HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-4-14, Page 3d
�w� ,
ief rpl.ttrOirw
i fr. ~ a sedan e�
.e sass. A eau own&
w SAM sw A. amens e.1 ar.anis_
. i 11.• NOW. "'i'• ibavmsub
woo nY tbM WsE r~
ries• lawny �w
ores. sag q Apse* llogastposilkb
Fresh ...firm►
thus of do sm..
mint eased to
esa Jribaa int.
POOR ss )aren
mete skaimer
de Gen, mad the
tion m,s11[1111wela-
tre d aYa,Msu.
=Pa11e •star
'sirast, New
Turk. esrtW.,-
Abort two yews mph
e zesty two lomes bass
.Mta is walk cstY !lagoon
mad aentree
aMiu$ d d.
1 saw W a ►
Ma laaj wtiUses Mudded is
err a wlnL
trial of till sesd=waed
r 'K° pas
to fortp elected a nom
platedmos.. d .bat 1 bare dada bad no
rims et th• disease " _
OA. Stork,
■*a w yens ado Wised to sty
t taken ill
with rhsusostisni. being
bowiebowietit moans. 1 ere cwt ed the
sittings very moth deblllrMsd. with
*mute, ad my sari Moil ata
*eery way 1 cumrea
t•d as
garespenna sod beano le illiplaTa
tsar, gamy in usual hemp 1 gannet say
MA SINS re -
so much in praised this welt -known
s-1 :eve -
taken a greet deal at nisdl-
tzar. but nothing has doss M [
such gad as Ayer's 8ar_aeparWs
telt its beneficial effects bbeesoerm. 1 had
mate bombed one bottle. and 1 eaa
r.mhrne 1knowd."that it MLW.Ward.
N'wdLi1 J. Tesco.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rnmlAaSED IT
11. J C. Ayer A Go.. Lowes, Mama.
hon. $I, as bean, 44. w.uMsteals.
)st sad Beat
1)0sM41, has just
1 from Detroit and
ith the latest and
Spring ltillinerv,
leaned to give the
experience to the
Crich and vicinity
ivail themselves of
. R. B. SMITH.
Win h _''f 1'492.
,env :,.nee ire ort
quality is of first im-
the purest and best
Iscription work.
Dispensing amnia
,YS & Co.
:ring out a new stock of
shy style. We have a large stock
Girls' Sailor Hata
shirts and a full ammortrnent of neck-
txnuing ammo will be a tine
receival and comprises
Camping and Bathing Outfits.
and prices and be convinced that we
urid ry
. T. HAYS & Co.
t expect a lively carpet and curtain
for it. We direct special attaotioa to
ct from the mill and are the
I'Ie ir: Canada.
- Dep&rttmeat I
Lar finis to wills bitter &suenrt-
iC M than ever befog..
gh our CARPET and LACE
on; utstairs.
WWI Leer M• p -Is Mor •-a r Wass -
WSW' D..ae team Men GO Sas . Vert -
ems Typne-TM •.ae.rt.... the lours
the Ve.sst.ss said •anabant.tl Tsars.•..
la snail plaids, sod cheeks bennag
plaids, these peat Worm appear a fel.•.
peat sad W ehadee, nae barred with red,
yellow bpd each ►right .cornets They
sic eadeebtedly eery pretty wire made .p
es the bons , but ohm as wt they will pan
askew whoa straightened est ter ironies,
write &sum W. Hopper is her divert,
moat of -Ham l)ressa .ki g" is the April
Ladies' Home J«real. AU of the skirts
ar• 'wasted, two breadths •powering far
the timet tote, and three beiag In its
skirt of • girl of fire years. The Mw•poek And they
want -woes over a pump has a frill of Of tM laughing Ham mad traded be'
gingham ee embr.i4ory, and if made MO- l.11 *se of w
scold, the trill may suIneWe . bertha. asa. bar �d � efiloosey
Chat •!soma, foU at the top, have an lfos a, and they 1 brio me
sad edgt.g or taro over cuff of 'wander, Ip the slime eight.
while with white sleeves attached to tits In • edema dight e: tmmder
ga. the areas sleevest are lay paff► Wein my bendg��
1f • belt is worn have it of Motu Biers mod up la oat las comas
:maynue, though :may of the galbad skirt. "rue Lois �saob t diatomretiedds
are sewed fa the retied ttldri, which ( ldurgutke ta al, joy two.id may
battens u the back, ■stutl
b s .ly wider Lyeag joy .hlaect caught and pursed me
.r. aid tindirt asap Owrr gnus of In the ars of doom.
umbel saleseek the law wait le pdsetly only mak. the httio now
plata, elf gathered. top and balsa A L the angel'r tongue.
little mid embroidery r asmsMmm MM., Yet 1. beard bar walaPer.
eM� ■me oa17 n.u$
also bdM frills of gingham. er edging He.-. below, that ones way grim you -
from the asst lar in front, omit the shoal- Toiss are toot you to deceive yew-
4.rs to the waist line at the bark. High ihr met L&' ,Iasi. leave you
waists are trimmed with •stew vests, a Wide ser hove . young...
nIQA WWII an • iso eia
lx won Wrusss by a Pool who Mae Siw
wow Fpow
la the ho... of • pstlom•s sa tats AMiy,
says the Kokomo, lad-. DupaMh, we sew a
pee= unites ou the g'' leaf elan aM hark.
Notate, the initials "F. A. P." M the bet -
tom, a struck us that pegibly we bed tun
..saes • bu..naa.
The owed e1 the book add that M did
not know who wee Use bather of the peas
His grandfather. who gore him the Mot,
kept as tis in tleeterBeld, near Richmond.
Va. 0.. ought • yorag ems who showed
pmoly the marks of dissipation rapped at
the dour, salmi of he meld stay all sight
and was skews to • room.
That was tits lad Obey .w of Wm. When
May went nom nwroiog to o.0 him M
breakfast, he had rise, but bad Mit tM
book, on the By leaf of which he W written
Man verses
Lona 111.1
Iwrso.i.--Atig7ls n•onod her
tkd enwe
• rah w.1tk,�
est • alt
-,tahalleveszAlhest ...id Warm
°•.•`� whet • msr*trot txim--Ise
ar. tan e••a,het�
(..111KWei BV F. H. JORDAN.
j Ntede4 to at von RAT'S r
.ed all boatswain the 1 . C.
Nor drl0. h ,tpooeite the C. P. P.teat Ot-
far. eta et• vat oblate Netewm 1. toss tint,
has Owns remote from R'4 ra,"OTO.V.
Nose Af)I'R,l. OR DR.WINO. a,�We
riser to oate.tahifitll Ire nes WE ON
..rake V(► "'HAWN r vEisa8
TAM r.tTR..T.
we refer. here. to *tee Postmaster. the fttgtt.
t Hoses Order U. v.. end to °Maids of t
r. D. Pasant ildIoe. For e*r. *lar. advice.
.ole.and ,.txrw.. *to..esia1shoat. is lout
,era Ante er roust,. write to
C 4 nosW t h..
host elt. Patent OA1ea W+Moria-AC
r. -tt
1101.tKrssel1 - Kass toe •.hallow Man
Stand t. D.r0Mpt.w ata Art... M Work
Dune ar;t'r./sant.aatr'..w N M*or
an Arrear irmadi r phee.
Then are few Cores of ana.eseeat a& the
reser Nee so pnp.lar aid eo i.lereatisg
The knights of the camera fern dividd a/0
two distinct .Mesas, the amateurs and the
-IR 0
professionals. Bet so Leong
haw the iAKI
former become that they far eetpm alis. the w
latter. When photography wee first takes
ep by the amateurs the protomartyr looked
oddly eyes them sod to every polir
way endeavored to throw cod vete( m
.keit hope sad aaptrayoma The it ea• p � p .
cissa!• heated that the amaleer+ .oast
d&Wnisb their work and interfere odiously (ator Ys`
nias e. Anima, L.t...
with their legitimate b..tae.m, bet now I yf+ewaam`. or Yr 1pjalsmh
Unage are dlgdrent. The rehearsals I 1. W. LTTomos. T. Toos. ow.know that the amateurs are here to day.
ural that mewed of being rivals in berms kowtow
tbs ematearu are • fruitful coerce of AWAYper
roves.* and Monne. The reason for this is
tiara the.mateare stick prtncy "v to land-
scape and outside work and do :cry little
prtating. 11 res amateur takes a plate and
anyone as N.tro41111 of *souring a finished
copy the negative is handed to a Prot.-wl.ro-
d. who makes the picture and has hie profit
the Mme as if be tool. It himself, with the
.xoeptiee that it raves him Oa trouble of �d �tt�.p
making the negative In this way the vol. i in.- *. > T
ume of photograph': laziness has increased .rr.as din saw
that the.re bolo mericau
h • r-� �» er~
square of tucked natnsook, jacket frond Then hood sewing, end ii who inortiiag
Ie.ab.d with 1041 g. •n.4 opening over • 1l Mrtd.es and .opsin.,
fiat front of embroidery. or • plaited one of *1ea,en. gl say 10100.4 040,011.4
ff.,tb with rte.masa.
the gingham. tither elated ars fall from Every heart but mine seemed gifted
the shoulders awl closed at the wet It.. With the void of p{rrrs•y �sir lifted
s surplus fashion over a V of embreedery. , Wbur. m I.eonOtila
From mo 1* .. a dremu'.
* r.1 arc. -res, forming a pots. l0 (Leet, are E. A P.
sewed in t:.r ride .mots, and tucked frond !really J. Whitcomb ROsy
also appear The collar u of Darrow edging ,
turned over Whoa or ecru Irish point TM Neglect of Laagaaser.
Isar tritms soave elaborate cotton froeks, s The present state of linguistic educe-
• yoke, cuffs and girdle. ( Laos gives the mod unsatisfactory retold.
Lwg.ages Me first very laborio.siy and
VARIOUS TYPES. I very ,mpurfeCtly learned, and thea general-
ly abs doied in atter-life. Even the learn -
T . •u.g .lana. Ma nlemes, the .•soot,' .4 thomseive+ rarely pursue Ib... sale.
and Bareheaded T.eai•0a.
Tbe Hungarian women are emesg the
meet beaotifnl in the word. They are not
languishing. diaphanous creatures, compos-
ed of cobwebs and the odor of musk, with a
sickly pallor ee • hectic flush is their
awake. No : she.. and straight ea a
copal., barmy bpd vigorous to the Dore,
they ars pictures of good health asdaboand-
ieg vitality. They are gifted with .meal
feet, full area. plemp hands with tapdrtne
gagers, sad weer long brads. The me has
spread a reddish golden tint or a darker
tow over the complexion. The Hungarian
women a not a beauty of cla.s►cel comma,
nor doss she perhaps frequently pre.eat •
riddle to the pycbologat, sad ethereal
ports will scarcely had a memo in her for
hyper$eettmeetal revenge_ She is rather
the v.goro.s embodiment of primeval
womanhood. A. her exterior, so her whole
character is enchantingly fresh a•d pool
they have some special reo0oa for doing so
eonaected witb their profeato0al 404....
Modern languages are neglected alitttost as
much s Live apt -lent when they are not
wanted for bastoeas purpo.ea or travel. As
lhford man who is a npe Italian scholar
ted a that young ladies in England in-
variebiy give up doer Italian after leaving
school, ILA 7ouag men throw made their
Latin. University degrees are evidence of
pad labor, hat not of interest, affection, or
facility. Lord Dagens said that although
be had taken a degree he could not rally
res( .:reek until be had le.rned it over
again for himself, and in his own way. An
English judge who had taken his degree at
Cambridge told me that be could not make
out .:reek m mature !tie, even with the
help of the leucon. A fellow of the French
university. • pnneman specially for Lett!
in a severe competitive examination, told
an that he should never think of reading
rive- Sbe hkss 10 1st well. u (and of a Latin for his pleasure -be did int kww it
drop of wine, takes naturally to swimming. well enough. An English professor, reput-
d.acing. g-rssustire, and has sot the leaf ad to be one of the best Latin scholars in
objection in beteg admiral. Grace sad los own country, gave up Latin sad (:reek
ba..ty know no difference between high entirely when be turned feu attention to
and low. and often bestow upon a poor, modern toogmagea. The principal of .
k.r�.f..ted, 'bort skirted psaant gri French college once confessed to me that
(with ►.v (nes 1remc41 in a kerchief tied be never road Latin or Greek. which were
Ieider the chinf the sans escheating form. taught in the place by the speclalst masters
lb...mae graceful .alk. 14. rine magically ander bion. 'All the...rc what are called
attractive giamee as emu her more favored "Istned men. certainly educated then.
sister What, therefore. are we to expect from ib.
The Moors of Algeria aro Dot the Imre* half-educated ! - -Philip Gilbert Hamertoa,
of Moroocc : they are simply Arabs livi$g in the April Forum _F_
in • tows or me They have oval face, Contraltos of Forgets,
.loss, brows skim, and are fairer than the
a11mada. Their costume is also dtttareeE A forest is like any other crop is its
They th sad development. After it ruocheu
dt of skull cap d autonty 1 begins to decay, and 4f mot in- now To atl0ols, A encrrouusrmax
to such an extent t t ro p
graphic houses who scarcely do anything Sicuu is
do very little portraiture, which is the tamest otN aq sMesrt
te the
specialty of the professionals. ll u tacitly yam -
so. .0
ander$to,xl by the amateurs that portrait- }pals,mLtms.Sew
ate is to be left in the heads of those who
make • living by photography
The advance that has beets made in pho-
tography during the past twenty years is
marvelloaa, sod if the pace u kept up then
ie no telling .hat may be douse in thus
branch of science. K.verybody remembers
when men used to tramp the country with
wegonn and large wet plate outfit,. But
when the dry plate came then the amateur
put in an appearance. The dry plate made
it possible for a person to gv about with a
maters taking pictures and develop the
negative, at home when convenient. The
introduction of film has made it possible
to carry a large number of negatives .m a
roll, sad to even send this roll hundreds of
mile. for development. 1. thus way photo-
graphy h.s been put within the reach of
all, and now any person who cares can take
• camera no a trip and snap it at such
aoenes as are desired. The negatives can
upo0 return he handed over to a profession -
.1 to develop and print the pictures.
Bat it must not be supposed that the
amateurs are merely me^hantcal workers,
for all the improvements that have been
made in dry plate photography within re-
cent years la the work of thr amateurs.
They work for pleasure, are always willing
to put out ,nope, in experiments, and in
OM way mt.o.1 has been added to the stock I .
of photographs knowledge. :ioate of the
work of the medium is far superior to
earthing that can le done by the profs- i
, ionals, and any intelligent amateur can - B antofyillimitations. Ask for
tell you all about the relative valises of . . r'. ?; L." Emulsion. aid refuse
light and shade, of d ataaee, focus, Lite i o i.*ra
in exposure. and the chemical changes in
development. a.d the results obtained by { rmtar GOC AND ttf pea neTTL[C
different developers. The ptof.usiosal its
content if he obtaine a certain remit 1 be- Sold by P'_ Jordan.
gond that he retdone ems, and he does
thing by rule of 4UrI b.20 (trim.e of the le,TI 'res /ELL dam ,♦ •T
pictures made by a nateurs in posing, grenp- PLAIT
IT � ]+���! CM s1BrT/IsLt)ksi L
mg, said t0 other ways are equal to some a jsi fai
Mt print for amateurs. The amateurs also
mar a turban or peens of .bid mw- grow i
Lia. wenad green s ser Lerferre•l with, growth and decay will jest
rod ; • jacket o/ brtgbt-oobred cloth : two TM quaroots is often eked by those
.ro•l trio .hootlaes hsueseb other, and iso VIVI •r who dein to be initiated Hato the art,
What em I to do! lu the first place go to
soave stock boom where they keep photo-
graphic supplies ani purchase a camera.
From ten to thirty dollars ta what you will
have to pay. The loco kind of camera for
an amateur 1* a 4 try 5 detective, with a
doublet lens, film carrier. and bidders. Ex-
perience has proven this to be the best for
all -rowel amateur work. O1 mune the
same donde can be bought with • single
letes, and without a glue earner. which re-
duces tM Dost eenailerably, but the results
that eats be obtained -by the former an
worth the money. A small d.tectim
omens a • salaams, because the
picture• etre too mall. sad the per-
spective as usually exaggerated. •e
that objects in the foiegroesd look
ridiculously Targe. A large .•mer%
such as • .hole plate, is what every
modem would pike to use, but memo* e
seesaws of weight and .lunsinese. Besides
the plats are too dear, so that Oa happy
.edism of a 4 by b is the best. Tale
sang c i •long trap grass plate, are batter
a then 41... After you have the camera and
leaknt badly that the triad had to be plates malts the exposure ow a suitable sub -
mi lsiou
Our Spring:stock is now complete, and we were never
a position to serve the wants of the public so we are this
dress goods are all that could be desired, eonsirting.
assortment of the leading colors and styles of the newest
the Spring trade.
We have a lot of good staple dress stalk which we are
a great reduction. These are decided bargains ; you .should as.
Our stock of black dress gds is large and well assorted in
cords, stripes, brocade,; and plain in all wool. We have a
stock of cheap delaines, ehallie4 and imitation Bedford cords.
prints cannot be beaten in style: every pattern new. A fine Lit(Ls`
tsateens, in colors and black. - In white g's and embroideries WO
the lead. Mantle clothe in colors and black, the finest stock shown.
We sell Gebeon s best shirting&
We have the great carpet and lace curtain wara1111g+f:a' of the
county -three or four times the stock found in any other beans'-''
our pricer cannot be equaled. We import the moat of our Brw.&M
and tapestries, and our wooly and unions are iireet frorn the gains.
Our lace curtains are imported direct from the mills in Scotland. 190
setts to .hoose from. from 60c. to $4.50. Let us show you through
carpet room before you make your Spring purchase. It will psy y
to buy from us.
Headquarter. for •staple and fancy dry goods. carpet- and
Wt. Ilut,' .punt rtn't'1ved n very Choice loi of
AND raft
HIP of Limo tad Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Los.: of Appetite.
Mental and ?Iervous
General Debility, &c.
the bet paintings, and certainly better than ESTABLISHED 1155.
some of the frightful daubs, without per -
sportive or anything else, *het are ef.0 to
be found ie picture Olen**.
waistcoats, both nchh Mbroid increase of crop eon follow. The tats .ay
sus that reach to the knees and which it's i r cot the crop
s lost s h u true
was• baggy, and they are ban legged. al- es ° 0. s 4*.-
asst larc-tnnted. for they wear only very sing exactly the rig apart
• sort .tooling of socks aid loess shopper$. be, permitting the young Umber to come as
now they manage to keep them ou u a fast as the natural timber u removed. It
m to ,.., for they took • word too would take many year$ to get • forst in
ter feet. The outdoor onerous lost the right «..thea* : 4e1 wke0 0600
of their wow in the easel ketch psi Mr- fairly started, ao other knows crop can be
soca Some of them wed stockings -and Inside to yield ss large a profit. -Farm. Field
some dent": all have em the trines cumber- bpd Stcckmaa.
sans sort of white woman 70* *wt .w-- Dtriarst Opals In os-
torr., baggy of staff with shoat ten tits O . bare been 400.11 is Brest umbers
the mecessty, d and w i them the. u sura- of late in Oregon. A drdger at Werk
ay part and womb keep the lura - pumping gravel from the bottom of the
for Bipart ober the women' * set walk- Wd1•me11 river its brought up quantities
they lj., Their pp, f,
DO nc.ad, now of UI. gems and several mines of conceder
0 patent [calker PP• able teed, have remedy been opened in
ears ae theirmrail •hew* both eye•. • good Maltaoinll county. Mod of the stows,
part of the ueim Pry • tilt- of the fora but a few of ran quality ham
tisad. They marry yeetng-*owatiaass sit 'w• OlOdy•
been towed. A. high as top has boss oh-
trnaw or t* ow yam. m i taiasd for es. It... (s the romgh.
L Venin ..tae. may rrT K _
yokes over their .Males•. to which ere Trial Tvep et She tlseufotm.
bass baskets d water. Their arm ham 11e will trip d ehe are Bvst clot.
wiehave cal mssoleo, and Mimed they w enter Blenheim. el No Ilailid nary, was
saSesam' s hal ss the mea fallen. the tabs1 d .ors d fen 4dlen
Sesame '1 plats w n, ver were .t
Tacoma. The maim adios wed Hilo ar-
ranged gnosfell7, and the elderly raise
wear shawls overhead had ehealdore to
.harsh only. aid aro bareheaded during
tads wane sad •rives.
Specific, and Antidote for
decals rotes, the
t•ert, WRIT 111tseepbi'ta.s, �snstmalole, Ids. of
atones.jaundmdi.., -eta ornery
di eenea, [tt Vines' 4_ Ism& frost
eisrkns •n.4 ,uaad dd11M•
Pespreslsr.ad ir••tdaatoar.
•ayes M W
e charm Mars,la as •��seeress
Buchanan & Son,
LaFt'i ACTt'RY.ria
t:r:ers in all kl.d. o:
_____ . This isthe sister ship .t the jest, tens care( 1 to keep the mowers
Blake, which failed .$ her prrlima.r7
trials bo develop the repaired 40,000 liens-
11/0.47 wh.a es as the plats, sad elm
Dot to allow my light to enter the monis%,
*accept that which enters by the lens mock.
The ..it stop is the develeprmeat of the
plate. There err three good developers.
knows as pyre, quinol, owl .iko.oge.. Fac
amateur work gained ie the best, although
it wakes the negative • trise bard, dill it
gime the widest margin for came e. Pyro
gives the enfeet .rid meat artistic •deet•,
while sikoaogas 4+100 oke greatest
.meu.t e1 detail Any of the last two ti..
v.loters esu be obtaeed made up ready is
bottles Open the boder is o dark ream.
eras • red 11r yellow ltgbt, pat the expos -
.d plans is • developing tray. pour enough
d.v.lneer in to emir 41, sad reek Or try
.til the image creme .p. When the neg-
ative is wtidisetl7 developed take it eel
el the tray. vee will see the image n, the
busk el the piste if 11 is fully developed.
Thaw rises the plots .m4 put it in a miter -
aged solation of bypnsotni,,te rat emit 'this
trill char all the .dyer were, that m the
image est ef the piste. Then let the
pier .tend le remsdeg ester ler mete
time ..til the hype is. 0I91wvt t. it
i • dna*, dry prise wird
v_,..ad.s 'Mat 11.eel Fore& savor.
TM Onsorsgo of Wsaee. I It ben been discovered that silver mists
A writes in The Falatgbdy *.,lose hat h the aches of owe vele•••.. la M. Amiss
tsbm plait psim. se ..Ilost • Nta.r d d liem.idr. to Smith America. T1s qua.-
W as madams that *eats amiss. psis ,goy d saver it .xosdiagly misuse, how -
with mesh grasser Beeler .bap men, that M, Wag .tont tan• -41140 of 1* mass to •
moa stomas n the acetol chair mare fro- tea st ..bet at Cotop.,i, sad about throw
woody rias woman. Moo 1.s ti. iseeiM tent4. elan eencs u Tangantso.
endrain A Now Oliver Platers. Freesia
..d patiently, all of wbMh every ; lar bh..
..a .k.bkq(7 oaehe se drew Ike can misdeed ie i.eadoa in whish the emus'
ammo and Is met each &fed -
sic. them w. sic de sN Issi Ik* pairs . matpharb iwfimswaot lo minuet ta
10. 7 peeesst soothe. sweep. that • sem* eiy
able ..*,i•g mask mere seeemplal* ly - -
mist mimes knew befa•a Aad Nen A maw diver plating weft. n
he may Immo we physically lass mod- }1ehe"'f M may .Ughtl7 larnishod by at-
▪ ,uI b.....e they make lam fees oboist .d with adds rooms
Is used.
.I.+I... roost.
$900.s4►I.. Tia i� .'nmgM�i Th. aap,pprie cosh Is ..ming. Is firer ..m mad The
w Amens ansa of a doable bead Tramp. radia. hem a ansa at sempa-
■as awls tier., «.o t• Mah,ssal •seer. and el • mew gi ed sed the
Imash-This here.
woewsaerges..es.,r nest. d ,lean 14i4 rose tk11 wslmt We em enol per sewed Ids per
T~U i - $sM� taw at the ods it M I.,mud d L_.._id prdser, says the times os.im• alms sass
Ahem, bleb 1« 04th. boa& mss *Wk. wait he oblige .o mirk.
Tae +.v.ttwasrbahb is tM eta e.mild No riabor Choi labs tress obs tllsa• Poss•sr-Osaie. 1s NWaft
ae .h sent o. imam e11blt wsiMio 18q - - ( maw MO am Oslo mw t f
And builder's materiel of every delicriptloa
'Which we guarautas' to sell at lea+.
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
an can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will con-
vince you of the truthfulness of this assertion.
We also sell the best COFFEE obtainable.
School Puniwne 3Bxlel4
DRESS coons.
l .
Ha, opened his new stock of
Spring Dress Goods, comprising
full lines of all the fashionable
fabrics. Customers will find his
selection first-class in every respect.
His Clothing Department contains
choice selection in Scotch uniting,
and English worsteds., also full litres
in Canadian tweets from the hest
H.itinp suitable for ladies'
deism's wear.
Bolo agent for W. K Stanford's
celebrated readymade clothing.
Ordered clothing a epeoi lty.
or geu-
• e
144 mi,
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Have added to tblsir,RriM Wines. leo of B. J. Sash's mmUdall,
of Olty gea/, Also Ilse >lo st lime e! funeral furniahiugs
and are now prepared to etMiaet!.nera s at prices �tonablfie
to byhie stir William, wbs
This department will he �md e.,� ham a
in the esnploy of Ute late D. for the pant, ten f to *bare pa/b r
knowledge of the hairier, and Ly prompt attention ho,.s t share
way to res pest
public patronage. Remember the place ----We tot., on 1"0
tiffioe (live us a call.
As many know from �� frallestl! 631_:al- _
the 00r• of tete, and an
11611 fro mina sad � a111Y_�
°3 '' ata. OD. Proposed -
7. JoxdM.