HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-14, Page 4THE SIGNAL: GODERICIL ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1892.
et 10.
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gad III. pp . Omaan&& :Ierah-street
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Ifs (eta is t, si•the es '
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• amseareN am IMe•sured he
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pproseetee the
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Nattcooser fee
Pour. Strayed.
Wanted and
met eaeeedIsc 1
ea ems set to
moth• tea per cut.
VIla reported'.
of which ea to
hseedt tit •nr uadl-
1e reardered an .d
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wit=re r 1e.. ttIse areadies
Gras ether rellglosend
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teseeflsJ J Arieu,t Advs.Uss ,sea.
Per swoes bes^1sr as advertise-
.. tie a wlmR ntee
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hoals then two inches is
as above bail& s
far orb pay
le sr est esanset
eaatr •:saw Thar
"Mho Wit- Mlivee7.
lbeeewhe he receive Tae Omer.earelarly
ranter • , whelk.bretlrter or by mall. will
as early • date es tine
us of the tact at
ley ew lour Label.
Your 1•bv1 Is •.Mother re0e194 0t the dare
to which peg arbot up. lea that it ie not
allowed to WI Iels
When n ybpsmo is desired, both
the old red Ibm New should be given.
Com` tten on onbe e side
01 paper only.
rwh eebse s Notice.
J. (:. 1.e Td Osde.rich. has been .p
pointed Local Amour for the town-
ot0.4 Mita 4.hdeld and Wa-
empo ered to eeamiseibie ther the distrrlp*I rt to
Sss„A4 embecrlptfans to Ttrt
All cram u ,asst be addressed to
IsLmTmOAL Uaxla arm Tar Uafrtn
Maim is fait a vitalism
WILLIAM ))l(Act:ima LL to the Senate
and he to't dead, either.
ments which The Star told us we ....re
to look to tits Government for
Tns tifillINDIIT HARD Tines '.va.a rue
country appear to have given a black
rye to the full-blown promises: made
by Hon. G. E Poor.& in his budget
Ir Sift Joie THot1PNo,i could. POP-
eeibly aid sad assist tier Aeoteex by
having J. D. EDOA161 charges fully
investigateldem't you think h.• would
do it gladly.,
Tut HALO5AaD ■4110» OF r'ARRY-
ing elections lied more to do with the
result of tate bye -elections than any
change of sewtiatest against totee trade
policy of the
( position.
the Legislator* that The Hamilton
Spectator presided De woulil be
unearthed) &Ma aeavenger CLANCY
has failed to tenneet with it
W. H. INwaa, Alol it BROTHER,
ASS been gerbaed customs collector
at 8t Team. Thio is the gentleman
who kept hdit toys 0o tie " infktonnce
at the bye- erily he hath
his reward.• .
- 8-•--
the Young vis nomination
for Tomei'' $i the Legislature.
They all h01111.46 take a back mut
when Jona J10ao shies hie ems
for into the tf .
1T was ,gr/af1riT OUGHT FOR PATI
tioner M rTe7♦asi to petition :againot
eAr5400 whew the latter was elected,
and it is deed wmtng for petitioner
BCA [R to go me with the protest
against Permuting. That what The
Star nays.
Sim Joan TaoliblOw parents TSR
boodling operations of Kir AIH,LPHa
CAROn. if TIP glew1AL were to mild-
ly remark that l!r Jou. was as leg •
rogue politieaUy as Sir AIxttene, the
knight of the dist part would nos he
satisfied that bit sera! Mtatu• hail not
rentived a Boca.
'rat te11oiM MLurr
Mend, a iodates bites opinion in i4wt
Aon, a hares plea front Sir Jon!'
Tuorrsos for hasaaty, and a bogus
where' list batted 11170l • hogus Fran.
rhfr Act, it is ablest a wonder the , tale.
people don't ries in their might and inq
tars this bladed eMntry inside out. and
is Swines sect have a pillar Mar-
i? Binet if they do net tire el the
rebbieh There is evidently a stereo-
tereotype of the deader in the office of The
Star, and whenever ratter is short the
"devil " just jabs i i the storm. Some-
o obody in the office is beyond doubt
undermining the goody goodilttra of
the pious editor. A
NAiamN 140 Axa Wirt nssnn4
Whet. 1IT. MONTAGU'e wan at the
Smith's Hill votive/dim last Pebruary
Ire boasted tkiat lie had a method for
carrying rketiu..s which was far be
yond all other methods oar that wan
sure to win every time. ile war
gottwg W introduce ttr .ystrm into
Wast Huron, and the intralu.'tion of
his scheme meant the carrying of the
The doctor stayed 1n the etinstit
ency and we have every reason
believe the methods of who
he boasted were resorted to. T
oo0etituency Awartucll with boot
ler. of all grades from the lowest
heeler to Cabinet Ministers : A dead
set was made on the .•onatituency, and
West Huron was stolen by a suIN11
How the thing w acs done was for
some time a mystery, but it now turns
out that tbe scheme upon which the
riding was carried is rimply an Ameri-
can style of electoral thieving which
Ism been in vogue on the other site of
the line sinew the Canadian (or, as the
Americans call it,-lustralienl style of
heillot has become law in misty of tbe
States Over there.
The plan is embodied in a proposi
Don to prepare extra duplicates of the
official ballot and deliver there fat
similes. properly marked to secure th
elertlon of Conservative caudulates, to
the purchased Atwater« upon whose cor-
ruption the Conservative managers re-
ly for %uccese. The recipient of such a
ballot is expected 10 .enter the votin
booth with the spurious ticket in his
pocket, accept fronr the distributor a
regular ballot. which he will pretend
to prepare and east..depositing in the
box, however, the fake ticket with
which he was provident before entering
the wand man. The genuine ticket
he- wil! retain as a voucher that he lids
performed his contract.
When Dr. MONTAe.13X boasted in
West Huron about his plan for
" redeeming constituen.•iee and car-
rying elections he evidently had ■
thorough knowledge of the 415te11 and
knew whereof h.• spoke The plea
hal been tried in Haldimaod. and
was oloubtlese the secret of his %eve
ral elections in what had previously
been considered a hopelessly Reform
constituency. At least such wield
seem to be the rase from the result of
a trial which occurred at Cayuga Fri-
day last. the particulars of which are
thus given in the pews despatches
he Hunia The petitaosaer is Mr. V.Itsetr,a stud -
eat IA (:•rruw 1t Prosdfoot's law office, and,
we .eppos, the usual chargee are made.
The hat has beim industriously circulated
both is and out of the riding ler acme
seminary past to nuns the senary "deposit
.honey. and it is safe to maythat &bout the
only permits who will prot by the present
&rune are the legal geodes.e and one or
two heelers who pose as Isadore of the party
is this section. Them, too, it may act as an
•,beta.:*o to the carrying out of desired tm
provementa here, which those gentlemen
fear would bring credit to their oppo0e0ta
The above, from The Star, is rich-
ness itself. it has that brominism;
about it that esggeate the Spring rept'
yrs soughing through the plenteous
tresses and large ears of the esteemed
writer of the editorial paragraph in
our no less redeemed contemporary, in
a vain effort to keep the head cool
and the brain in a not too excited
ei Exception ix taken to the petition
because the petitioner is Mr. BI.Attl,
and the insinuation is thrown out
that the gentleman in questi.nl oc-
eupied that position ao that gnat
R would be drawn to (;ANsow A PROUD -
tour'', office, •" and, we suppose,' Kaye
The Star, n the usual charges are
mach. ' For en uncalled-for pane of
impertinence against a reputable legal
firm, we have nut seen the equal of
the above in many years.
Mr. BLAIP. i$ the petitioner Imcause
he is the secretary of the Reform As
itociation in West Huron. just as Mr.
Mireilllu, of The `tar, was the peti-
tioner against Mr. Carman last year,
and it doesn't come with a good gram-
from n man like Mr. MnrNet". to
impute motives to anyone. Mr. BLAIII
had no axe to grind in accepting the
position of petitioner, and in this re-
gaud differed somewhat fntire the Tory
petitioner last year, who accepted the
position in the hope of making some
fifty or sixty dollars out of the pub-
ubiication of the necessary advertising
in connection with the care. In this
hope he Wm baulked, however, owing
to the advertising being transferred
to a Clinton journal, but his intention
G. get some grease" out of the affair
1e.[ him to act as petitioner. Such
being the car no far as he was con-
cerned, it it not to be wondered at
that he is of opinion that others are
" on the make." Hen', his uncalled-
for reference to Messrs. G.ARROW d;
Plwu lIOOT.
" The hat has been industrious-
ly circulated,- continues the Star,
and the money for the deposit raised.
That is true. The money had to be
obtained by private suhscription, end
woe not put up by the gentlemen from
the red
parlor, by Sir Auotewe
CA11ow, by Kir HscroR L* GIVIN,
by Hon. J. J. Aseorr out of the
celebrated $360,000 of Sir Hu os's
money, or by any eontracting firm
anxious to have a "pull " with the
powers that be. The people were
asked to contribute and they did so.
" it is safe to say," continues The
tar, " that about the only persona
ho will profit by the present action
re the legal gentlemen and one or
wo heelers who pose as leaden of the
party in this section." That is candid
not is the opinion of an expert- the
an who is the standing Tory pita.
boner in West Huron. Ile knows
hereof lie speaks from the Tory
tandpoent, but with all due deference
e is not in a position to speak for
,iher'als in this matter He would
of he the party petitioner if one or
wo heelers, who pose as leaders," did
ot make Something out Of it, anti he
nnot understand that different mot-
e* may affect an honest. man.
Rut the ormtention of The Star in
• last wenteneve of it. editorial para
rsph is the m.sneat an the para-
graph. • The,,, toot, toys The Star,
t (the pretreat) may act as an oh
HALM ori the icons invaded
w ..parties cad t s deetade patent
e+ambinatiee for oapltring oOsrlittten.
ries wan need for all it was weer.
1n West Huron the bops ballot
and the early opening of polling
plates is claimed to have been a
in mmeling
. Ir111W+. But other rao atiitwet of even
& re heinous nature were resorted
to to .aero the riding for Hon. .1. C.
Prior trnlutt, e11 of which will be
exposed in due euursr.
No wonder the Secretary of State
e nd his .hie -bodied aarrstwnts dewing
the election are using every endeavor
to h.. a the petition withdrawn. Seen
yeast oaf disquelifw•ation ulmr00 keHun of
Cheat in the tee, and the Jail yawns
whir for others of the gang.
•• arm • RUNIC -
Last Saturday's dailies aauuunoed that a
ptot0st has hevu biased &g.is't Ilia election
of Hon. J ('. Patterson as M P for West
The nett case taken up war that tit the
queen out of
the saidHins& Retire Hal, arming•Wimand election. The charm
was that the defendant had fraudulently
supplied a voter named Smith with • ballot
paper already marked for Dr. Montague,
with the intentem that Smith should de-
posit it in the ballot box. Smith after re -
Mein( the ballot refired to use it, and
showed it to three or four of his friends
before returning it to the premier. The
evidence clearly bore mit the charge and
the jury, after half an hour, retersed a
veruict of guilty. The judee tined the
prisoner $100 or in delimit throe maths'
Imprum neem.
At the mune election in which HALL
showed up to such advantage in the
interest of 1h. Motreteue, so far as
working the bogus ballot act was con-
cerned, we find that ether rascally
tactics were retorted to, all with
the object of electing the redoubtable
doctor. And here, so as to be impar
tial, we will give the tare taken from
the record of the court held Friday
Inst :
The (!ales v. Henry 1. lace. The charge
was that inn•, who was the deputy return-
ing officer in the Indian beat, had been
guilty of opening tgi poll at 8 o'clock in the S
moron* el election da and also of staff w
nig the ballot box. The evideece showed
clearly that the polls had been opened about
8 o'clock is the morning, tome time prier t
to the arrival of the scrutineer for Mr.
(loiter. The evidence thin disclosed the
fact that several Indians who had been dead a
for years and other Indians who swore they m
refused to vote and did trot go sear the
pills during that day hid appareetly voted
before rax minutes past 8. The evolves.• w
also showed that the clock der** the day
had boon moved forward at least an hoer N
aid that the deputy closed the pokle • e'en it
client length of time before 5 o'clock to
allow an agent of Mr. d !oilier to drive eight
miles to We lona before the closing of the n
polls there. The jary retired as b o'clock t
end wore Inched op till 830, at whack hoar
they were liberated, having failed to agree, t
clavao hung for eonvictiem and one against. co
Ruch weer some of the features in iv
Ph. MoNTAGOR'a special plan for ear
rying tmtatituencirn, if one ran judge th.
by the unmasking of the villains who g
endeavored to proetitate the tittered
of the ballot in his intermits due "" 1
the beet election in Haldimanel, stat
such were mow of the tartiee i
p sot
Tot OTA. OLL DRY -0 745(40 iTO ¬
old osepale.1 N aln$ime. Our "muton 1 where
ley fg $1 fatly abort d ideas cad ' it '
opted in Weed Harvel. South Powti'
inch of Use other con$tituenciea
the " Forty Misses " .acoraeded
• t'todwgokaf " the riding. The
MINIM to say that if the protest is
fought out certain raided pub-
edlic improvements shall not be gone
on with, &Imphy bemuse ■r. PATres
w ow's seat is attacked r 1►r time be
wean to say that the improvements
are not no -emery, but nevertheless
they will he gone on with if the pro-
test be withdrawn f And does he
mean to insinuate that if the needed
improvements are gone on with the
Tory party should get the credit lust
as if they had paid the money out of
their own pockets ientor( of from the
resources 4 the country t
The plea for not prosecuting the
petition against Mr. PATTROseN'e fir
turn is absurd, and the fact that the
petitioner in the recent West Huron
election trial is the man who puts it
forward doesn't .pork well for his
intelligence or honesty on public quse-
*4 AITO.4ITI eR sAPTete."
Regina and that portion of the North
west, is looked upon ea a versatile, if
erratic, genius, but few of those who
know him intimately would credit
hitt with being a deep student of
doctrinal paints or theological di8er-
enees. Yet such he appears to be, as
a recent communication to The Cana
digin Baptist proves We give his
contribution in full, not for the pur-
pose of starting a controversy on the
subject, but to let the fnends of Mr.
DAVIN in this section get a view of
this side of his tuany-sidedness
Mr. Nichola' Flood Davin, M.1'., in the
course of a conversation a few weeks since,
imcieleetally referred to the reply which he
had at one time made to the request of a
former editor of The Baptist for his opinion
on the meaning and use of the o;reek word
baptize, in The New Testament. Knowing
that our readers would be atorested e•
learning the view of • gentleman of superior
intellectual ability and of wide scholarship,
not himself a Baptist, we asked Mr. Dann
to kindly repeat his rept in writing, with
permission to publish. Following is les an
ewer to our request
., 1 forget the exact words 1 wed in MT
reply to the question by the editor of The
Canadian Baptist. It was some years ago.
But as my atm remains unchanged, it
will he as well to give the answer 1 would
Sake if the request were repeated.
1 hold, and have held ever aims 1 was in
• position to have an opinion on the subject,
that both as regards the form of baptism mod
those who should be the subjects there
of, the Baptista have the best of the argu-
ment. As to the more important questioo
of the two, the subjects the nature of the
case, the order of the won}s •" believe and
be baptised,'. the apostolic practice and,
moat probably, that of the early church, are
on the site of those who hold that Christian
baptism presupposes conscious faith u
Christ. The ancient form nutlive.l the de-
parture from the ancient rule. Aa to the
subjects of baptism and the meaning of bap-
tize), the well Known practice 0t the early
centuries and the foot. in old European
cathedrals make out a case difficult to over-
turn, not to speak of St. Paul's argument
in the 6th chapter of Romans, the beauty
sed appropriateness of which is lost unless
you bear in mind that the may form of bap
tam known to St. Paul was tmettetssioo.
The literal and metaphorical use of the word
baptise in Greek writers gives no counten-
ance whatever to sprinkling. Ships ars des-
cribed as baptised when they have been
sunk, and mem `as baptised with wine when
they have bees soaked with i. in the first
verse of the 3r1 chapter of Mathew Johan-
nes 6o Baptista' ,. sly half translated
We get the English equivalent for the prop-
er name but not for the cognomen ; we get
Most the (.reek word. The proper transla-
tion would he, " John, the Dipper." The
meaning of several passages in the New
Testament is obscured by the timidity of
the translators in sealing with baptize and
its derivatives. 1. the I lth verse of the
3rd chapter of Matthew we read, " I in-
deed baptize you with water unto repeat,
mos." But the Greek is, " 1 indeed dip
you in water into repentance." In the 5tn
verse we read that they flecked out to him
and wen '.baptized," "confessing their
Una" The memos was not an end to be
reached through baptism ; they were repent-
ant before they were baptised. If baptism
bot to repentance, John would sever hare
addressed the Pharisees ami Saddam*" as in
ea 7-10. What force in "dipped in Quist"
as compared with " sprinkled with Christ,"
(Rpm vi.. 31, not to speak of the imp eibll-
ity of correctly translating either the verb
or the preposition so.
The same word baptist/wean which Pliny
used for a swimming bath, the ecclesiastical
writers apply to the baptistery m • church.
Regia•, N. W. T., Feb. 6, '92.
Roma livnroaaroa, t:.-M.P., woo
11•s been an intermittent papfeeder 011
the Government for the peat fifteen or
twenty years, hies now gut a cinch on
• life -job. Tile t.•ostoens horse collec-
tor at Chatham, although stall able
and hearty, has been superannuated,
and ROMs has been appointed in bis
Hamilton Spectator was a gigadier
brines' in the Yankee army during
the " recent unple•mantneae " on the
other sick- of the line, and took the
oath to defend the United States of
America a gainet all foreign power's,
and especially against the ()seen of
Great Britain, eneOtints for the way
he pitches into the Grit rebels who
believe in reciprocity
DRRrr,G, 11,0 411.041D JACK TRU
Ripper, has set up the defence of a
natal disposition to butchery on
part which ie altogether beyond
+ aver►
le to the carrying oat of desired ' hie
Neveiterits her., which theme has
geetireme.p fe&r would bring credit to i ten
their eippoeeNita ' Now, what does hem
the editor of The Star mean when he red
teaks Mei a etaaer- t 1 Dere ha
tackle a 1411 -grown men, the plea win
hardly work with a jury.
Now TSAI ms Tomes IN Wren Ha
rata have decided upon a taunter peed
tion against Mr. Ceramist it will be
in tinier for The Slav to abuse the peti-
tioner, the law tits and the commit
tee that have die matter in charge.
union meeting at Woodstock, and as
usual the '• loyalists created an up-
roar and made things as di•agreesUe
an possible for the advatstei of the
question. Woodstock must be a nice
town to live in where a full and free
discussion cannot be heal on any sob
feet affecting the conditions of the
country at large. The Sentinel 11.
view ought to feel proud of its fellow
Hag -waver of • independent " pro
cli vities.
Sae ATOR I)at•rroeD, 400 OF THI
sugar barons, has written a letter to
The Empire denying certain state
menta of Sir RICHARD CoITwIIouT
concerning the sugar tariff. The
denial of !senator Decuromo doesn't
deny Sir RICHARD'S contention, but
on:y goes to show that while the trema
ury Imes $3,000,000, and the oonsum-
ere get it beck after twelve long years
of waiting, the profits to the sugar
barons still go on with regularity and
despatch. Mr. DRUMuceee concludes
his epistle to The Empire hy stating
that under the circumstance: he will
continue to oppose Sir It Ir►I A ND at the
SereauA'. NI0RT AYLroN 8111TH, A
Brantford man, was ..rootl of an idea
altogether too prevalent, tee: ...Fourche*
make capital lunch -rooms, and, having
stolen eight bottles of ,ale from a
convenient hotel, hied him to the
Oxford -at. church of that city to regale
himself. Sunday morning at 10
o'clock, when the church was opened
fur public service, ATLierp was found
sitting in the pulpit with the ale
spread out before him. He was
ejeu ted from the ,church, and subse-
quently arrested. Monday morning
at the police court he was sent up for
:10 cloys for tai,ing the ale, but be
wasn't charged anything for admission
to the church.
Brockville Recorder Hon. I tavul Mills
was about right when he pouted out Chu
we would be more apt to secure a favorable
treaty of reciprocity with the flailed
Stats if we sent oommi.00.ers who wanted
to get reciprocity than if we seat men who
admittedly did not wast it That is just
what we have done. We sent men to
Washington to negotiate a treaty who said
we did not want reciprocity. They now
come back and with ill caeoseJed glee an-
nounce that we oinnot get reciprocity.
• • e
est le the fleet': *1(11571.
The Rochester Herald has changed eta
editors and its policy and will henceforth
support the Democratic party amid few
trade " It will be," it says, " for tarn
reform, because it believes that the en -
sumer, of this country, as well as the pro -
damn ,
daoerv, have rights which oar sties/ law.
makes are bound to respect... This is an
indication of the growing strength of the
trade movement on the other side. It is
gaining strength as all reforms meal Woes
tariff reforms comes in the Stats the tariff
mosaopo4w hen may take warning.
?Allem 000'7 utas WIGAN.
New York World : Wages in this coun-
try are btgher thee they ars in the (old
World, as the p'ot.ctioa orators ooesea.11y
assert Bat Go are the trees and the water-
falls higher, and the pumpkins and ware -
bosses bigger- Wags have been relatively
as muck higher ben for a hundred years,
d ike under low tariffs and high tariffs, .red
they would be seder no tariff. The greater
aid wider demand for labor, our still mmed-
tivaterl fields and usadevelopd reso.rese,
the higher average intelligence ams produc-
tiveness of oar workmen, the spirit of oar
imtitatioss, .ed tie opportunities of oar
boaadlsm eantineet, e.6 oombne 1. meltf-
Ny opport.aitiae for labor sad to emerease
its velum Mr. Mckieley has just admitted
that tarid were net inserted ted te Messes
wags if they could work this wonder
wages In protected Ih,r•wanr ane Prange
wdeld be higher this they r .. freewade
1Rdend, isitoad of emelt lower, es they are
mow mid have always hole.
roan os seinen ewIva
D.sdae Banner : The biggest petition
pasted to Perli•meet this ssies was
that in favor of the removal of the duty m
Wading twee and other farm meometier.
As Mr. Laurier mid when the subject of
taking the tat off artificial fertilises was
being diseased by the member., " the pe'e•-
ant "onditieen of the Quadra fanner is •
most pre ario.0 rtes aad every effort should
be trash to improve it, by redeem( the acct
Of We raw materials. " The elks of keep -
leg • duty on pending twist is he pat up the
piss 1t is not to obtain a revtiene, as all
the duty eniket d last year ea Saliba
twins was $6,000. Rut hy lie Govermeneat
ksepag on this duty the Oa..dis maims
ef trading 1wire are eeakld to keep ap
r price to the eeaehi.e pries of the
neer idan artiele, with the duty added.
Thee is • t►emo.deaas lot el Wading twine
1 1. Clw&d& bedeassimg that emsteme-
d the grab ors ef Omsk kis bound Ly
bindle, twines, the meas 1/,0fres peasi
twine. meta, mhos the fsnerej prfs
control. When it ie eonsi4ered A
t hie disposition to butcher hm
mn8merl to defenceless s women else
helpings children, and that the Mr
meanie nem nerved DIMING b d
d three cents •• poised, eblless the farmers
to pay ,100.001 • year more than they
sh.sM for boding twine alma The ease-
nsos tea was sped kr esoarbg estop el
duty ea the 198,000 pomaded AmsrlMa
Luise imported lest year. This oases he he
a Mee e1 doggiest • very I•nte eased whale
to and • very smell lined spree. 'lake
away the duty sad the orbs, whieh sen-
trul. the price ui twine would have to re-
e.Juce the price. It is sot eves • Comedies
cribs, but • Ymikes aurone the Nadas!
Cordage ('ompasy of the Hatted Stales has
bueght up all the (:acedias cuntaee leo-
tortes. It is surely bad enough to have
Canadian cambia's bloodies usr farmers
without...blieg foreign aombiaes to du the
ems thing.
IN GAMY 1.1711.
Tomato News . The hungry Soma! sad
that ensinen1 ose.oaeear In brie •-twee,
John Roger Arnoldi, will be pl•7ug is as-
oeedtngly hard luck if they ales are ant re-
instated before the end of the monis amd
granted pay for the time during wheat they
here been wade, • clow} se well.
rIK 0A.4 10(74151' o4T DA%lor't RAT',.
Dundee Barmen The following is from
the AmealoW Life of John Macdtw•Id, w
sued • short time ago . --Use day as the
members of the Cabinet were eb•tung to-
gether, after the busters of the council was
over, Sir John was seam to look intently
and ssnouely at Mr. Carling. At leu be
asked, " Carling, I wonder if the Almighty
ever crested a man as boort as you look ! -
This is the same Mr. Carling who is now
sitting em Parliament in the seat belonging
to Mr. Ryles.
T0IT1.•i ILAN VOr1l0e: 70 0105.
Toronto Telegram (ind. I : Mercier, when
ooefro.ted with the truth thtit Proud side
• ishan of a railway embody, talked about
the usef ulnees of the road and called era -
denoe to prove that the Buie des ('►akure
ra.lway was • bleeping to • deserving die
ori t. Angers said, all (:area* said and
baldly Quebec ,red at the polls It may
have been right to grant those ealmidies,
but it was wromg to steel for private or
paress uses mosey grated by the oos&Lry
to hutld • railway.
And now yin Jobs Thomson courts en-
quiry se to the propriety of granting the
subsidies mentioned in tie Edgar charges.
That he says is the only piaster for Psrta
seam. Shoeld or should not this subsidy
have been granted •
Sir Jobs Maniples does not appear to
advantage in an imitation of Mercier defend
P•oaud. It is absolatedy childish for
him to talk of isd:atg oat through the elec.
tem ooarta whether or act the money grant-
ed to aid them railways was notprap•rly
expended. The eleetioa courts were elosad
by the statute years ago- The keg! court
of Parliament is open, a.4 it w►11 be to the
disgrace of the Coaservtave party, yes, and
d Rir Job. Thompson, too, if be is allowed
to keep C+roe's ens from the light by the
constitutional quibbling with winch Mercier
vainly tried to save Meed( sod Proud.
MOS not* COT sun.
The Stratford Beacon claims that •
Conservative law firm in Windsor, of whit&
Mr. Patterson, recently appointed to the
Deoiniem Government, is a member, has
bra in the habit of poeuag letters in
Detroit to save the oma -ant difference be-
tween the Canadian three -seat rid the
Ceded States two -omit rate. Oar con-
temporary says •
" Several letters of this Ere mailed to
Dotted sad bearing! U.ited States atu.ep.
have been received n this city, and seer T .
Become saw as 1•t. se Feb 1."
bread of being osnd.mm.d for this
.endeavor to avoid the stupid &ad excessive
postal .harms that sell for • three -cent
rate for a cumber printed in imit•tima of
typwritiig, as have bean other bermes
men alleged to have followed his 'tassels,
Mr. Patterson le elevated to • position in
the Domini= Calder ! " tet the be fair
play all -"
• IT le ota*ATIR THAN eve.
Th. Brockville Recorder says : "Al.renag
as the sodas of our people to the United
States leas been is farmer years, the
crowds that are going over the herder
a Quebec lama
arca practisa y ldep.pulated and
lotus aler fords will he idle sed a••tt1•d
this year. Is Ontario it is met quite es
had, but • Conservative friend of the
writer, who Brae shove O•ma..e.p be -
freed him that then were fifty tarns
4.1,... his pias and Rivets for tale
at prices away below what they were held
M a few yeses ago, sad the .&y rosese
the owners did net emigrate was became*
they could not soli at any price."
pierserios AXIS wr?Te ARR A Paha.
Wieder Record : I( the Free Press had
an7 same of shame he its oompsitdos it
would avoid any reference to the liberals of
thea eeamtry being as..=.tdoutba Mr.
Bel. White, who pals him. if forward am
the leder in the sassathaist ineveseat,
was Mr. Patteson's right heed mem all
thrash the Met .leaden as he is Mr. Mero-
dith'. rirbt hard mesa mow i. the Legisla-
Mr. Pattar.o. nominated Mr. Whim ler
the Legislates well ksowag he wee the
snno:•tiom eehampkan of Canada sand Mr.
White loyally returned hie hinders by
stamping the meaty for Mr. Patterson cad
in hie comps/iv.
The Fres Proas 4.e the &ud.CIy te say
that alaloes that eesaite 041.4. pCraemanodi.a
end fogad mesepieese mesa neeel.Aa •• ydee.
and we are nM ally ,sires\ to say that M
found seeepeaee r eine prty oily but use
premiers wee des white The Free Press party by the
arse. We has
ne en .
mid beard that The Free Prem repudiates
Mr. Sall White, who is the paps
r of smaesstiee ""Jen the ksier
who was Mr. P.tt.anis most active sup
rtt.wr. ha
We have est yet red that Mr.
eolith hem rupalhosed dei. pr..eber of
awessries, bet .s tee ,Reber) we knew
that he iIHsg ace escape hit ogppert is
(ramal ova ewe e.RNlowaarr.)
it is with owns we haw te enmesse
the death of James T'hsrbarn, whet did me
the seas! ei April et the ap of twsuty-dye
years sad ix menthes He was en bibs
site yens mem art reopeeted ell who
Mow h He was • myibdo.t d
Gisilsriok or and m Ye sport of bb stir
Ws Ise.
wgM11y lit W 4I
The label mows fro,. M -.- .L. ea,
Me Y[rieMr-I oaeare el the f, r
1M.se is diet. Heo mama is
sad as he hew hese o.rryi g th•t
.roatd ler icy -he years grave fon
set rtatad fee the result
At the whoa.bobs. at Se•setes, lLL
ether day Mrs. Mary B. WMi n1, the
obis another of Mies Frames K W
o ast her Mt vote, at the rife age e.1
'MIL Mine Willard war sheer
hoes *ad,aoaagre.Yy, did met vett
The older Baron Irheah, the
..y-emitlimeaare, has for Saslow aims
be daily uareesi.g. Baahtg mem*
tableded himself is • persamwt her
!rondos. M r looking .hest for
estate. and is said to be •heat b
Mr. Beresford Rapes Bedguhary
This elute snebrm.r 6,000 s•tm cad
to he • very ebermi.g pl.os.
The practice of eranearem le as Ye
rear to Greasy. 1. addition to tbs
catering' widish hos been he epsryk.
Gotha Gime 1877, where from is
600 bodies ore mow cremated every yar
mew a tabliheeeat of the w kind
been consecrated at IM(hoderf.
crematory will be opined i. October
Cork rehe, oakimg the third is dermas).
on Mt, Weaki.gterm, is New Hhopoak
laves • tittle cokes, d betterlir that as
d.soa d below 200 feet from the maul
They are completely isolated from smog
their hied, so batter8ies being found is
other spot is their immediate vietmty. 1
is supposed that the remote assets d
the eerier raoa wen stranded es
usee.t•ia at the ohne of the glacial prat
The Leaden Qom.., is a slams
article, cells ettentics to the llameatldb
fact that the late Duke el (,1re.es is
posed to have o.tracted hes fated dip
from exposure at Abe eerveewe of the cpm
of Priam Victor of Rakesh.. Deng
the long ceulttuta set service he, with ithe
royalties, stood bareheaded, exposed N
keen northerly wird which swept .ores de
Among the peoples of the globe. tat
Japanese, an their ter of Liderao, r m
many other things, would seam to he W
most temperate as well as the mon rebut
The rudest cootie or the coarsest ben
laborer equally with tie hely of reek Ile
pretty genial sad the minister of Suite
content with the thew, • tiny pips whist
done sot IM ansegh to mike Nes Qom
Mab seem&
The late M. Pauls, who recently drat .
Pans, had the distimetios of being the e
venter of the "peg top " trousers, whir
were so mage affected by American who
tear dream and village "sports " • q
0i • ceetary ago Peale was the Mlles'
Poole of Frame and the It parer 71
i*1. would have no other tailor. e
eighty when be died. &ad • very inert
leaking old man, of military bearing, to*
The Orangeville Advertiser says dim
many good Tories We joined the rinks el
those who believe tie fates denisy i
Canada is an honorable p•rtaenhip with at
great nation to the este el lir. Anastp
meats .r. mow brag made for • pol
wastes to be held in Orangeville to dens,
the ambled.
Wieds r Record : We here already .
treated sur dearir. ter numedies indepne►
sea We believe the is • scenery pm
lieunary step to any asgstislime with too
Metes. Thr .praad, them 1st ••. rink
. ole desire to prams ear *weber intern*
take any further steps .-.emery to brag
about batter .a mer bl auntie.s with es
n eighbor. Ti these who object to plaid
amen ocmmne.al maim aims this hast soli
edam of the difienky. This is the nogg*
tion of Mr. Blase mad would probably
.00.pted by that matins. Whatever is hot
let us hawe it at ..ea it ors..e ewes be
sees for the beet interest of thi. cessim s.
A. ler ourselves, if we have to Obese M
Lives o.me.rda1 i..1.tiom m this mats
eat, .a ..ggs.tod by Mr. Frier, r amen
Lion to the Blebs, tee rider the latter.
Me is se As,wlea mid lie Tests. Nr
res1Nte•t INC
Asked meetly about the osnermem a1
the minor that he intended rssi-'- le
..at h Parliament, Hash JsM Mmdensll.
Cha member ler Whinipeg, seated
that the sly thing wrong shoat .mot • re-
port was that it was asnemwbmt presets
" I have shed my lnedsr, Mr. Abbott. el
be allowed to swigs," he west •n. "and se
far have amt yet get • Ambled .sewer fres
Your mans= w --"
"1 sen,dy dent like the work. 1 haus
n e ambition for peytdol WA My team
don't be is that dir.otaom : baidas, I has
legal hareem requiring se7 mltem ism. As
you are aware, I only steepled lbs monis
tion on ti. disdainmii.r.tandbig that 1
. bld he snored
i to snip se .ren as el
was .ouvonient for the pony ter posit me
to de a Sir Donald Smith refused the
.-.eatsa at the leaf meelent and I erne
anted to ems es me to, prevent Mr. Isar
thamhs11 elected hy mehmeties
?leilam sea to d the sew to was , h ewer
ams reties, bast dew
there is se snob etas - Mr. Mad.aaid
is, Without doubt, one of the suet papain
seembmn b the Roses.
From 7b. Terme Wegner
Tho.. !law charges will he sake ale
Ren. the PGmanas•r-Otsasat's tars ..•a
•, stamp, b tome they will stunk Y nib
see ro
When the MaleterofAntirabies kirks
gamine in the asst off of Y ksiMO
eias..t.. 4.rr7 ase lip
the oder of the Osseo had arpnemeaa
There is memo ettie left •
Ottawa • make • right 11 Igb1. It hs
bream lade w bac The ONrem.Nire
to the Drat. imp aesll the Olpsli411
Jew let the ('-- -. 'Hamm tamp •
Sea. &int Chatire as le how P
amid Ws .assent d weakmwr tie NSW
.f kid Means egg amide is ere/
Ater with It
i.. r°- • 1. ne MT.
EMT. .
d E WALK,R, QertIIAt. Ms
sa1OWt0. iNTt1llffieT AMIGO TO Tier PRINCIPAL
N(egnessa .N ■A01a TEAR.
Speolal Atl.wtkeee gives to Ret. O.Meo1
mod Fares.••• Sebes NOS...
R. 8.
afliciak of
receive th
s all, eed
lass semi
death. N'
will do tit
The Weekly Epitome of News
From a Live Centre.
to Try Creme M mord en Illow Every
isms Werth Naewtae That glees 0e 1.
Sirens Web"-aendshbe Ilho0rhe.
.1' I.vel ivo.l&
[MON 000 OW. geaseWON00NT. 1
T. Brows, .s employee for many yeas
With }t..Sferd Bras., Idt lest went for
Port Herm.
Used (oat.lee sow drives the express
ware (ur M. (tissisgh.s►e & the place of
bis cousin. Lek.
Mrs. Fox, el tows, who hos bees. widow
for • somber of years. le, we are sorry to
state, very sick.
A Torok. Chats s profeemiosal ger
hes the coetrsrt of grafting 113 Nur fora
lar nor sear Dungasson.
Stemma (intakes, a reef Obits
left us Saturday hast to .eek bin--
W tar Wen. We wish him twrii
('oNi`aO. e}a the lot d May the well
known Mr Grigg, formerly of tea Grigg
House, London, es expected to take an active
pert is the .arvioes d the Rattenbury ..
Methodist church, Clinton
Au. Somers Foa --The three handsome
as stores which ex sayer Whitehead well
erect durtag Cha resin 4500,.•* are already
hespokes, one by Harked Bros., ore by
lube Brae. and the ether by Mr. Irwin.
Portua Miter Hoboes pee • temper
mace lector u your town bet week to •
of/tided bootee, and the Sandsy_ previous he
preached very scosptably in lletmesrilk,
where he s gra.tly appreciated. Our geoid
editor believes that rowel amid tanepira.oe
ever walk band -is -
$4,000.00. As sated in The Now Ere,
mayor Doherty has ,old his haedeawee
residence to lir. Mefoggert fee the sear
tick mom of $1000.00. Aa Mr. McTa art
webes to take ammo.}iate poneesiee, moa
believe it as the Steads of oar worthy
my or to remove to his hams djoaais, the
Use Sews. .fan Fair sold tasty six'
head of very ase cattle at 6; Dente per lb.
but week. The way Mr. Fair manages hie
tarn tied sock would well 4. worth the i.-
emaugatem of any farmer is Karma or (:an -
ed& Kwerythiag h• etedertakes 4. does
thor.egbly and well. Hees hie emcees se
firmer, merchamt aid eiitiosa.
Ir's Nes To as Twos. A gnat Jeal of
elk IS b.i.g dos just now comoor tiSg W
sow .scant customs dace We this& meet
41414.dly that • Clinton ewe is muscled to
the mew, be 4. Grit et Tory ; hat the form-
er stands . poor show r your humble ear -
run aught heed is hie ord. mods that
mall favor would be th.dtully received.
Tata As thus- -D. Recess and eon
lift on Tosdsy lest for Briti.b Columbia
Mr. 110.8.ms has lived for many years in
(hates, tied we would wager the bast Ra-
vos ever sneoked that, although he bas
ranged bm Iseat.en, be wa6 sever change
ha politica, for he is des d the stesao'
Reformers that mar .pb.od a geed sad
'Omer caw
H. Ben
L t -Q
y readily
scats for
Mr. 81
fears are t
Mw i
tles nab
Wet. .1
kw Irwt
1111Whe go
ifliek and
day after
The be
set all Cho
It rets Ste
oxen u in
the yells.
the week
The toot
Lases so
From 11
Ford, T.
Pa. Hog
John IA
Mary Ni
Jas. Job.
onces of
the pls
but mothi
a the m
nen. WI
are a
indo,nit a
stead bed
Herrn Ilse. --Alta. Rills, it In feared,
r sow lying up ei. dsatbb 41. Oa Taw
day of last week be hank wo freely of test
which maket8 the strong tats weak. Can -
eloquently, mus ad of Eder hems, he mart
his hd u a pool of water, and was the
band the meat nemsisR in an awneek tie
state The doctors do not hold out mob
hope for kis recovery.
Nov Ileoru. Yer. -Floor has ewes Boma
10 casts per hundred lbs. or M costs per
barrel it takes Ove bushel@ of wheat to
ma* s barrel el Sort ad so yea tet, air,
while that amount of wheat hdeceased
m sloe 60 cleats Sour hos made • staff deep od7
e1 10 cent& But all hvore are thank[.!
y revived and as emblem rale tie pease
lied oppaee the onstry we must simply
how to the isobaric
Jam BRAtrnrti_ - Although Saturday
fleeing wit sat voey 9eirisg kli e, yea the
people tared out h /mfr rsneti va to vine y
the 'Thad Sees ermine al our dry goods t
merehemta, e..11 troth, sr, it wet well Evi
worth S p pis. The artistic ntiMpns!loi
in their ori and shoo the • ` .s(at1 e
eat their whole neatLWhneent., cos 1°°"-( 0
ahb4 Warming ; bet Asst !trod i1, ler, n
mend mon w set wry e.xise ter Spring
"War er F&M dhpl.ye. 1b leek at aro
Wry tory •f•., bet .les, are !
Tuna PILLS WOW BwALLow. -Mena
pant pill eamp.sy bis of late hoes dver-
Orng their pi110 hy giving • rebus to melee.
when,) the beaky anon eroell get seas slo-
sh& promote Twe of this town have been
informed that they have each wee the wooed
prim which is • very valuable thread rind,
and all that remains for these to de is to
toad $3.00 is cash for • dates betas of their
.ended.! pith and ten cents for stamps
noel regrow, when, le I and behold you, this
kesottf.l little gene will be sant them. Bet
(mate people an net se flood of pills as all
that, nal de sot hit. worth • tient. When
we get sick we are of opiates that • Sot
from (ai dos'. tried "Gwen " r from manes
51ker presided pact ath.sr would be tar
more aneeibmlSae these enreell• emieletsu
ravine, of which we hear e mate.
T.e lttauyan Ona -Oh 1 yes, tole. 7m
mast admit that there are ernes greet dew
eeterietiae eneen flet tones of the sable sea
who 0gbe ear b.etlne In Parliament. For f.
°lame.., de you west .=.alive moderatiee.
then take the great Mr Marble Tepper',
assent with Pnrlisnemet M service on the
weep for Tel party is 1$111, 71666.61. 78
Il_apt. travelling ..peri.., .t SIO pas dsy-
p61 ; fen Teri, New Yb, pt3 bb : fare
emir New Yerk le inseam, 5886.66 ; a -
sawed items, 118166.66; lone et serviette as
Ellgh Oewnaintemer, 78 days, *,000 1 toad.
RAM 63 Miaidedloraire there, I .• warn
41"1 6.621 Mtp am pima aeINIa
Y so hock for sail and il_MO
lanieer sable Sesaey whit set ley hat
mow weedImr awe whale hese, e r WOE
Will y
perhapp t
terrible s
if you ea
cants t0
We keel
Case tri!
G. A
bemire ■
to Tore
ship wit;
on ran
0170 is gg s
whkb .b
teal Mer
•:: .z+i b+, &_`