen to some of the hest talent is Rerope. tiodor s Mao Maw* Tru,.,xn Hoe. - Miss T. Mitchell, .he has bis a lame time beam • very ceasiste 1 Salvation Army soldier, leaves gals week for Toronto, .here she will enter the Traim eg Home as an officer. Laavien To.N.- -G. Gl•.urow has sold out .11 his grata' furnishings to Mr Phan stead. It is the i.tentio. of Mr. 0. to t.ke ap his future abode in the great Rm- public, whither w m .y (.medians are Aocklag. Rorot WiA,.sa-A. M. fork, of Manitoba, brother to H. W. Ord, tows, in writing to his brother kat week informed has the they W stow in that locality four feet deep, and o the time of writing it was .til mowing. (rated Kiurr coo Ti. TwserTH. 1f (lintnn .genet gat • town bead, the fife and drum boys am k..pimg up their evened in first-class style They, for the past few wain, have been trey a precti,iag 4p for Lie memorial 12eb. Ten Wm. Qamill Victoria's birthda will this year her celebrated in (linins is right loyal alk. We are Sot going to tall you what will take plasm... it would take toe mud tea., ick and papers hat ye Gode rich citizens .1) epos that daylast eke • drive over to Heron's " Hub " sad take ie all the wonderful eighte for yourselves. " A DAYDT. .t Very set reprewWAy ate u that 4 A moan esemlNmemey seds him down to Ottawa as Nair representative flew Ilse he fulfilled that troth *trim the pmt 01110Mma t Whyby Ids , is stee a w.i himself magi theDunk**Ds- .j rah stumpei les far other mea That is the way this worthy esepedent Mow bas meat the Mot bw meets Wb.thw W hissole atrsd DUNGANNON. Poky P3•errepte Prepared ala somata mf Tie Meat. From our own correspondent. Naw &, iia. -ThosHilary has oos- mesced bosoms in the meat trade se mo- csseor to C. Ro1.tes. PMMONAj_ Mr. drew,, of Stratford, agent for Honey Locust Hedge Co. os doing s rucking buns.. u the ..d isrrosading t kindly. Tits Slows Weather at present is ex ealent. Spring crops thus far are preemie ins. The forest is babtiit•tittg itself in its vernal costar., which looks beautiful thus far. MINE Herr or DEN LOP. W m. Robineoa, who has been • resident of our village for some time past, having leased Dunlop hotel, is now mine hart of Dunlop. His tread* ta tail vicinity with him success SHAPING THINGS. -Our popular grocer is anticipating a good Woo oa the Atli of May, as are al our Menem etti -ear in their re- spective callings. 1:. Or. Echlin, in order to be in • position to supply the waists et all, has been replenishing hes stock with the best quality of goods at nssooable priest Rau. *wars titin. On Saturday, the 14th, the cafe of the estate of the late Nathaniel Wbyrd team off. There were several bids but as they were not up to the amount required no gale was trade. it is now open for privatise/a. Joseph M•hely , our ..teemed •uctaom.cr, .Hided the Mall - MOT. Ctus.Anx.. rag Twkxrr.Form- The owing celebration of Her Majesty'. metal day is being looked forward te se • grecs* day'. amusement by old cad young hcrcabotta 1n the.vemiag there wibe • 'Weald p.rformato. of Hamel Kirke." by Lmak... Dramatic Co All are invited to be present Tem Towxstte Goveguessr.--The fol- lowing is . twgi.tr d the odoi.s 011 the trrwnehip.f West Wawa...h, vu. Reeve, A. Sanwa, St. Helens ; deputy reeve, John Bowen, Duagannoh : oosseillors - Tkom. Todd, 8i Helens ; James cabana. Robs Medd, Auburn ; clerk, S Miller. St. Hm34s ; treasurer, J. G. Ward, Disavow ; maesso .r, W. A. Wit mes, Lath/sew; mdio.l o4wr, T. P Case, M.D., Danganoon. SAD Memnon -On Friday morning, the 13th,WHt. Barbour, ees of flamuel Barbour, d L.ck.ow, •ad grandees of Charles Bar_ boar, d Dmeames, war enppiyln kis father's pantie'', who was UI. m t►. furniture factory at Leiek.ow. Although eantieaed by Els father to not ge into thi apartment in which the m cbimcry was, be enforniatel t t6....s4.t m hint Hwent t into the intotsadhe erne in oo.tact with dieter"' wheel, whisk killed him. His remains weete interred in Dmma.amou emmctery on Nmudsy afternoon. Thea vd fatter, mother and relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire sm o.t.tity. His age me 12 yea.e. A Lnsi.T Re !unite. -0t Saturday lest as Henry Morris, of the township of 04 borne, was seidriving pe naill m p''aw and ohlagp e• ou his kdao Southampton-M. eat . way home, r Mese by some me means or other took fright, sod becoming unmanageable, rasa off the street and over the fence to T. Hailey's property, which is situated ou the south west owner of St... Joseph -a. sad Murdoch A Co'. stern The hoeing jammed the few hays the wages sed Henry on the other side of it. We are pleased to he able to ask that !Pettifog serious resulted ia the way d tarry to teamster, two or wagoe, save that the hersm were somewhat watched and por- tions of the Karmen were slightl breams. BL YTH. neem ewe ow. roerego.dent Oar sew hand has toes gamed to play t. Exeter ne the 24th. Thos..207.t, of Rt. H.I.oc, is shippng aches foul thie Mies at present Mus needy is, we are .wry to say, oaf - brag from an amok of i.6..tatio Mnmt r Janes, the youngest sou of Freak MoCn''teet. is s.rio''dy i11 .t present. Frank kleCtillsel. who had his leg hwoken seer tints age, is atee to be tnrving around. The Stratford Hed.► Co. are at present pettier is hedger for • ..mbar of our Citi seas. Mete Bee. have dimpnsed of their lion WOE at the ..It biota t. John Main, .4 '4.-. Mrs. Shipley ret 1►mleld, r virtue( at heli.atr tridmWs.....ac .i , a. .4 bar Whir, (3 M.Gow, A .nether of the yeas( people belseging to the Rpworth Imps ikon be em Tuesday erveeisi Wee sum with • Keay, who has boos lam tap *Mime OW• , i. 2m► is, r w hs. M w4 moundtithe 1M mai al LETTERS F$Oeifij,KE PEOPLE. Pw.siere 4emvetlaa... yeer glsedrw l qse y T. w 11t veils ailieb oaths. NLaMien le Iks 410 is which the /aeb.r leek k.s bier r•wl to go to risk was .ppre.Lyd by sie K ttus2fsg emidunta I sore Om Ma* tau was takes a1 the last IHSVSHes of ooesail baa thy did est p torr Why do they est area Imatlenknees la vwitug patio widish Tau Sweat, sss .d T ptwps. lo u f abed: he psvibItoe ad ogler • cetera for ty i i. right air .acnitis,and hitt H lJedoxt•►sa,tk •Y e. l -- • Bleaker resort prevails nest be mads for vision ooked upon grz 1hg1 os is l•rge..mbwa 1)st' - (iodoea.riob, May 17. ota.gtge.* Hien. To the Salter of Tire wswat- Now 11 .ate to par that there was 4 dwties in Hekdimt•sd is 1891, .ed Iv Moutyms was the Tory on•did.te. And he was more afraid, for the Grits hN gathered taerasares together is td , awan about M read the Gown inset from the Tories sad hand it over ss to lament ..d Sir Rtehard Cert matt. 8o he asked kis ..resorts whet he 'a•.4 ha. Aadthey.•tla idth.•ala.celedteo skis who 6346 a f..l , g4.41, and he IN toll 1a.. w!u•t o do. Now, ('wuakia said it is set lawful raise the dead. Then skid the da.tor sons him, the whole llevsetmaat le at my ►eek ib this thing and, as the Owervyti tarty raveta, there ehe1I so aril hews mto t.. The.,h.tail colise in, .tem elk tar that 1 .ball .p Aad al esid, the used Isaias e• the 14 .r,., and vote tem. Them said he et the Coseek4, it shall be OTOS as tb.a dwwst. And it wme to past that the Grits err. coated. Wherefore gayest ties that It is a taws impossible to raise the dead, uaem the mighty work has ham done eves in Had, .and. The witeb oil Ends tajesd ap S•.sarf, bat she could Sot von him. Verily Comilla sad the doctor h... do.. even greater e.irsclea thea then u Weet Han.. We shad see later es. E+ r•troa 1:odirioh, May 16. Peen. new1.ems • Tering nerd, T. the Alan of Tis ttiSaAa Shim the tempting' of • erythema of water weeks we have im.gi..1 that • better teat tory oomdltian weeehtakid,bt we are Sorry to learn on isv.ttiptiss that tach i. the aie. Numeral' compeole rwoawisg waste worky are pouoeing the wells of these mot able to tolls the town ester, sad hew will he a fradtfwl some* 14 raise and kindred dues... Then is also the da.pr d these stamen pods tilling up ad sending their mwhah 1110021 odors through the how. and Mote °covert the co.farts d the bath tied the blaming of pare water iato • mmhanos .Sd a menace to Itis. We neat ban relief from this stale .1 afi''in The council mart take this cedar u hand and wore for the tows at any caw a sanitary system of waterworks. lot then be • main sower oomveysf waste water to the lake, and oompd pssp r taking water to fill up their wells mart; pipes to Bata sewer from their dwell -age Then and not till then shall we be Modlad with the Matti o.sditdse of tae Wm Secori.g town water ins bees eapmUve tar the corporation and ler the individual Let os not for the sake of • dew dollen more endanger most serkenly the health a our raisons tad tisk the matt prohabl. pal• . ibility d each epidemics se fever, malaria diphtheria, with the poems toil that w hue in Ood.rich the Weans of turning waste pipes tato wells is inevitable. Let there be no delay. Will the board of health take up the questroo fiederiok, May 17. R.T,ray.. LACR0881: ASSOCIATION. wife? WAX DON. AT TWO *MSG Utar1W: Or Mama w1M1.11 nume'uor. The wide( of the Western District el the Canadian Lacrosse Aaseci•ties was hate in the Commslreal betel, Sathertati es Wed- n eady, May 11th, at 3 v.*. R 8. Wil- liams, of t:tde'ich, district seceetary, pre- siding. residing. R.prea.oativ. were prow atom St Marys, Stratford, 141142.11, Semlerth, Clinton mad (:oderw2. Aa the diaries it this amen divided into two animism with the three firmer adobe i. the Iketers and the three latter in the W..411‘, i1 was ua- ..imously agreed to extend timear paywg from July Ifith, to July Spelt. ib. Wears of tdecide championship es Trithg. he two divisions to pay heal, Sag MIMS bt► ad112th of Aegast, firm par as be played 1. the West. The f48wwing modem were carried : Thai end club pay its own envenom ,end renin in awn gate receipts That es.2 club pmt up • bend of $10 l be forfeited by any elub not ft.M11imer dths . ehedslsd, unless five days' Wies be gives of ire inability to play as that deem The folitoris, .ehed.ls was then adopted, YOB VHS w awrse.rt na.Tneer Oed3rich at (lentos' Jews 15 (bates at Se.1orth .. Jane 2t Metes at Goderic2 Jelly 1 Seder* at Geder ch Jaly 12 G.dsrio2 at be.tort... Jay 20 Sealer* at Clinton ... hely 28 ret TIM RAATmex ervetw St Marys at Mitchell Jaen 1 Mitchell at Stratford . Juke lb !gratified at St. Marys .. Jame IS Mitchell at 84. Malaya July 6 Stretford at Mi te2,U July 14 Ht. Marys cit Stretkrd....... J V Mesal Reforms. -8lnth.d-J. A. Mar Fdden, W. Milia ; 8t Mary. --lots Leavy. J. A. Ramsey ; M1ee2al--J. Sink. J. Ryas ; S••for4 -R McCook, P.mj Pres - mw ; (12.14.-W. P. Sp.oddi.g Ir. lh,W: Oederte2 1 IS, ► PM1. J. faddism PORT ALBERT. Free sur ewe .ln »..alert, Nat. (Lsiegitare kb fee Manitoba law week. W. Tet, of K tweeds'•. vatted here re cantly. Mrs Jai Mahaly and ped Mu ty an at moms en the skit list Will Smile is as ht.o at p.sumt. Be heft the .eir. O.4arls in ah them. Hairy Hawbl.a, of fldhee2, W4, ie jemmies maw the paaomt•1 rod st pe.est Our 4 2wmen, 1f.11 11.W.m. meg Matt& leek seer. very 'Mr Mhtm et Y ass teeet. Mae. 2* ihma-*, whim sus prevMlady seseed Wag very It with .h .Nash .l '....ties. "ti • CANAD' 2/e 01111 T. • GgwaitAL DI1Aole tau clTlE$ IN TI CORAL WR gererd .1 tm ah years Our taw s t'M peay t t Intl y ,,,.k, of Rip a0tl.- • Ayis {{ 'L Ltrl Ftxihene .a lsomed fill.2*."ieOt 1r. Tort: 4D . L ha yrs. I ismi.l est' qct. We pe.dy recovery. IN.. at:v Hit. H yvm V'•11ev. r M back of orae t ver) troubles ,13..l pa.l.owog b ADD ITP,• T' s a t ithe feral r •re harm! he old use .04,nM the job 1't is w e t'aky. Ir er owned 1 in Toison •tawviso. oftotrick.cis Has of the Par era. tae whey r ackin344.., Fat A t . do tbon. A a VS I oi.sATt-L►T1 !lumps.., of 11 attune to cot hi wok wahines ee -coast elate w foot from • s DUN, MA►t%. :eye that Dem staking Mg 1 sew frame bars le tkr. It is tk takiag her Sola P.imo.N (:ant. Industry, of 4sr eo.slg.me Wove it is give Jen received e MVO asytluse :rice around ha I'owe. To I *behind, who roar time be brat Wreath fo , a. who was post Winn Wreath for 1 serky, u rinds Mw Jeanie ;tssa2 vtrting ti.pbell. ref etherland, Lt t'mat h .aothe eek A 1.,rru.v t s 'wannest yam Wed to lases t esab•rg, Oat There were sogo ret fall when y 'esberg : but m sly you shoal( par dispersing cad that of a In e ✓ Tett W ice at. The L.cl .koald buy wh eras and villa! possible in le that effect_ 1 4etn whatever alae for their ,Meter gaanti malty for the Bos on Ti ego Robert Mc eslky and do y's little gate Asp long befor dog er two and Reit oaa ►e1& the horse to • ..t Ming seta cad away he w meek of the m is the rear. TA.tn Dot .ad is Rhode d that protest my enables w imerwes ata w hes been ease, which -.d. The 1 tared that ti whatever to t .st its sole timber. he t -ejdeaes of rim its last seal rthe 11eSOl+ nal in the as onefertim to .pill makes 2 sun oily the Ae pLddets- • ere•+ em owe The farmer Mad their S Mim...)1M pia Barbara Mr. sad 1L h't.d. ie Le John. R.. 1 leaket. rekk Mr. Clii.. m Mn, Joke mai W of arkk, lyse LA ma kpaw Mr, 4t km to _ or' Fed M