HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-21, Page 6SCIENCE
All A►.st atees Psswp►- The ulrtanes a
Poop Will Wt M Deasy illeme The
(,wettier aegtitres rtR Perfect bylaws.
_Ay.esee to 1Me&
l'i.t datum, that • will hh er
draw water.s it is M about 22
Met, pensee water el ei•eiele area 33 feat
weie. 1.47 P.. d• i berg pup, Naas b• is
good wage la UR SS hot, god all pipe
mast ha airtight. Pate wee give better
satietanint I toR low 111 b qb fuse
Them w Way`�e 1. be iWidered is
hnamwordtitlg sted so the word
from v -b1 the h 0btaited, the pwaa1
of delivery. sad Neetowsataty required u •
given thea ; whttahsr Ms !rater ie to be
httri or flowed Mdi din*
whether it i•
to be locoed 1I,. � lbs boiler, or
raised tato a tank Hi, 88, MWIll yet above
the pump.
tt hen pareh•aistg • doses pomp to supply
• .tram boiler. ohs .bald be selected ca-
pable of delivering ow tatbs law of water
per horse power per Mar.
No pomp, however good. will 1.1t hot
water, because se goes m t s air Is expelled
Sew 'bis barrel of Lthe pimp the vapor
l Ire speak agetee simthe •0.000,
tltd t.terters with tb��y
seyof water. As
a result of this the pow" 4aocks. When
it b.ceuts necessary to patsep bot water,
the pump should be placed below the
supply, w that the maser may flow int, the
valve chamber.
Thy most women, ooeditiee to the aat-
ist•etnry w.wkisg t the steam pump is a
lull and steady supply of water. The p,pe
eosnvotios• sboull, is so cow, be smaller
than the openings in the pump. The suc-
tion .:ft sad delivery pipes should le as
straight and smooth s the inside w pine
Made. .
When the water.contelep ships. •bar.age
of sawdust, • strategy glialail be pieced on
the lower end of the piP'
When the yds iRs or the suction
long. a foot valve be placed on the
eat of the suctiose, gad the area of the
/sot valve should Rased the area of the
A suction air she •bar is • great adrun-
tage to the pump whoa tbeJih is high.
fire arm of the utast and exhaust pipes
ahouki in all cases be folly s large as the
nipples in the pump to which they are at-
The cylinders of stoat pumps should .s
all terms be oiled' bobso starting in the
morning or stopping at night.
ht..:fling boxes .s the piston end valve
rola should in all COM be kept with weft,
motet packing. ••, d the packing la allowed
to be. ,n.. bard and dry, it will flute the
rata, aduc"g Mak•gs, and ne•••witet,ng
The air vessel oto tb delivery biter of the
stern, pump should assn be leas than five
times the art* of the roster cylinder.
V. hes pumps are -1aadiag stili, idle or
out of service to cold elrbtblar, all the dram.
drip and pet rocka .1.014 be left open. -
(anrdian Electrical Nem
The molt syr Mem* Power.
• horse power Mit Wee eatsbta.hed by
.Iatir'r Watt nb4els .• bury sir'. and ab
figures were sNIWi s curious way.
m ha rl nsennrr, pro.
coed •4 to find ousi average work which
the floreee of Ma dbteld Gould perform. and
he toned that the Midsg o1 21,0110 pounds
one font per missile w &bbout an %etas,
1 of eacour•gmg
bsioos. Watt ofg : b sell engines vee•
to a hover power,
bores power. As •
kerning X1,1100 foot
or oneohird mom that ab actual.
P ---- Orwwtk I. Cotters.
I. Lill imijllts powah in the cellar, omit
two tastes otsu geld over ens ounce
of r minion Balk. �p Ueralos hydrnch-
kr ...cid. ('lose •11 the doors Awl windows
close ty, and do not elle* any il d to escape
he rooms skew., sad do not enter it
for _'I hout•. Ugh ventilate fawn the
bottom to the top (this gas is heavier than
air, rola settles to t s tont) Without re-
nsa.nortg long in it, attl4if possible without
erterag it, Y one O IOml breathe this acid.
it ki1L all varieties.
aconite es a traM *0014.te.
A correspondent greet Delegge 'stye that
formerly shout o..tltmlf el the children i■
of the seo;
r.7411; l, it
t, nc•
the city do --s1 trot
bet wow w• arly ter
tak n in tune, by
tun of aconite, of t/bieg hr .ix deeps
an ;.int in a tumbler hall loll of water sed
• td-.p,..nfel gives Jag . itintervals.
A vast Adv OIsia
An improvement is the prsp.raluou of
IuIsrtmte is a goy. kneed by treating
wont grease with alkaili* bet 'rho is die.
solved in water sad ilka.ad. and to this
ealttioa another of alum im added, form-
ing • brown precipitate. ism. %lino, alio.
dry. lubricating oils d Yt yin'o•uty ow 'Id
prn.liied by simply di elv4ng it is Said
Niers' oil.
As Wteetrloal ♦Ile7-
Manganin, which is Y a-7ey of copper,
.ukrl, .n.1 manganese, hes remarkable
electrical proprrtiia 11111 r.oist51"e hardly
mutes at all erre through • range of tem -
penitent varying Eros. 1s to 97' cent!.
rile. It thea bas.M 4 oupnor metal
tee the onstreetM&1 . d animaresist-
were. •
Aw leetewt*wS Iet..law.I ■0.410.,
A Prencwees* W y*ivatd • new sad
t.getio s frie4IUUal tYafdit Mer. en fe
forced hy main of • pslslp through h Ire
pares nt a peeve of ehmasith.01 electricity
"ana.dersMM q.•.tuties ei gseerated by
the friction.
Awe. ear &wtawee.
The telephoto has hew e•u.aMfwlly .s41
y earg•ry te lest. the prat** of metallic
wlst•ewss "the btoiy. Hilitis esablisR as
opoeotuoe to he perrsrsesd la this right di -
retain* at wee.
Paper ie sow hoist made irsprn.a(, •ad
is **tartest, awed In the e*rtro.iinn ..f
dwdasga b calm be saga* of lay . or.w
imlyd. sod me he psIrhsd god worked
tib asst wMd.
Igew*t Itv.wigel stub
�M_inse theww that the ay.KIM INS porsat
dwelt lo
Weal W Irrte.11r C.*tlwa Agalr:
liaise Tao Tar Aleber Way.
A great uteri people are Medd aver
dotes thugs. They carry practices and ties*
to sitarist*, and indulge is W uas of eu
putative. U.q.ellgsd poise is seldom
milled for, neither u utrqushiled madonnas
taco deairabk, for the peat poet foaled
there was • 'good is everything.' The gee
coral use of extr.wee is apt to arouse sun
nos as to sincerity, and justly W. Take,
Myr example, the use of meurntng paper
Bows people adopt • paper bordered by a
black band fully half as lath u width. T.
say nothing about good taste, which Obey
ahs be wandered under the circumstances.
the ear of mach papa u sultrily too rot.
spiesoos. It obtrudes your grief ups ever,
body. ad maks• • display e1 IL. The mat
ter is wholly per•sal ; it is not neoewary
to proclaim it to tit. world.
In the wearing of nags and jewellery, .
lavishness of display is oleo nottoeable.
Thu also is bad form, being • parade of
Oben personal wealth. Rap and swells
are all right of wore a moderation, but true
refinement never indulges is snows• of
dress or orwan,eotatton. It is this over-
doing of things that kadsto diiculus,evea
as too much study may weaken your oyer
or destroy your health, thus preveutag fur
• Lime at let further acquirement of
knowledge. In apeoch, also, superlative*
are two often used, and thea nerve to
&waken distrust. Absolute perfec:Lioo u
"Weed rue. and exaggeration plays • great
part int modern life. We think too much
of our own importance, or talk too much of
ourselves. We dwell too much epos fain
ily or .octets, and lend a fictitious value to
absolutely empty things. The use of su-
perlative words often tends to destroy the
impression that we wish to convey, simply
beas•e we overdo things. A light curb. a
little thought regarding things .of this Ile,
scams to accomplish the end teeth better
than going to auy extreme, however strong
ly you may feel. Harper's hazer.
Dws.l.g Letters Tbat Case.
The charming blonde who presides at the
registered letter window of the pwtotbce
threw up bar dainty hands with seriatim a
few days ego when • gentleman walked up
to the window and. upturning • tag grip,
dumped its commits before bar There
were 470 lettere to be registered. Such a
task bad never before fallen to her lot. Her
appeal tot help brought the chief of the
division, who provided help in the shape of
three assistants for her. and the pile was
soon disposed of. The unto stool by until
the receipts were given him.
The foot is." be explained, '•I art secre-
tary of • faeloouable club, and it's the most
difficult. matter to the world to make them
pee up. 1 send hundred, of bills, and
when I speak to members &lout it it's
always the same story, 'I never gut the
Mil, old fel ; certainly 111 pay up. Just
send me a bill and 1'11 see that you get it.
There are 4711 delinquents in the club, sad
1'11 be sure they all get their hills this
The reappears rs have already heg0u to come
w.,y that fwe,ell, the entire success
of the scherae.-Pl.ulelelphta Record.
Had • IransSU4r R.nsd.
What is the name of the young man
that's coming to see (larilsl r asked Old
$pull, I.eok.ug up from the "Stocks ami
Bends" column of his newspaper. •'1 "hint
I've heard it, but 1 have forgottse it."
"It as we you certam.y ought to nevem
her daily enough. replied Mrs. Spudd.
"Ills name is (Ihrer Cromwell.'
• My memory, madam.," said Old Spndd,
looking hx.dly at Ler over his glasses, "is
as pod as yours. ' :rnmwel is the name
of that merchant down in Hamilton that
claimed I -cheated him out of $37.1 in 1477
on a ooisa•oment ml eggs. You can't fool
I me on names !"
00. Little Paint.
The professor fwd talked to the claw
au boor and • half on run que9tio0 of the
••There is owe little point mill ittaettked
is my tried, professor." saki ole el the
pupae, • thoughtful young Inas whiter is
%elugent face rani clow 0410.1,00 lad great-
ly pleased the fainrwrter. '•1t is this • Who
tinnily pays the tariff ea imported goods --
the foreign rnaoufacturer, the importer. or
the.•unun.- r !'•
Tho proieasor sat down profoundly dos-
cnur.•_nd. That was the pr -.-se point he
had hewn trying to espial.
teslas woes Mese
I]lacy *steles mate Sem beat. per ser
end. they each mauls, 111.00f1 every hoof.
O 432.011PJ per .My.
fPatsy Ren. of MewsrdOsalty. Indian.,
• qe 114111 years, h.s baba a ebewh mrnJsr
• hundred fear.
'The •verye mortality of anm•rriert mei
iwtee-w the mgrs of 1 twenty awl twenty live
i. 1,174 in aver% II11,ght, while 4.t of
mune 1 men is oely Seri.
Mats. awe t -
Rear par Mt. boys, when you sleet •
g1r1 Of wnaan of elderly woman she► you
' ka.•w, be your ae10arntanee with them ever
so Mom'.
take ng your hate, Luys, whenever you
enter a hose. he a-t,M home of poverty o
wealth. Peer that well you peeve yourselves
10 be psmeed .4 see spirit that dsuo
geishas the tree f slum. s.
.4 Unl.■r lM.,.
. % lmresei of pre.s clippiew 1a London
bis„ r. sic. -d 1 he myai •'t.o•nu...n.l ' , u famish
lwealy lutises. eta ref nee •paper rotting.
fron' .vary psrlreli. al a the world, en far as
dosan.,h! rof.rr ng to the death of -'rim
t:,*cit VI tea. Tae tut• are t be permed
10411 to a Mpet•se •pssIn.
• itk•LA bee* sings',"
At bis', r, peopie say ;
And yet, way V It that
Thy neve ty ear wny'
Il a„lo. • (.w.h
n e,gn.eorleped .d 1 hs new A pressure there
cry ..svewt • swarf when it i
it is sad diet oeught.g ow go stopped
by prwwing ns the n*rvs orf the hp to the
r.d..gMat -1 think 1 ems bet yea •with
alma r • gem rwwss*t Await
W.sol•a4dlw-Why, 1 terror aoslyumi •ay
bah Mg peerage ia h rh
Wows= Ware d aa•ehg 0.M -
1t • roust meglati d the Twilight ash
the yarrow ler adieu was, Hew Do
You Heap Well r and twenty members d
the club gave their asew.n to it :
No. 1 Keep well by Wittig Turkish
No. 2 -By hn
oeisck exercise.
No. S By matisg disease and •rollies
Nu. 4 By Weisel deer 4 cells and
sever working wbm tired.
No. 5 By obeying all the laws of
by Riese.
No. h Hy open air exercise and oatmeal
No. 7 By keepag the mud conical and
laking • ststh's rest every Summer.
No. 8 -By boating.
No. 9 By never Winking &boat album
No. 10 - By athletic exercise sod refrain-
ing from overwork.
No. I1-- By moderation both is work and
o. 12 By daily sponge baths and out-
door enjoymeat.
No. 13 By borwback riding, cold baths
and dscreet dieting.
No. 14 - By thoeosgb mastic •n of all
food and by genial companionship.
No. 16 -By hssdung the doctor.
No. 16 By guarding the health in seek a
way as to give pommies ort a bemired years of
No. 17 By avoiding extremes, settee
carefully, and tiesptog Y long as possible.
Xo. 18 By djslfsg
No. 19 By0B.saeaddevslopmeut, vines,
exercise, t•�muM living, the Turkish
baths, arr•�mwisty .rid • fear .here of
bard work.
No. 20 --Can't hasp well anyhow, and al -
wave forever i11.
• aowellite was
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat
laud linings. It IS curing laureation' of caliche,
colds. whom, brow:bibs, croup and all
throat and Iuug trodden, than any other
medicine. The proprietor has authorued
any druggist to give you • sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
remedy. Large hot dos 50c and $1. lleow
The Casarars Ashy.
A smart little woman got into the street
car the other day wah a baby in her 'inns,
says The Arkansaw Traveler. It lay as still
ass iamb. Soon, however. it changed its
course. It began a loud tune. The mother
took the baby stud stood it *thigh' up in
her lap. It yelled jest the same. She
hugged it to her bosom. 1t yelled right
along. She stroked it and soothed It
still louder yells. Slee boxed its ears. Pro-
longed and &panodic yell*. She then
changed her plans. She cleared • apace all
around, set the baby down, loosened the
band about Its meek, gave it plenty of room.
and then .aid. in ber most persuasive tone .
•' Now, dear, let go u loud as you can
I Baby never uttered a sound. •' I thought
you wouldn't, ' she mid. Sbe took it up 11,
her lap, the gentlemen resumed their seats,
and the ear true lied ou.
4.b ear Nlasrd's end sake N Vie•
Thep ets TIM, alo s.
\n Ohio paper tells a story of two young
girls who were recently tray elling on a train
in that State. As the trate stopped at a
station, two ladies entered and took sesta
in front of chem ; then a *tout lady moo -
forward and gr.•etad them, and kept up a
',rely a oosenstmou until the train starte,t
Tbeu ora of the two said 7.
• Set down oear s and tell those girls to
Mt somewhere else."
So the stout lady turned and said in freez-
ing tones
1 wish to converse with my friends and
would like tl.at seat. I'm Mr. President It.
of this road.
The girls stared at her an matelot and then
one of them drawled." Pleased to meet you
I'm sure. 1 suppose you know I am Mrs -
President Ilarrisou, of Washington."
The .other girl .wed. " Aud 1 an, Mrs
slue•( -u Victoria. -• Neither ,t them move.l
and Mrs. l'resideut R. had to go back to
her erre asst.
C. C. Ilit-uaass & ('o.
e;r*i i, -My daughter was annuals at
the point of death with that, terrible dm
one diphtheria. All remedies had failed,
heat MINAKOS LINIMENT cured her;
a.d I would ..ruesitly recommend at to
.11 w hu may be in need of a good family
med., use.
Joe, 11. Bot•TIL*LIL
Frencl. Vitl.Rr.
a Western
From far %Western regions comes the tele
of a man w hn was killed by a deal snake.
Th1.. •tory is an tbrellmg that it is heat not
to mention the manse of the place where the
mesa,st n. -cut rel.
Snaky batm tram live snakes are had
enough, but when it Conine t.. bites him
dead noes,' he pine where such repeals. live,
or atm. lived, la • Weal a oustry to arunl. 1,
might 1. had for the growth of the tows It
1 revealed is location.
Thie fernier weal out one meowing to chop
woeal. Percetva,g a snake near hie moil
pole he . hopped .t into little hits, and threw
all the piers brna4vos., s a warning 1..
other soaks not to vesture leo sear has
wood -pale.
As he picked op the peruse containing
the mouth of the snake. it clese,1 opus hie
finger, het he thought nothing further
about the nuttier 1 w weeks later, holy -
ever, the ringer hegtn to swell rad with-
in • maple of hour* he shed. Thea .s
ewe that in these %%esteem districts
dead •n.k s err Y dasyperrool M li v.
mora It:change.
Weed WHtTolt.
Gond hlmnl will show its quality. Ho will
had blood, the one in • healthy hn.lt• and
ruddy eomplesinn, the ether in ill health.
14Mdh.•, tempera, Arils mei ewes, and
Ingaeetly on morrow fortes, as glows, ah
semis, erysipelas, srr..lul..es diseases, salt
rheum, etc. Retry organ of the hotly de
pend* npnn the blond for fnrr and vitality,
and is het smuttily spread when the hiked to
implore N.. remedy is so potent an • hand
purifier or mora mp•dly prerlarevi new awl
healthy Mond than Itsrdneh Blond Bitten
whitdn neutral's', the drew poisons and
rstw es the vitalisiwg power of ohs all ie.
portant Haul As an orstaoee of this read
what Mr J ft Neff. of Algona' Mille, Oat..
says is • newel letter
Aria, - A year ago 1 was trembled with
are, h.shiwR net all neer my body, tM
rivers n( Ind hln,d. i rn.slted three 44,)
set doctors, who gave we .sults*. het .yid
Not more ma I was advised to try t R B
rid after =pig tea bottles 1 sethsl the
s�pwr��stM�( Isms. i estiew•d the tie
iL s. e , e sk setindy eased sou giving me
else a ttplmdid aopweite. Mem thew 1 troll
tag M mbar melissa 1
Ae Assw.a d as. yaeetlaa• bat tld.'t
Tell Nle &very•
1f there is me thing mare than mother
.4ltothroweWI -h a:P•••hs'i tiowerelM10ath.41 sd teartag od-theheir a,
saystheToledo Sus( Jeered., u is bitslttsupt togive the wife el ba heusmleso-
seasuofseats ordnary affairs, to wheel eke
hues. alter ths hiah►s1!e--Ob, ny dear, I meattell you same
shag Jaek Burroughs told ms toJ•y
She -Where did you inn Jack Bur
'Oh, we west oat to lauckees together,
ledyon happento go out to la•ehas together '"
Well, we didnt exactly go oat together.
1 set Jerk ea the reetaura•t stops, and--"
What rstaersnt!'
l ollawy's. Aud J auk -•
"How dd you happen to go to Onll.-
ays! i thought you always leached ►t
"I nearly alys do, bet 1 jest bapp•aedto drop tato Col oway's today, along wth
Jack,and'Does he always lunch at Collowoys v"
"Im sure, my dear t•Intl. sharply), that
I don't kine. if he duos or sot. It makesso earthly diffence if--"
0i, of course sot 1 Hastily). I just woe
dered ifhe dd ; that's all Cov on with yosr
Well. whr we wen .slug rear soup.
Jack --"What kind ofsuup'"Turtle. Jack sad thatI thought you dsliked turtle soap."
"Well, I don't tare much about 111• •How did you hen Ito order it at you
don't can for at !"Because 1 did. (Severely). Bet the
souphr nothing to do with the story."
This is the query pee -
What Is petually on your little
boy's lips. And be i•
It For? no worse than the big-
ger, older, balder --
ed boys. Life is an iaterrogat',ap
point. " What is it for?" we cow
tinually cry from the cradle, to the
grave. So with this little, tntroduc'
sermonturn aur' asst: ..what
is AUGUST FLOWER FOR ?" As easily
answered as :tske,,i : It is for Dys-
pepsia. It isra special remedy for
the Stomach and Liver. Nothing
more than this ; but this brimful.
We believe August Flower cures
Dyspepsia. We know it will. We
have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
years ago it started in _ small country
town. To -day it has an honored
place in every city and country stem,
possesses one of the largest mann-
. facturing plants in the country and
sells everywhere. Why is this ? The
reason is as simple as a child's
thought. It is honest. does one
thing, and does it right along -it
cures Dysnepsia. •
I G. G. GREEN. Sok Ilan'fr, Wsadbtwy..J.
c is
cru T
I never said that it did. 1 dnu't see why PowDERED f .air
you should get w crow over a simple qua
tics. Go os...
"Well, while we were eating our soap
Lawrence Ifildreth std bin new wife eager
fa, aod-
"They did r
"1 bar. just said so.'•
"Well, you needn't he so cross about It"
"They csmr in, and -
"1s she pretty r•
"Pretty enough. .lack bowed and-"
"Does lie know teem'"
'•Weil, now, do you suppose be wusl
have bowed if ho hadn't knows them! I
declare if 1---
•• HOW
-""Hew was she dressed r•
"How should I know! 1 DOWN Meted
at bet dress. What I ws going to tell yea
was that---"
"Did they rut neer you?"
"Yes ; et the nett table. And while
they were nrd.nug, .Iavk said that they
"Could they hear hien' LARGES-: SA:E art .. NADA.
"A. you suppose Ifiereelyt that Jack
wou.d have no more sense then to let -
them hear him talking .boot them! IT
•wear it
-James, .1 you cant tett me a single little
in.-tdent 0l;a.-gut getting into • passlos4
you d oetter keep it to yourself. What did
did -Lek say !'
"He sail that Mrs Htidreth's Lather weir
opp •sell to the rat{ -n. and -
"How d.d he Know that!'
Gnat Coeur ! Terre you go again i"
"James, wil you pirue remember that
11 is your watt to wlr.m you are speaking,
sir r'
"No other woman would dere me r e -
tag, .Ietracled crazy, asking silly question
".lames ,.,
•'Esery time I try to tell you aaytbisq
yo:t begin an.l you -
•',la*oes fnstng with dignr v and saying
stiffly) I do not prop•..e l.•teneng to goy ,
rah :Iseult:me remarks, and '.
•'You never listen to n:.ythtng. That'. I
Use tronhl.•. If -' i
When 1 ask A simple question yos-" 1
"I'd any 'simple.' Yoe ve asked r a '
t dh. n 'simple.' qursuoos in the lest half
hour, just 1.'.�s ►use 1 was going to tell you
that Jack B•t[}ought seed that-'
"I do ant w to hear what Jack Bur-
roughessel d you Wilmot tell it respect-
fully. I shall have my dinner sent to my
room, mince it is ea painful for you to eat
with s idiot." (Retires scornfully, whsle
he narrowly egespes ea attack of apoplexy).
Nr4alna w•Mier.IM.efs.t n..ge ,acrd 0 •=rd et:
mss. • ego .easy* * 0..4W/hal Soda
MIA h An 1.e.... d 0*..slt•t.
L W. eMiiat.�i l•. Woommasa.
-- I'ilee ;1. Maser -
Haw Paris n.Mea gee Dyad.
is every great city, says I4lmend R
Spearman, is the April Forum, the poser
hire Ly the w..rldly vanities of the rich. la
Paris they dee in the soros way. 1t is the
manufacture of innumerable superfluities
which makes cop the hulk of the industry of
the working clauses. The French rioted
has developed an ingenious system hy which
the poor are furnished with a tree burial et
the expense of the "prod.. pomp, end cir-
ercumstance- which there considers his doe
on the way to the tarn'.. One of the larg
emit. lomat managed, awl ,eget profitaLlo in-
dustries in fans s. ,.,,t of the Pampas
Funebres, the Remote monopoly which
Alone has the privilege of transporting the
Ahmed through he strrste of Peres re funeral
t yle. 1t pass.•esea nr..lertakers material
14o the value of river four n.ilbuns of Iran's,
dose some eit millions a year of business,
and terms neer *early two and • half mil-
lions of the as clear profit to its accredited
sweets, the thumb estahlishnteat of the
city, after gratuitously and 4 -mottle fiery -
Sig Some three oat of every five of the dead
M indigent seliw er.
Kash country and each age have their
ewe fashion of disposing of their dead,
from th. Paras as woe oaks "les
West" of his Spotter hart to the ancient
Rogan with his &•oestral sr o Takes all
is all, perhaps there is se mare reasonable
1 arrangement than that of the thrift, Pan
I sine who manages to have each dispersal of
the dead earned out '-deeswtly and is
ender' through the eapleitatioe orf • love of
lavish display is a miner pedis of the
eamwenity. One eon sealing of the ghost-
hos41y elle of the .s.lertak.rs' work i. vsivag
the wit penmen whirr% have lass weedy
devoted to the w eel the Pnsspa P.e.bref4
away sat is the imamate northeast of
Mia. is La Pipette Tore we tweed
awly "the grapples ad the •nil. 4 wee,"
the outeriale Ian the tesesal ase r.yeae
sod the hos.rsi eerteg.• 'like it sqer
gnsber, a I.tbb ewer the oslehlhhms ,t i
....f N. aro l seemtlq tdgba el doe
---e lop"•"^ 'IM IRar4H ._-
Money to T,cnil
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's fides Catvh id:
'Fr 1 r Yoq
nY T, Jric.
l�/�ir/ MOW
Teat ea" elm aN tsar lrsc Rau.W of Co.%
Tasaaaroe hes hen. .. a'ell.l•ed •o also the
'UMW • Aro-. lass wry lee ',lib fair sed ger
m+newl ,'e0. w.l, burs.
t. r 0rws.ed nu 'down.. ort.etDlee and ko
'h. Is'e..ss of In worm.
It 4.wMvre the ,epi•, 1 . t 1•0rry poems who
h►'tevea Io enmwwif Jolt
Inv taM **spare& •r r►M
Item. ease. "u lag .rh all neer bed �a.tGm
N imbed •4.tea, rssa. wad ameepe,
INn•ae theweeh wura 10 a'1 paste I. the
Sst'hw•t,tlrtlI•b 1'.l..•ela esu Pawls Chou
( s. -!•orb Aide W re V.
• gt Level Iltasti_. -, O.smM►
fabeereno Ya -o sun lamboaseale Mash.
Miss Cameron has re-
turned from the cities, where
she has secured a complete
assortment of
Spring Millinery
In the latest styles. Her
stock of hats, bonnets, flow-
ers, ribbons, etc., is unsur-
passed in Goderich, and her
prices will bear comparison
with those of any other
A call solicited.
If you are looking for
something new in
C. A.
Can interest you at
Reasonable Prices.
The sowing of good seed ix
the first and most important
step towards securing a boun-
tiful harvest. I have received
a new stick of sectis, includ-
ing a large supply of
Clover and
Seed Wheats
And solicit a esil from those
who want to make stare of
getting good, fresh seeds.
00l -1n
f31i_? -
Aa b. intsd• rotating frac bedeoe, be
will sell his large sad wsfl-ammerbed Asa at
bottom pries.
Chinaware, Jewellery,
Wedding Rings, Silverware,
Niokisl and Plated Knives.
Forks and Spoons,
Albums, Plush and
Other Goods, Toys,
Facey Goods,eto.
$.000 Rats of toll Papa s l 11f111rs,
Wilms errs 4 MA at ansa ram
New r peer vita& ler _biplane
The Signa
oboe awe salts s•pp+Clal attention to i1.
Joh ?mute itoditir, grim* are meta
pima &dads ties gale for the promo
s$.0-'01 W dames eel
print A peri a) d 114. &Mess&..
gigot �t.7ayaggagthimq yes eel
be in area 1 hs mob are ww..es .
oh your essadgst
Nat our to plggss moot with
the approval of our patron.
-Letter %%cads •
In this lute we have a very large
stock of fine writing papers acoria
able for every class d beaiw
represented in this leadity, axe -
prising laid and wove. limas,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrulid, as may be required
'Rote i tsada
This useful sire is kept in the fell
[range of qualities' same as letter
heads. Whik
I&em0. iieada
are• not so generally used, they ill
an important place in commercial
correspttn(ieutv'. Ser what we've
Rot under the above heeds
Aisne ileal&
If the '• pay -ifs -yew -go " plan was
the order of the day the detuad
for account paper would not Ise
merest ; but thele are Moue mem
who get so many dinners that
they wonder if the stack will ever
run out. We don't intend it t ,
and at present our atrxek is cos
plate in this line with four shat.
(ltd paper aid test ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents (•olunln. They comp
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
an+ auto to fetch hire round
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and te
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock ow
hand We !rave now shout a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 15e. tis
$2.00 per M. We handle col-
nlcrrial and legal sizes exclusively
V..%v %n\arx
We aim to excel in all the difet
fent kinds of work we turn out.
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain awl fancy papers
suitable for all requirements
of entertainments and aseetinr
promptly turned out, front the
plain but nest to the moat gestalt
with coni and pencil attached
Carla GANA T'%eb.ets
Thii heal cover* • large rang. of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from as or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a hat d.ontely
printed niemlierihip ticket.
4 oatere.
Our facilities for turning oat this
elms of work are ev4leuytI by the
feet that the great (sulk of it is
dune Ly us. This lithe also in-
which our three fast -running job
prnanes are able to tura. out in a
surprisingly short time.
Sate. AVMS
belong to the poster departing
also, and we make a specialty of
them - promptness being our aim
in this respect. A notice of mak
will appear in TAR 14te10AL free of
charge when hills for same area*
here. ist
to an "A t Nome" or a wedding
require onnsidersble tante in melee
tion sometirnes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping it
stock the very latest and kat
samples to be had. Call and nee
Commerivea. Pr��nt�ag
has already been partially enum-
erated in hese of the heads above.
There is, however, a vital maso.At
of work under this head that te
enumerate would more than tale
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Toe
#‘\ jtGtnda off 'W orbs:
is the typographical printing ills
can he done in this entahli.hmeAt
in an expeditious and artistim
tanner, and
Our \rates viAk be jov►t(%k
sexy reaao%4co *.
wan wTkwrdi
oar thi a1G for pad lav-
ers .rid solicit a eeatisuanes st do
sant' W1L 0t Q/ML,
Cleitieoposi 4a