The Signal, 1892-5-19, Page 2•1
`;tory writers. as • rile, weuM haw i s
behove that the hese always wears the hen
tatimeade in his fem. Rat I know beeper.
I have saes a good mammy hetes, boys sad
mea, sad hardly use of then, was Mad-
One of Mom warn Patsy. 1t ever there
was • lad wheel the rouaacer would mot
pick out as a hero, he was tie one He was
a elasply-Ioekiag Tea*• boy,eaub cowed and
weak of chin, with clothes that seamed
:o be purely co spoakug teras with
If you had roundel up all the " no ac-
ouat " looking boys in Anemia, Patsy
would have takes the prate as the most un-
promising of them ell And no one would
'.aye been more satiried of the mum of the
•ward then Patsy himself. He had ei Tittle
.u.piciou as had way nae who kaew him
bat he carried about him any -Asim to
epe.:ul wasideratioa : which is aper all, •
very good starting point for the real
i'aty had gone to Waco ■t fifteen and
:named telegraphy through the 'adenines
of as operator whom[ he knew study of
any sort was not easy to him : but in his
stohd way he had mustered as much as his
Instructor knew, and some time later the
operator, to get rid of bun, helped
nim into a penton out in New Mev,
Thea he ha.l a chane to go out on the
line of the Atlantic It Pacific Railroad, to •
little station where then was better chance
of promotiou : and when hr invented the
famous Jawbone Telegraph he was night
moan at Fern -law, the sort of metropolis still
,:omrnoo In Ar».oma.
Fairview contained a telegraph office 12x
16 . a section. house which overflowed wit h
• be Americas .• boss" and his wife and five
Mteaiaaa laborers : a pigpen made of worn-
out ties ; a pet deer, and as outlook.
The sprawling junipers .xowded it on all
erodes: and northeast opened the rocky taws
of Johnson's canon, the long, wild scar in
-.he *boulders of the San Francisco range by
which the railroad slit down from the great
pitch of the Arisen' !tirade, more than
seven thousand feet above the sea,
n ata lonely way to the far Iso t'ol-
The canon was a bad place, and yet the
only route by which • railroad! ,ordd lump
ofi the mountains without breaking its
The grades ren up t.. 137 feet • hill At
which as eastern engineer would look wit
nurror. The mtoester ten -wheels, each
: wu-e to three times as heavy as an eastern
locomotive, panted hard in bringing a load
4 ten can .ip the hill : and coming down
that steep twenty miles from Supal, trains
%relit as if holding their bre•rh.
1 he track lay along a narrow shelf hewn
from the face of the savage .lel; and from
:be car windows one looked far down op one
side tato the diuy gorge, and on the other
up to the beetling rocks.
On the AMU, crowded between the great
iron bridge, which spanned a side moon, awl
the tunnel, was a little bitx of a home ; and
:here lived deaf old t:eorge, an F;nglishman,
the faithful watchman of that very import•
ant stretch of ti
Ten nuke downhill was the eight house
tty " of Ash Fork. Thirteen miles uphill
twenty three miles from Ash Fork, and at
nearly 3,000 feet higher altitude was Wil-
liams, with threescore people. outside of
them it wee forty miles in any direction to
is human being.
Itinu, the agent and a .Iay operator, wit
not. & very cheerful commotion. kat Patsy's
het chum was - Patsy. ('ming otl watch
et 6 in the morning he shpt 10 a blanket on
the high counter uU early in the afternoon,
then generally sailed out alone , fur •
power wild Patsy' until time to take bis
task arm at 6 in the evening. Then was
game back in the hills and the echoes came
'o know well the bark of the battered old
Henry ride.
Owebot August afternoon Patsy woke
somewhat °arbor than usual, and dMdmg off
the counter in Ute telegraph of toe, took the
antiquated brass -mounted rifle from the tour.
ner and stroked it
" 1'°' going rip yan side n the tunnel,"
he .ofd Ds Mexicana seed a wild cat up
.dere yesterday, 'n " 1 low it's my cat et l
brat le"
Rana said Mu "' beteg too sleepy to
Bare to say anything more important, and
!Way shoaled out .oaf off.
It was tat exactly the day most people
would choose for a walk, as few day of an
Aruow `rummer are ; but Patsy did sot
p•rttcularly mind the blinding glow. 1t was
good to get out, even if the sun did •' comae
down de nigh way : " and he shambled up
the track at . rapid gait.
la an hoar he bad crooned the first ilea
bridge, and was nearing the second and the
!unnrl. A scurrying uottoo. tail rabbit ran
down • cleft of the rocks and oat of sight :
.ad Patsy clambered clumsily down to the
battens of the verge, hoping for • shot. Rot
• rabbit had disappeared.
Patsy walked a little way up the dry
stream bed ; and tiadtng nothing, climbed
up again the MO rooky feet to We track beside
the little watch hoose.
The door was open bit ole t:eorge was
not to M .sea. That was ndd,for he always
locked the door when he went out, and at
other times he was generally stttiag no the
Patsy crossed the little twelve -foot shelf
which was the old man's frost yard, and
poked he heal into the doorway. The tarty,
cbeerls.e room was :ery still sad hot. The
au.hrht through the door trades path of
vrrwped gold to the rough bink with its tat-
tetrM gatlta
On the broken chair dosed the fat yellow
.at, old (:e.orge's only conspmiha. The bat-
tered fryiag pan sad the tsemt.-eas which
served as . coffee pot meed upon the natty
stove. Funny where George was though
Them rude eioagiags were transom" hto
him, and he always guarded them
ag•aa.t tramps who were " Bred from the
lysis and haunted the canon to ' • mmp '
Palmy marveled; he aught sight rot sneer.
• htag that mods kis heart sand still. It rot
was only• large neigh ge
gh hest 1 roet.ieg
s this
frees sthe bed, whose emmbkd coven
Mel all bet the lower hall. To Patsy the 'kw.
meant a greet deal. 1 forge certainty sever h
went ` t, t barefoot and M had bot one piesis I H•
Pa .•tared his long er.•b forward Ah ' his
Armed Meat boot was • etnmmo
g, tight red,
tial barely showed,ineshi.g the ridge very min
4 the dragging gaih. tea
Patsy was at the
bed at as. map, and moa
d the beet It wane' empty • H,
to at it, mad • shabby heavy germ in
rel"eatatly to hes baulks, and s.,.1 not
peered hem seder the hiss.
Poor o.. g.' Whit feet lashed tight to 1f
s , eo lkuo .. hats W: ��jlt�' ' '".d sag
lerasd oasth
they ...M tied saesm temp amt. list else
hid east the mama. aisi ewe deitieg orb,
mseenesimad of the amid ore aimll die
ask serene thorny hoe eatimms ziau Y which t bass haeltatti
Nay hist with • ais•.±rester h► list
hoe or hits ammo
dick ' .•d the elder, CIWI '
Bat the shag aid spin mere Mae he Mk elite ' It jabbered ter two Wm-
ww't dead
Pavy palled out his lauds and out the ▪ Pet▪ er drew a hoed breed No 2 was Its
a rlml emit, her the old seas use leo *By this waa the operator at Ask Fork re•
cramped to be •leao to move hes •iii porting to the train dasp•tabar 300 dlea
limbs. Thea with a violent wrench Pater away
pulled the lump from the diwwas probably and '.Slee wprobably still a Ash Fuck. tat,
+1 kedieg jaws, mid brought a cup of waw if e►e could be aerated '
end poured it dews the old man's throat, There would he ao chain, te ware the
Wines %he ray head foully as his arm. ou.ductar whoa they resoled Fairview
The boy . isuU.ot had warted him that it that desperado wit watching him as • est
was • knee for great oautise. 11. laid bis watches • mouse. A wurd to the trainmen,
bps to the old aaaa'e ear and whispered, a twotiw to go out to them, would mesa •
shrilly . " Woe's day done to yo', Gauges t" bulNa-
nas deaf watchman mumbled paistally Pauly was very servoua now. It was an
low old habit of Its to tap has troth with his
•' Hold•ups ' Theygave e with a finger -nails or pencil what thiakiug, end
pistol sad teed we tel us
ep. 1 Musks as 'ow just now he was mechaaK+Uy drommtag a
they mem to bold up .Number Two. tattoo with his battered tack knit* agatoet
' But wot'il we do `" whispered the boy hu big, white, uneven teeth as w r
In the game prostrating tons, which George dream
could hear bettor ttsa • ahem. "Day Suddenly the stupidly absorbed, cheered.
shore musts t hold up de train. Whar is Luckily the .trusser was looking down the
dry track for an instant, or his quick eye would
'• 1 demo," answered George. I fancy have detected that eloquent Bash. For a
they're putting rocks into the tunnel, to mead had found Poesy in his dream and
wrek'er, for they 'ad crowbars. But be maimed harp as "mat thoughts waken
awake, lad ' They be bad ' lou knows the greater mods.
sew law, that train robbies is death in It was only • daU, metallic click -ter
Hari -i 'ant, aid they won't Mop at Nothing. rsttk of hes knife batteries him jaws. that it
They mist know some big sttipeawt o' had said amenothug ' The eessd that awak
bullion's going bout. and they wawa 1L' seed him vas the " A ", at the Morse alpha -
Patsy thought • roomiest Then was an bet ' Hemel tek epiisg-ewsni telly th
un sparkle in hie ,fairy eyes. his legal-
•• Wal, ' he said, '• we More heft* try lea The desperado turned him alisetioa to the
stop 'em. 1 0' mini walk yet -a -bit, yiffs rem again. The older operator was half
thet cramped. lee' yo' lay back day miler amiss, over the tutrumene. The boy looked
de bed tell yo' get tested -like, so's ef day again as stupidly as ever. but he was • tritle
comes dell low yo's all fast hes et yo' paler.
rt. peart, take a sneak down the rocks In that soca at he had wakened from boy
tato de 'anon, an vamoose for Fairview. to roan : sod manlike he w.uld carry out
I'm jest 'natch'dly grow to see !" tits inspiration, which was to •• telegraph .'
The boy pitched the several cords and •o Kinn by rapping with his knife upon his
the lump of .ed out of sight, and assisted teeth, and tell him thus to warn Asb Fork
the old man to dispose btmaelt under the of the Intention of the tram robbers. If he
bed in the same position as before. could do it, and Rion could manage to
" I low well buffeter sot," he whispered, 1 show no excitement, the man who was
eneouragtnrly ; and, tacking the old ride. retching them would not suspect what was
he tiptoed out and crept down over the going os.
edge of the rocky slope. Coder its brow •• Patsy's teeth ticked out on the
he crawled cautiously a few rods : and then old lone beadle. !tin did not move. He was'
from ruck to ruck to the east end of the almost asleep.
tunnel. into whodark mouth he peered •• ,' ticked Patsy more loudly.
from behind a rocky ledge. Kim stirred reluctantly. Some one was
Yes ' There were voices ' Patsy •trained ca1Un¢ " Vi," the official call of Fairview
his ears. In the queer reverbentioes tet the and Kien opese.l his eyes.
tunnel souods were sadly jumbled . but " This is Patsy,- choked the message.
now and then he caught distant words, even •• For life don't look. This man's a bold -up.
whole phrases. Gang in tomtit! to wreck and rob Two.
That'll fetch her '.... smash .. ..aid Warn Ash Fork •lutck "' and there was •
fifty thousand. .elver ban. .boos, of preceptible emphasis on thea
course . ain't take no chance. ' Kenn also was very wide awake by this
'Mother swig' No monkey biz." tune, and very pale. Luckily he did not
l'hat was enough. The scoundrels were loose his head. He reached out to the key
there, and they meant to wreck and rob the and began to thump it.
express. There was $50,000 in silver tars • Ash Fork be rattled. •• Stop two.
going through from San Francisco iu the Hold-ups here. Ci.'
Welt Fargo treasure chests, and they knew •• H'ut's thematter'• growled the stranger.
of It in the strange ways by which robbers suddenly suspicious.
had out these things. And a wreck "Oh, orders for Number Two,-. answer -
there Patey shivered to think what it eel Bine. " She's to meet Thirty-one at
meant. "upai side-track.-
ide-track.-The engine, 4 course, would be shattered The desperado looked at him keenly and
in the tuueel, and would bury engineer anti still suspiciously. still, then wit nothing
firemen in a hideous chaos cf stmt and to fear. The operator had been asleep ; he
wnthing iron. The passenger coaches couldn't here drvatned the truth, awl no
would still be on the great bodge - the ooe had told him.
shock would doubtless hurl thane off that It must be all right : aped the furtive
narrow footing Into the awful abyss. So hand had slipped away fron. the sty -
there would be veru little eft to annoy the shooter.
robbers just the express messenger and Tell fully ." clicked Patsy oo his knife ;
owl clerks, if they were not killed io the and limn sent to Ash Fork the wont that
smash. .lad at best they would be may Patsy ticked off to elm • Pauly. whose face
vicuna in the surprise. was stupidly innocent and his manner as
Ry the time these tho:.ght. had .lased carelessly natural as a sheep's.
one another through hu head Pa lay was at When that startling new+ came over the
the bottom of the gorge, and running for wire into the little ofice at Ash Fork, there
dear life down its boulder -chocked bed. He Wes a flurry Indeed. Robbins, the opestor,
felt sate enough ; It would have Leen a having reported his train, had turned for a
phenomenal shut to hit him from the track : chat with bong .lack, the foreman of a
and in .-ase any lookout of the robbers saw distant cattle ranch. The train was half
him, he had a natural fort under the cliff a male up the hill, climb:lig slowly the
anywhere. mid the old Henry wherewith to heavy grade unser a vast cloud of smoke.
defend it " .1n he rays, says he, continued
It was 3 o'clock or thereabout', !.y the Robbins, " thet hey ` Hold on a min '
sun No. 2 was dueat 4 at the tunnel. No Whew And he .batted to the startled
tone to Suss, then, in getting over that enwboy. " 5'atct Numbei Two ' There's
rugged three nuke to Fairview : and latay hebd•upa to the canon
kept at a long, slouching trot, despite the lack bolted out the doer, sprees to the
slippery boulders and the jagred rocks back of hie tandem " eow-poey, • •ed dash -
which crowded his •the ed off north- Tbe trail ran straight up the
.1t the lower bridge tee clambered up the bill, and intersected tMrailraol'ecorkscrew
cliff to the track and went skipping along course two miles away. Tbe slowly labor.
the rock ballast with increased speed. The ing train could be overtaken then, after
world was hot and sull asan oven, and no rounding one of the long bends which
living thing au sight. were necessary to overcome thesteep as -
In a few minutes more he rounded the coat•
last curve sad carne in sight of Purview. "am at this pout the psmsagers, who
The little brown
All seemed well there. looked out tease Amb Fork douse in the
station sweltered quietly i■ the sun. Tern yalky te the west wen .tartkd by a wild
was ao sound but the singing of the wares nder "a a bettered horse, who eve bis
overhead - rens ` r -m' rift' bat and yelled as he galloped toward.
with inetinetke motion 1'say stopped The enyinser saw him, too, but thought
"only $ cowboy
runamg as he emerged from the tasty tato ona toot, • sed pulled the
view of the station, and walked agelessly, ibrettk wilder.
He shuttled up to the open door and shuttled Berm on-4ke hill the train began to slip
ran past the oow winded horse, Jack was
And as he went in he caught his breath. desperate. He reined Amer to the pasrieg
A short, thick .et man, with • hard face, coach.., looseaed his feet from the stirrups,
eat In Patsy's rickety chair ; and from ctched a handrail, and with • superb effort
undter lop of hie, le athero oat peeped swung himself aboard the kat car. The
the butt 4 a t'ilt's '•44." Hard fame sed horse loped mowrnlnlly dons behind, lasted
Ma -shooters were neither new nor akrnung distance now at 'leery flimsiest
to Patsy : but he felt instantly that the " Hyah ' Wet yo dote' hyds'' demand -
?imager wit not a maid frostieetran. ed • voice. and a stalwart porter pounced
rte watchful look he dung at Patsy, the upon Jack. " ilia ole real manager's special
swift glance at Ries and back to P•tey had kyar, an we don't want mo teterlop-
someUuug sinister is it. sass
Bum was at the telegraph imirumest " 1t'd 1 o tell the gea'rul manager,"
pounding out a message tor the man retorted the cowboy, shaking off the clutch,
een'ethsegabeet " Keg head of stock round " thet 1 got • neewge for him, ae' that this
ed up ship tonight. Meet at Peach train's shore swine to he held rip 'them M
Springs; shakes Mese&
That was harmless enough, thought " Ther'• a gang up in the canoe • byia' for
Patsy when he had heard it tioked off, but it
it might be a blind. Tbe stranger was a The startled porter rushed into the car
lookout who had Dome to watch the tele. with the news, and in a moment the emend
maple static., and see that no warning went manager himself waa os the rear plat
t0 the doomed train ; and this despatch was form.
• blind. " What's this about robbers he asked
For ante Paley'• mind moved ,juicily. sharply, and the oowbov told what word
The fellow most net suspect him. •l'be boyhad come to Ash Fork. and how he had
dung ha tattered hat into scorner, pretesbrought it to eke train.
Mg to give an imp•ttent assort. Wheel No. 2 steppe d at Fairview aid the
Done tramped all them neatpsis, an' cesdaetnr ran kilo the *Mee to register.
paint seen nary hair o' thet wig' eat '" he Kane was sitting, still very p•k, at the [desk,
exclaimed, dropaiag apo. Hinn's bed u if sad p pal. le
o, sat kickinga kook
worn out sed dugtmsed. against the Ilei An alert stranger sat
" Hostas' wtl' eats sulked the stronger, ws'.•btng them.
with • keen look. " i 'low thee. role Mat no The cnndoetor. sow folly warted
'come Le's see it" Patsy's took n.
the situation at•
he held out his haw1 with as uapt ..ant (lame : he sem ashold a Were.smhe Pia smile. The wempty Patin? bad He registeredw,tbout a word, crumpled
knocked out taw eartndr. for safety m ren- the tissue order. the into ►es , s
meg over treeks, and he dal not feel in .,,.t, and gave the rnsd1to ptoealt.&sl
peewee to refuse.
'FM 'lstranger took the old weeps", looked ro
over ste•mptnooaly, and set it against
wall bellied Men.
H m ' ' thought Patsy. ' He shore
dat • poppers ' 1 hml"'t he pint' wink to
smdf w en he WAN
GS e■ mo as' my gen •
. hod ' Hie shore at ' ' The metes w the
ne wench Pats. hers to whistle through
teeth .ever d a vary sorrow heart.
The doleful simian chat stood at twisty
Mob to foot. Ntember two was Jae in
manatee. if she weas time. What
Id he done ' The eyes d straw
we cruelly watchful. To give the alarm
hr preaoae meant .Ieati
. Patsy lege
a hey to soar. easily, het he felt oars ef
he could only hell Bias ' Maybe then
The stranger followed him closely, having
sew that no warming had been gime by the
eporate, and swoop "p nothe osis stem
jest behind hiss, Monodies to leap ear before
the bridge won As mama kter
lee was look ieg h this moat le clear .hods,
and the ead.ctor was saying quietly.
Threw op your .made, es I'll shoot ' i
knew what you're after
At the roar platform of the past ear ah
'tejamly bayW figure was ehmbingover the
rall leaide the oar he band •.vetap mem
win ithss'omber% who took Mm to the atm-
" W ho are you !'• demanded that
alma rids.
the mired boy and h.
1'.e de airbt operator at Fairview,-
.Iammered Palmy :.rod k. laid the shads
1L was as W okay hr the Osis whhme.
• mile thawe Fairview the twat step -
Pat sada Imus .1 mea. glided 4 ley.
.imbed the ilgper cUL, stele sear Ne kW,
inept kilo the east ail of the teasel. and
.rpteted the four surprised rousse there
without a shot.
It took • ample el hours to remove the
boulders from the track. and is that tease
Pour had been wry Nisch eetoeushed.
1 wet you to go as Number hoer /o -
n ight to Coolidge," the general tsataager bad
. akl, after 4aestio■ieg the Sad choly.
,, There is • vamwy then tomorrow, and
yon will take the •Rwey. It will pay you
double the salary at Fairview. And, lay the
way, just leave that ride with me. I dost
shoot much and you ought to Imre • bettor
tile. Hen's a saw Helloed. with rep -
sigh tit an 1 wtalgate. Sapp.* we swaps
Charles t'. Leututt., to youth's Ons
Pia IOU.
Elt0M 8tonesch and Liver demes..
1 ersta Biliousness. Hick -
Headache. rill ip.stur— find • sale
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W. C. GOODS, -
OW. 11f wKww /idiom,
lig Jul twiieklt. mei eyed
it far howeeefeanisk.
Per df wool
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.tf.dA (iaaspbur, Fa rrtdrrIia4
.ti.a.ujrwa Miners,
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M On
0. las SWIMS I
defy r a welts(
tlsaM • IN
sb'a' two tesfirs
haewiag lha 1.1
iambi •ata ,
d patueas theiir
Iola the beieo el
� ,f tie eesM
het Yr.11ale
shied, vac ietem
tse•k •ed retake h
y sad knish
t „ bbl might hal
teats oto ter saes
asp sp.oka
y doppsd
lens ebs•Koff Y
Teat lyes dans on
air ileo throes..
eke mat la tact. L
,way mtraterrowe.
ndirsl), the •
eery vgo.r w the ler
:gm attar)'•letor 1yheth ,liK to try to eros U
k wean manage to
}rated the pealed
ibm were .o ae
these mast the engtas
red. w he •
risk tested as
bit a mood fellow.
sad trona. ssw Lha
,.sl was pl.yittg. F
he S rid♦. was.aO11
r., le.' Irl s sea ter
The old railrond.e
auk ba.! kept o. 1
s,• �o slow, teed
swit•g into oollesaea
w„igr. not he oaue
sot let. of eta temp
ir:a11••:u wreck.
lies. . delve. i
rte Yes 1l' Iw..
:he ball
1 eucial Friend --
Tie • string to wait
1.1r (1f1 for my dal
1 ;Ave sever her
,a,.r Rsusa 1
i'osltry I beaky
teams ever you les
l -'sag Houseka
mead. I want am
save quem, remain
Tern the
tt. r,;er to.nch
tutu bslwusaesa,
tills, ere., inf*ati
Taw dim out sad
woe, slow &t
themes• which
•::'engihcns the eat
The ra.aat
h::nm' ne -WIty
lent is 'tone '
I *imitate lima
,aiy thing the mat
It, ate too mw
ta tatter
'• .stated that
i,de ported up •
•i;epn at his $ac.
utter to tone
strength will be cl
Ke do not know h
h undoubtedly do
::ckly and well.
Tommy . Father
;warty. Tommy '
Tommy 11h, it
cads rot cake —1
tae., and angel
re, what was ter
Tonmy s Fatten
I' is the carrier
Hemp's H•ls•m k
e:akiag some fest
weo are troubled
asthma, broecbitil
aft iggst will give
oat. 1t is guava
Th. large booths
Not long Mase s
OM Austin avails
meed of the last
asked how their U
well." "Have you
*arbors yet?"
there is my more
Tow $sfti.p.
A Item
The Inst taro 1
set headache is
tailed Lane's )ti
smltk barba, nip
gag bniluag waso
hsehs- its roe
i•l�od dr•,
femady with ladl
pets°. 11vaN
>d. oaf al.
A Mao wiU
everybody *seer
Mat girls like
rnid Mai smarm
SOIL nes wil
jou an boar
est a
Res( sleets eo t1
Wheat • pretty
Peaty sits..
%ekes. (:kbs.
I sad r
■ e•«rI
h▪ ow. Mus ♦ it
hatters war* ri.
2 Ciwmsy C