HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-31, Page 6SI ;MN C E - e'!m ai aAlt7.
The l'• us •. et l+sa.saae..-The It. .,,,at -
hums Aevaataae.sd The Es..1 t h. % . ed
by a ■/ah Auibarts7..pre`r.-.• or IRE
Age In mil tlfteaeye,s
lir. V. Taedaar(, df the lastitute of F:x•
pe,smewta.1 Hygiene attached to the I•ct•
travwlty ..f Gores, ley hem attempting to
demeastrwte the prophylactic
d uCi• tobacco eurok e.lat he lI. reealfs thatt aill the
ergbteeeth .entury, owl even ill thew arn-
teenth, • tartan aneaesr ai medical uteu
N dlu lhnerkssok arid ethers -advised
their frieeds to ameba is obese of epidemic
At Stratebure is ly nod lanai enemas
to the lace that the tearliale at the tobacco
manu(ac101-y were argemgh ]mm •Imast a1 the
prevailing •pldsmi.l, ralbelisr, in the Revue
d'Hyipene (Lech, Eco IIIiIaspeeclaima( Cho
same opsaics. sad Ds Walter Creel. ol
Texas, was rats uses to rea'om4ttood too
IMO the use of tobsess as a preset va-
tare ageism. pbthtua As Americas dent -
jet -(h. Miller. of Wm York- made exr
permeate ia l/M midi the smoke of to.
declared armed r dental caries,
end were uiI, -
1 matimbro. Ir Visseili,' of
yed a 1!118 a small balbeo,
be hood laIurtally with r layer
of "dashes containifag *bolero I.•rtili. He
Lound [bat by drawing through this Iral-,
loon the smoke of frame alta to four eigars-
th number of signs tsq.itaet depending too
thee strength in Mesea t -the geLatiue has
completely sterilised. Dr. V. Twi,.,ri
now repeated these various expermnr•,te,
and maintains that toe smoke of Pais. co
either entirely destroys' or in soy rose re-
tards the developnsatad the ptecfl:r of chol-
era, of anthrax, Sed of peuuotu i. Or.
Tsainan puWistsd lflcbart• iodic -aide, the
action of tobaeooesh,(ouskwown uucr..!.r.,
ar;,.rding to the ushers of the tobncto
and the amount coseasied. The Letter
vaned tram lore te rax random,
amu►ed in from 1i to jt minute*.
Th, ►soli of Aide cholera and
tLat of Fr:etlsnder (paasmnniai w. r• Al
way s completely de.aryyod, nu matte: what
sort of tike.., was • ed The Iwcil:us of
arthral routed baker. and that of
typhoid was hardly as$Uted by the smoke.
As a practical re.utt of these experiments
for. Tassinari insist* em the utility of snink-
iug ail a Ilir0011 of prevatrgmg the decay, of
teeth He seems to Weighty that a omen
suffer more from dewed caries than men.
ami katributes thisto tat., fact _
that but few weans iliskeCe It most he
confessed that thew e.primmenta are not
[connive. There is • great differe.ce be-
tween the sterilising of microbes in nutri-
tive gelatin.. and in the human being. No
one doubts the &stlssy& qualities of nico-
tine. aululiuroat Boil is also au antiseptic.
but it sti I remains to be proved that Ise -
cis fors and London Laaoke save the ow-
impulse from trued* disease. -- London
Curiou. e'oammestld ttaterpris.
One of the most cerieas development of
wmmer•ial enterprise awl industrial Inge
nuity reornUy exhibited is the imp.rtatt?.
into this ',sultry of • peculiar vegetate:.• on. -
treed lion Oran, an Algerian *depart on the
Meiliterran,ean Sea. The fibre of this Pule
stance posses the geslity of lining so els-
lir that it can bo seed as a substitute for
springs and the like, a the manufacture of
furniture tarcks and es {it is so mutesrtve,
indeed. and too easily Wooled by higher tew-
perat ares in tie dry state that, when packed,
the bs1.+ have to he bald in plate by means
01v 1 .•
a � *[rel bunds The peculiarity of situ
grays is that et thrived Orly stetted the vol-
cano: slopes of fres, and ileorisbes up tee
wttlnn a nhor! distaaa,et theerater thaw
"rives -the latter biose altiriys is a Smit
adore state, and the earth around •o worm
that not a plant of any kind • .,n tanks or is
ever inn to gnaw oxeept time sted•libe pro
duet. and the practical value 01 which, is
likely to be !idly utilised a !Wade.
Casing snout Isola With Lead.
Workers and artisans is metallurgy will
be interested an the hrmale, lately pub-
lished, of Horgan • prams for coating
skeet woo with lead. by swiss of which
each adnerable matte ate obtained. 111
acro mpluhong the resUR, the metal is first
made free of scale by mels* of hot dilute
selphunc .cad, thea washed with aster,
and afterward tranaierred tea vat commis -
lag a solution of lime or other alkaline
wmpounol. which serves 5 prevent oxida-
tion and acts as • hit. The asset iron is
sow placed in a dilute solutio. M site
a aew Lae M•d es maw* a wakened
1[103 Vied sleep.
The 1lelsartme doctriee of rest by vol
tory ntust•slar relasaui a te somewhat to
firmed by the axpriesc: of those who
lacked upon Choi theory ii overcoming r
feta. Nothing so trap sloeµ as
voluntary duper' of the ply and limbs
Isiah fashion u te pruduoe muscular relaxa-
I tion. Th. legs and arms slweld he so placed
;as to brag them i• contact with the utat-
itrees at as many paws as passible. This
affords support and relieves the muacba
The body should be deposed in like fashiou,
and if all Inas been dour nro,terl, the wooer
of sleep will presently harp the a.osciuus
nem of renting with hu whole ought direct
ly upon the mattress. When once this feel
ung comes sleep usually follows. The plan
u far better than the old one of repeating
the numerals or going over some meaaisg
less series of words, for it has the double
advantage of putting the physical man into
an attitude of repose ot.d of distracting the
'Mad from what.,ver th eights are at enmity
with sleep. New Vora Sun.
{ HINTS TO HINTSEK REPEitg m":.'"'',�:' I =pant first "tr1.ia.:. ` 00 of i lea"'
Mea ! they are n•beantlMb,a."'1 keep a beetle .1
' IIIy�eerinr end winos.: f0 my kindest,
o,, It is beat to buy hominy, trvss,rtw, sec., I whom 1 use it vc$sennallyMeer wale's. the
i tmyuamt,ues. hands. 1 mil it .0 the propertwe 4 one
A large ~lase bowl should always I taeg>leon(ut of r eeerater to two of glycer:ie.
have he used ha Mamas cake to (ary Inge Kluges to wear while sweepute
Ile, ung leave the uulbusldtnp blackluuk
the lag aqd shahhy,aa whitewash is cheap and •
■laddie Liaises' ran. Mpsthera.
As Aital N rr S r.
There's • fellow -aid a fellow
I. just he pr ter sante
Who just dr ,a ill 1. iinute,
Vibo isn't i.e..* to scut :
And when you .Ery fe oly
.lust whsspet, "Glad you ,ane.
He grabs a chlor tool draws it up.
Aad aettlee for the day
He &Mies with your 'inactivate,
A•d sp0111 • peen or two :
He jakit things with your •ci•.ors,
And the point is sure to break :
He sake you what You're writrog,
And proceed. to read it theme;
Asa paw out great improvements
You et easily could make.
He tells you of the clothes he's kol,
1'he clothes he's going to got,
About his lanais said dud un,
Aud such important th,nirs :
Hr ddatee on thr races.
And "don't you want to bet
From one thing to souther goes.
But to the chair he clings.
He talks about the Legere,
For he'. alwa)wax affairs :
He reads you 'even) sampler.
(11 the letters he ree. Ives :
He turns round to your typewriter,
And critically stares :
He's simply irresist.L•!e,
So 1.e himself !whet es
And where he's killed 10 worth
Of time as dead as Saul,
And given yon a headache
That will Inst you for • day,
He ea es out imn.aagppaing
You've revdkd a bis call,
And that it simply breaks your heart
To See horn go *say, -
- Roston Courier.
a IssikV she Leaders.
The foremost tnedlcine of the .lat•,Burdock
Blood litters, is • purely vegetable eau -
pound possessing perfect regulating pose
over all the organs of the warm mei con-
trolling their secretions. It e, purifies tl
blood that it curt. all blood humors an
disease from a common pimple to the wor
scrofulous sore, and this., combined with it
unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purtf
ung aliment* on the errretioma of the live
kidneys. h•,wete and skin, renders
u ne.plwllel at r cure ter 011 disease•. ,( the
, kin. Erten .nue to two battles will cure
hods, pimpka. bh.tches, nettle rash, ac'ur
tetter, and a:: the imple forms of eke
dormer. From two four hustles Si
cure *alt rheum or • .pate, shingle., er
.sprlaa, uk'rrs, alstainsen, running sores
•el all akin ernptlens. It is note -mid
hat sufferers front *kin diseases are marl
[(way. aggravate.) by intolerable itching
but this quickly sulienles on the rcu,oaaI 0
Ilse disease by 1:. It It. Passing nes 1
:raver yet ltrtaalent iso- ee.. such ill serol
.dons swellings, nm home
r% I n r• wm.l scrofula. b. s, w
.ave untkwl.te.l proof that front three to
-ss bottles used 'eternally ant( by outwar
ppls.ati.•n lath: el if the skin is laoket
' n the affected parts will effect a :111-
1 be great nu01. 1 of It B. Il is t.. regul
.t. the liver, kidneys, Towels anti Llo.rl, t
..orr.ct acidity awl wrong action of • t6
'touted, and to opetajhe slal,.eways of the
-t stem to terry ofrall d.tgge.( and impart
-..;rediae, allowing nature thus to sed re
-.very and remove without flip had Ll000l
'leer cnaplaint, bilinuates., dyspepsia, sick
a.lache, delay, 'rheumatism, and evert
(►euies of disease arising from disorder o
•(oil liver, kidneys, bowels, stomach Anil
lend. t vi tm
We ntee every Made of I 1.
•Mudd any person he dissatisfied alter us -
ng the first• Iottle we will refund the
nwuey on oppli,arwn, .nilly or b,•
etter. We will abet be gla.l to ✓n.( leati•
...oriels and iefornutinss proving the etT,c4
f R R. 11. in the above -maned diseases 0n
pplicution to T. Mis.st•a, h Co., Tor
wild, Ont. 2
4 Mw sad whew Messe of the nerve tae.
tit ara1Y1N.
The following particular relating to the
y. origin of Inc nameo of some Loudon street.,
r, toe., may be of interest to many readers •
n Gir,hmn late new un: i,.al.v called Bir
shover'• lune, after the nano* of the builder.
f llish,.p agate is suppoa.d to tare beett
n built by eoune bebop about the year 1200.
11 1'lm*riett ('rose was s.. cal:e,l Irvin a oris•
3' ✓t up ly Edward 1. in memory of hie
queen. ('holo_ we. Ellen a rulage.
• l'beapsid. .Ienves it. name Iran there
I • having horn • 'market there, w inch to Saxon
f is " ■ crepe
o. 1'uveet f1. e.. ('.•Meat.. t: rtlet' w5 for-
- ' merly a garden belonging to the Abbot Sal.
e Convent o of 11, rtuui,.tei It was grommet
I Ito 1b62 to John, Earl of Bedford.
s:rw•e 4'hurch etrtet formerly caned
t jI:ras (lnutub street naw called front
. i grans or berta being sold there.
• (:rays lam was a Mime belonging to the
n 1:n)• of [Wella•, who resided there trate
e 1315 till the reign . f Edward 1I1.. whet,
they devised it for use of student* of the
• 4w.
SL .lames' pot .' wee anciently :a hospital
for leper:
IeasueutsJl street takes i4 name from
y [moisten Hall. which was purchased by the
f eity for a common market owl made tree u,
Iane•a lab In wssocalled from teeing tea
011, or town house, of Henry Lory, Earl of
Lincoln, ea. died then in 1310.
lumlrrl street took hte name from the
Lovas itls end other foreign merchants vibe
assembled there twice every day beton the
twilling .1 the Royal Exchange.
St. Slarun'• to -Enol was •o called from
a large college of se:.lar prseste. founded in
l06b and suppressed in 1548.
Mark lane was originally Mart 4ne,being
a polo'' 'toot.
Paternoster row was 90 Balled (ran the
'tauumer., or text writers, who dwelt there
and who wrote and mold all ...rte of boobs
then lar 1*.o.
Pit -mildly was so called from the p.ocadil-
hs., i. e., the stiff ...tilers or hands tnrm.rly
worn, ly which a tailor got an estate end
Ludt the tirst houses there.
Shoretntch deriree ►ns Dame, not. as has
i.een supp mild, by Jane Shore • dying there,
but iron, Sir .lobe $longe, a `borsdiweh, dna
Iota of the manor Is the reign of rel word
`imithfield was used as a lnarket m Fitt
'tephen • time, more than 700 Yeats ago.
Spare Momenta
A ewe ora. iamb erten.
The Leet cur' we know of for oonstipisios
an.l headache n+ the pplemant herb drtek
caller) lens's termly ),fiche. It is mid
be Oregon grape root, crtml.ined with
.nape he,(., and c• made for use ly eau -
mg boning water tam to the dried note sad
herbs. 1r is remarkably eaeacMms en all
mood (limonites, end is now the sovereign
merely oath ladies tor clearing np the ,,.m
lacteal. Druggist. sell the packages at
50r. and CI. 12.0.)
Tb, Haste.
Dena .hies your hands, anti don't be
. trawl to use them Housework is not to
••lame for •II red and r egh heals Bad
circulation is oftener the ease of red heads
Cha, le dish washing. 1t is never nda•esse y
t•• use sodding hot water for dishes of you
greater nape ..4r1
Neves est aside a bottle dirty Wash
clean art turn the neck Amu that it may
dry and no dust be m 11 when you want
All sorts of seemed. and uteuub may be
purified from hag retained smells of any
kind by rinsing them tout well with ob*rwal
powdered atter they have beet scoured with
sawn .osp.
To present blue from fading, add an
ounce of sug.r art ked to a pail of water end
%oak the material in the aduuoo for two
hours. then art of dry before being wa•he
and ironed.
.1 disinfectant which combines cheap►.rs
with reserel worth 1.100111 In pie -nasg tante
of potash. Onse ounce .111 utak. . bucket-
ful d duitlevtant. It is a crystal, and
can le kept in this state until ready for
A laser kettle ase be cleaned, if discolor
ed by cooking in It. by scouring it wall with
soap run! -.dos tint : then put In halt a pint
of vinegar red a heedful of salt and let them
boil on the store • short time : then wash
and ruse it ow in hot water.
To make a it -slit de1mate duh out of tbet
coarse vet'etalde, cabbage, it should he
sherd seri simmere.i slowly In milk enough
to ...ver it over • skew fire fur two hours.
Add a lump of butter and r ill tie 001 meg
or Marc. W. preterrr.l rod .el re hot.
There are menu 144 habit. which little
children acquire from their playing. (Is.,..1
• thee(' 1, the abwnr• of books. 11 e a great
unstak, ;ogive achild • newspaper torattle
mid tear in bits, beca•m.r wheal I is older
and cad ore', the books on the tables or on
th. bleary .11'Iver it will fail to d,staguuh
between them and valueless papers.
It is a convenience to baye • tubber at.i-
ttle repaired witliuut the. trouble of sending
it from the house. Five cents' worth of
red rcldrer ent in bits and cover.- 1 with
roe will make a cement which will
mend many r. mos. Apply it with a bru.h,
working rapidly. If there te a large open-
ing vaso- a steer of "rubber dam," fastening
it with ra ten stitekes,aal apply the cement
Label the bottle and keep a cut of the reach
01 children.
l 1 . Rm'm.sat.: & 1'r•.
I./%Tl.rnt‘. In dna tog over the moun-
tains I look, severe (obi which ,.•Iurd u.
my hart and kudueys, ,awning n.r mate.
•le*plu.s tights of pato. The brat apples,
Lion ot )11\.11:LIN Ll\tilt:X 1' m. retie% r.
are th+,t 1 It .1 into a deep sleep and toutplelt
error, ry .h.:rt 1y follow cd.
- :T.,ny 571E Leal•.
Whew it comes to signing the Rel. .ng
ritraten treaty - if it is signed the .•t
re 4 S. oil the document will mere
.er hep esterase* M " the plate of the
..a1." Philadelphia Theme.
°blonde co ntaiwisg on the average twenty e
wf. dmid ad and ten pseuds of
.0110,0 sulphite per toe of tree treated.
'beer quaint it r!.prwdins epos the quality
of the metal. Atter tht5 105 tat
shute are pissed term. sed and
allowed to drain.
1•raerees el are AEI,
On a resent deice them were in New
York harbor 5.1Y mails-gdtq vowel* of
all ku.•is, of which 110 were Hemmers,
37 shops, lel barks, fee brigs and 236
wham, ..
Th• average supply of water per persrin
M lenai .n b ail year who sliest thirty And a
half g -.i ,,os, en enema.. sor%nderall% Iris
than ..e ...moisten' per itd,vhltlS! ,n the
larger I. 1.1 l; ls assietry.
Owl ig to the a:.ernat. shrieking and
swelling of the wooden Aemes employed
& eng,,nt the Watt Our mining and Orb I
gate% au pane it is prepared aro use gel. ,
v ....e.1 inn nares, with the tipper ode.
es s.tesrs•d.
in tale: Atone line re0cbiag to the rinse.
alit art Pike's Peak, an elevwtiein of I{.=411
f.et is ....peed for alutede !y a line AM
mews the Arlo ors the Trees Abeam
.talli.r.l, all es elevation of about ILA.
Int mares mea level.
Platy -11 .41. Pleedkya.
A fool is like a sheep; his % O Y worth
are than be carcass.
Keeping rows to maks axle grecs. butter
living next door to the poorhouse.
The cars don't kill as many men as die of
'ming ton smart ti money mitten
Laing 00.1 vote to pay a Spite a like
nnrbing out a bumblebees' nest with green -
Med roads, as • luxury. are not to be
omit -trod with mushrooms on toast for ex.
...eo. m vent..
Next to a !ur koe.l farmer, the biggest
foal is the fly Mat uekle. you and wait. to
Tie farmer whn noes army pea where
re engin to raise amber whoa., roto down
is own wags
A reseal is like a la..motive; always try
ng to run sway fro , hes own smoke, but
evrays making more of it
A l oil. mutt among the bones at a
...uncal meeting a as strong an argument
• :orate at lasts, as the other aide waste.
A yellow packet • nest in the meeting -
use yard .an Leak up worship last a
eddy es though the devil .11.01erl to at
pet son.
eke seya.ts A am AndH.rtal.
la ne.ma d pew hearing qualities 1)r.
4.sr.m,e Comer sayer Every hall ..r a
,nes 11. 5.•7051_5, Sad ti. melanin will bear
:mist a tat speakers voice is Mabel and
heed o. ,her keynote of the roam To fled
Ike keynote .nig the natural wale slowly.
seemly sod .aa.etby eco play the seals es
giros es sorra. The mala where ie mem
igisrmse* 1. Oe beym5e,
A Weiss Tsar.
'.11a Making • Moor ,n whe-k to ,m
'••e moot. • ga.l teat ,s for the hone to
.t en egg. Then u nil Lab,hty ,n name
mesh sell
NU ahr.p i'wrlrh fans,
neap enrich land at s entail east. Ther
out? the maw.. ov.r the carfare and
t it late the mil with their fest
and du.tiu,(. Lemwu une u goal for r•-
no.,a,: fact statue. For sortable statue
raw potato is eery good. fellow contused
is near tor ckao:ng the heads. 1 keep • bag
ot u ue t kitchen, sod when my hands are
very dirty 1 irk. o handful of it with a bas
in of warn watu sad wash the hands well,
rause, wipe ,.std rub aro • little of the gly.er-
me Sad rost•water PuregQlyrertuc to tow
strop s to u . sonic like 11 diluted even WOK
than I dousing the .etas pecpurites of tech.
It is hardly ne"eeary Ile that Ilhe ttei`
should be carefully trimmed mid Medd for.
Isip the linger ups is warns wear Were
triennium : it will prevent tbdr hembtag.
lona wife sod saN had dstd'dr tad lots
of it, acoomp oa by almost oonti•nal
atcbies of the m 1p. Awl-Deathn,ff en
tuely relieved us from both annoysiea. aid
we think it the best preparation known to
clean est dandruff. tame the hair and act as
• drsesimg without giving an unnatural ap
L. W. hcuel:los,
Conductor ('. 1'. 11. between Homo- ,!
Newport, Vt.
The r.e.rlea• trait is Cyd Ibr Hrusfsards
ar well w.11elleaalle+. -
The value of oranges as an article of died
It well kwowu, says 'the New Lurk Timers.
" 1 buy them by the hex,- says • mother.
• and let my chadrem eat -there eeastltnt la
is hen of cattily or other prized cblldren'.
dainties. 1 .uwoder thus 1 save by it." Al
some of he inebriate'say lutes oranges lure
proved an ed.:lent o -tonne f"1 alcohol,
patients sucktni the i...e..1 then, „buwiaut
ly eoety time the intro for liquor color,
epuo them,. Thu 1,0..s w w. 1 re o,;n r.A
taut often u tempera/toe coffee stap.ls pales
of luscious mango! ere also kept. And now
enotln•r benefit is alleged for them. Hoang
famous French beauties of former days, at
ms are ete.l, st:urel awl ?reserved their soar
cliow. e. wptra -lib by a free diet ..1 orae.
gra. Lhse in particular :woad soonest entire-
ly up ti the Hutt. A •1. ,ta rade at break-
out and lu n-h..ot ma.le up these rpa is : at
dinner a dozcu niter, with a cruet of (.read
atod one gla.n et Iturgundy. Doti htler so
orange fad i4 threat.'otng for the pursuit
of a omplecttoi ie a eery ab•orinnp one to
The eeNe••aaaes.
The wwdowsntshould lee large with mese
of dark Mettles and another of light elms,
that the rye. n,ay he thoroughly tested b
,tarkoee., during sleep :..cad where there ere
any draperies they should be of light and
drh.ate texture rattier then thick and beaut
cida ami-ahuuhllte SO Jong that -they -.:.u.
mealy he run along on rings and shaken
rather than gathered .n close fold• to Cat•h
end[ keep the dust.
lhten. wbetr there are dowing drperie,
at the window, the toilet table also ash its
Oa as aro drap•'.i 1n lace to some sort of em
br.olered nausihn, wbieb gives a dressy ef-
fect to *h.. room, aid hells to keep the dust
to suet extent trot, the aarl.tia little ebi,w
loxes and tudet articles there. 1a old cul
..nisi M4.es a was onee the costae when
there was a death in the family to draw th,
curtails acre. the mirror, as if Matta..
out. in toe fade of such aolrmmty, the eami-
Is and frt,ohttee 01 life.
Them Heukl be s Storage in every sleep•
ug: r.,nn, that !h.• teed may be left intact
for tits tight a one wishes to rest in the
de) : rid there should be easy chain and a
..ening chair, a 1.rttt:4-tattle, or a (Leven
port : while ale hal. prle-dien which forms
4 pert of the furnishing of every French
`laooy'a Iedroom or boudoir Is a comfortable
hung to have tor Roble Of prwyer-Irn,k or
on the walla of this roomshould always be cheerful light prints mit
water -colors, and things suggestive of parr
anti coition. and lovely thoughts; and the
books should 1e those which are pi -renal
.and Ire„sutedd and like bleats.
Another relsublo pier of furniture that
•boul.l he opened before the washing -stand
,s a screen. .. piece detn,au Ie I by delicacy,
even if one uocupaes the room ale oil, Sad
surely by modesty and decency where there
is more than one. 1t is not necessary that
thio aereen should is a manly or elaborate
omit rhetion ; 10.1prd it 'would not Manuel; -
Ise with the rest of the room if it were ; but
any pretty chintz, encl. a covers the lounge
and clue.. can be stretched with g -t Dail.
on a small clothee horse, like those meet for
the airing of linen in a sundry, and will
prove to be all flat n desired, while the
screen itself will add rnnatderahly to the
beauty tt,d sense of (occupancy "f the rows.
For the rest, this room is so entirely a
personal and individual thing that it should
he allowed to represent individual tastes,
and should be steered to oar's self and one's
closest Inend..
Resides cotton fabrics the many light, soft
silk. now .n vogue will he largely used for
supple house dresses. indeed appearances
denote that the approaching Spring will us
her to a regular silk semen' There are silk
ed fabrics offered that are untold, for al
times and all seasons, and, while cloth and
all •,Sol f*bri.n will by so mesas he laid
*aide this Sprier. silk will be very exlail.
s vely wore For dainty aft.rnooa house
gowns, for breakfast gowns and " toe
gowns, nothing can he prettier than the
light and gay ('Hiss and Inde Inks that are
a•.w etude. The designs and colors vary
little from those of last year,sud perhaps N1
of the newest odors are sot yin out, but
e.ough is konwu to Ise elite to nuke .hotee
for small purple. a as suggesse.l. House gown
should by all means he selected more with s
view to the beonsaignee. of their colas,
and their harm,m..a.nrie with the colors
wit h w h,eh they come meetly in enmtect in Cha
mese. than imply for the eke of their
fubi, nable cachet. For the sake of those
who ran wear the rola?, it might he rod
herr that stage green is s Isgbt Sad delicate
nesse Is to be gitte a fashionable color ti'el
low still holds its own in favor, all the late
soft pinks, ►pee., and grays are sere to gra.
So. h drama u are referred to here ran
sae ly is n sir isp • eco, very much attar tom
styles m whaelt ginghane ascii other emelt
fahrwe will be treated. The linen are all
simple Peine.s lininge with various howl
nee chrna at .s Italia to he injured by hot etvka Man the neck dawn. lsdeeti, nam
water u your hands am. 1f you lib. to I home gowns,dill 1).11y iwesifaat Sed
wales dishes from very hal waft, Moe l...engine 450p17, will he merle without fees
your I .0 4 .'. simply gulled to the figure loosely
rinser', watt•. s. 1..4 or you Omer. hot rinse with mra and teasel, er Groden
.our hoods and wipe them dry who you Wettest' Ina eked gallica.
rate tl.eam ham the deep water Ilam'i al below, Prises )w.•hs with venom*
or Vs dal -water to d ca our w variola Mem
. lode pa err wips.g your .li.11 .. (lean d Madam .II will he is .111e.a1 red mete
r Ise•,
these little heats may edea, as age will
be Mlle Ir .i eu drhem ;
the homy farmera wile. hat yes will it hews mil Iota of rihlwa, with tree .1 Ike
It is early to speak of all -wool cloths for
$ppstispp, street Sad rilu•g wear, vet doily are
already beag tntportedaad exhibited is dos
/u Modena coed. w111 ouwtiaw to he
l .0 u`• so alio will b.splims, wbieb halo
lasted en farce perhaps longer team mast
aeldy oluths ever ee. \'nulla, sad
verities ch.•.u.t. mei diagonal elu:ke, all
mikes, or •t least all ordinary odors,
will Ile IMO. a bruww, tame[, grays
Ixodes, etc., but many of them will
hare others colors ,utrodueed, as fur iu-
stases rhos( the Bedford ....1 I.usdos cords
two odor. distiuct will 1.r seen. smog
when eke wearers mores, or stands s■ cer-
tain strong lights, alnr,.et a "abet " effect.
Fos iastamoe, • cordal crews may have
blue car v014e1 ground, and the surds is
cream or white, or • Bedford ,ford may v
termite with two similar coleus. thereat
will 1e popular, and the .1.04e -width wales
the uwd.t so, and mei i thw w111 show oat
trains of twoeoislrestiog colors is to. wave.
Thee matey of the routrb. but not bevy, a(1 -
wools wil have the ahaggv hairy :Isola is
white car 1. cntrasun4 color Iso
in Wtwttor (ohms. Even a Reamed end
will 1r seen dotted over .111 t res
nil a contrasting color in silk, Ioneltlg
Da though it were embroidered. .. hami-
some novelty will be in wool Io ugaliwe
,which, hawever, ha+ stone silk to it)
" shot.' .,r .bar:,•.•xble in two coiors, M
brown ,std gold.
R. 11.•11illan. 1',n't..i m, is o1! AM.si.
tole &lot :he Northwest, taking w tai bits
qua- a nuisln•r of i.nrs•n
l%rel. M.-1abie,, Morrie.net with set ere
ae:ident.4i Timed 4. 1 .t week h. slipping
,•n the ice while playing f...tlw!i
.1t t6e meeting art Maitland i'r.nytery,
in Brussels Ilse. A Rees. '4 A ,
o1 ('Linton, declined a un.nimou. ..lt from
the congregation of %b.. l.1
Brus.els Rat moll employees w,'! tisieh
the scotching of 18.1 crop in about tw.•
weeks. There are 600 bushels .f nee seal
at the mill awaiting the farmer Mr th., coin
tug season.
[deo. l:nillet, 11. P. for West N..rttam
toerlaud county. (hit , u • d..teat .:raasrc
tion of oouncillor W. H. SIcerselsena, art
Brussels. Ma.: thinks he is away off on
his p ohtice, however.
eeMseal RIMSeirolrevs
.\ hoed; sleeve makes the bend look troy :
an elbow .teeve cut* off the best part of a
won:au's arm, shows that which is ueaally
the wont. and 'erteinly .one+ not decree.
the sire of the ban.(: the short, puff sk•eve
that permits the shonlders to show shove it
is ter evening, am.rs+ 49111049 etyle,wlethr.
hem ho.
ar aplump l �n or a slender I er m
it If the
arra is deader the gime can 1.e worn to rnvet
Use elbow and 1hru the plump pats of the
arm would be visible.
Stn Scott 5id,Mas loss gone back to read-
ings, and is n.king a p-ofessional tour of
the sctaPer t,ovrm;•,
DRES &000S.I
Hos opened his new stock of
!epuing . Deems (:*lulls, cequprieing
full lines of ail the fashionable
fabric*. Cnstonters will find his
•election first-clatud in every respect.
Martinsville, N.J.. Methodist Par-
sonage. " My .cqua;n'ana' with
your remedy. Boechee's German
Syrup. was shade about fourteen
years ago, when I contracted a Cold
which resulted in a Hoarseness and
Cougb which disabled me from
tilling any pulpit for a number of
Sabflaths. Atter :.e} inpi a Physician,
without obtaining r:ltef--I cannot
say sow what remetl-, he prescribed
-1 saw the advertisement of your
remedy and obtained a bottle. 1
-.coved such quick and permanent
aelp from it that whenever we have
had Throat or Bronchial troubles
.ince in aur family, 'towhee's Ger-
man Syrup bade hero our favorite
remedy and always with favorable
results. I have near hesitated to
rcp rt r.y experience of its use to
ether' when 1 have found them
troubled in like- manner." Am%
*the New -a-:;. New A Safe
• rs.y, M.E. Cor ler-
.;::e, April ss. 'y'u. Remedy.
:. G. GREEN. 5tit 1l;.n'fr, Wooti Lury. N.;.
The sowing of good steed is
the first and mdet importing
step towards securing a boun-
tiful hervt'wt. 1 have received
a new .t ick ref "teeth', includ-
ing n Berge supply of
Clover and
Seed Wheats
Ansi solicit a call frein these
who want to make sure of
getting vie!, fres!' .cele.
I\1a k‘\w love*
Now, it would be heard to get
along without envelops, and to
keep up with the defused for
them we keep a large •tn:k on
hand an the time. Hy the end of
this wrrk we will have about a
hundred( thousand, anti the prices
will range lean 75c. to $2.0o per
M. We handle onniti.rvial and
legal sown[ exclusively.
We aim to excel in all the differ
rat kinds of work we turn out,
but sivaiwtty in thio and keep
in seek plain and fancy papers
suitwblr for all requirements.
il ro�lr an�ta
of emtert.tinmrnt, and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but nest to the moat elegant
with curl and pencil atrat•hed.
CurJa at4ta rC •e1stc<s
This T Ii. -so itr
ero n a large range of
work, from a lsrmul or (silk ticket
to a nest ceiling lard, from an or
dinary wtreis m.n ticket to a tasty
be ea nen* card or w hanrLamely
printed membership ticket.
The Signa
use more ['alts psi..•utal al entllr to ,4
Joh feinting faciIlt.es. whish are name,
pe`.I u is e the coos
w primps
arid tempter 1 1vt uuou art all uterine e(
of this ane
printing 1 pr mud of sleet Ina) euggeet eawitbiag yea s•a�
he nerd of, anti an each co... we soh
cid your µiHuttaga, firing cashiers
that our a ort■ to please wiD 0051 with
the approval ..f uur prtrvr•a
-Letter i‘cutla
In this line we have a very large
stock of fine writing papers snit,
able for every clam of business
represented In this locality, txev_
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or uuruted, as may be required
"o<e i\¢ud►a
This woeful gime is kept in the fsdl
range of qualities same as letter
beads. While
'*tti14O. i\¢calla
ani not so111y usa,l, they till
con importune place in t.anmercial
timed pon.l no,'. tied what we've
got under the above Ilea&
INA` i\t te&t.
1 f the " pay as you go " pled was
the inter 01 the day the demand
for account paper wouid not be
so great ; but there are some nide
who get oro many dunnere that
tlwy wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present torr stock is com-
plete in this line with four sixes.
Good paper and [neat ruling.
%<ft *tA, eMa
Huth surge and double dollars
anti emote t•olumns. They cone
cheaper than trill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a tomtit'. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
'ltd: tn.
His Clothing Department contains
choice selections in Scotch suitings
and English worsteds, also full lines
in Canadian tweed, from the hest
Settings suitable for Indies. or gen-
O men'.• wear.
sole agent for W. E. Nanfond'a
celebrated re•adymade clothing.
Ordered clothing a specialty.
ESTi$UfnfD 1115
Buchanan & Sou,
. A .1, r o-rt.'t.. •
[Dealers is all kinds of
AN b0Ud.r's oeatensl of every desrnpties
School Puttee a Specialty
• £ 1 01.00 ?Tan RRY�t�
S/eco foto and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished Mond, d
Papsia, weploa Sam, palpitation of the
hinge, kvur oemplstat, neuralgia, en of
01esaoey, Mvsachitia, ao.5mpIiea, gall
sums, jsondioe, kidney awl urinary
• diseases, fit Vitus' dance. female inn
derision amyl veasral debility.
J. 111 Mr'LROD,
Pteprielw sad Irawwlhettwer.
WeLsrwa's 51,5.0 kasmaros w be W
hem a5 dru 14. a tows, s. welt esteem
mat arasrnta beisiese Oweei 5eW era
nr•mstr, Memo= sad Tars•sa
As he intend. retiring from businea.. M
will sell his large and well asserted slick at
bottom prices.
Chinaware, Jewellery,
Wedding Rings, Silverware,
Nickel and Plated Knives,
Forks and Spoons,
Albums, Plush and
Other (Joo' e, Toys,
Fancy Good it, etc
8,000'Rs11t of Wall Paper and Borders,
51179 1511.E 55 101.11 AT 1141.r nueaa.
Now is your time for bargains.
Too■ Ca*aotai Poe.ne, K,ILway e)ots
T.saa.apa 1141 bees .maMMked tr .Iv. lee
petalie • er10 eles sarved .1.11 NO and ear
imseast ee.re le w.
11 is iwwaeesd es w.. bdW
. ores sad I.nI `l
Stares er as sennas.
it d*arv. lee eampart M every tee.. w eke
Shoves is esesestn .
Pow NM& av'epoees .ora HSM fyHsswy I
Yea. a , d
menlnrub l dies aid w
a Pulsed ae•ae., IaOMa waw gym...
trees, through wires to ar - �T-ora
nonlwsr,llnssk Olmisoble e
Olive seem lade west+.
R. M/seum.
seer Ideal Ma•e.W. alhsA.h. Onnuas, aM
Our facilities for turning nut this
claw of work are evidenced) by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
,lone by us. This line also in-
which our three fast.ranning job
presses are able to turn out in a
surprisingly short time.
belong to the poster department
•leo, and we make a specialty of
them promptness heing our aim
in this respect. A notice of sale
will appear in TOS 81(1501. free of
charge when hills for same are got
to an "At Howe" or a
require oonwirlerable taste in
tion sometime., but we hake it
oro 'oily matter by keeepivg lin
stork the very !meat and best
eamplea to be had. Call and res.
omtnt¢rertw\ Vimli mg,
has already been partially e-
ersted in some ol the heads Zit
Then+ ilio however, a vest amain*
of work under this head that to
enumerate wouki more than lake
ap the entire .parte occupied by
this adv't,bat wedoitall atTall
Icmiuks o, W OrNit.
in the typographical printing lies
can lett done in this ee.MidnIniA
in an expeditious sed floe
manner, and
um "P rye is vii%‘\ let Soamek
1 'tr% rtc►wonab\t.
We extend our thanks 4w peat fav-
ansi solicit • osatinuanee el die
'' %1L. AZ Atli#Z,,
I'o,lay W.e upon for inspection our
Single Dresss,
Dre*s Goods
Never before have we had such p
stylish goods.
Inspection invited at once, as sing]
not repeat.
200 Pieces of Frllch SatO6ll
In the best qualities produced. Patter
our immense range are far sup
evvc heretofore shown is 4
J 1
In whish we lead.
Finest 111 the land,a1
.1t prices whiCIrr ori
end ell Tot
NG 1
'o Z.
SE ettT
s g1;;, 1
sea /hosed
r llb,nsl
T- 41.10 'rant
1 DTVI ITHSTAND1 : t the
meats to be 'teen ::t •,:tr
e e� t
1 to tltlk`, and the
goodm for cash,_ all goods art! s
for cash, and 1 am one of the f
cash or on receipt of goods. The
to buy as shove' can undoubtedly I
buy , on time and have to rem
receiving portions of my ,
And will have full lines in all
hence. which for style, variety ant
none. I am not afraid of eompetii
Strictly one price.
THE HEST Maedi[ 111
THE BEST $S $ SI 1111
THE BEAT $$ $ SS 11111
i $
THE 1158Tq t 111111
THE REST $$ i 11 1111
THE BUT $$• $
eSS 1111
THR BEST $ 1111
1115$ Si 1111
THE REST $ $ M 1111
THE BUT e I 1111
THE BERT pgijiii, 1111
THE BEST $ 11111111
THE fill
1 non 1s THE CHIA Pin AND TI
ENT I8 TUE 061aPEt? *10 Ti
A Yf3Af