HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-14, Page 5URTIM NT AND PEOMLIggt IMM .ewe tram M A.*1a t IINISIS-ONISORS Eke Oleos et is it. tlts mom is be hos ►sat. 1 for eiz-ar years ygravegr� yGG•„ Masi far the result he shad eleosien a dim miasma, lu day Mrs. Mary H. Willard, the , tether of Mi- Frames K. W et Beet vote, •t the mpg ego of Mee Willard wee aloe.' red,ouoaegweatly, aid not vete liking Harv. Hires*, the beam,„ . tliwaatre, bas for Rngiaad mar Iy Iacrwnuag. Having tures~~ e ted himself in • psramaeat hos, , a. hese looking shout for • ..,„sal Gad Is acid to be &haat to pulite Mao s bieford r w�6 0',vas Gad Stefan' egg 1 vary eharmieg place. practice of ereeatioe v ea ibe a u Ur.vey. 1. additios tow e m which him bees i. ap•rayen Mace 1877, where tree is dies are sow created every yeef, t asidish.ret of the .ams kind consecrated at tlhWarl. A ,y will be opened is Omeb. dr . wire, mak Mg the third is Germany III Washington, is Mew Hasps* little eolumy of Mabel* that me 4 below 200 feet from the soma trs completely Isolated from ethane ciad, so butterflies being fond I. mg spot is their immediate vieisity. k posed that the rem* mammy d enema race were eirwded es la bio at the clan of the &Mal mei London Queen, u • eels.. eft* , calla aleatioa to the laesetaik at the late Duke o1 Clarence ia.p to have oo.tracted his fatal Item zp.sure at,AM.arvies of the Ray arcs Victor of Heheelob . rg coomitnient service he. with utas es, stood bareheaded, exposed to ortberly wind which swept .cross tie sg the peoples of the globe. . e, in their tar of tot e000, is s Aber things, would seem to I. te emporium 1e well aa the meet rebel West. coolie ar the coarsest k. ' equally with the lady of rack to geishas and the wiwt.ter of State us t with the losers, a tiny pips whim x hold esoegh to make rem gem hum M. Paul•, who reeeatiy deft had the dietiacties of big the of the " peg top " tresses. eke each affected by Aaneie.. 'slss room rid vilk p " spielie • wane Itary ago. Paola ON lig man Framsx and the NiligIffef 411.1 hare no other Mao W w when be died. awl a mop mart old tasty. of animasp bl slog, to the LmcAL UNION AN ISSUE. Oreageville Advertiser says test sed Tories hate joined the reeks d who Wieve the future destiny i is as honorable p•rt.r.hip with Us MOO to the meth of a. Arrmro ire now beteg made far • pails to be held in Ora.psilie to dime 'set Ian Beaerd : We have already oar dein her Casabas i.depe d We believe Ws i. • seoe..ry pe step te any ..gsti•tieaa with Ile This emend, thee let ars. With. ate to pemsee mar own beet Wm* y fetor Mops seee.@ery to brag n iter semeanwid relations with .w is. To thou who eigeot to polled mmereid miss ease the best ash the diiwky. This 1 the shame Mr. Weise ad wadi probably Is i by that new.. Whatever is bee eve it at ores. It amass mewls the best later* of this mambos mesehes, if we have to al.e is ea.m.h1 isolation os this emus eggested by Mr. Feeler, er ammo he Stems, we prefer the labor. S NOT BUILT THAT WAY. he AsnboLs. ens se ?.s.s PolleMel aMes. rotes'!~ •beet the orv,et.eer ✓ that be intended reaps* be lartiament, Hash Jahn Mneds.aM. tether k W1.ipss, maid esby Mang wrong sheet seek a ee Chet it wee seoewhet premele1s @eked .y leder, Mr. Ablet1, M d be rests.," he mot set, "Bed is net yet get a I_Migd Gamer ires r ree@eY see ---e Nip dsm't like the week. I hs Ile kr 'WOW Nis. My Mist l that B.Mise t betides. I hems Mein regairtag ., iMseti,a As M �. I may s°w - 1 sheetir embesismibig t .i H1 s sMo•ed to Helga as sem m seisat ter the party le permit wo Sir Donald Smith refused the ea M the hot .e...t sed I two ran se @e To. provost Mr. b E+stlet d.et d y .°d..Mi.a in'ty d the party wee too mei in to permit me to maga, hat era o mesh .:ave." Mr. 111.dorsehl 1t doubt, acre of the mese' pgdr in the Homes TELEGRAM TAPS. Toronto Telegrams Ers ''br=ae will he amble the -Gesral'e three ger ■ ttM$ Mee wW •tick if est silt( he Mtd.Nrof Justice attires hfiek the east I.gic of Mereirhis hip barely goo Mist perfumed 64 4 the GLeot'sbed argument& 1 mese of the Oppretties hft •t wake • right lively Gght It V ler h. het The C.eur.Miv" rote it while here le Tow its sittlply the Opp.dtfes the loath- distll10s beep es Sea. Jeia OMfipe es to hew Y "peas of the amwlgg led whl bp. ems* d .eal..e the M iMMt► Reese* !slap Gadd. be epgGIL Ili. THE SIGNAL : DOD O 'ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 16$2. 4 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. igapr*M (ram A) 511 MILLION DOLLARS e IMOTe • • 5. L WAUCIIR, Canaan. MsAAOs GODERICH BRANCH. A Want- BA,esato ouel.aos TORMISACTED. Fensiber NOM Dau outnta DRAFTS SWAM PAYABLE AT AL. POIN TO 1" CANADA, MOO TME P.t'Nc.PAL cmge (fl TME UNITIID STATIA, °MAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. eERt.UOA, Aa SAII MM SAtilll DLPARTMEMT. ,(PONT• OP SLOD ANO UPWARDS REOEMO. ANO CuleRtNT RATES OF INT[1ti$T .tLOWeD ,MST AOMi TO Thee PRINCIPAL AT me atm OF NIA. AMO „O,RetSa. IN &AOM vain. •panel Ainn/Rea gives Ms the OoU.ctlon of 'som01erolnt my,- /IT, sad Fanseare' Salve Meige. 111416o00.000. 111100e000. aw•aS&.*,; pial R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. CLINTON'S CATCHY ITEMS. bet abuses .. d p. ent,�'whoa th officials of the Interior Department were to The Weekly Epitome of NAws ry xivc their a•lartes for the time they were suspended. And lastly for the biggest grace From a live Oester(►. of all, chanty, we refer to the bimodal• d Ha seealoa. Serb char oterrtioa .. the sieve, air, we miaosniy hsps will die the death. We think that• very little storm rope will do the job. AS 1M it Ames. lo This Selman Is /W ea View Ov.r7. wog worth ■name *~t 5o. •a to mares a limb"- Msaeaoo Idiots« er Long degas.. [rains otn otrs oonmaro1f BENT. ) T. Brown, .a employee for many yeses with Ita.efcrd Bros. , left last week for Port Hes on. Edward (Metal= mow drives the erprow wagon for M. (hasinghems is the place of tits cumin. Ink. Mrs. For. of town, who hail bees a widow ter • aemteer of years, is, we are sorry to mete, very oak. A. Cook. Clutue s profee iosmlr�ft • W the oostract of grafting 113 ue far ter sear Dungannon. letterman Cantalas, • real (,lutea Wt ua Saturday lest to seek his forts hi the far West. We wish him well ('u.lya. 4}-t the 1st of May the well ks.,wn Mr. Grigg, formerly of the Griq Hose, Leaden, is expected to take as active `p rt is the services of the liattesbvt. y•. ie1ho dset uhirch, Qlatoa. Au Smie% Fun -The three handsome ..w atoms waieb ex mayor Whitehead will erect daring the Doming tiumtm•.r are already heopetem, me by Harland Brom., ase by i.1... Bros. ami the other by Mr. Irwin Port:tea Bditor Holmes gave • temper ages teeters . yoer town last week to • crowded been, and the Huntley previous he pr,alhed very acceptably in Hdmrville. where hes greatly appreciated. mer geslnl editor believes that .algal ami teasp.l$we ever walk bandia- p,000.00. Aa Mated to The New Era. mayor Doherty hes sok' his Madsen residence to Mr. McTaggart for the mar bale arm of $4000.00. As Mr. McTaggart wishes to take immediate poremion, we belle.~ it is the utentios of our worthy mayor to remove to kis bones sdjotring the Iartnry. Teas 'trans. Jas. Fair maid sixty-six heed of very lime cattle at y ovate per Db. best week. The way Mr. Fair .am.ge. his Mel aid en* would swell be worth the hi- matimeinn d any fanner i. Maros or (i s - •d. Ever/this( h• undertaken he does thoro.gbly aid well. Beam his .tan= as farmer, merchant and eitiaew Ifs Ni*. To as Tata. - A great deal of talk is beteg dome just new concerning the dew .scant custom office. We think most decidedly theta Globs gest is entitled to the eine, be he Grit or Tory ; but the form- er stands • poor shower year humble sw- eet ought head is his card, wtavg that mall favors would be Henkfelly received. Tao* rte ttrtst.-D. Beohemea nod see Ink ea Tardy hat for British Colu.bia. Or. Seahe•ae hes lived fr may Teen is Chain, sed we wend wager the bait Hs lama ever ..eked Het. Jlhoeei be bee nagged hie lees gdaa. be will caner cheap hie pines, ler be ie oda d the Mainmbset Innen that ewer uphold • ped and nehmen read Pawn Baa -Alai. HiUN., it le feared, . dew 'rag .p big dsatkLed. ON Tues- day of lea weak be &reek tee freely of then nun ninth the areas mesa week. Ose- squs.Ny, iaMed el pin home, he made bio bed . • peel .f water, gad we Ha Mud the ant .mwi•R fa as gegewe dews ; state. The Menetn de an held wet each hope tar bis teeny~. Nov B.o.o. Ytr. -Fleur hes awe down 10 nowts per neared lbs. or Its anis per barrel it table live bushels d wheat to .gin s horrid d goer ted se yes she. air, .hila that .....t el wheat bag &messed 1 se vies 50 oasts Goer has made • drop only .t 10 COMM Est mal) favor are thankful- ly remind ed as ee.bikes rule the }Bigg' ad oppress the country we moat einply hew to the 10th bh. Jour &invvrts- - o , y name was an people y�meu� viewingrsnSp.ependgeodeV g eer mereheate, ant well trerti at tagpwetiga 1 hobartistic MI we= ivi their eseb neestswiw - rat mfr wad. w.. •••► 64 charming ; but dealt least it, sir. we awned .tea rat Get very rozign ler spring ar Tall dhpkys. To lest at •n Siy�vey nee, het alma, aloe, M011 US. (stmt end ewe oesaftttwaemni I One .f these pagan rindse whish gene the saisanliag teener of • I.ip member el hinds took One at the ren donee el L Freer. H laird dewdirn Atone, es that ooanioa Masers t1e wwiiilos Robert Shaw by the few magic wort pprroo-- .e.seed by Rev. L f3. Wallman, d Blu- vel.. The preemie were aumeroass, be•uU- 1.1, melt) and costly. The guests peered a plea.•.' evesisg. The newly married pair live gene to Mr. Shaws fare os the he.aa,y. My peorprity Woad these. LANES. (roue ors, ears I oatasro'DI1 T. I H. Burns sprat Iwiday in Kube.. .tngu. McLean left fur Manitoba last week. L Walkout, from Uncle Suds dominions, is visiting his brother, P. Wallace. F. Scott has purchased a platform weirk scale for tilt in weighing stock, etc. On Sallien a eery low at poorest and fears are expressed for bet recovery. Me. M. Hogan sad Mies M. Courtney have gone to Lachsow to scgture the art of dre emaktag. Wm. Johostose has rested his farm to Jas. Irwin, of the 12th 000ce.sioe, and in- tends going to lied Jacket, Mich. His Mock and effects Men sold by auct.ioa Fri- day afternoon The beautiful ossillow of tine week has set all the tarsus piwgbug as naturally as it seta the grass growing. and Joe with his oxen is makiag great headway, to ledge by the yells. The Ilttle Winter of the last of the week will give them a rest, however. Tlie t..tlowing proetotions were made in Lanes imbed at the tint of this month. From 11. to i1I. Ed. Johnstone, Will Ford, Ted I:ri18n, Rob. Nelson, Jae. Syosset, Pat Hogan. From 111. to IV. Joe Ford, John is.,, Koss Courtney, 'roma Ford. Mary Nelaet, John little, Lillie Baldwin, Jae. Johnstooe, Dune. Farrisk Vainly. oar Patrons are stalest in the saw of the farmer. lest W.daebitay sveaiag either the pa.word or the key of the place of meeting was forgotten, hat nothing daunted, the concourse crawled through the back window, add at the close of the meeting mewled oat in like mad vier. We Loo+ set if thio is pert of the salt rotors cerellrly but would ju.d.e 111 arc a very es.1111iva society. With such indomitable nem sad sprit what can and before OHM? N, Whet • tomb. Will you heed the warnug , The "goal perhaps of the wore appr..adh of that more terrible disease esasumptIoa. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 sesta to rum the risk sad do noshisg for it We know from experience 'het $biloh's (acn will eon year nigh. Is ever lade. G. A. Powell, el Stratford, a Serener well keens .robaet of Deegan, bag rem.v.d to Toronto, where be has gage tato rbrothership with his brothin the varierb.inees en College enema Brion Lanai the Classic City Mrs. Powell was prenatal with 1130 is gold as • token et the appreciation in which she wee held as orpai t m the Cam teal Nethedi.t church. �.ed Bee* .uPptlar Re :�eeimasi tone tie sabetaneen t`ho Nelly e& ed owl* diesease remise Tees sae Wo es Bopp, er tin vrrutrm Newbie to also Aeon* Ned Bee the Drees ..6 downerbrakes ...rea& tlwes* *a tenesse a.e. They how a SODOM &nem 11::041. RTVT t 1 >M sad wastes. Ivor ..we. INOLLINERY OPENING TAR NEW EMPORTM, 'West Street. Mrs. M. B. Orysler Will optln out her large and well is sorted stock of Tillie PILL, Wow r SWALLOW. -Same patent pill ce.p y baa el lab been adver- tising their pins by giving • rubes to selves "herby the leakyones would get somevain- le prorate T a of this town have bes Wormed that they have each wee the .dosed Ora whieb is • very valuable d.aso.d ring, and all that remise for them to do is to evad 1300 is oath ter • dames bozos of their wonderful pills and to. orate for stamp aid register, when, lot and behold yea, this hsautiftl little pm will be .est thee. But Qistos pee* art net se toed of pills •e all that, sad de pot bite worth • cent When we get sick we are of (m1pine that • aha. frswt (limos's tried "sten■ " or from emir ether practical pn.Mitfnaei would be tar mere beneficial thea theesesre-en ooenpl•tata msvfte„iee of *hid we hear SO mech. TN! Ki•I.rtr. (Rios O)i ' yes, elr. you east., •droit That there are Irene great a .r sereri.tice aeaagget eons of the mobil an *he light oar haulm ie Pentam et Far is "ale' he yoe want excessive .N,dsrutInn. then take the great Itir Charlie T upper's sensors with Parliament for writes no the stamp for Tory party is 1861. .671 7A trwvelnng .:prier., at 0 •41•.w VIM ; fare to New Yk, 33 fare 'nasi Nem York to Lenin, M6 66 ; ea seined stems, «66.66: lees of serviese se iilgk Csmwirfa.-, 7s Nye. OSSA ; tnW. $1.66661. Mwdessfee there, Iage ser'. tlo 4M _pet him ea Idgih Oita even Hy aegis lineN leek M sera Gad slaa•L wort. weekworked Awhale bo r1 who ewe «e a 61:11•4 111= ast� gi sa,na.gmoss. ,who eon. W. .sists1 far A. noallies A.11 arar powers e&.ona aki should stbses • rrUl motor* his navies, an 10 �Y VO�RN sb.eld take IDS Tis sun •Il s� larflie.. w)ilsh Imevl sheen cache., wises n.•1iected. miMEN .houid take st: Pure. Th.y wt11 are the tee • bad balate, ami stlw..ea tho NEW MILLINERY Next week, beginning on TUESDAY, APRIL 12th. The exhibit will he of the latest and best liesign.s in Millinery and will embrace every branch of the art. The ladies of Goderich are cor- dially invited to inspect goods on and after Tuesday, April 12th. mins -•CITY coag AND wood YAR1:)- Coal, Wood and Kim -ling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, 1 N BOOTS AND SHOES'a";::::=PgactitcurressiI�D�S SND GENTS' fits. New Goode, & ;Y ( BANK OF MONTREd New Styles i CAPITAL NOW Pricos - REST, SavingDeoarItnenthasloser. OF DVERY DEBCRIPTION_ 1 have visited the eastern market* and, owing to the largo number of failures among manufacturers, I have been enabled to !secure such bargains in the above goods as will give toy customers the •advantage of securing boots and shoes at the regular wholesale prices. In tine ,goods my stock can not be mortisedin »rice and i trig, Geo. T. S stet, John McPherson and ,several others It will pay w show gnosis Boots and :shoes matte to order and repairing promptly attended to. Si 2,ocoe ,000,. otened i '' GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderick Brelrck. BIG DRIVES 'alit~. keep goods front all the popular tualerr including .1 11 AT y - 1 K you to inspect our goods and prices before. purchasing. No trouble JOHNSTON CAREY, ow- GICSMECRIC73. Hard Coal. Best quality chestnut, stove and egg coal constantly on hand. Soft Coal. Best Shawnee lump coal for nae in grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Coal. Beat quality genuine Bloo.burgh anithing coal now on had. Special attention given to coun- try trade. Cordwood. i have purchased 1,000 cords of maple and beech wood, 4 fret long, frau Mr. X. Beechler, of the Falls Reserve, on the river "Menecetung," to be delivered this Winter for town trade, Gad will be pleased to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood at present market prices. COAL I4ea1s---COrner of Victoria aid Anglaise& streets. RostDSOCI Trafalgar -M., opposite Buchanan I San's odoe. opena won Miceli pel or wan be me toes ese fee by (.5 !per boa). by redressing 111111111. lllLfJlJlla'Arm_ oma JOHN S. PLATT. 211.1y Panniers& SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. THE AGENCY FOE THE CELEBRATED MONSOON INDIAN T IN AT- CAMPA I CNE'S Best Tea in Town, Only 40 cents per lb. Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire, at your own price. W. F. CLAIM, V_ 8-, V_ D-, Orwsmdr eV Quarts Vd. Calkot. Tereeee. t aiedn, sef dao gr•/eafs of She I. eriems Drwfal (bllere. CAioy , /N. Hsaeewp limbs o/ the Ol4.rls r'eortmery Mare*. Ravine sed the pestles et Dr. kilo piobal lisaheadl. who lar the wt twelve pen bad tuned ter Bedsit se Read a atlos es atoned v.srinerr.ead bav- Maecl.sl nit bile /r wady three le the7aa,e **Mask I take We swith i us*e ee ear �•ahojeivOnosale w hen lave eats ams at to tar bed ththee w +adiDWIMI ma.ne% e Moe w ria GREAT COt "li CrEF.. this mews d Q)IISUMPTION CURE, IS without a par. Bel . the history at medicine. All dreg re authorized to sell it on a po.atvc gimageten mat shit so other cure can ant at lywa hest ah, Sore Throat. or Bronchitic et it. lar it will e you. If your chill het he Creep. or Whooping Cough. me it d inlial is one. CONSUMPTION, !osdread thei i.sr7 to hese 0,1 s..e OOIiSUI'.i .n arcs you or cost nothing. Ask yam height her SHILOH'S CURE . -Price to eta, pig. end $i.00. 11 your Leap are sore a ilei tate. ares Sbtloh's Porous Mom. 21 cis ADVICRTIBE YOUR WANTS Ile THE SIGNAL. iF YOU Wast • Oedt. West a Camit. Wet • Peruser. West &0Nwettss. West to mit • Mao, Won to Huy • Items. Want to Ben a Want to B.7 se Neff • Want to Bell House t r sty. Want to lot • Howse or �sgw. Want to Pell Arecesse.sd Drop. want ,. son lteweeheld renitmen, want to Pall Dry Geode er (10.a., Went to rind Cwaterares for Aw1tM.R.. The Y.ry tout heathens! is t AdvertlNma *01 gal. New Onowerge. Ad..rtfeler arta ikeeeep� ow Cw.e.estt Advevtlafsa.eue•war.iwvs wet Adverting ,.tniemeaan ease . Advert nig tyeaw.sademes. A Advertising . them at ease. Adnne vertise e�trvdy.' vtyqesa ... A4.seMMbons. si. THIS WEEK OB ITSON'S + + + + + 4, + 24 yards 36 -inch Grey Cotton, for 20 is " 4. " heavy, for 20 " Shaker Flannel, for 22 " White Cotton, for 20 " Print, for 20 " Dress Goods, for 20 " Seersucker, for 20 " Good Shirting. for Just passed into stock- --some very nobby Mantle Good4. for capes, etc. See them. See our Cashmere Hose, all wool, 2bc. See our Gloves and Corsets, at 25c. i r + 4 NUE AND DRESS MAKING MIST-CIASS All mantle goods bought frosu sus cut and fitted free of charge. Come and see us ; it will' pay you. ROBERTSON'S Poor Man's Friend. - Great Cask Mom WALL PAPER SALE 70 Tlfig PUSL/C : -Ming ab.vt t/ len,�seteee�n the oosatry. 1 have of my pear ties to Mr F. Clink. Y.`. an i seNY14r Isr Ida to m7 sad the puMI. gner.11y. I wish se meters my ewe weeniest shoal. Igr the g.nsrees earee ltc I have re- wind ► .e -e pra Lehi NM..ad trust that .y Mews. r nosy resolve **sameliberalw..est ltllE J. AILRILHBAD. Y.14. THE SIGNAL FROM NOW TILL JANUARY 1, 1893, FOR SI%TY CENTS. IIG drive in all grades of Wall Pa- per. After stock -taking we 1Fnd we have several lines that must be sold at once to make room for otter papers yet to come. Remember these papers are not old or out of date, are fresh and clean, and will be sold at prices that will make you buy. Over two hundred samples to select from. FFGAWR & PORTER, Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square. GREAT CHANGE 1 GREAT CHANGE ! GOODSSTOCK MCLEAN D i • Must he cleared out al a ()BEAT SACRIFICE., se I am giving up that borsch of my bushman I will aloe offer the public my mike *task HOP THIRTY 13/..A.Y-S 01sT Ending the let of May, 189!. consisting of all tate newest lines of Ready -Made °lothingl, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c., for Bummer var. Aa i am going to have the whole place altered and a new plates gland front put in, the Goode mud be sold It make rad! Ilia tlw improvement& THIS IS A GENUINE SALE. CALi. EARLY AND SECURE BARGiAiNS, as the sale will only eentltaSS meal *i time stated. 1 also have THE SIGNAL s�s��,n A ., Rte���rw.. Meeh .ea .rte i�iiii «"" is A Fine Line of Tailoring Goods TO BE SOLi) AT VERY LOW PRICES, ei�ktae•:�-1137` EVERYTHING MUST BE CASH. A,.- P. MOIRE A.1"