HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-3-17, Page 4"VERY
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hotheads .% th� de^'er"w sad
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e alines east 1hrs1111 Adv.Marene.ts.
A limited nif gess[ s eteenlee-
pleate will ha
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Per beck, ese
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No advert 1 is
length win be Uwe Croke. is
net. et. dlr•sesrt en shove tai t
se three tnnnlh.veach woman.
nmoMh.'. and le ; N per nest. on Na
eeiaditio•e maw lapse SS • )este Thin.
. .afereed.
seem "Tse slimed -• Mll.se r.
Swieeraberm W110011110 twelve Tux Sw'AL
regularly. either Mi emHer or b mutt will
meter a (aver he us of the L. et
as early a date a
Leek est err Mabel.
Yoor label to • =ft: receipt of the date
le which ye' .le OM that it is nut
allowed to /all h1e prwras
When a c of t. desired. Aeon
the old add t .w .boe'ld be stints
Rejected mtheseHpm cannot he marl tweed.
Cone•pon.usea matt he written on one side
.d paper only.
loins eser's ..else.
J. C. Le T e� O4or$ch, hiss been ap-
sates et usherbocwl Agent for dhe town-
o ern
immesh. eta.. Ashflrld and Was
Lena poetms,s*ever the dirtrirt .re slao
empowered te atselve wb.eri.tion. to Tar
An w esminicatiees mast be addressed to
Tina atom,!.,
Irelepbeme (ysY la oedertc i, 1(111.
12 woks ten Ila if W. Nelle:., M.P.,
had .sasuned the rimmed .peoifiestiocs of
"iiisaoner Jed., twee" before he spoke
es the Loudest oath
Hexane ('.) Jour Genuine sad hie Honor
Judge BLUM` bad •' a lamj poll, s Strong
poll slid • p.11 altogether" to use a �et
splwnine of the Farmer General to tet
the Leedom seat away from IIs rat
Now watch that fair-minded men, Sir
Jos& Teesesee, pat in his pettifogging
legal objections to the holing of boodle In•
v..tigatiomo. He has • strong enough maj-
ority now to Dome off his high mond roost
WILLA., whale is the strong man from
Ontario who was to become a member of
the Dommism Cabinet, secordi.g to lett
Jou Trowrsem. Be surely didn't mean
Omsk • political _e iseanpt e. JAN,. COLE -
s110Dil PATTOSSs when he spoke.
Ho long as the Oovarsieet of the day
dangles musty judgeships as • prise for par-
artisanship rather lite as • reward for abil-
ity joist se losg Ula country will have •
good average crap *et Judge F.wor'i mad
ftssoma S. &new willing to work as
hired men is the pithy interest.
Ten mmo P11miAr, who was aver heard
al ie polities bases, developed a wonderful
elesmgth in the Saint Perth election. First
Miig be hatters they'll be making him •
Cabinet Miaitlar few wrenching • gerry-
mandered tmmmfdtmmisy from the (:rias. He's
pretty near as aNe a statemmas in this direr
Moo as Pilgrim Pawemmten.
Sous perms@ SSW le a long way for a
very[ small thimg. A fermi resident a
Perth comity same an the way to t:edench
this week t. have W .haracter aa•sssed,
the medium ef awes&mSS1 to he by way of
• newspaper libel wit 1M got • dolimr'a
worth d character by thinks* to nd.rich,
and he alight dere dens better by staying
et house.
Jot. Two., .1-M.P. be South Perth. and
the wall -knows Liberal chip at Ottawa for
n eedy twenty rano. was in town due
Mg the weak. W. home he paid Tn.
8.OIAL • Tint, a•d wag pleased to wee that
Merank favorite weekly talll kept on in the
OMB Miner of im way. Mr. Teta had
visit from the " P e" Thieves,- and has
ergine W the esmolwlam th•h the wow will
Oaks everything whale rehab. They are as
hoggish se the me* that broke into the
Meek sad stole the pip ewes, and would
ham Melon the bessestd My the foiled&
Men stoner were .et ke ten deeply
Bamhtltenapae iter hick* th. ferry
Mg of the hyeslw11e11Y le le be attributed
he • change ed hast sp.rIwesd by the
fesmers es the teed. ,,__I e and that the
remit is des te the esker @wend tb.eght of
the Memnon*. se M yeah, sad pure pat-
riotic imp.ha Yes 1 14111 flo solar
end thought and patrblie impale* which
e [heed the obis. ef verge is .inch mei every
e..stitsescy whisk romesd i1. .pnvwws
sees was the wee ChM lett 'Phe lihwtetater
to write patpri s y AS MM. Gnome.
neat when it was g.tM
i•Mo- prices for
governmental job The elm ably
dollar is loaded to lis Mrwm.dlereate with
Mgt hied el peteiskimm err beadles! by
fried& el the Ost.M (1w•Otai en* in bye
L1t-Hmors Jennie Jewsenem, d West tta
wamasa, was lm woe Set -MIT bstaad odd
Tam ben At. Asa be did.* Mmes• the re-
.maths ea Um MSSitmha•' w11111111111111yttnb..
fed he Ilii. ft will sight ertdreew•• ke W.
J.oiwle to pewee Go .era as !tit es Utah I otherwimam massing the scheme through I [Lily NH of the growing strength Of I L I BERA Ls
partiealar seeeti.g was esaeerued. Toe
Stumm asked Mr. Jon mime to give los aer-
obia of the sass for puWiiateth its 11. telt
name, but the gesthmaa refused. We doo't
avow why Mr. Jonesvos •huuid nut wast
Ihe readers wno rea.! 1 be original statement
to sic his vrretuu But a..metuuer it law ice
to give a petite etettn.eut as marrow a sea
e tttuency as passable, sad probably friend
.1011 aro% will &tail htu.s.lf of the limited
circulation of The star. 1f he is satisfied
to de se. Tut "lineal will tsel like the sago
who hot his legs iu the pwmill it won't
k ick.
Tan oossanallil the Tat tem.
The fate that has overtaken M.*
rlxr is the fon-runner of a general
political tleaniug up at Ottawa, and
speak% faturably for the political mor-
norality of the Canadian electorate.
Twelve short montes ago, when
Mttu'ine was at the head of the
largest following which he ever led,
tate teen who would hate prophesier[
his political downfall nay, more, his
politics! death would have been
Itwokrtd upon as one tit only to be an
inmate of a lunatic asylum. Yet in
the brief tern, that Malt elapsed what
:a miracle has INN I! wrought ! 11mine
from the (height of the political pedes
tel has been thrown to the bse,:and the
erstwhile corporal's guard of 11Iruit has
'swelled so that it now represents
three-fourths of the entire represents
tion of the Province.
The people diel it.
So atnmg a Ovate of popular indig-
nation swept over Quebec Province
when the full disclosures in connection
with oficial headline were made that
nothing could withstand its force.
1lettoltlt'a 01.1 t • popularity availed)
hiui nothing. The old-time endue.
i,L+m which haul been the harbinger of
au1•eYtue :afnr'tlrue MAY not Abroad in
the lanai. The twcr which heal
pre[ iou,ly .-harmed failed of effect.
The olil.rn'. died in the air. The
solid Nationalist phalanx failed away.
MEitel EIS and political oblivion hail
What had csu<ed this wondrous
t -hang,• inside of one brief year? The
diu.•,tion is not a hand one to answer.
The people's eyes. had been opened ;
they had found] th.t the feet of their
idol were clay. TE, worship of the
party fetish was brushed aside and
the turt:tin was raised upon astound-
ing dis.•lo,un•• which stamped Mlle
rip., xnd hi> assowia as a gang of
boo -idlers lit only 1 the political
and, to use a enphonism d
the tilne•.whit h carries out the analogy,
they got it in the neck."
The people did it, and they did
wisely and well.
But with the wiping out of Nervier -
ion the work is not all done.
There are hill. beyond Pentland
And friths beyond Forth.
There are wider widths and deeper
depths of boodling infamy for the
electors of Canada to take " into their
serious consideration" than those which
proved no disastrous to Horokt Mta-
c1Ek, and they are not hard to find.
True, desperate effort,: have been made
to keep them from public view, and
the art of the .demagogue and the
force of Parliamentary majority bare
leen brought to bear to )star a screen
or place a cat of whitewash, as the
coat may be, before the public eye, but
behind the demagogues screen be-
hind the east of political whitewash
eon lie plainly seen a (lovernment'a
vi dionor a Cabinet's shams.
.1 good beginning has been made
in relegating M tart se to the political
Potter. Field. But the action which
deprived him of political life was only
the beginning of the good work of a
ration's regeneration in political moral-
ity Quebec's rad alines are hut
patches in comparison with the
plundering at Ottawa. The high
priest of political doodling has his
headquarters at the Dominion as►pital,
and to complete the goal work which
hue annihilated Mtmcten it is nears -
'tory that toe fort of popular indig-
nation should now be directed that
It. is for the people to do their duty.
Will they An its
StlaOIMala ASM Illfewann . r
It's a long lane, it is said, that has
no turn, and this aphorism applies to
the (ioderirh railway agitation at pre
tent. 1t seems that • favorable turn
is shout to take place and in our local
column will he found particulars con
corning the resent meeting of the
dirt ctrwate of the proposed road.
Tuesday, the 22nd,has Inion decided
upon as the day for turning the ' • first
sod.- the time twin, 1 o'eloek r r , and
the place Ilaltfori
in addition to oil try[ the
information, the minutest also inform
u• that, es the money markets are in
• trtisdactot'y oonditton at the pfwaroit
time` there is likely to be little or ms
difietillj is bonding the rood lad
10 a .ueceasful jatwe.
Effort will also be made to rocas
the (:osernment subsidy of $3,2
per mile, and this with pmbiicspiri
action on the part of the wuaicipali
interested ought to go ti Tong way
Liberalism in Britain, and whit.'b Mee
re daily chronicle the ,decay of the party
00 - of retrogression in the land beyond the
td Use.
this Six moths fruits today may see a
w Roval Cbtt.ulisaion appointed by a
Mails making a .ut.•eas of the elite
Let us kut.e
the reamed, by
171 Tart EISA Teat.
.tImaily it is beginning to look
'Toryism iu Britain was
Every probability points to *
Lidera: reaction in the Mother
r tBriti..h'Aberal flot.•ruule,,t w ulvesti-
1 gpte Ottawa raactalitier just :as the
all ("Schee Wailers were brought to book
by a s1.'•iet lnseetigptioe incited by.
the Federal Uoventnoeyt and wlwn
that day coni•., chid h.-ay.•n hasten the
day ! there will be such a disking up of
dry bones, and such an exhibition of
Government rascality M has not been
seen in any country during the present
The wire -pulling and scheming of
xn Ammon, tate legal qv:haling of a
THomrsox, the impudent assertiveness
of a Tuvptr, the brazen effrontery of
a 1140(14 NT Or the picayune shystering
solecisms of a Fo..eak will not prove
to ire barriers to prevent ,utb an in
vestigatiun, or hinder the great public
frac getting at the true inwardness
of a more foul t'oadition of public af-
fairs than has been exhibited in his-
tory since the .lays of Bu.ais tett.+u.
At ••tory joint ire itelications that
strong re% uleism in favor of t
Glradstouian policy hail taken hold
the electorate., and .soh Clay brio
Iulolitional evidence that the Libe
taus. will triumph at the getteraliiiie-
tion which will be held this year.
To the I.ilierals of Canada the eau
tom of (: L.t wdTo!1 t and his party
the polis will mean a great deal.
such an event. ,chilly -&holly, nam
paniby,mealy-mouthed,vice. regal neper
sentatives will betme thing's of t
past: and when the Parliament of t
country is in the throes of the dark's'
boodle investigation flat has degrade'Canada's history it will not be t
tunction of a nervelew Governor -Gen
oral to say, •. 1 go a -fishing " insteadof voicing public sentiment and tun:
ing therascals out.
With the advent of a Irheral Gov
ernnaent in Britain this F•I1 the recall
of His Excellency STANI.NI, lit Preston,
amongst be aongst the probabilities.
None of the Governors (:,'iteral sine
the time of font Eton, have bene-
fitted this country aptfficieutly U. in-
demnify Canada for even the interest
on their w►lariee leaving the per
tlui*itea out of sight altogether anal of
fill the men who have done so little
for their board: :id keep none has, to
ourmind, done -d. little to tate public
interest as his lordship of Paxton.
Witl the a.itrnt of a Liberal Gov-
ernment in the Mother land a revision
of the British North America Act
would lee in order. As it stands now
it is but :a thing of " shreds and
pitches, with loop hulas so large that
hay wngnna could be driven through.
The recision of the B. N. A. Act
would have e result of a new charter
from Ituunymede upon the Liberals
make this country, and would uke Can
ail* a laud worth living in and for As
thing.' stand[ today, we are living on
the brink of a political volcano, not
knowing when some senseless tempor-
ary holder of a responsible office may
so misinterpret the mandates of Par-
) anent that an eruption of a most
violent nature may devastate the land
at short notice.
For some years prier to 1837 Tory
politicians paved the way for the pat-
riot outbreak by riding roughshod
over the liberties of the people and
trampling underfoot tconstitution
of the t•cuntry. in 1892 we have a
entailer state of affairs, and the one,
tion ia, shall this condition of thing.
be allowedto continue without let or
We hate on our Statute Book the that
must nefarious Franchise Act at
ever cursed an unfortunate coun-
try, when. unless a Liberal majority
ranges from'iOO to 1,000 no difficulty
is experienced in stealing a eonititt
nency. We have a Government cor-
rupt from Premier to janitor, with the
leaders brazen, impenitent and glory-
ing in their shame. We have guard-
ians of the legal rights of the people
who have not hesitated to bring dis-
grace and derision upon a dignified
office, as in the ease of ELLtoy, of
London, whose psrtis.nship cannot be
defended. We have a systematized
debauching of the constituencies by
an organised gang of outsiek political
swashbucklers, who invade a ridging as
burglars would a hank, and will not
be eetiefIerl until the sacred right of
the rectorate has leen prostituted by
force of numbers. And we have a
thu.and and one other grievances
one of which in other lands and in
earlier times would have discovered a
Cat its wet!. or ennead the people
Li raise the cry, " To the barricade' 1'
Fortunately for the powers that he,
the titian' anal the manners of the
people in Canada are somewhat Chang
odd or much resealities as the BNount-ort
of HYMAN, or the whiteweshj.g of
bombers Idle LAmotvle, (7o•n.Afln .t
a1 would not he tolerated for an Mur,
men nn would masaidly by waiting
for some kind dispensation of Provi
enema to put thing. to rights in the
sweet brandbye Yon the t.ime•t have I
changed, and no ham the spirit of the
by -
Mr. Ht Teets.. does Out present the toss
be lsquarely in his letter winch appears nanother
column this week. Tits Mies u. did .ot hay
that in the interview with Mr. Hur giros
that gentleman had
" Made it utelersttwsl that a tone' for
Mr. I'ATTEeer'N would he in the men'.
tsereonal Interred.
Tile SIL%Ai, never made such a statement
anil Mr. HI won." knows it. What Tug
NIUN di. .sial era. •
Mr Hera ur+os doe* nut deny, howe.er
that the t•retl n.,'n in question (Meson.
sh:iLvry-t mete it understood that a vote
tor l'ettere,t would he in their t Mos•rs.
/k;lt.viss ! personal 'totem?...
The parenthetic clauses are put in the
above so let M T. H uremtsnt will not again
misconstrue the meaning of the vsot.Dee in
tewtlon.I I y or tint nt.ent it.sal l y,as the case tory
he. To set the matter at rest we Mull re-
pro dutw the rloscuesion bet'ceen Mr. H, 14-11.
MON and Tile Ai with reference to Tint
tiuuNal.'• remarks the week after the else
tion. (bey met near the corner of WeR-et.
and the Nesse and Mr. Huealai".beck
owed. Tit. $ntvat root to the side of the
buggy in whtth Mr. Ht ri•:u te. was mated
and the following took places
"Von have made mureproseutations
about. that matter of intimidating the enc
pl..yer.'leen at rhe milt in Tus Sit:NAL
I..,.t seek. \ uu lute printed what isn't
"If • wremg statement has appeared we
we'll Ir pl.s.tol to .-.trrect the matter text
week. •.
"%Yell. no tnomi.iatios wise used in any
sena! w't•tever, and 1 want it oorrected,
said Mr. Hutchison.
"We will print your denial gladly ; but
'lo you deny that the men were given to
understand that • tote for Palterers
would be in favor of the Rig Mill
•, No," replied Mr. Hotcbunti. " I we&'t
deny that. That was told to Smith
but he didn't vote."
That was 01 that passel, but of is orf
fIewust to .bow that the .tat.m.nt published
by Tet Sieve'. Int week and the week be
fore is correct in every p.rticular.
It 'nay be possible,•:•o,that Senator (kni-
t to was the man who did the talking
in the matter, •ad as be has no in-
terest in the Big Mill, and had no right to
vote on a proprietor) interest in lheoososre,
Mr. Hy- na11MN is probably correct insetting
that" neither ei the owners 1 W. W. Chita -is
and himself) salted & ,ran for a rote.
And, knowing [hie to he the cam, it
ix with groal,nanisfortion that Tien'
mataiat onlikermasSant
AN interesting footrace is now going of
between P. Ksu.y, of Blyth, sad H. W. C.
Merest, Q.('.,o(Wiagbam. The goal sthe
Senatech•mber at INrtawa,aod the red -cush-
ioned mat is for the the who " gin that."
TheC. P. R lenience is with the W iagbamite,
but the etas deem Blyth has • big string of
bye-election..4ps attached to his belt Ut
to date it would he bank to determine t►1kA
Nlr and Nish is Tuc..
Hem. Joh. Haggai. is still pro.dty wear
Mg his coat of whitewash in lissesst..
Mercier r • wreck, it r trot. Yet sorry.
looking wrecks, notably an awful looking
nee is 1874, have Dome into harbour after
beteg co
anned with a fresh at of popular
All the good results the prohtb,tiou ease
mi'.irm achieves eau be written as the Mile
edge of a postage stamp. Mit the details of
it expensiveness will oesepy many page• of
the public account&
Between the date of the crime eat* the
&rem burglars after getting away with 01
the portable property in sight have ver-
bally lima as anxious for harmony to pre-
vail es The Loader Free Piss new se editor
'ally. ,
People held that ,e election eo.teas ci.lo-
ya•wo• t• decisive Amsoa.t ea this theory
(.r tb. prevalence of flee ddhr hills the
•lay after eleetin. 1. villages of North Vic-
toria amid .Ms' s. Ordinarily twwty five
tent pieew are saws too plentiful is them
egos pima
O. ibhlup, dab bit , the remail• of Rob
set Irvine wow tale Ted i. Biyth cemetery
de semi Meld Siemer no the Ifrer, het
poised pwnlWly away. R. teethe two
daughters orbs are missionaries is (Lima,
one •'sag►ter at Mr. Mewdy'• select in
N r'hOsld, • married danghter at these.
gid ne.• rm, all of whom the. our eyes
Yoe gimme tiros A. ICs, nig, p/mreepetsfor el
th.Aw•er$esa hotel, Rreaa.H, sad la.e0 ads
eine misty hewn the till le the
her arid est his ai•f•&ist*
re ir.
easel. Early .lit alroet t'•
eke!, the auw•p•etaag oulpr$e with lamp
affil key obtained chinase en to the bar
Peon, rely to he cesareans.' by (Geerrg.. The
gime was op .t nese mei shortly she) the
can, who had here hostler st the «M.,
eid metl repeated thefts, returned VIEW
Mr. Romig said left the tows.
They Will Trlumph at the Next
General Election
%otals. Ahead of see ran Paris amt
MA.ae.rau•w 1.1.441+.. '.111 awes•
the ereisb 1.1e. Liar as 'close matds.r'm
rehnll• eu rte. M he it 105441 rase
Uwe Mm Mears le Isere mellow .1
liar Load.
Naw Voila, %larch l3 Tht Timm Lusi-
dlo, cable alt's the storm clouds which have
hem gathering ups the political honors of
Great Itrlta,n since the opasiug of the pees
eot meson .l l'arliannet are betgisstrtg to
spit tire. Apparently we shall have the
downpour very mon. Already are the more
senstlde among the u..ipeudeot Toner hold
tag themselves pitied and ready for run to
pt out of the wet Yesterday's .1.fiat of
Balfour in the Howse of t'owtnws would
have meant o utbug at'all o ) ear ago. '1'.,
day It W everywhere regarded its • portent
of twining tempos of triple lu,purt•nce. The
character of the incident diva:rrta well the
kind add coops of calamity winch bat over
taken Toryism in Koglaad. The question
was raised in a wholly non political spirit,
wbcthcr three Tory director, in the Beat
Africa Cuaip•my ought to have toted last
week tor • bill gracing the company a sub
sidy- for • survey of • railway. Of these
thrix members, Mir John i'ulestan and
Kurdett Cootie are closely connected with
tmen.aa. There is nn shadow of a persona)
mine.. at ion in the [mer raised against
them, hoe ever. The Howe took the
matter very seriously, but very amicably,
Jiscuming with much gravity he sleet
ability of estahlshisg • precedent of atone
S ial by _•eaeral arraugeuieut When Rel
i.nir got up there was no earthly reason to
.iamb' that he ev•uld have that 'n.:ority- fur
any Intelligent decision which, In hes 'spa -
ray as inkier of the House, he might snit
gest. It pleased bow, however, to treat
the affair with a series of flippant sneers at
Pari.+tneutary institutions and aft satire
lack .:f a muse of resp,tuubibty. 1 hie would
have thought it the speech of an untlergraal
male ant IOW* te rile. hie .mart neve amd dna
terity ase defending nun• .mpteetble pr..po
mien, rather than that ..f a serious Furse
1•• -ii of the Tre••.ury. The result was tba.
a sore or ..ore of disgusted Comer?
lives walked tntt, eighteen went Into the
lobby against Balfour and other Minister*,
and the 4:overoahert received a kneck- dote
blow. ' utlay mw, oontmmt•t.,r on either
side of the Zany to • pretends to sic- to this
episode anything len.. • per.ob&I revolt
te(ainet for (riding and incompetent leader
ship of the nephew of his uncle Even dial
four himself is soul t.. We's* r., this light
and to dcelar•e that it it happens ac an be will
resign his poattun. Chances are that aetly id
favor of vomit hi ng far wur.e he peniug next
tante. The open mutineers of yesterday's
demonstration embrace mime of tlw moat
solid and influential members of the Por
party. and their silent .vmpathiaer. are. al-
so. representative mea. There is .0111e talk,
moreover, that three gentlemen, whose rots
was yesterday in substance censured, will
mark thetr•eose of the fashion in which
Balfour gave them and their party away by
reog.ntg their .rats. Rom without this
complication the di.order and bad feeling
inside the Tory ranks has reached • cnWcal
stage. Unless soiree miracle is worked at
extremely short notice tallow is likely to
find himself openly humiliated in the prat
awe of the enemy by his own followers. 1
dwell at length epee this because it throws
• most interesting light upon • larger sub-
ject. .4 year ago
a RThl'a 1141.10nr
was undoubtedly the moat powerful roan ia
the Tory party. No t'osservative Meeting
could be held anywhere which did not gave
its loudest chess for the panegyrics thy imbed
upon him. livery reactional orator, so
nutter how prosy •11 his other utterances
were, was sure of rapturous applause when
he declared that in Balfour the Tories had a
PDeng chief who was going to throw Rorke,
almerston, Peel and the Pitts oonibnel io-
ta the shade. All this wild adslatios was
professedly die to sothiag ekes in
the world save for the way is which
for lire years Balfour had seared at
sad insulted the Irish members, hacked
up by every vicious form of Irish
miegoverarreat, raid jauntily pot the screws
of oeercios on as " inferior race ' like the
Irish. This was why the Toriss howled
ihamesi a hearse with acclamations' of Bal-
kier. They'lad meter seen anything Aber
than the leagued ear et insolenoe with which
be called the Irish member liars and knaves
acme the Moor of the How, twitted them
with ►heir poverty and lack of university
trainiag, sad laughed at their objactioes to
being treated as felons. After he had im-
prisoned them for their polities all Torydom
was convulsed with admiration far the Web
who meld thus affront and put down the
mere Irish rabble,bbt whoa Ralfobr,re4wsed
from Irish ones, climbed op to the position
of &seder of the House what • chane was
then ! Tories had been vastly tickled with
his stnlisd impertaneice of manner and the
persistent elect d his deities, with he lit-
tle feminine meau.ess of speech awl argu-
ment, on Mag se they were used is order to
Mier* and enrage the Irish. it became •
very different isomer when these moose
pii.ttaients were devoted to the leadership
of themselves in revolt against Balfour. To-
day it lagan, only that the Tories lied them
salves '.able to staid even the diluted sad
softened fors of treatment ent which a year ago
they cheered to tie echo wheel it was tried
epos the Irish. Of course this angry nons
motion livid. the Tory party has been large-
ly i.tamdald by the pereuptes of the way
is whisk everything outside te sweeping
against them. What 1 cabled lust Mahrday
midnight about tew prodigious
Its Dh'A1. Tale 0eh d% UtN no•
entheriasttc as it may have •seised, was be
low rather than abo,r what the completed
iitu•V.. deserves This dentea.tratien
that • democratic platform the carry • large
majority dinetropnl,t•n votes with it length
not he each a wesid.rfol thing it it wily
swelled the estimates of the liberal majority
in the sett How of Commies, that already
promises to he ton big ke comfort, but
the growls epos which the hoodoo
revery was won reale it clear that ia
the renewed lights which every one f welesv,
after the IAds hate tbrow. out lN ileume.
home rule hill, Ismion may he inerss•ngly
relied upon for support All this is of tea-
mmate*. importance Indo. was Wally
smiled he appeals to the hatred of the pres-
ent land system and of the grim/ meerepoll-
mo Madhya 11k. its. Dim of Weetnin.
stet, ileberd aid Porthd. 14 le at►iaua
that MISS IM Liberals leek hones with the
Ira seer the Irish q.eetiw this tejeetMe
of greead reale mem* be kept oet. Wh..
• uosiiat with the aristocracy amiss in real
.arwest, there will be aa instinctive p.pelar
who of Ur mien lathe". order "kit o• cry
Wag co las " and " 1K • heavier twltat-
rnt he pressed aaatast the poem as the to
eta auee s inure solid -. will he 'midge's re-
f er•••
r tsaiti.Lutr.
H .w .xrmplesely I'ar..Utea bas
a.guei under in rural I related showed heel
yid 4.ir by he uiorywael election
Omen own own oor attmewfae, )
Miss Flask e( H.wiek, is M prwwi via
thee her sister, Mrs W. Tw.misy,
The people as Blake's appojmt wt se",
ed to draw the material hir heir
church kat week.
W. are pleased a stone. that Mr. L
Harnsoa, who has Wm i11 of la grippe mf
uuugseuw of the lenge, le aavelsoneat.
Two sleighleads of young people of
bow seagbhor►,.od spent an lobe tw.iuy
Mark Wilson's. of Rimless. T1ty report
ul having apsnt eu eujuyaWe time. r. Wot
sue was formerly a farmer here.
Un Wednesday. the 2nd fast., W41,ea
J. Apo, of Benno, sad Yes Minato I, is,
lay started out epee the atstrwwurl sea is
v.'her. The oervmaoy was performed ►v
Rev. M r. Aaderesm, of Si. Bekaa die
bride was richly attired awl looked •:har.n
lag ami was amut.d by Miss Stewart, de
Kulcanline, while Mr. Derain gave like .t
tautens to the bridegroom- Atonic •event
tyaam invitedww
ets oat don to a sumptu
she rost. paThe preemie were anmerotn
?iwag Healy for North Wexford to fill
St. vacancy .awed by John Redwood's. re-
si naifta. This is iatere.ttug 1a snore ways
than w ; it M net remarkable that tier"
was at appeastioo taudi.lrte, became that
is trans( n..wu, other districts of Ireland :
het th choice d catwl.d•te is worth sm-
ith. Thornes is the eller brother of Tim
othy out Maurice Healy, and is • quiet,
a,mes.plaoe httle anintry lawyer who did
n ot mat 1e go lo Parliament et all. Ile is
• p•ogmas with • large family, and di.l his
'last le escape the holm thus thrust epos
hi.•. His brutbats also disc.»raged the
idea .anus. lir east only fur his owes sake,
bet hostage they saturallr felt that his el
memo mild create • feeling that they were
trying b adyame their whole family. Bet
a/aisstall these objection's the voters of
North Wexford set • stubb..ro face. They
had Tie Healy'• brother Onion them, and
if he 1w beets Mind, deaf and dumb they
.til w.twl have insisted on sending him to
teplaoe tedinead.
The Undue Times for the past few years
has heenoowducted on each spitefully ese-
si•led lin• i tat it shaman ase to Anti it to-
• edit.rielly thasking Lab oechere for the
pairs hosook to secure the pn.secution and
psni•bmat of ofd Morlaid, ti.. Oxford[
tutor vide blackmailed young .:-.atocnt
stwlestoutnwgh the Instiem of a bypoths
tial ytsig widow. The Time, proses
real, ieginutty and courage in tee king on
and cruising u whok aenw of social pars .
whom lorlan.l w only the latest Whe
one refict• that it to to IAlwuirhrt• n.
than anon. obs the detection of I'tt w
.lee ahieukgy iscahsl•iesl to hake one e
up and lib one's eyes. Ven are asking ne
,uvotberrhat it ,sesas earl wondering if Th
Tunes, tieing the han(wrinng on the Mal
iv getilg ready 1 . hop when (.l:a.leton
tetatos it with his huge majority after to
next elision. et late years we have lost
e ight of the feet that the historic attired
of The 'lanes is that of • supporter of the
5.overnrrnt. eneiceivah'y the itatlagers o
1 he pape have remembered tine sad are pre
pairing t crow track.
atarea's wanrl.l.
.4 remrkable eerier of illustrated papers
ars "The:rent o'ap se of the World.°' hoe
lost beemi.gean in Harper's Weekly It
will smiths ilescriptive articles on to tatty.
Eve tam cities, each of whtcb will be the
work of Swell -known writer ehdeen espect
ally on akouat of hie familiar kiowk.lee o1
the sob* which he treats. Among three
e iters e1 le Frannie ('oppee, Vicomte
Mrkiwir • Vogue, Ms.i.Me Adam. Senor
('•etelar, it Chargee Mike, eel others of
lake introit urinal fame Mom than lire
hundred ivatratums will add beauty sail
value to his extraordinarily tetereettag
series. Te first snick. " Pans,- hy Fran
endo ('oppr appears in the= for
March Sthand u profusely tlitstrated.
There tan interesting groop of bright
girls at th.New England Conservatory of
Music, in Woo. who represent the quality -
of push cbaccteriatie of the Ameriese girl.
Thera are ane thirty five of them girls, mud
they an bar musically anti smelly locat-
ed by The adios' Home Journal, of Phil-
adelphia. sale Ilme ago this meganna of
feral as stimulant to girls to get orb
seriptwae 1• it, free education at the Coe
servmwry-. rhe American girl is quick to
fee • chase and one by one thew thirty.
ls M m
1v. gircome froall pole of
country mottos. They receive the very
best the woeervatfry atortls, the meet
damnable ma is the building are than,
and they ave al their wants carefully
looked eteby a wealthy periodical Per•
kart is no her country on the face of the
.hots ess1d..b • thing be possible. Ther
girls, too, a reporter was told, belosg to
n ice famib, but they preferred to earn
their own siioal'dainties tether than de-
pend on ti family puma. Of course, the
particular ale are unknow■ to the sobolars
at largo, at to all initiate tied porpoises
they are wog their own way. Aad they
certainly at It ,s said that the ma*ama
is also edeasg a number of other girls at
W'ol&ssley, kisb and Viewer Colleges The
Rmatos .nonan.
paws .n owe coaaeerortosser. )
W. J. Iii, ef the ' Bast Rad,- left for
Calgary on S.sd.y of Mast week.
David Pew, of the Huron road, has
been laid upilt oo.eestaen of the lungs
He is, &Gomm to latest emporia, very low
with only pee of recovery.
A aeer,er the residents of this village
and vlaaity ft for Ma.it.ba on Tuesday
last.Ansesipese may le meutio.ed J. R.
Holmesmeth and Cri...y sad nd tiny.) . may,
• brother of • hitter, also leaves at Ae
same time Mia carload of horses for the
A brown ibe Upper camels RIM*
satiety ores sthlieh*d tan on Wednesday
lest. The apt, Rev. Mr. Simpson, e(
Arooebeld, dewed se et nisch address
on the ocean The asppabaey is to he
seteblished in a ales. Bsitgt�.� to J. L.
Courtier It [roped a Mber'l atrom.ge
will be the who« .
[minor orowr onenaslf\Olt‘ T.
Wm. Hiram( Hoesch, 11 in tows.
Jao. Reatti ol Seeforth, spat Sue
day is town_
W. Mauro it mater leave to Shelties,
Dakota, next Ni.
T. J. Resnais busy making telephns►
supplies for nefti:ena.
J. Reid kit t station Tns.day with •
oar of horses follamptois.
John Nichol 1 son, of Terminer', spent
• few days vacua W.
Our 'Alamos es delighted with • phono-
graph swear Woos'. hall leeat week
Roe 4, 1 r!, K ippon, preached In
Methndi.t oink hist Sabbath weenier.
tone a nembe( our yo.rg folks attend
W. (doper's 'theft hall Friday. Re-
• ',Undid h.
Rey. Mr. T
C H. IWd,
sold kis
Mt(7.11G8)Het to
(7, e.
Mitchell, dslavere hie
Urge •lto s sx .
Mayfield Reol, hes
"Lord r-.
lk Weed., .f
•low.shipa der
Rides ova ewe tottaseruruanr.
Thee. Uium sow lies to • very low oda•
die co.
A amber of the rime people of 1ha
vicinity intend isavin seta week fur Oak
uta and Maaatoka. -
A number of the neighbors of Martel
Wallet*, who saw is mitering from la
grippe, torsed on en Salatrday aheraoos
awl cat a goad simply of wood for him.
Some .f ser lead pogiliste took an active
part in •. skirmish which wok place at as
&action seas a little s Orth of here oe Thin
day last and judging from appearunose we
wonth my that they must have Dome out
mound bast.
We mooed a your last terve the Amber
ley liorthe informs ue of Waikato Joheetdat's
taking • share in • stock farm M that visas
icy. We would heartily joie witb your
scribe in wishing hon. every &ages in hu
new enterprise.
Js1 n Drennan, of this place, )net a striae.
accident me day last week,whle swaged In
cutting straw. 'I he tumbling shah of the
pori -power came orf the 'dock ono while
):,gaged in tiling it the abaft flew up, •ad
tame n owwtact wish her head, .amaiog a
(raceme of the skull. He now lies is a
crttttal .wdadotion, but under careful medical
tre•ta,ent we wish to aiou lieu of his r.
[/.Or ova owe iOliaasron DIM?.)
We are glad to shoe that Gorge Garth',
tr., who had been IoW up for some time
with • broken leg, i1 able to be armed
The :mei .amber of people frost Dakota
who have iso visiting the haven -glint
homes of their fathers of OararM bare
Dearly 01 gone beck again to their owe
Quite • number from Umpire Aromatics
attew.lai an able lecture by Wen. Nesbitt
■t Wingham w March 2nd. Yr. Nesbitt
is one of the lecturers appoints! by the
Grand l Aaeociat ion.
Kmpire A•aocosttns, P. of 1., has bought
a barrel a coal oil *which se rapidly elle
wishing' at wk.
hoale rift. true' D. Setter
lead, Wingate' They base agent sent ler
mon tea ask $180 .mom tolsson o, the tier
(nue Humphrey it ('o., Toronto.
W. Stets, of Moorefield, gave en imam"
mg lecture to the Patrons of Plea.aat Hill
Aroratuu ne Tuesday 'vesting and t. the
Patriots of Empire Association ase Weems -
day evening of last week. He spoke on the
subjec( under three dict rest heeds-
fllaaacial, metal and polit•cal--sad brought
• number of aWe and i•M.'uclive wane
on each.
Some of the yoetg folks have bees bre.
mg • very esyeryWs Lithe fur the pest We
wreaks Mo pleasant ide.d has it been that
the health of some aught safer with the
superfluity of it if the period of .sash wee
,Ruch furthe: extended. Th. views Trym
Ikkota and Manitoba have bees a.Lert•im.d
by large oompaases •t te may plasm that
it would he useless to attempt to .arise ate
them. Hence the bouadle a swami, el to
[MOM ot& owe ooeasrroND.NT.)
d'. Racoon was in Lomdes reoaaty trjejt-
Mg friends then.
dim Jessie Nerthoott, e( Loudon, mat
• few days at her father's reooatly.
Mies Jamie Moklabee h&. been visiting
friends is Leedom for the last two week&
A public Meet .samiaatioa will be held
in S. mal. Ne. 2 ea the aftsrioos of the 22ad
Mrs. Runeball and daughter, of (Clinton,
wen visiting the funnies mother, Mra
McGregor, toothily.
John Nortbostt, jr., left on Monday el
last week for North Dakota, when he hopes
to get • position as might've.
The Mimes He.deroon, of Southold, have
Wen visiting for the last three weeks at
their sister's, Mn. William Armetrymc,
James McMabes is laakieg premonitions
Inc building • °eve hell has the owtsionew n
Mr. Patterson, of H
Mrs. Vasey and Madly. wise hew hew
visiti•g the fermor's lather,Jahn MaJlf•bsm.
have removed to B.�lo, where Mr. s..y
(►m Wednesday Lhe 9th lam , Arthur Leed-
om' sad Mies Martha Treble, of Rester,
agreed to knew es
"mine er thine,
Rut own, der owe 111 thins ani ai ."
James Vidor left es Woodsy el IMI weak
der Maaitoha, takietg with him Owego
(Geddes s.d (l.orge Moir. A .usher .f
friends west to &wall to ala them Of and
will 'heat ..oesm.
tie the evealag of the IA Inst. Rellenee
Association, Patrons et fmdSSlry, bald en
interesting &.hate on the GOOK : •mired, that it b ill►
pr'4.w M wife the re -
V6006 by Mender( Inas Manes thas
(.stems duties." Alter a hill dissolution /
was deeidd is fever of the stapthre hy fl b.
Roger \ortiestt, (wide" aHeted
brethren M J. sad A. $e y ef
videos* Amooaatiee. Oei the lea -
open Meering will be held, whoa the
tag qualities will be dfsommed : "
that the United States nears a bestow
for 'vamoosing* Aso [kook."
( 'oll1onse owned met in the ti enship WI
Marek 0111Igr Mypyers sf �t.
Miami, of �ain mwti.g rend and
paid, vie.
tin. blacks.
tletlw.Is were
the ~ ~
MR IA i MR Aima el
Link. 111f d0 ; Mn. maw of
re. Link, pi00; Jets MA oil
Plea Iles* Wm. dp-OO; Atha Chafif w be
w 1'.TnIfTaylor, Ant We
The M
me the Sad dap el a. F. W. A . t
egsfTag. (/AIM or)
Marta MMMI PA'
email Irl Tim 140.
gglppatre Or 1N.00 i
/pekmoan en $A0lt r1
1.50101 LIOSUS
grid Frpp..►e 111119011
A Complete Helbtl
lection of Not
no) r r•st••r Ivey"
.•,A,'meat-- The Cu
meth ••area's Mloq
Coteau' Sveni
parer ucauwr new
[tar p.,,ular milk*5or, 1
am /wen got Wine time
elating relatives, Muss
.f het vitek.
Ua m,t tiabbath .y1M
of K.pp tt circuit, fart
preach an a lthoatIu.al
. rvne to Iles' Methodist
Mrs. %Idler ince Mia
daughter teff here last w
asrx•rtow and ac.laant
We wt.h stunt • pleagan
..n.t our las: ibe west
ly appeared eo 'pruglil
mare Wintry a - petit, tt
ato.rmi v any I•.rt of th
Tint Kit vu to broom
the household f.tvorlte
local sad foreign nowt,
a•.rrmly io..k. l for by
5. u ibis gossipy
Is essmique..r of ti
tkawf wd's cbild ftev.:4
los lecture w Lech he win
dalk. i;rvy canthi, w
sisal Temby, the.
Mea. W m Me1ialil
at Ctimt.e saint$.( ser
was, the at Hemdl ea
farmer resident* of I
home on Wednesday e
Nr•ssd with her viii.
Richard Westbrook,
lwe•i he term for a ter
Bowan, in'ebtls re.iovi
She ell) of 14,01100, ea.
rill ...I by public tact
mi unplements and bow
Tuesday, the 22nd
an.a•nter..tnrteph Nal
, . t
i he quarterly board
of l)uuganrwwa eadeust
each pasted rtselatiur
patten of Mr. Aad.o
here to IlaaiMha, sad
high '.teem d his eel
.peuvely as a Iwbes
*6ca117 turd oiherwise
els ( lads, n width 1W
io 4111.
Walter tMw.rt, d
I►etemn, el Mumts'eai,
forerly resident. (11.6111
about two weeks ego v
bene &boot five years 1
prae* of the
damage that has IMI
conte a the growth, is
tenons of the wilier.
is well pleased with b
Yt au. Las Tole.
aespi t d the Ipwce
tin with the Method
ghees by Rev. L A. 1
tie Mettoditt ober
2m.d Mare[, etrmw
:hob .ot Men Was
at the deer. All are
the speaker N papilla
trtctive, & rare heli
We behove there will
tag the esiert•immt•
til maria., dleleg.m,
Antenna Lithos
have to state that Lau
of war mach reopen
dents, B. J. (k wler
after an Mame of ab
etc, do
delay foresees, the 14
pareas have the 1i
renamed tt. Mil
alictim. The pude
eo #M Mt
outsed la s•hmmei
Year mai lett
Tltotre &s • B
1■ ►wow at
Fler (letl h B
On Well achy, IN
ems, who is Nth
-/t11111hldsimvm (0 t
buosens =1:101h
be iamb midi/ le
lei euchre mom 1
time 4 wan sad
was phased is the
sat. as • eramher
earned the esteem
(00144 serviewss
M.thedht .halal
m. d w
evoili, the gds'
tber.d der haw O
b.kw .f Me
oils sod
ddresM M of
t=igM Iowa