HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 4THE SIGNAL: tODERIOR, ONT, THURSDAY, MAY 1x, 1$t2.
Shut venal,
m 1l'w.me�
MriM tlwl.
Ones W PPMieatte.-e lad it NerMreel.
te.derieh, Oet.rlo.
Terme elf illalbeesimithea t
Orae meat•. la advisees
Three awths, 06
Oise year. 1 111
It media is :matted. the peke per year 1 SIt
ewr0.1 ed,efuMg Raise
/.r and ether casenl edvenninssgetIL IN.
ger rash her Grit besertie.ion. basertiem sada tf ed el►
• lasered sortie.
es cards of • x I. nes and under. $3 per
Advertiseaseets of Lost. Found. Strayed.
Situ.ttoss Vacant. Situations Waned and
Winne= flounce Wanted. not exceeding 6
lava nonpareil. ll per ineeth.
as [sale wad Farms on Sale. sot to
sassed s lines. g1 for first swath. 50c. per sus
eournt month. larger adios. in proportius.
Any special notice. the object of is bleb u to
promote the pecuniary belied' of soy tath-
r Aim! or 'onlay, to he .oneldered an ad
sertl.nment lad charged accordingly.
Local notices in nonpareil type am cent per
po Bowes lees Than 36c.
Local ootlose ie ordinary reading type two
corn per word. Nu notice for lees tlaaa S!.
Notices for ohutches and *the- religious and
►oevoleat iaetltutloea half rate.
r'emseretas t'ewtr.rs AtlirrU..merr..
A limited number of displayed advertise
meats will be inserted at the lfollowiag rattle :
Per inch, one insertion. ... M
four insertions 01 M
throe mom eft months 301
one year.... 6 Or
No advertisement lsss than two In
length will be calculated oft ohm* ks�a b
per cent. discount allowed for nab pangolin
ea three swaths' contract : 11 per nest a six
nes'. sad IS per cent. o. • year's. ',less
hiens will be strictly enforced.
About •'Tea• Masai^ Mlsvery.
rinleeribers who fail to receive Tun SyawaL
rerularty. either by carrier or by ma& will
coiner • favotreenseepenteematmeof t ., fact at
s. early a date a. possible.
Leek as tear label.
Your label ia a steadier receipt of the date
to which you are paid up. See [bat it is not
allowed to fall into arrear.
When a change of address is desired. both
the old and the new eddr'es sborid be given.
Rejected manoecripte manor be returned.
t'orre.pondence must be written on one side
of paper only.
hNsa$er'. %mire,
.1. C. Le Tonne'. of Gods -rich, ham been .p
palated Local Travelling Aleut for the town-
ships of Ooderich, Colborne. Aableld and Ws.
Local postmasters over the dl.trict are sail
empowered to receive subscriptions to Tilt
sit,. AL
Ali cootsunicat:oas mut be •ddresed to
Tee Sso,.L.
Telephone tali U. O.derloe, Ont.
I. 4I..n.n. . 2• tar U.N.
:mental 1: nH2n was alt Issue.
fill T►1..r HlP' *Anna• THS K ATMS* t11-
l..prous announcement that the boiler -mak -
.rs of 4'hicago are stoking. isn't it their
business to be .trikinr, anyway
.1, 15.a. Fa.LI,v T, IN Tllt orr.lux .0 1H1.
parltarnenary majority, IS lull about as
noo5.t se Sir Ai.'Lrw& t'twr., and Sir
Aa.otrar, in the opinion of the broad
electorate, otaibt to be wearing a striped
unit to edvaace of Hee Monis sees...
Tttr • T.&a:yeas o. Owen SHUN'. its'r.
termed themselves tato ae mestxution to 1.5 -
ward the• moral condition of the town.
There is a capita', opportunity for the cler
gymen of 4;oderich to distinguish them
selves aloug this lee lust at pi meet.
THE Erre.. AN.a'N. r• TV .ir 2 •'tp'1.•-
tog t enervative tally was retest'', held
in Stratford. There will be • greater
•• rousing (an.ervatitr rally then when
A. pT 1%,3.Atf gay in with the „ influence
and Dr. Mo.Ta.rs bobs up serenely with
the little duplicate ballot.
all& Tii..,:ui THAT n. Al •.e 1!
A. M o-noviiiii pot only 172 vote to Toron-
to therefore Conunestal f.neon has practi-
cally no support in that city. By the seine
specious rea.00ing bas.... PM WAN. A N. TMow r -
'e'. received omit' salla 100 votes there are
few voters •matget Me working einem of
D).. Mory*t.rtt Tett provsr,mN ,i. rou-
tral Msther•kite, is credited with having a
vote in East Toronto, although be never
lived there or owned an tech of bad. We
wenldn't be surprised to see him en is West
Hume twit. He would se soon steal it •
vete in Huron as m Hskiiman.l, and he did
• lot of it down there.
Tun TT.aIIL1 " i.tx 1.1 '.t.ITOte Or Toe
Star, wise dropped epos this town from
Detroit over eleven years ago, and would
drop back ague to Detroit an eleven hours
d he could arrange to get out of town, le
very much errand &boat the position of
Tor SI..'Ai. ea Continental Union. That's
is way all these 11 sakes Tory editors have.
r)1t von• or 41111111101118 ANA Iter Hlico.ga
Judge Rt uur r. of irides, for presenting
the neenitorncy he Jest CA/WING has
been voted down. Ileoe of the gentl•mer
who voted the moths, down will he •' turned
dewmi by their Mean coestituesta when
they next face the poll. Justice may take
some tome in commix, but she " gots char
fust the same.
THE ill or Tim 1. Itrtemetic .1 -T '• ,...r.•
for ' The (dohs in its sews of last week be.
tour the Toronto .•wasps ••redited Tint a
4140. Al. with • clone alma ANI., 11.352)1
which era the boyar wade product of The
lt.cot'der. Tug MH.IrAi didn't see the poet'
n&1 gem In ,$soden, but we deny the pater
city nght hen and wow V. hese sough
hardens to shoulder without harm to
.errry the sin of fat boring The Recorders
*prow poet ry
Woo t• Tle1" T 11 IO,I I situ, n Tap DI"Remise a 1n he beltev..l, in • " witty and c'0e
taking style ' to, " enthiametscally received"meitt
by the open mouthed electorate of North'
Perth. and le " trenchant road elogee.t
words defended the 1'01os .-htrges," and
who " took .p the trade policy ' bodily and
•' dilated spas the mem wed various hone
i1• wind► we are Me iviwg 2544.5 rt ' ' I.
he OD Ohms lane deck eho in a5 mom and
"OM tliteeter e.rbrteek to i.strwet the
•hashes et lid's Hill ea the ymmMb.s el lee year by year, sad without any apneas
Was sly bt IIIR amid who .res Ola ee tan Ala .fart ea the part el either the temper -
OW° . 411611' Mat Ir will b1 " eSt et .t.s 11e1111laa or lie ehelehea
irMMed, ..4 W 0. " go 1"1111* 11 ti's R. . test say that thine .oils for nor -
the same young Tun lima who le new
werktag overtime at the " uerhe.t • busi-
ng' asoodiug to The K.pies, the cardim
any, everyday, ..d mem anatisenst blather.
skins .re lust sow at a psrlmicm i. Perth.
• -
There sever was • prod when the totes
WW1! Do hard In this sects at of alntar•o ae
they are today. It makes as deference in
whet direction the rye any be cast, the
mine evidence of decadence is visible. .nal
tee same etpremiaas of dsepair are beard.
This st.terneot may not be " loyal, but is
The county et Huron has been smitten
this year by the exodus as t1 - plague had
passed ave. the land. Every township,
town and village 11.s suffered. and stili the
work of , depletlou :oes on. in 4;oderich
alone this Spring over one hundred souls
have creme.' to the States, and others are
pr.p.riag to go.
1 Our sailors are now told that they cannot
"Mato situations ou the other side of the
Maw if they maintain families i. ( needs, and
^Y • result a hegira to the Sates Is urea um.
In otter vocations also the threat of deport-
ing has caused former residents of l;odench
and other portions of the .dusty to remove
their families, groats awl chattels from the
old hearth and hoose, and to break up all
conneetioo with the land of their birth and
the home of their youth.
Huron .minty I, not alone 10 its hoes of
population along this line. for a similar cow
dittos ex ens to &lmost every county in
Ontario. From Lambs a we learn that in
county town, serail, has lost from its popu-
lation nearly 360 souls during the past year:
[.alt. one of the most prosperous town. of
Waterloo, and for years spoken of as the
" Manchester of !Ontario,' mourns the loot
of 117 Inhabitant inside of twelve months :
while Ingersoll, in Oxford scanty, has
dwindled from 5,466 in 1881 to 0,022,
acrnrdinc to the latest municipal assess-
ment. mer-
.1nd w 1t 12 on every side. The towns
which were to have become cities are travel-
ling villageward, and the tillages are fading
away : the promised home market for the
farmer nils be»omc t he memory of • dream :
the value of town and city property h..
begun to tumble, and the homestead on the
concession line would not bring the value of
its sec„n.l mortgage at an auction sale.
Meantime taxes are piled up in every
direction. Municipal obltvations have to
be met, and in addition 1.. the unwelcome
vent of the local tatcolleector the insidious
working of a tariff system: that clips the
perchance power of • one hundred .sent
dollar down to seventy cents is felt in the
In addition to all this. open thieving ie
condoned at Ottawa by our representatives,
and the boosted ermine of our !udiciary of
various grade, is besmirched and tt.•h.uehe.l
by venality. The old flag that we were
wont to boast of as being " the banner of
the tree, floats over a people who are fast
becoming the bond•serrante of political
corruption, financial ruin and moral decay.
The oil oprit of iodependen•e and integrity
appears to be getting warped and to he suffer-
ing seriously from a wilting process.
A complete cbaage of front is required.
Colonialism will have to be abeadened. amid
Canadians will have to place themselves
more in touch with their brothers who have
ermined the artificial boundary, and who
are now eajoyi.ng the prorres which the
Great Republic is making. The (old Way
has been tried led found wanting, fwd
Canada should step into the Xew Path,
where a brighter and better onward march
awaits her
We steed in the light of a dawning day,
with its glory creation &Mum :
And the life carnet up from the premise
clay through the world's grist heart
are rushing :
While from peak to peak of the spirit land
a voice unto us is calling ;
The night u over, the day is at hand, and
the fetters of earth are falling.
1 et faces are pale with • mystic fear of the
strife and trouble looming :
And we feel that mightycbs r,
agare wean
though the Lord dalayeta H s coming.
For the rent flags hang from each broken
mast, led down in the ooeam's *urge.
The shattered wreck of • foundering past
oinks end the night wind'. dirge&
Rut the world goes thuwdetiwg on to the
light, unheeding our vain prem• ss
Alf moms are cleaving • pail to the nght.
through the mouldering` dust of ages.
Are we, rhes, to rest 1n • •bill despair. un
moved Maness these new aness :
Nor carry the flag of ear cooatry fair to the
onward marsh ot cation*'
hall our hands he folded is shunter when
the hands and the shams are demerit' :
• •tony and still as enchanted mon m .
care of darkness fettered •
The .ave may he dart, hot well Rash
height gleams M the morning nachos.
on 1t,
\rid tread the New Ptak legogh the morn
:ng beasel s. yes M Lisa epos it.
rhe temperas.e m orement appears to be
Ing rept.' preemie no this American
Went. When we speak of the temper
movement we dent moan the .Mitres
to the asemsMrehip of tempests', .oei.ttes,
r that the •-hureh.e have'neweased in mem
lees largre', sol enmities' upon the newly
made ,Lines s•• the obligation of 'Mal .b
Not by any mean& W • simply msm.s
that the eu.bse of deimkere ter* becoming
al Amid spiritual improvement w .11 detng
the flew they know hew is Ie.e. Me even
of iatempsr'ance. bet we do my that the
.decreer. ie the drink traffic is mot attribut-
able to any work that sae be traced direct-
ly or indirectly to their edam to any ap-
proaable extent. The ('i.etneaU Centime
ctrl (termite attributes the cause to • bigilr
avers.•.! gentility, to the better
that dl treated word.
A. losg as mea are m.es they will eat amid
drink •rd have some fan : but there are all
gradations In the proems, from the Luetm•r
who falls into the glitter, or the same* who
tills himself with firewater and raw dog, to
the gentleman who, in a cafe, takes • drink
in good lellowabip with some friends, or in
hie club or he home eats his dinner and
co.tlorts himself with agl.s or two of wine
in pleasant ou mpanionablp.
Intexicatios becomes snore shad more .him
grawfal. Among the better classes of into
the visiting of public saloons and the stand
un drinking al ban is falling more arid more
into disrepute. Another strong infuenoe to
this end is that the drinking habit, even o
moderation, .yenta w sharply against •
man in the business affairs of ide.
" Is he a dunking scan •" is one of the
tint and main.austions put by one man of
another with wham any busmen relation is
proposed : and ' Is he • dnsking nae
L he a married man'" are the two quo.
tion. &lways asked by any business man or
firm concerning . proposed employee or
assoziate. This, no doubt, tends to hold
many a man to paths ot sobriety who, per
haps, has not enough •elf.respect to do so.
Tbey c,.n't indulge because, is a business
sense. they " cant afford to. •
In old tames drunkenness was not coned -
ere' disreputable among the "gent.ry."
The great man was the " four -bottle roan, '
and the hero of the occasion at a drinktg
bout was the .tie who rould „ pmt all the
others under th.-table. .111 this lisa sot
entirely disappeared cot by any mesas
for habit and human rates do not change
in a day. But there certainly has been •
narked alteration mor the better. The nsan
who, in an sisembly of gentlemen at dinner
or elsewhere. gets drunk makes hisnaelf off
eorem. He is not applauded : h.- is not
cern pitied. He as condealned ani his tom
pokey fought shy of thereafter.
In other respects men A habits are im-
proving as the country get older and
time is hal for travel sad culuva-
tion of the *mealtime
l WV 11111T14441.
Kincardine and 4.oderich are booked for
• null summer finless a dredge is immedi-
ately sent to each port. Appropriations
have ices made for dredging both harbors,
but the difficulty lies in sot being able to
obtain dredges. Mayor Macpherson and
reeve Scott have been wutng every day for
a dredge, but it appear. that every dredge
is engaged. The Beaty beau will Dot run
along these shores unfes both harbors aro
opened up for traffic. Kincardineharbor is
in better condition the 1.odench, for a
heavy sand -bar has formed &cross the
mouth of the (;oderich harbor, while either
the Empire ..r the Monarch can eater the
Kimardine harbor at least & boat length.
Mr. Rightmyer has been obliged to cancel
two cargoes of coal and Mr. Dyment says
that unities relief is gives at once be will be
under the necessity of removing his lumber
yards from Kincardine. As netters stand
now the prospect are not at all bright for
Kincardine, but every effort is being made
by the town authorities amid the t;overnm ant
W remedy the existing state of &flair&
Now, if that clipping was from a Liberal
eewepsper the Tory paper* world est up a
big howl about "calamity creaking • and
" running down the town, ' kc., tic., but
that little co.solatloa 11 not to be theirs, se
the items was taken from the esteemed Kin
carding Review, which absolutely and un-
conditionally bows down lad worships the
(iovernmeat of the day.
But the statement of facts contained is
true, and a lamentable condition of affairs
IS shown to exist. Hen in 4ioderich dar-
taR the month of February The f11r pointed
eat the unfortunate position of the town ia
regard to needed harbor repairs. It sated
that it bad recelreel a letter from taraia
siattag that
" Cakes something t, dope to t.oderlch
harbor this Swag, the Remy hew will
mot be able to call then this year at all."
And thea the able editor got o his ripe
work upon the reran, by ••kin',
"Let the people of I hod rich sea thew
selves whether lir. 1'trrgTaom. or Mr. ('AE
entre i■ moat likely to ss'ere the ex.eeive
and perss..est improreeaenta desired at
this harbor.'
It will be in order for The star to answer
that query, and to answer it right away,
quick. `prig has cote upon us, tavig&-
tirno a open and presently the position of
this port i& commotion with the Northwest
trade will bare to be *Mimed. Did The
star mean what it said when 't pabliael
the facts about the neceenty for improving
the harbor, and that ldr I'trT►tr•' would
be the better man to lank to for suck ton-
proremneel or was the letter and artiele nil
the cw .inn got op as ■ piece of electiew
Th. blame rests with the t;ovrwmewt is
a t lederish been Sera, Provisos .i *a-
bet , 4.5*ug the palest week, m Shah sag
be mpewed hoes some time this salamis.
1a oddities to that we lura that Keens
GI NOVA" •.d Coe is are teems semi.dittgt
at the harbor, but as those gesti.se were
hers last February whoa the ice was os the
Salto, and nothing m.0 91 their former
visit, we are not Ieukiag be great rswds
from theft press.[ 1•1911117 zojeesa u
Thi. 1.s.ity.
(Belem oil the Kd:A1 o1.rgs against
('Tao% the other eight, Mayor lhtvtn gang
"• The Midliipmite " in tine style. Had he
whistled the "The Hoene•' March " while
waivag for the o.ajority to came an aid
tote for the whitwaehug of the knight, it
would have been more In keeping with the
0ec.ai.11 and circesestaaoss.
S . ..A&r t 1. ter. roe " Lu1" Halal*
the spread of the Continental Cities •1101i.
0•1181. in Toronto that use o1 the fooli•k
aldermen of that city wanted • civic ordia-
aacw pawed providing that no proceesioe
should be allowed to '• procsb " unless it
carried the " old Hag. The motion eras
laid on the able, after another of the alder
mea ha.l remarked that " there was more
sentiment than miser in this feeling." The
dog waver ie ('awda is beginning to be as
insnderable • nuisance as the encroe fiend.
" t'NH hgN THIS./ Jack, ..r THE H.trll.
too Spectator, ie one of the permits: roles
of Tory journalism. His name is Jou.
„ floe-tioN " 4' %er..ON. He was .anted
Jon, but when be was starting out in the
world his father gave bun the advice to al
ways sank principle for profit, and colleted
ed by saying, '• If you cannot get along
honestly. then Roe, AON." .1.t• a west out
into the world and adopted father's " Hos,
`.lav " as his middle name. As • result he
dos • thriving ch.cken trade in Hamilton,
although it is sated that aided and abetted
by his middle name he aasuts the natural
increase of bis fowl at the expense of his
neirhbor.. Chief McKinnon, of Hamilton,
should also get Ronson'‘ Stony Mountain
history. 1t Is rich.
The 1.11 .*....i.
To the Kditer of Timis En.m.z_
8th, -In her card lass wee& Nis ekisistgz
omitted to amines that the tum of mosey re-
ceived by her. aa.: collected by me per roe
Scriptios hut, amounted In 1 iU 10 1111S 25 in
eluding interne. and tor which 1 hold her
receipts. 1. 11. Revstrr.
•e Tory Amalfi iI .
To the Editor of Tits SIGNAL.
gut. -Will some member of the majority of
theooanct) who voted in favor of I.crea•Ing
the clerk's salary td1 lbs public of how his
mile ora be,astiddawiee the financial condi-
ties of the toww Ig1Wd..ed
Isar '111 ••t awtLu+ent- MONT/li t tlr ETIN.;
*RAT w.1 01I11.
The regular meeting of town council was
he1.1 Fr.la, evening. Present- The mayor
1n ,•hair. reeve, depnty.reeve lad council-
lor Marney, Centres, C'amplon. Thoinp-
.on, Keel, Naftel. 'lumber, I'ndham,
Yates, Wilson, Dunlop, Nicholsos.
The mints of Wt meeting were read
and approved.
The treansrer's report, showing a balsam
of !319.1,7, was nod and referred to the fia-
anee committee
An account from Wm. Lee for $306.87 was
read and ordered to be paid.
A. S. Senior was granted a bollard license,
councillors Red, Naftal, Humber, Yates,
Dunlop and Nicholson voting nay.
Tar vIeANt 1 • n.xITT.i, esroaT
Recommended that the securities of John A.
Naltel, collector, be notified that hie roll'
have cot been completed, amid that they be
asked to meet the finance committee of this
council to consider the matter, and in the
mentiex the &editors be asked to •edit
the rolls for 1890 and 1891. That the m-
amma of .Joh. Hropbey, D. C. Stracbs.,
The North American Chemical Co. sed Goo.
Bissett be paid. That the salary of the
town clerk he increased 850 per year.
The report was adopted, councillors
Thompson. Yates, Wilson lad Nscholeon
voting say en the •,ue*tion of increase la
clerk's sallsry.
a1 re'my or rt a1.1. ""55'. nes mi rrrta
Rsoowlsaesdel That the parilioe end
fence at the Harbor Park he repaired That
a reward of $10 be offend for iaforaatise
leading to the mevicties of say prima or
porous doing damage to the pavilion or
uy other town pprnc.psety. That the task
at the corner of tIloaee's warehesse he 811sd
up. That the street-imspetr report on
the condition d the sidewalk en the asst
side of Hamilton -n., opposite Slcsse'• pro-
perty and the probable oast et repatriate,.
41n mo•lon tbe report was adopted.
..14n17 tar w&Tt*CO$&• ANT. 5125e55),
1.N: RT' !!Haunts
That the committee be authorise' to pur-
chase 300 tors of Clover Hill sleek coal and
60 tons lamp or .et coal. That A. Farrow
be granted water service at the venal terms.
That `(t. Peter's Aural be fernhbd with
electric light at the rata of NO rook ly1g-ht,
after the expiration of fleet year of taking
it. That W. H. Smith, ettgieeer, be paid
eke sure of a0 for such extra work as he
may do declog ensuing year
Mored by Holt, seeosd.d by Campeau,
that the wsterwork• m 1
eronts•• . wp
ereel to purchase • oar of iris pipe, assorted.
Carried. Pnsdfeot, t netelee, Yates,
Wilson, Dunlop tad Michelson voting
Moved by Irumbr, ascended by /echo'.
inn, that the 8.1.es csmmsittee be empty
.red to rrswge for the disposal of the awe
dehrnterse, and to advertise if they see se-
minary. Carried.
Moved by Prewdfont, .sms.d.d by Nieha-
us, that oessoillers Money. H.mbr and
Tho.pen be • commithem to see sheet
making asstan-y eha.Rss ie the hydreelle
ram .t eam.kery.--Crried.
g4'nemt. p4.
4 n purtie.4.r with Kew .1 A mi t•, f M mesion emeneli .d iswesen.
tbLntu'as Perry nog., who {.s Feywary arse
a.w t Bum t
told or he would he the mu we would harm 1Ysoveren at lesh•aN.edyMM is sure,
to leek to for favors fro.. llet.ai'. en 5 rssd p•+r••a 1'w�.�►sjtr.a. ye
ear ever the car'. ee` pla(s.y
dleeesalrT. Rey
'linm the above was in type car bars Peens.'. nom and hewer* of
from tows clerk Mpg USU. that. iedermdhs g
the -a Asap. esed ass AM ie t
bee bems reWie4 that • doses w* he Ott tee4e by Pion ! Oa, Khri-s
Prom emir own ase eesleadeaLANULl
The W. F. M. 8. held Moir...taly meet-
ing Thursday 1..t •.d elored the ukenh
Sm. Mr. Andersen W ee..onemid bold-
ing • weakly prayer msetm g Tiesed y ate.
g id hat past ewer dwriag the
Our Patrons are &sli g with the whole-
sale mu themselves, and SOON to be saving
toasty. They hove giver large orders for
cud oil, aagar, grain, etc.
N'0 Iowa that Perseverance, the Lavern
horse, is .till in our aaigkberbood. H. will
remota at Thom.s barer'. w Wednss4gy
aigghl& The farmers are meek pleased to
have l'aresver•.oe on the old reale.
Fred Wen. Johaso.e, who has been at
Leading Luoknsw school for three months
pawl has now hose and is att.diwg our
ca•nadeyay. He is preparing for the
examination in British Columbia for a
teaching o.eti6.Ma
t Ase s1 the madden egetru of the politica!
dealit.tia. a our lair country is the
unworthy, yes, positively injurious &a tple
est the rising gsnsrMiui. The ".mart "
mu becomes the ideal, the " bonen cams s
voted slow, and we need fear no worse
judgment upon ow laud tins that oar
,case F seek to imitate the loe.r
clam tumpl.. probably, turned Ceiling
of the honest fame to the most highly &p
plauded sect -robber in • country where eta
easy bare that distinction. But the force
of this example becomes more apparent
when we coil trace iia wrkiag in the youth
of Lanes, hitherto •o re.owsed for their in-
n.tegrity, and bre is bow it showed iteell
Tee of our boys, through the killdeer te
an lutarested party, had an inintatme to •
Isapie wear ppaorrty. The scam was well
suited for • d..d of darkness, • primeval
forget wrapped is an atmosphere of black
cote." But a bright blase lit up • .mall
space •ad abase or the foes happy with
expectattom of the swe.toees contained in
the pot which hung over the tire. They
expectations were doomed to bitterest dis-
appointment. for the before tuentioo.d pair,
stirred by the example of so In•.y great
acid high, betrayed the trust placed in them,
mufti the pot and quickly disappeared ie
the mudnigbt gloom. But as they pained
under • eh, the proverbial ad crow
sitting there creaked out, • 11 them alt► t
Tories may I be guzzled '"
Too Late for lest week.
This weak will about finish up Deeding op
erasion.. A great many were through last
Creabrook merchants are atm buying
eggs by the posed. The hired man will not
get the big egg for breakfast any more.
Cameros Bros., of the Craabrook dax
m111, are buoy 'orgy; has. They hs..
rented a great ntat,y hel.b from tanners Is
the surrounding nag6la.rbood.
Matters sad thugs have been very quiet,
and moaotorous u the county for the past
two or three weeks. No one baring un.e to
kick up • local or anything else.
Owing to the frusta and cold winds Fall
wheat doss not look an well now as it did
three weeks ago,but there r not mach cause
for complaint yet. With favorable weather
from this out the crop will he all right.
Thos. Deviance's team went to Mitchell
no. day last week with a load of
household aeon for 1'. Bowerman, Late
teacher in S. S. No. 1. Mr. Bowerman is
taking up dentistry. We wish him emcees.
Who is talking so much ansexstioo Or
000tias.tal union, or what you may call it
at or near the wast] seat • We can smell
it down here when the woad is in the nrbt
direction. No warder the growth is so
backward this Spring. Why don't they
Wk imperial fsdratios or ladependssee,
and than we will sone have the beast:fol
balmy days •
Freya Our Owa Correepo.deat.
Km. Duke left for the Wen lest week.
Mrs. (Rev. h Thampso., of Wsterdowe, u
visiting friends men relatives here.
The fess! sonless of the late Miss Lake
was preached in the Methodist church Ian
tlebbeth evens( by the Res. R. A. Sher-
lock. The S. of T., of which Mas Lake
was a member, attended church in a body.
Our baseball club has settled doom to
hard manic, lad ere expect them to give •
good account a themeel,es during the ,om
ing t4maer. The funeral of Mr. end Mrs.
tireeneid•s' child teak place last Sunday d-
ter.ies at 1 o'clock.
1L C. D ualord, Wider, hasoepp•e•.e.d,� tip a
branestablishment is )1cAUi.t.,, halt,
Ktha. The breech shop is ember the charge
i D. G. Hors, an etp ris.oed hand in the
tailoring besi.e.. The pr.lpete are that
Mr. Danford will haves prosperous triode
is this village.
Prom ear own erre+5ad•.t.
(bar teacher iw KA. No. 10 is W.1 np with
the nssmps et present.
Milk for the chew factory .esus rather
scams along the first line this year.
The house of Arthur Shaw reosived u-
mbeoompast• • yang man, on Friday,
May 6th.
We are glad to be able to state that Miss
MIA Fraser is rsoov from her severe
111..•, though Ike u mill very weak.
►s leery few of our farmers here hal
finished sssdiag when the rain ears en last
week, it kept bac& . gnat deal with
their work.
Prue our owl mssrespeadewt.
Miss A. Mcl.ma, of W i.gha,, Sundayed
Mins Annie (.ray is tot improving very
Ed. Raney is putting op a new fence ria
hs lot.
The:cin i. the Tango are " petting is "
their garde.&
John Wasenan, black.mia, has resumed
his work again.
The ',wasters are improvise their hail by
painting the inside.
John Mcilwald, of Wi gless% has rested
the botei in llltevale.
Miss].of 1g�as.
iag al Theo. r'
Rev. Mr. Remo god
exchanged p l5 p lot MW.
A. 1
(1N, want •• « :.
Will you heed the wareing f The signal
perhaps of the mere approach of that more
terrible dies.. enseneepti.. A.k ,..real
if yon eau .goad for the alis et sae* 80
easto to ran the risk and de amino, ler it
W. k..w from .tperienee that 8hileb'.
(hoe will ewe your sem* It .ever hike.
A Liana 01Tre6. The Wiegh•em mit
on elk.ed dew. en .•..mint of slot
having room to shee cry talose .alt. Per
the year eading 31st Thema& lama. M. w
week. W hew res. ste.nyy .ramp' Ila
emu weeks, when thegad y
�mwere duel down he
het ..alp N`� Wren. It le year wee She
epOwlites w18 he ee..en.4
u v1.i4
A Nww.q OrIlt ObWngd
tate County rill.
A as 'dors Deem of ural, hews novae
s. sea pars, body -Mb note Nuel
pod Mad eeiMa-d Prem tame,
Tho Creams of esu manly news la
t.Uee r r ahs +...eS sod Nee
Ne.. (boss ear Lena nae*.....,
Fos Cost.' Is Uel... No leas the
live young people lett Win`►.st natio• 4
diagram parrs of the United Sato, kgi
week gloriosa N. 1'.
A l'g1NTaem MAN''. Lam& -Ry the er,
bow of a river at Whitem.rth, leas , Jae
mph Whtlebeed, Clinton, n, hail four t out•mj
logs washed away tab I.sk. W isnlpeg.
P.t� gp Hem FINAL R%A.. -.genre M
Kinky, w of Robert McKinley, d i'
aondville, has returned from liosial
where re Iso pained his find examinable
at the Wesleyan Theological College tyre
Hit ur:\ttAL. News mt tie tttarna0e of es
uW lflytbmi•s, Will. I. Shane. was rented
ta that village ressntly. H. was man*
in to�rt�
ge 1• real* to Mins C. McKellar,
A Si %vi.ne Roe Airman. Arcky,•y
McCully, editor of The (:raft.., Uaktry
Advocate, forssrl of
uproot to the pitiiw ef ?Ranh!'
tendent of ••boob
A Sertior'n Arnovrec g. • -Mea See
Weldon, now in the .annoy of `.smarm Fi
eau, Holn.e.rille, was t1..keaa modiemly tU s.
Sunday, May 1st, by the bttratieg e1 a blew
vesselis the stomach. She instill very ill, lean
the nodical practitioners eatrt.ie hopes w
her recovery.
M41.HuurNI',. Haa'etrgL - Wm. Ifni
Hohneeville, W • hollows tatat
which he says never tails to 10retell aster.
or .:brigs is the weather. From time
immen.orial It has 'quaked its wanting,
and he sever remembers a it 'meg .
fake alarm.
Rt-rinau ream. rug Mi.arrsy. -Rev. �.
Nyman and wife, formerly et Brussels, u
tend making their home at Fergus, •a oY
Ilea of labor of the reverend geotleia.'A
He has purchased a residence there whet,
we hope be and his good wife will coley
many spy years.
Homo. run K%uLva12. - 4.'eoerTirab•U,
of McKillop left Seatorth os Tuesday so
last week with sixteen very good hones i.
tie (Ns Country market. Mr. T.rabs.l
took mine over • year ••ggne and it leoka r
if hie venture was &iafiactory whoa he a
repoting the experiment.
Away. The wife el W. 8.
!Pates, of W i.ghem pod pearf.Uv
away oe Tuesday a len week, aged :t
years. Site Immo her husband with Mgt:
of a family to oaou,e the kin e a laver
mother sad aM.ctioaste wife. They Tare
the heartfelt sympathy of the tows a their
sore bereaysrrent.
Aim -erne A CAI." Ree. Mr. M•:Kluge&
lad family left the village on Tuesday Yat
for 11tat m, where he gas to accept the
pseterote of the Baptist church in that
tows. Their many friends la Latcknow ea
vicinity will always be pleased to best et
their sumer in their mow field ad khan.
Luc -know Sestinel.
rLii a1 2 1'rm:nix. The other day
• couple of mon estimable young ladies mat
for a boat ride ea Vugpond • pond, Hal
lett. and were onjoyisg tt((aerst.•eeiims immt•er
ly, until they found they were sitting in two
feet of water ; unable to reach shore with
watar-Imised boat, Mr. VanEg.o.d, •
enema of 84 years, gallantly reacted these.
`eoutres .4 r suave. John Forster kap
posed with • radar serious .c"ileet whin'
wrkmg u Mears. Mcl..n • slam's situ,
Wi.gbase, on Sturd y' AprU 30. A dil.
with which be was working. in semi way
slipped, wuisg his leg sever*. Madill
ate to be smeared sed several •tite►m
were seeded to close the oat. We are
pleased to say he is ening along .11 right
and will zoom be able to teems his work
Asters= ExraTILISIE m, Carl•.su.
McPhsrsoa, sea of A. McPherson, el H.
sad, and who In hen carrying ea the
grocery bi.sissm then for saw time pest
and oommeading a good share of the ben
masa hes mid est hs bssiae•s and intends
sheerly ge1.g a Nelsen City, Idaho, where
his .5015 is residing. H. las secured a
good situation r epees g. Whale we regret
losing him from our villa& we wink him all
swum for the future.
LOON S.or. Peet : Oe Tuesday J. T.
Hem and W. M. Yinelair .ae•gsd to sheet
• ran specimen of the blathered tribe. u
the M•itle.d river, known se northers
diver, or lege. The bird hes • beautifully
marked plumage lad weighed roves pones..
it r • fast swimmer aid • wonderful diver,
tr&velll'ng perhaps, 1100 yards ender water.
A pgauli•rtty of the loon is that Ns Ito
grow shove its wines instal et Wow es
with the majority a/ few!. Mr. Rum it
towels having it staged . and meosstai. K
Latderdale has • hied of the same sperm
in his coDgeti•a that fell • pny to the
• gra • few years 1�. en car
A fitrri.wioy n► CLAMP. _New Kra:
A. O. Penises, tin the Attrs'ic•a
:orer.t.ent. is colhoiYtg the.eco..t• lied
.rt+nrtwg ger • estdememt d elegem oen-
seemed with 6k& rogue ani pare .1 the sail-
ers wrecked near Bayfield len Pal. Ths
anima ptensnsod arena to shout 01.600-
•.d iadad. these for beard, needsnl •ttee-
tien, service., .til if &yaws .ver &carved
•p•ci•i recognition •t the bods of • /VI
•rumens, over and above her legitimate el-
pse.s it u )Its. Beelwds., whew hese
hon been • veritable hospital for moths.
aid whose nrre and attention was s11 that
meld he desired.
Arrest 11 A x l 1 VARA. M eaferth Ktpow
ter P..1. Moran. of the editorial meal a
the.At�las& (''oestitetian, the 1iadlsr pier
•of fG ,pjid•II;�visit
a town ler
ye te see his maim end
sisters. Mr. Marie b travelling in the M-
erest* of hie papa series
articles anew[ els pwlitiawll This
Wog Pr sery l year h. the (p heed& Oa
the ng the
•.tins to be fouj►t next November. Ii in
est eethitj • a.d the politicking ars 1.ytag
their nets thus early to eatob the "free sod
indt d t." Mr. Yrs. hake well after
of 2Z years m the N..tb, and
• la that emeemir,
�s1ry� t imps the old •nande that
l ,14.4 the Noris sad Ibslth re ugh*
and dl siti.we join together lar
the teed of the esmnnnwedth. R. 4. •
sWs.g 1D ..ii&t had anti ipMea • regales
mules ter the Hes.bli..e out Nevem-
hr. 111• bselber. 11s. sharks Morn. oh* .
1.1.104 M IM Whim mai rf
AWN., b.06 well. cad •'lisrloy'h'
mow, Meads helewb or will he plw.sd to
hoar et bele nssrc.
w*µ hall
A Gusestu. Se
• Igf�d
risks "immersion
el* eldwell "
%.illi germ
4 Mom
t ray e4' owl :um
TneFallObcanertb.aprem[.'agou.,••saes.gotoITM dlrarto[st tar eta:re nor(weetlugitsthey.y .incl.Allseveral
;,,,.rd math.
\res biT.■
,,.r popular byte
.. Thr lne•awlui
nes bas lased I
Henry of ..blit
unto ss popnk
rw..l tbarle&
The Striation.: v
kroagb potuol
•beat, peas, a
,sir now turning
u the .oil for 1
hake. \est o0
will he .1.101. 1
sg,.pben lbev
•n the \ lee V tl
d our village, I
p hes abode o
+Feat of the lie
•.ret aid lades
. star, cake a
wr1 and family
\ow tba the
41'11 t, 1n ar.
sy 1he waype, we
to all concern
due consider+
who mteal to
• h« :leas of 11
angst eggs.
F. • tea• t Alen•
lions of Rev.
d Uhntoa, Re
a►b•th •.d
nate was •
I'us.ow, jr., e
ice- m lite Vie
•'115.000 00 Se
.t the usual he
mat, r..J,
^ Spring rood. of the le
with which hs
•.1111erons costo
. Ay pattens•
soft allon
and s
*brambly with
AT sue mad pe
Two or Ta
N,%AN.,rM A
I Aartng lest
with & please.
veteran ex -ora
4 West W.
e are crel
be ptnitie el
yew in We
olumen for It
the 1.0.55bl
owing solaria
fly, Ireland,
•auy year* e
Mortis, one
'nweabip, on
man. set mail
„oath, Keel
a point of ti
GUM` they is
upos Is
Warne Ran
lade et • poi
tautly is saci
orudirit the
the thiell
rNAS. •
which e
rare Ica
for the
toroth ■
t esu IIM