HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-5, Page 8SEASON ABLE Of • • THE PRA x x WHAT E\ -ERY 4 THE SIGNAL: 4000•1110K atm, TMUMSDAT, MAT 5, INS. egamintleee will he held no peer ea Odt► THS 1iT 11ea6a61p oats' THE Bur e Tuesday, Jess THE WANTS+ x et OM nigh t-amuMr. Metas grabs the smere.- fusee; Idsem powder. moil es est dhMmVMa W ssolf0 NAer*>tme o rheas' t10+IpM •dhgN delete .at A good Spring -tWtas, Manske Med Bellder• s bateau nth its weight la wad, aly Tfie.. burls. -. Property Me OMMr Ur neat. OVais FOg eAAI.E -A tlRt3o+ail 1st ea Ohmic& a►"s' i' '. WAIS nontmw. hems 'lir mea, AIL m. . . fi4i1 poE: `ALL- A HOUSE AND LOT of Defmn.ea. Ifs wet► iia wwill a iaat.d ea a aid OM - WI as sore o lath elf'MISa them N leer waere oa atir, . tarp _ ,.. i ntiro we- f ser ppT.hai s Iowa- w wh1.h tte•tt LANE'S TAMMY • PAISES CaLmIT COMPOUND. HOOD% 5A 4pA>LII.1 sUIDOGE MOOD RITTERS. Pis TI 'ate 1• the avortlearigh reesedT. Always soarethl.g arm daaesdnes. Dlttil('ItIPTIO1it± ISsf'"lgtth are sad .1 dispatch .t Mss Piatmtep- (:EO. A. FEAR, ssee.aser O... Wage. OODERICH. Op.Ssltaadsile ter e raft 1STk'OW FO WINDOW DaATDd I *11111MANY THEN. AOR 11Ata .-•-s. seenli=e aim Mt 1 a.) br krill... lee trinaAita mak& d u! house in tans ask the ouwtT. FittT•iv5 grime. seri one dif- ferent. We carry steak seralee poke and trimmings is ectal vas4ete. 1 make a el hoe•. Store ownn l• a, a wdpr. Resides ml era n Iarge meek I t the obade hadk d Ills ddpeirdea Temps* the bleu. Come ta sad get the figures 1•s. ease Jou money. The deposltor7 LIQ Vie Bible and Trot Society is also here~ wick • loge assortment of Bibles and • esteasarllt, cheep. eMITH14itAiAARt1 Ct RIC STORK. OH le FOR SAL AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 1 free O•, 5.esssgdlses ►uad111t • r P. e. sociis.salitisterrle ads . VOR SALE.-TH•T LARGE AND r o.mfeiOaMM trams hoses at the Mt • tnialer TefSW" • .ire tba Pim! i a ounabie partleular* appy. Taj }IA RM FOR SALL-THE UNDER - eine d Caere ter sale let 1. T. Osborn tow•ablp, Carlow. oessisttgt of Inti sores oe Est clew stay loam loot Oiled balMOlaq ossidie he.rtag orchard s bla Poeapply yeoap te7PItAT• RICK HOGAN Oadrich P.0. tet! 'PARK FOR BALL -LATS 29 AND til. as the to 00... Oadmiob towasilp, BayOsid Road, comprising !!t more. *flatted on the lake Shore Road ell miles from ib. Sewn of Oeaaricb. The lead is d good qual- ity. and is imitable either for gain or for stock rasing. There le a good gulag stream through the ceche of the urea. For partici' loreaddress R. C. HATS barrister. Oodertcb. F. L .PRETTY t Oo., I•AIS'TEM, PAPE -HANG ANI► INTERIOR DOO( RAT1►RS. Ka*.ntates made.* work and reaeoaalie Shop .n4 sample post - mtr. Orden 1'3 aril F. a11 Jogs. and good guaranteed. ls-Our door Ea•t of 'Mvlllogf Quid. 1D TRUER RAILWAY. !fie armee w• Mart M Onion as N awe rosedva pa- in1. IL TJNs._. 1Lgierg ..... is par. OJ• riser 4111111111•4.- & Co.. Beanie b P.C. WIS. BAR- RISTER, PROD- M0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, . solicitor. cammlmtoner. Lose• collections android estate transactions care - and IAndrewed taOodericOffice e.Out.wmil -1j k RT. 11 11 x R. (' ROCEITT, Attr,l-T. Moths* t. flae.dlisoO. Nu7102TOO OIRED1T0 . elf= tie, 1L oni t s,r b..b. obis agMest the Hatbaalal lata at the village of Dai wbe diad reel rat= 101► Fit , a d tees rat e r mold ad TOtIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitr. Csaveyeacer. ha. ; Mosey te lead. 0mce over Pest-0wos. (federate Mgt CAMPION, BARRISTER, .1. Solieller. Notary Public. et n. Mice-OverJordan's brag Store, the monis formerly occupied b7 Judge Doyle. 5'291 OS e of sleMbelk ill blue card dot. .daeaeasa sothe l d.sml.aet J .•s'stS. .f the =r w moest.ri win .ss to die. Wham the said seises hTtsg t d 47 to as ol.lme of whish amiss b.,. given above repaired. Aad the etuoatme sot be N.545 IOr the 65. or weir u. -cost to sty =repaired wise elm at...., act hoes Meeptessired by them at t1 . of diatribe - The eacutors will also oiler for sale th rab- bet s bet amities at )0lougb s beret. Dungaaaea. e eflaes d.T. Mai ieti. in. at t r. w His fel towhee property part of the said es tate. vii Part .t 1st 13. es.. 4. is the towa- neet West Waimeaai. ooatsl.ia li scree. Throe are a frame honer aad email erste stable .ad a pied orchard on the premises. The property is well fenced and well supplied with water. Ales lot !7.in he Math's sune7.in tie of Dungannon. Dated Argil Vtb. t* 2. HARROW t PROUDFOOT. Nolieiton for Thomas Anderson end Joh. Hamlin. Executors JOaKPH HALwl:0h. Anet ioneer. lstidsatse maples andtpigtrail painting in 0.1 sad water colors w► C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. R. Omce, caner .r Square and West street. ooderieb, over telegraph once. Pri- vate Funds to lend at 6 per cent. Yeti► On T5ursdQ•, e sad sal urdaie, from 0 a -Y. W aid from T so . Polack P.M. Archival and metbantesl drawing. Drew big, for peons. ate. CI_ & PROUDFOOT, BAR- risters. At•orse . Solicitors. &c.. Hods rich. J, T. Garrote. 12 C.. W. Preudfoot. (IAMERJN, HOLT & CAMERON, l H.ristr., Solicitors In Chancery, kc. Oodericb. 11. C. Cameron. H.C. ; P. Holt Dudley Holmes. STUDIO _ 4orth••t..>bat doer from the S..t.iwe G Tem 0O W■ Column. PLI'Nrxa ]ITEC. bar an kept In Kook. bdpades el 1W. material, sash and dosik "Or/ pow pries. As1MAIrs IMO 1M.YlafaB.• FJ. T. IiAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND . bmaraece agent : at Sweat rates. . North•et- und square. Hod- 71- eTioh. OPEN KD THIS WEEK. Improved lacingstud and button- ed French Kid (,oves in black and colors, warranted perfect fitting and not to tear or rip. Also Silk, Taffeta and lase Gloves, all marked 15 per cent lees than regular prices. Our stock of Hosiery for Spring is complete and much lower in price than hid, seas We show the Everfast Stainless Black Cotton Hose and several new makes, guaranteed absolutely stainless aad purr dye. We are always pleased to *bow good.,, whether you purchase or not. JAMES A. REID. Jordan),AAl h . a. IMI - Loral SEW J CDICIAL SAL- E or VALUABLE TOWN PROPKRTi. i 0 EY TO LEND. -A LARGE E amount of private and outer funs at lowest rates on ductive town sad W m property. special terms of repayment to suit the borrower. -No cu,nesu. ion. -Collor write 11.0. JOHNSTON, licferacb. u Old! 15 Alin Melt corwT or 1t",'TIrI. c'5* ta5t 1)11;1810X. THE HURON S. BRl'C1' LOAN AND IN V IIMTIOANT CO. re. RAHN- Pursuant to the judgment and deal order for isle made la ibis carts,, aid bearing date respectively the 715 dal of Auras. A. D. len. and the 3065 ddaeyl of March, A. D. use. tarn wilt be acid .11h the approbation of Sather - land Malcomeos. Require. Master d this Court at Uoderkch, by John Knox. auctioneer. at the Master's Chambers, in silo court bougie, in the town a Ooderlch. at tie buret 12.3n is the afternoon. oo the ;u5 day of May. A.G. Ife:.the following loads and premises Henan so sad mounter that certain parcel and tram et a5d premises situate. l3 lug and betas iu the town of (.oderich. in the county of Huron and Pro- vince of Ontario. and Ming eou.po•ed d tot number 1000 running number. in the said tows et Uoderich. On the abotc property there is a trot -claw t5. frame hotel. il;,xr, containing bar- ro005. 5lairs dlnisg-room. • sitting -roan and twenty-three other noun. There U also a tole on tee her. "Ax16 600 pop TO LOAN. APPLY TO up CAMERON , HOt.T & CA11EitON TOOode Aoki. oi MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R 0 1 amount of Private Fundstorinvestnteet to°ARtRROW t YYO Dlsmis4olaes0OT. les. Apply R• RADCLIFFE, GENERALTIN• serene*, Real rotate and honey Lebow Agent. Only eret.•Iase companies 15prenented. Money to Lend on etraigb loans, at the lowest rate r•f interest going. Is any way to suit the, norrower. Office- Sec. otsd door from Square. West l ora 4Uode- ris5. Rusalag my mil as een.eaion with wilt works asaWwiMtew t clsspl;. Tie lat- est improved me0a'e 7 has barn ptaoed in mlII from •1-Z per mums hl all side of pine i10 per M. Pnow x.444 5 ¢ U pew L. upwards. Black to and h e e Hast orals, bsmwood. elm. ..pl sect wHkte d p K. Pick. maple. mixes a prima peeves 1 wtU esti cheap for eta, all antes and pages. 5esd15K. wiwbgs. ask er take butte. ed. almust acv timber, sure beau. ceder Sao&te•Se building thing. in pay meat i bolero driving a nail mairri.l- Get my riots If yon wish to wire aeeseT.tJd11i H CiDD. 441 y IT Brduasisat. EE g«p Institut•. '1ODERICH l[ZCHANIC8' INSTT- RO Y saes' (M.•1' IIq Itoo> ' . Ettlr••t Matra sod freta, T to f0 1.0. Opas tree" l to • refs.. I LIBRARY. ABOUT 9000 VOLE 1I Leading Daily, WIIMr wed Illustrated • ate, en File, MILT!Ar mid kesdias- Ora ase for sous rewired b ems' 0110. 8TI V/m arJ >i M10 5 v:. um Imo". jS aRaLOeaADO std Leal y (s seaphel fess t• .tri 1e" h an eon st rtes... 15.a. a ge.E M p bre seoI .•nerd to JOH 11 a+ 11110/10141011. tib' -DENTAL rlee0wL. 0N.ssss.• " w (r - R. E. RIOBA ONt L D. 8., to ft2C12. SKI r.misra fll .!•I L4 SAmei WELL e M h shop tew5 .010 .4 e dM d twee lee Of or hr AN. Wye Peebles Notl.sel. \. OTTOL -ALL PERSON/I 011ND 11 trrepSesin7 en my Iands by Cho ttpr. hunting. ranging. tamping. flshtag or other- wi•e will be prosecuted sccordul. to law. Such lands are the Han farm, in the township of t'olbnrne. and the property k•e"-w as the Falls Reserve. in the townships of Oodertrh and Colborne. N. B titCH1U144. E. CAMPION. of 6 . Proprietor. 0. WARD, CONVEY ANGER, •fi . he., and commission's* tnr 6.54 and te- oe»ving reoosnlranees of bail. •Mdsvita a amrmauose. depoliticise or solemn deniers - Dom In or concerning aa7 action, suit or pro- ceeding ro ceeding in tie High Court of Joetlre. the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or In ash county or Division Court, All transactioau carefully end promptly execeted. itedde.ee and P.O. address- Dungannon. (at. na U UST risk,Eae•er.Dwg*eases• Zurich. ad male- THE S111T tail. Sealant, W10. . Wrye• eei0s mid THE REST flesh. The /pea emotor which I TOLE BiBT lam held at bediriuh, Mata. mid 8wlortk. THE BE4iT will a .sage ea Mead y. July Mk ; sad THE BEST the sash Masotti sad Mew ...,5Ytios THE BEET mmirtisek at w tame plasm' will sem THE BEST t.esee a Weds -day. Jab 10 T Z BSST FAREWELL CONCERT. THE 81ST There was a lair tersest u the 0emper- THE 1lme.T saw hall Friday etesbg In ths la'. Tux BEET well minutemen( .l the Cadets of Temperance- THE BEST passe• te Georg. Stewart. Wile W bow THR BEstT TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mart 1►e left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Frain, s,• Tons hotel .s ettuat•d below the harbor hill Goderich and to tar harbor. it is we11 situated and does close hriving horniness. There is one. eerier of an acre of land in the got. Terms: The purrh.eer must p53 dune at the yteanioltsumoneohe readers cert. of solicitors the bslar,cr wi:hcn one roar 111 into court to the credit of to is caner. without interest. Cpon payment of this ledger he will be enlisters 10 acontetmice of the premises. The acid pro- ven) will he add suttiect to • reserved bid to 4*. five.? by the Master in all other reepc.•ts t tie t cress and conditions of sake will be the standing coudIt:ons of the } fi ('uart of Justice. per ferthr panic Oars apply to the a..rtion ter. or to toe crudities' solicitors. Gated this 19th do) of April. len. S. MALCOMSON, blaster at-Oaderich. .(K ARO.. HOLT k C'AMEI:O:., S: 3tr ors ci . N CHOPPING MILL. I am prepared to do all kinds of grain chop- ping on shortest uot»cc. Mill is running at ..111 hours. 1 have the Iatert and beat improved n achlnerl tor dispatch and efficiency I•riese mosieonable, No delay in getting your chop hone with yea. JOOl. KIDD. 814, 17 S.tssata-et d.M11taM- CAl1AMMAN ORDER 0 HOVE Oligies-Moderich filets, N 111, "men ties Medan alit gaga mouth in the hall•.oear 1nu rmN51..111e.. Special inducements Insurance and sick basalts. D. CALBiC ((,,fi r It. J ACHE9ON. Treasurer : 1 . HICRLRUtlON. aessery. 4Aloe 1f 5p I M 0810 E880N L8.-1(11111 A0012 THOMBON Is prepared t evil mums lanes en the plass er sir. Fr stars ss lnq airs 1st limo. W. Tiemeon's Irate >atf. ROW A• sommodatloa. TRS RtTRON HOTEL, - THIR well-known .ad perolarbead Me toss reetad, eaa.e.d Im and is new ensued 10 erne fa assety of eo- n the traxalias pens. tor tendert imam 1 L . ▪ the Neem., •sderte i lit a1ti'llrya..at V' not Soliton NEW :A[)VERTISEMENTS. their apes for the p5. two years The THE B18T Chair was occupied by D. McGillicuddy, who paid a high tribute to ib. work dee by Mr. Stewart. A number of excellent pieces ei music sad readings were redeed, rad ao ejo7.54 eve.i.lt wee spent. LACROSSE The weans jn.ier'.er.al. district will M 'omponed as follows this year : G5de- rioh, Seslort5, Clinic., Mitchell, Stratford and St. Marys ; to pay In two divines, the Ant tine et on and the osiers is the s.cosd division, mid to Mesh by the 16th .f July ; the winner of each divis4oe to play of in home and home matches tar the dis- trict ch,.mpiun•bip, the greatest aslmbr d goals 'cored to the two matches to deckle the championship- The ,Iinior Huron, of thus town, woo tee petulant for this district Met year. R. S. Williams, of 4:odsriok, is the distnct secretary, and Seuforth is the meeting place for the district. 4CR W(AT1 ('t)C'RTS. The rules of court which have bees in use for many years peat, governing the proce- dure .5.1 practice in these courts, have been reeeluded sad new rake issued instead, which .:amp in tone ou the first day of April 01892There are some im- portant changes which it is oeceesry that solicitors practising is these courts shoald obser' e. hiome of the form. b.therto in nes Wove hose changed, sad careful ettection will have to be paid W the alteration' or much Meows mance sad delay will enema. It o. much to be regretted that some printed forms maned by a Toronto estab- lishment. and intended to meet the alter- ations. are not correct. Solicitors will de well to lnfotm themeslvee as to some new requirements in regard to &So.iar,ts and papers submitted. grid the general public should ubee•rvc that papers must be pre pared mai pressured by applicant. person- ally or by their solicitor, and that the reg istrar d the court cannot attend to this, except in .:sees of estates ander 4400. If he is competent to do so an applicant may prepare his own oapen, bat be cannot em ploy anyone to du .0 except a solicitor. The necessary legal forms. specially got up for the county of Huron, and which have been approved of by His Honor -lodge Totes, an be obtained .t TNI Sir:NAI- Mille. KII'D-lit Owe of the most fashionable weddings of recent date took place al•uday, May 2nd, at St. Peter's church, (:odericb. a In that oocasiou, Mary. daughter of Capt. A. M. arc(:regor, wu united in marriage to Geo. A. Kidd, of Omaha. Neb., nom of Thomas Kidd, Eel., of Seaforth. The bride was at- tired m ashes of roses Lradclotb, with hat to match, std wore diamond and pearl pen- dants, the gift of the groom. The maid of honor was Mir McIntosh. of Detroit. who wore a very pretty costume of trrey Bed- ford cord, with a handsome •shoutera knot.' pin, the gift of the groom. The grooms- man was Dr. McKay. of `eaforth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Roiliest. assisted by Rev. Father West, af- ter which • receptive was held at the borne of the brutes parent.. Angleaee-st-. when many coagtatokitiome were showered upon the happy couple. During the ceremony the bride carried a beautiful bouquet of bridal rose, and the maid of honer ase composed of "La France" roles. Miss ('poke presides' at the organ and Miss Downey, of Sealorth, sang as "Ave Marie" very early. Mw Ma4Cormac sad Mies Holey" no mag • very pretty duel, sed Mimi Maac(orwuc, in addition, rendered a solo in her usual sweet manner. The toast of the bride wu proposed by Father Kon - bat and responded to by the groom in • manner most suitable. The toast of the bridesmaid was proposed by Joseph !odd and very felicitously replied to by Dr. McKay. 4 ►thee congratulatory speeebee ears made by This. Kidd. father of the groom. and Father \slat, after which Mr. •ed Hrs. Kidd left amidst showers of rice and good wishes for their house is Omaha. The bride, who was very popular ea her native town. was the recipient of nay pretty and costly pn-•eota Amongst the number was • Steinway piano by the bride's parent., a handsome piano lamp and solid silver fish - knife by the groom's per 'eta. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Big Kga attn• Aleck :Mustier'. ....Pg. 7 Ph,. -nix Lenitive F. Jordan 2 Spring Clothing R. K. Holland .. 5 Servant Ranted Mrs. Ira Lea;.... 8 Card of Thanks Eloise A. Slummy . 8 Strayed r Stole& •letetroo iah a 1'1'uor. 8 Pasture H. Krown - 8 (' Lady Canvassers Wanted •anff Cor 8 set t'o :secant Ranted Mrs. Pollen' 3 Helms ladies' Pictorial Woolly 5 DIED. May NAFTTKI. -In G aQ JohnST da) afternod u,e leers. POW ',K t 1.Oodertch Township. on Sats- F•Mler,agdyle Yow:er, wife of TEACHER WANTED -AS AS4iST- ut for 1'. 5. S, No. 1. Hay Duties to commence on the 0(5 day of May. 401!. App.Jy. Mating ..ar3 and ,lualt•c►tions. to ALEX. J. DY.NOMV, secretary. Drysdale. Ont. S7 tf /tiBMlsSar Ml. IME FOR SALL-l)OOD FRESH .is Reerrvelime t'Is . AY al ordevery lime k teeneteatlT at t J kept he Valla err til be promptly •u.uded 10. X. f L(ee. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Is'OR t4ALE.-TWO 18 1N. CAST 1 pulley,- yin. taor. 1 11-16 In. bore. or can be board to fl) larger than. (good as new. Will be sold at • reasonabh• ryryre. Apply at Tot 241.114.1. emus 1 -rarities nesse. 3(a.11., T Morn SW dale. f ERSEY BULLS FOR SALE - • Oma 17 masts old and one weeks old. Their dear Mas extra awed tow : 5..11 guano tee her to rice ledel •155. milk per Year. 1 will also sell cheap two grade Jerseft, one three years old. • ep4e.dld Mmol and In calf to my registered -feral. aades. about t year o!d hem me of Os best cows is tais section. 0 A. DLA DM AN. dru.glu4 rruewa. Oat. tad t (1000 YSNERAL 8ER Vt vete ile -A/Ny le MRs. 1'01.1.17. Nardi -M. 1211 W ANTED. -A 0001) OS:iRRAL ensue. ter %ear of Owes. Nat IRA li w iS It i ADY CANVASSERS WANTED. - 1.4 To ppls(e orders far (a. slue. star rent.- WSpay *5551. 1 5.45 of eery tars worth of 5054. .1Need. slid et le I Oros 5.a rean51eslurrtekthe beet ordered 1111 N474 ( ET (Yda. Per S.. Mb tla.rsat MootreaLgess ♦ eaters among re. tali.' motes. _1a faith. self Jeered it. THE TOR THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE The easiest and beet way to get whit' you ...et Is go fcr it ;oneself and hose your measure taken b7 F. J. Pr•dh tin. the people's ear, Iter. ou the Square. He keeps the right goods and knows how to cut and make Moms. ('Mo .no Hors., Warr -1T.- Our handy. en- terprising fishermen have commenced elpr!ng work -.hope they will be oatresstal. When you go tl-lciog for a nobby. well nude Spring snit cheaper than the canoes. 0511 en 11acf0r tea. Too Big'- That's the reason that was •d s-amed by some parties who were considering the advttstell,c of purchasing Reck Saun- ders' Nest-st. bus,aess. K-e1L eeduotng the Prices to Turk hot »otu and straucht advertising .an easily fetch the big stock down. See advt. on page 7. Having pu•cha.ed the photographic Moine= formerly armed on by Geo. Stewart. sad hat ing on haau a largo stotk of card maul ubit.et mount.. with bit. Stewart's name oa and which 1 cannot use in my own busbies,. 1 mike the fo.lowitag liberal otter - I will sno- wy appy yon dupboale photos from Johnatoah Rahway' s or Stewart negatives at the to ilea• leg rates . sunbeam., per dot, S'k•.. cards. per dos.. 'S..: per halt da, St»:.. cabinets. per dor.. 41.50: per half dor_. 755.: silt•-. Iota. Heti. and all other sixes at a low rat. 1t. R. R. Sal- lows. M.dl. L - -• -- i1R WHITELY di HUNTER. lJ omce-Orend Open Ream Clod rI . TARS. SHANNON it BHA/1210N, 1l Phyrolats, Smgeone. A000ueher . to 0111c. at Dr. Samson residence. near the read Oodrlob. O. C. SHANNON. J. R. Snag eon. 1T•1 Caro of '1lr•Ncfa CAPD OF THANKS. -51.01111E A. eklmleto.'•mosso-et" ,soidMares Cie., beep to Math the and Nestle - noes a Oederleh for t5e Madly ei neem thee '.tamed towards her in hr meat Slams aid for the b.daome demo. with which they preheated her throesa ma II'y.Stt. M-11 MSN. ?NITRATED OR STOLEN FROM THE A7 prlmaee oe the undersigned. let 0. con osesies N Asheeld. es Tsaaday sif51. April MO. a three year old coq, dark MOS. with whlte stripe on It. face. .ed a 0.o boiled. tall. sine body. A.y person Oyler( lasema which will lead M Its recovers will ee s r • wardad. JKKEMLAH O'CONNOR. I. Pasture. DASTI. BE ONE HUNDRED 1 acre..( well watered rasters two m115. trees Uedrke5. AVM" H. RItOWN. Herm head Olt L1 RAM ELIE'S ELROTS$C IR B AL - r ER. OMITS. Iyrsp of Plea. ga1r1 Syrup of Spews Ora DOM, Osatltelm medusa WANTED -Air ACTIme, ITV- - - Manh.n (Iemnb d. oared y. a M sped .ddaea gee 5.b 00314 4.101 e SNrJ:ie Ilmw' 10 555pt45.. r Arg iOW rim gm lt0es 1 jfu0 lnAeglT S•estmM N1Wiet ease 911151.1111 ti fiYsa 5.M (WOerT 15Ott. 0r P A / rM7Us5Mo 56e.d a N5rs1 ee► I e Or.wsr • 4C J. W Hemet !as•oespr••R Dine Stem A SRRMUN uN •• TOBACCO... Rev. J. E. Howell. paetor of North .t. Methodist church. pra*Le4 5 sermon on " Tolscco" at the evening service on Sun- day taut. The subject was dealt with to a very thorough manner. the use of the weed is any torn being condemned for numerous ✓ easons. Much interest was taken in the remarks of the preacher by the congrega- tion, in which there was a good sprinkling of tuhaose o toren. THEIR SF.VENTi" THiRit ANNIVER »ARV. The members of Huron Lodge, No. 62. L 0. 0. F., attended divine service in Knox ehurch on Sunday morning last. Rev .1. A. Anderson, H. A , preached an ale. and appmtwiate sermon, taking as hie text the words from t:battens vi. 2 " Beat ye ones another•a border's and a.. fulfill the Law of ('hetet." There were about forty fellows primmest, notwithstanding the uo pleasant weather. The sermon will appear next week. IT WAS A CAPITAL LIMTURE. Mr. Thomas Mc(;illicnddy. whose success so a lecturer has been so marked, save one of his most popular and amtrfug lectures to • large and appreciative audience u, Bever, ley et. ILI,•Mt ehur.•t• Mr MdalLcaddy's subject w as -• The !small Roy,- ails it was treated in 5 tor) entertaining and •i.mr age masnrr The proceeds wen* to 115 credit of the Sumas school. Toronto World. EPR'l►KTH LEAGUE. The Kpwortk l.rrgue to coemectton w115 North -et Methodist 'beech hu imbed an attractive program for their weekly meet - lags for the remainder of this year, with the subject for each meeti.g sad the name of the member who is to speak thereon. The meeting. of the Leagne an interesting ..d profitable, .ad all young pools are saresatly invited to steed them Ther meeting ars bold in the lemon room d the chnrek on Friday *maim of each week mad evenmeec, at A e'cleok. HORSF. NOT1D4. Carlisle, 13026. will be at the Albion Wel otnblt., t odetieb, thin pose.. feast 4 e.m. on Mnaday until 10 c r. on Toead.y reek week. This epksdid n.dMr wellies s the property of Robert Wi55. of Sea. forth. Alhedrad A t:..dra'e 6• imparted tSor•sdbred Valli.n sed min hmss, the weR-kse►we zanier, will Mem lam read again this mow. 7amr's oats an prier winnow, owl these wbn web Io Meed bat elms .sissde should see him TSR M11MUMMER I1lAMIKATIOItR The a drea ie aid rails missal ksieing 18 THE OHEAPp 11!'i' AND 18 THII fMSAPENT Talle iS THE ONEAP111T ASO THE IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE 18 THE column AND THE I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST BEST BEST D18T BEST BEET BEST BEST BEST BE8T BERT BUT 118T BEST REST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST HEST BEST HEST HEST SWIIM, u MET YIONIL Ig ?dB EST 1110110.L 1E THE REIT SIONAL IS THE BEST SIGNAL Hi THE BENT THE BE/'y THE k1Zs THE BEet THE „fiat THE BEET THE BEN? THE BEe? THE flier THE BAIT THE B18 THE 1114 THE BUT THE MIT THE BUT THE BEt? THE B1$ THE HEg? THE BEN? THE Rut THE BUT THE 44147 THE BEg? THE Mt THE BEt? THE BEg? THE BEt? THE BM THE HEFT THE BENT THE BEST THE BEET THE BERT THE BENT SIGNAL 18 THE mon SIGNAL 18 THE BEET SIGNAL 18 TttE BEtif SIGNAL 18 THE BiLtUT SIGNAL 18 THE 44g SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE SIGNAL A IN ADVANCE I IS THE CHEAPEST 18 THE CHEAPEST 1S THE CHEAPEST 1S THE CHEAPEST IS THE CHEAPEST 113 THE CHEAPEST AND THE AND THE AND THE AND THE AND THE AND THE he had to be taken to a hospital, where his death occurred. Mrs. Sar. Lord Halley has been secured for an entertainment in the (:rand Opera BREADSTUFFS AHO PROVISIONS House, foe Saturday. May 21. I•arttculan melt week. THE MARKETS. Mrs. and Mies Radcliffe returned from a lengthy visit to England uo Moseley. They were met to New 1 ork by Mr. Radcliffe, who accompanied therm home Jas. Jenkins was severely Infured Mew day Horning by falling from a bard plod upon two step ladders. upon which he was lasting while whitvweshing at Martin's hotel. Geo. 12 Moore, • 1 Chicago. was is town this week visiting relative. sad see- ing his nay frieaia, (:gorge is one el the racist prosperous 10.s of I:odericb who Moe made their home across the border. Mies Martha Privatised. who had been living fur sneral ninths past at Wakefield, Quebec, left »m Tuesday morning for Grid- s/one, Manitoba. She was accompanied by her sister, airs. !tickle. of Auburn, who goes u, rejoin her bushaad at Gladstone \Ye are pleased to know that Dr. .1. R. n about after hu racist in Shannon i .gat disposition. For some weeks the doctor bed been fighting utl the attack, but some what over a week ago he had to succumb, sad had to take to his bed for several days. W. G. Kedtlte, who had been nocupj•ug a relation ta the store of Levi- A. Fear, druggist. for several mantas peat. left on Thursday last for Hatevia. N.1 Mr. Ked. die. during his short star here, glade rn..y friends. who wish him au eras wherever be goes. t:oo. Stewart left yesterday for East Saginaw, Mich.. waw• he will conduct a photographic bust/fess. 4efore leaving he 1 fps male the recipient of • bandanme re - ume of engravings from 4 :,*stave I knees scriptural paintings, by the Temperance C;ale's, which he hal been the mean' .d r• ggaannmeg two years ago. The actin of the boy. was aponta.etus. and Mr. Stewart ap precated it as an excellent .esd-off- %V. if Robertson. who graduated in the business office of Twa St..'tl, Iaa been offered and has accepted a good position to Ole business otlice of the (:oder,c5 Organ Company. Mr. Robertson is a steady and trustworthy young man, of excellent bust news habits, and the Organ Company is to be congestulated upon having smeared hie services- He leev,% hitt with the belt w tithes of the proprietor and staff for Ins future wcsae. l.4..l.a Prime ' emenesue. May t. .... It so too A ...•pilus` ... 7s to•A « M«.. . 2 30 to 311 .... .YAWN0/ .....• 14 IMO to15• u se tom, •e rum • FSpent Wheal. Wong Wheat. • Mr Mena. • tea Dna. • tea de e5., e:d gloat Chapped • eta.. lata, new. P bash ................ • le to e f Pena t Mich_.. •.. » ....+. •let• • M Sattler. two mimed. • ......... 0 tt to 0 M tlmtq, aim- 0 M le • tl Hsy,iton III Mtat lis Potatoes. w Ser ..........•0111•115 Appeals. aMob _..... 400r0a getter. ti a 0te s 11 Kits. fresh aap.e5sf O 1f. - • to • e► CAMs 1t ....:........ 10010 t a wo l .. *Uwe) Hides 2 w h 1 is LamkekiM .........•........ • el 151 • 43rsae.d Hem • out .......- • b * 10 kis Pulte -.... --...- «.... • 32 tee X L 4.. Fisher ha. gooe to Alretaac, Mick. Ik.mon ('ritteodei left for Blyth on Sat- urday. Rao. Smith. of Chicago, is visiting his re- latives here. John sad F:d. ('ot. of Chicago, ate, in towal eosin their panels. Everett McKenzie is i. Tomato taking Ms first year examiaatisa at nos 17sivereity. Met A. 1. Rusty .ad Him Kay left oe Monday 1n Meat Tomato .ss' Owes Sound. Ike. Terser. of tike-13ris, arrived n tows lest Friday. sal will wood the Semester here. Wm 1►'I.anag•a, formeriv of Katie wail ha town hist week. and left her. Meod.y kw Seefer:5. Me. J. A lat.'s .ed two children', of Chieyo arrived 1n tti.k week .ss' will Rooore d th. Hset sr harp A Melva., who had hewn epe.dmg the Witter with hie pereet. in Iowa, ter.rwe4 to Fort William ea Teed•y het Geo. Wive 5..e .-nde.i tow boom for several days this week. hot we are to we tart he is .1s to he abet Jobs A. MGM. who W beam eollarlos from w alosok el eniglos. is sew, wan ple.es/ Io Mase. se Os nod he r sreity. 1r. (Noes, • brother of steel Qls(oes d the teem, died i• Daises lest week. it tit •p es le be ease Moles a W of wood wise he wee efoilM 1t the n•wa orrolo Whored. As Rae geese blip tame obi LOCAL BREVITIES. The teem Dewed will meet on Friday cattle dragged somewhat and, compare* evening. Bert Howell occupied the pulpit of talc with the trade dace for export. they welt toric -et. Methodist church 0m Sunday even- prac geally "cot ,n it . The highest prier. paid for choice b.tebers' cattle today gem 44e per lb,o.ly a few odd Iota going at that. Rails sold down to 3c per lb, up to 114.25 4 41.30 per cwt for 'reporters. Mr. Crawford did a fair trade in stockers at from i1. • 4}c per E►. A few choice outside leas eggs taken .t tic. Sense tr.amactisa. were: ill mixed cattle, 1,146 lbs average, 40 per le; 22 do, 1,066, die; 23 heifers. 1.0801b .tier age, $3.00 per cwt: 10 mixed. 1,146. 4e pt Ib: 110 do, 1,025, 3}o per lb: 00 exp.rt•a, 1,300, 4{c: 30 do. 1,260. 4;t: 10 do, I.11M. M.i10 per cwt 411No• 7s1aM0ia. flue 2 I1(•t Fal: %% beat .«... 0 0 to• aping Wheat »......11 W i tat111 e .............key' .... ...... ;all M• a• iYes ........... Opo. Apple. set(sl.15 per kelg........«.. to A Pongees .............................. • it te re IIII taica •..............................................................er 1044 • 000100• w.0L.................... ........ 0 iO se 015 Pork ............... .,..... •••SeS11 Tomos. rani' 0srbee Matt 3. I n exporters then ems • brisk trade dos., but for butchers cattle the market has still a rather weak tore. M. John Rogers bought a large number of e, port cattle for Messrs. Bwterdlke L Co., .4 Montreal : quite a new wore taken far )1r Eak tua, ot Port Hope. and Mears. Alba. d Meagan and the Dunn Kw,thers brg•s operating. The outlook is not eepa4 ±E7 rosy, sad dealers are somewhat coarse. raiding the 1ett4ment of the agitation going on in England against Ossadim cattle. A few extra fairy choice ettpmtes brought 5c per lb and a 116 premie. bat most ot the fancy staltsold for 5c ee under The range was iron. 4c to4;c op ts 4ie per II) for choice shippers. Botcher, goVIM 114" axe THMSEI yolm Dturroc 0! TO w1110.11 are R•tar( tag. 1►uring tke recast I hustler storm . . ow belonging to Mrs. Itlack. lager et-. was struck by lightning The watering cart ivmmeneed rte season gyratioas on SaturdayInst, but It bait been kept ia net of the shoos wet. Hop Council, Roy's' Tempters of Tem ww of Rayfield, are expected to sit a'Cooped, of this town, nett Monday mane. For wile, knitting u.cbiae. new, Pt cash; ge satL bargain : to lw eee6 at (leo. W. TL.taeoti•s music and sewtpg maehiue store. J. W. Weathrald Dr. M. Nicholson. the Wet -et. dustier, gigeneet Lase .sesta werMt. smkes the preeervatioe of the natural teeth i The recapte ol live htes't at the VI"' •( • *4*. n -y' (les administered of a tree 9 a.m. the Moetreal Stook Tarda Cataps.y. Paha her the eittlnlees extraction of teeth. St. la(arlss, for the week ender April 31 were There were not .sough members of the drooi board presser at the moodily meet Wig on Mostly oceans 10 forest • gunroom, o.d esa neestly no busiaese wee don The chair of the R. C. church, (listen ! talseMr the 11.4.1shi of R Jeans. anttesidsd St. Peter's .arch here Sunday kat aid rendered exedls.t serving d5ri g the ode- bration of mea Orme Methodist Amok R lsuyrg, hes doeldod to init. Rev. O. R. Turk, aefOw.. :vessel, formerly paster of North et- Meth* dietlGederich, to accept the meter - ate of W March Rev. Mr. Galloway. of Clinton, will &l- bws the Gomel tempr.aos sleeting i. tits TSmpern.so Hall mixt Palsy .1*.,.... The nen, will eomesww 6t 4:18 P. tee All .re invited to •N0.%. A m.51in4 of the joist bowls d 0.5.1V. Exhibition will he held im petit jery ream' of Coen Heine a Saturday, May14, 611 o'clock. to complete •rrooret'ses far /.11 show. A fa atesetle e. fa 4110,01. A secesd meoi.g was bold last YAW nolo in the Albion hetet te se,..4der las edvteshimy of erppei log • brisket eel.►. 00 avesi et orf tie Ink of seitehle greet` said the feet tin a wssietly large m0m- berehip treeld ass be saeme4was theag►4 hist that sit assess be Odin Ill,. Idiwibwtswoff= • to rilh6l Mi r.aa,L.,s a if M Total for week ft. Litt a hand Trade was em.wbot slow for settle. w lag to the supply bohtg is exam of the de mead, Thursday's market elselag dill The were small retsepto of Amp cel Imola, 611 brag readily take .p Tb, apply .t bogs tram 56617• bot With° geed rodeos' price were .ell maiatank elseiag at $6.60- W. g6e(e the lalNlblE as baled a'' C6e1e. itreh're'w•....••••0 r cis " ••••••••••••••11.111. • •• -4. • Saw Is tie _ados s as g ea eras. er sewer a-me°e--,+r Mr' s •t limb weekM e s sills. eesreee home foam WA ioeU elms Masesest siatioesi•,t selehle ' jilt twiaele11 5-51 - et this woeel pet seos •di*1 . year, is i shams melt ea ant leaee+ Woes ea Tule besot, Mer IRS wse, Ssetb ea, MOUT 4100E •n g•• and RUMS Mvp•ees Tar P5.' r earn 57004-t,m n 11155 Mier ins a eSNns ate The rotor of a5 Iva Tbv Irish Cass LiiK11 W,eta*11•1esn.lIa 16h; othf e j(us' 1gaH.pedae1ArIN must petition..riY+r ra al tetttu.wlit.theer •s bulb[ ask h.1 ,tats5.d the I►om nilly bruWthwt fur truthful or it the territory d b„e • f,earth of it• 11s wealth bad tb tied t54epro•lrtte tr a.o*. •y• tousle► t.. .dad tu11 Iay tt sad make -.IAC ° ghee 11,0 w the \land tram, r+ ,lough . ail that can r-r ,o11ustry u the stay , r, ,- oriege ant fr no their prim pa. been rets -,auuu of unjm tea. a home foe ',itch au a ...timers of th pause of the two toile dissatisfied ,ad mduttnal o :he Maritime P i.,bey hlanisl 1,..r w;ns', .4 he \otw.thusta1uli a ,sal elevate, tl ..ujeveloprd, a&o , ret .110157 sI 1 pnairu o t4 bit dant Iron shoe .0145* w .e reel wa15 M+4.:Ing '.mew opreS 1 *11511 ' .Ml5- i4I t•.RE-awt, Koh N OVA, SOC il.imitnbk Mats fateia of 1riceh .51 down 155 ti tlepubli. a• l st 5;0114 r,f masa sashes, tr., fa •.+:.1 •gaiwaR t the alaritil - abs „f the tlt AMA axe 15461 ••1t 410111 are ,ti hardy pec n4 ywhuom 0»•1 gtcen 1 ,--in, the dl ',cellos. ,ort p:» -tit, •nl th i*e pra.'t 1c.Hy r:pphes the si n erly 5.u, p ai: their Leder Tilt. The . itis bkemenlded. rasy age p 1.10,45 isl 1 res in the e our burro •• though In °ins t5e .he .14 the preop ,,,r, „ who I . ad other 4: ▪ 315. Much a0 the Amer 4anti n. P . rtnty ; fa • sot agile !enrols, sad ',•rket. es dries, is • same, Io 1 . at bat, 75.. Per year 'train aw5 , ••etk : sad 'Tires wits then ,wt ''r+ivjn'va 1 ee Stelae .low of ohm little 'he tltaeala 5.e they .11, us the •, ship a (°airy •e ,use Pre re 1M.e. Redford, Veiled It 5f sur sss lath of eearity reward the Ease