HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-24, Page 7$tition. ear Oak , live the r aad pee r stud sramwk. i�'„ 1. 1■ the ale C. ederick. EED ed i, rtant anun- i•Ived elu•l- eats thorn re of AN Tel rats ' aim est o. banes Seel tato iatltnsaai tiny salon, ,eke• M ••a fast fliedea )r thei, tg and m. Ia trade in tea 1118 7. D, ACHESON & SON. •l',nl43 tt ulx.1 t I its per nut In pot ,S Single Dres:-es, Dress Goods and Costumes. Never before have we had such pleasing effects and stylish goodi• Inspection invited at once, as single costumes we can- not repeat. 200 Pieces of French Steeus and Cambria In the best qualities produced. Patterns and colorings in our immense range are far superior to any ever heretofore shown in Goderich. W. ACHESON & SONS THIS IS THE SSANON FOR CROSS CUT WS, In (( hich we lead. CATTLE TTLE CIHAINS, Finest in Mae lund.at richt prices. BEST MAKES OF .AXES, . At prices whioia will make you buffy R. P. WILKINSON & Co. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. INSTANTANEOUS Iii ITS ACTION. Fes Ci'.A!'PS, CHILLS, COLIC. D:. i R?,MIL i)7SENTE-RY, -c0^atter, 1. • 4rrtia•i „wanta.1 mer diad * alienees - -. states! SA0144' .. - t tas acrCJ L... -s .+t ..uu.imde ts v.1:rY'llra .-r YOu ARE =ICING A WRONG IMPRESSION 'W'HEF• `VER ITV GO If this is not the pattern i fila 1181. or Tri maaxar atcsana. THE srGNATI1 dogtrot'. ONT.. THURSDLY.maim!' 24.40. 0008 AND ENDS Love Isvels all 'yre't malts a 1111.+', bad Led. Baistea liatis.l - rw Natio rub, --. si.wr Men and n ..mel toilet parpewma, c Low's Mud air 1f••p. lm W Les a roan u cast upon a hareem inroad h•• has rearm for feeling east dews .s.ker. Ststea*.an. As a psek-inr up after evo.mm.s eserttem or esteem., NIill.urn's Beef, fru. .ad Wise gi suit oondurtrnY. 1r t aste ,In.. nut hair to be a sugar planter w rare Iris. He uw raise it in a beet „Arden. bi.hfkam.tou ItepuWrcan. • on your rubber and Over- shoes. has inactive or torpid liver must Le roused and all iad filly reit...via Murdock Pills are heat for odd er young. lie dvhca a yo.tnv 104H 1 hunks be knows more then his father knew Le gets the idea *het the rmel w progr.•wug. Pieryutte. The 111111110 111111 t ..graphist a SI . nL all M OM pleasure elut•11 hp►hrnas would derive from the exu.ctio:, of the seal. Chicago .Iourual. symptom of worms Are:-kover, culls. variable appetite, testier/nem, weak- uer arl cont Woos. The unfailing remedy is I)r. Low's %Vision Syrup. lm It is bard fur a Women not to ensile on 1. ensu, even though she detest. Lien, whew .be wants to fret her pencil sharpened- Sommer - v elle .burial. Itch, mange sn.1 err tahes of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by WoolforI's Sanitary Lotion. This ,ever fails. .Sold by 1..Ioudan. 6-ly u( that plana who bad Irma ill with ov.- suopties fee some time diad, 4s.radd a - to hell orf returned to We i. •a boar. and, after dsaeeihingg kw torrid trip, anttw•ed re hsitn and again died hawed!, to the full ba- led of but future sal.ateue. %iter slat ag cheat the young alias, wbo was on. of the must iutellit(rtlt u the coun- t ry.•.as a n.-eptic, %Ir. Johnswr says : • He war apparently lying at the p.••.1 of depth The drew. lir. 1)'hisnk:s asd wvrell were called upon to endeavor to befog him t•• Christ. Vtbile ler tt'll•cuel' was talking to hem, holding him f'y the haul, it aum}I) expired, and was prunounted dead by sill in the. risen He remained in thiscondlti for some time, when be suddenly began breeching heavily wad then struggling as though with some mighty monster •• He seenied rudowed r ith •upcn.atural strength, awl it required the utmost ever trim of several powerfal wen to kr. p Mon un the bed. rite struggle ..•uatinued for an hour, wheel be calmed down and, remaining Ills .eras, requested that we sing and pray with • after tbn exercises were over,he told us that when be becssio iuseuullle to earth be fuuud himself et the brink of a yawning, black chasm- Lurid time seemed to ht burning a1 a great diadems, 401111, and shrieks of the mems unearthly kind grcetcd his row •' After remaining ,tniet a short tine- he felt • thread by his hand. He grasped .t,aod had hardly door so when a mighty wind struck hubody ,aluumt testing his hutltaout 01 their sockets, and dashing him down into the mouth of the pit, where he swayed frau stile to side, clinging to the thread, which al•..e kept hint from falling to the Haemes he low. •' He knew that should the thread break or he lose his grasp he was doomed fur ever, sod he thought W hini•telt : '1 have been a sorjt.c rod God Almighty is show- ing me that there is a hell of darkness •end fire to which unbeliever* are ex posed,' and he I•rasped the thread the tighter. After what stented to him ea intermit' aisle urine the wind .eased. and he knew 'nothing until he regime :a the ministers to ploy for him. Shortly after his return to life, ' Mr. Johnson continued, " bo .bade his peace with 4:oil, atul,after giving full direc- tions regarding hie Iurirl, l.alding his friends goeal-by and requesting llr.tl'Hamel. when he otfieiate.l at hes funersl to 'elate his remarkable experience for the benefit .1 others, .lied prattle lly le his Saviose's fie W Ity doesn't that English Kiri conte or: deck and he wooed by the breeeea, tee :" SI e eller m .Carr won't let her she heard the captain say tl.:+ was • trade For the cure of .olds, coughs, and all de ra14emeats of the respiratory organs, no .ether medicine is so reliable a- .dyer • Cher. ry Pectoral. It rehe.es the a.thulatte atm' „msamptiv.-, , c• n :11 •.Iv.w. t. l stages 01 xx ..,...e, and lies .,Atwell innui. er•lt:, Ii.'e•. • Karoo.' .outnhutor l mr proof. ,.who mash lwwtcu..r out of that article tot 1u1ee thi. morning,. err •.utrageota pont ..,, sur Faitor •• Iry Ur Wan t make suythmg out of it at all liaise the fell, e'a wisges.' It 1s not the extremes of heat and cold so wuch :u the .uddcn ch. i...1 111 temp ratan• that ewe certain climates to be uohe..lth- tul. When, itowo.er, tine system is invig- orated with -dyer's so -4p. at. these changes are rreiy attended w,th iopirions .traits. - . lie -tray be is goo' i lawyer, but there is not much sewn: to his talk." • Well, that taA.1 w,te.e.l, .ou know. for Or talks mostly to ;at ie.." Ilmamma, to fnend '- I ,_w always tell when uv wife in'en.ia to give me a hlowtng •h,. ftrien.l '• flow,.. Husband '. lie cause beforehand she always hums little snatches 04 swig.' Eogiiab Spavin Liniment removes all lard, soft or calloused lump. azul blemishes from borwtca lane.! apavin,c urt1e.nplinte, ring bone, ea ovary, et ides, sprain., suree�nand .w..UUcu throat, enn�Vpre• l,s, el.' Vee $50by nee of one inttle. Warrwu,ttd the most ,smderful blemish ,•ore ever known. Sold by F. ,lorlan. THE BEST 18 THE BEST i8 THE BEAT 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST 18 ThE BEST 18 THE BERT THE HEST THS BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE PEST THE REST THE HEST THE 818T TS It BEST THE HEST THE BErT THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEM' THE PEET THE HEFT 111Z BEST THE BEET 1HE REST THE HENT THE BEAT THE BERT THE REST THE BEIAT THR PEST THE RE4T THE PUT THR BET THE RE87 Ttl R BEST THE REM. THE RANT THE TOR 31 +7 THE WM THE CHEAPIWTAND THE SIGNAL TBE OHEAPEBT AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL THE CHEAPEST AND eiE SIGNAL THE OHEAPEBT faID . WE SIGNAL THE SIGNAL ONL4 $ 11 smtfl 111 $$ $ p 1111 u111 p •$ 8 111111 11 1111 ` 11 1111 * 1111 OW 1111 1111 $ $$ 1111 $ $$ 1111 ` $ $$ 1111 N $ $$ 1111 Els g 111E 1111 WNW 1111 • 111111111111 A 4ELA.It IN ADVANCE' 1 DO YOU KNOW ALECK SAUNDERS WEST STREET? You are Invited to Call and Mike Me Acquaintance - That Mee.n. Johnson, tit/semis aril others who witnessed this streakr affair believe actually iu the supernatural u•- curreree is nog uestiortd. They are all persons whose veracity is beyond question, and even the pbysiciees as- sert eke young luau was actually dead. The oarraLio•n of the story at the (uu egad caused considerable excitement. ai"a people are hocking to the chur.:hea through out. Lbs- .eigWowboud. Meetings Barr been bald day awl night .race Thursday, the day upon which the young 11,811 was buried. It is rid that the final reediest. f the man was that a report .4 his experience be pub. fished broa4cst,so t!at all teen :o,ght know there was a hell. 11 Lead, star read •r' . The foremost medicine .4 the day, Burdock Iflosxd Bitten. is • purely vegetable com- pound possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the system awl coo - trolling their secretor- It so purifies the blood that it cores til blood humors and ,disease„ from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this, combined with 11. unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purify • ing iutIuenoe on the secretions of the liver, kid.sy., bowels and skin, redden it naequalled as a cure for all diseases of the skin. From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will care salt rheum or eczema, shingles, ey- sipeles. ulcers, abscesses, running cores, and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from skin diseases are nearly always aggravated by intolerable itching, but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B. B. B. Passing on to graver yea, prevalent diseases such u scrof- ulous swellings, humors lasad � 6a. we to have undoubted proof six bottle.' need internally and by outward application (dilated if the skin is broken) to the affected parts wiU dint a `.re. T.sono of B. a H. is w l- ate the er, Wavy., bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach and to epee the sl.toeways of the system to carry off all clogged and impure sooretioas, allowing nature thins to aid n- o.very sed remove without fail bad blood, liver.ompIaint, bfliosome's, dyspepsia. sick beadaobe• dropsy, rinwim,tism, ail every 'peewit of .diene•.- ,r:1im.4 frolu di.ordsr of the live.. kids •} bowels. ete.rach -nd biro -1. W .- •' anutw• every Istt4lr of 11. 11. B. Should pulses fit .ti+ormited after as - da[ (,be ht we raked ��napglea.r.aall by 1eWe will also be glad ttod testi- taerials and information proving the sleets of B. A B. m the above-named diseases ea application to T. ltts.rea\ A Coo., Tor- onto, Ont - The microbe .,f the grip is giving the erientiata a deal ,d other, but not half ai much as the grip .4 the microbe is giving the plain people. ReporterHere is an item about a boy who rest wading ;n Florida and was swal- lowed by an alligator. What head shall I use t Editor Try •• Wade and Found Wanting " Elmira Gazette. Probably in !larch more than any other oold u mouth in the year ars the tsvw4es the bead and cstarb rest severely felt... Do not neglect either for re meteor, bet apply 18 THE 131t8 18 THE HEST 18 THE BEST I8 THE BEST I8 THE 8E13T I8 THE BEST THE BEET THE HINT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST' THE b*i81' THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE H118? TUE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE BEST THE BIOS THE 31*4? THE HEST THE BEET THE BERT THE BEST THE BLIT THE BENT THE REST THE BEST THE BEST 713E BEET 18 THE 0181 I8 THE BEST D' THE BUT IS THE MIT la Tel UST DI TDF saw 18 THE CHEAPEST AND T13E Si(1N.JO. 18 THE UHEAPEsT AND THE 8IONAL 1S THE °REAPEST AND 'rim SIGNAL M THE 002A MIT AND THE SIGNAL 111 TS2 0211111 PIOT AND 182 swum. D 7131 O*SP'0T AND 714E EIONAL Nasal Balm, a tilM•Md. Mrec-f•tling cure. Keay to um, psnaat. aadble. Try it- Sold by all duelers or seat lhOe and ey post paid. on receipt al ps - 1 • bottle. Fulford k Ca. gl(.skvllle, Out- -- rev at- rev ser Uteraewre. t;rimier - W hat do you think of my paper on op, Mr. K�{litor--V paper. bulged. Grieder--What do yos pay for • paper of Mat le.gtb and quality' Bdflse-Tw rants a Asad, if written as. A (Cane llrr neemenpailims and fusee. Dr. Biles Lane. while in tie Rocky Moque tair, discovered • root that whoa combined with other barbs makes an easy amid oataia cure for esasIipatics It is in the fres of dry roots and leaves, sad is knows as loss's Family MsiielnL it will cure sick -headache. For the Mend, liver asd kidneys, and for al..ri•[ up the stairos it does warders. for LOOK WHAT HE DEALS IN : SANITARY PLUMBIG AND HEATING. ALFRED HOBBS OF TORONTO, Hes charge of *hist Depart iutatt pr Plaits '.wit vilifications .'orefuii, i/ you are building Eire• we a call. 1 can save you money. ALL INVITED TO CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. SIIEET METALORL Tin, Copper, Brass or Galvanised Iron. JAMES PRICE le in oharg. ' • t11,4 deportment. 1 atm prod.. i r,• •utitllate On *l,1. -vr lob. Poling ..t..• • , ,,i, -e wort. Ait%e: troughing .cul *outing. Steam -Fitters' and Milimen's Brass Goods. ALL - KINDS - OF - IRON - PIPE - FITTINCS! Valvas, Unions, Cocks, Nipples; . om one-fourth inch to 6 is cUE. 1 Stoes aid Mine. I am sole agent for the (nl: line of tt,c P,. & C. GUIINEY Co., And curry a lint- of Ui.rir good* •turpiuoti+d by no other tinnier. My hand -made Redipped Tinware has tome to stay, and is giving good satisfaction. irs tat i B M a package samigh .r. lMature tUlrsw Throat* News : Mr. jyews% W bad • • pd•mesally ane-aad.l °aloof as a politician. 1t is jest • question, however, if he Gould sot lave achieved y smile swages r • pbyiika That 10.4 perpetual" 0.►bles out from b.bisd his aps,eades sad# always plays. about bis mouth woad be • fortess clad mwith ser - woes • dosage with • number d lady patientssod rows irritation as their clad the oiebt d the plsssast-hood little gatls- seas coma( We a sink cba&ww would be the boob Maio is the world. Mr. Mowat Raver lone, ARA It was thaw whew t o reply to Meredith's u arose the I( liens .tun! h1a Mslprf,noo policy el the (Westerns." Bad It WM there win yeller - MILK CANS, MILK PAILS. MILK l'A\• Everything for the *fairy. Extra heavy RIDIPPEi) TIN. There is only one ALECK SAUNDERS. 1, Kitchen Furlli1i!us. HANDY ARTICLES. .1u -.t what i`• wuuic.I for the Iwo - Library Lamps, Parlor Lamps. Mixed Paints, Kalsomine, Polishes. F. • ,.rl then•: for time home. 1'1 31'FS 1334:117 A. B. CORNELL TEE T. AMMO whea sorb a = ova, as chattel rteikartt yrs Ae1sI• Mr. D.iila Ter& 112••••s, Out., stats that Milbbrw'• l,od Inver 011 Rm.lsien with with Wild (lorry Bark is free from objec- tionable eing almost se _pleasant as while toY e sea andset& it given .e,lrts eatidnBila, eerier prw=FMy torn ti .loboses a1aan rt>� te -lee el pm- Iepartv MCLean's Block—On the Square--McLeala's Block, srlLl, 1•:):4:T1NCK4 T) COSUUI'1' rt ERA $ .tT 111:; t 4U.tI. LOW PI110E-. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Dn' fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZNO CHAR AR$ A aeurible ales. The Rev. Haigh Price Hughes, the emboss!, Methodist divine, is thoroughly waders in bis ideas T. thoesaaels be is a model of no.reseu sorsa Is • reesat spew* he dwelt o. the Whereon sail nesportan.e of the prem. He said : " 1 tell my risers to treat • dolt* withcourte y. sow -a-days rter t les with revenues, for a reporter a person ret much more a.nsegossca." No wonder Mr. Haghes hi able to eternise tomb • wide morons. A MP TO HADES Heu mtasatae saw) M whirs • we.tt Vir• e.t.111ehtier V .ew/ww• .M. (aar1ittwit sandal te teas Int.rOssa.. The Rev. Jahn T. J.11a•mm, the oelebr tad ..,..arils rwamt diet, who lies lass travel- Vag threugb tha Shies ter weedy forty years. swop that deo*/ • revival at R. notion. MmnnMMale oowy, a rims torn +fir A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. 21121172L OXIITO 'TDRQ- EPPS'S COCOA ..Br • t leder e( tla laws whWet e< .; eat rides. - ea RIMY tra:7 ka C. C. Reeitesra It Co. (lrxrt.rtitttsr. le driviagwe the hich 1 took a sever* coW led is my back sad tldsryo, o si. we m.ay •sop's•• nights ed paia. The whw• met ties of SIMARD'S l.1.r1ME.NT so me that i fell int. • deep sleep sod oonpsM reoovewy shortly followed. .loan 33 LeLaon. Ase pelta wrreekt••, ,aides tb s► utu rites or �.....r od ttoe ashy bill* IIP trio twpa. taco =limanoun s sir egad/ ods ataM rroam every wettest* + weans atto sneak wherever tbar�rlrsas KEEP Yours FEETDRY. Werk poee, keeping 1pin o••t� woe hetlMs men• � geed sad • prspsrir aon.Ubd boom"- atom snowy with Infirm maw *r milk. Bail Nb h. ussiumater tresses. Welled tits aataaa Pro tea.- aaas— �. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES WOW mar. 3 DANDRUFF A�Roane* FailingMin s y DRUrf. D. L. c�t�a. yt�.t�i� yet, r. r s areas arrag i Mk. sq.yNsanisele/rs •Int..sea`.. Ergs w 1� demo. ares -twee �,,,,a ~ma Yr tele roll sat!t'<IrEls • sr rMsi�+ Masten Osea!k. GUARANTEED =.: =- NEW ARRIVAL sr - This can be done at a. very small cost by purchasing our foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of - U0 -W TTN -- wixrEn Cocos. Mei IBM he. As Ar.ariasa ewri•t es yiltftfwg 8s3tf.g am the heastifel Wallas. mewm.sat, sad was dose with its mamivs gre.M.e. "Who gave the Aortias that handy. pis r ae tried d an aid steashreakee en the no.+d4-, as he peintatt to the ridifkm. "1 e.nid.a tell," was the essay Mata rejslaier, "imam it roma Sate *Aa boa" LATEST STYLES. p•m -aalls— es 0. waned set. Perfect B1, anti .bow, Naaeo• H. DUNLOP, Tfaerereelh Tailor. MTo take0�ss. sseMl�l 1 D °' osomoiwo s• Tt boi� fasts flight wee. al a ore �r Uwe. We ore t tsMy matters i/ les �• dist sea •w wkssmega. I'M., naa:rarearkeerge. M ys� easesu leash weirs wasre e slafwm•rw• • AN WANTE antr..12n�dar YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER, CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. aad jgive hal attention to ordered work and reps Use workdown to do the work. E. DOWNIN • w