HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 6Ui1?ERTARERSJ 1. I'R fs M Ss. a u theta stag.. ase 11 tiid 0.he resignam A. pJaasadmar Ila dam 0111. R f 1)Ow lbw 4 UMW •'aft irry a trent iI Mr. rise. press. h ,11 adasrwL. A F. 'k FRET 6 THE SIGNAL : GODGRIOH. ONT., THURll3D .Y. MAY 16, 18 112. (OONI►E[NEI► TO DEATH. Desallair filly/ H• Katy Y•t Oh•at the Gallows. Hes CASE MAY BE APPEALED. IsadN .pasha •pplead. sale tessYs.. Melt* nusessras hole •weds...—Ileesasas taeeeeweda hewn Cemeser—ale Ilse% De reamer arum anm..lf se ne tevr Ikea Os CemesaMod !seder--Aaam. Ilk Laved Ms wt*. Minot aNa, May 2. The trul of (teem tag for the murder of bre wife was resumed this morales'. Ur. Springtdarpe related llsemi* 's explanation of how his wives bad disappeared. !Leming told him that while he and his first wife were beteg at Raiahill, Hen Young lad told him that his IDessn- •.g'sl wife would law him a r t50. He paid the mono-. Lad his wife left him. He supposed that t onus had killed her while he was caning to Melbourne with his sec- ond wife t Miss Matbei. Elsa rimmed wife, Deeming said, °edeard that she was already named, and she left him in Melbourne beteuse she was afraid of being impluated to the murder of hie first wife. The Miry is SI* *ssitalrf at Daseniagll ability as a liar. The hes le list lie Rack. hill murder was -known IMMe one iket Meson tog until after it wart known that he ha killed his wife here. Crown Counsel contended that there s- not a particle of evidence of the 'amenity the prisoner. and he said that the jury ought to dismiss all such nonsense from their mint. At this point Deeming interrupted the Crown Counsel. It was not the a,* he pekoe of Melbourne followed the armorer ..w Ma Mntla.a. DDssig had ttDtia cheater bio mm. to Rama ftwonetea, (1. une of the beet. rue - sing beetroot Asielatdr and $yjasy he had wish the wyttaista es of Hina Rwawvdf, to wheat be promised marriege and was finally accepts& Me thea deftest Wasters Aeateslia. Ha wrote to Miss Rouaseveal that be had obtained a rend amities Lad wosbd ossa be able to marry bee. But the dstactiwee wore already oahis trait His a ruasy. peramality Lad bsastlal . peach drew everybody's atteatlos to him, sad he was traced from place to roe, though he hod chased his ammo a dorm times. Hs was arrested shortly alter the discovery of the body of his last victim Lad brought to Metboars., Seam MUburned lettere found 1. the Windsor cottage show ed that the murdered w.maa was Salts Mather. Aa 800E as the sews of the crime readied Raiabill, whore ]fin. Mather level, the n eighbors began to remember what bail takes place dun.g hr wish then bet Fall. The villa was searched and the bodies of a woman sad four adders were Mud be- n eath the henrNstow. They were hacked pod mutilated. Tho woman was identified as the one .sea at the villa before Deerniag married Mies Mather. Inter 1* was known that she woe • Mies Marie James, a Welsh girl, who had married Deming in 1880. After the birth of the four children the murierer'hed deserted her. She had ettdently dmoover• ed his whereabouts and was determined to prevent his matnsge to .Mims !lather. Her =opted would have upset all his plena and be adopted murder as the °sly way to get rid of her. Since his arrest, 1 ioeming stated that he had committed some of the Whitechapel attendees, but no substantial proof could be brought forward. His manner of hacking but victim.. esu similar to that of .lark the Ripper. l)eemine s known to have had other of wives, but where they are now none an tell. He served a tern, in an English jail in 1879 for forgery, and Isms several times since then served short terms for petty crimes. He is a man of medium height, with fair lair and long but scraggy- mustache. Hia manner of speaking in a drawling tonal attracted ettentioo. Though he was fond of busting of what he could .lo, he never told any one of his past life in England. said, but the press that was trying him. It he could bring himself to believe that he committed murder, he would plead guilty rather titan submit to the gaze of the people iu the court the ugliest race he had ever seen. Some of the e itemises against him had de. liberately lied. Whatever he could say would be disbelieved His witnesses had been kept out of the way. People hats sworn to .sing him whorl he had never seen w hu life. No time had been allowed hint to communicate with hos witnesses in England and India. 1t was not pleasant to confess to disease, mental or otherwise. but he had determined to .to so. in !usher to hin.elf and to tate cotrmydnaty. For weeks he haul suffered tapers of memory. In his own mind he knew- he was not guilty. He heti dealt with Randy Mather, as gently and as affection• ately s it was pow*»le tor any man to deal web a woman. The primmer. ,•ontinutng his remarks. said : " 1 remember nu incident which would lea.i to this awful cringe with which I am charged. 1 know that the people of &lel- bourne are so infuriated against me that they would lynch me if they had a chance. This, however. will not settle the yues- Lieu of my guilt or innocence." ., The statement that the loci) U.::n.i in this city was that of Entity Slather is a he. My ort comfort is the knowledge that Family Mather is alive. The newspapers have ruined may life forevermore. If 1 werr.treed tonight 1 would drown myself." •'I have fought the blacks ton the Zambesi, and have encountered lions single handed. I do not fear death. 1 do not expect jus- tice frons either the midge, the jury or the public. •Insteut of the trial I.eing pu:mined, so s to enable my runnel to collect evidence showing my innocence of the horrible crime for which 1 ani being tried for my life, it was fixed to occur when the public was cu - ratagainst me. e jury returned it verdict of guilty, and added that the presenter was not insane. He was sentencelto death. The judge said that in all his experience with criminals he had never before seen such a consummate wretch as the prisoner. He spoke of Ileeniing's ' antelesa effrontery alumna the trial, and remarked that the jury had rightfully ignore) the prisoner's clownish attempts to prole himself irree possible: As the judge pronounced the words. " to 1.e hanged by the nark until dead," Deeming gasped and tottered, bot recovered himself enough to sod his indifference. Ile then sank buck in his seat. The audience in the court room applauded the verdict awl sen- tence. Interning was then taken Zack to prison. He called tack to the keener as the latter started .town the prison corridor. and said .. 1 suppose you think 1 ant in a tight tit. Well, 1 presume 1 am, Mut I may cheat the gallows yet_.. The execution will probably take place the !int week in June. Deeming tan deky execution by an appeal (roue the verdict in the velours, which ap psi must he heard by the Judicial t'.mi. mittee of the Privy Council. i1 the judges secede to the petition to rehear, a further inquiry will occur. The last instance of the kind was the came of the Canadian repel Louis rtiel. Ikerning's record to Australia before the murder of his ant victim. Mise Mather, u a long series of pretty frauds and emherzle meat& He was in trouble in Rockhampton, t,fueenaIand, and when in business to Sydney as a await ter, he wound up his carer there by burning his store. He left the city atter his fraudulent failure,owing money to every nae • The last murder which lest to the dis corer, of the other terrible crimes, ws ate covered by accident. Deeming had been to Engkuid, and there persuaded Miss Mather, of Rainhill, leacaattire, to marry him. He rented Reinhart.' Vila from his prospective mother in law and duel it with imma- ture One day a woaraa with twn children ca11.t to as. him at the villa. They were never seen in the neighborhood main, but n o comment was made at the time. Deeming married Mia. Mather, and riled ..r An.tralia, asrrivirg 1n Melbourne to 14 comber, 1891, on the ilsdat.kip kaiser Wil. h elot. He Aired a hoose in Windsor, a soburh .mf Matbodr.e, eivirsg his mote as Drew Payieg a mouth's ran to admen, he brought his wife there He ammplalssi to the landlord about the .•nmditina of the walls and said that he woeM hare to nos names[ to stop the Ienk. Shortly after this he disappeared Hie wife did soot go with hitt, hut he aspaiman this yteg saythat elate was viatimg (rd.md.. Ametier tenant sawn in the cottage on Mara a Moeda/ a bad smell im the boil - mem, be two p the paella Th. ended est .d bar kaq heeteu.boyda wage at t heses recessing ea Mat et ftnv'a wale, mill Ws C. 1 . Rn m v:re k Co. i:ax•ri.Ewe.', 'f he top of my head was bald for several years. I used MIN.ARU' LINIMENT, and now have as good a growth of hair as i ever had. MIR. ALBERT M. K t1. Whestly River. P. E. I. i have used MINARI►;c LINIMENT freely on my heart and now have a good head, of hair after hating been bald for several year,. It of the only hair restorer I have ever found. Mits. U. Stanley Bridge, P. F. I. 1 m THE RELATIONSHIP PUZZLE. Tie Grew seine CIA .f a Tramp s. an Ar- lin ala. Tow a. From The New lurk World. It was et the hour when the shades of night begin to fall and the curses wander homeward to roost. The weary wayfarer gave a feet gulp and said •• I cannot repay you in scudi for your kinder*, madame. itut here is a little puvle which may Bene to while away an idle hour. My father, bit a widower at i walk it. The miledot n Sop pet. the weals alai t ebil the were half • day Mar, a�1aa� lad 1* .freta A merehaat introdwud i6 to a dimmer add won tie iniesple trunk sad bad d tie buret, beth et which Ire hal wagered us his ability to solve the pas ale Made el twelve taint.. The Rudy. Mr. Warps worked ea tate passie all Satur- day dight whoa he &odd have bees writ- ing kis .atmos, and dectribd bus emigre- gaiisa Leat d.y far .ay►ag Ad Lew, foairt►yr, my 50.150.., L atom Id Whet was s wile's ser-indaw, and w- -hem ! We will stead sad receive the b aedicuoa. - An unmated dewier proceeded Irmo the W. l'. T. U. hall, and eighteen differed shades of hair blow ust of the window. Sing lei, late of ions Kase, received tits frees km .SsMatk school teaobr,neg- ted her work all day, broke kis adding freer and in hie frenzy figured an the Ups of sixteen white shirts with indelible idk, and thea Lid the whole matte before his Jam, and because the Ismer would not work it oat whipped him all the rite hrenoon and thea a desperation renonaa.d Christianity as a man and returned to Pag anima. The puzzle premeated every nook and oar ner of the village. Two popalar roomiere of the \ M. C. A. slapped .sett others Lac- s over it. Col Hooks pulled the some of a tourist to whom he was tryag to sell Lad, and all the boys in town fought over it. (lex John C. Smith attacked the wife of his boson with ferocity and a scythe and knocked her into the well where she speed- ily drowned. .A mob chimed Mr. Smith thirteen geographical wit es ani gave him five minutes in which to show male why he should not be lynched, whereupon he de cared that the demise of Mrs. Smith was attributable to Providence and a stone over which she had stumbled, the same throwing her oto the well. His role intention had been to bestow upon her a well rnented las tigatton for introducin • the relatiosabip pastae into the household, thereby assassin sting the tease and harmouy of the same. Thu announcement resulted in a pro- longed and earnest debate upon the part of the rtrini• band, which continued until the %bend and posse teemed Mr. Smith and bore him te town. ('oars was in session at the tante and the case eame up for trial on the morrow. It was dark when the jury was sent out. They tanvased the case thoroughly. Hicks, who was among them, detailed the puck and exhibited his tally sheet. At 4 o'clock in the morning the door was burst open and the jury fell down the stain fighting like demons. The stove had been overset and the building was soon in flames. The hook and ladder company swirleiI up anal ran over three gentlemen, two of whom immediately assaulted two firemen, where- upon the ss hole holy of the latter attacked the entire jury impartially. The alarm of tire aroused the s inset- and the majority of the vitiiens appeared on the scene. .ludge Hegad deuouuce,l the firemen for rioting in the face of the destroyer and was attacked by the foreman or the company. Several citizens went to the assistance of tbe.ludge, and three men si atom he had fined for sell ing whiskey jumped ut to help the foreman. Several 1'r bihitionists forgot etcrythin; eke and rushed 1:1 to du battle with the rum fiends. And thus the tight waxed. The lire was forgotten. Ti.. rival editors srangle.l and then fought, anal their printers took sides. The menders of the various lodges could sot stand by and see their brethren mauled, and they, too, rushed tato the fray. The Iter Mr. Harps mounted a hitch -rack and cried peace, aiel . man whom he had mar ried to a harridan a week before smote him with an axe belt c, and Deacon Croak ran to the minister's assistance. In three min- utes nearly even- churrhmau iu town was n the fracas. The citizens of Irish e\trac- inn mingled in the fray on general princi .lea The rivalundertaken fought. Every man who lad a grudge against another man tried to ;;et satisfaction then and there, and all the debtors attacked their erodi torn. A isle had sprang up, and before the fire had teen got under enntrol the najor portion of the business part of the village a. :n ashes. This threw many then ut of empl„yment and they moved way *noon after Others, seeing that here would be no boom for many mons, epartel. ."severalcapitalists; who had been about to •itakt lot.stmemts immediately folded their tent*. The (:rand Jury found true bills acainat mane of the psrticipenta in tate great bgRht....I they all fled like the win.!. Nolaely would buy property and the reel estate agents left. The number o1 the voters was so reduced that a rival town securer) the ouunty seat; and with at went everybody who tonkl get away. 7'he newspapers Loth went. Many of the 1,uil.iiugs were loaded nn trucka surd haukd off to the stew ,runty .eat. And finally a cyclone rated all of the remaining building% and put an end to the village for goal sod all. And all this was the work of the relation- ship puule. Beheld how great a Rune a tat• spark kindleth. nen pee—its Farther. Int hiva, it appears, the distinction be, tween physicians end surgeons is more sharply defined than with us„ and every man a expected to stick to ht. own branch of the profession. A rich merchant was ruck by an arrow, which remained for time fixed in the wound. The preset. surgeon of the place teas sent for, and er insisting in pocketing hu lee in d• • the age of tor'y•scven. married n maiden of seventeen. and upon :he following day my brother Lyman wedded her mother, then a widow of thirty six. In due time a sow was born to each couple. 1t may Alford you some little amusement in estimating the various relationships nay father nod bears to Lyman, to Lyman's wife and Ly,nan's child : also to himself and his own wife and o child. Von might also calculate the rel. a tionahap Lyman Man to his own w ife and t child and to his father and the latter's wife 11 and child. Itut i must be .n my way. Good evening . And he was gone. When Lhasa s,. Hickathe husband of the benevolent la.ly. returned home soetewhat later he (trued the wile of his bosom suffer ing from a violent headache, the result of an hour'a grappling with the puzzle. she repeated it to bpm, and retired much earlier than was leer wont. And (sham e:. Is'ighel aloud and declared that a woman ha.s no head, anyhow, and St hum down to work it out an fourteen snouts,. When Mrs. Hicks awoke in the gray of the morning her husband was not by her side. As she stepped quietly to the sitting• coin door she heard hint say, it, dreary monutose •' Lynau's taby is•the half brother -of his father s stepmother who.is-also hu • father's step.au6hteranl his anther's daughter and -oh dear how my -hand ache... The leaves of a huge scratch tablet lay ahnnt him like a drift of sone MI covered with figures and diagrams, and before him was a sheet setting forth fourteen proposi- tions of wha,•1r the following et ■ fair sem lit al smite " The older nun is tl•.• father in late of an his mother in law and the husband of his grandee, s half air: et . 0 ho a also the child's stapgrandmother. Rupe of auburn hair lay abmai en the table. Hicks renamed :u tied ►11 that foramen with as. on hu brow and muttered drearily seatennw like throne Hu wife 11 Ins baby's half brother'shalf nephew's mother's son -in -law -no, that isn't it ' Hitt en's wife u his own mother in law and mother of his greadeen • half sin ter um ' um I His mother u law is eh, dear me ' In the afternoon he went down to the lumber yard .ml told the posale to the mien there assembled ani they all lauxbel hien to .Dorn esti then Asoma no the aniooth aide of thirty sax s.inare feet of lumbar and hart three fight• without gettimg as far as Hicks had gine in the still witches of the tsarist.. A husbandman who drifted in to trade horses became involved and beat hie steel all the way home. Meanwhik, Mn. Hicks .prose the peril' at the several" Meek that ofnd and t he . twist r ran up against it a 1 ll, ami thus it was spread all over town. The children took it to seined .sad loured the teacher, L oad there was a grand strapping carafval all one aftareaon. 4'a.tosers sprung it is Me stores. The barber .props at nn a pati est sal eat elf his ear is the mntroesrey that amauel. A gentleness and a hook est tore their clothover it V Wal tar btapamith east up amidst it when he cal vane cut off the arrow, leaving the point buried to the patient's hndy. (len )eine asked to extract it he said medical etipnette would not allow him to trespass on a brother practitioner's pmvinte. The arrow beteg maids the body the tape was dearly one for a physician. The merry Magas el Ike trap indicates a gaol bop crop this year.--Itinrhamt.n R..- 1• A GROUP OF "DONT'1!." Sow ob 1f>Ismohrigrormo el Lapeer "German Pilaw City seal Consort . IM sot say, "Be speaks Eat! -010001 bat " Ape reran par MIWM L " Not •• I am teal Ill," bat " I am really Net „ 1 feel bad," iwo " I feel badly. Net Hadn't .*islet, ' bat " Shoaldn't lova'. De sot begin all remarks with an m escla- atiea each ea ' • win ! " , • Se, ' " •' Oh ' " Do not `y. •• I'm ant gots', l duet be- lieve," but I'm amt going, I babies." Not • " free palm" bet a " ppm : est asw hagaaaen. Eat ,. btgissen : not " elevated ap," bat " elevatd-" Not " 1 am through diaper," but " I have Meshed dialer.' Not " It is too salty," but " It is too Not " 1t is tasty. " but " It is tasteful - Not •• light uomplected." bat " Lied, ooNol ' 14...50 a't Dome to see me."but "He dosa't eons to tee me." Not " Who aro you going with • but ••Whom are you goiag with ' Not incorrectly •' She wrote to Neal and when you say correctly, " she wrote to Steaks /Pam .ltd Egypt. Aniostg the mat interesting objects found by the Egypt exploration fund workers. in 1891• were two large fragments of an itmerit ell red granite column frons the ruins of the great temple of Harsheff. They date from the time of Ramees 11 . or about 1500 11. l'.. and have just been pre seated to the Archeological museum of the ('niversity of Pennsylvania. Accompany- ing them is another object from the same temple a sitting statue of Renews 11., of heroic rue. There are remarkable remains of color in three places, the throne being very finely inscribed. The material is of the rad limestone et Gebel Ahmar The temple issitwitted at th,•.rteof Ha-kheneosu, the modern Abner el Medient, iu upper Egypt. A PRIZE PICTURE PUZZLE. The a: eve p!. ter, . , tour foes, fie item a,,.: hi. , d.o.a:.t.•.. Anyone a. Anal the •...r.. tae e, h::. it is ore so amyl diti gab_ Ike fate, of the 1,.rec Toe pr,.pr..tor. or Perera Pelee 1i1111. wig: else an eke.: Gold TI-*te1 t., the Jame per.,a who un ma1.l 0.t t:,.:::.ree.tattghtma•Aces . e, I':e r A lain be flee:, a j.,r duin. Diamond F.ar-R to es t a , :.. it ir�i band. son,. 1111 Drees pattern, r yards in any mux f t:, the : rrrek a coin Silver Waimea and many other prim in .oder of *aerie. Every coapetit:e mast cul tat tbm a':. -e. p.oio *tom distances& the three j.rl.' facei by marking a cr.. with Mad penal ea etu:s. and euckse Seas with ten there cent Caa,ad:an ..e tftwa tw•. Cant (:.dreg States ,tamp* f.r one box t FORITS PRIZE P11.i.., atdrrswd to 1U nay Lai, 4T, ladles R atfest Swum s., Were �► M� 1� 1 he re'- ' wb •ar tf.wl.gt is postmarked and the eskers la ordwitt er of merit. T. `T .rib. pefret �,r, senting the l.ost coo, t sower win be stern an elegant Gold Mille*. of 1rGro workamee.oa.d fir.tclem ii a1ee, so re t re Me torr a pair of se tams D/OfaeOri jr_RIapp�� ro the u; •,..t to the h -i a teo,!r.ms Silk YrAoe Pattern, i'yards le anyAle; to the Mtn/ a,, the gaunt a Cela Saver w•teh. and irony other p41 in •rt., of :: tri: crowing amt the tea. MALL Mp TNe AWAY 500 PALCAUL1a PRIEMICUS then he so awl. .rod ankh c•.rai Ate .o alert rialse u ria.!. 1..• bosun' 1 packing or pee. nines, The names of the leading prim *ier.ers aiY be put.h.l..d in ton., .ion oath of 'Warmer omit in leading oew-ryaper• nest morale. Erna trensier., writ 1.. gismo to them who ar wj/iet to :tote te iterooaohor oar nn.etieire. leenenk for the peereiiims 1. my way they .re siveit ales to ",nodi n.' 1ad,. s aliiiguLtrtrsad roars Prim Ads, *Melt nn pewery , sal YN�,'_-.rhe, Nessee,. end i oida shoe..ewer er Mal floe a. .arta+-rose d. 4* .afar~. erevertaLp../rvereryy w..a, ea., -to t..ke, disclaimPerfect follows their slat A. to *50 qtr ityy 00.1t COSI. perm es ode tory (S.li.g wl.I.mh dime - ghat er hmentees boom in Tomato. Aa psesi.m MR be awarded wiulr in order amid' sod with amho ae public. PUY awe sent by to same Mk pct... mesakie Ma. aPiss ar.. ileisfallill AwitM kin. tar AT ENTS TIMOR III OAv'A apb .smdf►srOOPYMOw'rso, ohm r71111111:447,gut a=ssn. *T. Yoga. seism ar seeping �peetesta r We . rrMa 'Iron nun.. of In WWII out le Scientific American =,,,,,=.........4.4.4 .eases Syrup Here is something from Mr.11t'ask A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House. Lewiston, and the Tontine Hotel. Brunswick, Me. Hotel ass meet the world as it comes and gots, and are not slow in siring people and things ap for what they ars worth. He says that be has lost a father and several brothers and sis- ters from Pulmonary Consumptive, end is himself frequently troubled with colds. and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him tick at Consumptionhis stomach. When- ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Syrup and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou- blesand would therefore be moat particular as to the medicine be used. What is his opinion ' Listen ! " I use nothing but Boechee's German Syrup. and have advised. I presume, more than a hundred different per- scas to take it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the market." 99 PATENTS ! A4EATS, Tl/Of 11115 AND (CITFII.MT: Obtained. and all basemen to the C. rt. Pate. Dake attended to et MODK/t4TR VP.RS. Oar oalce a sistii the V. 1. Potent Of - floe, and w n sae. Palmate in tees time ban those r emote frim WASHIAOTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWLY°. W. ad- vise as to potentebillt free of d w • sad make .A-0 C'NARGi UNLESS 41 WI - TI /A' PATNA—T. We refer. here. to the Postmaster. Ib Sept, IC Mosey Order Div., and to edictal* of tie C. r. Patent Warr. for circular, advice. Wins and referewoee to actual cations in yoer ,wn .tate or County. write to C • .sew A CO.. • (pposite Patent Omcaweehlastos.D.0 tt SPRINC1- If you are looking for something new in CHAMBER SETS C. A. NAIRN Can interest you at Rollsoliaide Prices. FREE TRADE �� �G08DS The only duty there will be in connection with my ' goods will be my duty t3 sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The Ton10 Cash Sloft P. ODEA, Manager. 80N otHa Have niidesl to Abair present 'sentient one of R. J Nasi's latest �e E' ERw, ty Hesr,N, alto the finest lilt' ni funeral furniahisag. in the eagerly M pEow anti arenow penpan•ti to r unslnct fanerala pdflOee Iresionable. P This depart*tent will far strictly attwrltied to by by eon Williata, wisp beans year., a low eight maathg. was 50 p public patronage. Itemeanher the place West -at., hopes t .bilge part he tie AMNIA d .testi eek. sed rwnemwsly 1 t 4larin r aYm, a..sdwb., Lone. • oAdse. Give as a can. iota y pod in the Pmpi.] ret the late Gordon he the pedal own ban Aides wrangle r" "ngamel, t, which had .:oat's knowledge ort rise browse., and between led .pend Mier Raged. and aper an boat's � tb.sn p �k by prompt attention he fear im ieteattlitord mere oners r "dile Mem I J. BROP$EY were aL W. Te T & .430Ni the sad Ores Pia The Signa saw Jobare maw mon sdlb fah w Ma cter � all .rap tally el A mimed el tags aaseas�, ay be ie semi mesad l�aawfash mads tbins yre ma ea year time sae aeons w Ore wilt kk ww i the approval el treir patrons Iattttr \%tads in this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers suit able for every Diass of ba.tiaeas represented to this locality, s,. pnao$ laid and wove, lura quadrille and oiber papers, ruled or nnruIed, as way be required 'totti\eoii This useful sin is kept in the fall =of zualities same as letter .k Attao. ♦\tadt► are not so generally used, they till an important place in commercial correspondence. Hee what we're got under the *bore beads. \\\ iM Lar. If the •• pay a:: you go .. plan wa. the order of the day the dewat*i for account paper would not l.• so great : but there are some meta who get so many dunnerw that they wonder if the stork will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is rum piete in this line with four sires. (:aid paper anti neat ruling. att\ae atrt Both single anti double dollar - anti cents columns. They cone, cheaper than bill heads, and an the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sore to fetch him 'round-- some•time. art\o\\t w Now, it would be Irani to get along without esteL o�tea. and re keep up with the deaand for them we keep a large stock ot. hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. to - (43.00 per M. We handle. coin Inertial anti legal aura exclusively. C'\re.\\ar,k We situ to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we tura out. but especially in this, and keep. in *Lock plain and fancy paper, suitable for all requirement*. roc_raqA.w of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Garan Lad► T'trllt,etw This hetul coven a large range of work. from a bread or milk ticket to a hent calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business .arra or a handsomely printerl membership ticket. osters our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is dune try us. This line also in- cludes Doo.g ors which our three fast -running job mane are able to turn out in a wfpieilitlgly short time. tNQ\f belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty them promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will appear in Ter SIGNAL faro of °barge when bills for sante are got here. I an+\tat\oas to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in 'elec- tion edeation sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. (all and ►roe. C ova melt tt\a\ 4 r\at\aQ has already hen partially enum- erated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amount of work ander this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space °acs pisd this adv't, but we do it ail at Tall SIGN AL lictuA I OI 'Work in the typograpkjwl pafaglg ff W can he done in this .albino -Alt in au expeditions and artistic and sman Oar 4 v•etI %mak be to am tetrb ree►won .ab\e . We extend our thanks for past fav- ors trend *digit a esntinuance of the raN. . %%IL ATolt#I•, luteal, (Arr.