HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-31, Page 2 (2))i
Missy to novel* LAM.' swum tae
molt LAWSON TO baa easage
as in PIM et mit%)
My dear yteses,-.-No desks you will be
harp:•ised to bat that I em engr,t.dl, for
alien I left sadtt,lewdest,ye., d Low, shout a Month
ante. I had net the remotest ides of iL 1' on
have often told me, witYtahakt e1 your
dear, atm head, that toy pranks would
lowue 'lay get eta into swings trouble. het
you net er dreamt they way lead we Into
You know how I hitt "stilling alone,
haw I wafer notold agonies na those rare
oyuari,na a hes I am ohhgsd to upend • few
hours by m. ysel( la a tratm.
Judge, then, of my feelings when, after
she epteuoltd *tort 1 led made town !Ling's
grub.+, thank. to your kind elm. ions, all
my eolopaoioes, including the two old trods
wit the canaries, left the carriage at Peter
borough ' I was su overwhelmed with dib
may at thew snd.leo•deeerties that the train
was taw' :ng of again before 1 had made up
my mood to tharge my quarters.
ttladdeely Pa ides cease Mtn my mind --a
lovely idea rent to ma by my growl angel.
without doubt. Around we lay the salmi
p•rwphrr'. vlia of rayls, shawlsk dreushlg hug,
lily taw holdall, and the two cushions pro-
vided by your dear atasbar for toy comfort
during the night. What store dish I want
Here was material in plenty wherewith to
protect myself. How funny that I should
never have thought of it before '
I .et to work at once, and soon atetnvetd
to arrange t heee things se as to resemble the
figure of a man lying on the seat la -fore toe.
Carcring it mentally with my Wraps, !placed
one rod tet my holdall to appear like a bo -
men feu under the folds of the rug, and on
the Lead I put my own doer -stalker, so ..a
to hide the feature• wkir,lt did not e.iat, _1
few pate here, • gentle pall there, a Iy^ht
coetpres,itot. to suggest the legion of the
waist fortunately mea do not require niu til
of that eomto wlity -and my protestor an!
chaperon looked so lifelike and real that i
seri eyed my 'roil with satisfaction un -I
pride. What did I core for the terror. of
the night' I wan cosfulaut t!tat stet s'lime'd
to " the gentleman vise was Lot ' cry
would secure toe the undisputed pew -alon
of the compartment.
We were then nearing frwntbant, .0:.i in
a few unaetes the tram slackened .pest au.i
mopped at the station. The passer , . r.
waiting oil the platform nla.le for thew toad
epod third elms carriages, and I yaw with
greet satisfaction that 1 was sot likely to, he
The gnarl looked in once to see if I w•.
"all Tight. ' but did not appear to notice my
tecutnla•t.�' _,eutes:Mon, which was for: mote,
lel it uigir• have been •w:web!! hal
asked t.. nee t tit geatpetsms's ticket.
The train ass oe the point of starting
when a t.talwatt figure nuihed aeimee the
platform with hat -box, gin -case, reg.., etc.,
followed by ■ panties porter staggering
n ailer the weight of cartridge ossa.•
1 watubewi thio sportsman with some in
ter•est, for a oat trem_ts does not admire •
man of title Magee' ---and this epevinen
was at least al feet two and broad ms pro-
oopassion. But to admire fr'um a distance and
io come into close visitors with such as,
imposing fellow are two very different
things, and, to my horror. 1 sow this giant
makinv straight for my carriage.
"Oh ' please be careful '" I grated feebly,
es the door wee wreathed open " This
this gentlemen is sot very well
'there, Minnie! I bad said it, and the
words were so mroser out of my mouth.
than 1 telt quits ashamed of my ridiculous
•'1 beg your sods. !" answered the to
trader, who somehow, tenants to raise hi.
hat, although hie hands were full of things.
" I ant very sorry to disturb you, but I (ear
there is no time for me to go elsewhere, awl
they tell me the train is full.- Then he
added, with • eemciliatory ..mile, " I'll he
very quiet."
I looked as Eters as I could, for certainly
hie estrmice had best anything hut quiet,
end I trembled lest, is the hurry and cosfu•
dem that followed, and while the porter was
sdidiag the osrtridge-cases along the floor,
something should go wrung with my lay
figure. amd the utter blbwsEm of the cam
trireme be revealed jurat whim i wante.f its
eeeetem mor mor* thea ever. All went well,
however, and the Wake was soon in rapid
modem again, sad I osslds't but feel very
abappy. Fancy having to spend the night
with this stranger, who might be some vii
lake in disguise ' -sled I thought I should
esresm. But a look ale my handiwork, a,
oohs and impassive through hall, somewhat
restored me.
My living companies esttled his luggage
very quietly I'll do his that lustier stop
piing abut on tiptoe. sad sew and then
gLmtime curiously at my immovable via a
via. Then he eat down, and opened • hook.
ha which he was soon esurpletely absorbed
1 giumed again at the Meg lege and bore
frame, and sighed with very mixed feelings
soon agate shattered with • horrible thought
what would becostie of me if he went tar
tiler then I, aril 1 had to bundle out tet toe
earflap under his basset eye., with sly
uucle in wry atm.: 1 roust try to re•.a
tarn whet.. he was going to. After
Iwttatwa I suatmor.ed up sidle.•• at eourry. •
to ii 'pore, :u as uncon,wued a voile as 1
coal 1 aesuu.e
Art you going far •"
" (Italy as far ar Perth," said Ito' pleasant
But, alas ' the•ie muslol toner 61i.1 n..'
.'ndu Oh. tact that I w.,uld have to leave tiie
t r.in prat, rad i.e ti, eight utterly Io dish b)
this stranger. wham. 1 was l egluuiug to r.
with everincreomult appr.bwu,,,,
P.'hat good taste he _hawed in int talo.,
lir gpret„m as en excuse for engaging
It a loop; c,wtersnumn '
All at once there was a girat lurch of Ili.
train, ..red rwmethin 'tee.' May in my cot'
atruetuu what had hilhert,. ,lone duty 101
On. heel suddenly collapsed.
" By love ' hes nit -veil`“ cried my young
man, iu tinea which uuuwstakab.y meant .
" I was watching inteutly for some igen
of life fr".n that myrteriou. fleep.-
I Jare.1 sot look at the rash speaker. and
hardly heard his confused :old murmured
apology, for 1 fox: el I m'ant deltctio t,
hut. I m..nagwl t., ato•Wer with arauc .d
Hush ! Ilatse don't snake • nom-, or
you'll wake hint up
It was too eta -y matter to readjust the dis
alrange:a emeriwg, and, try all I knew, 1
ye.uld not succeed in restoring the hind at its
former position. it refined to stick up pro
{early, until I felt :echoed to slap it for its
stupidity Besides, 1 Wm made nervous by
the w,nsci tench that two eyes were: covert-
overtly wit, Italy( me.
The eveuiug was wearing on, :til I ulnuld
hatbeen c•nnpsrwttvo:y nappy had I not
f aim, the cold, which every instant grew
r..,, a intense, eery hard to hear. All uiy
...laps end rte i• hal beet, nw-i up for my
•. 'lin !a'rheioeit, rind sow :ny testa .$at.
tett L.unl 1 shivered uiscrs. iIy.
Presently we p'o'led up at soother station:
end my compuniw got out at epee. Sow
wan My chem... I i: - iii is-rhape i•r elde
to change .arr.'uges defile his returb.
1 k, d is t,un to :los ,tiar,l. At last
i. tees -n hot of hilt o1 the extreme aid o!
the plat forma ut deep converse eon with my
fraud, wh a' that hitt, t same ren+q_
k! ,'. Isemtny . hi . ntete'd gt
the rcltrrt-
_Ise ret
• t i at this t _te .4
)e. ,
1 L-• , r:cite whistle} : we were ahead,
so.t•iug, w•h:-n th.rgs•r.i sedd•:nly .tpgx•art.1
at tie .pen wool'.. with alovely rug of soil
hr'w-n fur. wl.i:li lie dropped on my knee.,
toy icor
Here, fits•, is a tee for you. It lektaes
tea rnr .• . t tet•ens.•,-; , In,t lee *always gl..d
r 1.. ane•eue :,,u. May want It for
.• tet lu. .\n,1 1w was arm.•.
'• Oh, how kind I esdainied as i wrap-
rappwe•l •nvw.11 up in Co ia:autiftll fur, large
emit•ugh to eaveiop me from head to Mot.
comet„meet ,ne,aid N;. thuldlet's :iw.'s . jam SSW by A. Maim & Os- , newspaper I Th
Hugh •glial it he might he allowed to owl advertising egesth Montreal, to elbow 'a.
In r da) or two, when lie would he coming terprlss we ars ladybird for the trot
fu.t1h edea. y}aturaily, papa could not !direekory of t.nal.ast sew•p.ap rs that at
e:u■• . lot' he was just a little truss with all appraavnea .nmpleten-At.
ti,. .it. r'1,0'44. !Ir told ,ne i' moose very on. it la .•1 tat,.ly t sane Wal 1 sit...la bad •
Let .4, • 'apish top WV potpie usu know nawspwie•r it. r'••ta„ 1 of m• iown, u.,te •1 of
e•,inu,c ,•f wadi aratl►iluiM• -'hail I Is .1 .•.t l leokh.g ,u t.erig •• ,••u.••.-'. boor 14 b••u,..tt.w te
• :e t •- Ili tor p' to vuM bring lite pre..• •I to. ai.it .,s; i..'..o, ' It •
sp kris a -tut, ul istarse, I tglllpd oust tali credit ups. ,.r -..et, .•mor o w'et tom tel th
Liu int ale, "savla," �piwWirhe,., It i..0 over 401t uo r pope..
\,..o sine, my ,,• ar '.Ipesis, I sin lire you than aro , p„'ad to ii..' • iter Ju'-rton :..
one ttee rest, met 1 hope that biose the sworn/maw t• very terui.rrl„ s,tc' a
stay )'tau may hale Map* as 1 amt. although deed, ae the "l'.mis.bas New.P.pe+ U',
• i, ti.e:'e is little ammo of it, betsu-, tory " gives • g m.t'e'•r of ,etch u-•wwpwpt•
rc :. tiny hitt UsgI' is the risk, str}u, loom which uul,ra.ata everytbia: the i
• . • a be ,11'atarees, fn.m a Lsdesit paid e1 Ali
stop batt. f... Le i dreamt soma an.R. obtalin: .eh uewspwper it rises fall I.'
dung out f w a w ai .. .r. ,te e.•., Uouir», t••ethiitg every pit.' on e,.l, w ,
'. Your. hsrigg's - V von s curate inf•,rwatien ie otos' uli.e.
tt',•uld ynit hell-, • .t. Stith*!- !it has Mr. Anson Melillo, Co-, lolrrtetote to It•
.. • t ye' n'os'e told ret- that he ftuetrar thing .dvexN"elma assay f .-n a MAI l..14' a e,
"at lay .' tete, " was s t1Mbta) 7 w h• set is tamed, has Leet ifdvertisialr loa..
a 'fear' 'oars *limit thirties 'aural havm.g started
hews there teen. special ag--sit of •rue resnMe dell to 11
1: is :lie earnest aepaxt +.haat loan that trawl lu 187
it is now hew thin tour years idem I
vetoed tent in the s.aapaper adoersista
agency buaiusws fa Uuttrw! Mailer it
style of A. Vagi', t I o., and the asaw.•
already aehioved by this enserpri,iev lb.
ran ouh be the'rean:t • f Imperies a, imihs
try. and ludefatigable atIeatarm to aw,itry d.
lin! „t the h,l'.ttrese
Perhaiws it a net to, much to My ih.
this aaem-y now hmn.ilesuwree Iw•,i.tw wi.
Obeli Ill other :.rem
cera c'eutdu...f .win.''. Jute. tat the ht.
*slop) not :Mly the c n6.let:tri .ef tiw ma.
large advertisers ell -we I-islise t they O.
trek, but that d the t'aua.itau publishers •
well, '
tyres of the moot 'arresting features oft I
work is a !theory of t•aa.,dian journalism.,
saheeb ea a.•twt to giver of the first pupil
oubtisleei is emit I'rusn•ce, with a ak. t••i'
• .he r:, .' .i•,d prxiegist. of the newtsot,
••r:ay }opera t•ia co:11unt,.trly r
- out period_ Many .- iu t us f•r-ta are g„ -
. hc.r rt. p-.••.-, Mui the al,'. .
tt h .oar -at,.. Ora uc,trr.al, th't has e
nrr,•l ,Me'n •... night .., the ,w..t ,mese.
air y, t pwi,i w}te.l tet .se,rbe•y-,•
• ,p•.mS . -lie- I4ny.rslat-simile of it
f\.•,.,1i. Hnlsaur for the tri o.t and lungs ,
'.i.iking some remarkelgy .ors with mold.
.:hm a,. •r,uble.l a.: -o '•,.,rc ;h: •.',
slums, I.ronchitis:.n.l .a'aumptioa. an)
Jru, let will :rive you a tr:if bottle free ,!
.t It is I;narsnte•-.l to ,eli.ve soil gore
The large battles are ate. ami $1. talo'))
teat s'ac'ra,. els.
I t,u1 calla matt a,.,-411 Ircatlee hn auto
Iota a t eind11uM. amok: of III. teoeipts : ha
: wld I.' ow to :1 In .11.1 rot.
heater not t --li a our neighbor yea,
trouble, unless )ou ata w:lying to iis:ca :o
Don't thick that as unfortunate min is
any letter off becameyou pity lion, antes -
au set a pries on your pi' y and pay . t • - 1.•.
to hills. .
Don't asndems a tows teas harshly for i:o
Better tint pit too am* looney 'it
watch oolong as there is a gam town id
, -
I , Sour village.
Doe t print veld,.. '',rues_ 11$ .•ai.ILs:a ..a
'ter voice .n seatpmrei..
lken't em Immo a •non i,• auli be miept.,
na u.iis ytnr a.wie, i.00dtded lie takes r
liberty with your 'auric:.
Duet form had hal.tis ;he first half •
life, mr .t sill . ^ lot the w•h•-.
• . ell half to art!. IA } heti,
1/.•i't expect gruel ha , I t to thrive sss•a,.
i.i,t tors any 'note ti, . - it wtui,l roans
Don t ear, the rich Ilea nue .laity..
r•G:ASS. i t. cur weer ;cmc bar'•_
the digestion. •
(:otter not put 4.110114r eel tu.• plate to;
• . hay ttjou are .rtl) t na.ciag .O osmat&
l:et' er not it kite 'mile .
.,.. for yourar'
I e•f•xe yu's'Aewrneoi bl:.w t 1 help' othee,
airs theirs
• li.i'tley a septi •• -....t emslesitit,:
m nor wife, for rue -seep, tt you, don't.
xriaard'e tla,meae ear.. Pi.,rtsprr,
e:.ee .t.ta•i.
That is a g,•..1 bait,l inert is put .wt t,
help some Oat that has !alio, uy,the w -r,
1 lie warmth was d"iightful. I felt so Titan i. n ;don,i iwt,.1 who•k knows hit,.
snug aid cogifortabla• that a plesatut t,, sake rata easier xrui h•slxrhess v...
drowsiness anon stole over ow, and 1 should
!cave slept hail 1 tort tar, -it that my "uncle" That is a gust hand.whirh know, hoe +,
,night plat no• *Olin ti irks. site biartily and freely.
That is a };ail band which is put yrs'
.tlliw n.e to el„ss this window,- said a to .snip ylu or par as we w.uMs along L1 !in••
yot•r in my ear. I started up. Why , I when we feel we need sdme one to pgwteLY
must have berm .bels« p, after all : tad now 1 uv
hat is • good hand which sever wrote
was very much startled, for there. l.w,min anyth,ne of which is was wshaulr,i, aa -1
over Inc, stood the gust of my dreams wh:clt never pets its baud to fraud and dis-
strugvliug with the recalcitrant wneiuw, hours y.
Thank you I muttered, still rather That is a x,....1 hand which help.. slsmg
,larger, and wnsderin,: where I was. Rut the ;he _ick and the weak, the bridless tad the
whole atuLm
rtinn came Lack to me r. y1 hat s w guo,l hand which dost its soot.;
glance fell no my " uncle " safe m hs place. eel! : whatever it may be, 'rhereeve!S it
Alas ' almost at the same instant a violent may. he, it doth tet grow weary, and it
jerk of the train took the young man by 'I.eth its work so it s worth its wage..1t-
a t 'omit t t n t ion.
surprise ; and, amble to regain his balance,
lie fell backward on to the seat facing roe. rieasaut e, syrup.
} think we (loth screamed at least, I am Mr. Ikuelas Ford, Toronto, (int., states
sere that I did. •'(M ! you have killed that Mltlburna (oil Liver Oil Emulsion with
him "' i cried, hardly kaowing what i said, wth 1Vild ('hurry Bark is free from :dem-
and, dinging off the rag from my knee•. I thimble State, being almost as pleasant as
rose to tree with despair an.1 shame the syrup. while for •toughs and colds it give.
diacleures that must immediately Ldlotr. complete tatsafsctwn, acting promptly
The rugs and shawls, so carefully Me-
iroan in obstinate teem. 2
posed, had slipped oR, eo that when the The Mae Who League.
poor culprit, confuse.} and horrified at what The man whose ha' ha' reach.. from one
he had done, jumped up hurriedly, it was end of the street to the other may be the
to see my dressing bag, plainly betraying same fellow who scolded his wife lied
by its priitwn the important part it had spanked the baby before he got hu bread -
played in the anatomy of my " testier' The fast, Mit his laughter :s only the crackle of
holdall, forsaking the mangled body. had thorns under the foolThe sass, who
rolled away to the extreme end of the seat. spreads his laughter through his life before
while the pillow, which hal forme} part of a late breakfast, when he misses the train,
the head and ,huelden, remained a shapeless when his wife gime vsumg and he has to
heap, wimNbnl Iia: by the twmslderabk eat a cold supper : the mail who can laugh
weight that hail fallen on it. when Ism' finds a button off his shirt, when
After a moment of deep silence I ventured the furnace fire goes out in the night and
to look timidly at the murderer, and then both of the tame 'r,me down with the
world you believe it, Minnie • I burst out mteasles at the rine time I s the fellow
that's needed. He never tells his bMx
laughing' I could not help it, for hs face to have faith. Somehow he pots faith�amrgtato
was quasi too funny as he gaged mournfully hum, ,
at the scattered remains of my relative. '('he He delivers no homilies; the sight Jif ks
w:u.le scene was en roloculoos that he seemed been.fag face, the anutel ,d hu happy/ voice
yutte n'lievell shun I laughed, and he and.-thMe sightthat of his hlds heaee,fave daily life carry
Ianghe'1 too ; and we both laughed till our pee. The r hln"s thee Ietor,- binsIH, poar theer fogIn
eyes were fell of tears. Still, I suppnee he before the seat wand : he - w mM hu neo
saw that I was rather ashamed sof my fool- home like a flood of sunshine over a Meadow
nth conduct, for as soon as he ootid speak of Mounting butler -ups, end hs rode and
OS 1 ro heel with growing dismay that the he rteinimel children 1.1.,mon. in his pnsena* like ,1111110
wildest atreteb of lme(teattoo could not ,. A capital idea ' I apital and so well arm's His home s ghreilsn-rel with armpit o
and Me The nr.ghlexhsxd r better tiff
'trebly give to my oompsaion more than carried out, ton' 1 newer maw anything an her his life, and snm.hasly sof learn of him
five feet two. what simmer was the.... that well .luxe before, that laughter is het ter then tears. Th.
such a dpminntivi rotaM5' could im" plrh w 1 mid nothing, and wan very glad he world mseds this men N by are there s..
with aaa fear an enterprising thief sty feet never asked any questions, for how could 1 few of then, • , an M aro• swat e ' ('an hr
y have explained t° him the etsa.ns d Illy tum' turning
r • ,oto is hr not to •very ,sown,
two' tnrninq ..sin sato shine and ttlnter isle
My meditations were fie-Tspted b) a ; 'seek attempt to protect myself . Semmer all round the year until life is a
sodden rowboat-- H.• help' me to gather together ell my perpetual oemin of Joy/! - Mt I.'us Repnb
" I treat that your lather ie set ' err dl belongings, and we restored the carriage 1. x _ %
Mow still Iwo is t" 'motet king like miler again. I sew him Mr. C. heed.., ofRaq Qct.. *owe -
l, laughing quietly se he put my dream( hag i "I have pleasure in stating that your link
Althu gh his tests tt►ese maw espectfu
I thought it better to mower frigidly into the net, while I promptly hid the fills are • w'u•krlul t. air and re.e.wtrumower
Nei, he is Not ill, only rather tired." pillow behind we, feeling 'wry thankful for of the ,)stem. fl.nc. i•e{pam er( thee.
that my tither was to that the whole thing hal ended au minder use. I bar.. gaanrf r' sr'r - a pound est
'Iles, rewewlerlag Ae.h a work 1 bare rn..nusn.l«d Ihem
meat we at Rdiahergh, i added hurriedly, tinily ' t, a itemiser of my friends, who d.t late that
aird, I fear, wl{b peas digalW. -lie tenet my Thee we Lgpit to talk, for this incident the; ar'• the city m,r•,1,:me that they have
father, bre M - sets ' hid wade us feel like old friends H .
Ile told "" r .ed that that 'lone m
all that s claied
me that lu knew ase well by sight, hanng; fort Snid by ell ....
Ohe 1 yen.. Pardon, he anew eyed,
ns humbly Urt, n.ewrtb.tandheat a a+rids afteMees me at the horse od the Filmer! ABOUT CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS
leek is his .y. i ewM not quite make eat. -Inflect, an I that he hal rel„gntrea int at
ta disk 4. row. 'woo lie mid a great many 'Wry m,-.
3 felt .unlhlIwt 1 hells° Wesderrt tdtaaee .r a Sow.w ear a Iea-
pathaw ween• tett( that, after ell. R. .night thine.., and we hada lovely toll tory.
wiry well he a horologe vealrlg man 5s1611 I we. a'tsally Osie awry) when we meek 6 1 te
highly ltrn.•tiee facts bearing on
�eweh fro sem• tebm•+tia.g. od f dinkurgh. Then was fest tune crust. hhs�pwgnes „{ ( amelia. w.wspa,oers ap,r..ar
11t1 my ..k.rrfu1 •tus.A. dol mad arse 'e intrndsee him to my father who V ' fa a M hoodboobof the ('sudor pram
u Viet.
artsted • Ion
y fa..;ts
r ...F the- m' 1
hat no -
is to. of Mai nu.•' a
r7 .. "4 -snot . ... •'n° a:
-me troWohe ism l et 't•:
1... tit,..:rd•a p. -• ph of it •fee
„i - iii,' .,•ena- is w KA mice 01 .1.
K., .'2 00. • -is, len Mill
' •' • ,1 hi j '11. it shy ('ansa
Neel it shay he eta'S
ons 30,010 separate fazi.
tart. tt .•'.,t)
tee •+ !•seer ..-mer s:. .
f • to r :, 1 :111,1111111' 1.• i
.e r n ti,ey LA c te h:' a1•
-a: t very i ear cit d.• of O.'
, it-, . at1 lh, Pr is:•,i'- :-.r •.,e.,
'14i ti,irr ,.ale r..''f-s. .•:,ter...,
I. «h ser.' were titer. in ell li,,;, ., Nort i
4 It 2kia pipers, •.l wt.teh ;'3 sr. .
\ra'••ansiau•i A to. en -t ..t '•, •t co. -
were .-,- 1 '.. 1,',44,:i..// i,og Ne'
,u . which n- -n- has 11 lie 1644 )4anu"h.
.i not one toper, now It }las 57: !fritts,
• •'Ih.nmti'. ita•i 3, -t,ots it teas Za3; then th,
r.pprate West 'ferr t.,riris bad Iter a sing!•
•ui.'. though now •eyll/ive 19. And th.ugb,
tin :reve.t•e in the rialiWr Ptettn^c, 4. be. nal
bear eo great • ra io, it is still Mawr kohl..
i he polars of Os ariwr'have incree-ed frons,
172 to 573: (tae se trust 34 to 2109: Novo
S.otma from 2•.sto8J New llren•wiek (rot.
22 to 48 : Pri a7s 1 w trot heisted from 8 to
14; New foes 11.441 one 'stela with ire lest
paper today'. tan i had in 1875, an•1 N.w-
foun.11aad aleer ofritll the British Ann -rias,
c.,homes has ,em..tn--d .out ti the I •.ufr•tera
Lion. The progress mf the pre,. means i h
material pro.roos of the people, anti ii•
-to Ott. it ate eacient •'olnuy very now -
mcitle.r of the l imfe,ler.,tton I:. -r newspa
per,. will het reruwreea would elite iscrwaa
and multiply. in 1364 I'ansda hal a.•arcei'
any of what are knwu rt as claret poen, NO,
We have 26 devoted to wtricolture wad rural
interest's, 34 to the interests of !benefit emir
ties and brotherhood•, 10 to the law, 15 t'
medicine. pharmacy wall hygiene, 15 totem
perance and prulillnttoo, 32 to literature, 7
to eilucatiro, besides 29 puhliahe+l as schn..;
and Wille, a papers, and 43 to . tale, fivauc,
and manufactures. There are also ssasu
papers devotea to other special topic. 'I'hle
new dtrea_-tory brings cwt the interesting far,,
that there are 100 religious pulrluatiutS In
('anrle. of which the Roman Ice' hili•
Church claim* 24,the I'hurcit of Eugiawb IS.
the Methodist 13, the Presbyterian 10, the
Lntheras. 6, the Baptist 0, while 26 belong
to various deuurminattone or at.. classed
" uns.ctartmn." "fieri are 144 papers polo
Rebel in I ..oade in languages other the'
(:nglsh. Of these no Les than lab are pal.
fished it, French, dot riMited a. folioed
115 in the Pros in.e of tjuelee, 6 to Mit arta
2 in Mwtto}r, 2 in New itrunswtek rood one
in Nova Scotia. To sh•.w the remarkable
airmen.. the Rreo.•h-('ana.ltan pre*. has
made is the past 30 years. it le Only me.-otisar S
to nenti•m that tit 11j64 only a single pip. r
was issued in French °wtwfde the I'ro, arae
of Quebec, and this wee at ()news ; whine
in Quebec itself the total tiumte'r of French
pipers, :e.enrd.ng to the British North
American .Umanas, sea. het 17. in other
wortie, French I's1.ad1'ea ropers have in
cremeel men' I has air dol I in the Province of
Quebec, end esactly seven•kdd in the Ib
..media at hare..
'Fr f Yoq
14601( MON
e Safest
AND roost powerful alterative Is
Ayer's aar'eapsrldla. Yatug and
old are allot b. -.tented by its use. For
the rra}xlvc dis-
eases tevul,ar to
children nodding
else in so , Roc t i to
s this i.wdie deco
w-I•IIe its agreea-
ble Nayor makes
it .-any to aduu.-
"Ire little boy
had large s. v ho -
low ulcers ou his
neck ami Olivet
from whbh he
stiffened terrthly.
Two physicawa
*nestled hew, but he grew . inttm,ully
worse Linde/ their care. &nil ea'er)besly
exp• ted he would die. I hal heard of
the remarkable tures effected by Ayer's
Namara ile, and decided • to have my
boy try it. 51only after he began to
take this medicine, the earn coat-
mem•ed healing, and, after owing set erd
l.,ttles, be was entirely cured. Ile is
now sea hraltI. and strong a. any lel
id lis age.- - F. Dougherty,
Ilsn.ptoi , Va.
•In May last, my youngest child,
fourteen months old, i.egan 10 lines sores
gather on its head au.I Maly. We all
plied tartans wimple r.•uw.liee without
at ail. The Sores tncrraee.l ,n minder
and ,lhscharged • °piously, A phyanian
was called, hut Ilse went Conti nu,vl to
multiply until In a few month:. they
nearly cot ..red the: child's be -ad and body -
At leu we began the use of .t)et's Sar.
In a few data a ni•.rked
change for the better writ wan.Icst. The
sores assumed a more health. , sndttien,
the Ls, barges wen• gradually dimin-
hshel, and finally iwaa'.1 altogether.
The child is livelier. its skin is fresh. r,
and its appetite better than a.• hate ob-
s'•rvcd ,or mouths." -Frank 31. tiridii,
L. ng Point, Tr les.
••The formula tf Aver's Sarsaparilla
present., for . !ironic +fiseaw.•a mf almost
,'tory- k,1: I, Ow ls'st remedv known to
the me.fo a1 world."- It. 1M. Wiliest,
M. ti., ivies Arkansas.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
.'t,,retar , IIT
Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Meals
..s h.t•''i I warlh isabsYla^
v RE t?
1-VOWO. FRED .1°
Remi tory•nary. Tor us/one Peep
*Lewin*, iter.
',Land a bun...1N other
Mea A tau a ,,sal A ,•. a,,... gal boas.
ee14 be an a rarer.. sea mragW,.
ilio •W. ozz.zaames-r. 'reowr,o.o.
- till.•-'i)I.I con --
- Wtess re the Maran.-
lIoney to Lend
- a' -
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's Notes Cashed.
COAL nNo wood
Coal, Wood and Kinr•ling deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quick despatch,
Hard Coal.
Rest quality u•hlestnut, stole and
egg cowl constantly on hand.
Soft Coal.'.
Best Shawnee lump coral for use
in grates, stove's, furnaces, etc.
Blacksmith Coal.
Best quality genuine Illosh urgh
smithing coal now on hand.
Special attention given to .'nue
try trade.
I have pureha.mtd 1,000 condo of
maple and I.em•h wood, t feet
long, from Mr. X. flarc•hler, of
the Falls Reserve, on the river
W T HAYS & Co.
'all atter exawino our large *sol elegant n}tot•k of
'Like Mal
ass burs Thrust am. is
-nig edema produced by A71
I �,�L Coide, t'uw
by the
It styes
vocal us
vent II
every el
v geld red
lag and
"I have used Ayers Ohm
Jay is ilk dx w beet
Assl'e te whbb comylait
Mgtoo"r,Froom klylege
n, as Nu. T*111Lezr:risage.
eters 1 fs+'l'Bibo r.
Ayer's Cherry.Pecitoralt
nrnstmenelatiui s of `h
the esdurtt gq y
Ming r„r. salable now 1
sweaty -five years ago, robs
s nests was considered m
R. S. (hake, M. D , Ileliot,
Mr little sister. four y
aa• sin •11 from bronchitis
almoA Deem up Pope of h
Our family phyairiali. a ski
of large experience. pronvt
Irsa to hive her any mon
sating that he had done al
sable to do, and we must pr
wosit. As a last resort, wd
to try
most It
truly say.
Ater tekmw,y a fthewm'does. sl
breathe easier, and. *titian
out cf .hanger. We''oatlau�
pe,-l'•ra. tutu satisfied she
veli T„i• hisspi'en tete col
is the preparation. and i r
rsen'leutly to my rasion
pepper. Druggist, Fort Wa.
For tidily and toughs, l
New Spring Hats
C u.,prl.tn,. :tI tlu' ...eared styles for the totting %r,tnliw ; also a ogre
plets now stock of White shirt:, awl a full assortment of neckwear
and t•ulte'y dxwn .m.
Aupisiel llluhare for the coming stetson will Ito' a tine
`l E n STOCK OF St1oR'FI Nt: t U'TF irFS
ahi'-ht lust just been ren'+.ivrtl and t'Otupriseis
Baseball, Lacrosse, Lawn Tennis,
Cricket, Camping and Bathing Outfits.
lift sure to tall ani! •ter our stock and pet stud
irate the right article for you.
.agents for the Parisian arum laundry-
::+" f
--oris ulcx'd that we
W. T. HAYS & Co.
e'er. Montreal N. sad iauare.
11,nti11r4e lila rf 41.11 Lf<a,mrc!
H.1< It. •ud sill trellis,. pw < o'..
In medicines quality is of first im-
We use tlniy the pur.;:t and best . 3
drugs in our prescription'wo: k.
Personal attention. a
I =
W. C. GOOLE, Dispel sing Chemist. a •
p.. , 11,.410 'tea. it, eel•
. wCHESs�N.
Ladies' Waterproof Circulars,
It, i,I ;11'1 'Si •4'1 lutttrrns
The new waterproof cl
I. or ladion and
for I.a.jit•. cire'uiars.
Ayer's Cherry!
raarattm BY
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., k
tweet : els bathes. M.
, pieta nal the sAr,'tsd,
1ewt'et..4 Kidneys and
N7 meetly wit, -Ji i ars
the impoirt:tel a
alt" e.;:Rtic ls, QS tri`
resting, Aelte:tp Af 1
e it Kiilcpsne&e
1. 10.ztiner
• zs of
, .•a've
Stock complete. Inspection invited.
Ir RETURNING THANKS to our numerous custonierm for their
liberal patronage in the pant, we hope by fair dealing and
strict attention to business to still retain their confidence. I.
order to meat the requirements of ,our constantly increasing trade
we arc today carrying the largest .tock of seeds in the county.
Our stocks of
Have been *elected with care, and are the hest that can be bought in the
market. We wish to ranranspecial attention to some of our leashes
vrietst i.of Saeid Grain, wino lining offered for the first tins
Spring Wheat JTRluMPH,
Oats, White ��� -��
lie MMY,
Pease GOLD vats,
ur Big Mill Flour and Feel constantly on hand.
E co. BAi-
•►..thio 'turf itias
i)iaro.I anA .11 t,eelaes. I
(Mb.. intimated to ai y.ulIA
eel.: :, ,p,.ate ih
fat. and w si Obis' t' is
taw • we naw r front H'
Argo .IIUNKL'aN lire.+
71414 ma m pumgs abiiuyt fry
we make It) efts Hap 1
rmra f•,trR.a'7.
We refer. here. to the Pa
If flew' t order D v.. and
l'. e. t'sten• mgrs. For
Irma tad nder"aces to act
tee; MM.. or ...,nest w. tit
C a snow 4
elyWeL. Patent Ittfte•• t
dynnesetunpf," to he ,Irlivpred Ths Psisuttne ash'e, s smog all blunts n'
of heltrre st.lhe lewesl eeseisle pima M I
this Winter for town trade, and I w*a.ksewa het nkat h.
will he pleased to receive orders
for immediate delivery of this
e eliI,rated cordwood at present For He is also the matting 1Jsu b. targe. I+:mlast.wisa rld8 bite sea
market prie•ea. head. He atm n• .psepdti ppgtme iha�sr . Olve mm • eel) st
remissive cies
Sells Ch eel.p
w , rens w but that dear as he tars sells cheap
°Oa L SH ilia Corner of Victoria and
Ankles'.* sereeta.
Ramo nrst-v. Trafalgar at., opposite i
Ruthann A Son's ofltr le fusionist ewe and alLfer the* pawlpetrewees le
hsps_ Is/ueeltae • paestlsaaar w tilt
For Caste
1Yt141, P.ormierea
The navel ren is the
"HI ...troy. not lines of
Hugon Teats, Bal
And all et,rM and
Headquarters M
Choice Confection,
Mew t.I