HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-21, Page 2THE SIGNAL: GODRRIOH, ONT., Till : R811A Y, A Hill, 21, 1 •113.
Australia hr � many •tertli•g
Wm. of the careers el Nmeruas criminals
who have at isigne s demo tarried on Use
pr.deratw of �og lett Dewe of
mute (•tote. leases**
%mhos item of :M 110
tarwust• "s1i) IOW." This quartet of dr
perador for •.enallihshi. kugtb of time
set the kw, pvvaual..t, sod puha of New
S.ut► Wa1's Vie .ria u ountplete
deduce. A mewed of midst slummed
puamJs wee of 4 without evert fur their
apprebeas.s ; tied, despite the incessant
effort• of Lbw polios,bi the two e.rl.rnle4, the
four youths who •• the gang"
evaded puu neseat ler two yeas, and oust
these tw., ge 1s the ecn.ra,,W sum
of one hundred .ad fifteen theusend
Ned Kelly, • the hat t the bushreerers,"
was born .t Welles-WaWs n 1864. Alan
early age he took to erimi.al courses, and
was • know. hewasyalsr from his youth.
Mut brae/tor Dia was hen is 1861, and was
a thorough opeeimea of a juvenile seousdrel.
Steve Hart (bees r HMO) was likewise a
profs/waned hens -helot. .toe Byrne was
horn in 181F1, teed alta in kin young .lays
cumrur:.ced hie evil
These four the hand ; and in
1878, when thew that baosase notorious, the
leader, Ned Kelly, was only in his tweuty-
fourth year ; amid the others were lade, two
of them *811 in their teens. The
origin of the o.tkre.k was as follows In
April. 1878, • p liemof8cer named Fite
p•trick was suet is arrest Dan Kelly at
his mother's bonennGreta. Whole in the
house, a ecus teak place, and \e.i Kelly
shot Fitrptriei In ter wrist. Mrs. Kelly
and severl Milan was eonvioted of •irlrt
ting thew j but Ned and Dao took
to the bush, ja kil.g was heard of them
for a•velal me iib. In October, a party of
phce, under the command of 1.•r..•ant
Kennmly-, set est to scour the IV.md.a
Range., whets they hail intormatiw. the
Kelly* were bullae. The party camf".f
out the brat el&; sad the next neirient
Kenney, eecampstsied by another utticer
n amed Scanlon, weft off to search the hill.,
Thr other two e�.og. remain,{ in the camp.
About two o'clock, tie two men were sod-
denly basted wilt a eomnand to •• throw
tbetr I, 0.M t*p.- ,Os looking round, they
diecorere.l four Min aimed at them. Owe
of the petee, IkI*yre, being unarmed: at
ease obeyed. ,1 I .paltioo drew his re-
volver tool ssssh it • tree for shelter, but
before be could �t behind it be was shot
dead. The reme• then came forward,
and M. Intyre a iegiiad themes the two
Ke11yr w,tb Bart sad Byrne. Securing all
the arms in thewamp, the ontkwe et o.ntoe
male preparations for the reeeptioo of the
other offoerm *duty re was placed in a
o oaspicuc.tes sitseties,wlile the bushraugcre
remained out ttf eight Boon .fterw,,redno
Kennedy and S ins. rode up. McIniyrr
eddied out as ordered : '' Sergeant, yon had
better surrender, to we have been captured. "
Ned Kelly •t the some tient cried " hands
up.' Grasping the situation in a moment,
the officers sprawg from their horses. San •
Loa was shot dead ere be numbed the grouted,
Kennedy got safely down and get h.•hind
his hone, ninnies fire on hu as.ailenta.
The borne, however, bolted, and rushed
post McIntyre, who jumped into the saddle
and galloped or K..a•dy was sow left
Moue to tight the four outlaws. No me
knows what really them occurred, or how
long the polio. -shear continued the un-
equal straggle. that be bad to succumb at
Isar :.sed his body was afterward, foon.i •
quarter of • ogee away, riddled with
Mrintyre meantime rode off as fast es his
horse could carry him. He got safely to
Mansfield, and geee the alarm. As may l4•
imagined, the newel d the sanguinary out-
break created inemseseoasternation through-
out the colonic A reward of one thousand
pounds was offend ler the capture of the
gang, and every panDe means adopted for
their speedy thppreheemee.
About noon em the lith day of Dee. ,her,
a ern named F..yog.ld, employed on a
station sear the emaM township of Berea,
was accosted by an ieiividual who had the
• ce of an memory hnhmaa. lla
Kadin out t that the Maag•r. M r. M.eauley,
was from home, bm, beebread three others
eat of the bash ; madam party at once pro
carded to the bomematead, Mn. Fltagerld,
who was u e deena.ded who they
were and what t waste. One of the
Pony at ono. said : • 1 dm Ned Kelly, and
we want food Igore.redwaaand our harem."
Fitzgerald the esu la gad was met with
the same defraud se pheehd M the pro-
duction of a revolver. Shortie afterwards,
the station hands be/ss to drop in to
dieser. Vvery one ad he arrived was
seised, mad ail she + .eget►•r is • 4..
t eised storehouses. brei tv o'clock Mr.
Mao.uky, the _��. arrived. He was
at eines covered by ter reoo.hen of the nat-
iw' .etd ordered to "bail up." Resistance
being .glees, he at �OM�saseme�rrs.Jerxi. The
next arrival was a tl eldling merchant with
• wagon of cloth amid .liar articles. He
was also •• boded .p a mind locked np with
the rest.
Kuros was • ma tows about ter«•
miles from the It had then about
three bemired isi�Md.Id. sad is on the
maim line o1 •r -amen {rem Melbourne to
Sydwey. Neat mimwrag the outlaws openly
deelarml their {.testier of rubbing the hank
*1 roan.. Four ewe reenr0ing to 1011,,
were al neionred Mat day. and "hiss' to
OW already aumine es.t.tgpamiv a prisoners.
The '1.11 It.p sl: ibm wee to destroy
telei*pb eou.m..Iusl s sad they pro
rseaer1 W est doer. Ike fish earl wires on
the line, which was aerrlod along the rail
way eines to She fere. tV htk.n•
gager a tbin work. a part' Ma four railway
gaugers " oasts up, 'liter also were shut
Y r the 'yter.krsmi, 'shied' then ae
mined seems t..MM ogee 1 Al half pest
Mires, Ned and pie Kelly, seeowrp•nw.d by
limen Hart, .et ei for ter toles They hal
takes adeaataae of the k•vker's stock d •
elothr.'s.gg to rig themselves Mt n highly re
epe.ti.M..tyle. The ter 'aye e•ah drove
• Itght oat. and Hart redo behind oe
he,s•h&ek dew Eyre* was left is mole
stair of the prisoners R. was heavily
camel, and kept • oleos watch to we that
me nae gat ne ss the 'deem While
Ism onsisi ed, • teat wino op end stopped
�p•.ite the stems.. TheMvrhdnww in the
d was rtletiedd. amid •repairer got
.make natio. right Re came op to r
the hensueleallIltr assisi.. . whoa inn
•t ewes " dna • head " e rim, eenreh d
hies fur erns., and lasted bum up with the
Mecum. Ne other three desperadoes
had reached Urea. Ned Kelly 'drew up
hi. tart et test batik 11.., on the maim street
while his brother ..d Hart went to ter
back. It beteg after hours, it was a short
time ere the door w.r seamed , but ou
I(elly' detekrin, he had r .heynr et Mr
Macauley s to .soh ee ea. a Ilwltl«I.
lustiest of a eh.que, N.,1 toer,ut. el r re
..,her at the astuto•h.41 cf., k, who .t ono"
.nwc'umbel Hart .t .1.e oral., lime tittered
from the lack .n./ ra•turevl 411 the firearms
ou the premises. Kell% nett entered the
rats, of the n:anag.r, Mr. Rett, who ear
rendered at (11..:rette . Looting hon untie
Hart's riser, Ned rarsa-ked the bask, oh
tarring some three ue four hundred pound
anomie The a.tvwutent was thus ordered
to oven the safe, tout which Kelly took
tiftwr hundred pounds a notes, three
hundred puuuds in rind and ninety pound
of silver, and .tate thirty ounces of gold
Their object b.tiag been accomplished, it
was sow tome for the sae( to depart
However, to, prevent au alarm beteg pie
maturely raised, it wee ueoesary to take
ell the inmates of the bark slung with them.
'flits w.. a formidable teak, the housrbol.
.•oosistiug of Mr. and Mr.. Stott, M
mother, seven children, two mall *eremite,
and two clerks, This being muss than the
two wagons could a •.u.uIn .fair., Mr., oot',
buggy was got out. luso a Mrs Scutt and
the children were packed, the former driv-
ing. The others wore di. ideal between the
two carte, anti the pnuem.ron drove od
Steve Har. nide &looped. and kept • watch
fel eye os the pretences.
Ou their arr.sal at the station tite own
were put to the storehouse with the others,
the women mei children being allowed the
rut of the Wee- 11.vteg .tiw.t.:d their
spoil, the four outlaw* partook of a hearty
meat and at last role ud. Mr. Stott bus
rel hack to Kuru•, He gut there about
midnight, stud foetid the inhabitants 1..
blameful ignor•ae of the robbery in their
Again, de -pito the t?.rte of the poIww,
the gang gut clear off. The reward was in-
creased to four thousand pseuds, but with -
OW avail.
About two months hal elapsed ere the
gang was a heard o:. On the Iltb of
Frbruerv, 1879, the bank at Jenidrrle was
stuck up' and raked. The pollee stet poi
Is at short wry out of tow'. At :neluight
on the 9th the tut. utheara in (Merge dere
aroused by wmeone ca!bng that there s.as
a great row in the fowls rod their Il,:.Nnlrar••
presence de•nmre. 4..1 N nice. tin, . •4e( 1
the door, the two c,nstables were to ite.1 by
four armed men, who they enuredietely
reatgrited as the untorbus Kelly gong."
They were diaanined and i.uoui.luu■ly
lockets up in their own watch hoes.. Next
morning. Sunday, they found out that one
4.1 the otfieers wive* was In the hrjnil tit
going into town mei preparing the little
church for service. Knowing that her nue•
app.:arrn•a. might .tivst,w bxlmrle1 being
mak, doe Byrne mak. ber .00wmpsny bio,
to town, perform her u.wl duties aid re-
turn with hire. At eleven o'clock next
funa.s.o the four *et an for the toes, the
taro Kelly', nu foot and its pollee uniforms,
Har..trtd B. me on iIurse'reck They tint
stet to the Koy* hotel, which they hail
resolved should form their base of opera.
liens. 'They walked boldly in, proclenote i
who they were, end.tak.rg advantage of the
ruutusiow causal by their appearance. al
once securest p esers.uu of the pommels
rhe Luulk.nl, e.rvaint.. mid all other. u, the
house were inerchel l.tto oar room erre)
locked in. •4.e K) rue then proeee.Ie.1 1..
the bank. 'Thl.r44.e was is the charge of
three getlsmes' -Mr. .Irrleto.e the mate
seer Mr. Wing, Use accuuolant ; •101
Mr. Mackin. the clerk. Mr. Udine wee
the cody one of the throe in the edict.. and
on Byre's entering nail at toner ordered W
•• laid up." Not and Byrne rummaged the
ntkce awl got ..me set -en headrest pound.
in all. Not mtictied with this, they a".n
pelted the manager to open the .ate, wits
fourteen hundred .ad fifty pu.w4e unw,
were obtained. About tit o'clock the out
Jews depsrtal, Byre' Leafing a pack horse
with the plunder. They safely crossed the
Murray Kerr, .ini got hack unmolested i.
their retreat in the mountains of Vleurms
with leaded Petals .4 then Meade, they
were compelled t.. obey, and the rails word
W talc
All the wet linos erre marshal' eft to the
taearuwrw hotel is amid lamer Moldiest.
amid t►om• k WM:rr •111011 narvMler.ue.
Oen Kelly owl Bytes. eve appealed cel .w
swear. baying rflilleped Krum. the .uu0uy
bum Be.ehworth, attar Mew menterou•
Werk there. no. heir naw psraull.utrte41
tits Mlle bastlr1 : tin ,u441•nen.ta alto all
ur.lrrrd up to the buts:, where w at: awe
dere wtty-throe epsette, u.aw.1u.d tbt
• p..:.:ualk:cr of t e rMaim. Mean tome,
mews u( Sternaa au4.1m nw:4rd tee
authorities, • el, ea the ou(Lwa. 1.14:11..:4. :
• apeetrl train was .1.epat. had tut tteech�
• wet tit eith a binge hem, 14 police rod
✓ trackers. l'...• tram ,.:.41.01 tac.u.,W&«
abet 11 .t night, barite; baro delayed ou
• I the toad. It was not iateale.l tor stop
there ; but wheel al,,ui a 11. 1. from the
stat Wu « da.l,•ei .rgu:.l was wv u n (rout.
Oa drawing up, tete proae.l w w tue.t:Mwl
master of the place w.ta to candle and a
- scarlet .emrf an trout of it 11e bad mmiumbei
to elude 1114 vigil..** of the basiorug..r4.
and at orae hurried down We lune, just lin
. time to stop Lite tram). Chia was the brat
- sews the police Iced of the ga.g• preset/son
at 1:leurowaa.
IVohm the hotel there was l.w:b canto
1 merit when the sound 0t tits approaching
✓ trate waw heard. the gong pa•uaroi 1..
sally forth to attars. the .aced tit their
c111riuous project, west w the amfuo.ou the
imprint mel o.ustal4e escaped. He a: uu.c
ran down to the melees *taco he heard the
trate Mop. l_yt hu wy M suet kit !talo
and the police hurrying up to the hotel.
All wall le total dw'uws. Obeli they got 111
sight. The "dicers cautiously rt.pruwne 1.
and when Superintendent Hue was within
al.wt •astern yards lions the h .u.. . shat
was fire.) front the verawla. I'bw Whet
41.t Mr. Han, to the lett hand, trusteeing .t
uwelraa Other shot. !awaited, and the
(police enertlet,cellt replies, 4).,.•., •tsar
the .1..., Ih. ..ace.•1 Ned ILII, was brash
ahoutlug : ' Foe away, you heegar's c you
c.0 do us no baro. "' Ht. a e•onin$ w .4 un
known at the hn,e, b,•t was expLatus1
afterw'arda. Up t.. this time the po .err
Were ut.aaar• of .0ry ft;tenet 1.em, erthin
tine builds,.• l. -.ides 4t4e out haws- Bat
now, When the allietsWere craeitt.gthrough
141..: trail *ells. they brown to take effect on
the pi -isomers. and the shrieks of womcu
end cl,.drru worse w4.4.0 to this upriver.
1'' e L 0.l.n..gers, fiuding the tire tit the.: as-
seittnt4 get ting het. ter, taw lett the
vet -mole and retradeJ iaswle. Muse pulite,
now arrived frust, I'neualle and Wangrratta
i h.a.y voUcy MAX find into the hotel, 41.1
;MS as was ka.,wo afterwervls- pr•.vr4
tate! to.1.*•'Syne., who was snot In the
grout, awl .tied .n agony. The police kept
up a tartlet w.teh eknsyflwwt the 0.301.
V. prevent env of the gai.g .-seeping teeter
. he mover of darkoo,•. Just as dean wax
break/mg .I
k/mg •'fresh seortau arum. A t oil
figure .00r1ye.l irvsn ter ghoul'. and stalked
slowly and calurly i.::o Ow thick or the
police. The latter, not knowing who the
uew•o.mer was,paiiset, and when sweet
ewe). Jistenos the .rata opened Orr up...:t
them with bail revolver. Now began a com-
bat almost imbeer4hrhk 111 ,in elec 4trr
Niue te.l.eemcn sutr,wnJ.•.1 their ..chary
f e am emptied titer I, '-,rms at 1,1:,, st a
f w yards' dtsl.uce. H. tows repeatr.I1v
hit, and arra 1.. stagger. 1.01 with • derisive
laugh be amtlnwetl to .return their lire.
For tall .a hour the unrqu el light went ou
+440 man with a re, .dsetaga,s' nine will.
rifler ' At length one of tit. "Mons cheesiest
hs• tactics. and, stepping close up to him,
te- d two shota int. lea lege, Then at last
be mar. 1.11 ; hut etett w111.:1, ht..rughl 10 Iter
ground he eon. mated the ti4ht. ,A sushi was
thea mete u4.w Ian, and Ire was diarrined.
Thie prov.e.l to be Ne.l Krily. the chret of
the grog : aa.l the secret of 4,1* 604.41,104 was
ung, .ii-...e,rrti Hr. head, chest, Itack,end
sides wale protected by sheets of iron : He
nag speedily strapp.' of Inc armor and cute
%eyed to the station, where he wait found t..
Ire wotu.ded is two place. 01 the lett aril,
and two iu the ritrbt leg, and also in the
right fort. Hie armor *Mowed the* he had
Men hit seventeen tames by the {edict
lieu Kelly and Steve Hart were :tow left
In the hotel. MOS' of the townspeople had
been afraid to leave ; but now they made •
rush out, perfectly terror-stricken, and In,
plormg the police not to ,hart them. Atter
tbts as Incessant lire was kept up by the
police. For a time the outlaws replied, but
about one o'clock it was ootic.d they di.
continued firing. The pollee at the time
were at their wits' eat, and telegraphed to
Mellxourne for • tia•I.Ip..•.:r to be seal up to
latter the place dawnThis was actually
drpatched by tram : hut Iia services were
not required. it was ultimately revolved to
sat Ore to the building A strong nodLuie
was agon directed upon the hotel, to cover
the ..per•huus, and a bundle o1 straw wa*
placed against the boards and set fire to.
The naris soon took hold : and then • cry
got up that then was a wuuuded man aside
who had been unable to leave with the
other*. All this time no sign of the bosh -
rangers was seen or hest. A ckrgymas,
Father Tierney, volunteered to try to save
the wounded Inas, and while be courageous-
ly entered at the front se.rral policemen
rushed in at the hack. In • few seconds
they reappeared from &demist the smoke
herring the mein between them. The also
brought. nut the deaf hotly of Drys*.
Bat, 'modes. they had important news to
tell. The ether two outlaw. -Ilton Kelly
an.l Steve Hart were fount lying dead on
the floor. Whether they had been shot by
the police, or taken their own livee to avoid
capture, s unknow.. The flames now
quickly spread and in a short time the piece
Was burned to the grinned The charred
remains of the httshr••gers were afterwards
dtsenvere.l. Hach of them, like their ehief,
was pleased i. armor. Neel Kelly's snit
weighed ninety arsons pounds, end hal
been rudely ..4structed out of plough -
!'Acs, .t last, the Kelly gong was pet an
end to, the last scene being of a thoroughly
mean veal and unexpected character. Had
the plan of destroying :he train with the
police been mwcvs.fel, It was the ietent.oa
of the gang to ri.I. to Befall* and rob the
hanks there. These plane were carefully
thought Ont rand to avoid interference with
their nefarious work • keg .4 powder and
fele was prepared with which M Mow up
the lienal I* I.ndge •std so no off oeau*u.lea
tion With titit other adv of the river
Ned Kelly recovered of hu wrierwie, end
leas ev, i4.•mned wad henget at Melbnerne.
Het old another's last amnia to him were •
"• Ree yeti die like. Kelly Hia bravado,
however, deserted him a1 the boat, and he
showed anything bet n hold frost on the
eraff d d
Those of ,err readers desiring fetter parti
riders of the Kelly gang, amt other records.
of crime in the Amoebae ae ..dons, an re
(erred to superintendent Hare's look, " The
leaf of the Runhreniters,' recently ',obit/shed •
se Insiders.--.hatedis . Journal
The utmost cuoateruatlon one reigned
throughout the two colonies. The I :overt'.
meets .lung with the becks locre•eed the
reward for the capture of the brigands u.
the sum of et/ht thoumnd poun.la line of
theta Pntutpal "agents" was • young fellow
uaated Aare Shemtt, and overture' were
now uiade to mduo a him to put the police
on the right track. Aaron was shy et Ent ;
but after a time he agreed to do what be
could. Many believe( he was only " hum-
bugging " the police ; but the sequel proved
he was m earnest. Being •sweetheart of •
sister of Joe Byrne'.,he *as supposed to be
well a..iu.ioted with the gang'smovrmcute.
Old Mrs. Byrne resided in • solitary dwell
Mg the hills. Hess, sootier or later.
Sbemtt land the bushrangers would
come ; wad it was determined to watch the
place night and day. A strong party of
police under Superintendent Hare took up a
pontoon amongst the rocks above Mrs.
Byrne's house. Great care was taken to
avoid the lodger of their presence being
known, and for many wet ke the o�oen My
there, enfurmv severe discomforts and
hardships. The nights were Ioten.ely cold,
but • fire cowl.( out he In ; and the only
foal they had was breed and tinned meats.
Oki Mn. Byrne at last hal her .uspteinns
aroused : her watchful eye detested the
glitter of an empty creat ate •mo.rst the
rocks : aMI,creeptsg through the tush, she
walked right mw the ,•anlp, which mese
quaintly bad to be abandoned.
Aaron Merritt now cut his oir000ctlon
with the Byrnes and married another remit
woman. He took up house, however, ,e
the mew Inoality. A german n.med Wick'
lived near him : and oo the 26th of Jane,
1890, Wick received a vett from .hr Byrne
and Ilan Kelly. They haus' cuffed him and
.rate hem go with them to Sherritt's house.
lie their arrival there he was to cell Aaree
oat on the pretense that he hal lost hw
way. The ruse was secsov.ful, suet Sher
rift ripened the door. .1.). Ryas). then sup
pal forward and tire) at him He retreated
within door.; bot Byrne .pay forward,
and firing a second time, Shemlt fell dead
on the goer. It wins Saturdayeight that
Merritt was shot ; and earl) oe the Sunday
.ornislg a railway repairer narnml Rerrk.n,
at (:lenrow•n, was &wakened by Ned Kelly '
wed Steve Hon .net 1r.lenel ea daps hit. '
self immediately. He obeyed, awl was then
mate to summon several ostlers of the sewn,
aed the whole were mak u, get their tools
and march dew. the Ilse. 1* hoe they •r
rived at • pert where the track ran akmg
the top of • high emhankw..o.t, they were
ordered to tear up the rail. ' Knnw,wg that
the sono as the murder of Wserru t heoune
known, a "Ir.ng fora. of pdb.p would he
tchml to the aim* of the outrage, they
resolviel In menthe•. the lives of the
sboie party ' No regular trans ran on
y, ant ter.portaI would, they ex
postal, mime skew mt fell speed, sad be
throws neer tl). en,lynkment •litho. •
Inows.t'a warning. the workmen mount..{
erases hetng employed in sock devilish y � �
semi mine e1 "teeh lers.hstb h j.dgmeat
steep wt..wrst Mwteteie Ina* fie.
Kitt). Wilkie., of idea, a pr•Msti.a•1
dealer ,n hose.., be a
WO -
num, moth • prof aline obis air, iia
has heed and rkl Mer fns Ike gout
ears and 's.te all the .4*4 Abe h
week ; but en heed was teams el their 'w-
reath's. Hider pate of Mama death end
From Melia
" if nem were the emenseend la . wr WC
1a1 reindeer as moms an we • ••e 1 let 1
suet • ammo of spouseMif •. .4 1' 1'
Roe*, of M i m.eap lis, .4 ter• (•u• was impressed impress d elm► the fusee .4 :bre idhy
today by .0 eleervatl„ . Leo., u, a val•d•
oar and pan gee.' the e• • dry ,r• .b octal•.
Ita4rwe:,. r:,d ...I..... 1 1 M. r 100 1•.1
aha eb.e•110,; 4lttrihet 1 . 111.11114 1) ' u • ea1
thud %lira IIle c•uJaet r al p. « ..1 11....
Nr erolkcl 'hs {area .nl.• of 'll, . he.l te
tthauge. The ether off. m..4 , • 1.1 for t.
compost ode.. rale, lel 1 • , . • w,wo.L.
1 . t t ,r ee scot- .Wl' rhe
aY ce l V ler p 1 1 ,
borruwo l a 'whet tnan toed tee lei n nark
hug as els did w. that she sushi :ak •141
as axe as also got dolga tuaw .,..I ,rite) . • .
My cariosity was ex4Ite•I to 4. e 1
✓ edly .1,..1; that way with '.s.• a other, s,
I fo1l0,, .1 the two af'.r cher g' ' .•f the
ear. I ney first enter. .4 a dry 40. u•abore
where tn. I',rrueer no. e .5u.444 I erchereij
DMI Y 011014 at she 4.4 4..'. riuusgr se beet-
t **loch •v...'
e.l ber frieu.l lie .• u u . 1e t w. rem
the slight.. p...trs, 1 em they
Welit lulu a rest.*ra,• to grt In a h. Yr..t
gar* eeparat...niers ae1 a 1..• i•Ir earl
amounted to 30 drama. They u, 'chid up
t.. the teehser "awl each paid I.e. ..0 hill
Now, these stn mall Iran.acli.o. bus they
...e male:tl,tr of the aideleutr u, :he char
.cher of ,oast nee
cal w0tn H.•1 • .1 0l yl!cts
of 1ny oh ervatious Leen u..•n • ,.' .I .d
W..,nrn, the man who .•lfen•.I t.. • • •rruw e
nickel for tar fare w,wl.1 M.e re•duel tit.
..tlrer. mod o0e .4 the•. w. u41-1m..-saiewrol
he dormer 4..r loot ba..4 ism.' the
• 44,which,
1 n..•y to. well -ay, w..l:.1 have •u. tinted to
.loil.rs iusteal of 0.ol. '
COUGKIWs-s .lerentest. ai hl"ruu•
• W A J HEN a few dose d Ajar. C1aqr
1m. I'satur"teal retie. a )ou f T 1L
Veep It In the house. You are abide to
r•m.•ly te eu affective
as 141:4 world.
yesow^ed prepare.
Mon. N.. household,
with ye we; chlldrea.
r • should be withusi K
of err are
OP, 41 rt ory yew by
• rte tamely a.m.
1 Am.nde B. Senior, Korthamyeoe,
• Kyo,., a rites : " t situation gratitude nu.
1e me to ae•know:eJ•:e tit.• .•.-111 brute
have u .owg► M my
tom, and so Wier
Mw Lens area sire
ilrre is a Let that ouy;t.1 1.. I. in your
•.r.0 ....,k. 1, tells Loa 4.•u.; • rill au -
nisi. ;Ivc uu,Ier ordinate. eon 1u ,o. .
i'dephau:s live 100 )ears awl -spears' :
rhinoceros, 20: cancel, 100; lien, i5 too fro;
tl:.,a, !operas, Perukes, nail hennas fin
c.m::u.mrs,1, about 25: Inter. ie); Jeer,
�: wolf, 20; tot. 14 to 16; 11...s*a,,lb:
ch4,0.04, 25 ; monkeys and live. • 's, 16 1.,
19; hare. 8 ; ageirn I. 7 : raid, a 7 :Mier..
25; stag under 50: horse. 30 .s, 30
sheep, under 10 : roc., 3); et, 3 ; : swans.
parroia. ttlnd i%y _ 9011:_- ghee._ 1110 :
geese, 80 ; hen* fuel pig."n•, 1., W 10 ;
hawk., 30 t.. 40: erase., 24 ; Ida -third, 10
to 12; petcock. 20 ; pehc..en, 40 to 50
thrush, 1 t.. it), wren, 2-t..3: a'-1tfaFall•,
; blacktop, 15 ; linnet, 14 1., sic gold
fin. h, 2:11..24 ; nsiht.',.t, 10 to. 12: sky.
I„ k. 10 to 30; titlark, 5 to 6: •htffiucb,
.90 t.. ?' ,t,,r:,ug. 10 :n lB : , . •,, N• t.,
1Y); p�ke. 30 to 40:.este.., !h :
14 to 17 : eel, 10: crocedik, 100: t•,r eats.,
104) to :310; whsle, ' lu','at,.: ' 1,000:
queen less live 4 years', dnu,e.. 4 months :
worker 1,.• yl, 6 uxw'hr. l'I1IIa kfpinta
Times. _ _
Rosa lkuheer has retest -mil 51,4.. OCC for kir
new picture, "Thele -..hong 11...r."
!Secretory Rusk's wit, is a c -ahem .4 Norm
stirrer Bjornson, the N..rwegien poet sad
Zola heels, hid for massive furni-
ture. ' His writlfJ tahie a -014I1141 hell a tan
mud hie ink stead is made wet of a lieu's
Kt-Ste..tew lagnils is'reer,ilinc ln.. novel,
tin• ruu.uerript ef whle:: 14,o, 1.•.t I t the bre
that rir'tr,ywl hie library. 1• w d' treat of
IVmelungton 4410,
:tackles' .Jerry Rimts..n has declared
himself an '•ebsolwte ries trader" and is
....ring to the !Lore - • ,r •• rooks as the
.•n:v relief fr,m the p .:,,:neve duty o.
i.u•,.•;.y. .
Mee. Langtry is again creating a gond
le.1 cf i •.:k. She is :m., Paris wuh young
Relert feel, who ,. stooling the large win
oats ho• a maid to hate to tde this year et
Mule 1'•.rlo.
1). 11. Paige, whore connection with the
forged o.e•e. of Siar.lar'i 1411 millionaire
Humbert. 41 has attracted so much at
teutiun recently. was a prominent !mew -
untie puft1*lar in Ohio aunt or ten years
people w e themselves e
their blue Mo.! wouldbe far happier with
pure bland ; but, while we ryf not choose
our ancestors, fortunately, by the use of
Ayer's Sars•tlrilla, we ear transmit pare
blood to our posterity.
.. s'emt.tne Idrrrrea.
The am.. -operative cooking club of Junction
(sty, Kan., is a great success, .awl begins
iia second year with torty-four well satisfied
families. Oyer 56,000 was expended last
year in table supplies, but fully 52,500 was
saved for the tantalum as • whole.
A co-operative home for single warms ie
to be started in Vicuna. Kath will have •
share in the housekeeping on certain days.
One hundred persons are wanted at the
start. An income of from 46 to 57 per
month from each one is expected to pay ex-
penses aid accumulate a fund wb.ch will
pay for the home.
The reexot death in London of Mr.Terry
suggests thoughts of the remarkable family
of act',ws of whom she was the mother.
Prwlenck and Charles Terry .re clover
hers of "ter pretension ; " Mrs. Morris,
Florence Terry, nate her rook on the
stege before she retired upon ber marriage ;
Kate Terry woe her reputation with F•ch-
tr *1 the Lyceum, and is now Mrs. Arthur
win, whsle Klee and Marine Terry's
fame exceeds that of their Mothers and sl-
am The (.41st of them all is Mill I4.ag.
James Stewart, Seaforth, who for the
pest fifteen years or more bas been engaged
in the agricultural Implement bostness, has
4000 to swell the noble army of Canadians
in the United States He left 0i %Volur-
day for Hume county, Michigan, and took
his family wed • ~lead of sett iers' effects
with him. Mr. Stewart hu purchased •
fern there ted 'stands engaging in that
Munch of besiness.
Rmfnrth Run : A man named Hoghie
name to town • few days *go He was
without men*y and on %V.demday eventn4,
4pril tech. gut veto the L.ft of the Queen s
hotel stable, where he intended 4. sleep it
is sapper...I .bat in 'meg about be fell
merest► • hots in the floor end hm►e hie
seek, as Ins hn.ly was inand by the hostler
sadern*ath this epesieg. H* was the gag
I Amen and had swan hotter days, having
been at one time employed hers se • carpen-
ter by Mr Walsh, sad Gray It Beret. At
that tine he was • respectable man wed
.mg in t he t itun► .4 awglsed chow. This
was during Rev- Mr. Ma'r's incumbency,
het of late years he fell into tftwmpneste
helmet Kest espied has days as a tramp.
A London maria/ meetly gees a prise to
a maw who in a melost is iia edemas
defined wit se " the power to my what
•sery)xdy eta* was about to say if he had
only thought of it." Wive en'ein eat and
reedy a talker as Lowell need to declare
that it was act will M had fl•ishel nes of
hr omen.. after diluter speech*s that the
rally Might thiltgl he weaned to soy
oes.rred te ria
I±is 1 have dern.J 1..r m) .:.Ildren from
the nap at Ayer's meet cxeellrut t'herry
Teetotal. 1 Ilal loot two clear children
drum .roup and ...n.uuq.tlum. and had
the greatest fuer of I.s..n:f my c:tly r••
asa.ning daughter and son, .s they were
4.14.8te. Hateful., I thud that by giving
them .t)rr's Cher 1'0•. t..ral, on the ternds
eylop, cum ot throat ..r lung trouble, they
are relieved from danger. and are bee
resting robust, healthy children."
•In the winter o1 1883 1 took a bad
cold which, in gate of e'er). know■
remedy, grew o.n.o.,r
, el that te family
phyaic,an conaiderel me incurable, cup
prolog we to be in cuuswnt{tion. As a
last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto-
ral, an.1, in a short tame, the euro was
0010411010. Since then 1 have never been
without this medicine 1 air fifty years
of age, weigh over ISO `.•uuds, and at-
tribute my good health 10 the use or
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "-O. W. Yuuket.
"Last winter I contracted a revere
odd, which by repeated exposure, hie
*sail. Quite oleo luau. 1 Wag mach
troubled with l.areeneas and broncbls1
irritation. Aft. r tryu,e various medi-
e:aes, without relief, 1 at last purchased
• Loth of Ayer's Cherry Pastoral. On
taLtng flus mmlleine, my cough oe.oed
alm.wt immediately. and I have bees
well evera,nee."-Hay. Thos. H. Kus•ell,
Secretary If.,letoo Conference and P. IL.
of the l irrrnn 1410 D114IlrI, M. $ C.,
Juue.boro, Tena.
Ayer's Cheap Pectoral,
raaraMED 01
Dr. 3. C. Ayer es Co., Lowell, Masa
Sete by all DrialatN•• mice ill ; `'s boa,w,ws.
A Representative Farmer
The following rcntrk facts are fully
certified M as tome c,.d,eub;J cornet in
every partizal r. )Ir. lieun is well kin*wn
in to vicinity, having resided here over
fifty years. and is hi,bly respected se a
man of tl.e strictest bor_or, whose word is
ex good as his bend.
As will be "n from his letter. tzar
rhvaiciane had attended hitn, and it was
only after iv. had given up borer of cure
that he deciied to try.lt,irdocll Blood
Bitten on due re:.-rri nc t 4.tt:on of a
neighbor who lath been cored al s .lea lar
disease Ly iter use. air. liana wash 1t as
lle_aa flaw, -I stink I have bora one
cf the worst s ller.c.•a you have y,.t heard
cf, having bccn fix y..... in the heads o:
kur of our beet d.xt: re without obsaici-g
permaten: relict, but c' o1'n ...11y , r.vitlg
worse, until aln-od beyond d.opi of re-
euvo- , I tried ycur Bitters wart roi relief
in a few days. 1;'.ery cr1,•aa a.f 11!1 bo.i;'
vas deranged, the Weer esbt •tt :, l.s-ri ' ..
nr:d torpid. the herr% and 3ij;e:ti:o ormnl l
•rioesly deranged, a large abeers fn my
back, fo:L+cool by paralorit of alio ::iia
kg, in fact the lower ball of m.. lw : • wxa
entire:p rsoiess. After u4.t..4 111i'.St1at.
L'leod Fitters fora foil ada)1I
Imre, diachsr•:n fully 4.e r.
quer* of •. •
4,: two Loa. I felt ac if l /not roc i 1...n r.
.:,cck from a grow. rfsl batt.*ry. al) r"
euvcry after taus '..o steady and t!:e c:.re
r.^r:nsaltli, seeing t.:at foe the fon: y.o re
s n w i ha• -e had as _y: beadtit as inter 1
hut. I' doll taco an oecasionall bottle, not
t' at I no"J !t but bemuse 1 wish to Itcat
my erotism in perfect wor►tn ' order.
out th'.nk cf no more remarhalite oast
than what 1 have myself pawed th.ongh
mud no 11041.4 can seer MPS ray ttaltiktus-cst
fur each pmffizt reo.,t.ry.
0. C. Hie.,
Weiland P.O.
In this connection tho following 1.tt, r
from T. Ccmines, Zoo., n ha.1;:rg dtcl,gi .
of Walau!. Ont, speaks for iteet::
lie sr. T. Milburn .t Co., Toronto.
(;.ert.wus:e,-1 have been personai:y
a.•grainted with Mr. C. C. Haan for the
loot 20 years, and have always ?mind bins
a yr -y reliable man. Toa may place the
utmost co,8.lenco in anything he 'aye
w,' h regard to your medicine He balm
Teeny occasions within tho last four rare
kid m o that it we. marvellous the way
the Burdock tion• Bitters had entrees him,
nod Mott he now felt n* able to do a J,y's
we..: ` as ho ever f.lt in his life. Altdiough
quite well he still takes rouse R. B It.
occasionally, as ho says, to keep him in
perfect health.
Tours truly,
'1'wotus CrYitrati
Welland, Ont.
The steadily increasing sale of B. R. B.,
the length of time it has been before the
people, and tbo fact sheet ft cures to May
cured, swat the stoning merit of this
monarch cf mcdieine., the P�'� '" favorite
Wood purifier, Ian,n and rageiator.
$9004 ®,o JApeLniAr 11Bratsd.mwowa*aos.,sac4u
era OM 1 men to leoreta.r. • sew area
pepsine eta..arta beans
Testimony of to Centuries to
Jesus of Nazareth.
hash edMr` thea pe
TWO moat It-m.risb4
Antes by IM eml•ewt
gLis(Violate• mite K
elksoe..-. -IrMCI errwg.tafll..e 1 ec„m• A tn.MC.sr..lama"
The Latest ani Best
17R Miss I')$AUM halt just
returned from 1)etroit and
Other cities with the luls..t and
best ideas in Spring Millinery,
an 1 will be pleased W give the
benefit tit her experience to the
ladies of /3uderich and vicinity
who desire W avail theiuselves of
her cervices.
Glasgow House, March 21, 1892.
T "Et _EAIG-.E N0
4..5 lits: cF:I.)11114I'P.Is
---15 AT--
Best Tea in Town, Only 40 eats per lb.
Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire,
at your own price.
W. T. HAYS & Co.
Thin week we are opening out a new ,tuck of
In the latest shapes and in every .tyle. We have a large sleek
of Boyo and Girls' Sailor Hata
A complete new stock of white shirt* and a full a eortmmnt of nark
wear and fancy flannels in stock.
A special festory for the coming swims will he a rue
which has dust been received and eotaprise.
Baseball, Lacrosse, Lawn Tennis,
Cricket, Camping and Bathing Outfits.
Be sure to tall cod tee our stock and prices and he convinced that cep
have the right article for you.
Amide for to. Parisian steam laundry
W. T. HAYS & Co.
one. Metre.let, ..d Msoga
During the next few weeks we expect a lively carpet and °attain
businegq, and we are fulV prepared for it. We direct special attention in
Theme goods are bought direct from the mill and are the
hest goods made in Canada
Our - Lace - Curtain - Department I
Is always a RUCo.tni, an this year finds us with • better asaog/-
ment and at clamor prime; than ever before.
We invite you to look through our CARPET aced LACE
CURTAIN room ubstairs.
the Sa
IID wet Peareswearuwalli
ago hew d 113
/ ear
�' ills
- wt
+''„""'l'' 1'
�**god14 ir�4.a11ng. tgfd. aN
bottle • N sin
e'w r hyYlutlam
to 241'
• V*.
n°r°f'maa*b.Id o
lhsr ei. ire t
7, --bed serious Luca'.
aryl. '� 5NM
. ,•I.s1sbpe•,4+'dlrr4dyaitl1'.0he.od1fe, 1rrt
.dlbogaTeus ettlllAaaxe.sapsloecyaMsf.he
r slAmlw ce
• laptyw0us-tll to • idN/
see lin appetite better
wood .or momths."-
lenti.c,, iIwMA44▪ WW�o1r0klrato" .
Ayer's Sar
r•ara ora
gr. C Ayer & Cc
rowel; era iettiss.wt•
1114.41•. n/0( 44111
Ostus '. 10• •.
.1 ,•„ .1 if(
115, 44.1..• •t• •.x111
Me. and • o ov•
has ibd.-'• • than
Seed 1i "?'t
owes •- '.,toy
„ism, a it, r l
till P•' „
Werth.? ' !+
dame ' •.. •
IMP 411.1 •• • 411
sea le{a/- •,'' ',.l ,i', •
1' Al 4101
rleepl..r Pea it OW
aa.. uta _a 11211
Sp-cf:,, Inn
t „1 Ito
{asp. • .,. _i.4 ..•.oder
1NY 1, ..r 'r mpin.
N ew., t•: t r
disea"•' tea
sla-t! ,. „ t �,•nt.v
J. M.
Yrl.r•- -tae I
"rem Re 1 41(-4.4
u. the 4'...•t • • he
+done.. ....s, Ir:
.eel m
• cis
Coal, Wuri(i al
vsre'i io all
wr. h (dual
Hard Co1.l.
Be -1 pi Olt:
egg .141 col.
SIR Ca4i
11..1 :111512,0
i• o- tem at
yt ahtl
1111111111 if u
eve'• le MAW
kv tr.dr.
Oordwc od.
1 i.. 1• !tun
Int,.'. anti
10,14. from
*41. Polls
" Writ relit
tet. Mote•
will lie files
far iremeel
er!••l.este d
market pri
fat Bright -(
Amgle..ca stn
Beel.arin•t i
ass 1,