HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-28, Page 2UNITE NTINENT, PLARLS OF TRUTH. hollow Whin I 7.111 tea 11111 , relate, me mother Hi norms lintel./ of taw animate avant it woni.i hbx1 ea tarot tee to the follow of the lioustii• &limed Stows, the great it Wahl:, and Hos minumipe iou sod ita 01, illitoaisiti; in ts Win 0111041.1141k• ellicadj uttunt•La Cris lion by Lilt optative* by Mr. Jammer *led letigtssili to retteet whien is mobtion he semen linpersal Veal- ais ...luau% *Own was devoted to pet snow iag Austashe med *mak Africa to be. he etelle to obtains* *mu alma 01.- ieuaL, 141•4 Lb• IMIllt ' he devotes to Cana* are the 1 had Owego.. sal Orne•iiiil 141,1 Canada Lot the cold troghtmeed nee. lis Caned& their is no Spring, awl ills riesesur eel for od ' ' Nor did 1 MUM a vomit to the Wood toe weak/ help me is tie intim 1 had au hear- il.re lb* mokotioi pr.oluto l• c.a. pliC1144111 Loy tie beer oesghtuabood of our in &sty future onaegemeot, and whom the Their meadows witb es. and with the greet parlor ot then Mho, twin a 'awe'. problem when owed hot be considered lit e Those alto harteenleal at tilt age 1 haVe will remember slanissietty Ike reaniou Tomo. and Liberal leatiiimo my.* se John thrigto, giving etymons* some years ago to tarot& educe atiotilic to Liam quoted then :1i Mts. Tug CANAlltaa Annan' ie atattill-IL mratitais tor Often wi::::4-1•40:e Lion I . alim11441111, at , end shoutiag kir Briton tontrimillient, I bays wietied that they would thaw amen ta the htedt id the liar would probaity hem the coesteoliedousig.1101- 1111111•1 LJ tie anis reed attend Le their orb. couatry, .sial wooer! then...Avert with it. hero if. h thin : Mum( clearer them weltare, aura Flogo*iirotini take cote u4 romyther to iDemekeigo who tia•el in (be Booth te amt. lay 1,00.11 ot oat lack of opente- 10010 111 UM lik: elicit* too one iii devote or et marl, whilst. nu munition of States. Wkule we 110Y1•1111•11‘• ate lite hall Cakata4 1.441441 stork. oud obser vetoer is tbr rewind regard tree Ai hisairiva. who Om ultra, /ere halitaial servitude, the respect said se - nom. 13 c for L'Outola. We so eagrueses the as the Cuitoo 10 despise them, me iiignly my Keg ta 111 MOM PAW ISM IA hat • is alio apparent where that ea the greatest prises iii tlatt usstramomed mantel. V hem% swill is bine ; woe, ber steep. The truly great on tem. low eoleteer HER ter Imo a go..I imitation. i 110 44,414ot WWII.. labor alone I • ni dilimis Moisten ab•wins OW* Ulw tinolics them. I isiterimas eiewheys assent tree VW to kw. I ti, Arc 'mire t •re *wampum- elfir• lair Wiser, I ant gee Illnenbbiallis Callen. Insure anti sleep. tVeoh your word., an I .1 . not throw in too many for good medsure tt.e duty Oust iierimit to you. will foliow in their peeper plasm hulolerice wroth. which undermiues the fouudat ion of ery virtue. they &is not moat). ou geed tonna. The nsau who dires his bast in the plave he has now ia on his way to • better peace. Nothaig is denied to well -directed labor : nothing re ever to be obtained without it. Faithful/war east truth an the most me - net excellencies tied sodermonente at the GRACE OF MARLBOROUGH IN HER NATIVE LAND in conelusiou 1 way say that, Moos rify former letter appoint% it ha* beua quite • moat fro political aloha that prey ails Oa thi. country. 11 it 1111111111 taut 11110.11 .1,1a/1e thenaselves4„1011011 breath, apparent') &fraud of s, . Whit* iv itelefieoble awl unreal. 1 tog nawing ail such that such & spint is mot Ulna 'NW antrnalrei the Fore - Neiman '1111010 we weethily adinire so much. It there is any quaky that poesesses hiu. Isom than anasher, end which &begirt and does excite owe allisIMMIllantion, it us that of Wheery. Then We have its the heart of the empire, sad is Ike diodow of the throne, apes expreseisins of emotion against 0/00- archy, sad in favor et repablinnisin, and el every usage fame of government, also position in tie ereald, that should put Cut add.° timidity to 4111111a. The lose to us in a material ••••••, terthis absence of open sad manly inticeollre of *Moo, is uncal- enlable. W• know kw potent • factor is the formation of oploiso, is the 4 rate inter- shange of skianggss." NAL or even ocadtalf, of those yaw odgli amaregh to former that OUT • 4111110.7 IIII a complete political mien wkb the seetieent of which mature herself lms woks am • part were to express their/deem meely. it would infuse enrage into wiles% sad the inevitable day adians look forward. MN ILIMPSLL de Mato le ro I will only ink the yew men who are mat starting eat is blis * give thourht to *his exalter. Tram Memo does aot consist in the accasollatioll el a fortune. that is saattaillable ha thilliamintry, by a eery few. Go the emtrary, lineCella sensista in what • woo aseemplishes for has fellow men, aed for bit OPostry, and the soil diet inganbed moo the Mbar day advised young inn to Mewl* dowesivo at the eateet of their COMM Wilk MPG Vela and unpopular came, mid gases' is attained *null At the ekee of mob 0 ewe*" 4 that - hied will bring mon satisfaction thin one splint in thallhareginnait of wealth, whieh Ito Inquest/Jr IMIlles the "01 011.1 nationality, Gosh AM 011idaiental union would effect, is saillield IlOpo4•11 tb• mo hitioe of any yelnlig AWL its sommegish- moat woo* mean isselegi *Mbar* to this realise John Bribe's Aim •• '' • ryhele ler Use riopreamd of every lead sad every Ante " yew. hiaziathif:Ilyad;into ash tar lies.rdls Red Mao es Witopy. except Pair Viertee--fie yea bane ovally decided „min,. his The J MP, however, tItti not is any lowly ad nortiwawat el mit 7. I specified time flirter rife roinsoit meet the oil me tionW yet kle liberty when he want week a wooderfol god fistilart home 1"1" Plitteharg Sabot. " Take toot time,- mid the prsikeisnian,aa anoted Irving down the srmiling flight of 111. into the prima " wile gasped the old man, dews ; hr. tied they end ripoelowl the war Idon • rifilve.. where the polars en of the prisoners aril/Men mom f " what's the matter: with your wife" salted • keeper " fikm's in Worm replied the 'neap. The mat learnt be fell haat deed hen tin polisinsaS erne. HORSES ANO HORoEMEN. Texas has nine good mile tracks. i ;owe Voorhis...I Detroit, w ill handle the ▪ Atvin, 2:114, this 14.6a4411. Rgirert leads all living sons uf Hanibleton an, 10, in the number of his 2:30 trot ther $100,000 will he (Arena in stake. parses for trotters aud pacers this Naalail, 2:221. and Viola Clay, 2:241. Ire doing farm work at Ketchum farm. Tol- The Horseman &testes Y. K. Talmadge. rive iagi.e.tw'is _foremost hateentt 0, ail Coldwater. - Margaret S. 2:121, will be bred to At tell, 2:12, owl thee put in traihing for the " If you omit say anything g...1 shout your neighbor'. homes keep soil,- weakly Uhl White,Clothi, by Telegraph. 24 ,v old and the ere of Flora Belk, 2.1.3j, died Of the 12 trotters havine recorde better kid 2:12 ',Lowy Hanks. 2:09, le the duly one tbot out of great hooey' Mare. Superior. 8.174, is bning anent .laily dent in 1890 seas a few *toys ago on the streets of Denver. It is said that the successful Indiana horsemen. John Dickerron, will train shout among the nimilser. It 14 reported Oust the fast trotting mare. J essie Game, that got A neon' u4 2:1M at lisyletinetynce, la., in 11190, has beam set to plumb; and es going heat. Mr. Woodruff. of Rocklin, 14. . 14441411 foe VII I I.:1.14/1, ot the worbi's fair *Ise A hill sister to tYildflyrwer, hoonce held the 2-yeamoid record int 2:21, hall been pet frou Lexington to New York, why she Will be put in traising at liwetene I • " Cade daek Hook,- says the Lexington eryrre.rotelont of The H. raemati, •• is not &one 1111 his belief that his tilly Annorran, 2:21b, can heat Ralph Wilkes. 2:18, or Chimes Girl.- ta X. W. Holsinger, He.. Hat eu, Conn ,the., pacer Budd .. Petit Ihible has a re - geed of 2:134. t I wts sired by Indianapo- lis, 2:21: dent hate. AT Stocking Chief, son ot Clark Chief. illy standard teed (totter that awes trot. awl his nee standard brother who can go some, I Cilihnse the latter every time. Pea gree iota no tigure with me nu ma there is merit behind it " liblesail Will Tell. Good blood wilt show its quality. So will bad blood. the o oe in a healthy bray and ruddy complex 1011, the other in ill health, blotches, pimples, boils anti !sores, ans1 froinently in intense,. forms, as ulcers, •b WIAIMES, eryaipeles, scrofulous inseams, wit rheum, ete. Kvery organ of the body de- pends upon the blood for torn. and vitality. and is but weintily served when the blend us impure. No remedy is so poleat aa a blood purifier or more rapolly produces new mid healthy blond than Burdock Blood Bitters, which Deana:zee the various poisons and restores t he vitahring power of this all in, portant Hunt As an instance of this reed what Mr. J. S. Neff, of Algotna Mills, Ont., says in • recent letter : Mins, A year ago I was troubled with spots breaking out all over my body, the effect of borl blood. I consulted three differ eat doctoni. who gave me medicine hut dni not cure me. I woo advised to try B. li and after using two bottles I noticed the ypots geom.' less. I continued the use ot H. It , which entirely enrol me, giving me also • splendid appetite. Hiner then I would use no other uosibeine. 2 GONE TO MEET HIS WIFE. The Lammed awl Illestect Jeers,' tbe Weer, OM Tessa, Ilea Mee Takeo. Prose The New York World. " l'in ores a tramp,- maid • little wither- ed old man early yestenlay meriting in th Mulberry et reel pOice station, " het please !et me stop here. tva walked a great tiosai. or much iouger.771 soon throw in my Ile had the pailor .isath. " I never take m env one at 3 in the morning.- 'oddly replied Seen Hotted% " but I'll make ea eleeptinn lia pow awe. Poo fellow. yea look played oat." Yeaterrlay morning Policeman Croughast took the old mar.. who gave the same ef John Irving, ty, the T.m.le Police Court. He weated to he ...demoted to the work mid to Jester Duffy. " This'll he th• last time 111 bother ye. Give me • good Lang The host sore we imam eir sonatmatwie lamb 118maily MedlIsloa. ft is raid b• tee% ossehiseed with Milinfilleg wale" ela ibe Ivied MAI, and bona It romarkably alikeour. an all eimisty with Wis. ter durby up tit. atm I From The New Yerk Prem. Her Grace yawned. era 11 &cloak ; the ream pattered *genet the wirml.ow pates, snaking a *biro sound ; the big, white pillows were full of sotanoletwe ; he Sunday bells echoed 41141414 • lily wed tar od. Ifer 11:ratv looked 'trotted at tie old walls and the familia blurred windows, wouderiug in a half awake fashion bow many years ago it was that. little him Pries slept demurely in that bed bow lomi ago it was that kin. Hainenley's moor was first written to tbe lug blotter down stairs. And thuiking these things " Reg paver°, O'er t :rice,- said Simian nett, " it's ruling 'orrible Ver Grim can 'eor the rine 'an:infer, 'runnier, 'ammer op the winder glows. iOrful, Ver. 9rice A11.1 Seiboonah,.telbrooest of small maids, ermined her hands ort her white apron and else in a country where duchesses aod " duchesses' Lade " were exotic. Stumnaah ham pale blue eyes an.1 straw %tutored bear, tery neatly eoiribol back, and the little princes at the Toe er were never sw badly "Shan king shewitilig ,pkr1=o in - pealed, more tlau init• Oboe tea theMaeltsa to death, y' know. Ines WI talked .-tionfillgyslkime klavlbrc The. e *se kis 1141Wroldi en tlic •pta.el. with Ai marl in it. Joholleke of Mat oagh ilia droll: is to he hopol Oita *III t At 8 uViouk Hof llama &oat at the table d'hote- duml thipsity al She dr oil • ...all Isaf le id Valor oc.iitok Her t.ramh faros ite drink es wet. r, 1 St 441 .4 * pint eelt sacritie- she on hue h. reed to klardorough lay on the outs and looked at the tips I t her hoots. Eleven o'clock. ine hair billowy, somnolent .01 I the drowsy ilowri - -la SAO thl111)14111kg nun at •• Kee pavol'm Yet (airier,' S'atian- Her t.race yarned. Tote ildeel loth gown Wall linstnie colored, with bars of away reit Her Gime passed through Use doorway stetely as the two pillars of amid and fire rolled into aim. 1101.1 A 1110011011. surre. The !lodes. of 31arlloonsgh occupies a 8411 of Poems ou the parlor dour of the By erett House. A very modest suit • mon, ing rime. fder:Li.; oil: Union aquare and two bedrooms. f t how occupied by t rrartant maiden mystery. No one will ever reveal the secrets oi Suoannah's prison bones of aluinher for so one will ever kis.). them. Her Grace's bedroom is large aroi light, with two woulows looking down on ern !redo:lima:, hokkag • half done dress 1rd), l'he rest of the luggage is douldleye 1,1 Suaatiryth's arcariusio wore oat even the ehiers can see it. Here and there ant 4414414 visilde piles of Wearing apparel, neat.' one. A pea of browse strippers- so. Her :race eters broese sippers a pair- law "woo- anima On a table at the head of the hed nick. fritek a:01 open faced carriage cook - .11 30. And Her ;twee enters Ow morning name. A tall and ample woman -spacious, as %Ir. Ifeeiry Jarmo would my. thr alums ahottlsiere are magnificent, ati.11Se handsome howl is held erys-t. Gond brown•grav eyes and hrowilish hen" Susanuah shall drew with becoming dwelt). after. • hit -that plays pretty cor.y abont the whit. loose Wei emelt edits. A fashionable intent, Rlack's heroines Mint .n. Within the last few years lin Gran has learned tr. speak English after the lambkin of Ductiessesotte- St. James. You may think One I, all 0.4461' trick, but it as not- --as Het Grace will tell you. Rut now she driwls eviscerated Eng- lish with the tranquil stutter that 'ecocide a dueness. One would never imagine that Miss Price prattle.' girlishly through her nose --always a pretty nose. Her Grace's morning gown was seppbire silk and well, there's only one American duchess that can stack ap with Her (;race, and that, of count, is Lillian Russell. " Susannah, me hair." It vrtll be oheerved that Her Grath dons her morning gown before having ner hair done up ; this is the proper precedent for duchesses then seems to be no other ex -thie," mud she little carriage clock, meaning 12.30. And Her 1;race breakfast. ed. A toasted rasher of bacon ; two eggs fried on one Ririe, the kft side ; six pieces of dry treat • pot a tea- -Her Grace car• riee her own on, not from reasons of econ- omy, bat because you canwl. get tea in the States, y: know. See Breakfast was fin- ished. Susannah offered Ger mistrem a sil- ver box of cigarettes. mistreat the Duchess of %Voltammeter " the form for duchemeo I suppose I And that again set Her Grace thinking of days, and far off days, before the tender fresplitial of Mos Price had drated into the p4euitades - 30. And she thought of lawyers awl interest and principal and true. tees vinyl money. Hard Amerwan dollars. AmeOwn mortgagee and theta strawberry It is too Lad. Your Grace but why did you .141 It It is so easy nnt to marry • duke. " Ton," royd the earriaoe clock. and meant it. Her Grace looked oat tato the square ; the rain drizzling peresstently ; nate and plexing, gray dee:aeon ; certain foolish peo- ple walking in llte rain. " Yew, Your Grioe " Mask 7', Ter tinny 111 *end aWy the looms., Yer (trios." The 1)uchess of Marlborough lay on the anti awl Ionised at Mahal( The Duch ow of Marflownegh read • few poem el “Lia op her French. The Doehese of Maribor I led ear.' Tesisly's ; another Mager Hee Oran i• home, an4 they nine in - e entered seeds ; tbey eat dews nil lemon is St denim' trash. e=thieg *oat well T v Me kine eat sad haregal honed. They seabed al asthma, bronaitis sad 11111ssemplisa. Aay draggle' *III r.E. yes mei bade fres of kers. rod Apron preolbril IS aver na her bet"" we le& &MX OM/ U A8 Wit Mind by the prompt um ad Ayerb Pars Trailing.. by Wiwi of e ss are liable to emedipatioa or other dere og Ptat am el the mousse+ sail bowel, which. It uegistotod. lead to serime rail MN • Ai, ol wraled1111111•uott evils to tile iiim• • .11,) yes athertie The pew dent . rm....a/taster WoUlti as moll gra le • „our tins -..hrououseti•r as without a t Low Pills. Though proem. and ,• vote in operation. Ayer's Pills Ica,. no Oflawill Sir purely 'me• dicine fur old mai youtig. at hunaa ite oresmipaition. which al kir so hal that the doctors can do WO MOO for Me. Then began to taigio= Pill.. and soma the bowels their natural atol regubu sales, so HMI now I luta km SLEPT WITH A TARANTULA\ a Steed ("wordlists Tale ra NUJ'S el Peril l• We foetid . orbs Ives one eveniug entering Said 1.0 iii Vn lusty, dork. %Le astsuleoel rosier. or assuettii.t4.; of Hutt kind, par• ed, Lis lei ins. 1 inn% h member of the party kept guard durolg the uigiit. Noth- ing (averred daring lily watch, and ancr • terrified omit.: "Jake ! Jake! wdke up. slo• wly over my &laid. I did mil knell het it wss, inn telt hu: rimg seusalins this 1 rdek .4 tile thing Aber it hail pawn V011 lobt•I,11 :41 eye! ail )sill are a, dela( 1111-111:' fully alter LAb the .{,11171V Cr USIA I was in, Mei 1 kite* tibia II 1 shoo tare least sae 14 lite it scald be float. tilnwiy the chow itC1001 :ore - bend 111.1414 4441Pr iry e4 1,0 my kJ; more sorest' Owe fall to the hoot woo Siren in I* lifetime. It) this time 1 wa• %Ir. t twat) acil, rind I could not have called to my emispalliona. Wei wide lest was unable to intlial an eighth of an own. I kin* thtu the thing, *het ever it ems, was too small for a auake, but .61 root toms. exactly what " it " we& Ali, the that passed through my 11,111.1 1St that moment ae I saw, in try oiled; the was terrible. All thie time '' it crawled • across WV moseMid mouth anal on the left cheek end was some. not wed on my hard, end 1 sew tido, fo: frit triai de..th *as trortaite For fully 11 quarter ot an hour I tortured this suffering. feeling that the next sr t I would feel the tangs of Ow mete . iny Mesh •t hot they were al of my body, and daylight blanket. A half an hoar af leftward hai Lilted DIX tweeted& on IM pair the blanket. The strain 00 my mita was terrible, arid 1 suffyred, Jima hr tomer froui • spell H et today 1 thook Gad that through hi. providence I was enabled to feign death during those momenta, the most terrible le iny whole life. ItoPITSLAL, Aug. 4th, 1891. it is a pleasere for nos to say good words in favor of Anti- laneirutf,a• oterni•caanot be quesitimied. la my own cam, dandruff not only made itself known loy appearance al more than liberal quantities from which I could not obtain but its continued presence and increasing forniation caused falling of the bair. My barber spok• high- ly of Anti Dandruff. I used it, and not only has every trace of dandruff disappeared bet the falling of the hair has stopped. Having full faith in the preparation mit only endorse it for the above bet further add that as • fine dressing for the hair aothing equals IL 1900 Notre -Dame -M., !footrest, P.Q. Deptintery Yew/tens 1k. Cheep, mays tklesedielefte f. prakt. Het neat, Irisig, it. Mit tiaat &woes the boo yinolittory levelers 'are taipimuydrate somata anti sulpha, of barite& As to the solphohydrame et sodium. he imp that amid sesi • poste, nee WI 10 01.:1111 et Water, and alowed to remain GO for • abort tune, it acts well. Bet it deteriorates verv rapolly and is dangerous, 10 1110 10 • WI- ITI1X11.1 50 part• of it with 23 parta each oi amen and ntide of tote. Thw 01:101 sr.th water ma aa to fors • soft pest* amil spreml upna the face. After ten eimiess it is Ger IPA 06, and leavers • sineoth atm. -Method Tribune. timers, My daughter was impartially at the point of death with that tervilsk dis- ease diphtheria. .1111 remedies had faded, rool I wield earrintly recommend it to all who nosy be need of • good family hese D. lionarrea. Freon Village. The light ef friendship is,like the light of ens, sees Oakum inn all waned News Abseil Iowa. It in the twerest report ahem tows that Kamp% Wow for the threat and Inge s• mishits wane reotarkehly ewes wIth rt. who are treaded with avegio, sere Excellent gooftelf. iMeento Vet Callao, Tensaw Oremoki. osidgfai. 'nohow. el the 40 Yarrow." Relies/ socioe. tiering parchment the wart toc It( earl' esinest fee merit ea wow, a •, oration e. a liaise* teierlaery,sod hay. • e toward yet him far neisil. ape. x,• tu siondlincloa -4 thou. *oh it*Pf of Mt ,othstdeut no relit.. core/Ts isegte venom I hive ins than tar Wel Hai rielieste or in mime 111111 Nit see Wes Mel rise in 41, r. cart.. V.8 ace I cerdisby reeemoond WO 441 1018•41. hod Oka in J. •IICKNIIINali, le Wond 1:,,,..“1-zitui.:,,,,toilottuekgrati3i,s da::7rshasi grin el a i alteratives ogghissitip:008:40.silairamffig.ili,17.. sty 1:110:111111111""da.1.11:4,151,1•LouTtartie::r yilii614:11711:18,6:111setiliti.;" Broekeergisill ogg flig--- issi.:0 reimiself:"moormaabil Iffffipowies,:....7.4:,:asik..,,:„.„..:,,,,...tii; L'7"-geositsigimprovto take ementbs Bare; Feet all the Nal Woe. sit wend emit def. MA imp gooksavelensgoinsamov:noach.shisof. Matt to:osmagammatus eligh amiss The isedlitlith Mr eh ser iner al NW. sad I wow -.We, We sadawillodk! dot the above stiitaiselat. i sal toothy' to lull coodoinie• eas moo unable to atoned to Oen. by mown id sores so lint him A)er's Aline:1W WI Iiir"LasiranoAlerbael:Ine..iliii"ille..:8117:11Pliri:::daisjapatis-liet:red.A.:14..tri.: a well man, working la a • C K. Clark, Tewksbury. " I regard Ayer'. Pills 10 01111. rif *ha ilillet reliable general remedies. i 4 out =They have been in uwe in My .1 ler affection* requoing • purge,. INN sad linve giveu unvarying mu Dem We hate found them an meekest W. R. Woalvon. Fort Worth. Tome. "For several venni I have relied mon spin Ayer's Pills than upon &mustang Thole Pills are not severe in their air - lion. but do their work thoroughly I , bare used there with gruel ellen for . the co re of rheumatism, kid ney *rota- ! blee. 1111d dyspepsia." -Capt. Manlier, I 113,e foa:1•1 Ayer'. Cathartic Pills to lie a heti. r (Aid for eons - teen 1.4. 11,411 onv olls within niy /time led:: . They are not only very envy:rye, 1,,:t --oh+ fuel pleaaant to take I I is• III. II 11110.4 'mike them WI GAN SUPPLY SOU SP1110-11CASSMIS, The theseigraat Pliant Food Kendra fur tlowers and I plants Garden Seeds Plower Seeds apeettel variety I Mims Pamillem Podia, I TA* aid reliable, gest mismd 11 fur fureasechiestireg. (Eimer Metal Pablo Par ell metal sielk fiathler (4 Mork Iltespitor, for profaning /ma .soasife... hitters. 11.8. IL esti ail feet/hug mime. 1111trAlia.D ST The Latest and. Best Ayer's S If SIMI ragouts:0 ST 1.LET PURE POW DERE6 PUREST STRONGEST. feel. lanai tared. hat e4-am.Iy. me w►lai Vili loner.d er. 14..nf..i,, t.►•.a. hundred n.. A 041 ryu►I. 3000.10.: 1P J. Isla Or all f •..... sad Desi ilr. M. w. o>a+r..sr•A% Ter saw • UR MIN4 DONAOH has just returned frIni lietrott WWI other citing with the latest and best ideas in Spring Millinery; ani will be pieoreeti Ur give the benefit of her exprrivner to the ladies of (Wench amyl vicinity who desire to avail themselves of her service.. mow. Mardi '23, 1882 ERVE EANS mow MUM cowl laT■=111 Narrow mamma de to mentiesk. et ; air ess -s nog engem brie Nisi wen saiti 01 ma, Thus Oa misreh Gittiv.KICH KV F. H..11 ATEN1 4 A BE Willi Ma free II :J.,' • o`aata True manta esmroti no. It Is mood en tutonee priacio.o. moo bir lex es i owe,* hide. Hews • o sw1lag eats all, Ilan ewe shades Ihree, thr tuft lo Iron In a, rofrii• is ti Northwen,nritishl:tionniva sae Poetic Cisaist R. IRAIK1.1111116 C. SEAGER, NEW P)LOCIC, Money to Lend Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notes Cashed. ,ficroca kW ROM' VAN MOM IN INE ififfireNVIN PI mull BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CONSTTPIITTar and all diseases n- from a disurfl.ffed condition of the STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS IWD BI -00D. 8.11. acts on all the organs of the body to produce regular action, - wt. id matter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. '11:oasands of reliable men and women testify to Its good effects in fie1. Is it not worth nt a trial :if your ease? Prim pm bottle, ti for $5, or les; than IC. a titkie. CARPETS LACE CURTAINS. ,asio•lica, kidney Vitas' Aano i• orwieror 0111, If y are sometntng new CHAMBE During the next few weeks we expect a lively carpet and awn& btutiness, and we are fully prepared for it We direct spacial &tweaks iv 0111 TWO LID THIEE-PLY 1LL-WOOL These goods are bought direct from the mill and are ibe heat goods made in Camila. 11111106 Departmeat al•raye a soecees, astri this year finds us with a batter asaart- ment and at closer pvieem than ever Wore. We invite you to look through our CARPET and LACf CURTAIN room ubstairs. JOHN T. ACE.E8 c. N A I Jesuit of 1