HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-21, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GOMMICH OST., T (JRRDAY, APRIL 21, 18112. Parisian Gloves. We readied this week our importalieH of 1tENCll - fflGH - CLASS NIU - GLOVES Fog SPRING, 111 TUI PRIYAll.INt KUao►a•w 14TYLke. aaOn Lacing Stud, Gauntlet Doe Skin, Marcello Perfect -fitting Suedes, Also Gentlemen's Kangaroo Hid Gloves. IXSPECTIOX INVITED. All Gloves fitted to the hand. W. ACHESON & SON. /_ THIS I8 THE SSAUMIi FOR CROSS CUT SA J S, In which we lead. CATTLE CHAINS, Finest in the land, at'right prices. BEST MAKES OF AXES, At prices which, will ,nake you buy R. P. WILKINSON & Co. Dl ntOYLT TO TMS. HPOT. INSTA$TAJIEOUS ill ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRhCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, aria: S:i BOWEL COMPLA'NTS, IeO RCE LDY T►'� p�,lf+'-..;LLQ,. --n • • •e •1 dr: , nits. c:.-.: aG 64,43 In 3 Ji y ..,:•r-: t. mc. ?Mt SCST rAU•tY rr-Lrt:DY sace BURNS, E. :S:=3, E:2RAI` S, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOS -0 Lvalrw..ewa •r ISO • a evYLm. ter hews ers,eememilbltssallwrmr.l111. To the Front as Usual. 10008 ANO ENDS. To Krieg. Mm rumor to hilts., IA it M • • trettrra Macy • Beres mawisehe "Me • e.mWg dows Riehseeer Pet. Men is firm is high spirit. 1h. gutter. Galveston News. -*e five and learn In MU world. but most people do more living than learning. Ne Aad es Mies Spiwterrs very old • She Well, she bas gut past her deoliang years. and nest i. Unsightly pimples, blotches. tea, and all itching humero of the skin are removed by using lir. low's Sulphur Name. Im The more trials there are in • lawyer's lilt the fewer his tribulations. Cku+uRo Tints. Dr. low's Worm Syrup has removed tear moan trorn 15 to 30 feet lung. 1t also destroys all other kinds of worms. lm An athletic record is the only thus, that improves by breaking. Binghamton Re- publican. Constipation claims maey victims. Ward off this dread disease by the use of small Ile t? ;e.d Burdock Pills when seeded. lm shod b. mirthfulness ! 1t is ate of the resolMailitie the world. Mea will let you abase thug if only yes will make them laugh. Mrs. Jane Vs..ickle, Albertan. Oat., was cured of liver nompplaint,after you -sof suffer- ing, by twin; five bottles of 8. 11.8. She re- commends it. 2 NTOTWITHSTAND1N(i the loud -toned advertise- ments to be seen in our local paper; from time N7 to time, and the now stock -phrase : " 1 buy all ;,ones for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought for arch, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of good& Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. 1 am receiving portions of my SPRING PURCHASES It is somewhat in the nature of a paradox that when politicians are enable to swallow what is dons at • caucus they bolt it. Bos- ton Transcript. Nothing creates more disease, diwomtort and distress than otnrtipatioo of the bowels: in 8.11. R we hive • remedy sure to remove and cure it. 2 Young Wife .luck. mother says she wants to be cremated. .lack All right • Tell her to pet on her things and I'll take her down at nothing Bel blood breeds divers distressing disease.. Burdock Bl.00.) Bitten banishes boils and idotches, with every other symp- tom %rising from had bled. 2 1.ar14m Thr wages of sin is death, but o, one a paid for tieing good. Maddox -- There is no need M pay them. Most people are good for once And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one price. ma. I.C1:71TITAD Drayer and Baberi..br. THE HEST i8 THE BEST 18 THE 1124T 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST 18 ?till son 18 THS. bKSr TBE BEST THE BEST THE BUT THE BUT TSR TRI THR THE TNI TH I THE rut THE TOR THE THI BEST BENT BEST BEST BEST BEST BENT BEST BEST BENT BUT TSE RESTTHE Row ?RR Barr THI HEST THE BEST TSR 8SBT THE BEAT T11R HIM? THE BE8T 7111 BEST THR Isar THE SENT THR BEST THE BUT TH 1 elm THE HR14T THE kg,r, 7111 BUT TBR Roth' TVs HEST us tie BMW «y. d D.terrtuee. MI j An old wary alb that wham Jupiter M I Juno were ..retest the wedding um welem•':w.l with er. et splendor. .t feet was xi .. L.. L .d the Rods were invite. Reny p .n..•s and One rw.hles from the earth were tvited also. Among them om. a Perms prions .limed Chrysalis'. He was " ri,:b in go4ien attire, opts robes, and with a nsaieetital prenaris.' Ila wog Atte-ode-4 by a truu of droned followers, lords soul aipbu sad 1.. gentlemen. But with all lou state and riches, Chrysalis was but • foolish fellow, with an empty head and • silly speech And it Is very likely that the oeteutatww parade of his rank mod poems - 10001 °sly served to Dake the fact of his tack of w n snore apparent aid more absurd. Saying • prince coupe in such pomp and state, all the god. ruse to do hew honor. They hastened to wive him s lofty .rat mad to welcome biro in their midst. But Jupi- ter, who wits, no do,tbt, a man of b . perceptswrs, .o sooner looked at born than he -• preei,ed that be was • light, pbma- stattc, idle fellow." la Ins wrath that such a .utu .boul.l be found in such high plass, Jupiter sidJuely turned him and all his proud tallowers into butterflies, and cow deemed them to rove about forever amiss - tag themselves, bat fulfilling no good por- ta , And s, they con inee still, roving about in pied ovate, lied are called Chrysalides by the wiser sort of men that is, golden outsides : drones, and things of Do worth." • rare ter rreowillgrelams wed laredaebe. 11*. Silas Ives, while in the Rocky Moun- tains, discovered • root that when combined with other herbs mikes an easy and certain cure for constipation. It is in the form of .try roots and leaves, and is known as Lane'. Family Medicine. le will cure sick headache. For the blood, liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it does wanders. Druelgtow sell it. at 50c. a package - enough for five week& i leow Viewers' sr she meters. For real purity, few men equalled Spur gone. There was never, from the earliest stage of his career to the latest, one trace of Itch, mange and scratches of every hied, on human or animals, cured is 30 minutes by Woolfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 48-1y He meant to compliment the smallness of her feet when he told her that she oneld use her earmuffs for bats slippers, but she per- versely took it the other way. Mr J. K. Humphrey, 4b Bind street, Toronto. says Burdock Blood Bitten wrought • .�.tiplet.• cure of dyspepsia in his sass after all else had failed. 2 Her Mother "1 saw him kiss you. 1 am terribly shocked. i did net suppose he would dare in do such a thing." Herself " Nor 1. In fact 1 bet him he didn't THE CHEAPEST A1XD THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE OHEAPEST AND THE SIONkL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST' AND THE SiGNAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST THE BE8T THE HEST THE B118T THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE BENT THE BEST THE 81181 THE 8181' THE BEST THE 8E8T THE HENT TBE BEST THE REPT THE HEST THE BEST THE 11E•9T THE BEST THE BRsr THE BUT THE BEST THE BENT THE HEST THE REST TBE Boer THE HEST THE BEST TSR BEST THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND TBR SiGN+L 18 THE BW IE THS OHRAP*8T AND THS SiGNAL i8 THE Bl/OT 11 TOR OSSA MIT AND 'THE 810NAL i* 111E sasi la THE A6111A111ST AND TRU SiGNAL I8 1** NOT 18 res oe1Arirr �p Tal SIGNAL 11 T 8Ia 18 TSB �ilPl�! THE SIGNAL A PARR. IN ADVANCE! that nauseous though perfectly innocent-- familiartty with women which Peeing so natural to some clerics, broth outside the , hurch and within it. At one of the stu- dents' breakfasts --you may depend this is true, for a dear dead inend of mine. who knew apergeun well, beanl it and told me the dead pasta humorously cautioned his younger fnendi against the encourage- ment of thus sickening characteristic of Dot • few ministers. " And finally, my friends," said Spurgeon, after a brotherly lecture on the responsibilities of ministerial life, "wnarever you do. beware of tltr sisters !" A laugh broke out, but .here were some tresent wbo knew it was no laughing mat- ter, and that the caution was needed, and that it was especially valuable when tittered by a healthily-, beo•w'e unegoeamisb, pure man like Spurgeon.- -Exchange. Was treulde.l with continual beada.:he and dun of appetite but before i had taken many doses of B. B. B. appetite aaa health roerasd. " 2 J. B. T.o.rAns, Bethesda. that. Caucus We want to .osi.•te yes as our candidate." (Mico -Bot i've sever doss anything to Comma -Oh, that's all right. Jost wait till the opt:amt i s pa- pers open tett o. you. " Alter a varied asperienee with many m- eshed cstbs tic remedies, I am o..visoed that Ayers Pills give the most sot10faetory remits. I rely excl.sively s. them Pills for the cure of liver sod stomach oemplai.ts." - John B. hell, sr , Abilene, Texas. 1. any language elms i..shoot me day, the muses ' He soros his livelihood as book or bT crook ' " osoorrad, ted Ws clam what " by hook or bycrook " meant, •ed ady one boa misled kis hood.•' What dose it moms' I asked of him. " Ob. cmtehy4 S..8 or tatehi.R sheep, r. taro." --Youth s Ctemp..io.. Emgli.h Sgs'ir' Lionises% removes all hard, soft or calloused lump sod blemishes from harems, Mood spsvin,curbs,trph.ts, nog brae, .weeny, stalks sprains, se soul swollen threat, coughsa , este. Bove MO by w el me bomb- Warranted the mem wonderful blemish core ever knows. 8.1d by F. Jordan. 48-ly In my eo.Io neatest of Anti-liandruff 1 can say something that i Dever could before, which u that this preparation is a perfect remover of Dandruff not only in the first stags but even where the plague has be- come chronic and has merged itself into a disease. Years of experteu'x as a hair dresser, during which time 1 have expert mented •ith every recommended prepara- tion, not one has (nor, I might say, eves all pot together) given the satisfaction that Anti- Dead rud has. It positively removes 1tandruf. It Mops falling of the hair. It cools the heed. It makes an elegant hair dressing without leav- ing a trace of rte use. 1 use it daily in my hair dressing place, at Balmoral Hotel, and have yet to find the first customer wbo was not pleased with it J. T. Fo'rd's, Proprietor barber shop Balmoral Hotel, Montreal, P. Q. Os Friday evening. April 1, the Elder �o.ttas.e revived s Ismer from Jos. ass Currsb. of Climbable, easettaaiog that James Edwards had hes. 8111.4 bey ssodent at the Aamuie•. Sulphur Co.'s Works. Flore.ee, 1. The letter Mates Nat Ed- wards tab' (torah same time ago that bis tin• t heidis reed with them sod 1.S. home wines 13 years of .g.- " Yes," mid Mrs. Orwell t• Mrs. Dub - mos, es two were d s 0gmitten ro to ask•some ' M0.7 fofome people r this sadthat •r eh - 1y, end a �g i -give than some, mew B it i. • a✓ ■ ter'. 14L. to hurt thole " u. , .eDYD t " irks .p niuq t else 1 " • y d..'t s. M ire whetheryouhtM'my dSet for a am' (,*rooklee Tale - Heel •noes 1. (Andres. There is no more °berating sight than a well-behaved, courteous child. We all de- sire tint the children for whom we are re.posaible or in whom we are interested .hall be well bred. Do we not sometimes (ergot that it is our fault if they are root, .red that it is our duty to make them as! It is not quite true that the mind of • child is like • bl•.k .beet of paper, and yet it may be • better smile thaw it ap- ppsmr.r+ t first sight. For while it seems • ktanlc surface en which we can easily sake any desired impressio., it is is reality heavily " water marked " with interned tendencies mid ktdixid..l iiddii�as�.wwwsomss. which are apt to name amend Whirlers m.t- srislly with the fair .b.rsa1rs we ars de- sirous to imprint tbmw If we dsetre cbildrea to be courteous we mum treat them with respect. They will in- fallibly oopy our meows ; so we Isom take oar* that they are the beet. 1.t us be..', careful of their feelings se we wish them to he of those et others. When it i. Deos,s.r7 to administer reproof let it be give. in pri- vate. Many children are very smaitivs this point and they teal .cutely, al they masa put their emotions in To toll • elide in imbue that it hes hem rude, er lacking is good breeding, is .s un- warvenebls ea it womb' be to tell • gases as it is no ase.n to my that we ate try - tag to tach it to do better 1 we can do this with i esitoly greater effect if we take it aside at the trot ecnve•iest .somwt .ad rod? !hent eat where the error w .wd whet should be dost on the asst co- miaow s.canon. What is it, Fallobwellediegellensa s.�Psalm et_ MION1111114 as 11b 2111-s INNm 5. The Soma have • imperstitien that o wars as yea skeins We the worrishrgi. Foe tea bask, het the afternoon ! weft .11 is well. Is 8ce11ad and loaned the whose el a hoe tats • cottage is Mood aabse se • per tais gigs of the deaths of memo one them raiding there. it lea memos belief is South Gummy that if children play seinen very THIS BUSINESS FOR SALE. AN OPEN LETTER T'O MY FRIENDk AND PATRONS. --r�sse x AV1Ntl bought tont the interest of Mr. Jan A. McIntosh in 31•_ Uoderieh or- gan factory wy tune will necessarily for the most part he taken up in Z i the management of that concern. But the customer; of my West str•-et bu"initas will not suffer from lack of attention in consequence. The business will run along at usual, my efficient staff being capable of attending to the wants of tny patrons. The business is still under my personal survey, and all work entru..ted to me shall receive lay per- sonal attention and oversight. Mu. J. W. WHITILY will act as manager. being in easy communication with r illy telephone. The plumbing and boating department is under the management of Mit AI.f'11t:U HOBBS, of Toronto, a first-class sanitary etlgineer. The tin and sheet metal work it in charge of MIL JAM104 PRII`I, a clever worker in sheet metals, and who its now manufacturing all my tinware from heavy redipped tin. All work in the various lines will be executed with care and despatch. MY STOCK OF STOVES, TINWARE & KITCHEN FURNISHINCS 14 ALWAYS FIRST -CLASS - THE PTJBI�IC'S OBEDIENT SF`aR,VA1�TT, ALECK SAUNDERS, `"E'sTeeer THIS BUSINESS FOR SALE A. B. CORNELLa 11131 =Lam TJy.TDERT 'Tx'� A McLean's Block --On the Square--McLeaa's Block, •lru.t. commune 73 CONDUCT YUNN1tAL0 AT1R11$ CSL AL LOW PRICKS Remember, 110 HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;NO CHARGE FOR H$ARSES. Why .yraader mosey io expensive dex- ter.' bills whew T. Willens' Fisk Pills for Pas Pespb eller m cheap and ped - ties a blood builder, wee Moir and Spring r.00estsrgu+otw t The m m memarvellous remedy al the reoumced cases incurable. Skid by all. Cures where declare ed deal- ers, or mat as receipt of piss --6U mots • box er mix hexes for fla 50. Aiir'.m Dr. WUlemi Med. Co., Brookville, O.1., or Morristown. N. Y. Beware a imitations. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. !boot 5D. Wed. Is thirteens years the mm.ufaet.re of emmar ekes hes ianreased from 438,276,817 to 2,8T1,7911,M0. Ex -(overuse Booth, of Calderwia, lie. Idlimlly iS from • amour ander the tongue Milmed by esemsrive s.ak1g. Ik Jobs Rverekt 1 i1Lis. W great patter, Mika shiest al the time. H. my. be �y Mbar do without his dimmer thee �IsM • Pilo O.e.r.er Rusdl, of Massobanmte, les been warned by physiciansss sthat if he do wok gait melting will sorely less the w of his name The Bodo. Honk asks Seca- (tar Hill to Was to ..eking. Hisser P.ls..r, of IBMs* obs sseJsmm ke hes deemed Mkaew iso he was a the street tine is . �Nia maffwN key. 1 �M ws I Ms be his sever ter sod they play ., feasted .n y� Tim ye*. of (both (ler...y have . ere tte81 le es ...timet owe et p'ssmr�s- That i1 the sheer, a epeeim I thee Thi• b ea 1se...8Iagg d�u.moe .v Or bee Is while se fib. *Os* .bmtad b m • . L. No • penes IIs. deb WA poems A sally I the* hews , t : i �+ NOW TAB Boors: AND: woes FOR INBTANOK. It manes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING. Cor. Rest -et aid 9l.me. P.S.—The latest and best Sprang and Bummer designs just to hard. EPPS'S COCOA EiRA1�A�. 1. rwiisYeml 'M �r ttrsekhim may/ Er his Revvoereihw� 1s. rti].a:- elemellsalimiimusiolu ue HD.ir.II. ot1 tea/wg tail te,M� .telt es es wom.rf bseverwtbsu b a shalt M�mure� y j tomos O.rY l�wM. �v n ��uyrI� Mede sl.'eW11oe LMrtit fl.14 sole 1. turetero. aAnas err:�M -. . NEW ARRIVAL -el- WINTER COCDS. LATEST mug. ■ease ate as is ere. . heists. r. H. DUNLOP, v a. w_ee. Tater. MAN lykt4TED .ti Ise