The Signal, 1892-3-31, Page 3,t•
a1 UMW.
Ito•k of
'Like Magic,"
g effect produced by Ayers berry
I 1� Colds. Toughs, Croup,
see bore Tenet are, is must caeca, tin•
..esII Mly relieved
�., by the use d this
wonderful setttsdy•
It streagtheas abs
exon' crenae. allays
UnMMlsa, ad FY
she lamed* of
Cos.S.Ptloa; la
wog stage d Has
dread dl
Aries Cherry Pea
flux' relieves crougs-
lug sad faduces
refreshing rest.
"[,tore used Ayer'• Cherry��
tsy family for tthe for
ways found it the hest teased]
amp., to which oaaplslat it Corley.
torr been sakjed,'•-Capt,
Brooklyn• N T
"From se e:prieapona�poffleoveerr
ernes, I feel jMere in the ausstified tc Orees dno of �
n of
yer's Cherry Pectoral.
p� nrrtotta•ndatiose of du Pectoral is
die aidurtis quality of ha popularity. it
Ming more salable now than It was
sweaty -five years ago, when Its greet
swum was considered marvelous." --
R. g. [/rake, M. 11 . nehot. Kaes.
•, Mr little sister, four yeses of
es. so 'It from bronchitis that we ash
shine.' riven up hope of her recovery.
Our family pti�"si.•isn, • skilful Man sad
of larger eapenefc . pronounced it us►
lees to true her any more medicine ;
sating that he had done all it wss pos-
sible sod.). and we must prepare for th•
.crit. As • last resort, we determined
t., try A>rr's Cherry Pe• ttrel. and I can
truly sat- with the most happy results.
After taking a few fusee she seemed to
breathe reeler. and. within a week. was
out oil danger. We ,ventlsued giving the
Pe. arra, until satiah.d she was enure)'l
well Ti.:,bas glen int unbounded (n.h
u the pr.garetion, and I recommend It
reelletrutlt to my customers "--C. 0.
lepp'r. lirueglst. Fort Wayne. Ind
For t old, and Coughs, take
r.t_•sun alio a col,
tm•nt of neekwetu
re a fine
lathing Outfits,
-nuit &rie'ed that a,
& Co. el eland cygnttt.
i best
ustonleri for their
fair dealing and
r confidence. In
increasing trade
the county.
be bought in the
If our leading
e mitt time,
Ayer's Chem Pectoral,
raeraaoo ser
Or. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lotted, Mass.
Peke Ii : is beanie. M. Werth fib • brat&
lay Weds
Nor a.. all other women are
' V that to m.y soul u dear
1 Philter wadi • love as .till
A. a broad river'. 1'eaieful us�hl,
N•ur•h b, high tower sod kiwis will.
A wine fewd.i'en.
A rests ensue who had macs bsoeght
se is luxury sad complete 'reredos' from
stare married • gentleman aoeewhat older
the. herssll, and went te hes with him in a
1:.... w dbaMul rill.
wand at its own wild will, He war the owner i.f w daily aeU.I P't,
71►• t+tasl f sable• Mrw t 'wawa s+,
And yet .. els ever f ^ung/ t
.t• whiok through his indefatigable tangs sad
Awl. 'vi it. full, deep (recast mase.
Una ldse•e IMrtrke�Ons constant attemtiuu t., detail* lied become
Ink« ,'clan talus, uv duties lie .
Nsmaa'a amu' N•rry�.uMry ♦et•• It Noes aro,d turn hal bstweeu. ',birth wgueutal cul ibaanctall) successful.
Ant makes then fresh aid fair and mese- ; The young wits in her school days kiwi
ler said AY•ut Nwmer. 1 Sestet bones. wherein to lice asp die.'been morn praised by ter toe lien for her
There e a dainty sew uaderwaut diad ! -sari Rurll''•wadi. graceful essays, awl he. husband, discover
the "Kueleru " It u tight fitting r Eke �---- �`
� � , Inr•wosad q bo Nell apexes Uf.
back, but in trout the two rale he 1141011,•.' tie :''Orad the politician who had bean
There are no frust seams at all. It eeNO •acu&o•.1 :it everything from bigamy to
in all the delicate shades of India silk. bete•g ►rad asked hu. seriously
trtmmcd with fine thread lace. • lion a uewepaprt ever say a goad ward
Stripes everywhere, and such very pretty for you
stripes. They aro breed awl some of them "Never, sir : never."
exquisitely shaded, beginning with the light ..Never saw a virtue in you so many women, sow came to her.
er tints and shading into the deeper tones. ••Not cum. -
Other stn a contract with the groundwork sbe a,oUuue the business, or ash It sad
Fr s "Fano) , isn't it • abandon herself to gnat She decided es
of the material. Every wotsal4 will hare ,p„„,,,,..., •:claimed to polttiriari. •'It's tate formerawrs., and, bewail streggliag
with her sorrow, cuutioued to vents tier
poems and graceful articles
But soon • change was evident u the
paper The nee s was less full and accur-
ate, the editorials were weak and commies -
place, errors of type were frequent, the
sheets were pearly printed. Moreover, Alf
this,Mg urged her to contribute to he col-
ons' Her poem.. brook reviews, and sketch•
es rd navel were talked shout at home and
colied in the pais is o' other citta.
Quo day a tornado. swept over the pleat,
and the husband was crushed under a faU-
tag building.
The question of livelihood. which oonrs• to
In Dress Goods, Dress Tweed Buitings,
Plaids, Cravenettes, Cord de Chavalles,
Henriet*,as in all the new shades,
Tweed Effects and a complete
Line of Black Dress Goods.
a striped gown, but if you are tall and thin an outrage, sir, and amply shows the
do make the matter a subject of prayer be venality of the par. But ,'11 6x 'aha
fore you purchase. I'll force 'em to acknowledge icy worth."
At • recent banquet at the hlysee Moe. ••Force 'em Lu!"
Carnot appeared in one of these dustier "Yes, sir : fore. 'em to I'll snake
robes which boasted a tram three yards every paper that ever said a scandalous
toeg. The gown was made of black eel- thing about me talk about my services
ret, the train bring hard with white as to the country and my record ai a states Scuttles arum *mune the work ^, sad the
tin. There was a front panel of whit, moo
or" foreoau gave tion+ of hu totretaou N
Getters velvet, outlined with silver Muir, ••When :• forte -
la Presidents we dimmed' iii her hats ••He'll. not this per. I hope, bat some ,aoism. sad the lawyer to whom the
awl the •-estnme was altogether steadier- time, sir. some time.' lady went for aftice. your Iwuna w is like i
Aly hetomiug to her. "How in the world will you •i.. it • • i
church steeple overturned and set up oma
The perfectly plain princess robe is own "I'Il get my name into a Dew depart- it,. vertex. The ate•rple tray bas• ver)' beau'
Ing back again it clothes the figure fey ment of the paper one in wbirh there u Wel and much admired, but it does not
..1.•10) • spreading out in fulmar a few enthral; Mut prose. ' stake a good fuuudauon. If you wish to be
tm•hes bedew the waist •t ti,.: back It is "The obituary column?' ,u.,e eaful in your work you must begin at
hued with milk awl has a silk bu
.Jayesr of The politician nodded. the bottom. Conte out of your bedroom,
contrasting a"!or -t veru Pretty whet.' -It a my only lope,' he said, "Mat it mel stop writing poetry. Co to the office,
mattes, retied with !sleek Iwo and trimmed can't fail learn too set type. err the poser made up.
with bless velvet and Jet. hu a lining __ -- - real profs, pay for men with your own
Jeealar !fesee.
soil balayenss of pale pink, with a touch Stands, least' to.iteisnguuh Important from.
of th, oxen. pink on thr bodice and m the •lagr.n sat* ttrnt women who have at nonnportant news, •ud assure yourself of
hair• ta;ned a majority always neem w ter in the the worth and interest of every paragraph
As usual with the beginning of • esasom, I it your paper -
6 that they The lady acted on his advice, rind is to -
Conesis• so Mum, Amoeem. lemma,
Paa*pb•tes, ass ung lepuAssa
L W. GILLETT. Tersest*. Ord.
nu the e:or-ed rveaasr ol tt;r
t3cxc: , Ittdnas s and Liver. cbr, yl*
...1 .srntai:T•,. 'L'Lt!'•k+:.4t,: iia `
:a •,,. the i:wplari:bN an,l it it baron:
o!u^e clic la :34::ss tCer7
rt':rf!1=; Aridity V7' CO £��t<'1�':
'..,r Ii$jicurne
1; •'''s . �:.'zt t r^., ifeartbs-"
. • L:'yc^• of tilt,
, of �:
- jryi,>iti"
WRVS IMAM w a sew o
test elsthe e wets core ..
DmlISO last Thor ►r'
Ileobe d; nouns M
wtraknss• d begs or rv.' oris:
kle erFweA, sibei rrors se a
ensrd rota
•,ser r rano tee won •Wase• as ekes s1 eat
raurwnes toe/salseesesse 4 is artwet Ad
mu at at per
NM: u primN t. hind ta-
t%w. 1,.n.nm. (as• Rene be tluws••t
tstymgttil H RY P. H. JtORiDAN.
any of fancy and btsarre tint& mu There are hired me
g;orn are displayed in the shops, but good will ask a cumpani'in to watch the cloak
taste limits the chair of colors. to few for theta.
`Ind of
suedes, and tan still holds its own with A los' of temper ie Iik• any
w,uderfnl pertinacity. Several pretty tea The worst thing about it is the re rime aware that her method of Singing was
shades of ye;dow tan, tea rose colors, mu cuvery. tncorrecr. She knew of only one teacher in
tral Outs is grays shaking to twig., fawn, The genius of the Thespian is more apt the world who could help her, and be lived
scud color, ala a pretty new color called to -come into play than that of soy other in far-off Paris. Nevertheless. she quietly
mulcts, or field ntoe, will be worn for genius. I relinquished her glory, took the long, soli
drew occasions with light goitres. and will When the old gentleman of ninety pro- ! toy journey, dwelt among strangers speak
be made striking with black stitching and poser to, the old lady of eighty•tive it is the mg • foreign latrguege, consented to ignore
sews. sewed with Mack thread. "court" of final resort. I all her past tr.outtg. out to learn sup by
Ccrvs,tty tills one's very soul wheat look The only way to win in an argument 1 step, like an unknown begnner,the scientific
big in 'lie chop windows. Such things ass with • woman is to walk off when you have method of
woven gilt were In the shape of pancakes. stated your site of 1l Had she continued in her old way her
large, brilltsitly jewelled beetles, butter Mrs. Hadi -Mrs. Blab!, tells are her 'ruice would have bees rained; but upon
lin with gauzy lace wings.•rad • tlr the true foundation, Jenny Lind built up •
gw PPasrr daughter is going too marry a men of tete. I al reputation which has never been stns
Own mats in fisc woven straw err subjects Mrs. Babb- -That's queer. I beard she was I
of curious conjecture, until the shopkeeper engaged to a trombonist, . pawed.
blandly explains that these are the spring - —_ ._ --- • These examples show the importance of
novelties is hat crowns. They really make se by stoe Was beginnings. Years of simple. whole•nats
the daintiest hats Imaginable in combine ..You don't look happy," saool one woman living are required for • tine completion;
toe with a bit of lane or chiffon and • meeting another recently. "I'm not. Life finger exercises anti scales must precede
bunch of spring blousons is a burden," was the prompt reply. "I'm geoid piano -playing: by careful study alone
There is • certain charm in a French tea taking cad livw oil three times a day. Its I car the mind become well trained; hablta
gown which no other tea gown need ever rile taste is never absent front u.e. the hor- of frugality, industry and perseverance are
hope to An exquisite creation just roes of the dose past ale not forgotten be essential for success to business: and when
ordered by a well known Parisian is of pale fore the dread of the dose future is epee these condition, have been ignored in youth
ernshad strawberry silk en train. Over the ane." the only salvation lies in cutting off emhel-
knot of the garment falls a looee d y of. liahment . and devoting alp one's energies
raper. The unhappy c.mdiuo: char lugubrious- inn foundation principle*.
whit pint de F'wru lace, thetore pattern being ly recited might have heal much mitigatedrepairing r
.utlined with a fine pate blue silk thread by taking the objectionable medicine in to- ( lila Heart'. stork.
At the neck of the drone is a bow of pale mate catsup or by eating a bit of fresh
Nee ribbon, and the lace drapery a caught orange peel before and after the dnse,
day a' successful editor. `it
A young Swedish singer, whose triumphs
in her own country were unparalleled, be-
stn . ' i I ff ■I'IS flay' (OrrflitlITS
Obas,eo-1 amt all I. Iw the I'. P. Piths
iMl•r attended mo sr /RAA *R mom.
te,u,n.,e ., .tepneite the I.. et. Pedant tm .
M. .,,•1 w Sr obtain Patents le hue rive
kse ' ..e rerwo r rraes. n'.ImaNVNsiroN
'iesu• .mn,1.Kf. ion ',Amor,Thi. We a.
ems... •, ta'euiebti.ty free of chimer an"
use mat t'r, safe I HRP' ITV/. F:SR "ft,
flit p.'TRv-T.
Wr refer, hers. to the Poatmester, the rey
if Wont, t holes U v., and to °Messes of Ito
l'. + t'ate,,' o dice, For rireu4r. alerte.
berms and rrfer"arvs to ee'na, chants Is ren
vise wt •.r t'..w••mr we, tar tr.
r a aeon a raw..
'toast,. Patent 1145...• WsahtaRtaw.U.t'
27 if
T. T.
it two plscea by how. of blue ribbon. TM
ander part of the gloom is crushed straw-
berry silk with a cap of pale blue silk edged
with flounces of the Lice. --New York
1 There was an artist once, awl he painted
i • picture. 'Other artists had colors richer
--- - end . and palated more notable pio-
A tl ri... rwaei•eu'enoa ' tures. He painted hu with one color, there _
Tom When i saw yew at Mioni� a wed- was a wonderful red glow on it, sad the
ding I thought that you Mould have been people went up and down. saving, "We like
World. the groom yourself, old man. the picture, we like the glow. 1
Jack -I oil come very near marrying i The other artists came and said, "Where
Ieenuallul Queens r►arluka " that girl once. I was 'alhng there and ions he get his color from?" They asked
"Aesutifni Queen Derinka" Iwree a void shout half past 12 1 hrse•ed up and corn. him. and he rami «I and said. '•i cannot toll
is the hearts of the Moistener -mg which rt1ened a prnp.sal : and just then her father
you" :said he worked on with his head bent
will not soon be fillet. Resottful she would came into the parlor. low.
always he to them. although she had just Tom -That las awkward. 1 And one west to the far Fact and bought
died at fifty-four. thirty three years after Jack -i should ray ss ; he pet me win. costly pigment•, and made a non. color and
the death of the husband she loved so much pt
stele oat!" painted, hitt sitar a time the picture faded.
Apropw of this there is told • queer .tory - --
shortly after the marriage of Ibrnka and The Mark of Case.
Prance band., tabes the !lfectenrenas were "Rthel," he exclaimed In tragic tones as
fighting against the Turks. the women of he rushed min her oreernc.•. i cannot
the Black Mountain causes • magnificent marry you. I have the mark of Cane upon
lag to be embroidered for the warriors toe-
oe 'The face of ••heautiftil Derinka" was repro "01,, Mortimer," she groaned, "have you
ducd on the lag and the wild Montane killed paps"'
grin warriors fell down before it anti called •'No. Ethel, to ; it came very near being
out "Be thee oar patrna saint in the holy the other way." and he dashed out of one
war " I/urtng the battle of Crahthree came over the door es the old man cae in tie ether, was
Iota tore the flag ; one west through the a splintered walking stick w he gory
forehead, ono through the heart, sed use grasp.
through the finger on which the figure of —
nee•a wore her w.ddieg ring. The feeeltarlttes er Our Longview..tare Ori stn to look in the store win -
and the old evilwomeno of Montenegro They W'"ot
It r a• curl .natio and signi dews, and she remarked that she must soon woad •• het Death, who seals all things, bad
Another reed in the old hooks, and made •
color rich awl rare, aril when be had twit it
on the picture it was dead
But the artist painted ou Always the
work got redder and redder, and the artist
grew whiter and whiter. At last one day
they found ham and before his picture, and
they took hits up to here hint. The other
men locked shout in all the pots and
crucibles, but they found nothing they had
And when they undressed him to put his
grave -clothes on him, they found above kis
left breast the mark of a wound --it was as
old, ons wound, that must have bees then
all his life, foe the edges were old and hard -
whispered. cove •sew demo ties that to Vaibki Kgvus. tie gesst pre , es • 1 must have • seer Burt, said her draws the edges together, aid chimed it et.
will de levo/ • e few ]errs Wer for "the one i have On ei worn out" And they bathed him And still the e , t , , 71s, . .
hssdwsd; people west shoot. saying. "When did be r... , m,. , '..o
prophecy was teljlMd. — "How earn that he T' asked his wife, "it set his soler from ! t'•','
iia l algegilaa
�y far
A splendid has el new Dram I'rinte, all sew desiRas and new patterns.
A large amortmest of Satin l'h,v'k Moshe, our celebrated 12i oast goods. Iv . trw ""
days we will show • great line of b cent bu•Itns.
We have thhsoa's Celebrated Shirt.tngs. at l211 oasts, lb orate The beet geode in the
trade for the saucy. t;attottrds" from 12i oasts to 36 outs.
Spring, a tie amurtutent, is black and colored, in a few days.
That we have the great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the county
Rrutleels an.1 Tapestry Carpet. imported direct from Hootland, and
3 -ply and 2 ply Wools and Union Carpets bought direct from the mills.
peS14 to the
�er�eoetr��'Npule•�_be w�Itt:ut �yereeb
Flimon , 7M aIe•dwr. JAew cork •
. SETS new Cream and White Lace ('urtailla direct from
the luakcr. Iii ti!asgow, Lnst the ORRATIST value ever seem
in the county of Iturolt. We want every one to see these
�_ gooils heforo they make their Spring purchased. 290 seta to select
fawn. —Allo Chenille Curtains, Curtain Pules, Art Stealing and general
imps etarTags.
baa_ 11 ;
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e y e tz a,, .
t e. t e 's Y
Hyps tN$ltes of Lime aid Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor'
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss cf /`:^petite.
:.:ental and Nervous
I- raster :•^"i
Gene.. -al Debility, &c. .
I• Feints Ball imitations. Ask for 3
- old by F. Jordan
TO 11401100en 61.000 11141-reall in TOM
illandwro 1....
Testimony Of 19 Centuries to
Jesus ol Nazareth.
Aod it come to pass that after awhile the ; ..""' ‘1""m'ell' i's " St.' 1
Ono Wolof's'''. Small Worry. kinks aa good ma sew."
"Owe of the men things that nal am.- "But I have worn it Mit all the same," arttot woo foototios ion the wore bend. _ _
gaid • woman the Other day, "is the per- be said, sat" she temilind to the situation. °Su Schreiner.
tradesmen. My butcher sod grocer sad resmin aloe r satyr.
sinent gady'-ing I get at tin hands of the
kiwi. im,p,loody cosimat,j4 so Father --A Nadas mesa gathers ao mom, The Tura of the Title. -'•The Denham
bra of address I expect no relief is their my boy- havesit boss able to go . summer resort
mess, bat why the clerks in the dry -gene. don (who is that kited) -But. pop, it for two years, and the girls haven't had •
stoops are set taeght better I mime. en gathers emasentem- decent gown to their hacks lately, het
he se meek mere passaing to b. naind Father seaellyi--Yes, my boy, I have ob. goem they'll begin te put on style sow."
tj„ moussog jassopsaasjag et served that it gete fastest as it sure the "How's that "" "Old Dunham bee Isar
'lady' as am 'oohing a purchase irrotetes laelteral el the Mil- failed. --New York Press.
me to the verge of exasperation, and hes A Compliesims. Wise in His Denerstiess. - "Papa." she
. "What's the matter Parker 9 Toe leek is
whispered fleetly. "why don't yee give
ter wittiest waiting to select the geode • ...eery some inscurageetent •rldsanensh
waisted." dear aseworol tee Wei roma, "I ffees
Nano' Oar Wogoose
the year I NI
Twe hundred weaken are peaseleiag law
id the United stoma
Irlereh,o Nightingale geode the grippe
making it hard for Me, aio the age el send -
mere." is firstly imposed to Wirwrm's
• weessa Mae Blesser Ormond, leads
eitalise sees isepired by the wpm. 4
bar linker's rola
Christine Nibeemb rakers be bar suave
esestry el Bombs re sib et the gpsaida
Atehaseader, the Omit de la 01110 Miresda.
reawls net well bee restesee eg real We
BM sass tenser% ebili es Me hills whose
bee glib el sag dlesevered, sod steer •
mese breeselle BM am *wee SI ems es ewe
somad. asset
••I am. I asked Miss Morrison to be my
"Ab ! Rejected r
"No- Referred me te her usetber, end—
well, her mother rejoined se herself lees
waist to interfere. Yaw mother is
Discourager of Hesitancy ie this reneb.*--
Nes York Herald
prenple,- said one departmeet clerk to ad. BIT
other "Yes,- wee the reply. "I esppela
they trawl t• make you feel like ewe a las
family wird" you were there." -rut
slid their beet. Mies Hippos end Ma
would lie • sister to ma "—Wasaingillill
WNW* prime. ft
• always Mem iss
ad before porelksals a
• lessUsessee el she
otteiky. riot limo of
Sugars Teas, Baking Powder..
And all Nes* and taste rresorten
Illeigtorteve ter ail Mode of
Choice Confectionery, Pratte, etc
New se hood
Siena ad Cballiebeser.
Not nag ago • foreiginir at Niagara Falls
eve bilking about the weatiers SF the ell
world te • Casuites wed of Vesuvius. "Tee
haven't get my Teledyne ever hers lik•
that,' sided the visitor. "No," remarked
the Oneedies, pelatiag to dr falls, not we
hove get emeethies there that will pat out
year sad velesse every Uses els breaks
"What de yes thin% of your little eider,
Odpiedidse" inquired his father
"She may iesposo. egos • mere eiressiled
esepaisisenn," rephed the little Seines bey.
reserding the sew teats% eritiselly, "boa ea
poses' Moe Nem abase* anis air& 111t.
1 Raisins,
Peels, Etc.
Raisins and Ourrants cleaned and ready for use.
ouse J. 33FLOE-I4E'r az BOW
Have added to their preeent business one of B. J. Nash'. Lliteet Style
of (My Bears... also the finest line of funeral farniehings in the essiati.
and are now prepetneel to conduet funerals at prices reasonable
IK THI VitiiINi. This depertmesit will be strictly attended to by his son William, vim,
in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past ten years, has a
k nowledge al the hastiness., and by prompt attention hopes to share part et
',Illus. public pat roitage. Remember the place West-st., on your way to 11111 pub
- dam Give us a call.
Ono will give up candy sae ma.inese
And sew In real earnest foe fever stare
lea the pnor you sok •It. en, sot then.
Rho will work so INT sow umber Dal
Among the Wren wyrodere el Mos assns.
world trete the Pyramids el Bops, the
see to Rhodos, which wid • brews glagse
4 Apulia, leg lees high, that awn ah the
men* el the Whet. It teak twelve yews
psti the seehilii up, het Shot was it NS
=OW* pont* did set grow tired 4
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