The Signal, 1892-3-24, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODERICIfl ()NT., MARCH °I. Int E PO; POW. " Jack, dames v8e •• Bellentyas! sad wryer oo chianti ,re the Roby polka • great salads et (better ►n"a'n ne the h:gheat suteo sty me the lreatu.unt of aLycwrls et the brew.. •• grid what bays yarn bon writing to him abest "How do yes knew 1 hove •• I happened to look at the letters you lea on the tattle thug mpsft„g . 'Well r • sal, 1 oy7 pale. ; wasat aware that keiew ►!lits" "Oh, yes, Hallawtyass amid 1 are very old frierela Inst 1 astir Laird you mattlkiW Ise name before Imo." This dialogue had beep conducted wrath aA ert4rrst weekly on tie sr' sole and re- serve on the other, by no ureas character's tic of the speaker. .lack Riven bad always been frankness Itself, &tad Dolly 111e meat light-heiuled and ulurrpicu.sr of wives. Their marred life, Nairn!, had been uric of unalloyed happineete !.bough un.krtaket agates' the ad vivre of all thew fnencb and re- lations. Dolly's father had been furious at her ea gagemeut to a •' beggarly banker's clerk,' and had refused W attend her wedding Or to give any srwtabee towards the youug peo- ple's housekeeping exposes& Jack's relations, too, after his negleet of their solemn warnings &gems' marrying a psnileo, girl. wine Miss argent, with her £39,000.inight bare been had ter the asking, Led "aaatred their heads," s8 they put stout the " whole toupee " In spite, however, of poverty and irols- iton the young wile had sever regretted her marriage uor oousidered herself other thew the happiest of women till salon the list few weeks preceding the above wuver.a tion. The last few weeks! 1Vheu not how Dolly's misgivings were first ar..u..e.t she fearer y knew, but at the time sat, pot the question to her btu;rauet about hes letter to the specialist they heel al reedy aaeumed • definite fora.. She frit convinced that -lac. had some- tbrog cru bis mts1.1, amid, .he, o.e .r. ass pect.•d the cause of his tneubie. It was net oral) that h' habits and moaners had grade - tally cheeped ; time kis omit tea 'thntastule- miry little &iteatisns to his wife : that he test at M. meals efrwmming with hie Mager, eta the table sat starting or snaring annutly whets addressed; riot only that he displayed a strange imt&bility ; that he locked himself up Is his study after dinner. or went ort Lite, with the cow.: ediaetory ea plauatheu that i' wanted to read at the elan. It sees not atone he case to -bed -51 irregular hewn, *sly to tem and tunable through the weary watches. All this was n othing to the teevelsthcw mance one awful n ight, wheu Drily, liateu:ug breathlessly at his ante, overheard kis muttered worths. She knew he was awake and cot dreaming. Why, then, should he folk et murder and poison and menu to be bwlancing in leis mint the comparative merits of elt,•raathre monies of death' What. could it mean ` Could the terrible explanation which had previously crowed bar mind Le true and were this irritaLdlity, this elrtracuun and this sleeplowns s the ay lepton's of a weak - suing mind. or approaching ineatlity' Such being the twsplcioo already enter- tained, the result of Dolly's dirowvery Chet her husband was is correspondence rite a hewn doctor may be imagined. Evidently, she thought, Jaok know his d•uyer,and was asking for safutso0a and what was t he dot y of • wife in the circumstance.! Surely to as- certain the nature of the advice gram In re ply, end to Carry it oat sith all the lucre ties and .pevotion possible There was no difficulty In the tint part of tJtis proyrem. A letter, obviously from Sir Robert H.11astyne, was delivered during Jack's abloom from bone, end the nature e i dL oontente (mold have been rawly dia. covered without visiting suspicion. Now, hsdrsver, that the desired Information was within her reach. Dolly hesitated. "Suppose," .he th.rugbt, • • her suspicions were unfounded and her husbanda letter had no connection with the alteration in his was legible enough ; but, bad it been tried word, and r•euslaad the qustiuwr's nisei `tet btruwo characters or intuited to s .lark • to be her hansn.l'l. erred rnaol, iia esauiug e,wlJ eel have bees ".luso v.4u forwJ use to tar lenient for a Itis intelltgilde. What war Jack .• preset! s entry' eat wb► the heavy rt•k be rem • What war •• *...t po••iyerly, TL tants the whole of 11,1. taystr, mug sw.rred:on regarding the tot. ,; :..iso. Okla Ut'r.rvrJtuary heat .•1 etuploe nolo of 51at-uw' 1 .lug who was the MI. sok. I slettm whnke .101111h 11411.4 ire guar.led from etteudsnax of au •p" tau. rk- euuatao ccs ! ")l... 1 ! !t.. 2 ! " Year boodle! intro." Than .u.I.leuly the *bale truth nt.rd dtrcheeel to a reeelatiol . ewpaa.tng in Meer iM• wildcat of IM.11y's pe •-, h.,us apple'.. noon.. She saw at all et y..'. wvuhl ..at wetly 'w the be •••• pr. sent 5:.e mud rsluaed hureeli W la the ubjeet es( wool.. !at ..11uwed to see, trot 1 :oust tel the •letaete 1 rou.pii.:y ! No %oa.ler now you h.rn:41t0Y tb.t 'hex are cut e'rdinar) al the alteration' in her buslrnd's manner eireu4/.tauees." •• What •lis 1 .0 traafi'' "1 ..x.14 Lair : ltt.rlr:iy us- .4..1.41) your wife No the %tercet •u.utciise about you. )..0 ha, nee her •*r .1 , auawt ale.. It .1.e i.uglat&gilt of )•w Ill"* 1 .-01114.1t ..asw•cr for Coo e..rl..new.le••. "flat I tl.•1./.;11t y•'4 reel the •:rwala w.4 peswl, sod they a4r c••sIJ p.vl ally rales pg .lil to s p••rf.etly rati.4841 e mJi:u,u!" • q 1.:: a ,, a MI to •r.haary rlrwiu1a' 14 11 bensfit d hie monies ho had detswmiMi Ihe Spar* bee the •eilstea pree.rdtsg nM ssusl- p.uhwant. A mutual w,s e41sr.teu.ling lead es,+uest itelly awritk..i to the wroa,t cower !ler bis ha'm's reedy -nese esu! erre eeulauow,, wail. I'al Mllwlwi bis w4*S5 .'41.1est moiety t.• the envenom. to which she was hal la reel. " The Puts 'era Pb. 1.,n,•' •lack's imperial al no -el, eppe..rud e Mk the .tpte•t rte its " shyeterie'swas at, its month and wee v. nnttet1 to he the suttoree .d the• rear. 11.1. I. • lather has ore little laoh/ 4 to 11* 1 aeham at u. los moe-11, saw, nn !onset" liar Itegg•i ly clerk,.' but, .etc of the 1114.1 pow perones authors id the d =y. J _r► - ark lova*, too, who " wasae•1 thr.r us. •ds 1s4 oh. whole enamels when rt was reptewlitl I.y the little house in the h.. u,r•h, rt te.' di eret.'ly tow that it has take'. the :own. of a well 811pnutr.) al: 1 o.•.pilrh!e estcl.lslr '..out to .rte .4 the most lasi.ionablr stream, a rf klayfair. _ _� fHE YOUNG PARSON'S CAYENNE No wuutl.r h"w at los restless nights, and hie terestl.ae. and Irntahsuty. •'Your beautiful herr s.'•' How der, lu•r huslsnd all.lw the use of sued terns ! She bilis: es you to he engaged in so .e con. And about 8 eutueu, too, where claims to splraey *.441!1.1 het hie good took. he hal aleaysdentr.l. "But surely youatla,'h tau uuporlastie to •• Your heath Col heiress, 'unreal !" Strange wb.1 1" .Isla ray to ' Isetr delirium t that at such !rums these words should rivet " Ni•'K••,leralle, lust this is a ,peeulia SSW. There has been / log ical coherence is her a a. ung. throughout her alone* Which 1.41,641 48 mth .• at bas bar oii,trt of ).'n was the csu.e and the taw -e eft Dar of her attack of Iron fever. 1',!: 1 .un satutia+l that her app•1•henu"hu are 1elrove.l. It w.wld 1" uw.bu•.a lis Ire her me vett .1s iL l., if she happ•,nt-i 1., ',veil.awr ...per voice, the re ,alt night b: very ,crwpes os. Vuu t be e,l c entel fur the pna•eut to Irwe her with the SI,entist of the re.nler almoat t.,tl' el delimits e1 every other co0s1 !ernIon, that at the 1114.00111 of the demean) of a .deliberate plot ag•ivat her own life 1/.d1y'a mewl ehou!.1 .1s. 11 Ire, on 1h.• Iwtu1 nature of the • e .otelupletc.t crone than Mu the motive .d eta eourn.ls*loe. 1'he ilea :oat .lack should plan lar .heath with the object of marrying her former rival seemed by tar the .lerkeet teeture ,n the terrible resclatloo. For the Ifwautng of the allu.hu wax reedy app,eheuded. " Your iteautrful heite•es " could herr reference only to the gi11 whose part ality fur the attractive , a YDown- Wit tact! la •k i{1 on heel aster 1*a:e .\Arent, ,nde•cd, with her handsome face and Gtrtuue. ha.l Well a mart eerxous .1,10urbinq e!emhrnt durleg hotly'. .liga;re- rt'ent, an.l her rtisteuee had not been for- gotten .-\ 'rd 11111* in Hie tirat lra.up,rt s o! Wipe 41 ,1 1ralon, y 1 he real herr"t ot the .n - u.,1awl was 00401-;e,4,ked ,0)41 IL" 4hv4overy 44. eepte,i rather with iodl,tnati.l tit -an alarm. ::tit trot for long. !her , 1 V ser • •:e,ate •I w nd.t r. 1 be deferred. By the titre that .het had osier. .1 the let-� i e•e.�•rl y ter to iia suvei.epe ..o.l replaced it aruou; , .14 ."e nh .s he had take* lir place at tis her husband's other COrrvspw•leoax, silt. i io...lii'e belmde she introduced the topic rally realized ihe dame, of her p»ilio,, henrlf. Awl what ah1w1W ant. •t.. • she hast nu !rims!. I Er.'. 'lure 140: the , hott PorioJ whit* had la Loudon *lawn she cold r"ufids is-. She pre.,eIwl 11,ily't !TIapse into eaten- ltad only a yew *killings In her I.r..r1cN4. ( 1"16-11t'ae Inn 41.1 4`4"1" of her Nsrytioat aril in any test she shrank 11.01 t hr ..It% of •• :40,101* 1141 .1.triete4 taco: 41.1. At tem Mu. - Be) ..u4 time exp'"'•Ifsn of ki•ilue.shich mug ypathy-abe bwad rtoired a. look of tearer and determination whish pron,iaed i-sr;st•. anon as welt as pit)'. The .:uuven51too u ..k -b she ked ovarkna '! confirmed her /angi al inrprs..ias, and. while reomuln4 her of the acetal totem of her awful sroret, lwrinte.i cut s a101.414a rl•prs='ury Ior It. '•3,1setor," she said. "do you kuuw Sir her Mao mei then to rwlhate thrrrlgh est ry Isr44.,1 1adtaa;y"e 1' frees .•wet puler: • Ih.liy was awake au,l "Yes, tis the sneerer, peva after a perfectly cou.cions of hrr surtouuditri s ; she Pam• win ratting iu her own room, among her " 1 know him. too," nintinund ikdly, es - own familiar furniture and uthl•tu,.•0ta She ettedh. "a bsrtlesa,wickd mss. 1',aa sr could ace the sunlight •.n the well pleyi .q let. tacit, now- a low. !lark forehead., excel, With 11.eebaduws of the 141niran un lea. es. c"""it.gWoe ---" She .•reald hear the tiek of the clock, the '•4*. 80: Bulltwtyne is not as had es lend chirpings "f the.parrows at the win tits*." now., load the distant !nob,. She could "1 know n,tr.• than you ththk. He and smell the faint perfume of the Mignonette Jack wast to poison m'that Jack tray marry in the Hower boxes ow t he .dl. Hut .he meshy' road neither stir nor speak. No movement " Pray compose yourself, ma/keit 1 •eta rvsulrel from her (reit? wit Oben. to rise; are under se • .[range elehn•ion.-' net when, in agony at the disco.ery, she "It is no delusion. 1 opened Sir tried to call for help uo 'mama Mime Rolert's letter and !named the whole TM.ugh :w••ually .enwlde of the horror of plot.-• her rennin and of her own helplessuresMel " My door Mn Rivet*. 1 sure you you ;..ager, Ilotly sat dumb and mott"nleas, and must have mistaken hia meaning." by degree* the aril.* of sight and hearing, " But 1 remeu,bcr the ery wends : hitherto clear and accurate, becagre dim and .. 1 *Mold employ arsenic, and 1 sboutd distorted. The well-known objerfs Burro I. suggest Its a.lm,m.tratinn In small mg her took strange and fantastic doom' shapes. and tae custoniery mound " My good lady, let me set your mind asumrd new and unnatural lie g. at rod. Your heehaw,' a writing • I►.Ily was no longer .n her own room in the novel." lodging in the borough. The Nommen* " Writing a novel ` which eurrnunded her were not the reenter " Yes. He calls it ' The I'"isooed Po - felt flowers of chintz and carpet, nor that tion.' The 1111148 murders his wife with monotonous hum the roll of the distant Lhe object of narryiug a woman with whe't's. They wen real dowers, and they !money, and your heehaw! required assist - fringed the margin of a bright river that *nee 011 a medical point. He wanted the glided by to the cadence of its own soft sing- 'tome of a pewee- - " Hut, if that is ail. interrupted Dolly, "what was the risk that Sir Robert warned him against'" •• Perhaps,- was the answer, given with a smile, " Ballengee wee thinking of his own early Iitsrary edorte. A BM work is generally a beery drain on en author's pocket.' it might have been supposed that them explanatuma would have sufficiently proved the geminate..nens of the invalid's appse• hemmer,. but she waa still dissatisfied. The •try was i.lamible enoegh, but how could she hs sore of its troth ! Might it not be itself • finical devised for the purpose of al- laying her excitement' Moreover, eras it probable that Jack would confide the his try of his novel and oorre.p.adeace with Sir itnhert Ballantyne to his sew &oquain fence • Wee it likely, when 1s- never men - firmed the.ubject even to his wife, that he would eommsnicats it to On doctor, who. ea doubt, was the local pranitignr smmen.i at tete time of her attack elf ill- ness. 1:evinced by these consideration' that she was the victim of a d«'eptles,Dolly pot s further teseell.,w. " Rut how an yns knew all about my bus- b•..i'• book and Sur Robert Palliest ranee latter!" " My oke Mrs Riven. I am tear Robert Hallenty nes ' The natant of the fins meeting bet wets h•Bbn .I awl wile, with Its strange listen of mirth and tears, can he only indicated. I1dly'■ e,n•trltu.,w wee met by hearty ae. kneeIrdgment of .pack's share in the mopes - noway ter the 'agents...soon Not that he ',»null Its tally 1,1asvea for the enheitide es Ina wife', l --telt which had alike hes re- pt..aslde tar his literary sterprrs.nd for •• flat you'll hind ...it the lean:ng of it all, and ,ire me the ,'*r.o',' possible news' " Of course 1 wi1L' " And t.!k t.i her .:.wce!" apo, not tonight. she is .till au .4 ,tate 111 grew! ttnrst,at.i..n. 1'oeuerrow, when else I.4a had retic net ueal eteep and recto 9001.1 .lou.• t, It MAY ,e; different." The doctor ws, lu.1*Ibo: to his fear of the cif.tt ncl hu pat 1411: 41 the 1 scud of her hushlif4 •446, as .044 pr 44'..• 1 by the oma •let sou 1.1 wt:.•t, or di:,•er¢r i her ol. ,t .nter.e4 the sick ro ep. He was mistaken. %tae+•,• r,r, lir belief that the explenet1'n of prereotrng barrel( at her fathers home s, a runaway wife. What ab.edd*be .Io; .Should she ;hake Ler di.coi'ery putdic snit throw her.. it 1.14 the prldet•tlus .d the police, ..t• should she conceal her knowledge ..f her hluls,:+l'.. 1,- i-otioux and avtail e4411e door„ t ',.relic op• txrtunity of escape! a .sett -tithing at any n4 must be doo*. Rat what is this --this straa„e anrtsaueeo• which s*5MaBret W numb Lug. And along rte hank walked (hilly, and Jack war wish her but how madly altered. 1 here was Do cansrng touch, tis look of lore In hie eyes, no tame of letldertlems Whig voice : and at every step be seamed to force her nearer the river'. brink. Then the as manner. Suppote him in trod the repositaxy pat of the river itself clluoged, mad its rip - of some guilty .octet as- to he binhhwlf plea seemed to utter .sums of warning and involved in Deno orftstnalsaerpries " Such woe. The lights that hs.l necked its rhal- heanation, however, wpm uoly molnee Tows disappeared, and the flowers that miry. edged its margin drooped aa.1 fade!. Thr The sodas o/ Jaek eaop.d in an aril pro- Stream, ,ice eliit :nag in its brightest end j.n was loo pr•p00101'0" eo 1x .ntertaused, hortvwing further beauty from the earth and with a conviction of the correctness of and sky. grow murky .nd ops4pw. Strsage, her aright! srptoieas Dolly "paned tLe .haprlemnwustets seemed to wnthe and wal- beer. It ran thus : low hn.eeth its sedate and still Jack preen- "' Dasa Jacs,-Tbosgb delighted to bear el her closer to the oda, tall the narrow frets yew sods, i meet admit that t as, pathway .xumbbd anter her feet, ani she ss4 sorry for tan ~Inn that occasioned fell hea.11oeg nate the depths of the rusting yam. weer. and. *1 I thought my re,n"s torrent. Then succeeded a immeasurable •tralscs would have say seen i should re period of rapid transit through Berthing commend you tocol sareagly to aiaudos, waters, and afterward of *demo, of year istastios eltystbm'. 1, however, darkens, of Insensibility, of annihilation. promise to keep year phrens* sad to glee you my ben advice os the proteenonal point When Doisy return«i to ronaciouanes you put. and found herself in her own bed, she a •' I shoal.] raoonrmeawd anssie. As your first Imagined tar he waking after an orate skeet le not to dater! euapisson pad t" give may Dight', rest. She was. however, mos Its impressers of aeoid•nta1 death, yea convinced by • sense d prortrattos and in - should employ • drug...d 111th I8 "'hem" definable fear that i.rneth.ng ungual M. and venni" killers. Artesia, lnorever,has • fleet. rreL This tvm,•Iuuaa nlorwnser, epeeist advantage, from tl' fact Lha 11 1s was coebrmsd by the preseare often taken for the base& of the o..mplesw.s. of two rt megars, wlio prsaast. 1 should stggen its alm minietrstion in entail el the aptbssamee edu surra N•1 deem at eassiderable intelrvwls. Ton sudden • doctor ,n attendance ss her. & hers, how- & death might lead to bvKiotion, which ever, she had had time to satisfy hermit of week I. avoided if the 1ympt ""• ware the truth of her impressions she nlapeed is - these of • gradual .ad programve ,lleem This r imprtsal, because, if your beset,. tel \mires. hemmer .egnainted with the sue planes eserumeteaoea attandlag the dean ► of N. 1, she might net8relly *Meet in lin smi i g No. Bet sees more 1 advise yne e give •p year troj•st altogether. It r a weary hs.y nett, rrperially en oar ra pier "Yams ever, " Romsey limas Ferree " Thr teem whore Dello was sitting wee VOA ossogh. tib badwrltiag of the Wet 4. issereilehty (M reopening her eyes af- ter an Interval she ohsereed .o ,•bergs, w. the character of her surroundings Th. deet r, indeed, was not s'aside. I,ut from a eo.,eemlin which she overheard she ha.l Settle Min.uh( that it was he who was plass'!. log In alwne ,.Iereatsl inquirer in the pd. Nle aere.•y nlrerved regarding If joining rosin the nature of her owe mU{ f The melon of " The I'„ieneed Potion " pry tad Anglaise Streets. Tbs vo1.e of the speakers were low 1 hoa Thi lh. 's al.• elha to hr ha. Pra • hal n.,lnsl .rigi11a1s.h is its ether's Werra IMtsat, and stip mast.re 1n rh•mlwws lays ilFatnFfr'R Trafalgar at., deer between the bedn„m and theelrlt�. a increase hu Monne and fwrnnh lis wife dirv.'ied that the hill should amt. meshes ; mown wee sear!, rbwd and yet. mai •(with the rnmftrts she had ,elm been nem b tM ms.tim. Me Meyer hall mood Ys Hechinger] k ltnn n office morbidseuteness of Madly fought tensed to. (` scar for the noses., Waw 58110ss for his srhym1at of saw 1 Ms•wses'e tustmw. ewers weans. .... j 1'14 1 y Plowmen.* eel, 5...)., 1 fleas. Tb.u.8t it tis !sat loss . talarr.at..l 1. 1'v. That a little fun ants and then 1• relished by the brat a. aril aii the anent of roan o tact iefrelueutly idustratel in the socia. tilee.iugr e1 the Pnetrstant ci.•rgt of 11.. .city. The cup.). a g.. .l juke as hoar Lily a 1.411)011!, +.u,1 cut .4 NW of for St. 1. -tar n.ru• niters sr. cap..al story tetters. •1s .tat 141 stealer, the 11,11"wiu,; 1.1.11er,nr aur.,l.ete 1.. !coven as relic..' the..wer day by an ei and prumu,ent minister : ..\hau)ytare a Inc•e,' i,eea:d,'•ahemseem. - pure Universalism was preao:hal, I clsaucest to be to In.Guup Iia .'nitro; the progress ..1 a convention of Inlniettra of that faith Stopping at the acme hotel where 1 dist ••a. a Voids;; parson who had tonne from' the East to &hetet the couvertlun. An It ahs: wards developed. lie had taken the !tree - u tient in %ruing Olt nst.nuu, .0' Int rt 1. carry a vial of .ayehne pepper In his lx. .1 et, 10 sprinkle his fon.) with, .0 a iii-r%-reiti... to -lever *ad agar. At 111nuel ",w .say a tat Hoosier ol'rersewl the 'serum as to .e•.esont,i his meat :.ad eels! f aur.. hien : "' Stranger, 1'l1 thank y•••l for .. turtle of that 'ere red salt, -fur l'm ted o' curium to tr.' ti,' amid he CU, tauuiy,' returned the parses, • bat yon wilt find 'it very powerful f e rcfut brttr'nnn eat it.' _ -Thu If.. s:er rose,k the pruthetw.l vial, mild. fselme innw•if pmol against slay eusatit) tat raw .4 hi'6y theugllt th..t he comet stated' •IIs • red raft with miming. and accord- ingly 1 Irinkk*d it peeve of _Log rather-leani 'dully with tt, and forthwith intn'.I,l.nl n Mt. his iopeetems novo h. It men legit* te lata held. He shut lets eyes anal ht -gen t.. writhe. Finally he .,-uld stand 1t h. longer. Ile opine, his mouth en'. acre -anted ' hrr' • •" ;Fake :t drink • e41 col.! water front the jug,. 54x1 the pan„'.. • Will that pit el near ar1.-d the nr.er• syr, totting the action 114 the word lis a short tinge the nnf.nuoatc nlan began 1.• recover, and turning to the. parson, Itis c. e. yet awlum,ing in yea.'. - exclaimed •• • Stranger, you .-ail yourself a'Varselist, I believe •' •• • 1 do,' mildly •nawerri the parson. '• • Wel, 1 want 111 know if you funk u consistent with y.e.:r ielie•f to Co 4h..ut wit*, hell -.fires is vour bte•••h,'. prket''' St !esus. Repui.lic. COUNTY CJRRENCY .l."•eph Scott and tamely, of the fourth line, Mw f Is. kit for North Dakota last eek. The late Robert l hrr, Non ham, had his life insured for 58,000. H. was a very worthy citizen. T. Scott has been appoiuted Ie.der of the Presbyterian choir at Wineham, at a eatery of $200. A. few days ago Theo. Fleming, (!rotor, received a che.lue for $200. part of the estate .1 • brother who had .purl on the other side. K. I,eatherdale, undertaker, Brussels, attended riven funerals m five days, la gnppe being re.poneible m the maponty of I he dent ha. Daniel Lovtgoorl, 'Lunch, and his brother William have gone to Ilakots. They were accompanied by their brother in-law, Mr. Little, and his wife. Stanley Anderson, formerly of Brunets, succoisfully passed his examination a. an LDS. He stood sixth im the elms. He u epeeist" en office in Mitchell. Geo ('alhick, sou of councillor ('elbick, Morrie, who went to British (Columbia last Spring, has returned hole. While there he was working in a sugar refinery. Thos. \Woodley, of the London Road, has rented his farm to Wm. Berry, of the Hill Road, for • term of five years for *300 per year. The farm contains 100 acne. The eldest son of Mr. Somerville, of Mor ri., was buried at Sunshine oo Saturday, fi(h asst. The youngest son, who has been .afhriag with poeumons, is now out of danger. .loot H. Sellars, of the first line, Morris, who left for Victoria, K.('., last Spring,has returned to the parental roof and is of the opinion that his native Province is by far the beet. Simnel Rowell, of Midland, who died on Saturday, 5th ins% , was the eldest .on of the late W.n. Rowell, of 1Tuntn*. He leaves • wife and •me child. He was • brother of Mia Rate Rov.Il, end • cousin f Mee .lone Hedgers., of Chaco". Kni..ek l'st A number of boys, 81 tees in .11, who were annoying A. Bruce Wt Monday night got nut of the difficulty by handing over ten cent. each, rattler than hays the reeve deal with the cam. The money .woe of 1110 lads realise that they dna own the town altn"gg.ether the better for the gond name of Brua.el& .1. Roos ILnhertenn, proprietor of 'i'he Toronto Telegram ani greed Master of the Grand Ma.nntc Lodge .if (attar -10i pied R-,'.nai. Iwelge, fits Orth, a fraternal visit 0o Thursday He was very cordially sal entned and A..pitably entertained by Wor .M dol Muter it Smith Sed officers the ocers and hrethrw. t4 Britanw,,. H. W C. Moyer, V ('., of Wtngaam, who is enraged to defend Harry t harlot t, the all forger, who ie wawtel his Vas Al.tye•. Teras, has rendered for Me nee - vies . hill anr'unting to *5.12 20 He aye be was hired to ...Weed Garbett by yrs. Ayer's Bak Vigor B Ins "Steal' Hatrdire *sg. 1a rep 1 snores the color mew halt ; promotes • fre..l. and vigorous growth . preveli s the formation e.1 daudrull: makes the lett eon and stikl•r; a1.d departs a deli. rase Mu leading per- fume. ew f ume. "rlrr,•rSl mouths ago wv 1.•ir 'o s- meshed failing nut, aid In n few weeks Iny heel w alt alnwot tall I turd many rrm...di•s. hot they did no good. 1 nnaL 1y b•agl,t a bottle of leer', Har Vigor, sad. after using oily a pert of the outs - wins. my head was covered wit► a heavy growth of Mair. 1 ree.uumend your preparation ea the best la tlh. world:" -T. liuttday, Sharon ('rove, Ky. "I have triol Ayer's Haar Vigor for • somber of year*. and It has always gives me sausfaetion. it Is an excellent Jena tag, prevents the hair trona turning gray, iwres its v growth, sat! keeps the scalp white w.l clean." - Mary A. J.tk on. tislem. Maas. "I have tassel A V pr's Hair Vigor few prosenti.44 the growth of the hair. awl thunk at uurqual.l. For restoring Ns hair t. tau original color, and for &dress- ing, It cannot be eurpaased " --firs. One 1.14 lever, Eaton Rapid.", Mb'h. • Ayer's Hair Vigor b a !nae excel- lent `Ireparation for •t- hair. I speak d It (roma my own experience. Ira ire premolar the growth .41 new hair and sake* it whimsy and salt. The Vigor d aMo a cure for 4iandruf."-J. W. Hewes, Editor " Enquirer," McAether, Ohio. .• I have used Ayer's lialr Vigor for the past two years. and Mead it all it is M sled to be. It restores the natu- ral color to gray hair, enters the hair to grow freely, sett lierpt it soft and pliant" -Mrs. M. V. L'iy. !'oboes, N. Y. •• MV father, at street for at, of env, loin all the hair Den the timid hie head. After one mosr1rl, trial of slyer + Hair Vigor the mots 'beton coming, and, in three menthe, be 1.14 a nue growth Irl hair of the natural eulur." - P. J. Cullen. Saratoga Springs. N. Y. Ayr's flair Vigor, e agate4, ay a Or. 4. C. Ayer & Co., Lown!, Mass. Bold by 1)ruggt,s sod rerfuoers. ir.:rif 're irt C Nene fite fe�l Mt,J CO' �5 • , CYYDE1_D �. W. T. HAYS & Co. SAO awl examine tzar Ir►rpp7...• egllnt stock at e c.- {s:�,x. _ rtiMh -1 pis • NewSpring Hats L'o:aprL•toir, all the newe.t styless fur the cousublf sellas) ; also * rola. pl. tee u••w .t..ek of wht�t• shirt.. anti n Cull :L ..,mule nt 11f ne tele arra and flukey t1uout.a A special feature for the co g season ire be s f tt NEW S'1'O( 11Yc.'VF S )(_)UTI NG 0ETTFITS which hS,joat lee rr.vit,,l anti comprises 4 Baseball, Lacrosse, Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Camping and Bathing Outfits. Be sure to tall and sew our rtwk .arid priers Ault int touyiiit•.il 1.11.1 ,. have the right article for you. 11geuts tor the Parisian sta-ani laundry. W. T. HAYS & Co. tap.. fiastrt.Isi, and Aquae, k.B.B.+ad all le*i!lag pale 000DE'S CONbITION POWDiu : >;f u. t,r> • sissy t mt•, its , ie • I \ In medicines quality is of first im- rtance. We use (.•lily the purest and best drugs in our prescription work. Personal attention. W. C. GOODS, Dispensing Chemist. i® sesss•msr J)H,� i. ACHESON. PUREST. STVONC T, BEST. 5�M•tT fn' tea in S,.7 gwanate. r•., .atom Rewe, io(Wlno water ,i -u, tree. a• it a:,4nhna 011+12. On lw'1, tit sof till' father I b ,. to r.•turn thanks for the' ver}' lih.•r:td Ma. A eon rV eaa. as rat e...: . Seta by all ! rave,* sad Drwaalet.. ,*,trbriagt' 11.•stt,wi'.1 1114.11 tligl ,Iur111g 111, t•1' :lrIIIi, ':11,'. ate' take 1,,h 11 s L W. e6 IIaLIht•I`•I'. 1`or'araseare ' _ :Its ;11 AMA:DC'111•g r'o'ar I vi Ill -manioc Ow burtttt'sa with n complete -luck of PLD THECOOICSBEST FRIEND LARG=IIT SALE Oa CANADA. C. SEALER, - Office In M. lis an - NEW BLOCK( -e)Pre the Merger. - Money to Lend -40- Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notes Cashed, CITY -- COAL AND WOOD Coal, Wood and Kinr'ling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, Hard Coal. Best quality chestnut, stole and egg coal constantly on hand. Soft Coal. Hist Shawnee lump coal for use in grata', stories, furnaces, etc. Blacksmith Coal. Hest quality genuine Blos.hurgh amithing .road now on howl. Spaniel attention given to town try trade Cordwood. I have purchased 1,000 cords d maple' and beech wood, 4 feet long, from Mr. X. Baee'hler, of the Falls Reserve, on the river " Menesetnng," to he delivered this Winter for town trade, and will bre phoned to receive orders for immediate delivery of this celebrated cordwood at pt'raent market. priers. Hattiet'rseyer. the pioneer's .wether in (;nal. fintlt44 -(corner orf law Fb deems this and refn.m to Victoria and d.trseuy Nn msseisg of every winnowed opposite JOHN S. PLATT, New Gceds ST 1- ew Pri�ee aI The Old. SteS1xi Paying special attention to Dnw (:oasis, IA.iie. .farkets, (!arpeta and Curtain. Our !)res,: flood* .tock is now ••otuplete, comprising the latest ideas few Spring costumes. ((►nly one costume of a pattern). The Ladies' Jackets and Capes nor all of German ulanufncture, which rte itself is a guarantee of a perfect fit, style and finial. The Carpet amt Curtain Departnwnt is upstairs, where will he found a complete stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Wools and !letups ; Rugs of all tier criptions ; Lace Curtains, Chinelle Curtains, Tapestry Curtains . bought for cash and will he sold at the lowest possible puri. Inspection invited. Highest price for hatter Anal eggs. 5/ for tsah. .251-tf JOHN T. ACHESON. Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR'!' "CHRISTMAS CHEER." r NUTS, DATED. FIGS. MALAGA - - FRUIT, GRAPES Bats!er'a Table 7ellius CANDIED - - PEELS. Chas. A. Nairn, Family Grocer, GODERICH, - ONT. BARRY" TN Ferias Dealer, te wellkeg all khans of Neer ew at the Omen, ,smtWa prase wed.kirewe het that M Sem Cheap *r Per nark. He ie eke tM elegli [ tli $meas of the town. pi1'Iming reed id ways krot em head. Re sane • abs a ep.rfslly sf Moore t Ing. Otte M. n eon hetes paceWnt runner* skew here. sad ren wfl led em lent N as he ay► erne chase s For tis tha.kles ase and siteew their par ba bare reeenelvs • psatbtlasee M t\• sane. GEO. BARRY, • Hamilton -et.