HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-14, Page 8c! 19Abuly ABLE e to THE PxCy. s e eta WHAT EV MW ANTS , ---- •t.,_ bomb ( amobou Ow t prowvstrm me M daring as Seamrtr ttarrama ism"* Pewdm.aa& dal ehousesinesimR M P409 smlskr ata altar& awom me prevent them dermaV'M b ONOAMASOW t.aeaaa. Pffennl ?kAWuS, "Udopw amid -_-- alst Mi*" ouil&w--4 ldtaba was IN b is Rol. u813, "5°. a btstlka "l,k- rAMILT I'AINETt CZLIIKT 001"UNU, GOO&* SAU"Al!<i1.t.A. SV R=XK ADD BnT=W Por Tt-Yatp alaffEh remedy. ----ys !mar 7- aadrts- P dbp" hat PbuemaINM can •ar GRO. A. YEAR, Hook- tons. Rkvmo It aGODERICH. eaam - a 41 g NOW FOR , WUfDOW BBADOL . T IIIA" THE 1 ?OU ANT THF)t 1 .:ar:. illi d abodes. shade t'loshr, with to e[ nay Pause le the oanl7. • A eeob oma Af( forest_ iia envy tt ►re poke and bimminem in 1Aest I took. • ibwa litres. Store sbadt a any sir, aMr. Nerides my own Mage stock I t the cart" shade rto.-k o Mr. consisting of lose al.adea. 7ume to Come is sad get alb 66 gs0ree. save on sxoseJ. Tlse d*positwy ibr IMIC sad Tract ftwbtlj baro hal•., a lame smmnraeal of bibles sad lewmilarta ab..w SNA/.AAR&PUR IFMRX Fe R. PRETTY i Co., PAIl\TKRB. PAPEIt•HAltil:KHB ANU INTERIOR DROI)RATOR.S. Estistmtes msbso gar an lobs, and good work sad r•amamOkf riew Ruattatecd. glop and Bumph pemm One door Bast a grlenMce. • (*dere iy .salt oa idwL Address - F. L PRF.TT\ A t't.., tri-:..., Godrrich V0. - -ASIC - - - - _ - ._._- !1 _ .... _- _.- A x RT. x x R CROCKYTT. As%'Fwr. Lai.d.•.*:a•. mam lmp v pFaflK r CL ASSEeEdl lg On Tbunaw% r:mmrmold solurdsyet tram 9 . w ftmfal.a'ebek. sod from - w ,, ti crock r w. AImw mita nam see.. mml anwimft. M"fMAIL ore. mit _ __ v oml& _ _ W NTgp. GtpOD *XRVANT lr°wID1 ima R" t.OUAlw towsm -- -- P41bm lliouoodL ` - - - ft ­ ,- - DMATOEB. - BURVEL a SET" JL Say -at Bt.WWWIIl*. time eat a. N"' CHOPPIM0 niLL- Isu prcparmd t• aH kin,',.ofs pain cbop- atglreaNsee.gml 111tU nmmng mit all blooaaina. 1 have tN and bast improved uarhlaery for d "A emofencJ • Pria:w ourc6o hemi. r*sunn AI.•. \ o d 7 D I a7M}Mm ,t1MWf1 du mP with you. JOB. KIDD. ,alis IT adta°nl&.t. OTICE IB HEBEBY GIVEN I'll AT 1\ carried on t. Alelsn rm8. C mr1aY1rX we" Black under , hr firm *&Me oft Black, e. hour• mAkerw at tie t. was this dy diAad.ed h rtrmmlnd the beat Desi& will hrteaftef mmy Alexander 8. CIAR •dal .Pena• apoounfs .ire to be pofa and who iBl Ube drMs of the lot.. finis. DateA rhe loth day of Witse.o. A. .H Y141TAL. W. Pitot DrINW. SORT. x' HLACK. The P her Olean 'v EW PLANINO MtLt., Where all Kra" e ( Ibwaw kept in stock. All class= et hot t► ag 00 I 1. Bomb moria A down, at gwi forinw- ith =it usqw e: b tramy m to le w Y. pTThee I - E"o--a1140 Ted mFMs per apoaro ++Weed' •10 per M. -W--I. A mill ,upward.. white wood, cJm. k,rk see cwt to order. Pkk- e and prieea i wage MU cheap for OrWho r(rdwe@4 b AMS. wwiap. ve home .Sena dmew my a.ent w fvi w &:.ON wy ying a Mfl a*ilF$ EIDDo _ __ E _seed araia. " 158 GRA 1 N -THE 1'!1DRR mIMbusk IO err mit • nwmaamble palme • er KwyMfaw MOmoay pew. •ed alwn • y ro.plesNsew.t R.,edlsle esW, suHasFr tow •A srtM .ord"MAN dl pore and wfld NIGAN, Me A as111mtes 1. AshiFrU : Dm om men P.O. N I i ill- _ - 1 DOHS olcIMN, O jux rY AUC- Hmsaw,lad VIM ,)mma W Iswnsm r saber let MM tib teIN e as Two I j aux EXQf AD1ERAL AUo-i. , - vaimpedw. 0"0 C&N. mL; nemrAR Immt"" ""d No. i . fol f s c. Pf pwfa far MN or far RML R "Ims OILTOLST. - tT Hs V« t= let .wisea b ttkaa M geiro This r t. gory IO warat oLike ►a w'te R MS%gris 0ne.aeMska af4em is .res 1to 1644 C. OUSE FrOHRolwBfaAiiLs-A vl3Rr boowad iSif is .a FL asmbata tt sad dolor.. vs. t.bw prtM ilalirm bgete JAMU PItICE. m w eawmhaa, ar Id ]. Ic BUVIAY. Etmiowdae,owuw. 464a Ltfok ea8etAs Ls. -N. j LOT al , sN D Ol1N - re a real &be I" W. Ab MtI PWiyi i aoad oottamos. t/LAlftan a0 . PHILIP H LT. R SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 811 01 1 iampmwealssbaa u/t1 igaaN tLlaR et . wae. rbasmC to m wtaaTwmaaeW wAb sj~ (r Jr. S. It(IOT'I'. a...". P. o. LIoR SALE. -THAT LABOR AND A: oem" raW lam° boost at the teet o Weerl ins disub opposite task Park- a tv rye We raatim p A IF ---1 M E F pskrtasan vis W. T. W=1J11U. 2 -it FARM FOR BALL -THE UNDER- ip.d odbn for .tar at 1. (sa. T. ( 1bwm tewa.blp, CariskwR , ammAmi of IM av orof tlrStolaes .lay l..m Islsa 9.01 bwmiugs .Lewdr bs&Amw o mbmd said pteaty u! sinter Tu rwskaoaabr. Peer wUcuto PAT- RIl'E HOUAIi, Gean apply t. P. U. ti FARM FOR SALL-DOTS 114 AND )Q an the tat sou.. God.rieb towmh/p, Dmyssid Bead. Comprising = sena dtuatad m the Lake More !toad .ix mites from the town of 4foderich. The brad is ut good qual- sty, and is suitable skitter for ItM(a or for stock moats. There Is a Mo" If vim gtnitm thruilgh the trots• of the form Pw pmrtt.;u. lam address K (11. HAYS bervister. (ie t, FP) LEASE FOR TERN OF YE'IHS. 1-PropettT im Goderich knows u " Thr IYetillery"r*ntatnlag&matUsirl acres. with buildings therms. They blind. ha.lam Ear„ heavily a•edrd to timothy said clover, will pre, duce fleet crop tests mit insist. The meadow sat mlTads adioialryrytt emtalatnx over ase boa- dreA arra of ncblj gmeead land, ale( for root. with "I Bsttilrry' or seporsie: or grating w @mute to let Tor Summer mouths. V•x I.at ticularsapply to RDW. 4'- AT[RILI., la: fllemor-st. Past• Toronto. 1! Weeks. FiMT-CLA88 BRICK HOUSF. AND LOT POR SALK ON ST. PATRICK ST. About two enfant. s walk from the q.ur"" Two stories high, brick addition in the rose Mtinsorblss bl.rh, baildlalf covered with date. mMinR 3 Isrya rooms on drat flat, n there are 6 Iargs mots. In the rear good UpNtaioun+,there sre klam. Uy, wosbracei. oelar. Apptys ou Lose wih will gge1r mill rttto.°wry DANIISL GORDON. t gild -G- \CELLENT FARM FM SALE, •tontataing 1.SOaRo. aI10eWOW -.dtealed me mile north of ftaydel, eisbt mile. from Clinton mad rkvea from (iskddOob. au the Gwferich road. Ti.rrr b •pod barn, noarl. sew, l: ft x me ft.. with *a bclaR uadernestn ; also a large coac•etr moue., sl: fL. two stories high, with rtome cellar. Then are four acres uT .retard, oeeomd to °one in the town. hip, and throe sorra of young few* set out Wt tlpring. There are em @4chte acres of Fall wast wrowitw oil the place. eightrem mcrem of a.y and too acres seeded down • his Spriest: then is comm d•rable Veil p'onat-hint done on the plate. Two oei,r-fail.am atreamm run btooRn the farm_ A saoA bargain will be Rives .n for Galea the tmplme`mta Powee•.1o,* wtllbetriceaatou;e. Appl)wMitS-JAME'i 11AC1.1tul) on the premises. Ha)deid P.O. - mitslVod AIa1M&ia STRAYED MON THE I'RKMI.94E4 of the undersigned, oa Monday lest. a 7- aeHag exelf : all art uxoeFt t wo small snots gat Me. Any person knowina tar wherr- am00b will kindly fence wool at V. I t twuinms tartar ROBERT JOHNSTON. Huron Itomd. -----. __--_-. .-.---- . i6.It- ._ H<adit>twl. DlJR-4. WHITELY ok liV-NrER otaoo.-Grand Opers House. Ooder. fb. Me DRS. Fl9ANNON r " BHAANON. P► itisno 8trv= . tots iwtwhorw t, (lata, to Ira. Sbannoae time the gaol Uuderich. G- ( . : uamxoxt. J. ft.,SwA% oro.. - 1731 Dentistry. TSE SIGNAL.: GiODMICK ONT., THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1891. Obelisk 1111! Balw jSRSSY 1111111.1111111111.111A.9LFUR SAI.i.- • 1; mans dl and em 1 weak. add. Thoth r m esim and w ; will tae bee ro NAMba am& pr yew 1 w alto aaq aolbSsp •we J*rweyo. ass I 7ewe all a ialalat trod la old N tW rtariatered J,grow. sad am show I Omar ON EbufMeaB !arbor far OMN. ---------_=____::=__=_____P11OMMTY FOR SALIL-A WELL rase m". a o klaabamltk V of town Y awrol w Ifk. m mmam b (cera A1001 tor► " tl its aid ewelllM aI q1 qag tb. whale :" la .aaneselaa tFT ia ponioos of w prq wy wf8 twceIis . ua W wamlw or l Imtei add100md to L. K. tlTItACHAN, YelwW UmL LLit AUDISOR M _ -,- - - - - - - eA 1 UCnON SALE or VALVAULX PAKM PROPERTY. Under aid by virtue of a power - sole eon gained in is certain aor4pwe sack ,o the rem dor. d"etbslmth a brusry.A.D I6t0, MW w ich will be praduoad at the Yen( of mleJthem wW be ogw.d for sae by publlt mat°lm oo Saturday. the ak ay xit wpr(L A Ir. last, at the boar a 12 u ,toult Item. at Yar Us's bole!. nes toe town of Uoderiob.my JW Knox. aw•thwur. the following valuable rwal agate. moiety Lot ■u,borpateea, In the Mxtb e,mccesiom a the w+as►1p of Uedereoub, in theox•ud.tyof Ilaroak.4,0.tAtataadgayill" a Ismd. mon• w ler. The impo•cuteaoa or, tLese lands an mid to oom•rt Ora new trame human with ahem fewalatWII. two bars.. SO1111 each alsn a dror tug shed. 8:1:1, with a .tune baldcent- The te4mooks are W to Blood repair, t o - .end is well underdralaod and the chine i• move 'Ireds farm is well situated and is in a now Mate of tido. at:m. sad i, a!wut a wiles ►nes the taxa of (lex:e.icb. The property wt.l be ,wld sub)ee't to a° res tum brantr of il.1UM Terms Ten per coal. of the purt:hese ueoury must be paid at the time of BoM read the brlaace wilhia oar gemtn, when a deli w'tlI tx Klven, Fur further particulars and t onditiot.• of sate apla) to the auctioneer : to CAMERON. HOLT Is: C AMY.RON. 11,d Il b Ay il, Ill•'. Vexedur'A olictxor► JV11N K\OX, Atwtioaerr. y 29 1Mortdgage Sale. If 01, ORTGAGE BALK VAI.( -AHI,: FARM PROVKHTV. I nder and uy virtue W the power of silo contained in a certain took& le, which wW b Mvlt-t rl W the fleww of mine he to tt be mot treed for nab by peal^ lodlm h p imar obi hotel. In The valkep of Blyth, as Saturday. the 23rd day of April, lion at t o•, -tock in hese alterti oa, the following valuable farm propµ en) cu The north I:alt of month halt of lot, 31, in Vle eighth --on- of township or Kato, tVAwAao,n, In the county of Harm. coutaininee5o nares, Terre or Imo, of which about /s i.crm are caro to tic cle&rod, balance being hardwood bush. Tis,'re it Paul to be on the property a tram, dwrltieg f.ou.. shoat !t %M, and [rare Mable about _ K3L The pntperty is situated about four mitre from ilelgrave and ten mune from W ioBhan or B.yth. Term.: 10 per tent cash at time of .life; hal an.e in 30 (to) 0. with latereat at 8{ prr cent. Other terms and cultdoruns yr 1u be inside known at time of sale or oa wpp.testlon to ausiunreror to III'LLASWICE. CFKSc►R. k\uLI:+H a: Rn+S, 17 Toronto turret, Toronto, bated lian-h 0th, UW_ Vendor's Solicitor.. WILLI.ism CAMPRII.LI. Auctioneer. Pl)tb. S3.14 L.doo II&W -- --_-_L ROBERT WILSON ESTATE. _ . .ro•fieial .de, u/ A.w-.. ,rad toll in the Iowa a (Jo.Icrvr A, the f•mtntet+ easel,( n/ fA, ae,wv ,.raft. - __ IS rte' !14:11 t'n,"KT (M J('aroe•r. t'e Awx•0e m t taws. STIN TIIP.'H.:- e.. WIlaO\- Pllrouant I the Ju diment Irervim. then will be void bj pubic ae:tsou ac ?(&[tin's hotel. Goderich, on timhnd&y. the loth daf of April. IM at 2 ooleoa e w . the fuituwip lot$ in the taw u of (kAvr,. u, %u.; Pare.l Nu- 1 Iw.ts!#And iQ ('e•,!arstreet, and Iwo 9and N. Tounte, atnrt. ,usiaintmg &00,u one acn•in a:l, Parcel No. 2 -UA lo'6. 11emcl. stave(, con tainityc me+flleh W an n -re - Panel \o. 3. Lo! 1077, fiends +trret, con- 61NICHtol.M)N, LD.S.-DENTAL tainmgone fifth urailacrc. . roans cppo•Ite the mew float IMike. l'artel No. 11 -Lest let+ and if,, ounu halt of wmt.og.. eaderteb.ow-Y TOM Hlaskson,#. costa samic Ihrre-tea,ha of _ _ i an me.,• flit IT' i& As s'miall lino-- house on the DR. L RICHARDSON, L. D. S., prents"M F'arsrl No, 3- LNs Mill *-I ION. Itri3 and aMmi drutirL Gss and Vltallsro au I I,itK, Hack@ wrensd W,.Mi , am. Mild IV* ItW and etemiartWftd for patubr extracting of teeth• 141, i+&JR"retm atr•rt, co°taining in all twu ri hal attention given to tbo prom•rtatma s-owa. of the natural toeth. OfUce--1'p stairs, flared No. rt- Las 1121, 11,.! Bei ter% list - Urs Heti= rkiek, entrance on tt-ar.l- nserstm versus. and I IYT. I1"11ad 11" l w. H°y- `K.. (:owlerid. 2161-1v field road. contain ing one on.l dna• fl(rt. arrm, __ ______ Panel Vo 7. 1-0-- WA :.red IINS. Palmerston area• oo• tainlntf t w„ nfthm of au tote. Thera LA".es a ly man Inrr hal w(• nnrt- 1 pR m al•a, -- __..-.. _- -- .-_. --- - Paeoel No. R I,ot uty+. f'almc•i•tAo .trent. Ea N. LE W I8, BARRISTER, PROC- co°lemi°i°g ane dal of au .rte. . for in Maritinket Courts of Omtario tithe above lands art,nes sold os p°naY else (MI.•r -Mouth Colloortle ha N. M, tae will fit•ulrete,l separate)). _ _ _ __ _ Terabo of tale . tan per ceat, dAowall the ►. .10lINltTO\, RARRlRTElt Mauer, without tm!rrvaL into caurl within thirty SAY., when c,m° cy°nces and poseemoa N1 .olicitor, cnnmiasfowr, tc. I,oamel will he odyn. Throe wW be a reeerveil Md cdkutfonsandreml agate transactions care foreachpar"4. Soaheracspp(t••tt•ts t►o cmdtr Will attended to OfBcr -(or. Hamilton and Iio" a ask will me tete erModryl comdkta of St. Androw•s-mit., rlodench, (hat. ft& ly t ale of th4. coir. -- - -_ Fort Tier Part 'colors relay be bad from Meson- JGH DA VI80N. HARRISTEH (tnmerrom Holt t Cameros, e. Malcumaon., ('cn•eymter, as : lfeney to F wluon, or the vendor's aMieitwo Mad. overprse•GaeaUodw%b. Qi -!t .& MAixt)MBO:,. IlMtnl April lth, I>♦2. I -cal Maoter VI C A Y P I O N BARRISTER, 4;AitRON t PROIIDFo ()T. at ic (3odwh. • J. Notary Public, s t .•, Veudars rrgie tese , y`Ik (No -Over o dan'$ I.rag Store, the="'I oon.s - _ -_ fwmwlyoccupied byJudgeDoyle. T!M IkTHANKLIN8 ELECTRIC INIIAL- C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, tic. Fit ,:('F:NTK R. OMoe, caner of Ngmri .real W steer Gode ricb, over telegraph a=. . f.m- ( iyrt+ 4d Ntgm. hu 11'884• to land at 6 per nowt. rvo- I IARROW A PROUDFWT. HAH•, 3btrrlSTt Of `LX rioters, A1.•rne s, Solicitors, Ata.. Gode I a0 Spruce Gtim• rich. J. T. ha arrow. 4 V.. W. Proodfo. CAMER.)N, HOLT k CAMERON, 1)"'aoWUIss lawder. PAU'WtM 8ollcitan In Cha ore" Godrrich. M. C. ('ameron. Q.C. ; 11. (feet Manbalro Catarrh Song- 1)udMy Hommrs --• - _________ _. _- -- - - LM a lMSulmigA . RtStwmb B.L.am W _ (-Derry Ftark, ger ()rip. (j . WOOUCO('K, LOAN AND 1N• J. NtLao. m F'aommArnoa Docc 9naag, an sQrnar ytent. Royal Imbraace. t'os_ pan; d Retglaad, Ihw ricbmt sad mom Ittwrul QNw & E orts : helm sad I ncamhlren (laarmlaet. std Aaedesal. _ ate x.11 Isot'toot IMke t':tillAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ►aJ Naosthan •tr'eta, liedrealM arrive and rtartta'r herr!. 11PFa*t lows dvPa at Galertcb os fol C J. T. NAFTEL, VIRE, LIFE AND Asatva Mall aMd Rxpress. , IJ0 p.m. • am .amt • al lowest end Kxprer aM► N•rtk,eR nal •..••... $soP.s. nitlr. +'gmR3iU•A Ifluud ...... ..................... MY mm. _ _ _ 7.0pm. HONEY TO LEAD. -A LAIWR Mail SWAM. aasoomt of prlvW mid ether her• at Mlsn oral Ex .?As Moa• ..................... t.Mpm, owrat rata ua reodOaMre ewe amid r&.r MIse1 ................ .....-.. 4.fsam ' rwprrty. tlper•1 faire of re/nyatleet to Belt --""' M b.rrower. Yo a,ommler gn, -Qmll er went. 1. U. .,,.I,--- ,.I,-->n--- Meebaimidw IE*UtUN6 , "600000 TO WAN. APPLY Tf- I]ODLRICH MECHANi( ' INBTi Ie lobClifERON,NOa.[a CAIgERON*Gad• ll A CT•UTE LIRRART AND KrADINt►- N I rG IT ewe. of m>so Ore" also .Velar. mp I 1 U ONEY l!ti LEN D. -A L A N O A J "Wupm`m hoe 1 w t t•. m.. Mod from -to N P.m. 1• 1wrg1•r aaaN 1' r m1m~mom fOe fOr"°tMt I ABOUT SM VOL'S IN LiBRARY. ' I GARROW a Pr(IyV UIIOIY[.me~• Apr iAlssilof QmifF. 1YseMp M/ /dfmsAwbj I o PROUDFOOT►E. OENERAL Oi. ( , m mm I i maimegmrmstU` W Imm 'A wetmvj Nlsud Mai1s(P f Wet I ahtpa it.Owl. L/beieYa, who 0 aafinam woot.,d w I fa wr elgM rwmtw I IRD. mit oHot sem, p WksPtkmlekws a Slsawm6 a& h 1. A114--.. _ - LlQuuk le"KNBEB. NotMe r Mrd! vm fiat uoosamm for the ani at liquor districts of Meet Human. for the Yam Mal, win be noWwod leYr/ rho I. Frlly. April OL A/Pr°esle moat the tamn of tweet pod Mild eudbei=4 so as bondsmen at the time of -kl g tM sainiL heart Any , ler d by IFe=ata the elealerS *stlale/t -veva mt the Limidsave Aso -V r the P.m at iais la wbob too peesmr+ sasgb uogMeatl Ors araMtMd. ,! tM eaY m must Instils at haat umo4blrl of U ==.-. isotws ww bqe ere se tM itos• K eat lm rmYsmm .11: the 8MM dr rim w J P ter • laase'semv. Ctbtes. LICSZM DurMC r Or WZffT HURON. The Iwo"" Ottwfd for them Yore.. INI-a seen N belob W lgbema J ter uosass far W Ifeenea yew we Nbotdsod tweab"a Now appfbmm: 4r1►uls who bora aM &bank ruwwW *AiF Ushow for IMM trill ander a firer an the Awe*"= be doing me balms eb ohm of seat week. TMk*ta, only $1.11110, am be peweesred In= eb likrsriss at the nems. rAlrrltR 8KRVICC AT ST PETIiWIL Nest 8mmolMy Ili- Pmiw's okuroh will w fentoosedasdUwaltarncWydoLwratlet High froom will bat 10:30 A. r. ,and vespers ea 7 r. r. The order of service is the *.ening will be tbee singing of peabrA. • "come and bsw- dioUcaL F:vwya" who somehow to be prwalsat will be meal weloewe. OOVNTY JUDOE'S CRIMINAL COURT. Donald McKay was before Judge Tomo m 1uturdesy m a carr of breaking into Robert Mol.em'o butcher shop w Lbe aexsieg of Tuesday, Mach 98th. He was Mt off after a lecture from bre Hoon. . We understand that a bmpmy nam W bases seat up for trial by the Creditor =*go- trates. NEW VFTKRINAR\ Lsrlm f aijh . 11 -A --l. W boloome poasaawd of a a" T7 t)wrft Dahr veterinary In the prem of W. F. ('lark, V. JetsS., who hall taken the place of J. Aikeabead oosaty0mt upon the latter's removal to Jjam Hwana Virginia_ Mr. Carl u Weil knows in W. J. Gerd:heti and vxwity, having fur aboai 1St 11 a6 a eg,Hwem three years &mainted Sir. Aikenhead in his IiYmisilL practice. Jin is steady sod industriom% - _ ___ science well aaaaw tagt11 k ilfed Tote, Smits" Yl %jM0 LESSONS -MM A&M bm-dl- esdoewm ba good mmniniendaUma THOM81)% Is OrnJIM mA M 6120 almalm VILI.INEH\ OPENINGS.%hardly on the piano qg liiriald, Sttaan. life* •t ( 6016 R• Mn. K R limlth had her millinery open - - ing Saturday lost. and It was continued 11w S1e daring the present week The display was very Time. uWl!< SALE -TWO .18 IN, CAI;i' Mm M. S Crueler, who hos recently as pmreyo-tI is. ism 1 If•1fi is. hoed, or can e to town frown Wrland to establish a ma1 band to It larger shaft. Good as now r►ir be said at a re awwab:e ft -.s APPho a millinery business here. had her Spring 0 haat Sletm ttiwtreg ase OW •t.. opening oe Turrday moot Is containing __ _-it during the week. Tlie premiaea Hotel A000al8]taatlon. an West-st_ we unity and well fitted, and HE HURON HOTEL, - THIS THE HURON of millinery is of a oarunier. well -know° and perom hotel b bt iNJURVI) IN DRTPLOIT. reacted. eslanred amid Improved reomYf aid is slow second to nese in quality of me Alex. Craigte, a ,young man t•bo left hers 00mab0d&tiom for the trsv*Uing pubic& Good a eompir of weeks ago to take a position as eoomro.iatiuu (w tc""Mt guests. W Y- wbeermas m the sir. John \' M.xan, was CRAIU, Pre.pnaior, ib* ffeur... ,.w1wu _-_.-- ____- _ hurt on Tucaiey of last weal to t►e,roit while fitting out the stammer. Fie wan in the act of overhauling sww anchor chains d!tll:W SPRiNIi 000Ds. when be slipped and fill into the chain ___ bankers and hurt himself so that he had to quit work. He arrival home on Thurs,lay Our sttLock i.; now nearly Complete. and to doing os well as can be expected, sad We are ofloring great value in Hen- we hope to we him around in a few days riettas. Cashmere., tiateens. Print&, THF: TF:LLF:R Is CHANGED. F9ann(•lettev,, Lir(, ('urtains. Art Stu+ Another of our young men has left ea is line. White, and Grey Cotton, etc., the person of Mr.McM,ah,ra, the genial taiR- er of the Bank of Commerce. who ham been eG•. I:r,als nevt•r were x. cM•aP removed to the Montreal hran:h of flat variety never so gts•at. K e keep no bank. lir. McMahon will be much missed, g(mvile but what we can rvvon.tnentl to for during his remadcace here he had am& out t-ustowtern, and yell go(iii reliable embassy friends. :Although sorry at his [saw girl- :►t as low price, ae many rrwr- lug ua,we are glad to know that his removal to a city branch shows Lhe cxssfidenee relpta- chants who are not it, aition te. l ad in him by the managers. A hearty went buy right sell Atodrly and trash. came will Always be ready for Mac. when We respectfully invite instr•cti,in ever he can manage to run up to partake ul anti comparison of prieex. our take breezes. Mr. Hilae Holmes, of No trouble, but a pleasure- to show Goderich, anti talc of Paris, Oat., taker Mr. McHabo°'s place here. Rhe JAMLA A. REID, If; RANT► 0I'VRA HOi%S K. Late J. A. Reed t Iero, Camille Townsend, the accompbothed sold beautiful actress, has Leen holding the Mrr. Teed. ti&ll_. Jw3Shock. P.ierieL. =I b weds of the (:rad Opera Hoose for three .1A nights this week. Her playing in superb ad the support is firetrlms- It is a pity she carte on Leat, as a great many of our gnat IN ENS ADVERTISEMENTs'. eowd' -rte t"theiri"eu e m..,onot metalled- . ;: I'atisian (:loves -\V. Acheson A tins tog. 7 however, &A the urgent ro,lu•at of her Chaagr Nett d Week- F. lbw eg....... 7 friends car"n"e.another another town and will re Straw- Hata W. T. Hsys A lo... 2 am for Good Friday night, when she will ('ar•t.eta had Looe Curtains J. T. Ache. present the powerful drama, •' Iasi, the am . - .. 2 F.xwken_" This is one of Mara Berhbas rdt' "' s ahle floods taro. A- Year.. . 8 latent s°stasis, and Miss Townsend nukes Jerry Bulla for Kale -G. A. 1)esdmrri. 8 a timer Leah. E,eryo°e should attend and Seed (;Mill R..1 F'ionigam.... 8 see this grand pay, with special summary Rig 1►rives Jo -hu ,t Awrtaon.. 5 and costumes, Nuuaoon Indian7ee CampwIgI104 5 KT.liKORGH'S KA.`tTF.R KER\'I('E. Auction Sale Cauleroa, Hnu at A cAntoo 8 Cnlf :\stray Robert Johaatos . . m The following will be the order of the Farnl lx dale -kin- .Ismer Mmcl*eeL,., - g rwyiox at St I eoxge'e m Foster asday Potato.• Win. Rarrows.. $ rtat.v vo-Amorste,%, 9 A.M. or.-ant N'&ntrl Mrs. Iwtf;aa. _ , - 8 K",rie.. .:.-Fresoh Litany ('hent oris Tibi Tallu, in C L,,iu•.r Licenaem W.J. peohole8 `lanctus I .My CallbodMl tirnice Veterinary- ;urge 11. F. 1 t 5 Clotiw in Ktceleia ...Old Chants VAriwa, 11 ALM. DiEDL ("lag hymn "Jam Cleriest is Reeea VAI''ll--inGnderich. on IBroader. April L'th[Today" IRT! K-,x•both Harbour. belo.ed wife ei "Chroat Our Paseorne". ..Grand Ckaat N miam Farr. agrd 62 fess Te Iteum- - Jackman, in F The funeral w ill take poster from her late rr- .Jubilate .. Tours, in F sidence. Briscoe serves. on Thursday. April 14th Anthem, " 7 mss is the Dilly " S. C. (,'coke a: SM A. Y., ,o n.e G. T. R. station, tLei,ce to Kyrie Elvey, in A D,.•din for interment. Gl,wia Tia.. .... • • - .. 1Varrem, m A IMPKUDB Y in Goderlah. on Monday. Apr,: Hymn Welan,r, Nappy Morni Ilth, JW_ Ill Mari. Je&sae, relict w tkr ng Isle R de Pro try, mot -i 70 yts.rs. Offer art " Thom Art Worthy, 11 Inr1 W(x)u+ In u. wlericb r.,wnahip. n k' 'd at r!i Any(., 7 t•. a- , 8th. Id11L Thomas Wowed., aged Opening hymn " ,Irons Christ w Rimes' Tomas, 7 nmmtis& and is daf a. HrrFRO\ -In 1n)th, (in Mentday, 41h of `i 'fttler" ,tnrtt. Alice, !ouagr.! daughter of Mr+ P. Proper Pmlmm, 113 1,! ' Hrfroon. sletd IS years and M moan ha, 114 I►W fkilrh 1'kmat Me hGl'UA1.1.--Ar I,aok.,ow. as Thursday. 118 ..Naar, is A Mamh31..•,INr-.I..... -,, M,I)oolrall,°mad Y ificat. .. 2, yo -arts and s months, °g° .. - • • . Hmrrow's Kervice in F GARIONMR-10 AmbOold. on Mondev. April Nunc Domittum Borrow'm Service in F 4. h, ISK N ulnen Uar•dsmr, mad s! f osrw Anther .. •• T►sr Have Takea Away My rtxr 034 UK - u {, a y.y w TAurslay. (lard' Dr. Ktatew March arra. IfiR fMseMtti Paneembs, •gad Hymn ... "The limy of Rewrractios 31 (M .... year . :tory...•• Sdy (►Qrringa. Rich awed --------- - --- i Ft- " Rew dbd THE TMI OF THE TOWN. Hymn «.lead, D-i.iw U. wits Thy BIBS, ring„ J eW,B a+wear w. rsk1Ha• err,, LOCAL BREVITIE& A faith hill p•ewf U. --- - __ T1Mbeiag Potentia 11'e*k. sw•toes min be Pb0em1 irii.)ve at Ike F'ffarmm lag beM{ every day at let. George's church. Peer. T (40' A. An Retailer m(mg rervice will M held is Do amt for latest, nmb6sa, aid at ties North at Methodist church wet 4uday +Mil/eimmMr=PamtsvesyMofwprinamill evrmimg. U a0ap M Iowa affiliate mit, but call ar.,a V. J. T11e !.}Mia !'banter rlrmlmi. The ptapts'0 clotboyi, Hili de tb g y yttiap for the coos L of Norm will onmmenm lost•. em Mea. fI{s R ibing I:= wayof photerrepw try west before Judge Fereewn. lqj but ~ Mt Now u tM time to hay as mi, piamn er Imaasmm a mf Lm y. rewigg tr.mobime. .•hemp Gx xssai, mt T11eos 1 Fe-... The Mw id t kr f ct mark more ami -"two boom* nasty tested &Ims, w ruob toll .den Iamm Werk factors. - Nr. Mysrw rfa4n* ► Aad as gibe will F: mle, knitting (rut . w, mmw. iM e°mh: Wake ft"d , P=by Is but.- the poalles on °° Interstate : to it Tt (lee. W betiN wehsa s0aa 1s gam". Jutm tie dud I%Dm.eon's maws mod w amcbise seen. , -as.ml patch bat.eWlma, treshe*..N kin& I J. W W o"boraM g elor+m ad ale. ketm.ee..el„g Itlemrta sir. Ib adv m Pap mrS - Tom flwlmtt, is pltnaord to Iowan that its ' 1111111CHANiONr INSTfTITK , edk mt 110ngaaacm earrompntdemt hall ,a - e -*it hvm the owiew iadimpsitinen orifi TM aaear! -Nhw of the Gederiek Me ' whin► be w esw.kd. basin* [=IN'tae will he held in this rood I Reser. J. A. Aiideass, R A., will eldram 116 room w the evening of Memdy. the* the Eesti t twat t" is the Taw• ' ad of May. mot, a*mm°m,iag N d e'ehnh °o°'t Hall rest Somimj ..wm ou. tM W the prpee of' - Sam as mosaw for lb ►, r. AN we sreleemm met of Who dreeew Simmons all odl,M Dr. M. N am Wxtml•aL dor , ad in*obbw biobs it tent Im mtmiam - 7&; etr of toe ma! in* I r.Itglifl blitar 11a ttmdhg, Y Saban and a a _ drWelad h m 11 agL 1 atNtrtllas of Math. 14 Tb* groin oaam at the kWh oohed hos bow flood ose, aid tk. boyo .d .gllfs .n taking hoquML and aR eaercm m with t view to iatpwtiag Ilia g0alsty of their mw ado Swvisa will be ►ell is lit. 4'.mr e'i aborih w (bad F ''dei. TM Nthesa, •YJ (led, My (hod, Look Ilpus Ye, weld be wy by t choir. It eros owapwed by Joist Bayne" is ISU Rev. Dr. Pow, at '1'wmto, edsoatiom searewry of the MothodW Church. wit pewso► is North -et. Motheldi" church at t}ood Friday ovaiuog, no awviw oil omsmttsots . at 8 o'alook. A colostomy of tmml6 dmbwn war+ out of Thursday sad ntmrsed with a Marg air* at flab. Some of Linos wen tkut m Ubdo is 1mwt6 and we ked a pound aid • gltar fur. Thes boys .ioa.t bel►eve is G@bWg to missowa him Gook., who was forecast" to the rano in the Central mibool waited ler Mia 8bwman, "a &moo"& Mfm Bair, 6m dol aided to it bar old room. and Mum Rud W Take :"= d the ""at" room Mien K_ Sall i• 6onVorwlly tmebimg is tho latter. room. The ►ermboM etmets of the Into D_ Gw dols will be sold thio (Thursday) aftwenon. Wo to w.mawsm at 1 o'clock. A hil l quaatay of lumbr.'wse. L of a►erry hmwood and elm, .ill be euld at 4 o't coli Aro a mfo, toraug lathe anti a number a other articles will be dwpomd of. Os .Saturday aftermwn JA, alum) t Grand Trunk mlinew. mi fined him bolt wiia trryying to board a m oving tresis IMT Mg lgmk Rock for Fart Eric, sad was ret am and killed. He learv= a widow am Umm cbillrea at Fort Kries. He was i bntbw of Hugh Murray, brakmman. a The Mail sayis of Parker's Dye Workm Tonweto : "No 4wiger a it saxeatr) t give away or sell for a ending amJunt th partly worm gaols when they can be cl nes or dyed an as to grew t am an apo +ar sox "DOW, and lost drwble the time tbe' w,.ald otherwise do. This firm bane now in ­t t ean:tlde reputation and are distill gu thed from other &red bees competent dY en by the fine work they cora oat N cannot my any tar, much for R, Parker l ('a, the well known dyes of Toroutc No better tune could ler found for all uu r-,adrrm to look through their wardrobe an. it...e their soiled or faded garments cleans, or dyed to look tike new. Agency at Mire Yates millinery ad d►an► @so& Saxe Guderich. ____ _ _` PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Harry Butson lett L -t week for Iktroet C. Hedge has gowb : j Toronto to ,.pati few weeks. .1. 1►. Swanson amted hanic from Toros t.o Tursdey evening. F. huhgght, of Golden Valley. arrived i town on Welticialay. Rev. W. A Young, wife end ekildre have returned from Simcoe• Wilson Salkeld has gone to the smell where he hos secured a p.+i•ion. Maitland Bark+ell lei. „a Friday for I.,.t dirt, where he has me ur„l a situation. In•pect.x Seath is in town sod yroteerda make so ofllctsl Visit to ride high techawd. Pr. and Mrs. Holmes I. -ft an is trip t British Volumbis Thuro,iay of last week - John Mitchell. allies of "'in. Mitchel town clerk, lett foe Cleveland Monday Iasi %I-" H,irton left f,w British C,.lumtn Thurahey last on a cunt to her sister, kir. I :mihle. 11r. i.ad Mn. H. Arnold lett c.0 Monde to return to Collugwool, ,after apendin, I be tV inter here. Austin Chisholm. ti, Po, left on Moods, for Sandri•Ige, Mu•kota, where be hm secured a attuats_a. John C-mitta, who had been working i Hanson for.roe time past, returnsibi hewn on Friday sal will remain here all Kuu.ewr, Aleck Sounders, the manager of the (:od .rich Organ 0ompany, went on a business trip to Toronto and other eastern towns thi morning. Mm ,farms• Tfl,n;pmon, of Grain l Rapids Mo•himem. is vtmting her father, Jame S.owlen, of Rntaaots-et., who hos boort it fer,r health for °naso tiux. Mr. `lauodet in impr„ving slowly. ,140 I.eettie, general inspector for th Vrt*b-1,i iAve n Amu., of Toronto, was i'. a,wn Wednmdiev last on a basin~ trip He has many front -is in Harus as he liven f ,r many years in the comfy and is an ex warden. BLUEVALE. Hurt 01 -9 ow•r l Ua !X • 1 r0. bt1t. ' Spring work has Ile -gun here. Wolof. Wileters a vueltiag around the vII[age. • Me& A. Pattenusn was visiting in Rlyt) lost week. N. Backer and familt have moved to W illghmm. W. Patterson has awwml into Jobs lolketri dan's house . Mr. Graig, of Walkerton. has started t e ways shop in town. .1&me6 Gannett has gnao to WhitenchurcF to wd.rk for the asasitsg Summer. Mrs .lase Wamvley, a former resident of Rluevale, in viAitink friends here. Rnhert .Johnston. of Michigan, was visit tog him slater, Mne. Walter, at .arch. fatter am* a. SAYFIELD. (tong OUR nws "Gamimifltvio,ml I Fishing has bees very good lately T. Urquhart has returned from m trip to lnlaml Mrs- H. Greer ►red Miss Mary Parker, of Chatham, an boon for a visit. Jsawe McDawald has digmmd of his pro. poorly bora and moved to (lewlerieb. Mrs- Parker and family have moved to the booty forstwly oa upied by A. Stores. bougie. (Amens I;airdnw,of Mdlill 1'lla1aggae Mesa- ,trieal, awl Charles Logan, of INKroit Medi. cal ( 410ga, are home for t heslidays. Loaf weeek ,John Pollock, Frank Kes m, ism'" Vegans in. Wm. Ferramm..lobn Mor - gam oral Jolts Prentiss left for (looveasd. it was ant monks, but a.m. peopic bud Ihey but heard the wreano iea°isg from see of our do store' ollom, might have thnmgbt As, it was . fair 4;oderiek township ,am. Bill having a tooth estr°eed. !lbs mos' have beim a bravo Specimen. Tire Salvation Army, eider I,i*EL Itevid- t„m, hell °peeid mootinetl as Matmrdis %Wkt, 1460&y aftw000m and ovmimg. in Hawk I olvomMng a grand b"me sod uhik* womlgab emu Mn. Wre d- Iw wen proesm& mrd added Mosel W t nm n tb itliaatiu a e taw AUCTioN 111A min. y In tyle ,tAw- w! imaee = W la rhe IM tag r ilia Mmol M Palo e.( farm *%A sad isrpima0gp alt lebu lleMudtl, M bla 8. otamsemMs O.1 t4: lsbe0t 11YIe her (i0il0im ten Ja1a «tmdmwailg al 1 d►. r. reg. amalislrw. . a.. :w ... ?- . ,.ril,,' ^ . ' " '.it'll` 4 °1,4 . Ar, ,.. THE VIRKBTs. 1111MIAOSTUMS AN PROvislOfy Mbrieb rrlpa. GORDON& April i; M kooksk of m ,Tp Ilbaaa•t/bfL.. . u *t O Simmons ........•..:....... 0NMs P6_11 aalso bqs a fi tr. t ft enal ..:::.:...::.:.. -..... g M u. •ITaja mpMatd, Ma ; w 1HNeawool '............................ 438 y .+ .11r t:::'::': ,.: i as :i 0 iw0 Salem 4moft2brr6 yg Ape 11 rata till{W7rrt. ..:...:.,:'........ ;wI*;a •....._.. r ............................... a tt too a paler Lwtmart.. fir. ............... 0 sir to o N ... 0 16 ta t tri k 4 16 ovs is U Or `°it i.. :........... 3I*toly -• OMtovr. 0 Ili a. y Port...... ....._.................. s w tu6.1 Terme cause Mwb,*L April 12. Than was nom bat of .a,l market away owing to the Eerier Lode to lag almost wpplteJ. Knees choice islowhers, .au Is were out in ggnat apply, but it.. 40 sale went at mom 4Ac to otic per Ib. pre pots area" coo,aragin` for a few .,ask, &llmd Interior cattle anti ruugfrusen had cows brou1lht from 2Jc to 3o per R. K+esm and betters brought from Sic to aic par S f„r fur out good al ud. and plod to cl,om, butchers' fetors bnwtgh , from Sic w a,! per Qt. a.xwrdleg to 40ality. Some sturkon brought pretty fair prices_ A few ,its Jame) cbolce stuck b ertlaght k per a., bat the a, stage was from Sic to bfe poor lb Far choice Poorer stuff btrosgbt 2]a and js Par n.. Tawe I& an active dooitand Fir choice aleAsm Bu,L brought from 21c N Sic per IIsi. alaamdlug to 4u&hty. ONTUARY. *it%. ,(farrow (immil sofa. We regret to learn d dw ass" of abs. Stephen Hail. wit" Seamrew 2 as the "a. doom of bar moa. James. at 8L Thoma. Duk_ on Saturday, March 9fo. DsegnA wig a native of Weymouth, i.Milssd, ad came to AwArim with her hurised shat forty years ago- They tint settled in (Ntia flat snore thirty five years ago they caws to ('atn&& SW 1,001Iup their restdaw* m Good rich, where they Tired until about twe awuths ago. Un this 19th of Feb- two of the buys, •tonere and William. who had gun° to Ikaketa, prevatad upon the old cantle elp and spent their declurng years Tooth theft end they went accurdiagly, taking up tbow abode at the nesocieum of .lames 7„ward the Jettison part of March Sirs. Hall was soli al of aliness and forced to take to hew anvil IlutwiMotauding the hest survirig and treeittai atteudmmce sua•atubred G. the sal ady on tolaturdey, March X she was a counsteut Chntsttaa woulm, and pmo@W away in the fail a of hope is berKavmw &tell Hoa, crucrlie(i. Her aged pantwr and thrm ache wed two dseabten nowt.* to mourn her tom, "A have the deep syw pathy of their many friendly is thissoutn& DUNGANNON- (rww -ova own txrsamrru o@M.I Wi°ter ham haat mother dying a e with Spring. We hope a will he t ask flue, season. As we write Spring seeso to assume too awAodaucy so Ile weather b apparently more :spring like than for a few days pant. We .are pleural to he Able to state that Is grippe &#sit other aiaknooa which have boon pntalout ,luring the Winter have is the ateaatime depatted, then boiling real Its dors of illnow, if any, is this victmity, w far as know n to w. Our p•pular steoorntanrl. etc., 8tothers, with his at" of w,xkn.en n b mil- ly eng&vrd to armpktug his hou.e, wbeL whole hoisted w be dl nee n file aedsl.reat twat• dose" tls our vii • %%,a hope that be (ami tin family will be long ty(ared to tw,joy ill George Anderson• of oar village, daring last week purclsso e.i f►w ,-Mate of the Map Kt Irwin. is We" Wawaoosh, from T. now for the spin of raven hundred and fifty dollars. It to steely located 4m ft gravel road between Dung►naoti &mid Jodi. mow. 1 emg about one and orn-ball Sao north of Duagmenon. 1V• Walsh him asa°mm in his purchases. Wor hate been credibly inforad that E:vmum to the wintry westbw daring the lafew days a number of krums in Ibis vicinity daring the mild weetbot snared quite a quantity of spring wheat, atom pros ami nets. If early Mwla(. = i• geast- ally claimed, rites the beet yield, dl other things being equal• that which is now sown will have an excellent oppo um"y of reel fying the predktics. On Tuesday, April 12th, Mea T. G. As derabl with her daughter, seogmpeoW by Govargim, broth" of her hoabmtt.d (wbo Y located at Ardent. Maaitobs. momged is the moremLile beaineri. laK been w room for Manitols in lain bar husbauL We las oerely hope they will arrive at floor dmLis- ditiert node y. and succeed well in time land of their adopttm. We an lorry to pert with m> many of our young and (aa sergaUe cit 'xea bat what is our ..wring Idea we treat A eventually be their Baia. i►ann KONW hos it LATA oma or two San- tlemrn in this seighlwwhoW, who an about retiring from fawning pnnniW iter iat~bttg to toesto in our beautiful vUM`e• We promises Ibey (weld not denieM is oaatl unlit a bogw abscis a of location ter reties than is Dayanmm. it bahw promeoeeal by many to be flue of the aunt r towmtry rilk ew in the ow nay, and ale stealthy and well situated. Of aearese.wbn Ib A''•. D. amd G. R. R. is wwpMeed. rhi th rg bMdly Meted fair J IIM star Llan Disotgsrass wyl M aaaSmi M ttSlme yoos 1 war be bbasobf wdgmssd by one lemma In, Tboww- dolmea J. Gqi"m.:. w.Ild aAmSmDlmFm o ollmr vaalT Ag>a" VR.. meaty bsonafImb v= 1low In re t o the t@r let (N Irm So O.L TM aMamso M• fAr ells mwtwmrF areY bagida (,1wfi al tM %an1.eetf0send;a bmtaaa-- tad M kr ow (npdy. fI -, i.".oi.il "­,v,sc'.•sa+n.