HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 3!JKs$1138, I AAA, Its hat iter/ d.s. r, Per el glow wait Ii r proles lag Urn, v• s.:pur.lfu, ,,.•t eau 101114111,..1 pat. r& WSJ'. 27) 3IVE? Watch ing. ions of Canada. Al. HAIL rTERS ,LTH. 101111110!. 1:IIMAY1111E. iIIDEOZ, he ro BLOOD. luce regular action, rc accumulations of ,ofulous Sore. ) it good effe,ta in your case T Pries 1f APANS paper order will eek- ausrtion. .able. SON. THE SIGNAL : GIODERIOf, ONT., THURSDAY, KAT It, 102. MULES Alai Herr FOOL& w,.y ease esessimeW. fie,ts Or daelmese• .01s• lies LBW"LBW"Hera& die aey a • railroad as aglow •send was ea ,he weak Weide hlhn. They 0n dont tee, moles from • briar as tom gamin the beam all seaman n have rains itsaiht ahead ea the terse fe> .f peMw their e.mrtm mat as the ebeeries ed to era idle, the lady meet wflitilla.owedM .. as to &o, albs mahaste tam LM to the Det Mak Had 1 14 w Ri eeaseemed dedmay tokeephim ea ttterk aul Mai two War. ead he -t a at ..d.eM.d egad. Of sagas mala sadly bare w.r- ms dad ►m•ebed Mel r ort -loner.. oe iter might ham resected le kaaekitts oas Moo he Wee kind of impeada. lir ages.✓ t-Mehard egad a Halm. ad kasDy and rut tom haute✓ oat to ,p, beau off am treek. �not as dose them. b..k i.e. ur tom 6toa k. h d lordly got sir ah t,pm whim the nab war at the trent the mine as bare. and tiara,Dao 4 ead 4kr rid. la lea. the tier/ was a s whoa. looking tap „ y the euuginer sew that he was eery close to the badge. Thos be began fes .assay, for fear the Aka e a mule as he thought the .chisl to h.- -was go. ,.f to try to crows the .t bridge, t though shote re meld manage P Listed the puzzled railroader could not .eientaeal. T10 were so near the bridge by that &tar teat the engineer dared not go another „d. eo he stopped short, Just es the old t.tk fleshed ug across the bead, braying i it a good fellow. And thea the eagts..f ,s1 aroma saw the padre the wine old Doi. was pleyieg. Right in the middle of . Lodge wee another mule stuck fart. with . Iq, between the ties. Ilse all railroader insists upon It that the ,..w b•1 kept ea the k to makethe the ...,a go slow, thus pottiest ,,s,t•g into colliates with the mule on the „rge. mot because it cared so couch snout .e fate of its companions, but to dove the n tt.,n, wreck. e11•r'd'• Liaise*& tear .ale every re erre. ser tt.. Moot. �u Mao Whom costume shall 1 wear to „r mu.yoerade ka11 t rsictal Friend Itos't wear any ocstua.e. Tv • string to your ankle it'd go as • toy 4hued. USEFUL INIENPIML Fruit cake. Orr pard Winer, ere pound gayer beast to • froth, tee ore pseud of fear, ere pard of , two pomade earnate, era pawl enema. malt lett Cake. -Ore any Door, mus etap hat- ter, throe egg., mate .up a mill, rue tea - of edam Iadsr, .re -hall t --pada1 d DoiMuhae, Ne ori oar -Wt cups Hoar, oar -hall twapmerfttl va.Ul• Lama Pisa -Three cape soaps., three N, taro. tabi..p.,mf M outmatch die- .d is cold water, then toe cap be wmud ll! it thickens : grated rind ithtani )aloe of three Men. « tablespoonful.., tablespoonfuldful Wada This will make live pies. shoes. piece • shall q�tw kettle and poues, cat r mum over mail ; boil til eat ; 'toga throasb • idly hag. Boil the Juice • tea miauts, 4ad to e•oh plat d j add • peed of sugar, ..d b.(1 mill It joiliee. Hickory Kat Cake. --Rab two teewpt le Door aa4 one of batter to a cream, odd sae teacupful a water : three well be•tea ../gpp,� throe teacupfuls Soar with which r tiA.d three tempua.fala balder prwder, half • ch teaspoonful eaof .Mvo, ciaaamea tad n utmeg, sad lastly, two te•cupfale of hsk- ury ant mate, c bas. Hemerv. • bite el the Soar w I these in, to prevent their .oidia to the bottom. Bake in • w.0 greased pan in • moderate ilea Tomato Beef. Take a poud of rare beef chopped tine and three crackers rolled add salt, pepper, • teespoosful of any kind of table race and sn ear well beats : work tnether until thoroughly mixed : form into • krf, torn out on a buttered tin, rub a little butter over it. and poor os • large cupful of the juice of tametoee : eat in the pan .sol bake three -quartan of an boar. basting of ten with tomato. This may be prepared the day before it is to be eaten. gal sear weer. i•tsvttelltt.--I have aced Hagyard'. '1 el - w 011 f., my edwlbMira and it cured them. ytre arra beer bothered . ith theta ROO KnowVictoria. R C. From tar herrn. .'arltrt' I realer How did you like the :toms lover )ou had yesterday Seung Housekeeper It was very nice. 440041. I want another one, but from the rev „how, . remember. Tara tom raaseh Are. We rifer to such te.c•b se dyspepsia, bad VOA. hihoussess, constipation, sick bead- aks, etc., 'meeting the human system. 'so thrall out ad keep them out by teem bedeck !hood Bitten, the natural foe to t. wasp which int y;otatm, toss ad - eegtkeas the entire system. 2 Tbr ywrat...bie realeras. Erni • ins -Why are you too }glad that teat is sloe 4.I*su•e Itecause the ,ddctor said the ,eiy t4U% the natter with ' poor Fido was Lat be ate too much meat. Ju I ..I.rt Mew nes. -.tied that a hotel Dan in Toronto mrd ep a notice stating that all rr..t his place who nee Burdock Blood •era ' • tour up their appetite and • -o4th moll be charged 20 per Dent. extra. do not know how true this is, bat R. it. in1•ouiaadly dots the work and doom it tis and well. 2 1 rhe r..1 elf how. . m.my s Father How did you enjoy the .-n. rom.my f.enrny 11h, at was epleadld ' 1 hal four tun of cake -ponied cake, and sponge ie, .011 angel oaks, sed and _ let me -. what was the other imitny s Fathr-Hie.mrh ache. I should War OOUGL flaked I'oafish. -Rutter • dish, lay in cod of medium sive, pour in a pint of water, eat it well, add pepper, dredge the fish well Pith floor awl put over this fine bread crumbs and btu of batter : bake in a good oven about one hour, or until well done thea take the fish up carefully, strain the gravy. add milk /sough to make the gosn- tity • pint and a hall, thicket' with dour awl batter rod add a few oysters, bail care- fully end pour road the end, and garnish with lemma and parsley. .Savory Soup. ('bop anal quit.- hoe ore turnip, a quarter of a small .obh•ge, two or three sprigs each of parsley and thyme sad • .✓all Duron. (over these oith odd water and bring ui a boil. 11r•in off this water 4.d add two quarts of cold water. one tablespoonful of salt. end whatever bases you trey have .n heal. Simmer for two hours, then remove the hoses. add . large spoonful of better. and thicker with • little door. A slice of stale bred boiled with the soup the last few minutes give/ • decided chsoae el donor. SrYlo4u CUM. Beat two eggs thorough ly, add • scant cup of granulated sugar, (t4/ finer I./emulated is the best . 0114 . pinch of salt. Sift • teaspoonful of baking powder to one cup of flour : add to the eggs and sugar : best well together. Lastly add half a cup of boitine water. a little at • time. ettrnn, wn.tsntly. Flavor with lemon o: vanilla. Pour into • small deep dripping pan and place in • welcomely heated ores, gradually increasing the heat. it bakes quickly. anti should not be moved until done. This males a feathery cake. flaked Qu1oeee. Peel eight and take out the cores with an apple corer. l'ut the p•risgs in the bottom of a sauce pan, then the quinces. ('over with water and stook until tender, which will take shoat thirty mnutes. Put the gains* in • baking pan and 611 the core. with shout three fourths cup of sugar; add the syrup or water in which the quinces were baled, first /train it : there should be Dearly enough to cover the quinces. flake one hour, tjws take out tie quinces .01 hod the syrup twenty minute.: pour it over the tin's*** and they are ready to eerie. To make the gamce1 a deep red color leave them-- is a moderate oven several hours. t.w. Abort Tows. it u the . ■rrent report about town that &hemp'. Ralwm for the throat sad loop is maim one remarkably Cr..awith people who are troubled with ooagls, sore threat, asthma, bronchitis and caraamptic.. Any lfuW.t will give you a trial bottle free of clot. 1t is guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottles are 60c. and S1. (2/ow1 1 alae %* l..a .ud. Not (nog tine • family etoved into • hour .4 Austin •venae. After • week or se • !need of the family celled on thee., nidi .ked how they Irked the locality. "Pretty well." "Have you easel 0a hey of the neighbors yet•." "Xs Mt I.se M J hem is hey more of 4 1 U Teras Sdtittge, A maim" are%gratin. The hest can sea &moa of for ooaatip•tim sad headache M the .'---t herb drink Wiwi lane's Family Medicine. Its mid s h ( grape rest, combined with here•, gad ie made for tae by pour - "% Villa* water ea to the dried roots and hwha. it . rema.MMy .fiiseaioua it all Mad du•:rder•, red r sow the •uvaatg• needy with ladies for clearing up the MS' -cio� Ilaiggi.s WI the packages at .. and 11. 19.o.1 W111111•how deem d Mom !✓.flew& will Miens pea y 'hr It. Sap t la the Musa. Two are liable to lave a sett* at eq Ilene. act se ear ✓ _0y r ea morrow an thle world- r.aewtled Sea. Me with dwell be without n- O noa.. d Hves era rived ovary year h its timely tam. . ��� 1* Jenner, K 11s., weMm : ' Comoro. 4.. eels me to r.krowledge tte- great bea- ns I lee.. derived br my 08.1474. treat the me el ATer a'wet eaonUent Cherry Pectoral. 1 lad Inst two dear children from amp mrd COSSamption. sad W the (nstust Iter of kolas my only r.- smil ng daughter anti ,ca. as they ware delicate. Ssoplly. I Bud that by giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the fgteeeis symptoms of throat or lung trouble, ibe are relieved from danger, dad are he - coming robust, healthy cb(ldzer." "In the winter of 1166 I took a lad cold which. 1. spite of every blown remedy grew worse. so that the (.ally physician considered nie lsoneable. sup- posing me to be in tarsus . A. a last resort 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral. and. la a short time, tllc ••are was complete. Since then 1 have never hemi without this medicine. 1 am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 poaadd, and at- tribute my good baslth to the ase d Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."-O.W.Youker, Salem, N..1. "Last winter I contracted s sever* cold, which by repeated exposure. be - tame quits litinate. I was mach troubled with hoarseness .ad bronchial irritation. After trying verism medl- eines, without relief, 1 at Mat purcbaosd a bottle of Ayer's Cherry teetotal. Oa tokiag this medicine, my Gd ough maseed almost fmmediatel and well ever .inee. "-Rev. Thos. Hassell. Secretary Holston Conference sad P. Z. Darin. the GreenvillDarin. M. K. C.. Jonesboro, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral TIM) •a= ST Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lower Mat& seed by au Dmeeiew. Prix. et ; a4 t esum,p. NERVE BEANS • ICAPETSI CARPETS ICARPETSI r^swaa so =s TO $1.3s - 1r1QR p Aka an • •.. a.. * . rvieiaw1`Ito d netor.4 tom . d or =MO4 mused alis el 7s1•aef Mir = Memel/ eat. &erre.., mas the ora .brew ase . .Smit .11 nth.. Tamers Mew neV svesto reln+e. Mt bydors Imamal par sr for J Mot haat V &.aril n1 ad Tor M of m b ..1 Y. OO.. Taeoart Ott . nM tar waive avid ia- (:ODERICH BY F. H. JORDAN. cn.tETTs WISDOM FROM THE SAGES. The secret a tte..ms is ooasta.cy in pur- pose. -Lord Bmeeeebeld. The troy Iran aims .t nothing sad geoer- ally bits it. -demes Ellis. The world hail a million rooms for a mea, hat only one .eat. Holten. Pity end forbearance should chareicterise all acts of justice. -Franklin. The oroaw,ent. of • house are the friends who frequent it. -Ralph Waldo I':lmer.oe. The more one endeavors to .ouad the depth of hu ignorance the deeper the chasm appease. --Al.ott. The better start of every 1011111 011so•tio0 is that which be gives himself. -.lame* Ras - .ell LowelL The keelboat at with which to hew the hymen heart into a piece of ice is that of in- gratitude. -C.detto. Mee are the builders of their own destiny and more especially of the destiny of &hoer children. Lyof N. Tolstoi. Our grand busioees in life is sot to see what lies dimly u the dha r rlyk t to do what lis clearly at i•:vary great moll is always berg helped by everybody, for his gift is to Ret good out of all thins god .1l persona. Hoskin. wa.eare «..a w .fe..b1. 1 men will defend • weine. goner 'ryhody eteept himself. Mat girls like to r• 1pird th.D1..17e. ea 141 anal nnappro•ehable. `on. met will do yon a favor sad thea ..rt• yuu an hour t•Ikiag about it. rhe greatest .harm a a read roma 1. '•t she i..n heel. lite • Iran. Whim • pretty girl dir+.vers that she M ..Pmt she dorms let gated /berm. tar** I tle►.. - hare *sed iftiamna• iemaraw,-i Wt�r e.d very oramb d :1,11rgb wren, --t left ogle ""lo ea my Mob and feet. With eth"11:1§ ands& d ler weer Teerm. dairies wide" time 1 h•i anth.r Ghee Per .leekieg .r. I ern - "6104 mien S. R a essr..i11 g.d M- a+tmly, ttekeg the ppb able, nod 1 ern v./ ear thea IM ram w eadrely.mr'md• its» ban gin Irene tisea UAW. the "Mao era. the sears .1 weirg lay w•• z Mat Awns Las, Coe w e's Odwen, Mita P. A.. Ort. PURE POWDERED E PUREST, STRONCZ$T. SUIT. Cove and Examine the Largest Stock DV Shown in the Canty sap aD1.ln(eru 'rw0 M/ ott'i rite • sen Weeals.0,wads W nod•. Said by AU Crown ed Ili. - mm. III. w. Glar.aZairraP. Torsraismeta MoLEOD'S OFIBRUSBELS, TAPESTRIIIIS, JUTE BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY STAIRS, 3 -PLY AND 2 -PLY ALL -WOOLS, UNIONS AND HEMIPS, AND IF OUR PRICES ARS NOT RIGHT, DON'T BUT. WR ARE SHOWING AND HAVE NOW IN STOOK Over 250 Sets of Lace Curtains SYSTEM RENOVATOR A'4U /urn Km Tk+.Tal• 011:410111144. Specifif, and Antidote for In cream and wbite, from 60c. to $4,50, direct from the makers in Scotland. It is needless to say anything about prices $_these goods; they speak for themselves. A COMPLETE STOCK OF A r/ .Was lips• Chinellc' Curtains, Moquette Rugs, Turkish Rugs, Dachestan Rugs, Axminster Rugs, Beam Rugs, Door Mats, Cocoa Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- pepsia, sleplessness, palpitation .1 the hart, liver complaint. rleata4ia, 1041 .d memory, bronchia is, aalsuurrtion. gall stones, Jacaiiur, kaducy ctrl urinary di.eares, St. Vitus' dao -r. female it eg nlaritiee and e•ener.l LABORATORY. GOOERICH. ONTARIO. J. M. 'J1ci.EOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Yctuouesinere ttestov/oU0 can be bad from 411 druwlrf.te in town. ma well ashes* B eafltortb. Heade I.. mimes .rd Durham Tromso. a*T-1r. PLANING MILL E&TIMUSISEO 666. Buchanan .& Son, eawwrkorcamr SASH, DOOR and The artiste h Be.lris e. " Take me, Mamma'" i• • recent Heasebold is se .very day occurrence in some families of ehildre.. Re•tri1 ask., " What would you have done, good motherr' 1 can tdl what I would have dose in that particular arae. If it wen the first taw Tem.ny lied kicked up mob • (tics. 1 wwhi very stint/ tell him M meld .et ge with tae •.d leave him at Irma 1 ehoadd pr....e bins a trousei•g if be reported tie .ewe mid 1'd keep my parties, ten Om good doom wo.My settle ttatter easily it sot I�wo.Mthe ld repeat it. Hoose arolhen leave ton grvernmeet ever their ehidrea, std it is .•metiaaes very•yembarrassing lie •e M is etch oa.pbars. ..d the latao girl tae of my bags the est took up my best hat and w with it, tere off inert of the wet•. •d payed the m1ehief with it g.netr+'SIIIy, Irbil* " nnmme wee powerless 10 at Th it. e amity hal hat MR the he yeas was maid ate eked •diaril 16 at y Maw it d attl.tMr boded la the batter dM ' Oh dear. whir • no get Mamma la noire ey °� 1'wN�h the What tritl. 1 et reit with worthies'!°•' Jest Ise her le me iew 5 with mimeos, mrd 11 wow • See threeMIA Hrs. dress shell �! se mere wee- -if .4e Ham" thin t% ..:�hientior Aflame f" Aad owe. the tsssbIS witheN"e. thenThey der" wrens th. er with the red es without 11-&" . Oilcloths, .1 quarters. 6 quarters and 8 quarters ?cued'. Linoleums L 4 quarters and 8 quarters wide. Curtain Poles, with Trimmings. Curtain Chains, • Curtain Pins, and Angle joints for Bay l'Vindaws ooDDo: NE BRos-. C3-0IDERICH. BLIND, llaalere 1n •11 kinds of LUMBEH, LATH, SHINGLES Mats. And builder's materiel of -v err (UMW! DUOS School Furniture a Spocialtj. Patronise True SPRING THE AG -ENCS MI LLIN ERY FOE THE 1 ELEBIIATEn Miss Cameron has reMoNsooN INOIAN turned from the cities, where she has secured a complete assortment of Spring Millinery In the latest styles. Her stock of hats, bonnets, flow- ers, ribbons, etc., is unsur- passed in Goderich, and her prices will bear comparison with those of any other Competition. establishment. Tam Caw Peewit 51*581Rime 1to gin tom t=s Mt m.Ttce alt► h►r end per - It r me e• tm.•ee art.elNs mil M Wane(a NO ptrea0. d..sr'ee tom eappMt 01 every epees was ...wAWOLeempahMiall l Ma l Oasis sYeI.t}.ie'lan' f8. estsA4� �wo�aa all rear. tete 1. *patine-1 aid eW wm�• RAI -, • fila lira.✓! 1*..n1ar. o.drtab- A call solicited. MISS CAMERON. (!seam -3____ - CLE481NG SALE -AT- JAS. SAUNDERS McLEAN'S BLOCK. -IS AT- CAMPAICNE'S T Beat Tea in Town, Only 40 cents per lb. Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire, at your own price. CAN USE ANT WRITING INN. A. he intends retiring from beasesa, he will sell his large .ad well radiated stook et gib gotten prisma. Chinaware, Jewellery, Wedding Rings, Silverware. Nickel and Plated Knives. Forks and Spoons, Albuma, Plush and Other Goods, Toys, Fancy Goods,etC. $,001 Rollo of Wall Paw u1 IuiMs, MUM WILL 50 041.11 aT 111a1.1 ruse. PIA LI 5 Y li Vil. I c" 1 10 t C ie 4 q $ . ftp 2 I �1_' 334 tit! e 11 o - o .12 ri '"' ;- i is 1 1 t.-.. i 1 ;1 1 1 ; j 11 i 12 3 a aI Atey11 -1i; b illi lji"sl 1 3 A4t r g a O II 1 11 Ps Ii • i0.00 r 's e H. tiJIill;h1 5j 1-• 5 lij.-1!) i Ir. .11 ii 1 1 3 e tri s#0,I u ibli I fit'g 451PIla i t; ti s, m L