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s >Rtias UOw -Otto (lore Uaaass • Tina,
is Aevaitt e.
The BOOS 1e. jot
004 XLIV..No. 2357.
-- o.
On Tian Paper Thl• W •nil.
I1 Pot Bight, lake Et Blight
- - _ � � �a.e a�,.ti a.rw r
plrokelna Hon Al•=- ■M• the oonoaeewn ot the Heave 1 A BI I% h General !f iNalld M
that i V M waste So it it with the alautmd. y
the M Btllarmmr
*SOW Meet the (\.test .rasa, Peewr lerheam,tm entad the mins. The right to ' aathw atw thatwith•whenever a treaty M .nab the PeePae•a
Ic•os1• i I)•kkd- but that ..with ".Ref% tieeM be Rises
people y Great Britain y b. • iwwigs t y
Weide lorry with the Americas which Cando may be afioad SIR
Mae Mllrtry Yui sash Les d. • new us- weak! band .kips upon our upper lake. wad shall wase W t to so .as•eltsd •lkd
eltitatien osuld limbs.
fermel•led Upon the resep{fMeMky
THE CLOSE OF AN ACTIVE LEE. rarasstry a( Hou. Genie Yr.wa Gem the rivets as nothing else will That it would , to have 1 npeeeettattvo pores" during the
try Mr. Mackenzie was invited M I nt M ►t greatly cheapen the oast to the eoaomsar of negotiation.. Rut taut confers ao r .l sow -
the coalition Cabinet, but he d- ,4 I wall ke /rued. In tkr t so le elm mak•• 11- sada • •pwtabr
•moo sM elutes M Mss West's ort. ramie ad wpparMd Mr. Brews u hr .ants. y� kis taasufaotand geode u *Odeon also The ldy d As Tawas tsattae►r rarer. -♦ eeyattr as
Mese th'le,.mid the esutrbm.oeed her ors eeeriefor it is pinion
modest ray Moen .ee.ut.e srttats'e AIM
mimeo ease en Inner MMoW -M junto," .nidi us more that one third a 'whenever the interests of the p ode
ty waiam, • wit.d 15emitiss. masts"- rely. last isle ► Der iseporta of maaufaotared goods ens, al IOW Country Dame warthog's with the ialer-
ww, lye •• WbYe rote lig a aleenelmns e( all the British Americas Provis oat, 7 gee the. b he has to oomonta ou eros arm. t people eats of the of the colony the oology
to. • emu "tan be Moos Wee= M.- war em process of formation, •d e•rry clap t as with Creat Redoes It is ell very well i would have to rive way.
wore memorable wad the
ties to kiss of the freedom d tom city el
Perth and el the town of I)uadee, the pub -
IM at thea. please wad se Grose
eek. Ayrshire and elsewhere were homers of
whisk asy au►jset Her ajsety went,
oonnaiw i may
M that Mr. Mackeoaie was twice
sleeted the hoar of knighthood by Her
Ma' but declined. His • t to is
satlys comb was in 1881, ad the air
Scottish weenies warm as before.
ar seta+1 amber lir ttiyM Term he
toward Nor sod received oho hwrty ,afar-, g Gibing spinet nature. Freed true all re. 1 Why should not • British sul•ject living
✓ einter as ,,SiAstucareer. h each ot►.r hoet>r1eg ss. is tkwda eiar equal nghte and privo es,
t . be with 166 par peat. n( Dor trade would to his ora land, with a British sellect ••
Ikon M k adss astral M be with the people of the unit.' �tatea tugm Loudon! Why should his twerps**
Haa•at Opinlona Obtained
From Many Soursts.
Far • quarter 4 • center), says The
• Mew, the aeon et Aietaader Mackeaaie
has la -n .every" hp (anad,us as the note
ie ,Shn l;. silt was by F.oglsahmee it Um
yt (beret • " All have recommend what
- po•te'y for P^.I there was u the career od
a sae w}ww�ttli•lic life was.•tss orf snswery
u� rectits4s and whose private life was of
the smoke and most boneely character.
He whn.we go down lighting for • prom
pie mot always oomt.ao/ the respect and
altonately the affection of bet fellows. The
history o the $r'est Reform leadr r thew. that
at r,.t tiniest(' heekenetbe hobble rrputattes.
f., hoe lut.y was fie ebbe end.
Rv h.reh •n'1 spba gin[ be was podia -
pool to imp e.sree. He was bore ea Jas-
per, . % f ns the parish of Lngteruv,
N r .,t..t1ettd. le a fertile valley
woo,, t,,. ;timer Tay in Mimed by the rapid
leering 1 nn melt, betnmed in oe the worth
lir a s,et .4 the f rampiatw, through which
Ane 111•• faiwoes per of Kdle•raokie, stood
go. tomato. • f his father, Alexander Mac
Merit 'A et. -re country* Athol u Winter
sad, ..11., t th•et Inv, • reel now ss.1 again,
stirs folk ate theH.ghlan.iers of Perthshire
sad ort •t in thea adhesion to the pro rpt.
of C•lioe adl Kron. Among the mountains
oboe great min have bees cradled Ti.
Ms ke1.e os hail Leen residewt in the Strath
kr oowrati'».a. end Akxanokr Mackesrte,
stn., Mei meet lel Mary. daughter of Donald
Fleming, el L. -go -raw The future Premier
wee the Otto! of a family of seven sets. .Il
of wo--t !ivally rootlet in (:Anda. Yung
✓ aekenste neeiveel his education at the
pnr.•'.u.I school% of Moult*, ihankell and
Perth. He -Neter reached the aeiversity,
Sat goal -•1 the .tahout Scottish youth. for
b.. !.'I,«r died en 1836, and thereafter •
lel o' bermes -he had to fight with his
ewe hu.1 in the haute of life. Although de-
prive.l'•1 the means of higher education. he
tarred •e rotate unifies, and especially is
Ib• Air at., .,f political ronlk0my and ren-
t titut, -e.•1 looney feel the huwIation nf the
eee•..l .1, t -trier. le afterwards taught. Mr.
Mawhe.tIe Isreame • •te•newsou and *Judged
• •ah.'e.'lure is which he speedily become
pro6c.ent. fn the Winter of 1842 he asst
meet to (Ueda, mad settled in M•rnia,then
.e mos,eidierabill bet rapidly growisg town.
Be iminahately yes business as • harki-
ng coin or der. MO speedily std. • repots
tine a1 his trade.
Be was routed the freedom of the City of
settee of Mr. Maokenzle. The and of all Inverness, wed the places sword ""ked,_,. to
Mot Imbue *peat .eine with the British North •ie wit u
America Act of 1866. But before the tint lig r. lie emir t leu ice e
Medics of the Doemoon P•rliameet Ia
1867 the member for Lamborn added br.sor
to los arse. by hr thorough work as chair-
man of lb* Hones ('umm,ttes on Municipal
Law wed the framer d the genera sot re-
t�e.-ting municipal government in Upper
toads He deeded to contest his old teat
for the lkomiaies Howse .ad was erected,
sitting for the constituency of Iwmbton
until 1882, whelk he was first returned for
Eat York.
et 1114 Trails every Time an" •e•rywbewe
-AbaNs*, per Tree wean, be ale Mak-
sou s Tia. tmes0re -If Ab..luw Tree
Tanen, Carnet be Me (�..Ysessal Free
Trace ma treeeoalty There 1. e. Mabee al-
memaU.e The Poem Mast be Taosd.
The period imu.elately sucooeding the
formaties .f the first 1)emineou t loverau sat
was one of great political Activity. Daaen
of raeseher..4 the Federal Howse were •lee
member. of the various Provincial Le5ids•
totse, sed in Osten- especially the ereteut
of dual repre.entruos .marled the Provos
sal Miarsets to sit at Ottawa as supporters
..f the Conservative Administration, and as
• consequence then was grave dsager of
the acb of the Provincial Hobe become66
a sort of pocket editiet of the laws
by the Urger body at the capitol. The
e.al.tios Ministry of Mr. Sandtteld Mac-
tloneld was in power in Ostarn°, and when
ib.• Provincial elections of 1871 came rut Mr
Mackenzie was pervaibd upon to become a
oaadtdate..d ad m the overthrow of LM
socoesm•ole.uug Ministry, which was tore
reeeol by Mr. Blake, then leader of the
FINAL t00T* rot THE cANaDlAN rot -11111'
wet depict. std, had be 1-5.10ntted to pow-
er long +tough to oo.eplete the work. the
Dominion might hale led the western
nations in the ownership of • trta0000atiu-
ental railway. Bat two bed harvests fol
lee 10* in swoome100 at the close of the Par-
liamentary term were instrumental nn bring-
ing w1 a severe commercial deereemon - •
' tato-of things generally fatal to the party
AU power. The Coaarrv•u.e Oppouttu10,
limier the late Sr John Mariotul.l, adopt-
ed the platform of • protective tariff tar the
encouretement of l analtan manufacturers.
The people portly eocepted the arguments;
and many oo.ulud.d that any change ooul.I
.sot make matters worse. A'though seeing
the daft of public feeling, the staunch
Premier refuse) w yield w what he knee
to be contrary to the best interest. of the
D01111nw0. And tier u now proving the
soundness of hu judgment.
His rdavR00lkrNT was o
at the general electnoas In 1878 He again
ltd the Opposition during that session, and
made his influence felt by an able criticism
of the new rade policy then inaugurated
One year atter the defeat d his A4 u.iatra•
PP tion he retired from the Opposition leader.
Prtrtnciel Reform party. Mr Macko.nze shop m favor of Hoa. Edward iI•ke. Hr
ren for West Mdbdleeex, sed was owe. .1 rsequeat political courser well known to
fel in wasting the seat from. a Government all who ate uunvermat with public affairs.
supporter The Legislature met in Ikceether, Na was three outss elected to represent
and there was a general attack all along the
E York, strength
although u leu yon bus
line, wiM the remit that the `Ssn.lield Mac. pito mod strength had been unequal to the
1,4101,1 (lo.ertemeet reugsel an.l Mr. Klakr leek of taktag part m the detente, of the
became the leader of the sew Reform Mint.-
Hoare, his mind retained its victor and be
try that hos, with changes in the personnel kept a clow wash on political affairs. He
of the (•Dant, held power ever mace. Mr. was the aur her of "Life and Speeches of Hon.
l edr a llr•.wo which was published in To
hal Secretary m the new Ministry, and root° 10 1882, nod r • .ale bkuo'trifuttOO
To -
Mackenzie accepted the portfolio of Proven
to the pJuucal history the remtnsoo.
nobwquen'Iy became Protected Treasurer. 1(11 M•ckr'z.e
ooh A d f t knowledge hre• wile waw Helen, daughter oI the Isle
'hiring the .fort time he occupied this wet twice .tarried. His
a g're ev., rnv. ,. fires 11.0 ge Williaw ?ell, of Irsiou, Sssulaul, who dial
td the 6nancel aff..ie, of the rateProvid
x, and Jsasary 2nd. 186(4. The estimable let,
hs lu•lgrt. speech of 1872 aura tel geoenl who since peartkol over his h..usrbnId r
Trow were enticed days u Upper Can-
a& The fire n( droueteet that had beret
into the flame of open reb.elline in '37 w.•
tie .wollderiag. and " re.pce*ihle govern -
two '- w to not yet fully .essrad Sir
()toot Mrtealfe, with all his old-fsahio eel
Hese of g.rvtnement by the Ceresin he-
m& '.f 1•v a respeadh i Mi•iatry, was
engage,' in • fight moraine the popular move -
wet m 1.1 h, R.ldwis sad Lalestaima
Thu lasted until 1847, when Sir Charles re-
ared and Lord Elgin became Governor -Goa -
mil Mr Mackenab., as • hese stud.st of
corm 'otiose] history, took great uterse ie
the nonfliet an-, by hu a utnb .boss to the
prim to the wester' port el the Provisos
did Tomb to rent the people n their
4rwaml f .r the 1.11 lweSO're .f liberty
which hail been promised after the rebellion.
The mineral eleetics of 1818 re..lted in the
overturning of the Tory Govsrament, of
which the late lir Jobs Maedeasld was a
swelter, soil the acnsmi-s a power d the
R.fee'm party. The gnarl &Meg beck
f the R.lawin Mistery hen • bMe•bn0nd
*latrine and the eomisasee of lower
Camel* in the Rear were the ebikf asmse
crewing la (k;toirr of ore same
year Nr Jane, eldest daughter of the late Robert
mitre aid Mr. Mth be releasers rstsrrl froom Prn S a of Perthshire. Sunt land, to whoa M
•Intal pal boor with the tof devnt was armed Jure 17, 1863. lir. hon Madma-
n* their labors inclusively to the Federal ate leaves oaly one elold, daughter of his
sphere• first wife, "tow the wife of Rev. .Sohn
NIT.', .man,nme0ATlnv,
Thompson, Presbyt.rrn miDteter at Sarnia
The first Dominion Pafutmeot assembled ttw:vTenx HIS LA ALT aorto
ID 1867, and Mr Mackenzie nee -erne de facia Kingston, which has had part in the lin-
tel o f lbs Munn Ltberoie He w•a ant P
reeled to that mention. Ieddeed,he did not i xy °f e, many ot (•aalr's eminent men,
Macken -
desire to be elected to it. He developed on- wie early home of lieu- Alex.
to the Wetter of the party. Always well sm' art tine sem remembered by him when
F, .ted ; •limy thor ughly costere•ni with en the 27th of June, 1877, he was mind
the homey sad meats of the .li&rreat glove- open to reply- to au abdrres presented to
te.... below. the House ; always reedy in de. him by the workingmen of that city. "I
bete t. drive the right nail to ret will only say in response." said the Premier
✓ icht pinto ; alweys up to the mark .d the day, "a few wools regarding the
as a member of the leading commit- city of Kingston, wy first Casufw. home--
tove ; always alert for this public utereat : (absent -aid thaw local •ffeire in which 1
W eave firm mat too to lbs facie of the me never tease to take an active and lively
enemy, and always rawly to give younger interest. Standing before this assembler
..embers the ber.etit of his longer Tarim multitude 1 can recall many remlo,scestus orf
stentary experience, it gratuity sad nater toy -gone years, for it was an the aunty of
ally tame 'bout that Mr. Mackenzie became l'ronteoac that l first tried wy hood •t
first ta.•ltly moot then by formal elect'e choppit.g and farming (hear, hear and
leader d the Liberal party. When the cheers) -and It was in the city of K1 tai
G,•ernmeat of Sir John Macdonald fell wbsre 1 have worked -- if not with Mr. Rub-
,net-wheleiterl with the Pacific aan.al there 'neon and his punt pots-(lsughterl-yet at
was nate to dispute Mr. Marbtmzie s title something of the sane ked. It is a matter
to the Pr.us er' lip of the lhtminion. Under oaf tem grattieauos to myself t, he present
Mr. M•ekenzie's •dmmistrstdn • numter and beer your address In company with
of highly voluble treasures were p'ated my oke leader amid valued friend, the Pre-
epnn the statute hook. One of the first rimier of Ontario ; end whatever may be the
acts was 0 r.onipkle elm -ties law for the future to store for either of us, neither he
whole Domusaon.taclu.litryt voting by Fallot, nor 1, sou my oolke.gne Mr. Cartwright,
ambito* of_property qualifmuo1 of meet- will ever forget the ktndao. which bag
berg. etc. The state of the revenue coin promptnl the writing •ad prssentetitu of
poled these addresses. 1 *halt to the utmost of
A uvtNssN ur TM, TAarrr my power endeavor t • merit the approval
1101 msrdy .f the Ki.gtt.sbres, for they
The Militia Dep•rteteet was reorganised are oma s prk,l the owes saatieeet•1 em
and the Royal Military College was .stab- pere whish we are .Motile epee to govern,
Iisked at Kingston. The organisation of kat 1 by Is able se to eprdwot myself
the Northwest was provided for : • leap- j and ile of °they.
tet Court was established ; the postal ser- •
f•'1 WINO IlletIMMY • m♦ fel end
dos was *114.4"1"d impprroov�ed : IP""11tim ter love belay is this desievOrttioe, and
Wail wade for the mere .&altaal imspeeMta immatldreanas,glvet leek ll lterinr ex
d produce and wankel mal error : tie pjgggs M ffldr rim dl► fooling toward
edmleiottatioe d Me peeitentieries was iss' ta' (Lttmi diemal
Tea TATA PT 01151 T•A01
Stretford Herold : Messrs. Dickson &
McMaou shipped eighteen heavy draught
bursas to I P.., last week. There
were *moral heen that weighed from
1,700 u. 1,800 ponds. Mr. Dickson went
with them. Thu is only four loads in a year
that these gentlemen have shipped under
the McKinley BM, whereas they used to
ship from 20 to 25 loud, every year under
the old United States tariff.
ARNOLD?, Rtes T%ADa 1n, TAO
The Detroit News says Congress may
grant to all the Sates the right to adopt •
protective tariff, yet, it says, no State has
ever asked the consent of Congreve to levy
duties on imputes. Absolute free trade pre-
vails throughout the Republic, and no State'
protects its citizens against the pauper labor
of other State+. The oosatry is Targe
enougb to oke this wide -spreading free
trade exceedingly mischievous. If. for in-
. ta.0e, heavy duties were laid by surround-
ing Stites on the importation of furniture
from Michigan, Indianapolis, Kansas City
and St. Paul might be transformed into as
important furniture masufocturiug cures
ae ire second city of Michigan. Michigan
could also find many industries which are
monopolised at her expense by other States.
The News add.: •• If lir. Springer wants
• good quare discussion of the tariff in Coro
gnu, be would be sure to get 1t by the in.
troduction of a b111 to permit Illinois to levy
duties on ell itnports ruing in from other
States. In such a discussion the logic of
protectice would be brought out in a way
that Mr. McKinley would despise."
ice the schism in the white resulted
poesy proeJ I tie viable d Weed .steers
ta the rniroraat a( the" kMeisro hem pub the Wrier elChe din publishers werw n -
be Itfe in 186L Deriag ail the rapid (torero weeded W an umeealed eopynght bow ; tm-
mes1 "bange, .f the seat ten years Mr. Minors received careful 0ttesta o sad e-
M•ekener, b'y this Wm ss hesered rem
low of the Refocus party abed hrm tor the
p^asiples of the party, rather than far way
he r. le Jae., 11161, Mr. MM.beanrie wee
Flan tt5TotNAD Tei resui a00T
es reether for the ..amity .f IamM.s, Mei
nee took • p,ami•smt pleas in the Heema
1..m already favorably known as the
Meow for .ems time of, wad • writer of
her eritie.eme d tinge pilisal is The
triter KIiiOM, sad be atpolly added t.
dor • reputation as one ei the beralermeed
mw. in tar Rowse es v maiMers of period
arse. The fir deal Mud- i -Montt.
M'"i"rtratien el ISM .waded the.app.rt
e( Mr Meekwde se arm rbrly b Morse
tlr helmet e( the Provisos is the MI-
1"mte year the host .cpdmd alert breed
• Wereti,ne of the Perron was sods W
p"rlum.at. tad Mr. M --_-W ase am
row of art to seers the Merits by me"
'an o all parties of the Fedor asmYMWm.
ek""ii presumed bed the isjestk. mAdtiaed
b Upper Camel" Md dgiwe repsasetlMWe
Ptpdstins imeeml d lwir she k,,
tl►'.sc Per.slmwib with the Lwow dent
it tors °WI VIM rete passe thee be me
✓ oil to w a. 1I MiMry set was
At' J1MAeet TM there be stiMl totes
sod public weeks 14i0 try
fur the 'Neve g literate d the country
wen carried out ; the eoebdenos of the
British public is the prosperity amd As°n-
aial it biotite Doesilten was preyed by
the highly advantageous teres om wheel"
tore large imam were pissed epee the Len -
doe merbab ; • jest and tamltiirery policy
was deptd towards Aritlsa Cal+ba.
where Where arse out of the delay ie
aha Camedise Neils ; • fair
�,�of Cavorter' industry at tM
Omkaou I Qbikitles is Philadelphia wee
Rade ; the 8es I Me was parsed to &leis-
hbthe y elks( whisk
le oddities
Sore very importer to-
ad the phie Mad sod ler a tier Varese-
red the gravest esespleatiens, the Masi
tab . sty ed Now Resa•wiek
asked gs•Mios. were ..tisf•et•rib djsst-
..relay AT meat
Ie the Ammeter of 1fi16 Mr. Maskesor re -
tenor to bet native load es a vbil H.
wee welered everywhere i pewee" of all
nobs with worked dMiMies sod .rerdled
Ise. Rim reeeption W or thelery
Winder drilla was wee sweet RRr"d7� .<
when be went bard .be esbedMmn of the
Sere oras thoroughly freed, sect they
same GM to rime* their aleliegnished
emestryeses is si
Me••aet� � mil alto=
Trade know. Its profit/0,k channels. Thor
may be and are obstructed. ('a the eh-
streetions be removed on honorsMe terms!
b the first question to be settled by the ('am•
alien people. They canard be without an
hottest effort, we know. That .F..rt bee
never been made, and the pe•ap!e will not
•b.adon hope until It has been made.
mom Pa(,r rte WITH CANADA.
if the Canadians really desire reciprocity
or commercial union with the Dotted Stens
they should not seek it by the roundabout,
red -tape methods of diplomacy. There u a
short-cut. Free trade is ('aws& would
soon make protection impracticable in the
Unite) States. A distinguished member of
the Liberal party it Canada, writing to The
Record as to the grow dopiest -sou lett the
Dominion 1. &handout the dinned led pro-
tective system, asks :-
•• How Io og would protection token in
the Unite -1 States if the 3,000,000 .quare
miles of Canadian territory became the
storehouse for &tropism. trulumtrtwl pro -
/beets' How long would your °ouumners
endure your 60 per telt. unprwt duties
when the same prnluMN mull he got, tread
from that burden, next dnor! Ten thou-
sand revenue 'demon on your side would be
impotent t prevent .muvgliwg. But would
your pnopt.• mewl upon the prevention of
smuggling which furca ted then. with the
products entering into their daily consump-
t ion 01 hall price! Party polio. awl bigot-
ry oca do • great deal to bedevil oummoe
t ense, but there u • limit, and were Rurap-
can products at cost price, plus theor.linary
profit, melte to are waked eye of the Am-
erMan KM yards og, sal not as now 3,000
miles distant, 1 take it that the Yankee
shrewdttos would overcome murhty quickly
the blatant blaudiahmente o: the protec-
tionist who colkt.ed d that from the poetic
of American prosperity it would he advan-
tageous to pay L.r these pros nets an ed.
vane, Of 60 par cent.
in answer to our cor're.proedent we frank •
ly say that it would be • lug headed move
on the pat of the Dominion Government to
pall down its tariff smelters until seek
tome as the United States should be willing
to arraa to onmmetaial onion on • tariff for
revenue baste eotentoe to both countries
Canada Stew abets end nide se is maintain•
ing a hart!ul system of eommeroiel
reprewles forams to gee habits, aspiration
sod opportunities., of both anisate
We or. by no imam certain that, havint
mated the semis of freedom of trade, the
Cardt.n would be wiilisg to maitre .pia
web tariff restristeen as the people of the
Untied States are yet proem to submit M
Rat altimnte good and ultimata .greire•s
would .Foie of it We weld so nate keep
free goals from resift over the Hee than
w• fat step tin furtive Oldness or tumbling
Niagara -Philadelphia Record.
ALMA •11117810*.
W • regret to have to Arnsien thio week
the death of Alies, youngest daughter of
Mrs. P. Hefna, et Blyth, and a relative of
P. Lyn., of Oederiee. She was only is the
bloom of Feed, having not yet Aouhed her
thirteenth year. Ti. bode girl was • goo
el `w
.ewiks, eapeeielly whit her eehonl
masa sed teasbers, es was shown by tee
herr thee paid her after her death M ferns
ing preessies ted errertinr the funeral
.emarwistges GheM
from r tmethsr'm reeeses te the
Ceefir ie eknroh sad demes to the Rooms
Cathodic eem.ery. Morris, where the inter-
ment took place- Mash sorrow wiU be felt
is the home of when she was • member. se
ehe wee a very p• My with the s•ewhg
emd brilliant child.W
w. deeplyq
Motives is their red elti.'-' L -Qua.
TH I. rtl.l. alae DOUrr*AkI0u.
Ten (:crouton SIGNAL says that
the protest against the return of Mr.
Patterson for West Iluron will nndnubtedl)
be brought to trial. It pr001115s some
remarkalde rovebtium regard the pod
grim* from Rest Klein and elsewhere who
distributed what they have put on record
as " the influence." No wonder that some
of the worst of them are disappearing. -In •
genion Chronicle.
THOU a 11TUM 51014 oarA&TAD.
Toronto Telegram : Virtue at Ottawa u
a tender plant that blooms In weakness,
ted is choked by the evil weeds which lux-
uriate in the party's strength.
There were hun breds, yew thousands, of
Liberals whose votes were plelgedl to Ab-
bott and Thompson, by admiration Inc the
struggle they were apparently making last
session against the worst eleateuta in their
Own party.
The Ministry was virtuous when i.1 oras
weak and in trouble, and now when at is
strong its acticne are destroying all hope of
help from the Liberala, who, a year ago,
were putting country before party.
Worse than that, the gond cause which
the Govenmeut represents is 1.50, identi
6e.f with trickery and fraud. L ibenla, who
despise the policy of their party, are not
going to tern from of to the Government
which a. its merciless persecutor. A Gov.
ernment'hat has a policy, and that u trv•
ing to make a go...l record could couldeetly
rely upon the support of the country. it
through its agent.. respects few of the right•
which aro ootnmo n 10 citizens of all parties.
It makes its own coastal e mciea The revis-
ing barristers do its work. Its employee u.
the Government Printing Burette '- blunder"
the names of Grits off the list, and finally,
when all three agmoc.r fail, it accepts as •
gift from a aunty ja'Ige • seat which a free 1NAMiANOSH•
constituency has given to Ip oppotsent.
[moll OCA OWN COHa01eONOM1(T.1
TAM suNlaa14 HAND TmttTHgH Robert McCartney has left Wstu* ash for
Hamilton Times : Sir John Thompson us :State of Ohio, to try bra luck.
has show* himself to be no better than the Mr. end Mrs. James Laidlaw .pent Foist
er visiting their daughter at Powers'''. Nip
Respire Association. P. of 1., met in the
school hoose on Welneeday. April 13th. A
large number were roesent. '1'be en v of
dry goodb and groceries arrived was
dietrihuted The secretaty and tremorer
who were appointed last. meeting woul.l trot
act and Win U. -Grogan took the place ..f
the former and \tie. Bella ('Mw that of the
latter. Another barrel of coal oil is non to
he no hood for the use of the members.
!tome have an ".lea of getting some salt is
well. Mise Lizzie Baird joined the Aoscd•i-
•tion. After this, or at least for thie quar-
ter. the meetings are to be held tortsightly,
instead of weekly as heretofore.
rare. their side Mala prlshme at
IIC: le•- wtl1 ease • live aeries l•srtd
le this No meta the tees ef sale
8•h ef Wolters mod eery artistes at the
WWI, Rl.W1, ,'o Friday, April lr* eam-
menOing a 1 .'.Mesh P.N. Jar Aril.,
asedww .r : Wm. nm.....,y se .rp....tporlwm..
sewing `mom - l w irk ' t Thew
r1l vie stns sed .worst/e hems sone -
la arta. Ataaut4.. a.d Ahsbelda�
Tos Ca.asve of t Moil aid tee sow d
I'-- - ar-M.. tM rousNa er • lisle
alters to alae .5. anat." r. wt.
14)0000, A 1 l8 The ebvatotl to she
Ire deemed of Iry importance that th. In- Fn
Wrests of hr fellow subjects living i0 Eng peerage of his citatory ilea. Frederick
land • Why should not his repreuentot., est sleigh Roberta. Rant, :; (' B , V.C., tAhiek
have, within their spatial epbere, as ouch was anmo'soed a oar .4 the „ New Ymr
latitude as the represeetatives of the people honote," bas now bete completed the
of Kugljests of nave me Qu therm ' We enrml utroduefios of the nee r HM hats
subjects of the same Queen, and there moms peer
to be no reams that those of us who live in at Waterford, Ir•rlau.l, **IA 30, 1838, do
Canada should be .compelled to look upas wooed soft of Sir Shnahsm Roberta, •
our anterial interests as of Imo imputes°. ...mend °aosr of du:ud•t,..a Freduri.k
meteredthan thmeteredinterests a( time who Sleigh Roberta wet eloottvl at Bates and
happen to live is arattegimat sr Mooches
se Sa/diburst, and be okpartel from the
err.• latter place 10 t.taotm • li.-uteaant it tee
ROOK$ AND FENIOOIOAI.5 Bengal artillery In 1851 In 18888, daring
the mutiny, be won tie Voiotia erose for
The April number (vol. 4, Ito. hof Or
do, the interesting anti patriotic monthly
Foublist.eol by Matthew R. Knight at lleotou,
New Brunswick, has just been received. It
contains poetry, history and tk:tiou by some
of Nur hest writers, with " Our Own Peels,"
Cansdinwa," •' Home Topics," •' Our
Young People," elitorial and Itterary some,
etc. Five of the Prov times ..f Ors U. on
are represented by the contributors to this
number. Price, $1 a year. The only cheap
thine about it is the price.
LITTsl.I:a tariff° Ann The numbers of
The Living Age for April 2..d surd 9th con
tarn (nary of • Spanish Grantlee,Quarterly ;
Keminteeences of Cardinal Mani.mg, and
the Genius of Plato, by Wisher Peter, (:o i -
temporary ; Ancient Trade, Sux.tt,sb ; Me
.lame Hoolichuo : a Renetnist.•euce, and Some
Possibilities of Electricity, Fortnightly ;
.Menservants in England, enol The Harty
Ancestors of our Queen, Natural ; The
Simian Tongue, New Review ; Pretty Poll !
('ownhill : Au. Ark -de -Camp o.f Maeseno,and
Norway in Winter, Temple Har: SStateemen
of Europe : Kemia, Leisure Hour : The
german Emperor's War with Ih.helaf,
Economist : .l Hundred and Three !hays on
a Desert IsLnd, The Lrliw' Gallery, anal
Upon Hearts, Chambers' ; lith " The
Village Le fry," " Tea at the Mains," ami
poetry. The number for April 2.1 begins a
new volume. For fifty-two numbers of
sixty-four large pages each or More than
3 300 pages • year) the eubseriptitn price
($B) is low ; while for 110.50 the pul.liebere
offer too wed awe 0te of the Anteroom. pa 00
monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age
for • year, loth pettirld. L.ittell & Co.,
Huston, are the publisher&
company he keep.. When he was etuinping
atter votes, he pledged his hour that the
Government would permit the investig•tios
of soy charges of wrung -doing against priv-
ate neuelor or Minister, anti would puuieh
wrong -Meng wherever it .hull is found.
But when the bye -electro, had been woo,
and lbs Conservative majority had been
greatly nscre•eel, Sir John thought himself
�e r to steinl to go back upon els
r. &Iger clerged specifically
t hat Ser Adolphe Caton, • seemlier of the
Mluiatry, hal received $100.000 front the
Woe St. Job,' R•tlwry ('dunpany, to which
company Perlrtnent had granted 1.ulauly
of $1.000, and flat Sir Adolphe had
spent this money in the eleetiolr m oertst51
Quebec counties which Mr. Luger named.
He demanded opportunity to pretties the
proofs et guilt before the privileges and el
• tioet e.mmltlec.
The Minister of Justice refused to look
into this charge. He contended that `,Sir
Adolphe was not a er ember of the Hours at
election titre, because then were no mem-
bers between the desolation of ea old
House and the enemies of • new House. To
this it was replier that Mr Adolphe was a
Minister, and drew salary as such, all tin
time. Bur John further oo•ten,hed abet the
saes should be treed by the ours and sot
by a parliamentary committee. Mr. Mills,
who assa0in be tripped we • gssstien of o0.
.tit.1io.01 law or precedent, showed that
Parliament bad always is•estig&ted wash
casts. Others referred to the trial of Min-
ister Langone, Duly last session, by a oom-
sftue of the Hoes, for • somewhat dmilar
oQosoe. Sir John's third plea was Suit
Parli•osat bad so right to take 00guirrew
of the private iniedoiy. of • meelher. To
this It was rallied that the eournption of
ee.suteeooies with mosey virtually stolen
from tie people was am • private ranter,
but, however that might b*, the British
Neer d m
HoCemnna only the slier day ex
pilled De Oohais for as eases el a more
Fiore ebmrsstsr thea that with whisk Mir
Adders Cerra is ebsrgsuL
it is node apparent dot the Abbett-
Tho4epane Ooverssnent het decided to trust
to the brute senjority 1. rots down ell de
marls Mr iarrigetesse whish might had
to the espawre of Censetvstive mriseda
The oho Raw Tweed plies *f •' What are
yon going a do about It t ' V the re whisk
Iris favor with Sir Joh Tbempsoa We
shall see how Mag shot on hut.
001Tt*.wTAL rose TlkSna .ANTAD.
()Haws For Press: No heart art to
get reesprecfly Gem owe ssighbers bee yet
bees inure wed iib eort.is that mer sir
be made y the people le power. Fres trade
on this emataeet b ss.ek more freedman of
trade thee we nam *Maim is eny ether wap.
Oer mw.iteaeturs maser Mope to eengesee
W the .enrolees of rarer to wy great ea -
amt Thy would roper with tb"*. of
Amari.& Them if ear hirers W the
New York roar .pease well es that of
valor by reoapturtto too torero' Some a
British fire. and h.• d:run„uuahed himself
on severed memoir donut; tease dark
In 1868 be wont as se-tefant q.trt.,-
ntastar•-ge.sesl with 1.ru. 1..pser to Abya-
.uua. Napier rrturerd with • peareer.
maul Roberta loco -awl M. ootMettes ,l
medals. 1. 187E he ..Mowed • C. S. kr
bravery ta the Lo,ohal cau.p.igs b Toth..
He was promote,' ora” ..,•1 rims' neon
•tterearda, and an 18111 ... ,qu•rtermaster-
veusral with the rut of u..'p.r *afters* os
the staff of the .-satsan•ter-in chief i•
1. that year the Ahem war broke wet.
and soon thereslter Gee Roberts was erwt-
ed K.C.K. , • promoters ounfet ring knight-
hood. He went to the trout .luting the
war, and lad the forers wk ch
C'atol after the murk-, of tri Lou. ' trag-
u•n, the Brittle random 1. t hat city, Sept.
3, 1879. He defeaaed oke Atelia.. on Oat.
6, aid entered tide :.y se Use 12th day of
that mouth. He was melt ow.posies of ties
order of the Lathan expire for ties surto.,
sad was placed d in cwuased of iheelity flews,
bolding it for upwnid of a ,tar.
In July, 1880, Apart kb.., tssteeder to
the Afgban throne, deleted . tSrilnh army
under lien. Borrows, and drove the eenr-
os. • u/ta amdan *aka plate N
oemded triunity ly aver Ff..t.ss
.d about 10,000 nos ss4 .Ir /TOM
Cebu! early an Augur:, lsamg Cabe1 es be
occupied by Abdurraheas Khan, wbtrn the
Womb supporter.
For three weeks uoihist was heard of
him, and it was tho.aX,t Om lie had bees
cut off, as so many other British soldiers
had been. by the AI; ants But du "Sept. 1
Robert. appeared .udoal5 is Irmo of Coe -
dolor, to Ayoub 'a gr.s: fierier . On Sept.
3 he attacked Aytob like ..d defeated
hin. compktely, esi'tensa thirty -etre gams
and relieving ()r• l* .-toe. m hu.istrass,d
condition. This' mote t'. iau,labar Ms
male Roberts fant,u.;'• t he owes th a
lar_e meager. hie poorer• anal from it nes
of his peengs titles s
(MOW DDA OWN 00Ilamn'NDm'T.)
Joel Henry Sellars is suffering from b1 .od
Joseph Robb has a May now from the
Horne to help bim with his work.
Miss McVety, from Tuckersmith, has
been visiting her took, John MuVety, De
the first line.
J1oury Robb, jr., is laid up with the
mumps at pr.seat. Rather • bad time of
the year for mech.
James Johnston tuten& startingfor the
States epee ne Thursday. . Hfamily
have moved up to Mr. Jokamee's other
On Thursday, April 141h. the spirit of
Mrs. Frank Ashton p•ssovl away. fill. has
found release from her oufferingewhioh had
lasted for • Mug time. She leaves a hoe -
band, amen seam wed • d•egbter to moors her
Tao atom Te .AMM Tma•T1MN.
Dallas Hisser : (leach Arad passes
the right to make ser own terra This
merry reseed the g"g of wmsssiel tae
ponders when she imposed abort pteklhl
eery desks em British Owston, bet her am -
modal Wdepades's wet .err be ropier
era the hes bad seehrsd apse h., the
Alio to eek. rade Crest lie with ether
ssearies, re by the Aeemdmbese reg of
11.4.1e81(whish will ..yet demi. lit the Wear Neeeksry's ease r Ltsdam.
rod haw all the ~helm they "silk ill 'Tea ,wag Mg dire with sash ..noeles as
ear Marr W she epee Amarine sof tlbpntt r gad .04 kr. gam,
swirl Is atMMles w ekes el Great 1Mlttltr. ,..,p_ hes bet tome le the d1rMM. M
(noon ern oww Onnameroommr.)
Quite • gwtity of grain was sown net
((;en. Roberta is • editor of (31p...d.
wards, of trawl* -at btn.A1. j
[TWA Or it ort asaa ro'cutum. j
W. O. McTaggart oiled ou this village
last week.
Mrs. H•rtlemao, of Marton, le ,tailing
her daughter, %Ire 8itifa'n.
()wisp to the backward e.athar seeding
operations are not tar adr.Ocrd.
Mrs. A. Pana akcr, os 11 v1g
, is re -
Dewing auger' ODC u 11, 1 Ine.
Mn. Hee sworte..f I...t.wel, is staying
with bar daughter, Mrs .1 &:kmter.
Rev. Mr. Stunk, of Bookie. reepied
=grit of Ow Meth..h et orsreh lees
W. K. Molloy Mr atrepted • dttnsios
u obeeeem.ker is a factory tear Iagwreel .
He lilt ter that plate lit week.
Brim Davis, Aare. Gther, Mir M. Mire
and Miss B. Hell inset entire at the 3rd -
ors ts•eben' .ilea this Sumner.
Alex. Noble., wife and fancily left ler
their sew home at Tiverton ou Mu tsdo lost.
The Mime* INke tn11 oe.upy the
rooted by Alar
The sporting stem" was opaed is litho
• Stage on Good Friday ly • woo M .alai
ball What wheat forming s beMdmfl lie
football club here'
Our rerobanta .teal eksisg their star's
at 8 eider every .Tanta*' tliMsr�tlys r-
evue,daring tiro minitner ase eehs We
._der this a mar is the Heel dirMtise.
]gout., vacates brought the ohms*
hewn beep. long I he number 'me .Miss
Mian T. Sherlock. wbe hu Assn, tossisN
oleemlkls : Mus I► Sherlock, •take kr.
visiting bar sister : Mea 11 11, who te mat.
m .t mein. collegiate anti.
7agh Barton, of 1'•In.er:on.
Mise Lissa. Telford, .f tiodsrieb, ,pest
K•stertMM hers. the guest of her emesis,
Minces Talked
Miss L Maws. of Hanover. Grey .rawly,
ie esjoyitg bar Nester wearies, the got
d her semis. Mos Glarbta Quay.
Corsi_ tem service w froday at 11 a.m.
by Rev. Mr. Sraok at the ehareh. The
.mad preparatory tnrvite S•tardoy u 3 r. ■.
The fest Aaaay In May will bs the lest
Renal the Rev. Mr. Meek will preaak
bars. Tee the rat Ave ssouthe r. J.
Anderson. ostler .f Rem. J. A. Andersen,
of 0deriek. will be ps.Ser m =tit hero
se well es of the ilee, ice f Mee
Oasm*s PIANO& Seth is the same of
the sew Jersey wbWb our to.mw10s A.
Area, has p.reb..d from Louie Mai, a
well -haws orb raiser em Peelseer towmefw
Tearer0lgb. anw� Lm,d Ultima,
sell means aasthe age. Qat*. a Nm1r of
est heephig essmosiy Fere a oily Fess
the selmesser W IIIb tmlili rod ere Mr
war gliesd with the 1ee1 ase ear
(rear ora OWN{ roaaeseMtmM*.j
Readies 45 nn fail Maar bens W.
Prank Scott is lip to Craggy Saga
Miss Jaws Is o know heat iAaea.•.
Whet* MI6 hes hew engaged Lor the MI dA
Mies Mary HMI"• sad NW
Cosraey are speeding their Banker
u heave.
Men Roam se pfeparies t. twee • ass
biwksmith shop, m the ell eco W p-
tss smell for Ins tor•- s lig Weiser
We welts like to bow what kept M
yeses sues elf this lir is berry is hie
ea re aim, woe Were they hereler
hie sea what wenn they dr.
A low of the
eeres. Ili
.e tie !'rleiti:esaif mkt
firm e dm
Mr be wee.
se e . aaraArg.