HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-5-5, Page 3•.;
allegTill FARMER. 112,4=11:4raltimi•V't
&bile mat Isles tie asomat
Tr 1_L
tific plaints
se Pk
iable. yule s4,41
for bow -flea
LZ..., Metal .Polon,
For all awful
s "„.
pits% for protecting fon.
os Hitters,
ri Sersetpardio,
und aU leasliwg paw,
; and washing
titutions of Canada
a., just
)It and
st and
II i nem
ive the
to the
Ives of
[TIN Ofil FUNOI 04.1.
, loop These
AND INSACT1mindinesaise warywrisellent spew*
WM IC131113. Pk" lias. mak ASIOSSIS. chinch he
weca=bez_notougustiasel ewe rambeeths g'
from the poweend
popistdom l•-•••• " 4" aim" mote of • pleat tVeteinua album,. Illav
wwidloo of Ilbeas-Tbo 110 01010 et be embed gry or a= ss is 3 lea.
wow Ks -eat eerfaat worms
wo.....se-less Weed etwee-Dteer. „4 awn .611
Pyrethrum Made treat the powdered
te steno lams. •". towers of Um genus pyrethrum. • pleat of
egesialteral College Belletni No. the saniewer family. It should be fresh,
.istero sad hence Weald les kept in elated veseets.
VItelw samerous expersesate Miat are Deed in dry tun., 1 s.„„ „threw, 31. 6
"rod no at Kaperiment Statism in Porta Boer : or bqiudi i wr. oi 3_1. wow.
b.*'tie United Stets sea. have A good retes,4). tor eto..... mg: -
soot definite moults than those Carbolic AcsA Reseleion I gart esebulie
0=Lood pe t6e purpose 04 asoortiontat amd to 5 to 3 parte el • seletaes coastating
_,...'terolosisie trey be awed secesefully of 1 quart softs;miete I lb. Iasi ta 2 gals.
earmitic pleats as Mises, water Tato to dimmed trees de
rests and smuts, sad against the strove bark bee sad either heron. It
...odd wyerioto to toptatioa. should be well rubbed epos the parte
""-- I ....duel dams meesigatteneare &mocked.
Iwo& sad heroolommi row (iirbeheed Meter -A militate .4 umbels
THE S1GN&L GODIRICH, 0111.garlieDAIVVAT left
eel mime Caluadma 1'414 &ad laud Plaster, 1 pint the feresee
r"--- ....ttfuri71.170rowg rex"' to and lit Lb. of the kits. A remeily apart
Asa beetles.
thirieg a late trip is oimeection
eerwerrs • ltioutour I wee eurpleed Tobacco -The refuse from agar seals-
.. to lee lad la 11.12" ad"idedwerte:wewa.terAdeseiruiltroys
too," told of lerestagelene.
to reach et least the liwIn plant II7e and Be. beetles.
w. brow atm in Ontario I have put into Alkalies' Wasb -A strong solneoo of
let0 t"'
esdetin some practical krowledge washing soda mixed with soft seep until
dos the redilts researehee in referessec about as thick eit paint. Applied to the
r; ter ere oll funeicoles and iseectmadoe, trunk of trees destroys the tarots aed
hops it well prove handy for refereace glees a healthy, vigorous tune to the tree.
wioreatioo regardiag these are rs III- eerteeetme or ri',..;tritiD. IN•
The foregoiag compounds and mixtures
_. olut,,vvil"I'ribliptieedi'". as chemical are wteanY &PPII&I by meant' 04 &PraYu,II
0,Li..149."•••‘ sow tor oho per neshinee, ineny of which are now adver
.471- 0::Zying seat motweio t„rotet 04 Wed, mud information comeruing them may
pest Ida ax live epos other. plant* by ale be readily oheadowg jr„roR00„two.
"eat thrix :mem to such an extent as to concerned ni their sale Ail Bucher. readily
olo: then sitahty. Kmustple. are seen In soLsermocssimable yl.butlarips&svermt.hembudantsiltnlienetaluttfu:
thr note suitor, mildews and Ithehts.
It pi but a comparatively short tone emmi tures in this Bulletin.
reuTtlieet:o01.1,o,witzgolitsithof. appnprk-es,,,mwt,ell giveat %hew
161:fr.etos.___torte;fu tmliese.d. obecoutorcbutforduouriugid
psis, scrui.„. eo„,, e„,r, curred by the use of certain comp...uses iu
op P. tits department of biology. arid making up mixtures. Price per Ib. •
ye are law to to roes/Wm of knowledge that At"'""nle. copper earhonehe 90e-:
peas es te hold in cheek their destreic- Parts geese, Sec.; Londlon purple. 15c.:
too Ara 4) the appleetion noielkal pyrethrum, 40c... copper sulphate, 12c..
terigeMes: aiming which some of the neat hellebore. es.: *odious carbonete,
1-R.11,41.110%. I% arta•t, tag:. ET'.
xsreri.„1„,„, . ouoa,ta of pop- I. Keep poison...is substances labelled and
.• .elehat, !.11.1 and water in We folios- out of the way of ewer".
I; copper sulphas", 2. Do not continue to spray so hit into
.1%,„ rimy Le pr,. the eases as to affect the fruit.
16 tat waver eiehe the tow to 6 gao Unlovable tater. of coal OR
Am tatesresPeg and Coniproloonaino Boo
oleo of tho rowan We Mewed Se eget
Son Illoking-Tbo severest@ elan eteesse
and eeedissees Theesta roworares.
When *tis pointed est 18.1 .0 alleged
8.14 of the world Awns% knew bow the
eater hslI hves, tee spathes m ape to weer
a Seism tor chorstertetic of the theeght-
IM person. What 1.alway• meant by the
n os& to that tee speaker himself professes
sot to know muck of the daily life of the
very poor roe We socially pooleopese.
there resumes still • full hall of the world
of abase lite it is sale to say thee the separ-
atism. heroes lows eves late then it
does of 14)01of the very peer. This reseals-
ilultia so amosedung in he activity thee
at it ow scarcely fail to miateller
lite the pleasure of the )0010$ Sun's read-
Sweeping tide active half of thee=
then, with • glance, we perceive it
in figuring up the piston surface for a pump-
ing engine and tee denser of ea aqueduct
Sp.; tracking the bug w his lair de-
stropslos egg, exterminsung onoequItties
sad measurtag earthquakes ; making new
probes to pull thing, out of folks ease
with ; modelling creatures in clay and carv-
ing them tn stone ; designing World's Pak
builduip for Chicsatt, and other buikiings
for Madison sad entmented other squares,
and cathedrals for New York ; measuring
the women's diaphragms to show why their
Doers are red.
Dinefect mg sewerage and dieengagiag
alumtnum : intercepting the floating germ
sad settling him to slay the innoteint. rab-
bit ; undue; drugs whose tretnendout
mecy stocks retie the purple tleid in the
apothiser 's window ; ridden by
tea by diseolt•tie the copper compound 3 I^ mahtelt emulates, remember the to
nee, and when the latter is cooled pour 4. Never spray tress m bloom
...sly nes the copper solution mei mix a Try nu:tures mi a *mai wow 11 yoo
..e.roechly. 'home use lem water for dis- Imre lils7 double rellfaelithll lie," elk" eV",
...rag tits five. This solutioa sprayed the foliage.
eti wee recce:tidal against dimity sailsbew 6. Be candle stil thorough lil your woe,
ei 'lie grape sod tritium blight. Mach has been said of late regarding the
k ?welsh folio 4 Ib. copper sulphate, 4 danger incurred hy eating fruit from Wee*
ie lam uie e , pi, „t" 8.. 1,,,,, t.e„,.,fi. and rise which had been sprayed with
al spin raerberries affected wIth Anthrac Pans green ; but careful analysts show
&IC there is no ground for such an •Ierm. In
pas te",,re _ye,* meows a cusp" put. tke cue of some suspected &poles it was
jai. ain„,‘„ 1,,,,o„„imiae mot ,,,,„",,,.. i farad that 'sight toes wield require to he
ii• iopper indieete, 1 % pints ammonia and maim before a dose of poison would be
mit,. water. lhaisolve the eopper sal 141"11) -
rote la Wend 2 gels bot erstar, ea sot% es • In %praying. t.. prevent down mildew a
ewe eel the II putts of ainnsesis ;tad dilute the grate, Were ten days before ap-
peal% WILL. Ila WOO lall barrio. are well see
A Fact
WOO= Inissigg awe WWI AM
Vv saes which el uare seasilles
le OM - AIM"
Fresh emit&
lift el WI slam
SIMS 'Mem de
heed IMO. 111.6
mat despamale
siedsliallsee sem
Oils se lbw
maim abeassa•
sad the
dada .a -r..
Wm. It.
WM PIM ages Sitar=
ewe yam hem
ads is waft eali wah gaga
and having tried modem
smiesral wean.
sehees mild. I saw by es adivertim-
mei ia a Mbhorgs ragas that a maw hod
Imes selleved Osil disasseavai
sialnew itultie.ssibdmi. by
I Shea
sada • hal a ads wisffisisk sad Wet
reparly tor eleitt I set
plasma to my that- tt offectad a cm-
plabt miss, sad that I have *Ism lad so
el the disease." •
Ms. L. A. Stork, Iretanst If. H.
mass: Oria year em I woe taken ill
with rtemestiest. law csallsed to far
home as mouths. I elms oat a the
Whom' very match dehiliteed..with so
swam my maim Meorottred is
=sanYits and began to impfore
. I comassaced to use Ayerli
sate. galmieg is etresgth and soon re-
rieresieg my usual health I cannot my
ISO OnCti in praise of this well -knows
"I hive taken a great deal of medi-
cine, but nothing bas door lei DO
- • i .• 1/111111
rieez.z C'ErN"riES glitL3S.
Coin and &min to Wiest Stoci DOI 201111 tlio Count
Over 250 Sets of Lace Curtains
In cream and white, from 60c. to $4,50, direct from the makers in Scotland.
It is needless to say anything about prices in these
goods; they speak for themselves.
togutinares andislashioniug women • gee- felt its beneficial elect* be ore I bad Art
much good as Ay
meow titter the vision ; speedsog boons quite finished otee bottle, and I can
Milvatom tesult timber trees : deter- fremsealelifmatifY that ia the beat bk":14-
mules( tbe course, R. aad by ,
Woodland. Tees.
se I know of." -L. W . Ward, Sr..
which sinua was shoot nine years age
horses and fantail pigeons ; paudiug im. yer s Sarsaparilla,
when the light we get to-chiy es out from
hun ; trying nee erase* of bleed for race-
Or. J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowed. Uses.
Prim ; hoeimea• MI• beide.
te 22 gale and (wow there apple:sited, alterwarde at
A oedema Wrist so- Refers better results. jot...vele ,,r ate.. te. day. a a.„.ded. To
tu., 211,- oirr=f •etPtulLe dieeele514 te 1 we prevent &vete wet.. eirny before hhescirei
pls. water. 2. lb. sodium carbonate i wash- open and shin after thee have lane% and it
we mils. thiedIved (0.0016.0 reatieL Mix deemed rereawary twice at an imerval of
time aril when cm
heical action hes coasoal &Wilt 4413 days,
*4li pint. of illlintrala and this. to It - - - - -- - --
pia Sonne dilute even to 30 with good MISSING LINKS-
Ties bas been farad good agosolt downy driof Paragraphs About Loorythlog From
=law of genes, Week rot .4 grape, en All Over.
tUeenese, eagle of latex°, rot of the to- Ar,/0114 has oue of the greatest eopper
team, g, eierty valtiew and scab of apple mines in the world. The Copper Qatari la
Irteli otrayrd upon the affected plants. one of wrld•wide reputation, and doing
Es Colson it:new. Liquid t- -This cow Mel, with coppe: dorm to ridiculously loW
Nati of ',sleety., lone and water. Iloil 1 Ib. prices and the cost of developing eivel run-
tents- eel 3 lb. hme in 5 gala. -wider until ning up into the millions, the none paid a
retinae to e gals. When settled pour oll dividend 01/1150,000,
..ie dear liquid : this may be bottled and .k bell -grown oow caribou was captured
ease Seel dilate with 1010 parts water. slice aver Redington, 34aine. recently by
Titts is toed to &alloy downy mildew and Bernard J. Smith, a woodsman, who three
reeery noblew of the gess and the mil- :he animal on her back in the deep snow
.5,000* the it•oielerry. and bound her feet with ids belt. mc cart
Copier Sulph de - 1 lb. in 24 gals. water bon now lives eatenteelly in a bot stall.
sled to .lestrey smut on seed grain. book rensching mom and grain.
1°°°°°11,. ut Lis* ,get 11"11 i:= 141 IG imue• t At the time when he made his will bang
'110 lop it *010Mae "ruler for 600 muritift"1- tieorge had no proprietorship (met' the
lee Isst f•tep Ill not abetilutely necessary, "miry which be bequeathed away. It bad
est 11s0 tinereverovett. beee coetiecated hy the Prussian Govern-
• Alaltel„ "lead leletten "1 copper fb°6- test, and wee only to be restored to him
do -tapper eartertiete. attenuate and teeter. un certain conditions. which be declined to
'11140. 3(4.. meler earlloSato in I quart toigi,. coosquently, when he died his
.onenta. as whet n.uout to nee dilute to win %warm of no effect.
= tale. new,' 011e Mew water 1.'44 Wall_ _LI The new. democratic city government of
1."1" leerel rale' "HMI"? aad MP.. Portland, Mame, trade an awkward mis•
scab. Iii We latter disease d. bas been vary take at the outset. They wanted to elect
seenerfal. Marshall H. Mach as assietant aseereor, but,
POtestium Sulphide - -I .M. potestent Dot beiv hissailiar with hts name. they
preasionist pictures and ousuposing
of the future and telegraphic cipher team
while mad houses and stucelee graves mul-
tiply us every band ; applying fuel
and imprortug screw propulstou ; identify-
ing Sing a•Soag-of-Sopeum with the tune -
chant over the body of l'atroclue.
Finding out bow cold the nioun is, why
water feeds the flame of burning oil, and
ebservtng the effect of electric light os
trees, keeptng them awake ; photographing
• wink and tracing the history of raw
Veers devising apparatus to test We
adulteration of wine, and adolterant&
best the apparatus ; devising better mate-
rial for underclotlung, pew modois of yachta.
bine/Acts mad oil -serving swabs to still
v end improved methods 01
brew iug boor; devising dynamite VIDA. ATENT
mill worker's homes, and glue Oat doetn't
u nstick ; determining the apex of the sun's
way neer Lyra sail not ercu
an angle and recording the chemical life
h istory of Jerusalem artichokes.
Mounding the sea. hatching fish sad find-
ing out what kilts the eysters ; making
butter out of petroleum and honey out MI
alungies, with by-producte which smell like
• cow's breath and blow up with forty
thousand horee•power identifying the
rheumatism microbe and subcutaneously
injecting heart juice tor heart failure poi-
soning menne worms, propelling bicycles
by alectncity and peaking subemense tor-
pedoes out of paper making folks wash
themselves ; proving by mathematical de-
monstration that the vortex atom is the
we thing to the universe thee really does
exist, whim Jot% corns Edison, saying the
mom knows good mei evil, just like folks.
liaising ghosts and gbeisteeses. inventiag
chess problems for gam, awl getting real
money fur treatises oe grammar, on the im-
mortality of the seal, ow the mural pis
of ehakespeare's plays anti of Walt Whit-
man's style, mid diagnosis 01 Il% ron'• chit.
foot and Richard 111. • abnormal spine.
These ere some few, and very of the
ways by which that stirring half of the
world. which is neither very poor nor
thoughtful, actually eleres. Is tt. to be
doubted thet the Impost which utters to
confess it domm't know bow the poor half
does live, commently knows even iess
bow Moe imperious half is living mod what
it is living for' --N. Y. Sun.
Mast seat room.
Wheo oxide of woe placed in contact
with timber, excluded from the atmosphere
sod aided by • slightly increased tempera-
WM, the oxide win part with its oeygen
and is converted into finely divided parti-
cles of metellic Won, belong such an atheity
for oxygen that. when afterwards exposed
to the Actium of the atmosphere from any
same, oxygen is .o rapidly absorbed that
theme parttclee booms suddenly red hot,
sad. j in eutbmeat sushity, will produce a
&superstore tar beyond the igaitioe point
a dry umber. Wherever iron pipee are
employe/ tor the circulates of any baited
medium, whether hot. water, hot air or
seem and the pipes are allowed to bosoms
rusty in close contact with timber, isle only
secessery to supers that 'tads them cir-
ceetetaacee the particles of metallic tree
become I:red to the sties of the atoms --
Win may occur from the mere
out or contraction of the pipee--in
lo account for man: f tabs fires which
periodically take place at the mmanasee-
IMO& of the winter. =Irak
- -
BEANS baft:,,,T=7...=
Sweetiel= Loa View sae
Of worecAlar Sol or ea
alma a Teo
u,tuta.7 ear. the MOS Otiatinela eat. - wlaw Wiwi
kaseaMell ems to reline. -Ad tato .
fa.. as $4 raw or all Oictn or mot br
-oo.t4 14 pries T AWES 1111ETIC:Nk
Toroete.Ons. tee easieee Pie a•-•
1. Nash's Latest Elites
fit misting' in the countp.
s reasonable.
ix oon William, who, hem,
n ram has a thorougb
hopes to there part of the
on your tray to the, post
Xre Mt of ;
it leant
trial orda will con
this assertion.
& BON.
Salphait to 1! gaifi. dallaeOW• goes- elected &mean N. Bich, • strong repub-
000*00 Wry MCA,* Awl strawberry blight -so- limn. mm,„„od. and he prowess to elljOy the
1.44.i, Hyensolphite-I lb. to 10 gala- There is no doubt about the difficulty of
ailed •Iberie
Valar °awl Kamm 519IA scab. bet 001 °I° kitting a ,wt. hat elfela that so-called nume-
tral mahatma a ,:opper carbon•te. lived animal is not to compare ill tenacity
axisasful ea li..an 4 ....kale ,.n4 18* arnarosia•
cmtuu.uuut 11 r...-r,..7rict tom. of lite with the South American 000dor.
It COO fast for periods that eroaid tax the
sects in 1 a r104105 nr U° 1:i Xreget tit "tat °°84106. to
o dlistr°Y ewd., re.wrw°700001,1roP"rtimminwootisaltiiefilaiingt, sailiall'y oihalliedr
Mo or 90 ter cent. of arsenic- Atieel dr! -
. u ‘uri""e "g C°P1'.r °Datai°4°1 asinsal would seceemb to.
Peru i ow
er 111 slution. In the dry form t mixedl The turtle atom,- says iinsioti., "hsi-
"nth 30 to len pert. pewter. wc„,d „hips, eth Ite,..free,..B6.nvost. of at.. At Md. iontemence-
tee affe ted plants. Tile wet form is WV .,105 -
LINA season it loess ha leathers,
it te very tat, and dia-
tom, or au -slacked lime and dusted upon awnt `....n. --r.11- -"lulu:
1' eted le the nenportton of 1 lb. Paris "eity telmt° 13nck 100 1 kiPS While."4
to 2110 gale of water, hot if the *uAbi wuisiebr „P°°1°.. raetfiehl° 14 omoic°wIllihrg tit =Ai
I is tender 250 to 200 gala water T'u"w,,,,.i. as„ mud. „Low &woo&
1., appliee(ton upon the plum). Al 11.". "` . .
lie kept thoroughly enrol. It is In Hisdsocilw•haswitteiestimerithetoladilmahoor dohs ore
powder doss imt dissolve it fa-
% canker warm, toni-cater. irspoti-L....-7 Lys_ kept sadwhtioesedfor 110F*Pins 7ticirle against potato bug. . ,..,1 .k.,
see beetle sad eedlang Him& ""1". `"'"'t t-- room. timiy ▪ jou;
secimentouy io wooly all theorecuk of taseemutommithe netutiveaun do51live., .4
JVEAIS. T PABE MO 41 i! Cllfeffilii1113$
t iete teed „ anal al. busier*, in Inc S. Pales
()Mee &iterated *0 51 rE FRAIL
Oh- canoe l• opposite the 1. S. tweet Of.
See. nue et- :•elt obtain Pelt eta In lees 1,000
Ds, otos onto: e rum Welltieflet: TOle.
eon.] MODF71, DR.111-1.VC. We ae-
yew as to tiatenteteli(y free of 'hoe:1r ;
We make e 0 eit.tROF: rteLRee F ()s-
We refer. here. to the Postmaster. the Bar.
t". Poteci Office. For elrialee edrice.
d Mune% order lev.. sad te ot We
tern-- end nee -enc.* to actual cliental in roar
ewe mate 0- (*eerier. wriletti
C' A 11111111W ;11
fitetwis,T;• ps.,nt open wominittes.D.0
Amu •.f leaf est g heareta.
London Purple% An •reesille of lime alb-
laltiwi or a by pteduct insanisemeist
. largly nsedimetoad a Paris grew;
bet beteg more wlehle la weeer it is likely
In Injure the fohage., 1444(1 bonds ita cos
P0,4,11 varies roneidertibly, so the& whets
used it is not likely to etas as sadism te
WU as Peru green.
In spaying for codliee it is *mud
m way after the bleesinellic4t11. «bra 04
re1 are mist the Mae of peak sad before
they have termed 'layover& ea the Sm.
tad • *email tuna ahem. tre daye awe.
Yoe Mom comities. WI WWII WI the tram
formed, followed hy two or three applies -
tem wIth an interred a ton Jaye betels.
la this ease 1455 5041)4.445043 ereeker thaa tale
semi upon taii .roe, 1 lb ia tin to 301
gale of Water.
Kermess Enieleies-A mixture of ;rail
sti mid water. TAM are three agatesu
dein tied that are seed to • ensiliderable
•I1 tent
.° ROO, Hidihsrd Rambles --4 11'. hard
ix I gal. rain water, boil till Aknolved.
teen old 2 gale. coal oil and mix thorsegh-
ly fot sheet dm Iss•
My mixed it well
151 0143... Is sees alum with perm
wow 5(414.
oat soap. 2 water. 4711310
Cenk's listaleion Ina
h.', odd I ph* Mit 1. i).,. sang dues with sisal aseemat of
1'1 Oushli Ihaelatm limed sseP) ta•
meason. it in their owe way. Thus at Wale
of the railroad iitatliMie wises Reglkilt
trams Insist 00 steppes a little copper pot
I hes hoes bored is
Ann °Titan Tion,Tro itnellittnna.
Specific, and Antidote for
Afuslins, Chine& Curtains.
Moquette Rugs, Turkish Rugs,
Dachestan Rugs, Axminster Rugs,
Beam Rugs, Door Mats, Cocoa
Oilcloths, 4 quarters. 6 quarters and S quarters- wide.
Linoleums, 4 quarters and 8 quarters wide.
Curtain Poles, with Trimmings. 404 -
Curtain Chains, Curtain Pins,
and Angle joints for Bay Windows -
Impure, weak sate impoverished blood, dys-
pepsia., sleeplesantee, palpitation of the
hetet, liner oompleint, neuralgia, lose id
memory, Ietinchitis, consumption, gall
sons, jaundice, kidney and urinary
St. Vitali' dance. female irreg-
ularities and cetera ilebilitv
COL1:30)31\T 33ROS
The "Awing of good seed is
the first and, most important
step towards securing a
tiful harvest. I have received
a new mt3ck of seeds. includ-
ing a large supply of
.1. M. McLEOD,
Proprietor aod Manufacturer.
McLeons tteerem 14114110VATOM be bad
'root all demotes la tooth as well matron)
Ten parts of Slime smell. powdered asol
trawl from uoperitis, are sled with 90
parts of water and 100 of quicklime. all by
weight, Oita husked parte of the predate
100 el mad sad
are mi
,0 dromdste bet wren Owen Synod and
64afortb. itruseros. Deartmen and Termite.
in which s parte el megaisie or, Ilorear, sad the mai
placed in • tub hill of water. It le eappea•
ed that it will take an hosel time to 1111 7:47Try"L:71'1744Ziimarwaer".subj.:Zi
*1..c°"" pot with Ike "IS" lib" to amass promm soder 10 stateroom
leaks throur the bole. At my now mhos „sere in a be 72 keen. sews whisk
the pot se ti led anti sinks. they base Masi .0.7 5.111 trona with bouisi muirmed
preemere el 10
'wilt has "d 11"1""se " dem chloride mutts at •
the sta*‘°° he t °et' "IP" awa stanamberes fee te II hours. me, =as
psIi " tt" tb. "I".55.10 t° the. be dr=air or the eirculatioa
fissure more time. DS if he happens 00swim magsons, maipienimus
be talking to sine ORO Or tdO he Me, i• • immoni::•.. may be estatinsted-for the
sap, n.'-.rmakes say &Rowena" m the 1.
them the little hes hes left sailer emerm•2278=0.=...„:14.7:0.
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meow fle bsig to nemeses the mist ba
never bothers the people snail ea ifetarta-C. Clerqp.a»
4085 mber. ea, bet perhaps them aro sat se
trate. to eatch.
---- - - - -»-
1, Ilst WNW IOWA WI fibbed le why sem
y feenteire seism
smite my rem M." 'miasmal m
adorable height by edas.
OM Was (»'V-
Solt in a mes exellient desterhee. het&
wed "r. Isehedi everywhere I
ol fee it." *ythe geom. eloomasa the meth Orr -
mil rimmeerAag the brooch.
it le the teasialeals, ilies." ire
ortgred, eraky. .I %Sieve Ostia sad will remOR fralli rest hest
• ils propetWare." al whits swabs witisom Wary io this hir
rte. Wet tho mei"before applyise
To remove mesh emir hem whim tale
I I seoldm whitest islerbie Me iihrita
ow am
1. 6..1
Has opened his new stock evi
Spring Dress Goals, comprising
full lines of all the fashionable
fabrics. Customers will find his
selection first-class in every respect.
weseldet IS
were slue, ad Re
Tom DOTI/1-W
rm set eagerdi be rm.
me ones
dee re
me Ube Mee V he Revak maser or weal sehatoe
mil Wee me thimeshly. RI is mil Is
'it al right Mee ; Wire ...vela maw MIR s emit
I? el sullamese sad.
itI4r ;7 • .;
Clover and
Seed Wheats
And solicit a call from those
who want to make sure of
getting good, fresh seeds.
His Clothing Department contains
choice selections in Scotch suiting"
and English worsteds, also full lines
in Canadian tweeds from the best
man u f seta rem,
Baiting, suitable for ladies' or gen-
tleusen's wenr
t for W 1.Hanford's
43010 55.0
celebrated remlymeds clothing.
Ordered clothing • specighlti.
B.000.Reils of tall Paper sel Barks,
',4"11/0Ii.tor- AT
Beet Tea in Town, Only 40 cents per lb.
As he intends retirieg from besisms, be
«41eell his large sad well•seorted Meek at
bottom prise.
Ohiaewarit. Jewellery,
Wadding Rings, Silverware,
Nickel and Plated Knives,
Forks and Spoons.
Album" Plush and
Other Goods, Toys.
Parlay Good ilketet.
Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire,
at your own price.
00111410 W11.1. 05 5042' AV SAL/ meow
Row he your Masse for baryon. --
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