HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-17, Page 7DIinionT, . manatee. r w Utporhn► Ie Competition. arrest. RAILw&I (1,1 ews.sld.wd 1., efve the •e ton w i' b fair and per- Bowe erBence peIa i.les and la we. on or every wren who 1. nee ibis re -Marti all Ilse. aro males are .eat/ r-e'wp. •s to em p eat. In eke ambits an . Puede Canes V too 1Jr►/1t tl 11. insect. Oederlo . T -ST. & FEED ,R£. of gotta .end is meet important 'curing a b.wn- i have received f needs, includ- upply of Iy, and Vheats, mil from thole make gore of renh nervier. V IDEtAN ItI7 and all ovop Mlv b BaIL iRIUM. istomerw for tbdo rair dealing and confidence, L• increasing trd• the county. SEB he bought in she t our leading first tints I! CHAFF, ACHESON & i4t1 Tolay we Oren for inspection out irup.pit of Single Dresses, Dress Goods The leap -wear .0.r1 'night try him ddlcate- THE SIGN AU 1bfN !! 10N�'., TIMRSDAT:'MARCH 11, 1892. 000fS MIO ENOfl lint the W hinged 1e tan ores people. and that ilw sec s hire tt task by the ' rom p...hies of Yds Cos w land salvia Juke Paramus,. of t.ls,gow, spoke td the brOrval sag tuuJa..matel Mures that would ine the Ind beck &gem mu. the rireanm el the tem Ll r who rttattoe, ao d w.a41 4a- nt.le 1I aro, tuappr.'i.l .ata to theme -41m of Cha• COWL et4ty the tit ire waarotd tncnoocut of the rates .t mutate .trikihg out the Time loafers were largely represented is I the Krtle lineal riots davasa.h hews ih,ektr deaddfitshitsstaysane high, bol she 'mud, ham 'Mt t'htagu Tinea 1'' r nettle mob. Sommer Leat ein1 ! 0.41 Wtkt purp•ser, weeLu w'► Sulpi.0 >, r� �+ ; '► with a little pup yarn. Luu4 1l.r111441 and Costunes.''erJUttlual. Never before have we had such pleasing effect and stylish gds. Inspection invited at once, as single costumes w can- not repeat. 200 feces of Frena Sams llr1 CMics In the bast qualities produced. Patterns and colorigs in our immense range are far superior to any ever heretofore shown in Goderi::n. W. ACHESON & SON • 11 rd's SIASIul4 FOIL CROSS CUT SAWS, in which we lead. CATTLE CHAINS, Finest ia band, at rit lit ,Trio BEST MAKES OF AXE .11 prices wh lea will make ke ya R. P. WILKINSON 84 Co. 1 h IYMKT. rag' VIM% !TRILL. )W8, ssollere ..:..rtraaet:7 we e-rteW0•Ale • y:.• .,Ver:•toe .I...4teetaai .t. a.a esvereet p.: a• DIRECTLY TO TME 5PC IjiSTANTAlIFOUS IS ITS For CRAMP'S. CHILLS, Didr.2R:.(rA. DYSEN C::OLiiIA 11107:Et% sad : tS rOW EL CO%tPL. pop AL11C0I t01UAt* I•:� 1�:e:i`1- :iLL 1n CtieJeJit o (.11r_torriro Co'v «set» it t efrcct )a v'. ci47 fL7o'. MAW: ye5ial+;te 4a: I.: Sri P , :td L AT1S ai. 1tURA1..:1A and TOOT E. :oat eveirrwr.mwm or Sic air brims ol (Jimiledllr /4i ay. IrpSARE MAKI1 G WRONG IMPRESSIO WRFI'uEVER YO L O If this is not the pattern THE DIST THE BEAT THR filts'r THE BEST THE BENT TnE BEST Tit R KIST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE HUT THE RELIT THE RUT T II I BEST THE HEST TnE 818T THE HEST THE IMO` THE BENT THE HEST THE HEST Ins mist. or Int eaax.r iCtmmlt- 18 THB IS THE 18 THE 14 THE 18 THE 18 THE TRE BEST THE 14847 THE BENT THE REST THE 111ST 1 HE BUT THE BENr THE MCAT THE BRAT THE 14887 THE BERT THE BEAT THE BEAT THE HENT THE REST THE BErT TB It BUT '1'141 #1104T TNR HtjT THE 13114T TAI %MAT T RBA? TRIP. BRUT TIM BEST TR iN I8 1R 1R CREA PERT CHEAPEST OH EA PEST CHI1PEST CHEAPEST CHEAPEST AND AND ANu AND AND AND THE THE THE THE THE THE -u ors SIGNAL SIGNAL 81I114 PL SIONAL KIONAL SIGNAL THE SIGNAL; r e.d'•r ow • THE o1f1Ai1RT THE CH POST THE 0141APB4T THE OKRA VENT TIM OHM %PEST THE OHBAPiItST AND AND AN 1) AMI) AND AND THs THE 734E THY. THE THE 1 As a pro k u.r up at'.er est twelve exertion .r exposure, Llillwru'e Bret, Iron sod Wine .s giatetul end twrfoetiote. las luau Hey le c•w.i,krol lea:kiirr in Eye - muddy who•. he will not eters entertain 4111 odes. Bettor Tranee.lpt. Ale Inactive trt'orpii liver must he aroused i •unlII had hale re.uoa 1. Burdock Pills tae Lad fur old or young. lm While laving aide )'ter `ay ci,thing dur u;( lent, ,lo not lay abode the mantle of your charity. -Hashimoto Americas'. %Vali the taunting 044(4 tee both arms`" Mks a st101.1iet. Yes, if lie ,•w trust the rat w haiu11e the rains. I'hilailelpha Press. Moine symptoms of worms ere : - Fever, • varia1.414 .ppsttte, re.tle.useee, weak n en aril pet. ul.ioas. The unfailing remedy is Ik I.ow'. Worm Syrup. lm These are the times when the physlctai. pr..•tietn diligrutly the art of heeling anti thereby beuonicth roU heeled. Chicago rriluue. teed, mange anal scratches of every kind, .ti Iwaatu tar ►111111+1., cured in 30 utiatitee Ly Woolf,rl's Sanitary lotion. This never +14. Sold by Y. Jorilan. 915.1) Typewriters *that "stub Gagers. Mo. fereaffect stall. p-ts, sportsm cis stub -trot :u.e and swell Luys maddest toes. harm - soh News. ••Ayer'. Medicines have been satisfactory to roe throughout nay practice, eep4rially Ayer's Cherry Pectoris', which b... he.. '.rel by many Ut toy patients, rete of whom rays he knows It east .1 hie lila." 1. 1, Morris. M- h., Bnooklyu, N. \' One of the hest tali pit.htm in this cou1• try, it is said, .e a matt Carrier of Miunsup- ohia,_ wh, ret mese to 041ter tit pioh-minim! field. EC en Ilia nutter ...cutest ion requires 1 soredel1rery. I'l '.delphia Leaser. English Spas in 1. oiuscnt reiaoee all fool: soft or toilettes -A lump. and h.trmwboo from bo1ers, bio Al „p,a in,tatrhs,.ptints, rink Corn, aret,,ev, .titles, sprains. same and molted thrust, °ought+, eta care $55) 1.). use of tate l.ttic. Warranted the taunt wonderful 'wen:;sb curt. ever known. Knits by F. Jordan. 96-1) The electric light men are ducueain; everything in their list from the arc down. It...•h,ster Poet. A • • sure cera " us a remedy that nue pre fen to retool...end to another rather then. try :t a Kt1 htnueif. Farb seseou has its own !,;.alter malady ; but with the Mood tnamtnit.rd in a state of mei •ren sager end purity- by the use of Iyer+ tiar.+p.tilla little danger need he '.+n-.1 1,.'m net.oroiogic.•1 in$uett.s. No other blm,d tue..ioine ie w •sa:e and ttlen !Lye. - --- --- A rte tiro t bear any toe threatening to knock the rpou off the sun. l'ittalwry t•hro.niek. The ability of the gas company to mike Iloth ends meet depea s to the meter. Chi - ,ago Time.. 18 BES r 18 BEP r IS BEST I8 1188T 18 BEST 18 MIST BEST BEST BEKT 814T 8187 1 BEST BEST MIST BRAT BEST BEST BEST BEST 11387 BUT BEST HIST BEST BENT 818T .BEST 8147' His r 111187 BEST BENT BEST REST BENT 8287 11E81 0181 BERT 81f1N AL (41+11 81414AL BEST SIt1NAL 141.47 NMN ALREA1 RIPON AL. 8 MON ALi RUST Mr. John A Campbell. St. Mixt*, time., writes: "My wife was unwell for four years from irregular periods, brought about by, a seven cold. She tried may remedies, but without relief. !Seeing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised, 1 procured two boxes and the result is a p4rmaMt etre. They are tile beat medicine in the world for the .Iseau's you represent them for. Kota by all dealers SINGLE TAX 1N SCOTIA. Tis notarise MAIMS fsadtd Peegr•se Jima tow. Pubic opinion in Sootla d has made sped progress in flat direction of nettling the land gssatios on the lase of the 'eagle tee ea bad values When one thinks of the indomitable fight for freedom made by the Scots he olden day', It is not wosderfal that the Sects of oar day should be in the Iwameet tanks of the fight to free labor (rout the croaking burden of load monopoly. Mere are a few facts about this great ad- renal of public opinion La Jamitary a sub-oomesittee of the Glas- gow police conoro moo strongly r.00meesd- d the adoption of groand values as • bane at Boal taxation. Is February Mr. Provsnd'o mini- elicited a large 'support from the liberals in the Home of Commons. 1. Oeteher the coalmines of the wasters sesta- el the Scottish Liberal A-eeia11.., held is (tlaegow, usasimo.dy adopted the reeolatioo "That the 14.4 belongs to the whole commusiy sod that the value or rest ehoul« be used for public purpose. only." And the cosferesoe of the eastern section, held in Perth, resolved, " That the time has conte when the monopoly of Toad should *z. dealt with i. mob • m.a.ar that a eonnnen isterw41 shall be secured and the right of tth..�meople W its uoearmed nonenie.t re- Atththe( remit municipal elections fear ad- ditiogal declared magi* tax mea were re- turned to the Glasgow tows ouoertl TNI wpr*RJ LltamAll. At the .onferesos of the affiliated wester* ..aociatioee of the Scottish Liberal Association the following episode occurred whoa the resolution above .e.otioned was passed. it 4 significant se .bowing the growth et Bangle ax sentiment u :Scotland: Dr. limiter. M. P., moved This ono- ferenee declares that our system el load tenure mad sdmidatrotMm le detrimental 1e serial progress and calls for rwrlhrl Mons in remove of the falleering Ma other de taiY 41l Repel of the laws of endemism : (2) free sok end oheapi.d tans* r t (31 r>r tion of all bad values, less iniprormssin (4) slatotory powers to tonal I.therities be argmire load for pahlio aro. Cea dlkar Peed4. d Govan, sonnnded 1k. Renter's memint M►. Meiat ly ssid it was torr tee Llk.rsl As-n4tWa /e remains, the tee Iaredlori held that rhes& 151 meat Mae to Balm : DO YQU KNOW ALECK SAUNDERSI demand tot the repeal o1 the later of ow ettersom was thea tawriat4*. Mr. Me -Lardy ..gwiu 54-484, and after say- eros that the easootettoes had been naiad to exposes (home «eat uo the land yuretur, and the molder .( 11r.Ltuuur w L,• I. h. l ColoYO ik Come down .Rowe.! 1 hot the lam) yueett.a, was is,pmrtata• •u*►tow with there as wuutt.we, he oo.4l that the f..l•uwiag nor.!. he added to the reeolutxrll Further, that Chu ..matereo.m declares stat the laud bol,ase 10 the whale ct1,.t„uuu., 41 .1 that the value off the tool should Le mod for pufdi° permeate truly. Kao M r. t'rutclishooks seconded thin suit whereat. Ix. Moder ltd that. persenally be had no ol.jo,:uon to addles words ..f wl.at 1.• considered wholesome doctrine. If that was the opinion of the momiag he .h.ul.l le sorry !het the *toed be put w au eu,eudu,eut ; la would rather incorporate It a+ pate of the a»tIuu. Mr. John Ferguson supported 16- trail toot as enlend01 b44 Mr. Mal rL.rvly, an, amidamidstatute of 44 .. IC ora put W the deet typ Ing aid adopted. ' LL Leads else t • $dare. The foremost medicine of the day,Burdock Blow' Bitters, is a purely vegetable onto. pound 1'rusesaing perfect regulating power. over all the organs of the system and coo tr,llug their secretions. It so purities the blood that it curls all blood humors and discuses from a tionunoo pimple to the wont scrofulous sore, and (hie, combined with it unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purity ing iufiuence on the secretion+ of the liver, kidneys, bowed and skin, residers 1t unequalled as • cure for all diseases of the skin. From one to two bottles will cure Lulls. pendia blotches, nettle rash, scurf, triter. and all the purple forms of skin .Iteeare. From two to four letters will cure telt rheum or eczema, spirgles, cry .tpel.•ts. etleere. :.tecesee., rtihtslug sires. ad all skin eruptions. 1t is noticeable that sutlerors from skin diseases are near!) always aggravated by intolerable tteltiur. taut thin quickly .alaltle4 on the removal the disease by R. B. 1:. Passing on to graver yet prevalent diara,ee such a+ sero' nous swelling.. humows and scrofula, la. bore uttloubted proof that from throe to .is leottue used internally and by outward epp11c8tion 'diluted if the skin is broke., to the affected }arta will effect a ,ore. The great mts►tnn of It. 1:. B. is to regut- ate the liver, kidneys, bowels and Mond, to correct acioiaty and wring action of the Monteith mud W open the $1u1.' -.sways of the ryrtrw to carry off all clogge.l and impure .ecretitla', allow ing n.ture thus to aid rr- ,-0140ry and rerienve without fail bail bloat, liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache..irnps)•, rheumatism. awl even - special of dimmer arising frau «hoarder of the liver, kiehe)5, bowels, stomach and 6'4.04. We guarantee every Lottie of 11. 11. B. Should any perwon he 41.81 1,18M aft' -r ue int the first hook we will refund the money on application. prrr.tally or Ly latter. to a rill oleo be glad to seu.1 testi monads and ioforntatino prof ing the effects of B. Y. B. to the abd1e atoned di. gimes en application to T. Mitac!.$'. t ('n., Tor- onto, Ont. 2 RR. Jos. is (h. N/Prat. The Hand hook of Canadian Dates shows St. John W be the oldest incorporated cit in Canada, the dates of irosrporation being as follows : Kt. John . May 18 1785 Toronto Mareh 6 1834 Quebec ... June 25 1840 Montreal June 25 1840 Halifax April 10 .1841 Kinrstos ..... . May 18 1846 Hamilton • June 9 1847 Fredericton.... . Much 30 .. 1848 London.. January 1 1855 Ottawa... . January 1 - • ...1856 Charlottetown .Apriu5 .....1..:1855 Victoria .... August 2. . 1862 Winnipeg. .... November .... . 1873 C. C. R,eH sats+ t Co. Gamrt Inks, - -Is driving over the masa tains 1 took • severe cold which settled in my back and kidneys, causing me many steeple= nights of pato. The first applies. tics of lel I h A KD'S LINIMENT eo relieved sae that I fell into a deep "Leopold complete recovery shortly followed. Jose S. McLtom. Amrd+a. WEST STREET? are Invited to Call and Make Ilia Acquaintaf LOOK WHAT HE DEALS IN : SAMTAlti i'L1\l1U\I'I AND HEATING. .A.LFItED 1IOBBS OF TORONTO, I l:te clsarge of thi3 Lk paertnlsnnt. Pima ,oltl apelciticatiotie carefully i.i epsred. If you ane buildiu,,, Rive me stall. , au .tat.• you uionev ALL INVITED TO CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. su;'i' ME1'AL ORK Tin, Copper, Brass or • Galvanised Iro! JAMES PRICE Is In charge of 1 --- - at earttrtn1. 1 31111 prepan.l t,. •••t 'nate on awl .err job. Itooting Anti ..., I.;,•. work, tar.^ troughir..1 an•I -lana,!': _ Steam -Fitters' and M i I I men's Brass Goods. ALL - KINDS - OF - IRON - PIPE - FITTINGS INIMMIMIIMUNIMar Valves, Unions, :Cocks, Nipples, from one-fourth inch to 6 ir_ci'e-, ss: maasr:.•211111111111M MILK Siovos aid Tinware. 1 rte ode sine fear the 4*)) 1se of the � & C. C1INEY C/1 Anel carry 11 lin.• of their goals surpassed by nu otlo•r. 1hetlrr. My hand -made Redipped Tinware hum come 30 'day :u• ; ; p;l%inl• _f'4"1 sett -.faction CANS, MILK 1'AILS MILK 1':1 Everything for tltr hairy. Extra ht-avy KLl111'I'E.L) TIN. There is only one ALECK SAUNDERS. Mnemerit;rmema:mlr_. K!Icftll IIfllIShIIIS. HANDY ARTICLES Khat. Ise .alt •.1 t. r• the hf,:1,-.,•. Library Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Mixed Paints, Kalsomine, Polishes. :II",v'ery"thtng for Ow omen.. PKIt'i•$ lilre1IT A. B. CORNELL -TKZ LEADING IiicLean's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, ['ILL tx)NT1SUKS 73 CONDUCT FUNS 1,41.9 AT 111:3 USUAI. 1.0 N PRI ism. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. VNO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. tl.e.•ty A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. Abend LE.efrlflh . ii yea ear arouse cariosity by as adver- tisement it is • creat point piled. The fair sex don't hold all the curio.ty to the world. A thing worth doing is worth doing well. A thing worth advertising is worth adver- tising welt A sewapaper worth dverti- inr in MOO is worth asaki.g . construct with. It 4 a mistaken notion that • fine store in as eligible location..orroanded by at- tractive ergs,, is a superior advertisement, for the cxpsriesoe of the- most v.eerprlei.g me.rohsses is Mat it pays better to spent lata is toss hod mars i. advertising. De.'t be afraid to invest in printers' ink, lest year made of life be nearly run out. Trying to de beau+.- without advertising is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know .1351 ytls lira dar& but oobtidy ..4e does. The enterprising adver tissr proves that Pte nedirrtlende how to bey.heeauae in ativelrt4 ins he knows how to sell. Dread 4 the staff of human life, earl ad- vertising le the staff of hsdaess. A simple card nay profitably sand yam without Amigo, bat a ane tioaal dvertiee- nemt should be changed as cites as you em get the printer to do it. Now a the time to think .best advertis- ing, anal reMotiom ehosld be followed try osetie.. Yew east eat menet is a week to hest yea e year, .sd yea ase'% adverWt. on that plan eiter. Weft *11.151bwi. It is the carnwt report about town that Ecesp's Balsam for the threat and lunge is making some rel ark.hly cunt. with wive are. trneldmi with mragb, sore t root., M.hna, lwoach(tle mrd ceesemptiem. Amy drumlin will giro yea • trial bottle hue d AMA. It Y g.syoat.ed to relieve INA sera i The large UMW see Me. end Iii. (=mil EPPS'S COCOA *1Li1`ssAi'. "fly a shoro0N* knowlydae of the natural laws which solvent the operstiora of dtestfoa and cut r(tIoo. sad by a reread atpliceUoe eerr she fine proportion of well -selected i 000► glpoe hes provided our breakfast tables with a in many vy tors' Ii 14 k7 tthelhich war gays amts use of such articles elf stet that s ems* eases mut w salty b -- until= MIAOWt =erode � M to ever APPLJCATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES 3 III -DANDRUFF DANDRUFF ARANTEED D. CAVAII. la swims rowwvie et irir 1.111114 .1 illa AM,. Imola It •0111 sad Aid*. sad Easton; Faun bair teas Opp, hail of hair. Keeps the Leda &AO. PremiAlle Own'. MIAOWto d Hwwarnof bath M mtskedMs eve_ flaaYwm elan zrooliemeiis onreeliwo waousint=11tr= e.ert.tb KEEP YOUR FEET DRY• wound remili to admit wherever tis • weak point. We may verstai Mimi • filtel gra Elervire'74e9f7frer nage omen web frifillis w =inf. JAMES SIPA Co, meneereneenur theme This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing Bold ealy nackesaby Wooers. labelled tins Ms. floodlost. your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of NEW ARRIVAL WINTER COCOS. LATEST STYLES. st assmossai to be chores out. Parfell DU H. DUNLOP, The Werash MTo take Arm se Weal Aro D at mos iiimerimairessi. asimpris. aft maw el flat.. and Iteetinsase, N. T visitor wile MOM 11.1.1040•101111 .1•011111) 0.00,110011 =tit WORD OtO rad nstormistisa. MOIL OM, Tn AN WANTE YOU WILL FIND MY oak of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete Prices lower than thE lowest. 6 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work.