HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-24, Page 61 THE SIGNAL: 0QDIR1011. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, i The Signa whoa inane miaJob Printing tll`s ,tom to 211. peened far plat+-1tf 1'�t rt m this i aod prime of ft aof toed o _iwasetbiati ia you stay Geer seas we soh gik"at u.r.�. the *est fleat with the ..pprplank et sow et with -ieeVcte i‘titAS I a thin lifts we have ay large tock of floe writing pare* imit- able for rimy claw of bunnies represented in tide locality, t.)llm. priding laid sad wove, linens, •luadrille and utile psperx ruled or unrolled, as a•y be required. Tote kitads This useful sine is kept, in the full !v►tt�e of _t�1w11t es Make as letter •*c\ne&Ole• i\eotl►s are not go generally used, they Sal an important plans in esnimercial i•urr'eitpondertcs. 11111 what we've dot under the a 1a\ iv %%Qua% If the pa a ryss.ps" plan was the onler of the day the denuiu/l for accountwould not beso great : but t. are sane Merl who get so may dunnors that they wonder if ohs stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to. :and at present nasi stock is i• parte in this line with four avec .a (heel paper and neat ruling tate \\t. est, Both single and double dollars .cal e•ents oohwss, They cane cheaper than . • and ate the proper • wr43n . send after a .delinquent ot7r " -th. 'They are Imre to - bial round sometime. 117a \•re..ko\\.as Now it :along wi keep up them we hand all this week hundred t will range 1f. We legal here .kers We . ' to excel is all the diner .•nt kinds of worst we turn out. but r4.pecially in Ilona, and keep in stork plain sad fancy paper, suitable for all requirements. hard to get NA kr ani for stock on 110 the en. t of re about a and the prices to $2.0) per elan tnerviel and P'coo rel\\\�s of entertainments and nw•eti,,,» proniptly tumid out, from the plain but newt te the most elegant. with von! aisd ptnoil Attached. l'•tart>.vv. a\Id► TtaeNs is This head covers a largo rang,. of work. front a htuod or tnilk ticket to a nest calling card, from an ..r Binary admission ticket to it testy business card or a handsome!) printed membership ticket. osiers Our facilities for turning out thi• clean of work are evidenced by the that the great bulk of it is done b as This line also in• eludes whish bur three fast -running jot Pelmet" are able to tur,, ntlt 11. :r surprisingly short time. %ale �\k.ks belong to the poster department also, and we make • spwinity of there - promptness being our nine in this respect. A notice of !Wile will appear in TMs S1oIIAl. free of charge when bills for same are gut herr. A \i a tw,i\Of% to an "At Roakse or a wending esquire oonsidersble taste in antic. Oise sometimes, bet we make it ea easy natter by keeping in stock the very latest anal hent samples to bre had. Call and ree. Cov.vm.e.eim .� 4imbit g, has already bee partially ennui Prated in some of the heads above. There is, hoarser, a vert amount or of wk ander this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entre space oscupim.l by this ads't, bet we do stall at Tint BUM& 40Nt ig:\\W►s o8 W orlc in the tg.aA cen be In-b1111k gsiblWkhtrletnt in an et=p•ditMM and artistic manner, and °\ar '' et% tgr+►tSotatn& Airy renkthorm►bte,t line TALKS FORTH FARMER. STRAWSTACK STATESMANSHIP BY WITTY FARMER JOHN The hru.pt0ow .f Lump as. Lase M riot. The Early Ieneta►t..- lee s. rise on the t ars-Th. Creeks Ia l'..'. Tree. -A akin lab.... 'Moena a psstent on almeet every thug bet ' hard wort. and pditiciaas• promisee Aheut the hardest thanes a farmer tan raise are is hound child and a mortgage. A nue has got to be a better farmer than lou father was to keep from (ring a wore. Oil .. A good way to to.% a growler at hard ammo u by hu ehlekeas ro,rtieg in the trees. lime disadvantage the farmer has • he can't mark his goads to cover the loss of a deed horse. Oue cu.uuatoon Monne' had in the hews den : the hghtuing r.nl man wouldn't likely follow him there. ve poihical movement can bring pros roto to the owner of the slab stable who I 'its nothing but cornstalks. 'IUs liberty pole is raised about election tune to signify that a citizen is fret to vote auy way hu parte caucus says. \s Ionic as it Is supported anyone bas brains ea•.ngh to run a farm there'll always be ague ow- with, a little more brans to run that sort of farmer.. What use the .!,evil isn't busy sealing Cat ,ire• he must be carting out artists with Ht.,mIsmsry note• .a innocent looking as s re' gee fol . nrtr,!, tigers ro he neighborly, yott dw't have to let , Id tckburrses kine. in the place of blre-grar iv- fellers t.. pods that ••uati you for a bey brood every lwier they run in their fingers. The farmer may get to a picnic- .xl•v• a 'ear, but the money lender ban a picnic all 1't • time Farmer John, in Farm and Home. nyaspteasa of Lamp Jaw. LIMP jaw ni actinomykrois. usually 1.• gine with a swelling wnlewhere about the fame or the lower taw. Ti. -: swelling. vouch is turd, increases in site slowly and if not injured in any way or opened with the knife may continuo growing for a long •ince as a band. more orales+ prinfut swell Ina. Aa the growth increases it encrrehes ultras the wickets of the teeth tthc teeth may fall oetl and so interfer' with meatica- • 1 •0 : this in turn at seting the sensors • deist health and condition. Sooner or ever the matter peal Nat has been form - tug within ileo •pantry theme of the term t*wkes an opening for itself. ettbei through env mouth or externally at mete pinta or L•• jaws. and from this time on th^.ase ;,00• of a hard tumor of more or less irtre , .lar outline and chs :barging matter mitred. •..th fragments of bone. The foregoimgde- o riptlon applim to actlno'.kona attooting the bones of the fare at.1 (awe ; tut the bossier may attack any of th« internal or Y na, or In fact almost any port of the body. '1 • .ymptomit varying with the part at :..:ked in a gter.. case. The disease, when 1 ;weighty e.talrll-h .J, s pra.•tic.iry meet .;.le ; and inasmuch as it may 1e trans- .-ttetl from • annual to another, anti -1 In somal to man: case„ .houl•1 In• i.obt- ,: and handled with caution. 1.1re a Plants. Lice ramie mon trpuble to plants than u y other one thing. The red spider and peen loner are the most common. The -I;.e•keat and surest way to get rid of them . Ie1 use the kerosene solution, recommend s' for spraying fruit, and this will not hart ole panus uJ a mad.' as follows : iKs- ..•la.• tl to of bar Moat, In 1 qt of hot water. ..d while still warm stir In 2 qta of kern . ne sal, and churn violently with • fawns mp or syringe. %%nen ready to sprat I ate with nine parts of wstet. The •t nes of sulphur are object monthly to the r 1 spider. Tobacco will also kill meat in- -. to nod is easily and cheaply applied. 1'.ot the planta under • harrel or Iron and place some tob.,' o stems on hot coils Let them he smoked thnrougl,ly for 13 ityn- d' s. The Early 1r ear able... Carrots, bests and per..tips should or. in J.e ground early, Lot not when the toil is n told. as such seeds art slow en germtnat Ing, and the young pants miy be crowded t I.y the early weeds Make the seed nal as fine as an a,hheap, ■n.l saw radish . ed on the rows with the root crops, se the It•h see.L germinate quickly, tome it +ugh and define the rows. thus permit tang .t Hae use of the hoe until the seeds of 'aloe root crops appear, whei the young ,,.dishes may he removed. Limier'', eh the Pars. The first duty of • farmer is to supply nu hone with all the various lesurles •hat ern he grown ow a farm. With the many y..rseties of fruits Gad vtlgss.Uss bkpt eat .e produced !m a farm the farms shook( be de to hays nearly all his wants supplied. to lin as his table i. co.ceraed. 1n en, In atone the ,stairs. Lw tint year the fanner should always 1oelo•be those •rtteles stip plied by him to h.. family. The l'. a.,. Ito C.w•. T•eat. il..wld 1e asMfnlly pen.•.kd with a crayon rel nitrate of silver sharpened a a tine ',smelt; tore being taken that every part of the crook is tona•Irel lot the biter. Apply the '•raysu night and .warning of one day o•.iy and .1n thb fall -.wont fl .a- drea. the oke with the bensost..l ,rude of afar nmtlnelll. rh. taws •uooikI be carefully ti e.d after each m.ikand A sole Disease. The ennui that form iu • Its estw4lep Coward fres last to front of the mere std• is are cased Ivy a .luras of the skim. Ap- p e ■ btIle 01 tee In k'•'.ng mellows. twins .1 ,sly, haring pevl.wsiy get rad of as mock n the sratieweas Irta.h4. by mashies the ci nets wale olive sl : Sulph..wt o1 potash WOO dram. lard nge ..N% to M thoroughly nosed together. ■...re at we.bee. We ecl55,(" nor thasbs 1s► putt far Wheal ss,,, masers for beam& dIMar•d mmol aelie-it • essawr'e of lie all litter Freels holes sw•a.n t. hest a./ it shee lel he wolf trwmpa . dawn ia the bad, T . ha.... the bamen rel baa she men n Lt mph laws wl.r. A V.rp lrearsfal nallad. "U Hutt: lllarlg kk. IM grips -NGLs POP. Millie Moo , .rung led of the broad Hwang - Ho. Whore the .oto tel.nt.al pig -tress. hang 'rheroy•ikanYlvhold 1. stria* with woe The iaillmmet trot Mull: 4'hani. Hung ['hang, etc ray .1 the sun sod m sal kat/ totems •aral real .sinter Is ww.rnp tike n . t.•.•kwl M ."I) Like a nM•r.•I•' • 1rtle-t, ),.,.tate t'ew ual-s day- u,.,.t 1J Hunz Le how. While pagoda doctors rive thing; to Men And pi..• to the y.. n. his bsugel»w. la put ham into baths and stew him Tbs vitoroyal temper is in • glow. No wort& wv go near Huai clang. and the bulk .d the outlive.. are lying low last the hothead the natives are forced to hews (1. sou of the son, and the crv.. Wet moon. And Joy (hauled of the rest of the map. You're in fur it stow' oath eight stud octet You shall modem and rater. till ,'re red to the rom like the Yang -tee Kiane your eyes will ran. White ..th.•r dards frau your eveltds drip ; 11. What tetter the lot of a mini oto the snn If the mutt of a gun has got the grip • -Eugene Field. 1•meu. Ileatt.. Rosalie -Going to give up anything this Lent ? Grace 1 guess i'll give up Tont. Rosalie Pr haw. that's giving up absolutely nothing -New lurk Herald. "11M not opposed to Sunday rest," said a workman who a.. free -thinker. "but what I demes,( nodal the other days of the week shall be treated 1■ the tame way.- 1.- Figar. When a little girl in a Sunday s.•1,0.1 chair wants to he an angel all she has to .lo is to •ing outs The .ire twat wing• maar the aus:el 14 merely • natter cf 'pluton. l'icayaw . Pr. +'her -Kerry mji, mast Mat, day s.t• tk his &e' oast with hit Maker. Tailor -1 wilds you could impress young tsapmind with that idea. He hasn't s•'tle.i with in. sa *loin .sear and u half. kknt•n, Cour- ier lint. Parishioner • -1 think we ought to time Ile. Thirdly s salary. .second Parish- mmwr -1 don't. Ile is such a conscientious ratan that he would feel bottled to preach longer sermons. --line Field's Washing - tom. . - 1 ie reeor'din ;. sago! won't hah 10 wort. nights, dealt hn:ddetn, putting down de greet deeds ob de folks flat keep Lent Jest because it s fashionable an' because dry am afraid dat if dry dote keep it dey won't b in de *aim. The Rev. Plink Plonk. •N.'-ker -1 observe that Pmt Stagg has been ie. -toren( oft •'H'.ir To 8seotae-s l Inc tian Athlete." I w•,mder what that towns Nat„rman That's au easy use. A Christian athit: is one vile u Ioutinnsuy jumping fiotn one religion- faith toanother. Boston 1'ourit•r. The leiter tee servfitel--Yoh .iread'ful fellow ' Wb, dud y'ru smile daring the ollretory • H.' 1 ,o•ulln't help it. 'rhert. was Misa Adak, Pose outing, "Had 1 th:. Wings .1 Glares.' The nental foetal of a twelrc•stuner trying to Ilia with a pair of four inch win,•tl was' too • much for int. Pearson's Weekly. • One of the coy'• prouoirent ;cfe•iasuraacc agent, has a bright I01. (Inc slay la Sun day e•hool the Intoe fellow'. fetcher was agility ser chess about Daniel in the Inns den Tonimy -listened) attentiv'eiy and finally- Most fortis with : "Did !lanai's children get his life maurance when he was eaten up'" This "broke ep the class - Heatew Herald. -- The wrao..t A well-k.nwn gentleman in this city moved into a house that had been preys - minty occupied toy soother gent Irma+ who was • subscriber to one of the esentug par art, says the t'hattannnga Taman. The carrier. of course, costumed leaving the paper for a spire of a year. never having lost notified of the •'hangs. The collector recently went to eoll•.t far the piper, the hill being made oat in the pants of the gen denten who hal subscribed, 1Vb.m the colleu.r prasente•1 the hill tbs geetlemdun of the AMM Gard : "1Yhr. any dear sin, that man has not hem here for err a year. You ars at the wrong horse." "Well, has not the carrier been leaving you • copy ot the paper 111 the use "Yes, sir. Rut i did not uhseribe, and 1 told the boy to nett leavnig it, but be never did so." "You have received the paper every day, haventlos " "Yes. air. - "Then you' aught to pay for it. - "Well. excuse me for • moment,' and the gentleman went into the f se. fie turning ted a moment he legged oat a sank of uew.papers half is tall as himself "Here are your papers, sir ; i have no me for them • Hr had read them aid earful) filed them away until the bill should be pre ante) The collector seat a transfer waggon to haul away • yen • accumulation of papers, the pay for which he failed to gat, heosais one man returned) them and the other man never received them. TVs terser Gad Cash Carrier. Sonya amusement was created in s dry goods store in this ctity the other day, wham a farmer came to to mak. • porchese Ile bought some robots, and when the clerk placed insole the wuh ball the five dollar hill the farmer gave hum and sent it spin- ning along the wire. toward the ca.hier's deal. a funny aught was witnessed. °Ayr rural friend eeideatu thought that was the last be would see "l hte hill, unless he moved lively, which M duel, keeping hu ayes fixed on the hall. He eclloted with an old lady, fell over one .f the seats, regained hie bee find kept right ea until he arrived at the •ashwisd..k. "Hr rah 1 watt my mousy." n. gasp ed. "I've teed toe much shove beacon hearers to Ina, my mosey, end 1'11 have my change m1 I else net the whale she hang. He was mealy pardad, and departed .mid the broad ensiles of the clerks sad cammorn is the New As he twat sot he wet tern' : "111 eke't .ase M the sky oily often, them .wlceillen .aa't sale we web their sawA.► yrsola-asoissplah l ■erlwld. THE POET'S CORNER. ax.i til• M w.tire. M sary. f.ea/eea/Ma Gael -iv. coir pc db l; lar all ktar wf my (look, .Ito are estherwl uuw. Daiwa; this --' seal 1 kip the aw_v�_e`rrrt�a to cricket ,tie vaed.ee• I mob:hob doffs, ad . sells kepi.., es *het 1 whoa parpis got w gwelpa' nsmal.ii.sa may ua.t have lo mei the Ptayelep..ta they'll set aa' talk agate, and, diener a •dr•l, .lark and Jaets go dor hours an' h..ur, together jest, ea regular to pt•ctt"r• and )Ldlte Gad Berne oagki to as • cloak . Mart fora walk, while 1 ntirht w•* up my 1 i pose they thU.k folks love to bear their I.1.11gkttd suag.ui...' but Nellie ultmbs .ever Holing y:.wp. my awe l.o..ttl.•.a for artery, Ile U. sign But when "auwthas talks' &ahli. the nurse wool be read; yet, Assyruu Art aeon knows euough t.. stop. ( more gDDO way, and the story is tw'tihoaat- i tug. At the sad kIollt. gives me a hug Gad Whim Mrs. doom was telha et our placeI rues off, Gad I am stretching out my band the other day for the bunk, wbeo 1 bear the eraech d That Mrs. Williams told her that borough bar, Mrs. tiny, Sall she never mw w big a story teller's Widder Huth, Samantha eat there quiet, with her toegue between her teeth. She ain't forever Miagim outeech es'erlaatin' gab ; She often sea, "It's had euough tat hear the neighbor's bleb But the jest stays home instead an' 11nJa to family cares, An' never tells the neighborhood about h• r hone aft. in We dont take any pipers, but with news we're well +applied. Vor the lteigbb-ra Id! w every birth, ea' death an suicide. Whoa Mr .1•4.e, cones up our walk a squeakin them new elbow So.•etinoe■ 1wantha11 Gay to toe, "Here OHIO.* !ht. 1141;) uewa' -Vaakw' Blade. Dedlrated to the arts setter. Before he got au tour out the preacher canoe and sand " I know )oou 11 need some copy with sn in - 1,1.1 lug heal ; And tuunku.g that, without It, you'll be acu.:ew ha• iti the. lurch, I'll let you use n.y aroma.. ' Who. 1 joined the Baptist cher.,ti hut while the r,verru•I "milt -min was talk ung. In there can Another man. a hu .lut:a-.i anal raid Inc mil P1141 was the You,: : And he sated : " I'm a butcher -got a shop there a tht i...je; As yet Il wase to pitwse the larmets. here'a int article on hogs • Preacher, butcher, lake:, barber, (turn the u•arshall to cur aw)ur, They brought their editorials, and. smiling. lett thwu therm; .\std when the nest edition, crisp Gad glow - tug, struck the loath. l'be shear re..gued and took • job at split ting rade .m/aerd'a Lime -!me ensue at`ktamper. T is Ofiu1 UMW sett.. How one woman did wet get it is told by her in Casell's Magmas:. " l really clank )011 tatgbt have manage,+ to read it. Mamie ; the • Ammutbe.' has ossa to the h.u.r for • no hw- wtud, as bit buttoned hes glove, mounted the lug cart, and drove the t., station on ha way to Luudwl. l Iookel regrelfull) alter the taut ass it whtrl..i round the toruer, tor teen was repttach au every lone of dear l'out's hack, ..inti 1 lucw hu Was say mg to aimed(- "She Inc nutmeg to du, pommel, uelthit:t, arl) c• site cul wit resod tore bath., ,..per W pleat.: 1,tt'. •. •• 1 will pod tune for it uaay," I resolve, cud, sol.xel, 1 wuh to read the article ver) use k. V) btut.u,.t has to leave eat toe journey t Loudon Is rather Io.g, h. moeektasta&luun, seal thou 1 hate toy truce r.dyr .h.klrco for cou.pru) duriug toy lin poet. At. the poo: rl'lee ,owl bread alai jun. dlnapptar• 1 hate to •newer' IS goad loamy yuew +same !'hese are same of thou. : liow aid am. Jack Cede when be rebelled? Will the 14aetu only acro protne wow spunk gest drautu..t '. N•by d0 A'oeJc.us talk Bog ah whin A,errlw wan Issued ani by a bpwtsk luau T 1% toy do we lave tux ta.tttara„ cases 0. learn •tarot on Latin, token there are only ,o,lce lin ttlailam'. Why du1't ,run shin. irk' 11'hy are pans earliest partans' 1Viat arc thugs` t% bo was 1t lisle wings of wax I huve to give (weal) monster atter break- fast to tooting In the /toe) elup4,11g Goose eu to each of these queslhua as I have , t foto.■ .hie to (milieu. and 1 wall 111) .00i. cn's wits did out travel w tar ahti,l, •or that toy heal were rotor hued. A von w the nem&ry, follows, thea au Interco% with eaek, rather • hummer tole Lima Waal •w a.rcaomut of . amliug Wooer perry, mho t .elk outmost the garde and a Luta emit the ut..:rwt who doge the( tin, a visit t0 the atahlrs, ass tally a shot with tire es. 1u the sebo"lraall. An bunt w• t W be open' at the writing ooh•, ..mal after this 1 feel 1 hat. .rua,t a tet in a oinnlurteble cuar, and • Ick .t " 44e wive, and the likes* Leta..,, .toe say art of .lumina .011 Japan" Hall way through Use trot pop., ),rt a ben l au. , •,. el:,o.pp its the pianist pur.doas and buss .14V(11040 0t. .Iuhw Btaautuu, it Lap (m.oa. 10 the' duo., Gond the p ilur-uald 110)1: ' 1t you player m ,►Iia• Jack is at the top w the cum tree, and be hat let ►a Lest fa ., .ted he Waal" to know due nay a,unle Jua., without It t Or coarse the ".1aautbua" ladle to the dour call I run vat to the canna -lawn to se * bat Jack is d..mg in the elm. " ,1loths-r, 1 au k m this fork,- says the alto hay u..e (.win 0111 the taustk tel soave. mei *hove .my head, "red 1 eulatn.i toy boot to peel my I.s.1 out, out new 1 dropped the baa , .Sall 1 mote does sol lelob It r. t:arta.uly not : think of the tides you would make us your stocking!" i shout, .I.. n wu!I Jamie aur the garJ.wee• boy to c-aww: wire a Golder. 16 IoW we &east hum. 1 late time to a.0Mler whet ease be the p,wule or climbing that tree. It Is at pest -testy Int hosts, mal Its Lu k e very fano aro scratchy, yet twwr • week dar,ug ler. �wnnM'r .Loa coml. 1t, and never averts N ottani, is gni d.mer • led,arrnves Gesso tog. puts the hoot a hr puoket, slimss the tree au.l helps Jack 'no ba duwawanl way. Use aga.a h go hook t.. Assyrian Art. Aauu.r lap .t t... door, the time nurse eaters with .o .pato I.e It.vin• 1w tor tea in the Overly no nosy/ that new require' various tapas, lwtuws am..1 wllrua A toast 10 nay Nora, o wl oyu, 1 mom .weed by 111. +pet w,odow auto the Jinn losea ruining the pyla. 01 t ee •' Acantha. Tbe des opens, this time *ahem wevinoay, and the read, writ • seared hot, Narrow - •• Pisaes'.., Mea Uiln, says, whet shell we tie with Jam' Ile has 'melded hesawtl timadhdly, wed ..end yon ho dowel a Iry et wiser' Taw mesas it writ to soy madimmu.ybtmrd, whitens, artmsd with wears. wed, I'mrm� off said lime wise, 1 Ily noose the lesedow ea his Image, and stay tiere tet edi'E be Jim's harm, and trying u .aside t lei esther till she -mad .t she lattehesa bell wheels on the gravel, ciao. hall boll ruse, and visitors are ava•• ownedn `, the kindly people who • • ow early to catch you befeare you go oak ' It u • lovely day. mad it seems several Irmads have the seam idea, for till half -past four 1 have the pleasure of greet- ing one after another of my neighbors. Then 1 have W drive out myself, to visit aoquaintarcse whose " day ' it s, hallows ne utiles apart Home again aid mine I will Ilse my quiet half hoer before dim- wit. • 1 flunk, but I'wt kelps nee out al the earr•aue @aytmg, " Meade, I waist you u ihe lone walk, there are far too eraav scarlet ger.niume, tome and see which are to be ale n wok" We walk about till tbe drew tag .,ell rings, with the cbtklrem at our beefs, an. !he gardener beside lin. Dinner over, 1 fee• vote certain of my half hour with the ..,tthug. which is a ulag*aine printed for --trate circulation and teat to Tont by a Inct' at his club. 1 have read ten and have lust got to the paragraph us ning. "In the fairy -had of Japan, how- ever, three c-owditura were early modified by when inre41 tYMnea to agmen huh the news that '• Miss Jessie has ams et her lel dreams, and Muss Motheaten.* very hot and restless." 1 lonuut the nursery stairs, ani stay till .leas,e is quietly asleep, and U01hr's ten.petature moo towed to les normal, and on coining hack to the drawing - room I loot Toren talk mg we h an 01.1 gamtle- man and hu daughter, our neariat ueiKhbs.rs, whom he is h..p.;ably taking to Gay the rest of the eVC11111g ; they have vine for a hook, Gad Two delights to daptay his treasutte, en the hours Ices quickly, ami at tic, en. when they leave +.. 1 aut really too oral to revel any .,rare. " 1 oppose you must take the 'Acanthus' hack ton..•rmw, 1'..m'" 1 say when we are alone. " 1 have cot had one to read that paper. i teat I west : Sir Charlet asked me for It today, but 1 am sorry you have not read it, for 1 asked Wak!atou to cuue sal Thurs- day tlstte.l of Stuart, *le+a:.11eel to tell the be most leave town tomorrow ; you don't mind. dear, do you •' What, about Mr. Blakiston'. Certainly not, 1 shrill he glad to have him at dinner, 1 reply, ).at I regret more .thalr ever the lues of the lush -hour that w..u1.1 hose made use aaagiiainted with bis charnnng article. 1 .n. afraid you do not rare about read• Mg s, much an you dol, my .fear," say. r..ne, P+:rauitingly, as he walks to the . i•a,r • • loin, heir-e•tn you ? t esiclaim, v.k.nt- ntiv. "11 to that. 1 have such i.c.e.aat toterrupAI.as listen.- at,d I hold his coat Lotion while I Ir000nt the day's exper i em:a s. •• Well," he says, unmoral, " this is ec- ccptuatal. Jemmy t;des doesn't get Rs:aided e Walt.an. and the L.u't .ane in hie the esnli't1: eiw-*ys." •• No, of course tic, bat this is 'wily one .,' tr a ' .ley t my u.wl la u.. ochry iatrrrup- 110,.s taxer uotteid 1 .*y .merely. It is useless, 1 know. Ion. gars to smoke, and ar the club t.m,,r..w he will say to Sir Charles : " %Vhay n pity it is so many woo. Into give up every! limit to the way of cul fere a few Wean alter 1 1 •ale how am 1 its orad newspapers, nagasines. travels, novels, bnagraphie., within s month of their pulahcatioo (to toy nothing of having such a hook perhaps as IH.phant'a " Scowl ihe Religion " thrown in otxasi»naltyl -somal yet to lead the life of • sociable w nonan w ith a household to look afterWill looms ne reply' For the past year i have been tmuhled to a very grr,•t extent with dandruff, also a dullness to color in my hair and thd,o' the adorn • of a fr oma (who spoke foe. expel - once) I trial your An i lamb uff,ahb h upon toe sppli.atlm, of less than • 1.ottle.'.f your hqui.i 1 Hud toy head not may thoroughly claim•. d but a vast impr'vement nt the color au'I growth i have, and .10 reaommena it as highly lrnrtic:ial to the profe.alon and public geu- era'ly as an agreesl.le end eel e.u,e 'a. 'ion in the temelis put forth tor public favor. Pours, kc., Was. P. Wuvr., Anvert.sing Ant.. "Prank Daniels 1'..." Semon 1890 91. s.ew Meat ...a she Wanted The other day a laxly walked into the Bow en -Merrill Company's sows alai inquired of n e of the young lady clerks for • Dopy of "Her Baa." "You mean 'Ben Her,' (en. Wallace. book," replied the clerk. "N.•, indeed. I never heard of that book. The one I want i. "Her Ben The clerk metal the •ether, but the lady cowled riot tell who it was, and, as a Oat re- sort, the question was appealed to Columbus T. D..11arhele, one of the oldest clerks in the retell 1..4 department and who is recognised as • human Mhligraph ••Why,s said bTh we have it," se. "e holy is right. The brook she waste, is 'Her Hoe,' an old Sued. school work, published 1.y the Mist Book Concern. " - peliu,spnla Mewe Mte5N'. 1aa/msw/ tares Sligaikorse. 4.A. ugust Flower" Perhaps you do not believe these statements concerning Green's Au- gust Flower. Well, we can't make you. We can't force conviction in- to your bead or wed - Doubting ovine into your throat. We don't Thomas. want to. The money is yours, and tbe misery is yours; and until you are willing to believe, and '.pend the oeos for the relief of the other, they will stay so. John H. Foster, 1122 Brown Street, Philadelphia, says: " My wife is a little Scotch woman, thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition. For five or six years past she has been suffering from Dyspepsia. She Vomit became so brad at last that sbe could not sit Every Meal. down to a nteal but she had to vomit it as soon as she had eaten it Two bottles of your August Flower have cured her. after many doctors failed. She can now eat anything, and enjoy it; and as for Dyspepsia. **does sot know that she ever had k." • W. ACHE I.rt1J, '•1 .'lm .. 1 Single Drest-es, Ore Patronise ----- True Competition. Tins CANn�aatikle Pecoraro Hauwar ilea Tygganorm W hale a taenak.d to glee the paws l serines servise with fair and pee =swat essiewe sea. It M taaawM en theism priactelss ane 1a the lowest of lin pairwas. baIt d.s.rese the es of every person who k.u. la consonslt�M�. /vw Weigh wesg.M nee this roster nae. auaar'alot wusact lases •ad M dared Hao+. lased. sed WHlnswma Wendt tan.UMb 0)171 iu au red a the North we.t, pole IA Oa mashie aau tnuuSO Cost twee- Seib Sli. West... R ta5M'Y/WR 11:1-11 Lural 11saeacr. Gedericb. EAST -SM. Never before have stylish goods. Inspection invited 1 not repeat. 200 Pieces of Fre In the best qualities pro our immense raz ever hereto( FLOUR & FEED STOR£. - GLUT - CLEARING SALE JAS. SAUNDERS The sowing of veld seed is the first and ino.t important step towards securing a Ihtun- tiful harvest I Iowa received 'a new st ek of needs, includ- ing a Targe supply of Timothy, Clover and Seed Wheats 11c L EA N'S BLOCK . { As he Intends retiring from busmen. be will all ha large and well asserted stock et bottom priors. Chinaware, Jewellery, Wedding Rings, Silverware, Nickel and Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, _ ♦.�E /1 N' Albums, Plush and THOS.J � And solicit a call frau thorns who want to make sure of getting gte..1, fresh seeds. W. THIS iI CROSS CULT S /zt u hick we lei CATTLE Finest i1 J3ES T .it pro R. P. W I I Other 00+o,ls Toys, 1-2•I Fancy Good e,etc 8,000 Rolls of Wall Paper asci Borders, topsoil wi1J. Y /Ma AT hose plies (A v by p e11 f ,t ?A'13A s� V - ; stew r Now as your time for b*rgaiia S. BROPH_Y, 'I'HE ENTERPRISING rritslTI'ItK. f•F.ALRR. WKiT-+T, ti An JUST ADDED TO Bir present nea).eas one of H J No sh's latest Nyle of ens, hearers. al.,, • tam fine er Soto few ere! rood.. rba department .ill he strictly •tte•d..d t.. by hi. non, 4% ottani. wh.i, hawse been in the employ or the sate D Gordon fom over ten year., '.as. .tow .u(h kriir,e,ttp• of bye department, and by .rrtet aim nylon 10 motors boles to aha'. part of the public patreoem e. Prices rta,unatk• In tree FURNITURE DEPARTMENT YO'CT A.RE A 173 1 carry every article in the hourfurnishingIone from • khehen Their t . rhe doe.t patine Napa, In pie• urea framing ; r.rry ■ large Nock. Itewirlwg nI 1Ernst its r ..ne,ad.d t.. and at +rhea M wit the rims. (Jive use cell before purrb*sng eases a inn rhos of buatrcess b oa year way to the new poor once. Wes•st.; drop la turd see for 'oneself. ride ea, • J . BROPHEY` & SON. LA GRIPPE, As awry know from p:Iperitionoe. is PI equ.•ntly fel lowed by a bared. distreaseng weigh. CHERRY PULMONIC arm Van aircrew To look ahead What per rink et pays to keep warm' To avoid personalities is conversation ! Haw mall around the earth hes grown' That it pays to study variety m cook cry at the proud mail knows little of him eo1 That many of your mistakes are not antio.wl Until you undertake to correct them' That it pays 100 per trot to he polite to every err, from abo gurhage gatherer to the orvorn0r ! That it Sit wise to ash your husband to step oat of hod sad reach the quilt no • chair noir. when the weather bee changed soddenly is the sight flood Rnesekeep lot A elowat1. Nan Wooled see K.mpi Balsam for the threat ani Isom It is coring more e•e.s of cnuehe, evhis, asth.a, brmcAlitie, croup ad all throat awl leas trrhlea, than any other medicine. The proprietor hoe .stherbed soy baggy s to give you' • sample bottle from to nemesis, you el the merit of this great remedy. Liege broths 60e sed $1. (low " Haw, rant mea." she milled le the grow%boy. " t ordered • them el gip era yes slat es war alto ; howls 11baa P w.M, awe, throe of Nee ewe bad sad I didn't skink yes A wait thew" fierce• rrfewee as_sleerws 1M likes, If this is not the pattern Has leo equal for the our* ot this and all mambo. oolds, elle . ata. Pr'eprtresd and gold ooh by 7. Jordsn, - Medical Halt Toa CODERICH SEED EMPORIUM. IN RETITRNINO THANKS 10 our numerous customers for *ay liberal patronage in the past, we hope by fair dealing Gad striet attention to hueine.M to still retain their confldonee. Ile order to meet the requirements of our con tantly increasing trade we are today carrying the largest stock of seeds in the county. Our stocks of CLOVERS AND GRASSES Have been selected with ears, and are the blest that can he bought in the market. We wish to call special attention to some of our Leading varieties of Bead Oi ,In, acme being offered for the Aral time. CAMPBELL'S WHITE CHAFF, Spring Wheat TR WMPH, COLORADO. EARLY GOTHLAND, Oats, White RO8EDALE, BANNER. Pease vers. Willi Mill Maar Gad Teed " 1sslaatly on band. W. BURROWS, THE BUT 18 THE BEST i8 THE BEST 18 THE 11187 Ile TBE 118T 18 TnE BEET i8 THE 1188? THE 11187 THE BEST THE BERT THE 11118T 1 TF THE REIt? THE REST THE BEST THE *1587 Trill BUT THE BE8T THE 81;'T TH8 8EBT THE BEST THE B118T THE UHT THE UHT THE 81MT This MIST THE 131ST 1 RE MIST TAE HIST 1148 MINT THE MKT THE solrl' THE BEET THE 111187 TRE 1REKT THE HENT THE HEAT TRE NUT T H R BSQ7 THE HEST 7118 HEAT IS TNR 1811 -IT iS THE AIM 1S THE UST IS TH ■ 14,411 1S ?WS 1111 18 TRE TRE TRE THE THE TRE CA CB CA CN C13 Ce 111 TRE THE TOO TIIII TSB