HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-5, Page 6I
Tb. asses er . nam WI
'10 a.•..d se More
nits wive re pq-1 by 1/Mie . %sN
Tess age a medal r 1gjlelp-A emotes
M toe Qwoos.
A awl d lightbe1 pansy . Ja ..dsims
enough to ewe • tl '. heart to
flatter and who is efelembliodh og to he •
witable mem. le eras' off "mebaW., fee
she Mais�is1� � ti be afire'
Vrat he to the fact
that he did net V% 1 d m.kisg •
wooled laws.lis Th aii ,.0t er
the gra le maw isi.1 he
lands, rd be aket •t veerry
▪ V abs. fee hie
It is not the mime who a afraid he will
tint 611 the hill is th tau
that is the ase at fail is olibm role If
he ever ventaim f! and mks • woman
to be bus wile alas V ogee tom
hk ms* will be plasma* seii
se her ddo..dis
relatives are memetsd. • lits modesty i
mot assessed he wall .mit quite recover
from the surprise at her masmpttng him, and
N win a is
t bre u • .
Mon that u r p.sui u, and muss
be carefully it stip away from
him. No matter law rata, years they are
married tt will always be the same, •ad
the modest, amenablybchelor will prove
the denoted, admiring haebbid to the end.
On the other head, the superb creature
who considers that ha bestows • little shoe
of heaves with the giriag of his name is the
ass that u to make a girl wretched.
He feels as tiieslt prhaps he were too pre-
cipitate in his tweieg and shows her by
his actions if he d... tell her in w many
words that there Vega tmaay other garb just
dying for ham.
If money is wares K wit not be he that
will suffer HU gltea ms farm roust be ar
rayed in gorgeous apparel. his luncheon@
tsscesserily of the finite and his ogees the
bast, though per at home, his wife in •
garment that may hew hem one of the
dresses of her taNmmse sway rears ago,
eats mimeo: over sasses ad floe; her own
work- He, in his pile. weeders it enough
honor for any womwa eim* to bear his
sate!, and if it were to ham that
his wife was miserable `m would not credit
Bulb a ridiculous atatenneat.
Girls, do not be deceived by the gay,
showy men, who are etaastially selfish and
who could never Isva anyone as well as
their own charming esteem. Iet not let the
fine figure, handsaw hes and dashing air
make you snub the quiet, modes: chap who
binshee when you tfreak he wed appears a tri-
be stupid before Sniff witticisms and
bow of talk of the mime denhing rival. The
modest nap as the oneder the long rate and,
if your heal is levet sad your heart eat the
right place, the eve.@m@.1 charms of the
use will be cos 1T swallowed up and
lost sight of in the an lasting char-
acter of the other. -Philadelphia Timm.
Gibe we. a Model ter Y.ty Amending to an
Ancient CW.... Werk.
" IvIves, obey year husbands" would
seem to be an even Wager point in Con-
fucian than in Pauline doctrine, from the
sample translations by Mos A. C. Stafford
of as ancient ('himers week, in 313 chap-
ters, instructing woman es to the behavior
expected of them. no work is about 2,000
years old. The first duty of • Chinese wo-
man, so the hook says, was to "reverence
her husband as heaven." She must not
hesitate to .lie for him, acid one of oho little
anecdotes related Ito sreaswage ob4 ane. is
that of a pcasant,`vrbo, during • severe fa-
mine, was seized by some soldiers, who pro-
preed to nuke • meal of him. "My hus•
bend is very (este." pleaded the wife. "he
will be scarcely •.malleal I ane fleshy
mil of dark complexion. Nod they say that
the flesh of such persons is excellent eat •
Mg.. Her argutnemt prevailed, and the
w hiter. ate her and sexed her husband.
Aa to tow she should eemfort herself the
book says : "In the paw. of her parents
or peninto n -law • 11011•m inlay not sneeze
or cough, neither s* tach, ,awn. uor loll
about when tired, age M she presume to
Mare at them. She skald wear a happy
fern and a mild, pleasant deportment in
serving them, in oder to soothe them."
The wife ot • certain EJa Ku.g-tseh comes
in for • large share d praise simply he
mane ofor three yews after her marriage
■eb.dy had ever seen her smile."
Yet it is not ptwbbM this ancient work
chrneicles any such 10s1401 of devotee' and
sacrifice by woolen for their beamed. sad
other loved Dot's as opt' b told of this era
of grace, where nothing compels but wo-
man's own sweet heart.
Mass Woreb *a.wta lt.
That ink moist can readily be remored
learn white goods by nabbing • cut lemon
over the stain, then robbing on salt and
planus the goods ea the gram under a
strong sunlight If its *aim is of long•
standing. t may be =:=•'7 to apply Blore
That *bait the weeks of • sewing nu
chine get gummy they should be thorough-
ly oiled with kerosene oil Kerosene is •k0o
excellent for robbteg over the table and
woodwork of the machine. largely restor-
ing the machine to its origissi brightness
acid beauty.
That • layer of salt laid au the ink stain
is a carpet will gradasikk •brrb the ink.
After the first layer bmcesss saturated
with ink it cam be r.ilrfeed 1.11 • setwod
and third layer applied, anal the ink is all
removed and the carpet fully restored to its
ortjtnal condition.
That chloride of lima &onlyed in bet
water and strained through a ase cloth sad
Ib.. ovefully dilated es as at to be too
Mreg, u • sure and este echoes for the
ssm0Tal ol mildew Sap s.0 white gond.
This solation is also ameslMnt ler bleaching
anbie•ched cotton or fav hieselmalldbw
berame of
wear that has grow OOH
fag washed poorly, or tows me of ,u beteg
card away aad uausud les sometime.
Wet efts geode mero.I% hire potties
l.do the seietia. and &Sew it W remain is
the ssfutiss ler a few hears et over night.
A UTTLE 1gT1tb.A11014. 1{'
Coeewae .lakes teselme Op la Base Tomo
un b ar roma
Tho ptdu@er 4 astt'wamy b' • eases
mntewoem is looked spa as a star beerier.
Yoe emit tell meek sheet • sae's r►
holm" by the .ass he maks at a wmp-
We soy be a stage, bat it is more Ube a
evert -bows from the foal that it a fell et
A ash rims is sad to be geed fee Umbrae.
Pitiabl,yy this is heeaase the fish go se .flee
r sekeel. --Pack.
Whore is the earth are yea g• ( "
asked the load father when kis .on 1011
dew the well-hols.
The understudy deceit a.ossserily love
the prima dos.e beanies she is always
ready to tame bar part
Yoe can stall tad • sem now .ad the.
waste .xpecisag to get to Beauen ue his
wdm's chareb mrt•b.r.bip.
Ardritaterafy spmki.g the .ave is the
body of the church. but it by so mean. fol
lows that the body of the church u com-
posed of knaves.
The mss is the choir mayhave ore
themdream/power am Or man more
the potpie,
bat the tenor of tbe talk of ire Maser is
mare edifying time th. talk cf the tesas-
Mrs. lrresager i$o minister's wilco
Why is your husband always ..king for
mwy mosey, money' Minister'. Wife
Iw.•rilyl-I pneuma tt's because he never
gets my.
We have noticed that when you tell •
wawa her daughter is just the imam of
ber when she was that ate the mother
looks pleased and the daughter looks
Miss Highupp -So you have discharged
your valet! Mr. De Cbappue
lel,t Sunday the dull fellow couldn't think
up any new excuse (oh my staying away
from church.
"Have you fasted much daring Lent" .
"No. The fact is, my husband bas bad
some business reverses and we Ismld not
afford the expensive dishes that people eat
when they are fasting
Editor Ito young reporter, -I see you
have beaded this mt.ck ••Murder w Iter
Midst" r- Yes, air. Editor
You have swallowed poise•, then, I .up
pose! -New York Truth.
Phot pher -Now, then, Mr. Prosser.
if you p1 .e, look pleasant for • mtor.emt-
that's it.. mow3nt lor.ber--there ! Yoo
may now resume your natural expression. -
Boston (:ostmercial Bulletin.
"If I were to commit suicide," said Gus
De Joy to his father's physician, "what
kind a( a verdict would the , urwoner bwing
in * "Justitieble honu.tde," was the em-
phatic repl--Weshingtoo Star.
H -What sort of a dress was that
Mrs. Snooper wore to -night?' Wife -
D•mitr•tn. Hosshaad - That's prectely
what Twemlow said when he trod om ii.
Hew on earth dill he know ata same
Customer -"You said this doth would
wear like mow. 1 ve only worn these
trousers two months, and uow look at this.
Ib you call that wearies like iron '' Tailor
--Certainly l do. Ain t they rusty enough
to suit you' Boston Transcript
Ab Apple lasers..
A!1!�,a �.ppb dome Y as follow. :
as Vitt
of big goer 1n • little
web! Gar Mae miasma, that add • pnond of
palsied sod earned end out Tato small
sato epesw d Ietra jaw. Stir
till soh mmol bee n+'is lumps. that
_sash.._s stirring, allowieagg the tartare to
beY SU it miakcis fear it into
• mold .cid leste till es, them turn est
earl serve with whipped cream et custard
A I.weoMe h cls Owase
4cmbimg d Mab. Him Mari. Cereal
*eel er iJiim►� hbdi re woad
teas ds ler** s the emery is printed
i Warm edtrBj l,s�Wed ie pile blas
el.waal� .. r
A 'throat.
While walking down the path of lit.
1 mot a highway -woman breve.
Wh., n.lds.l me .1 int heart and robot,
And tint• hal kept to ane bar slave.
I nailed .tau Love to, realm Ins,
W boo thus did mournfully reply :
"In sorrow we are hrothas now :
For you're bar .dams and NO am 1."
He wise Out of N4 .lem.et.
"I'm afraid," amid the editor solemnly,
"that you won't do. You 11 find your
salary waiting for you in the busses.
Why, mid the proofreader, "what
have i done now!"
••IAone shrieked the editor. "In my
editorial "caring a contemporary 1 used
these words : 'We will yet put the galled
Md. dews.' and hanged if yea haven't made
me ss.;, 'We will yet put the gallon jug
down ! You belong in •oma temperance
odice -you do
.1 realms Y.
it was the first $3 hill of him own he had
seen in years. and the other fellow hadn't
had his hands on one in twice as long.
"Come," he said, yearningly taking out
his luck penny. "let's match for it'
'•l)h, no, protested the happy owner,
holding it fondly to his throbbing bosom,
"oh, no, you dont ; this is simply match -
.1 .pries spasm.
I do not know
Whence came the .mow ;
1 do not sing
Whence 10.005 the spring ;
1 ualy know
That loo*
And everything
Comes with the spring_
This storing.
Have spring.
We Was Her Debtor.
As a pleasant -fared woman passed the
corner .coos touched his hat to her ..d re
narked feelingly to his companion :
"Ah, my Loy, 1 owe a great deal to that
"Your mother t" was the goery.
"No, my landlady."
gismo Word. but Dlwereat Metas..,
"What ars you charged with !" asked
the )edge.
"Taking notes," answered the defendant.
"is he a repnrter'"
"No, your Honor," the poliosm.m aas-
wered. 'Hc robed a mune nese."-Rash•
ingtoo Star.
T`MEN SIGNAL 2 QO8111310U, OM, /11,1111MAY. SAY'S
THE POET'S V610i.;
lateMeme affair. a
I. relyd to
Med hgbt boo se
Kept Quelet.
"1 hope you were not immodest u re-
turn," said mamma, after Willie hod told
her of some mean thing@ a playmate had
"No, i pad kept still," mil Wilkie. "1
couldn't think of anything to my tlbai
would make him sash." Harper's Team
M roomy wee.
She (aged 111) -Yes are the most lame -
stant man 1 ever met. Yon have • new
girt every week, I believe.
He --\ ea woolde't apart mm to hove am
old .e., would yes !
Tb. Wem/aer Ifessaara
1f Winter lin fa the lap d
And lovely mg r worthy ttlittr. seam,
Why blames h thsu, you hoary -beaded
Dow sneey d you would sot do the same r
.smeMlsg sofa nteded.
••Money talks,".10.1.4 • wake" at •
,.ii • A d Ao.l .e.0eh.t's 1 yams ser Mas.' replied
a ►..tor is the trent WMV.
A B...tev ttleara,
Rh. 1f ere shoal prepare 1.wealthy •
girl and should be be rejeewhet wels
Tee apt
i surpass I ie.M have ae
ewe sly ewe afvles
1 never like to see a man •-tie.aYs will the
'(less u Saw t &i d lits be denial always
catch the trumps ;
But I ma always ulnen tea frosa.dessy sem
Aa take, his doss, sad banks the WA it
isn't my was
There ale's no w es' Mibh&' mad .waBW a1
year leek
ire ama't correct the malls inertia yea
Ma *MVO a dnak t
Remember, whoa Wrath the load year
auferia' heed is hewed.
Tkaa Gehl widths saaskins ia SIM tatU
every clad.
11 you 'hash' ass a fallow -scan with tteebW's
flag unfurled,
And looking like he didn't hole • friend i■
all the world,
Go up and slap bit ou the bsek .ad holler
, how'd you dn"
And grasp W head as warm hell know he
hos a friend is yea.
Thea as him what's a horns 'no, and holes►
his maim away
And tell him that the darkest eight is jest
afore the day ;
Mat talk in grareyazd palaver, but lay it
right out loud
That God'U sprinkbs sunshine w the trail of
every cloud.
This world at best is but • hash of pimsare
and of`used.JJd bright and samaya1✓tibt es.0
slashed woos rain. ----
And that's just how t t ought to bat lbw wise
the clouds roll by
Well meow just bow to appreciate the bright
and smiling sky.
So leant to take it as it comes. and don't
sweet at the pore
1lecam.e the Lord's minion doesn't uoinide
with rout
ilut always keep ratemberi.' wan cares
year path enshroud
That I:od has lots 01 sunshine to spill behind
the cloud.
1'apt. Jack Crawford.
A'. C. Ri ,sham d Co.
Gra-nesza, -The top of my bead was
bald for several years. 1 used MINARI'Y
LINIMENT, and now here as good a
growth of hair es I ever had.
W heathy Nivel., 1'.
freely on my head and now have a good
head of heir after hating bees bald for
several years. It is the only hair restorer 1
have ever found.
Mat. C. Aapsa+oa.
Stanley- Stodge, 1'. E. I. .lm
it is .std that Phalle., 2:13„ will be
repreaented by a tilt of 2:30 trotters this
4 M hundred and forty horses have aired
the darts of two or more 2.30 trotters, but
are not tht suer et ant 2:30 trotters them-
Sallie Bruton, 2:17 i, at one time the
champion 4-yeer•old trotter, has a filly foal
by Advertiser, 2.16. This filly should prove
• " cracker pack...
Alden Goldsmith, son of the late .fames
H. Goldsmith, will be assistant trainer in
the suable of bis uncle, John A. Goldsmith,
the l'alafornu trainer.
The owner of Lohaeco, 2:1bi, is willing
tc wager $1,000 that this bine will take a
✓ eoord within two shush as fast sa the
2:08, of Palo Alto tial season.
Charles S. Upton, Rochester. N. Y., win
try a new etperament and oriler a 38 -pound
sulks with patent pneumatic tire for Its
pacing stallion V-itelfo. 2 1Si.
The unpressaou anon q•,critical judges is
almost uniteraal that Nanty Hanka can
give the queen of the turf • beating should
they be pitted against each mho.
All.rtes, 2:01t►, has to his Credit 45 beta
in 2:30 or better, the largest nuniber was
by a five-year old. Dr. fipmrks, 2:17t,
however, who is • year younger. has won
The famowa half -mile track at Toledo, 11.,
on which Icarus reduced the world's half
mile track retard to 2:16+ several years
ago, will this year be reclayed and put in
its old -tome form.
.lanes WaUste.,la 11 -month-old filly by
Jerome Heath, 10042, is a coming trotter
ore. She rctently ti tted an eighth of •
mile in 23+, seconds, • 3:08 gait. She ix a
credit to her awe and to her trainer, Mr.
The dispute between A. H. Monro and
Monroe Salsbury in regard to the age of
M. Day, dams of Margaret S., is not un-
likely to prove the year book in error.
George D. otos, who bred her, says he is
pomata) a she is but 18 years old instead of 28.
Frank Johnson. also has had charge of
the track at beaus park, Saginaw, since ata
opening. has left that position .tad gone to
Sturgis, Mich.. where he will superintend
the kite shaped track and grounds at that
plate. Mr. Johasoo has many frtesde is
*bo will wish him soccer. in his
new home.
C. W. Williams says he has reconsidered
hs deterimilation not to trot Allerton at
any place but ladepsodeace and will
probably accept e of the bijl offers for a
match with Axtell at other paints. Efforts
are being made to arrange • race between
Allston aad Nancy Hanks .t Des Moises,
Speaking of Axtell and Allerton, Morro
Salisbury recently said " The owners of
Axt&J are very conservative men and will
take few chasms. 1f the horse proves all
right they will seek a match rem, and if
they try conclusions 1 think Axtell will
bast Alkrtee. He was always the faster
of the two and always strait to the trot
better than AUrton when pressed. With
Del& to meditates and drive Nm the
drams are greatly in Axt.11's favor. 1
should not be .t all surprised if Axtell
dethrone@ Palo Alto before the mew flies
serve teas. * .0uS...
(avn.smax, - 1 had suffered very much
from nimmMory rh.nnutim�me�, whkb
some wee trtatnmet telt ROT rrruefng
soree on my hands and fest, Walt 11)55. 1
sneered ter seven years, dsrteg which time
i had neither shoe ger @seeking on I cam -
mewed wise B R. R. eaters.lij sod in
tersasy, min the Oh •hum. aad 1 nes my
n ow that the some are situ" erred, sad
re been far re time. 1 believe the
bitters were the mem, of series my life.
Mao. Auvm. RA...,
2 Crewmen. Carson, Acte. P. 0., Qat.
*tewaree P..pne.
it is dilbcalt to mega any !mama few the
eee.tric m adestatiass of -y satimebM
people. per isdanea theme b is i ando n M
the puma lime a wwwwer *Ow who
our *nem, Y M nes kelt it, s1'.* • dart
Meet city ge.eraf els
• mIs dWM of Air
ttlln.d by the resent kung
ileo -1v Gould. is ia
that he ebjwe . to eater ate holders rote
slams with fair people. All his auks are
:Zama w alter May anis a. OPre ba+
a. . in them. Ha is mealy olb so -
ways whet p1.,1. weeld
hoeNare d sash • Mvel•bnded man el -
tams. Whoa he begins to walk, he always
peas W left foot Gist, and it, through ab -
_1_L0_. he omt10 to d. sole in-
variably Mares to his d.ieuep sad ..arts
Was -
AA Liverpool .maker ems manifested ea
eeteaiski.s eesestrlaty about his .hiss
Somehow er ether be got into the leak -
raptor Coma, and when hie affairs ought to
have hoes Inquired tato he calmly left the
city. He owed about £400, hit a iava.ti•
imam of his memo the a•alal reou,er di• -
moored, south to hie earneas, that they
smeuated to aswdy *;6,000.
An eaust ria ea. its Americo indulged in
tae Meaty of twenty wives. He mausssd
the .umbar of his wives until be reached •
total of thirty-two. Then the law stepped
is and prohibited him from turther incur-
sions into the state of matrimony. A kcal
judge .enterioed bin to four years imprroa-
meot. The pu.lannient was coistder'ed to
be ridiculously light, sad it was suggested
that he should be sentenced to keep hones
ter the rest of his days with his thirty -two
Maar eueosmic papa betray their
characteristic in the preparation of their
wills. Some mouths ago • lady died in
Pennsylvania who was toured to Have be-
queathed a oewsulermble portion of her
estate for the benefit of her dot. The dog
shortly afterwards .find and his remain.
were neatly encased and buried beside those
of his mistress.
A rich Ameritwn aimed Underdomk evi-
dently designed the Iwlk ot his emote for
an angel. He left t800.0110 upon these
conditions : . No heir meat be as Mier,
sluggard. profligate, drunkard. g•n.bler, use
liquors or [Quatro, go hunting or babes on
Sundays, attend rates, enter a bar -tooth or
public -house, neglect to rte.. breakfast, and
be ready for buinnew by nine 0 clock A...,
or get married before he or .he Is twenty-
five years old. -
No member of the tatnily was found good
enough for the legacy, and 50 11 was pro-
posed to upset the wilt. It was believed
there wot:ld then be a chauee for frail
The Duke of Koch.foucauld left the in•
terst of 100,000 francs to provide an al-
Masac adapted to the waters of fanners.
The money was to he given as an annual
pram to the author of the best and most
practical almanac ■1 a prier not exceeding
21.1. It is expected that the man will won
the prise who provides the hest gtowiag
weather throughout the seasons.
1n Vienna lived a bachelor clerk who oc
cupied apartments in one of the barrack -
like houses wl.icb are to be seen in that city.
Iu the sane building rooms were rented by
a waloe- who hail two daughters. The
bachelor clerk was otxiced to past their
rooms on his way to the street, and ocs-
sroeally he ear one or the other of the
dbautihters standing .,i the door. One
them used to nod in a very pleasant war tc
the lonely old nae, and t his ser delighted him
that at his death he left Sv,000 florins " to
the one whit affrays nodded in such a
frondly way when she met me." There
was great rejoicing in the widow's home
eh.:. the contents of he will were disc:.oed,
hat a gearrei followed at to it hick daughter
the money ass intcmted fot Both clammed
that they had nodded in a friendly way
IA. the Ma gentleman vvl.en they met hint,
grid lath demande.i the manes. Legal pro•
oeolint. followooi, am, After same delay
and expense the money arse divided be-
tween then.
Oeinn MO WhatIlls=elat WWI al
Whose amoeba a tee sent he weed to
mesas hoer work M her, sad let hr ander-
awed that the work alert be dose to year
wag nerd met i• IM tray of any Lerma etis-
taeas she may leve had, sad this explana-
tion magi be made so explana-
tionhat it dell at re
Ilea epes the masa .f any abet boast
Try le .rr..g. the housework so that
ash sarvamt r hoq iaopparteuty to at-
t-tend abash ea
.R .
When yewsweets do well emssmP
age thorn to d• hotter by a few war* et
De asit .Iia than to hove raters Emil
after • eraab boor is the evesiee.
Dive year aims for the day to the seek
as early hos the mer.t.s as pandas.
Iasi* a bsisg informed whoa .Whims r
broken ter loot.
See that the chambermaid wears s damn
arra whir making the beds, sad that ohs
kneolui .t the bedroom doors before eater -
the maid who ewer the door met M
leave visitors in the hall, nor so give w-
ools to .traegees without previous Mara -
When you reprove, do so firmly .r is
Allow your rule to be Mottos only sass.
I.et di.mise.:, with custoctary .otaco, follow
the wooed offence.
Restrain your temper under &U circ.m-
beast apes tis puactuahtt of the family
ea well as span the p..ctswbty of the
Re kind to your servant. when they are
ill, and thoughtlal ot them always: is nine
tants out of tem the toosiderate mistress w111
be rewarded by faithful service.
Payyour servants' wages regularly. Dotrot alow them to go out without first obtain-
ing you pea.
A Representative Farmer
t:oesams m Alum,stmegamsa lamileinti
Tut ('aeAts x Pacirrc iRAILWA•1s
Tat.nanArm has hem established to Mr"the
public a lr.mcl..s a.rvloe with fair and per-
manent romper if hoer.
iI 1. masated out business prtnchtts and 1a
Itis Interest of ha patron,
It Aeeonsthe lmeppur( Int every forma who
hells!ago latteaas
sane part Nsp.ari wee snit. timegasst�yet'ms
u.es..nesrtiaw with .11 11.r. sm. rubles
1a retard aa.ase, Caesars sed lamer!.
INrwet thnoae* wltw to all pabt a 1• the
North wont, Writ* (•.Inmhla and T'eaae Ossa
1110k•. Tenth lute Nsot .t.
B. BABc*Arrs
over heal Massae!.eMrlN.
$900 BMX.. & T sad .4111. as
'P V V. ty Aanasa wad W.m,s, 7 ea.h
n es ad ('lergrmrs to Inte.,daer m sew and
naso.- einndesd bass.
'haRlmonp of 19 Centuries 4.
DMus of rN�at*suretth. e�@
b-iw5b.mt.ei.lsis, N..rs�tarlas
The following remarkable facts are fully
certified to se being undeniably correct in
evert particular. ID. Haan is well known
in the vicinity, having resited hr -e ever
fifty years. and is highly ev.peeted as s
man of the strictest honor. whoa" ward :e
as good as his bond.
As will be seen from his letter, fc,-ar
pl.yslciate Lod attended hint. and it res
telly after l:.• had ;riven op hope of ear-'•
Host ho docided to try burdock Bloat
Bitters on tete res mmendaticn of a
neighbor who had beet, ft, -.'d of a sitars!"
disease by its uso. Mr. 13r.:,z wribm as
loliosr• :
Dots Stas, --I think I b*"e been one
a t1.3 worst sufferers vct hays ce', heard
of. bav:ng bee:r stx years is the haw's cf
four of our be t dor torn witboutobtaining
parliament rcLef, t-tt continasbl, g:ouin.g
wore, until alrno't beyond 'bops of r
corery. 1 tried roar Bitters and go• re., CHAMBER SETS
in a few day.+. jury organ o: rby
seat deracged, the liver calargol, Lad, :,'i
gad torpid, the beer:. rush dig nn
-o arga
s.rio:.aly dere meth, al. ,;o shaman Ir. my
balk, hollow' -1 by paralyssa o' the right
lei ii fact the lower lith of my body was
entirely nor'c:o. Alit using B•: lock
Lilo, 1 Bittora for n fca 413 3 t o :'.+a•s
1 :r.', dissh:.rgit•,;; tally L• :e .iuc.rt M pus
in too hoer... 1 ! It ru a I had or, ivab •
shock from a powerfal batter;. My re
0Q•ery after: ttie w^.t steady stet the can
permanent. &' ::.;; that f. o. the f ter years
e ines I have bad as pod health ter ever 1
bat I still team an ,c all -:nl bottle, trot
Hhst I need it but bemuse I wish to keno
my system in perfect vrnrkin;; cr4 r. I
can think of no !.tore reotsrksl•le ease
than what I here myself reason through
and no words can empress my thankfulness
for each perfect recovery.
0. C. Halm,
Welland P.O.
In this oomseotion the following letter
from T. Cumin's, Eq., • leading druggist
of Wel &nd, Ont , speaks for itself
Hears. T. Hilburn & Go., Toronto.
Grrruurs,-I have been personally
.oquainted with Mr. C. C. Hain for the
lad 20 years, and have always fount him
a very reliable m"rt. Yon may place the
utmost ooufldenco in anything ha nays
with regard to your medicine. He has os
many oecasion' within the lad hew year+
told me that it was rnarvellocs the way
the Hordnck Blood Bitters had cured him,
and that he now felt es able to do • day's
work as he ever felt in his lite. AIth
quite well he dill takes soma B- 2.
ooasmim•sellasial a be nays. b keep him is
mine Tones unity.
Taoism dls54e�
The elead11y inersaabg ode d Ik B. D.,
she Issas of limo it W begs bean. the
Awls, and the fact that M sou be Om
.seed. Mao* the eioning melt et Ibfi
mcacri_etmsii/rm.Wbe Itsesae
bled ,taefbr. tele sled
Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is trash7
well known to the citizens o�[ABpie•
Ws. Me., and neishborbood. _ Hi
stays ' ht years ago 1 was takes
"sck,� suffered u no one but a
dyspeptic ca*. I then began tak-
•' ing August Flower. At that time
" I was a great sufferer. Every-
" thing I ate distressed me so that I
"had to throw it up. The* in a
" few moments that horrid distress
" would cove os and I would have
" to eat and suffer
"again. Itooka
" little of' your mad-
•' icine and felt much
"better, and a iter
" taking a little more
" August Flower my
" Dyspepsia disap-
and since that time I
ve never had the first sign of it.
" I can cat anything without the
" least fear of distress. I wish all
" that are afflicted with that terrible
" disease or the troubles caused by
" it would try August Flower, as I
" am satisfied they is no medicine
"equal to it." •
For that
Miss Cameron has re-
turned from the cities, where
she has secured a complete
assortment of
Spring Millinery
In the latest styles. Her
stock of hats, bonnets, flow-
ers, ribbons, etc., is unsur-
passed in Goderich, and her
prices will bear comparison
with those of any other
A call solicited.
If you are looking for
something new in
r leu
h:IL-I Sou,
neaten 1• as tibia of
Aad bead.,'s maeeW d story dessdpilae
i rar1 a 8cI Mil&
Can interest you at
Reasoiiallla Prices.
U 0 r
Tt� Signa!
•11.atlsa be b
ell demo
pay. £ parasol ofd ski ernes!
t.ettlt wlgt..t se-Mhiss re atlp
hoe a t af, and b sash eras w s1E
ca rag'.pteseelsAJII gab
she approval ai oar rostrum
Ietttev k%ce.es
Is Obis lies we have • very
d 4ee writi
able for every classag padpers busiagai
repteslented in this locality,
prion" kid and wove, limes,
quadrdle and other papers, ruhii
or minded, as may be required.
'Ott �itt10► I.
This useful oar is kept in the fah,
rsrt�e 01 qualitiew same as setts,heeds. While
.14e two. i%codes `
are not so generally used, they film
an important place in commercial
correspondence. !ales what w: e.
got under the above beads.
8%.\� k\eadth
1f the ••par' -as -you -go.. plan wa,
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not bi-
rmo great : but there are some urea
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cos
phyte in this line with four suet
Good paper .1x1 neat ruling.
WU:At Me Ms
Botta single .std double dollar,
and scants columns. They corse
cheaper than bill beads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent onue a month. They
are sure to fetch `Its 'round --
The only duty there will
be hi connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
specialty, and everything in
the latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -banes moss at
V.t\ltwekortl.T a `
Now, it would be hard to Ret
along without enveland to
keep up with the (feomod for
them we keep a large stock os
hand. We have now about a
hundred thoasend in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
P2.00 per M. R e handle cess -
inertial and legal sizes exclusively.
We aim to excel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papars
suitable for all requirements.
of entertainments and meeting.,
promptly turned out., from the
plain but nest to the most elegant
with we/ and pencil attached.
Co.rdrm Wm.d rt.•ektts
This heed coven a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed fiat•titherahip ticket.
Our facilities for turning out 11ia
oras of work are erldeetal by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by as. This line also in-
which our throe fast -running job
prase are able to turn out is a
surprisingly short time.
%oke, 13%M s
belong to the poster department'
also, and we make a specialty of
them- promptness being our she
in alit respect. A melee eta sale
will appear in TnaStamm3, free at
stomp vast lhttll s the amass
tWiAtat OVI 1
to an "At Home" or a wedding
rv,gniro onaider*Me taste in self*
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and heel
sample. to be had. Call and roc.
has •!reedy been partially .num-
erated in some of head. above.
There 1*, however, a vest amount
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
.p the entire .pace oecupied by
Ulla 'idyl, But wed* it all astral
Stow AL.
#‘‘. Acme.% OS Work ms
in the o
typographies/ printing line
can he done 1. this pstablisheiest
in aa eipaditin.s and artistic
=baser and
Ovot \rpt• *lank\ be, jov►ra
.try rtosonob\t.
W• sussed e.r thanks for peat fav-
ours sod .olbmt a o*atiausnee of lie
During the next few v.••
tat y' and rre are hilly pro
013 110 IDD tiff
The•., goods' are bong
beet got
1'ourm c
owl awl ai •
We invite you to looA
Just arrived, the
howl) in this county,
Garden Hoe. awa:
?verybodY knows the
b, •••o t
,,..mar rt.
L WW1 beta mesas sad
It sots'swig& sheds! as
roma tam the swam
To the Pronl
a8 Until
l,00ds for c
for cash, at
caah or on
to buy as fi
buy on ti
receiving p
And will
Reno., whit
none. I a
TbE 212? 18 THS
THE 218T
THE 81811
1'HE BERT 18 1
THS EMT 18 t
i ,yiY i