HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-5, Page 4Win et
IMF Ilk Ser
Weems et'
Qbe tae ninth, r edema
T waoutbe,
taw year.
if omens le ems*,
tel/ be.. ,,, ..
ps1r,..ml &ad other a eealadvertwu.eate. deo.
kris i*asclt terb sasrtss, .lammx yam, Sad 3 teen per lime
• leaMewil eoafo. .a,1011. Measured he
see arras e01 11/1••• sad 'ma.r. Y pen
ttk d etas Vis s Fossd. d
Hseineas ('ham t dj�• W ced aa,
tea eoopareq. i1 sent axxedi.g
Itowea oa stale 4 Faroe oa flare. sot to
exceed r Tinea. E to - a ina ntwtlt. �. per Dob -
er' maim , alone is
m� ofwr e.
vlduti or tonus T b�e'dt d any tadf-
vertiseseat smq •�' _ad aameWered am sal
Lee& .o.Lw lo' •_ [seed dobe c.at pe
ime •4101010 /4" -
fist r sea reading /lee two
• u _'at r of .u. and
Commeseche / .stem of adsevtMe.r.ts,
h• i
aswildbs sHar dthe Uvulas
PPoriewies twee
en»lath. ens (vte.rtiossieterted st spa
.. ear ttt••.tilfa•::.,�. I et
three leMefi'1+...•. 2 HI
h e see ttbs-..IM....a,.a... tn
3 rdss)ear.....t. i8e
teeph mut b.�seabooks qper coat. dBes• isadaft M°RHINO
t Nona+treot
. 1
on three s.oath f esatniat : M per Beat ea eta
eno•the'. and Ii pay mat M • yak's. Thea
oeaditloss wilt be strictly ea/arced.
aaome »Toa tow" talars,.
suheeribers whit h0 to nsestve Tea Mote
reinderly. either be eneder or by/nail, will
easter a favor d os of the tact at
se early • dates.
Lank as Una Label.
Tear label idawrimerlr rsoetpt of the dare
1. La�a'aLa•tistd top. Bee that it it not
the e-11FY sad • the mmese . ..5 is desired, bothsb.eld be elves..
Rtl•ct d mommuggiTaTemnot be Teterawl.
at as WIN as wrinesbo one side
ream anti.
p'mlel Metes b /.site.
C. l twat of as+.rlebbe. been art
Tlevarlater for the tows
Aim mat �sw. AabINd end 'Ws -
empowered • pad to sage resides
iptbso fie Toss
AB e.e.atmicatiss.is be ad•eA.ed is
D. ;deal DDT.
7ltlgbees ULE 81411141,
Wee to L A. If =snT, .tnnnow
Was he the candidate for Toronto or
Hogg's Hollow t
ties Joan Tlwtrsolt, MIxasTsa ur
lenience. still spreads his coat-tails
between Sir ADOLPH& and this eve•ng-
ityg Ne rousts.
Hoe. J. C. PArrensox a lila ttwx
petitioner in the cross -petition in Weer
Huron. The boys in Wert Heron
mast be going bac on hint.
Wnnx Bestow sorrel) rur eouii-
.al Boor with Kggm by about $00 with
'leveret thousand votes an pllerI, what
would be have done if the whole crowd
had turned oat 1
IT is 11M11111 111110 TO LOOK As t)' Hent.
Haeme ox, Top., will not be on the
inside at the big Republican e•onven-
tioo if the number of State delegations
instructed for bins be the criterion.
Foe res queens Oester. 31sT or
Dec., 1te91, the county paid over ;5
a week for feeding its unfortunate
poor on stilly sad giving then, jail
treatment. Boarding thea[ at a hotel
would have be cheaper.
Ai/antra I)osnritre SLRCTIox tutu.
ire in order. By the appearance of
things after the pgerrymander bill is
Anally approved et, some of the mem-
bers will twee to be sddreese d as the
" bon gentlemen for Nowhere.
A L ewrisolllt 111111711111 ol'T of BET
ish Columbia hoer gene imagine owing to
the solitude of his serveundingv. That
fl dertame on big part trill not Meson
the crop of ollice-aseken who will be
clamoring for the position which his
withdrawal will stake meant
Tasks Hag lira A rI$DEAL mons -
where, or we haves% yet heard all
about the gerrymander. 1'p to the
tithe of going to pewit Huron teMinty
hadn't been mads into aattchwno d in
the Tory intermit, and Huron county
never *seeped before when a gerTy.
.Soder had the floor.
IT is oaLY A eSOeT Trait story wa
were all extending sympathy to Prin
rem Mane of Tack, and now we learn
that .he hes beatable affianced to Prime
Gnome brother of her first .west
heart it d de's take the .young
woman long to gpt oviber great grid
sad get tort .g of h•
(•. W. NItt ..M., POOP serent or
The Ottawa wa Free Prvees, is dew of the
henmtoet M.repapeer' term of caned*.
R.mmtly he palliated as the reation
why The Prete Prim aappsrted the
Redeem party that " it helievire
that in tea rooks of the Reform party
are to he fuser) the trs.st patriot end
serener doagiallore of the mhos, send
dei sate it roger* the policy rdvaeuad
by the Reform party as the one bast
maculated to make Omani& prosprtt
one " He hoiden rather a different
view on this gtsastir.n from that ei hie
brother, the editor of The i toderich
yen T5Itleta rtes =AIM 11111.1. net
For the 141144111. of Mr. Kiyxotoe
and others u( his way u( thinking Tut
$N.*AL will enumerate a few of the
grievance*, under which the 1 tominiuo
labors at the present time which Free
Trestle would not renwtly
I . The gerrymandering of coestits-
enciee ley the Federal tIovernwent.
The F•derai Franchise hise Acte
3. The annual expenditure foe a
inti• regal figurehead at I )ttawa
4. The appointment by the Federal
authoritir-..d Judge Elliott, and such
a. itis.
•• The perpetuation of the Cana
than Semite.
5. The exodus.
7. The stagnation of trade on our
inland lakes..
e. The dwindling of our towns and
tiller* ami the falling off of papule
tion in .our rural drrtrieta.
B. The want of nn enlarged " honer
10. The draping of existing Indus
11. The lack of development in our
mining indu.tnee.
12. The present plf-alysis of the
farming interest of The country.
Thew arra cloven phases that con-
tribute to the present stagnation of
this country that the straightest prac-
t ice lei[ Feet Trade could not remedy.
heti•ause of the existence of colonial
isut e>ti the no, hand, ,tnd continental
iettiatron on the other.
What this country want% is practi
ca: work. The most practical w
that .an be done will he that whie
directed toward opening t•) Canada
natural market. The natural rear
of (amnia is the United States, wh
is its nearest neighbor. The
way to obtain equal terms from
neighbor is by entering into straig
But, says Mr. RgyxoLos and otter.
even if Canada were willing to en
into partnership with the Sta
Britain would not let bele go. linden
It strikes us, if Canada wanted
change its connection, and the Ifni
Fitatew, like Remote was" walla'," th
Britain would not mend in the w
Time and again have Britain's eta
turn and leading newspapers exp
opinions on this point, area on eve
ocvasion the opinion expressed
been that. when ('ands vees fit
take upon herself the position
Statehood. the Mother Country w
not only not stand in the way, bit
will wish her ,sturdy offshoot a heart
�continue the objectors, t
1'nited Stetes would not receive us
a gift. Well. one never knows how
proposal will he received until a tria
be mule, and if a benefit is to
received it is worth making the trial
Until the Monroe doctrine f
from American history, the people
the Republic who were wining to
Russia handsomely for possessions i
the Arctic regions will not turn with
liadain from a fair, equate and hones
offer of partnership with the t
f of a continent.
The objections raised by Mr. fine
%tone to Continental Union are
otrgumenta. in tact, there is 110 seri
ss argument against the scheme
lutaide of the purely sentiment*/
feeling about the old flag there is
*thing that stands in the way of a
agitation and of a practi-
1 elution.
The question of loyalty in one alto
gather apart from that of vapid seed
mentalism. Loyalty to ()Strada in-
olres an honest and earnest effort to
mprove the condition of the land in
hich we live. it messes improving
condition of ser people aiding
farmer and the ledohanic to
d his own in the land be loves
neleavoring to hens the government
the country camped on hoseertly and
rly not stifling the vote d the
actor with ti fraudokat franchise
t, or debauched eonstiteene1 bean
ries , making the public odor a pub -
trust opening up . ince more, this
mineral merino of our inland
h . making eraieemr to have our
s and danghtere continue to dwell
Canadian end rather than calming
to Ree forth to ecek a woken.
• strange- load.
That is true loyalty tee Canada, and
is the loyalty that constrain. Ten
NAL to advocate' the element pnoaible
titans hetw.eri Canada and the
rest Invade. . to the Sheth
rete Trade, as aide adveomterf by
h is
Mr. Rryoea k iv port so far as it
but it 411111111't gear far ewoegh. it I k
is half way between the Egypt d cote
mercia) isolation and the Cameo d
Coutissstal Unita. Don't step at
the half -way, Mr. Rn owLua "Came
with us, and we will do that pod "
uPMys tr.i aAtr� rank.
Seems effort t.buukl be made at once
to put the Harbor Park in a state
bothering upon decency, instead of
letting it remain wild.
The park is ono of the finest MOW
tins in the ooentry. belt the ro,ii t.
ter d the council which has charge of
it has failed in its duty for the past
twelve years. No attempt bks: been
made to imprv.e its :tppearalce in any
way. and as a picnic resort its useful
IOW would long ago hate been gone
had it not been for iso admire bee lova
tion overlooking the lake.
Now is Nen time to prepare it for
the .orating *oh' ,season. The walks
should Le iyproted. Convenience,
for vieitotet dtoukt be arranged so that
there would be. neexcuse for its becom-
ing alWost pestilent, as happened in
one W two previous years. The tru-
ant officer should be given duties as
park officer on picnic days, so that un-
ruly and pilfering boys should not be
allowed to interfere with the success
of picnicking parties.
There are many way,. of helping
along the town. and amongst them is
the making of the Harbor Park a
place suitable for the reception of vis
on excursion days. The town
council sbowki take hold of the ,natter.
it- but as i. d+t l.sa shoat . ipre ming ( that the ret that he ems is she th a alba
Deeswam • .rlr•rdl iividW f• llbb . evidssos Nat he sus sets
°!ktis' M y Mer. list ..u. 21st .seerEnke .d1 -
fear of ''what the neighbors will say. tour, Joh. Doyle O'Reilly, enlisted is the
As to the Wohdshoe� nfetvmce, Too British seen it order to propagate 1.su•a
Suarez oat inform the •people d Mar-
nuck sad other parts of Clanada that
the feeling in favor d Qwttiaental
Union ie stronger in Oxford county
than many people imagine The writ-
es ,an wane stores epos mores in
• Woodstock alone. But the people
who have giteu thought and newly to
the bettering of the present unfortun-
ate condition of for country are not
the feet, who mart to howling down
speaker% in the interest of "Britjeh
fair play... They leave that kind d
work to the foolish fellows who sing
"Rale Britannia, when lased• is is
the throes of n commercial crisis, and
who wave the old flag even though
starvation stares Matteotti'. and their
families in the Inc.. Ten dollars'
worth of bad whisky ata meeting in
Woodstock would furnish a large
amount of tag -waving and riotous
"'patriotism," and such are the methods
resorted to by the opponents of better
relations between the two countries.
W11DtLL Puieure during the agi-
tation against slavery once spoke at
Faaueil Hall, Boston, w favor of the
freedom of the slave, and was hissed
by a promineut tlag-waver of the time
who believed that •• everything that
is. i. right." Turning to the inter-
rupter the speaker said, " Sir, twenty
years from now if your son were told
that his father hast hissed one who
spoke in favor of the freedom of the
slave, be will take it as the greatest of
insults to his father's memory... inside
of the twenty years the son of that
father knocked a man down on one of
the streets of Boston. for reminding
him of the episode.
And so, presently, when the South-
ern star grows brighter, and the
leaven of Continental Union has be.
gun to work, and men begin to ex-
amine closely into the economic con-
ditionsand peculiar environment w hieb
now restrict the progress and stunt
the growth of this, the richest portion
naturally of the American continent,
men will wonder how they remained
so tong blind to the benefits to be
derived front a union of the two
cenntriec which comprise practically
the continent of North America
amctrimennr ea. h'a\TI%S*TAL 1TN%.
1 thtak, Mr. Editor, that it is well for
you that your editorial saactmt u sot ea'
mood in • mooed Woodstock, from the aide
you have taken on this s'toeratim question.
In fact,it it whispered among the Grits hen
that you must be "getting oft your Nadi
i rium." Knowing, that you era a "wild
Irishman, you are consequently pot -as
turgid sad will not care. Bet will you
please tell as what advantages saaszatioa
will Rive se which unrestricted reciprocity
would not' Marnoch correspondence.
Our Marnoch correspondent writes
that some of the residents of that sec-
tion cannot understand why Tae
SIGNAL should favor the policy el Con-
tinental l'nion as against that of
Reciprocity as advocated by the Re-
form party. if the political econom-
ists in question have carefully read
the lettere for *nil against Con-
tinental 1 t nice which have appeared
in Tun Su.itai during the part
month and cannot err tbe strength
d Continental Union Ar a factor for
developing the population and re-
sources of Canada and especially of
Ontario it would hardly he wisdom
on the part of Tet 'itcxai. to point
out where the benefits would be.
We might say, however. that Re-
ciprocity as • factor of political re-
lationship hetwe/en the two countries
is not now is the race. The Re-
formers worked it to death ,during
the last general election, and a die
credited Tory Government merely
raised the cry of "discrimination
against Britain," 8ir CHAnLen Turman
bellowed " Treason '" Sir Jnnt Mee
1ONALD, said " A British subject I
w -aa born. and a British subject I
will die "" and the electorate favored
the policy of Rascality as opposed to
that .,f Reciprocity
Today an election ie pending in
Bast York, recently represented in
the House of Commons by tbe late
Hon. A LIT. MAeltWM/B Tb. Re-
form candidate who has been selected
to contest the constituency does not
pin his faith wholly on Recipro
city, as would be the case if one of the
gentlemen from Marnoch were the
Reform nominee. Mr. LaRue sees
that in East Tort Reciprocity is a
" back number,.' and he bas accepted
Jose Cronus as his political lewder,
and bas inscribed on his banner the
/argent "Fres Trade such as Britain
has." Reciprocity isn't in it, any
more, as a political Moue, and it is
time the people up in Marile eh and
elsewhere in Ontario knew it The
platform .4 Mr Lamm ix a step for-
ward, but there is another one yet to
take its the interest of Canada, and
that is Continental iTnien Ter. it
has not yet developed nsmerical
ntrenfgtb publicly, bot that is owing to
are fact that roan ate naturally of a
cowardly disposition. i►id you -no
nee a man convicted of sin at a camp
meetingHis heart wen touched
with the simple .tory of the ('rows and
his nerd of regeneration, but his cow
eerily, calculating, worldly iielf was
kept. hack fmm expressing contrition
by the inward query, •' What will the
neighbor* .ay v' Ant an with the
drinking man who wants to heanb
with he cronies. And .n it is, alma
with the man who diseovers that a _
complete change of policy is required YnmOton
to plate the political condition of the army d
land he lovea even a hiener. betels trrew•rn
and more prosperous photo. Ile feed
the necessity for the ohmage, anti
HOW* that his retest w� r.
7 kenefit h
lir T. Tate ,'nes iT Tads ir\'r a\r
other Ode " to the Contimmtal Uraioo
quietism u ter usctios.
fir T.. r:ta*0 MAMMA an .t•(Y'$a.rCL Ix
prying the Government over the sett
*hake Th. limen, Hamilton Spectator
and other origami will claim that the trade
policy of the party itt power has been .Rata
endorsed. They won't come out with the
truth and eta,s that the Ottawa gamblers
loaded dice aghast their vi.yjm.
A *510.7 wAa 1] elue-OLATIot
week, and wee p.bti.had u sisal df the
daily papers, that the Canadian Pacific
Railwy was about to secure control d the
Buffo k Lake Huron division of the (:read
Trek Railway. Mr. VAte Hoa1ii, the big
C. P. R. magnate, was interviewed in regard
t the matter sod stated that then toes tot
the slightest foond•tioa for the rumor, mid
that the idea had never bees entertained for
a moment.
Tea veCT ?NAT d MA% canxor as
equally successful at different oecupati•.s
hs beau des.ssdrat.d is the little viliags
of stains There, • young tau who had
been uuoo.uful ea • street •careopr .and
bo..yard •pestle was seised d tie id.a that
fee meld publish a newspaper. H. tried
the scheme fora number of years, bat as his
education was .o defective tb•t when he re -
leered to • busting episode be spelled deg
with • double "g a and trigger with only
ons the people get disR..tsg sad seat far
&bother direr te start • rival jO.rnal. As
• mesh the bei.yard apostle will now bay.
to retire to his first love. This is set from
The Hasilem Spectator ; it is straight
Tan /mime ON Tag " Vale "
The (faaceor that tie editor e( The Hamilton
x•av ten sem darveto • ts' 1iur mss) in tee
retest napless -
.atm " of the cher side d the hoe, aid
took the oath to defied the Uaitsd Sates
oj.+aserio. against *11 powers, aed
specially spilt the (lease of Great
•ia, aoeo.nt. for the way be pitches into
the Grit rebels who believe in re•"iproeity.
GODIaten SMt\ lL
Ter Sete ti. soli should hare gone • bit
further and informed its traders how it was
The `,pec. lag dyer case to leays the Uni-
ted Stats army and skeet back to I'a.•da,
Bounty juspiy was preatahle en those
day.. Stento. Reformer
Tall seer 41. a.c.
lThe Hamilton Sportster said Isar. Me-
e:nliceeddy, of Tat Gooesuce Atess*j. was
a wild Irishman. whe ecce " *nal a Fen-
ian'w•ganisati..0 sod swore. • rad hat oath to
waehe ie Brice\ gore kr the freedom of meld
Indanit' This r deaisd. Mr. Md1*Ui
middy admit& Irish descent wad sheuldee.d •
fes against the rename n t66 7, is the 0111
1411 fru , Protegee of Wass (lea, whoa
s.rvin his apprenticeship is ohs auk* of
as Whig Ter Sk,LiL make.
that the terribly torsi edits d The
vp•ctatr bed pitied the \"aka
'ring the war of '515 wed had for
hi. sae/gismos M hie Omen sod ..bo.
)Ung.soe Whig,
row. ' r.'i..." Y,. sores att.
Yo�illMehddl, ter Fenian geathewwm
lens Oamueu nag Rlusat, Me
yl .tisrv.
W. reppeee that te the nests the Yankee
.Misr mew ado* the Hart Spa He meats
to propagate the Yankee proseerime and
patriotic ideas of McKinley .d Matt (l.ay.
1f the Yankee oilers were takes oa rho
Tory sheer i• ?undo
the gywaviag would
(room ora owu WYOWONDtx?.)
R. t:. Bogie, whom esvre Oboes lest
week erased mesh amxi.17 to • large oriole
ef friends, has, ere sn glad to say, takes •
favorable torn ea we write , Monday
Rev. Mr. Black lett hen on Monday for
his home at Hamiltea. last Sunday mom
utmsgg leper the `ivaday school an address.
bidding all farewell la the years el him
early labors the .speriateadeut of oar Lien -
day school, A. C Ma,.ltosald, was the
superintendss' of hu parish at Canfield,
OWtane, and after a person they suet yam
and worked together as pastor and eupsti.•
tewieot for the advancement of alba
Christian cause.
A. E. Neilly, -A. , who was pastor u
charge of the �yterian church here and
the Union church, e:oderich townuoip, gars
mar burg a visit of several days last west,
eosin( man of his fnend. here, as well as
im the neighboring burg of Dunlop. 3iaot
the New `eat he has had the bat of health
at college. For some weeks he will have
charge of the Presbyteriau church at
Niers and afterwards will .tett friends
,tear Windsor and relatives in Miuhiga..
In august be will he ordained ti
the pastorate of hued/eland Mreeey.
uriw church, is Ontario county.
We, with other friends, wish bun every
sitcoms and hope that his teachings will
gather a messy ripe sheaves for his Master's
garner. We voo� ratulate the Sunderland
people on the 4""' choice they hats made
and hope he will be spared to them many
On Sunday last Rer. Mr Mack. of HUM -
atm, who hat been to temporary charge of
the Preebyteraan church here, as well ae the
sister charge, the Potts church a elederieh
towaship, preached his fareweU sermon to
• fair audience, the attetdance beteg some-
what inseam by the downpour of rats. From
2 Cor. iv.: 18 was taken the theme of his
discourse u which the preacher oqed his
bearers to try •Away* to be reconciled to the
higher power and bear the trials sant them
with the thought that they were for their
own good. 1n amiss( ho.entad tint that,
perhaps, might he the lost time he would
speak of thelad tid;np to them, hat be
hoped they � woul.i meet in the brighter
lead. For tate paid tevem mouth' be had
dose hie best to Mimi before them the fact
that this world's joys are °sly temporary ,
everything we see or have in this world is
only transient and not lssi , Asa Astor
Rev. Mr. Black has ably dose his tasty :
wind or weather sever checked ht- ardor as
a worker for his Hasher's L ingdom, surd
now, is tis advsm.:ng years, he is still n
sad doing in ale .luctive tmasttcr his work
to bring ethers u to his Master's fold, for
which he has labored for nearly half a
century. He sow loaves a many food re-
membiramos of • teacher, friend and tether
woo dnriag the time Its was with s by ez-
empfe endeavored to .how us onward ie
that narrow path which the Christian
should sot tura from. His preaching ear.
viols were well attended sad ria of the,
young people were added to the sn.bsrabjp
as a result of his mute 1%$ oas. John Aa.
deruos, win preach here as &to-
day at e usual boar.
n.M.e,. Matters Sebe. the nerd A
TeritsoesW t. Or. Mord.
The board of high school trustees met or
Meed y sftersose. There Ince pr�sea�
Rev W A. Young, cheirsas•, Melsw..
Jordan and .louses, Judge Doyle, alk.
Ta ler and der. Sbaanoa
The following accounts were ordered to be
paid : H. Mct:iwttsn, work at school. S2 ;
Ma:, k ScboolCe., supple/. ter
.chord, 67.16 : H. I --rang, *sprees. el 20.
The eab-oewatt,e apoe,toted t., wok
atter the theses rtprhed
The report of a rrb-costsitt r on the t.e-
ascrl coediting of the .chool,llstr as « nab
school end (2ind) as • oailsgyte institute,
was received mad druassrd. The roam ties
thought that the pecssmary •dvaatagen te
be secured by the establishment el Lha
school as a onlfgtats institute would met los
@e icw.t to cover the extra expense in-
volved ttereie,tal.. the Cels were iwressed
or as increase of revenue uuuared is secs
other manner. The report was kid Aver
for further consideration at •sobsesoseetl
.t report from inspector v,yth as 10 the
uhaedishg of the school end os t•sehwg .1.1
wee rr.�
The chairman was iwtructed to write to
this Rd.rstie. Department giving then the
neo .dry assurances asked for in the above
report in order to quality the school for the
states ef a eaYugiate imetitn e, ed able, to
savers* for an additional teacher ter tae
school fur the lust three mouths
The oseehittea.5 the $.•chaff' rooms was
authorized to purchase certain foreshore for
the roam.
The hoard uoanimowdy •i.pted tae fol-
lowing tmtimasied to S. P. Halls, M. A
rte .1.sos roaster of the school, aad
ordered that it be swat to hha by the trcre-
lie beard of trenretool,
t. of tae high reto,
Osdertok, is •onetime the neig.atioa of
Mr. 5. P. Halls, M. A„ who for ties rat
&tees years has hese meioses master u the
high same; fake tescbfag sstbass•ticsl,
cement port from him witbmtt placing en
d fer � deep seem d their *log to
he has served. officiary
yb. fidelity with thikeg k g
seeds d years. ��(.g 1s
whom the school w�yet �w.ak,h 1,.. M
it develop is omega' sad •Rafwy year
by yen until it now steeds ready (or the
stats of • °elleps * hntltats Mr. Rails
has been me mere vilest dean to this
growth, bet a ntst mime red helpful
worker it it. The board mn.'h regret that,
though is their jou t fully co.peteat
to de the merle of m ter be ie ant
technically qualified accords tattoo require-
ments of the D.psrtmsat of Bdse•hior s
• specgive �ise is a collegiate itnstitute herrn
teem that yr.. Hd alls has /ousel sed es peed -
whin his thorough trestworthim
&eel seed scholarship may hays Its'
r«veenities, and shouts he mousey is that
wdsnatrisal week with *bleb he has Inn. es
Ineig identified the hoard have every otos
My hi that lie win most syr �ti
say emoMg:. school honker •
of his s.rv'iees lty orMr M tae board
tleiRsedl W A. Vervn RD.�
l.sdtrirh, lhrt. April 71st, ISIS
HenryPerinea, of Room, h.. ..M
serve ei slrue..so lamef pea d let14.dm. 6
Ow lot and pert le' • who ewes
w dem ef P6.6t� ' dlti'isis( it. ler the
♦ Niewq Owlet Obtwtn*d WOOD
Lbw Colin tp M 111.
A ir•vab tldeeea atC.sme3 naws ee.•d Sr
to flap Mvwr7Mb-- Mia swig Palma nip
ped sad t•.des.ed Itis emirs asAere-
Tbe roman or Me roosts Sows e. Asfo-
coutan• ei sM Imam sad aev. Wm.
Wm. from .ale Loral a.esaswdea.
L IdsHies, of the 4th oemosmiim, Task-
.ssritt, has boar ewes which gave ►trek to
1kirMw lamb..
James llleshill, el Brumele, h•. opened •
maesma to shop in the Milos store sad aam-
msrsd meek GM ,task.
Tho ssetwsa far watenag Mau street,
flasheth, has been awarded to Themes
Thompson, ler 11150 for the s*.aos.
Ferdisa.d Hese Zurich, len last west
for Osaflu., Dakota, when be wA)
work at da. myon -.skin( business for C.
F. Wagner.
(;stege Duncan, Meafort t, got two el his
Bogert badly cut a few days apo by allow-
ing them to come in mato* with • saw in
Breadleot'e factoey.
Thome 11. Hays, Merteeie, no.MZy sold
• very wpertoroqs g driving bento 1).
Doorman for 140. A couple of yews
w11 . horse weed have brought
Expeeter : As an evidence of Ssslsrtles
prosperity we may say at Mere mat •
magi* vasal dwet,k
ia* or .tote it tows that
is et fur b.bitatis., while there are several
who are &axioem to rent houses sad cast
get them
The W inghem Advance .p that
the hula child of Seedy Kelly, el wham
we roads mention last week, '.ansa Must a
growth had formed m ooe of ita es sad it
wee not likely to regain eight in ,kat optic,
has about reoovered, the obrtructton bsviag
bees removed.
May Jarrett, Ail. Gress, (bed at 3.40 r.
on Monday, April 25, atter • bag and
Wawa Her spm was injured by a
whir quite young, and it was this, ed.
ggnrs•ated by lagrippppse,diet caused her death.
SShe'vrasp• regrew bet born lar nal-
t.s01 t bietbda w cheerfuUyHer tut.
would have on the
1st day @MMay, bat she did sot live to ase it.
Mw Jeanie Miler, Wroxeter, bovine se-
-curd * position is Greed Repida,Miebie e,
bas left for that place, thus adding to
the already kip member of Canadians is
the State el Michigan and perceptibly
drpletir oar country of its beet heart
blood. Frac Wroxeter alms • hoist can be
counted wae bars rem, often ageism their
win, to swell the maks tied hole to rear the
standard of ".preadaagi•tem across the
The eervieer et coeductat Snyder have
been ,excised for the Rippe, camp
in June. Rev. J. E. Howell, /11.!'r.4,47
Godeuicb, chairmen of the district, hes eau -
mood to have oversight of the tamp meet.
tag. Roy. H. Irvine, Hemm11 poet .lice,
wants al/ when tamed tehieg teats to write
token early in May, that he may kw
bow mar to order leo. T y who
bays tents to brine will be racily mamma
dated ea tie grenade.
S. F. Johnson, formerly of the thin of
Johnne Bros, of Seaforth, who for
has lima aerryieg ea as este,-
i•e hardw�are burm.m im Breeden, Meek
rebs, Ire disposal d hie bsimmm in ibsc
cft to his broth s, Kdward ..d Jaws,
sad removes to the P•dh Coale, near fina
Francisco, where bis Aloft sea is is ,al-
oes@ Mr. Jolt los bean very irsoces.-
fad is Manitoba and nm.svas Seeds with the
view of eseerirg • dors seymnjm1 disease.
positer : Jams H. l;.vdsek writes to
ea f�
sdpr es, Hannah.~ es the lite
ML,.. fellows: 'Undo has again visited as
.ad chimed toy eine Lassie, Mrs. David
McIl ah. She died se April 14th. She was
tae e*osed sided, daughter of K alter Goma-
lto ookwho is knows
, formerly yea r Grey,hen epee
ter. She
was 31 yours el age. Mr. McYab was nes
a resident d Marna He has thin.yespayy
ofthroe the �s Mod. He r- haft
der old. " youales belie 4
Mr. Bslratyae, teener, iieatortt, has
"Inoo.pletd lir roll ad returned it to the
cdlek Tower very huh change fro.
Mett1h40,i1b, ear. Triad
s total amassment .•.sr
te Mas osleuwhat lower deer
Malt year, the decrease b.15 doe to tee
lass item There are in taws 213 berms.
62 eattr, 23 hop, 90 dogs and 5 female
logs. The edema pspursru r Mb. Der
beg the year there were .37 bertha end 31
deaths. There are 17 den= boilers in •m
1a the few..
Nearly a dewre'ss asid.ah took pros
TuesdayA "1 r 1+�
Two !sols Pef 95meter.
boys el about is or seven Tess
were playasg ander the bridge ion se the
slide Mew ens of wham, alts gym...,
slipped i., sed as ether one, Gordis Ray
is vying to r.esan bis, slipped r aims.
Skog' uu•m1W out with wbit aseistause
be got fro. 0erdi.. The cries of the cbil-
dr.n summed the attesting of Thea Hop -
hill, jr., who w.s pasetag over tbe bridge at
the time. He arrived nen the some not a
Imams tee sem and pulled btttle Gorda
out We bops thin will be • blear to the
Mr. Reams, tea mew/ of McKillop
township. ben aeesplsLl his roll, and •
very seat Joh he has mode of it From it
we Moro that the towaship mations551., d width 36,013 are mations 541,170
meek T .
alewd value el the tewasb*p is $1.719,100.
Then ere 3,092 days' estate Wow le be
prion ted. The protegees nt
ship r 2.601 and there are 1.366 oohed
Andrea. There are 5,6M tattle: &70I asses
1,450 hogs sad 1,t181�2 here. There see 4
501 •ern under len wens. or ene-Nt.nseb
part of the while Oow.naip .ad about
.5.-1.111 of the dewed half. last yes
then were three tattle for every tee
hovses : ibis year doers are nearly Area
Gattis for )) w bene, sad these
w over tb's. bMimto meek ratoperw.
Sidi ratepayer average. gig* soros el
(ratty ova own a xtu.are'ma.T.)
Seeding is nearly tui- .d.
The wane showss of this wort are ears
tag the errs growth of the summa.
.1. Golds., Relgnere, gave our burg a gy-
de visit fienday.
Mr aid Mee 1Melms db, of Hallett.
are vendee at their dsogbtet.•., M.a R
Aa •hm asked bat oasyy e.uwsvad pen-
tium • "Wirt askew emir yang rads
tea el the Math a down in she Moe ate
see tasbefrgth�i.'bd inti las/"em��'
MOW= 1.41,411
eightt hem faap rt .fit with Wei.*Mimed ea r
The ads. (Arise freta Thomism,
110,000 hat d b..hsr hr lis Dyetr.at, nisi
pert ad T.eady.
!los .osis. x.pht.. I' Ones
• n en ri.•day far C'l .'. labs, w
somber for W udasr.
'Ce. err. Joss, CLpt. McAuley, kit ha
ilrrw3r for Wmirtu., when 5 e will •
papa s. the 1101, budrssa
Tho .sew Pw/so, (hp* Mltd.11, q.l�
h4ttt, 1or As...'*wble ext 'tittd.y.
load Imnbsr for this pori
Tho (rent Ir of the ssi.oti, city
W tsd.or, CiN- 1Mo.we. wad• port r 7 sa
ale, o• bar 1Ry le nrMx Wnas
J. H. Jean, prsaiiaut, .mi W. EL les
hold, tsesg.gwr, 0115. Bu1•a . pb► t en
posy, wast d esti en the sir. J.w 4
y. 1 l 11 ars semomyeg.11 w y
tag stations lir
T►..tr. (l.I15
wW lMMamiafee
psena.lake Fier .n Ile.
1M0011•.151t lea. tb.. tss tsia.yr
]vett tam. pan the t7.tlio baa hate ...ham
aimed a. a (levre..at .reply best.
often made add bore is that spasiy.
Nadi oaatinues PST7 geed.
.nfalr weaker dartos M. levet map
boat. have bees molds M Iliteti'.
w he total elo►.• ler ret weak
Siboklt, 5,p74Dlbs: Aaa Krig, 10,0e
OrD die, 5,9fos Tor w..k the t.( le
Kiss Ufted 2,100 Ibst thelees
Maple 1.1,2,15711*., sand tb.y
Thistle, MOB Ras Or Saturday the lin
Kin( made a beg hued_ -3.10 lbs.
(room ere owe oosassroreaxel
seeding ri sines Jabbed in this notate
Wigs Mary UsKenai* has returb.d ho•
Mies Lassie Murdock hos rearmed het,.
from Luekaow.
Mr. Haemo McK.uw, of Leohark
vritir V the city.
Alex. MoK.arae, of Lew, paid es a ley
tog visit last week. •
Mange MoKes.ie, of H..leok Cry, .
visiting fsissd. here.
Our obesesmsker, Mr. Leach, Ma tome
.J to (dial bis dudes.
Ys. Merebl..s, of Dtlep.arn, paid s
a lying visit ret weak.
Jobe Rad, d Woetti.ld, spat kis irk
days under ter psrwW /nod
W. wander whet aka leas the wap el
Kissed. Cato airy w fe/.e. a. T
Sunday school haa beta re-opuesd in Ii n
sad will be carried es enough the fess..,
Archie Moaasr3., Junes Reid sad Rett
McAdams have returned fro. Rod Joist
looking her ad hearty.
The early tear w erowdd ea Moody
their act boned kw a .ill t. try
Oats este we hear the whale a( Mee net
Bill looks hale sad badly this ftprieg sal
is all probability be will make •'ergg.o Sew
ser's week.
John Pickering, jr., received $ very pass
fel blow while training • dolt to land. He
koros seared up, striking him t* die dee
We are glad to report he u feet rawer -
R. • Md• 'barl.s has begun Lha rebuild f
of ear beg pass for the chess and hot•er
factory. It will est °sly add palet rt m
the hop, bat ha • credit te the ekareksit
date d the faesary.
All ysrle i
tad ado* wiaea ree ewillrsfr
der deniisntel
to this Het op ta the tate of sale.
Sale of sarpless meek of oath .e lea i
oenoteias 6, W. D., Asbf.ld. en
Mai 7th. as.reesieg at 1 odesk r.r
timed. proprietor : Jaw 0i lis, see
The Signal
mos awes alis attendee Mir
Job hieiititg �. dr www fess•
*a preempt
•ad wpswr aaa-Mre d all deans 01
P4ettsg A Mewl of W. a•eweww-
be lett day ,r f daiesg you
iedoar Worryear ` te '-.l1tent ai
ties approval of our patrons.
In this line we have • vary kris
stook of Ana writing papers suit-
able for every class at beeFaea
represented in this locality, east-
asprising laid and wow, linens.
quadrille and either papers, ruled
or unrated, as say be required
•oft 11t &%
This useful der is kept in the fell
of gnalitier tome .s lever
era°, kit41o1
are not so generally used, they LU
an important plate in oommemcial
oorrespondmtoe. Bee What, we've
Kai under the above heads.
B1kt T1tQo1 - a
if the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper wool) not b.
•to greet ; but there are morns nen
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stook will ser
run out. We don't intend it tee
and at present our stook is cosi
piste in this line with four irises
(coed paper and neat ruling.
Both single and dotable dollers
and tents columns. They ones
cheaper than hill heads, amt sen
the proper thing to sand eAws
delinquent sae a sent►. reef
are sure to fetch Bim 'ratted--
Our - sneers \k Nat SOMA
We extend oar
ore and solicit a
thanks fee past he
continuance e( the
iii `*71§14.I/,
ilotti i, t)sr