The Signal, 1892-3-10, Page 8Pienzts. M as the req .3„,w,„ M ye. m = y 1115.& will tissd hbe adver- 110 Is Est naming the M we ware woo IT HAS gives eoU.illattlire IN RY *Y aut. Ohl WK regaTussled ger Pee Tu..as 111 rumbas MM RM. 1a *S market SYRUP OP 1108 The new fealli 81111 tt 1l' & Ptea•sat 10 GEO. iA. PEAR, SAnaejre Os•, Rhinaa, OODSRICH. thou idmd sedktia.•d Trikv01111aE O4l1de ilRAND TRU1f= RAILWAY. Tris arrive ilei depart at Godericb ea town : Mail tied Stores*......... :::: ::...... Mfsad 1.4 IJ.m IMO p.in. M.45 s.ni. 7.111 p.m. t?QaR. ..... ...... .......... 7.06 a.m. Pte. /Kiss RIVATE 8A1 Rs. G. C. .pp s abate M leave town Me will k beSOPMdd I. sale durtsg Mad tiro weeks, win he welcome se lush iree,fb her on Victory' sheet, Many ton* It 31 Stools !tot Sale. TROTTING STALLION FOR SA -L -F., l ~r-MiagGodorigk Mee kerma se a wwpiittttht •• ree .g1r1 1 •o.f.. ARAAMAII M S.Mit rich (iia[ is a steed IiM wiplgf eta PubIN DRAIMAGE OOJMiON FOR VYTARIO- 'loos Con.ndssiou •sitting for the flWpooe of treed M the work. tag of the Dr• tic. Province. erdeely : The Act. Th. Dela.& Seo0oS• Act. Thr Ditches and Wa het and Thr Tile tame h The ser Amt at the Tow r HALL. CLINTO . and Wednee- .Ibe l3tha i beginning si Iptls } '.sseg INN. dq st. beg g each ear at I• osis. AL Perseus ietsrs.tsll V and hav mug had experience la the working of the above Drainage Lama,* tavitr.d to attend. J. R. IRANKIN. W.0_1 Ot4KORsiK, A. MtINTVIIK & l T LAMAR$It. '4-I t. Commissioners. NEW CHOPPING MILL lout prepared Masan tinily of gram aboo- pimw on shortest SHIN. Mil is reesting at all h..,.. ►hare machinery' ry'1ord re•.ouahlr. •lo with ; nu. g1 sad `eel tempered lip 7 hunts JO.. KIDD 1104, LT DrMmseiast. L'u;I'RES TILL. *SD SVRRY 0RR TOILLti riot: NM VIM co F1•RNITURE : 1 se. I give tbemM a full bedroom 'red 5 ft. 6 la. MA. bination wash Walnut parlor start ailing). Ia goat suite. at 01. A nand. me side or walnut net h. on toe 4e15 and to cp Woven wire bed 'ear eidendid t wo part Stets. brat rales b1 bunge.,kItches settee teach. 1 will rive hese its to had in the .00.17. large .tack of wiadow 111110.1 in*nom eta. M moor;. kepair(mgaad ratesSIM 11s MITHY FVRHIT Cr1SWSi Block. wink. Tbiok of e eel d 0iished. 14 r24.00.1 con, a Ike 0bill. beet hair cloth. we at$ . Ilk sad up. mirror. en oak ft=rate. urs from 15.1 tram WV, ,lee V Moen .n4 glOrket. tallows. Crew prices jour .nosey •sroloealwles. te tare ,011 lag at lowest The PPODIVS (IOhums 11 ISTOIt(CAL CARNIVAL. A unmet taralval M held this week at I he Palmer Itlnk, I. sknM Of • historical emraival. Prise. wil11 =/.leentalons of hist•etpMal ladles and gem by e gm etlt`./tnemdeetpM` Gedericht This care Miley evening. stA h.17 5 or geetreaa's omatat end rivet on stonier e, res J. the best re- . and yen an ie will held in place on watch Ing at . Pea& A1rVi' PLANING NIILL, Erni esti ggrad * et nlrmideriatare a s Work• awed dare, at drstt(Meh este pions- sh R*nr.ing my mill Ia wttb ahall work. ambles me to The t set improved m•c•inery hes - placed la mllmill. Int . all grades. the rpwMds. Splendid made•& ioring sad siding. fru. Mark and white ask, maple. hemlock .m4 pia* eta •,: shwa and primes. er take cnrdwaad, *0mber. env. bola. ream thing. la pat meat Or asterat Oet my prltw• H yon vitiate save mg.Wri square per upwards. wood elm. ergo r. wood, for ea wlogs. stoat ant Prop.ry FOS talo fir fro •.at. wR 1SALi OR FOR BEENNT -THAT merle the ab i• t. O.or1 tbeee whack .8.14118. Wee ares of laud wee hootsWI- LMS • mover WI- i•f epiuf mad • hems la fair cooditlip. ATimmL r JACOB re010 YmMeWpareloni / __ _ Ott OE SALE ATA BARGAIN. - A mad wY1 wall r dasirtactrir now Apply le WM ItOeB Mtevla Oat IMt HOUSE FOR BALL --A VERY booed kmber. 11 and "s r skm umbers srvey, is the town el ase be p.eehssed ter lour \uadred Fr father particular. • to A FMCS. ss the premier. r to J. K. URLEY. KIsastdIr,owner. 1' 4I - FOR SALE. -N. i LOT S1,ENDOON- .armee. beet Wwsred. lMtwra. This le • tlr,teleas farm. Alae town Int 476. Oode- Mr& aloe lot flet, Oodericb town. w which there is • good brick cottage. A t0 PHILIP BOLT. t4tf FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT aommodieue es Srua old u pte•eat am mat by Wm - Omit! Lon ale. d•q, to t BCO'rr. Brussels P.O. FOR SALE. --THAT LARGE AND comfortable frame hoose at the foot a ••,tuts, imnwdl•aly epgitr tow Park very desirable locat1s mrd would be speer saitable for Sommer k•.adora For htetber particular*.vid, "s W. T. WSLi11. 1 -it FARM FOR SALL-THE CNDILR- e canton for sale let 1. oma, L Colborne new..► Carlow. consiatine of Ms acres d d*M-0Ism caa1 team lead. flood headhunt. good bean•g.r.herd and polio of water Terme r's t' .tf_ Ica. per particularsapply to PAT R e AX..d.rlol P. O. tit? LIARS! FOR SALE. -Lon 22 AND 1 YS, of the 1st ass+.. (loderi:b township, Hayfield Road. oomeerr4.(atug 111 acres. situated on the lake Shore itoad al: milts from the town of t)onerirh. The Mad a of good yuel- .tr. and is suitable either for brain or for stack ragas. There le a gaud h. eat, street, through the teats(' et the farm. For yartic u :ars •doer ft. C. HAYS barrister. Oederlkb pIRST-OLASR BRICK HOURS AND LOT FOR SALK ON BT. PATRICK WT. -About two minute'. walk from the Square. Two stories high brick addition in the rear li stories hitch. b ilding covered with date. Main Luddism has 1 large rooms on nod dm. up.taire there are 5 large norms. In the rear addition there are kitchen. panty. washroom. Upstairs. girl's room cad bat broom. Also good cellar. Apply to [be under-etym., who will glee all necemary information. DANIKI. GORDON. 141. ![0d141SL IIRs. WHITELY A HUNTER Mk*e---Grand Open House. Ooderi t . jRS. SHANNON s SHANNON, Pbysiulana Burgeons. Accouebers, dlc at Dr. Bhaaeoa's residence. sear the gaol (iud.ries. O. C. Su .. ', .1. It. P Me. 1aan751 N. UMW. BARRISTER, PROO- ter is Maritime Omens of Ontario South (lelhor.. Wel. 7311 O. JOH N*,TON, BA ItRJS1'i It 01. solicitor. eammiestoner, ac. 1.o•a•, oolisltio0s and real estate transections are. falls attended to Office Cor. Hamilton sad 8d. Aadrew'e-w., Oudench. Oat. 1tF5-*yt TOiIN DAVISON, BARRISTER. .&11&14.5. Cesvey.ncer. te.; Money to Meg. Mee over PestO01ce. 05derb►. I5 -t1 CAMP ION, BA RitleITER, 14. Solicitor. Notary Public, e 1 e. OSos-Over Jordan's brag More. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. gets i .C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, &c. 1 Ogee. ostler et Barre and West sumo, Goderlch. over telegraph o*ec. Pri- vate *1.1x4a to lead at 6 per cent. ll•fP It ARROW & PRe,UDFOOT, BAR - Vi noes. Attorneys. Solicitors. (kc.. Gale rich. J. 1'. (iarruw. 4.C., W. Prudd*ot. l'IAMERJN, HOLT & CAMRKON, V Barlatere. Solleltere in Chancery. ke, Ooderich. k1 (' Cameron, Q.C. P. Holt ; iAtHwy Holmes. L0i1111 SUM lid NIIINU 00. V WOODCOCK, LOAN AND IN- /. surcease agent. Royal Insurwn.e tom pony of England, the richest and mo. liberal centime) in the world : London aud lana -hire Lite tool Lona.. tiva,antee and A.. ul1.t. Loan* .1 lowest rate of interest. URI.. Car- eer of Ne-waate and Hamilton stn -ere. Uod- ertcL. opposite Martin's hotel. 336m L1J. T. N.IrrkL, FIRE, LIFE AND accident Iasura.ee agent ; at lowest rates. OSc.-Cer. Neeth.st. a•d tn5r T1Oad- ONEY To LEND. -A LARGE 1i amount or private .ad other Nada III bend rates on productive tows and Ws property. NIP•• i.1 terms of repayment to suit the borrower. K o aommuuiun. -Call or a rite M. U. JUHNSTUN, Ooaeneb. S 111•if ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY 'll CA\1SRON,HOI.rt CAMERON, thole rich. viSe kVA TO LEND. -A 1. A It I; b amount of Private Funds /or lsvwement u lowest rates un Are -class Mortgages. A yid, to HARROW & PROUDW 11)T. MADOLiFFE, GII,NEBAL tN tiserna. Real Scab sod Moses Loael.g Agent. Only firmenes • mep•nie. reprueeibd Money to Lead se 'tragic loan.. at On "swat rat, of let me rage in say wtip le malt tt• oortu.er. O■ -jt'-- Sec• e nd der flee Slara. West Mtrest, Godo- rbc. AMOL10ntlAlllaf; 10R1r ORIFFIN a)UNTY AUC - ti lae flamer. land vol or. ta . Imo aud I.r.ce ge ant. Bales at'ended .11the seat U• ('orreoessdenee solicited. drug JOHN uRl►'FIY Ithopibridote. Ord left at Tyle Isosat. OSme premptiy attended tee 1y-tf JOHN KNOX, GENERAL *VC - v Wryer and Lead Valuator. Uodertoh, Oat. Mal tog iced ejmndersbn esperinerie la theism tioneeriagtmila he Is in a position to discharge 0111. therSttigi estWacrka all nom .ludas entrusted M Alm. Orders len a. Martin's Hotel. or meseett by sail to Ma a td Ood•r(ch P.O.. elaraogy atasded lo. JGH K':o1X. County Ast:tiomeer. ttiatt Notioe to Creditors. M Dal0,ng - 'IDE • RN *` f'Til'E TO CREDITORS. M by anis. imstassam mId mammas LA0. w ewegsaplpeiil4s Ills ajw ENTAL p .Seo. R. L RiCHARUSON, L D. S., dirties. Mrs and • IrRsss air iiw d for partes* of tart\ Mel MMtfes M r.. t M1 4tY1►y s ssaatt ..eaalI p warn. MOsr t11.d,. IIrIrU1 en West 0e5eddhirrMb 1111.15 ■s lll M00r11tedallon. I c:'I11o*l sol - Trus hood bee Pursuant to the Revised grouter of On'arta G. chapter 11e. enetlora at all creditors sod Ma.m• 11.11110 dooms agaurd the rotate of M m. lichee... late of the tow■ of (&..Inch, le the county of Haran, cattle dealer, deer.. M Iwbo deed on or about the 5h day .4 Jima ). A. D 111.. are Iesebl swilled to send to Vt'rn.0 t Crowned., oadfoot, of the maul town cf h solicitor, ler J. H. Colborne. K'.l Mars Achesuw and K Inwntne, executors of the last will of the deceased, urs or before the lath day of March 1111. their ('arloa& names sod serastoe.e a.. dosses mut drw•nptkoew. with fes I port... ars of the.r olalaa, Oatements M aoronnts 5114 name de arrurltlee 11f 00))1 held to them. ...d atter the aa/4 date the sail esecnttrs will p►o.wed to d,NHhutr the assets./ tet ret &ft.....I 0SM.nnr the parties entitled thereto. ism regard only to the Mal IS of with* thea Inter *tire. and Ike said entemiten wall tent be liable foe the said suite er ur part thereof W say pen,.n or persons et whoa nes seek. some not hake bees rani eel by Theo r the lime t sur\ Menthe, h.. OARkoW t Pigott opt soy maid;lly!e kg[t Oede•rtch the Nth cry et Jerry. 1 A, ff1t 1 Selktene ter Kseeefora 11".' Nillriflrfrr717"t THE SIGNAL: GIODERIC, ONT., T$IIBBDAT, LURCH 10, 1$12. 11111. 0j I TROMMOS le URIC LEBSOXS.-MIBR AQGI= rp •oww eve mesa to emsa the Maa lac al» let Q.•. 1F. . Neel. -J Area= tap Mills rj OR Hale!-IWo 111 IN. CAST w aa515Betio w00. 0* Bum .1 Printing , tom, Mee malar Iaastt it.. / V ODEKICH M.UCHANIC8' INSTI- NA TUTS LIBRARY AHD RLiHNN- 100011, or. of gait street aid Square OM Main. Op•a from 1 to 6 r.w„ sad from 7 to 11 r.o. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. L4.diog Daily, Weekly and IUwseretcd Ply& ifey.a ..., wtc. , ea Ale. MS![0* Hr IP TICKET. ONLY *Lea greeting tree nes et Unary sad needinr[- Appllsatioo ter neemb•r kip reerived by Libreria*. largos". En. SHARMAN. ULO. OTiVRN, 0ad•rle0 Msi.0111th UM. Salutary. FRANKLIN'S ELECTRIC INHAL. RR. SI CE NTe. sine a nip. sister% ttyrap el space Gum. Diet's Condition Powder. Mar.bslr. (AsternBarg. Drown. Hans. Wild Chem Hark. for Grip. J. tl*i. no. '1 1'gaplatrnoc Dar.: YToas TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must doe left at this (etre not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for change:, must he left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisement* accepted up to DOM Wroltte,dsy of each week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ooderlch Peed Kmporism-W. Burrows Reef. Iron o.d Wine W. C. Goode Invite Goods- R. 11. Hoanad.. Spring. 111 Join T. Acheson . F'a.niture W tinier Smith For Hale Abraham Smith Private. Sale Mr.. 41. l'..Itoberteoo *Seeds- Thos. J. %&dean .... - BORN. SPK\('F. At (ander:eh, trebru.ry :7th. *1+911. to Air. and Mrs. K. H. Spence, a daughter. RGRKHTIniN At Owen nous& on the 5th inst.. the wife of J e'. Robertson, 0.A.. or a ace. KKl'I: W ITH In Clinton. on the tad trot.. the wife of M. Neck with, of • daughter. PAIKI.F.V- In ('hntoe, on the .1•h inst.. the tette g: It. tutor Paisley. of • amu. MARRIED. WAI.LIt• JF:N:aIN- 1t *1.,' rr.,deoc, o(*. bride's uncle. Goderich. on %Vedne.da.. Mar..b end. INK. bl the He.. J. K. unwell. M. A . Mia Lydia Wood J... 1. to chi. J. Wallis, of l;oderi'h township. DIED. t'ARtJI HAFLOON 1n eioderirb. on Satunlay Manch M►. 11'J! Jamey .1. F'aroaubar.o•. Mind :K years and 1: month.. KNI(OH r At Sarni. on Tunaol•y. Manch 1st. ltIlver $Sunder., rnuneret son .d W. Hemet.Knbt, to nicely of t;udericll. Burd 1 lest and t weeks. Mt VIVA Reda t;oder:ch. un Thursday. Marsh led *51 limy. behoved wife M Adam Mc'. i001.4.led;3year and Soviet b• WHITELY - In (irderieb. u. Tburveday. March 1rd. tai'. Thomas Who.*, a7.wl 76 yesra 1.OBIN -1n Dunlop. no the Wit et March. lid Anna Jcsepbine. d.aghter of 51r and Mr. Jones Tobin. ailed gee months and alae days. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. A elders atwane pr. (akin' moles. Am' faith bell ',vat i1. K. D. 1'. at the Pharmacy. Gen. A. Far. Tho, mounting out business appears to be Ilse Industry in Canada )uw now, but it )nu wish to have. some first ciao. picture framing dour, and dose well. dim.'t count out R. It sallow... the photo artist. me people neem to thief. that talking in • moral way ha leading a religion. life : hot kala W not action. If yon want the harm and best In fashionable goods and Get fit tee mare t, all on V. J. Protium for your Spring suit. Now that the eket ion eteltement 14over and the pe .pk have onto more settied down te fluidness George Stewart a prepared to mat every one in the mer•ion.tirtt or Tory. and turn out a true representation of him at short ata tire. A protest has been entered again• the re. tarn of Hon. J. C. Patterson by the Itefornnera of West Hnron. but no one newest' agalsat the prices charnel by Alk Saunders, Wast stn He doe. goat work Alert and handle. only the one quality of material. And the heat I1.lway. the t•hca pest. They had • recount although not pow factory to all nett.,. J. Smolder.' as "mint tali thousand rolls nee wallpaper*. which will , be sold cheap. as he has to clean out the whole. ('ad, buyer. will end it to their oe vantage to call and see them at Mehemet. Work. Horten at half price. Storekeeper. can hair all they ,rant at • special discount. SERMON TO SAILORS. Kr. .1 K Howell. M A., will preach a sermon to the salon and fishermen of our town is North -at. Methodist church, on Sunday ...ening, March 20th. K \ h 1'ULiA NT. CHURCH SERVICES. Next Sunday at 11 A. r 1D. V.1 Dr. Strongman will preach from tie subject : " How (:m These Thangs Be "" earl at 7 r. te. on " Saved From Broken Pieces d the Wreck The usual invitation is accorded. WISTl'tlNEllE\T. ST. PATRICK'S DAY (I01101IRT. The wed 01. Patrick's *ewers will be held d She (bead Open Hesse, (;od.riek, . oder the amep"sa. of St. Peter's aerobe. An oscines' program will be pieu.etsd by tenet frees 8lrotford, Choc.. and Galeria. Pull partaslats will be gives u tice bUs whin will be posted daring this week. W. (' T. V. REPORT. We are ad.bted to the .here of the nod Undue fora ,espy of the r.ptrt of the lMreMMk wad convention d tbe O.tarso Nome'. ('krtslrs Trpra.oe Uaioa. The report pees • great deal el wal.abls belss0.*iw is regard to the work beiag deo is the teesper.sos mune by the women .f this Proviscw. THE WRATHKit. Filet it's .hppr Theo a'. oA ppry Noro. melt, Aad thee you frees ; Now you Dough, Aad t►.. you •000210 Weida the mercer, Hop and skip 1t'..01 oIraag. W. have the grippe AT l►SGOUDK HALL Os Mouday not, is the action McMillen v. McMichael, M.(;.Cameros. for the plain. tiff, appealed from so order of the local judge at e;odericb dismtaiog • mouoa by the plaintiff to add tar John McMillan as a party plaintiff to the action. la. Armour, for the defendant, metas. Appeal dim mused. Coats to the defeodent iu any ea eat BUSINESS 13O0311N1; 1'arengery for Manitoba, Northwest ..d Pacific Coact, tee your tickets read over I:rand Trunk short line via North Ray a,d C. P. R., .he..pest and only direct route. Get through tickets rad all informatics 'rum H. Armstrong, 1:. T. It. owu ticket .gest. West -.t., bowies^h. llckea, tele Aram* and etpresis to all puts of the world \lap....te , ,•t... free to all. A MEAN MAN. A man ..sled to Leat The stratfan! Times down to the price of .rine funeral cards the other day, and the editor says he is only equalled 'uy the " fellow w no made the lnust that 6e aced seven dollars en the prat- of his father's coffin by purchasing one with • knot hole in the bottom. You see, said he, the old nun never knew the difference end .t didn't hurt him A NAKRc1W ESCAPE. 1hi Thursday evening of hist week se the doctors ribannon were returning from Au burn they had a narrow escape from goiul over the bank jest 01x4%& Sato,1.' hall. The accident was cored by sae of the trims betaking and the horse .way iug at a crittc.•I tone, and laving the boggy ou the e.itfe Ola the embankment. The hone tumbled duel' doctorsthe lank but the doctors jumped.. as.d escaped with • few bruises. POUNDMEETING. The pound nutans held by the Meath n .'rnry at their barracks on Saturday night .0 a success. The address gives b, Gar - Mahal on "Selling War Cry. m Hotels" *1. wan very interesting and showed that . outside of a hotel Is nom the worst. The address given by Lieut. Fox, on ••Visitiut from Home.- House to He." was also very lnteiratting and showed that Salvation rn.y lift 0,4a not all .urubi0e .A NEW HFlARSE John Brophy, the well known furniture s man on Wes; -.t., returned freeLondon o us Tuesday last. whither he had been to pur- chase a hearse e in connection with 1. s undertaking business. Ile succeeded 1m purchasing a h.n.laom• and moderdeeh,cle of the clue named from AIr..1 R Nash, the well known manufacturer, and expects o have it arrive at the station *n the tu.rsr ..f a few clays. Air. Brophy r booed to keep u p with the tines. sa...mrn d ee' .bas,. Mr. ea Ilia Wallis let ler &bear New house, sear Hey- `eld, dariyf eke •141114041, followed by .be ea coagratalaeis of the eaus gutsy fs& sed relatives praosl Tea Mos seat.gleecubs& a well amnia( hand to the newly married mu*. 'Ivo RM: WOUND UP. 1'oau.Tu, March 3 The history d the Expo.Ontario Expo. and Treasportatios Com- pany an an active t.aeo t.t.tiis at as wad. To day, before Justace Meredith, W. A. H.,. Duff, of Haailtos. preated • petition from Rickard 8. Hart, •lodgment creditor of the company, for4, pr.yioe that 5 an liquidator be appointed d the company wooed op. O. C. Thomson, of Hamilton d m e. bthe company, commented, and the aider declaring insolvency was made. The habiliuss ear w stated t.. he 864,000, m and the .eta 11:,000 and the uap•id epi stock.hic Nal of which may ast. 10 per en be called in every three seostlu on what hos not been aurre.der.d. The oswrrendered k amputatemocamputate to $130,000, and if it couldIse colleen( would more than pay the blobtl- ate• Thee who surrendered their shares uader the act of last session are, of course, relievedof further liability. Messrs. huff oto and Thomson were the legal s who op- posed Ixludation a few weeks ago whet' two of the Toronto ,-r,daturs waivedthe ,ompsny wound op. Smu ael Chadwick.the Toronto agent of the company. though opposed to st liyuidatioa formerly. 11 now in favor of it and his affidavit was filled. le. H. hauler appeared for certain other aired • .tors who consented to liquidate. The Hamilton men ask a refr'ance w Hanoi 'tee, but Justice Mere.lith decidedthat the proceettings well be taken 1.e - fore Thomas Htell;ans, Q 1'., master iu .refinery, as the h.wlquarters of fine . were here. H S. Stephens was sppanted provisional liquidst..r. Th. liquidator w,il Ir chosen at a later stage after the creditors have hecalled together HAW. R. HICKS ROC11/TE.Simone Reformer 1 paragraph has apo a iored in both The I.oadon A.Ivertner and Toronto I:lobes reflecting upon Rev. Richard Hicks, rector of Trinity church, Simms, for having gone to London to rote. We be- liev, that this paragraph 1s unjust to Mr. Hicks .nt alculat,d to harm ham in the minds of some people. The Reformer he Ives nn fair play, therefore we have no hesitation nn saying that in our opinion Mr- Hicks did nothing worse than vete Nary. And we seepage that even the 'nut rabid partaan will not quretea • clef -greasing right to so vote If be pleases, whatever &ode• at may give o hue lodgment. Mr. Hicks, under the Klee *oral Franchise Act, shouldhave been put of off the London lot. Rut his nese era no put off. In fact his was one of .I a efebrated w tilled " league votes. The ss provides for the cretin, of such • ballot M Mr. Hicks'. Subsequently U'e9 eptly the highest c out in the realm will diet& whether it is • good or a tad ballot If it ie finally get led that the ballot is good it will be comet- d- Naturally enough Mr. Hicks, being a Nary and a friend of Mr. (;.rlang'., wanted the hallo* emoted ; the only way be conk! hiring /hat about was to go to Lindon and v ate. if the Supreme 4'cur► decides that Mr. Hicks hal no legal right to vote, which it will certainly do, Mr. Hicks' ballot well be thrown out and lir. flacks will bow to • tat tk-c:saun The Reformer has so quarrel with any marl who votesT:ry end. the Caosdian Fr. c n user Act. We ,Hold have • surer hope of his appearing sinner the sheep on the it.ght limed at tic. I....t Day if he voted I;rat. Rut that is his own lookout. Our war is against the law it -elf. And we have no 'mention to thereto ties. objecting to it entil its repealed. LOCAL BREVITIES. PRIISONAL PARAGRAPHS. We. Leight, of 1.raia, w•o is tome We creek. Mie Correll hes returned tram • visit to Port Perry. Mea Wm. Neonates as visiting trioses .t llusg•ssss. Peter Posher, pat ~toe of W iaghean was i5 tows yesterday. Joke :Wriiag, of °Moores, rearmed to Manitoba as March 10. Ed. (arap•igoe rel red au Fri"' .y from • vesitbt .Elan. Mies 1& Heusis4. ht's rearmed frees • two week.' visit to CUatee. W. Isoksa., of 1oderioh, was registered at the Greed Union hotel, Winnipeg, Inst week. John Maltutt•ld. of t(.aferth, arrived to town on Moeda,. Hr intends remaining here all Summer. Mr. and Airs. John Willis ha.e gone to Dorchester Station, where they tate..' to maks their home. 0. $tedd•tt, r., has Ire* laud up from an attack of 1a grippe. tet. we are pleased to learn, is now recovering. Mrs. John Kennedy. of the Huron road. left Moet wee*. foe 1►unnalle, to attend the funeral of her mother. Airs. Neles. Edwin Arthur, who has ban attending the Petrol school for some time past, left on Tuesday for Panto*, North Ibatota. Mrs. John Hyslop bas gree to visit her cousin, Mrs. •tenb*ry, of the Lindon Road. Stanley, end her cousin.. the Menge. lubhxor.ugl,, iR Tuokersmith. Mn Ikon. Sullivan and (easily, who have leen visiting her mother, Mrs. iicibnurne. Huron road. for some time poet, left tp Tue..iar for ( Anton, North Dakota. \V. regret to learn that Rev. B. L Hutton, of Kirktra. t rtnerly pastor of Victoria et. Meliorated ch•arch. In this town. Iris been • i -k for *metal weeks with typhoid fever. He u improt.ng, however. and we hope he will soon he folly restored to health. Ilaeel NIaon, forme rly of Fordyce, (►n t+n.+. laft 1•r' week r Roland. Map. 1Mn rn+.hleg there he got foeruployn.ent est $45 per mouth He gates good accounts of that count ry. He says there are thous awls of .Necks of grecs to be threshed. KINTAIL. (root .• n OWN Cnan*NP•ORDS`CT.1 Henry and .terry Sul' .an, u; l.i,pemiag, who have been etsiting f i ,ends and relatives here. have returned. An'g.r, Bt T NOT Fut....ergo. A young lady .1 the circular town who has been • visauug firmed* in hinted for the past few weeks, returned home Led Wednesday. She will be very much messed by sane of the Lake Shoo boys. one especally, who de- c!ares that if our newly eleceed member, Mr. Patterwm. wilt no aid r1 in buil.fing a i rallnad from I;.derseh to Keratin! he will have to employ his time during the Sum f mer months in rowing th-.t distance, cud hopes the capt.un will so..l hie little dough ter to Ler him company ,.ti the ret urr. tap. •• Sedan( down the stream of 1.1. t In their little lark come. Hay they have • pleasant trip A.d jus: room enough for two ANOTHER GOOD ItF.SIDKNT ('apt. John 4'. McLean aud family left town yesterday afternoon for fort Huron, Mich., where they purpose taking up their residence for the future Capt. McLena lewd reached the top round of the ladder a • Canadian tnal ruse and, iu order to he rile to take advantage d the larger opport.ai iia offered men of his vocation an the Cak- ed States dee:oiled to become a resident of the Staters. We wish him and his family prespentl and happiness. RE-ORGANiZED. The Young People'. Society in connection with North -.t. Methodist church hes recent ly adopted the plan of working 01 the Bit worth League of Christian Kudeavor, by - which same it will bemcs!torth be know.. The League is in a very prosperous conditson at present, and an ~men effort toward greater spiritual growth is manifest to all who atttendl their meeting.. which are held every Friday evening. All young people who ria attend .re invited. Eureka Council, No. 103, R. '1'. of T.. will newt oe Tuesday evening newt, instead for 0.r Monday. en 0110501 of the lecture to be the delivered in North d. Methodist thereat by uoednetor Snider. The Melert 1►egrve will A akin meet Toerlay evening Ithe CONDUCTOR SNIDER The Epworth League in connection with orth et. Methodist church has engaged crmd.ctor Snider to deliver • lecture in the church nett Monday evening. Conductor Snider has • wide reputation as • powerful speaker, and the subject d the lecture which he will deliver here, " Leh on the Rail, far People Von MIS'.," is one which he is peculiarly able to treat in an interlining man ✓ oe. The adenosine few has bee placed at 20 nests for adults and 10 erste children on ae to allow eTer,hoxfy to bear lecture. WALLiS-JENKiNS. very iatereeti*g event nook Mae, at ma fiosos of our teammate, awls. ke, corner of St. Patrick it'd Colborne ts, to Wednesday. March 2nd, when Blake's were, Mtn Lydia Wood J.._ , was gaited in m0rroage fn ('kyles J. le, son of Jas Wants, Hayfield road. cerwmoNy was performed by Rev J. 0. ell, N A., and was 01tee0Md by hhUy sixty eases The bride was .esieu41 by Mr sister. Mia Mary Jenkins, of 0oderie u township, and .1 (Irani, teacher, el Areae- I Bead, acted as gmt.m.aa.. The hride wae bea.ufelly attired as • rine cold rot.s arab silk met..., tastefully trimmed with .s. 06 geidte les. Rhe was the reeipis.t of • f bo Irp arbor of prime* el hey .ead DEATH:M FIAV(N Bla Saturday 'tight last ,lanes Fantuhar*nn strew was snn.moned to hs reward He had hes. Mr ill for some seven weeks with an affection kiss of the lungs Th. funeral took Meer en Wal Mowat last .ad was mnduM,.l * the The 1.11.11. F , of which (hrder he esu ■ member How ibesased leaves . wife and two children to mourn his nor. He had been employed at Wm. Aeheson's hareem shop for snug year. Helm Gray, wife of Adam MWViar, departed Ibis life on Tharsday, Mardi Sed, at the advanced .4 yaws sad 9 .selhe. The funeral took plias. ea ft.eday Merv& me, sad was largely attended Rev. Mr. Black, of Hamilton, preschool to Kean cherub on Sunday evening Rev. Alfred Brnwo, of Pane, will oe^spy the pulpit of St. George's church nett Smi- thy. A hand of Italian harper. were serene.' •ng the town this week a sure sign of Spring,. The Gospel temperance meeting at the Temperance Hell next Sunday afternoon will he addressed by Aleck Saunders. Now ie the atwe_tty(uy an 'rgsn,piano of sewing machine, cheap for cash, at Theme eon's music store and en.ostage home mans facture For sale, knitting machine, new, $8 cash: was. bargain ; to he seen at Geo. W. Thomiem'0 music and sewing machine store. .1. W Weatherald Rev. Mr. Swann o'.5pied the pulpit of North -at. Methodist church last Sunday moraine and Rev. W. M. Seelby, of Res miller, is the evarng. We have ors hand • few thousamd low priced No. 7 white esvelorloppee•., suitable for sealing out amounts, ciroslsrs, etc. ('all i0 and see them at Tug StuNat. Aloe. 1*r M. Nioho*son, the Wd.R-et. dentin. makes the preesrvatlon of the natural teeth • sp.cislty. Cess administered from 9 A.A. for the maiden extrsctlos of teeth. A branch of the Society of Bl. Vincent de Paul was org00ixed here last week, and will bold it. Brat meeting tonight (There day) is the (. M. R. A. rooms, over Welsh's jewelry store. W. Ac4arn 4 Stn will receive In Kock early newt week their imported French costumes wed stylish drew Roods ; also satseeos and oambrice,200 new Moose ladies, wait tor them. The following have been o.ecee.fulin oto busing liconees to pectin. doatietry a the Province d (Mario : H. V Kewanee, Kr - e'er ; S Anderson. Kr.s..6 ; (4. J. Mees grove, Winghe.. ; R Agnew. Ulnas The Royal 'Templar. of f;0derioh purprse hold lag anentertatwwt•ot.. Tussey. March 29th, which gives premier of Ming • mai • oval and Iikevarp treat of rare eseelkece. Farther partieslars will be ,ekUsk 44 kir. Four sines of swoons* paper. start. seed donMe ruled statement., all seitehle for rswdsring ooeo.nta at this nason of the year. neatly printed anti pot up in pads of awe h..dred sheets each at very res•nn•hk prtesa at Tee Ssa.** steam prina.bg hos,., North -et. A Salvation teaperaane nrsusyg will be held ee the ll_ A. hare -asks ow Reseda ares. leg .cis. Liget.* F. will rive ea interest- ✓/ t eepreese readier. Thom will alas he several sola ramelered.teed an address ea at res Afforest keeps .f hteapr.e.e will ter delivered by Gaps Mahon AE ora w LEEBUHN. (PILO. 4.1'14. 00..t,11a0wr401.1(0t • Rea .1. A Anderson. of 4laiers.h, v6.1 ted ben last week. Mus ioonna 'tirliag ha,• recently return -d from a visit .1 some •1. ,*the at Brace held. Miss San Bell, of the I:e.lertch barb -cool, spent 'Nurdey art 1 'uudiey here, he guest d het collate, WWII LI. E. kelt.. Rea. Air. I1Lck preached in 8001 church, (:oderich, on Shad.) eventing and on Mon- day went to Ha•'ulton to speed the week with his family, who reside there. Th. enter..u,iaeot of Lode No. 213, 1. O. G. T., Enday eswaag of last week •i t 1.e' hall had a good .tten4• e* 0. ('.ism ni ably filled rhe chair. .1 program of 1, a•Iing•. rectt•e.00s and renominate sailer t .n. •-f .r.u...• were pares by the member. .r, -I a .hert a.b;re*• by Re:. Mr. Black. Kr Hughes, l:hor h of Englaal minster At \1,taglaar.. 4310 a 1.44..1141e .,ol searching *Milne on the temperance potation, point Dai out *0 his hearer. the many evils of par taking of strong drink .end the untold nor roe it makes in many a Lon.. circle. Keen it only one drank, he mid, other. would suffer from the &'freta. Those who saw a sufferer's last momenta iu delirium tremens wool.) not M.k .'tl str.s.g drink with a fav oraLlo ,law :fterwanl,. He condemned m.wlerate drinkers severely, a trying In fallow ate their exampis many • friend had fat ler Pe gave seyer.l testament of what be had seen during .00 lifetime and stale.) that as a geeer•1 *5'' a penmen who dealt in hqun-s was ashamed of the business. `spas does not p.'rneit further oomment, 0 47 to say Mr. Hughes has lately given ad. Anew* nn this question ender the auspices of the district ledge, I. 0. G. T., No 94, at different places in the county ad those who hear him will Bad in bias • staunch •deo. ate of total prohibition. DUNLOP. (MON OtR 001* (115&5 P0*1Dgl0T. ] Mn. (leo. Smith, of 4.u.lericb, speer Inst week here with relatives. Our architect gave Kisfp*ir.doe a transi- ent visit on Monday of tic'. week A kited of more throat with heavy cold had quite • .umber of the urchins is ita grip lout week, which gave the local sick u..n,mi,tee a bag handful of work. The sp - dem a. lessened aorewhat the at tteadartee •t the school dnri.g the week. Death last week removed one who was once familiar a a member of the sawmill staff for tonne years, in the person of E. Rnbertme, who was for many years form min and mawagow of the sawmill when W. M. Savage run the sawmill herr. Mr. Robertson dosed at Sonia at the advanced age of eighty /oar jeers. Hs remains were brought from there to (kederieh ind ie• [erred nn Mankind cemetery ne the 2411 d last north Mr. and Mrs. Janes Tobin .ltsteind a tai bereavement on Sunday lea is tat death of their intuit daughter, Atom Jos- ephine. The little Doe took a aver sad on Friday, from white it never rallied, do- ▪ te the uaretsitttsg care of threes near sod maimed by weighhrs The pores[s have the h.artklt sympathy of friends wad ssighbees in their hoer of arrow A largo o emaiwrsa kneed is the funeral presuming which ateoapsaid the remains to the R. CC.w C. eseseeer yn Delhnrne. where they ware in red Thesis worming d this week. (7nees. &stow Set Brief .atioa was made Inst week of the death of Mra tammhera..1 Rreefell, N. N. T. She was tee el the 5111,.1 reeklsmb of hoeing needed here sea. tr.n.sty ler sheet 30 years. last fall she deeidd Se visit tee of bear seas is the Nfethwe it bed it was white throe that .he eeirs.ted (rip,wbi5b heeled r her &Myb tbn sago et 66 years She leaves • dt.mig►- Ters.*.--Mea Jab Rbamer-+Md three mak i1 too Joseph, am Swing la THE MARIE'S. S r4EAOSTUFFS ANO PROVI*ION$ t is.f Protea. 0s. .e. Mesec fl Itg . ff1W,yhel't, ............... M M 0 erg 19 IrtMrmarr WS 101.1* i.a b M *t'ls le P*aa ttol 7/caet • Ina...Y.. M .ow, M e e M 'army two rowed. t1 bar .. r... M 0 M MM•l. Mt.eM sea Potatoes. . 0 bash fresh h ..peek d. 0 des...... 14 toe li ».._....... 11 toe 11 Ottot fll Mae• ele le * t.0 a>• w t. Stew id Weed Weal H ides . aYs . .. .. Desood Hugs. nowt ,........... Pena. ...... .... Melee IlleeS011110. Milli tk fells. all)N. at••ti dining M ru u Bailey ...............-to V sr t1ats ro a 'u Peas to a di A.iMnlw4.4114grr ...•-•.-.-.•./ur Oso Pewees >v w u u MWeit top it (trr••d............. } 11 os Doh ......................» • 0 O K1x511 .. .. .. .. .......... .. .... .. Perk 1 to Terst le•Buse tirRN MAO n 8. Trade was pretty good. bat prows remained about the roan A few el' fa cho*a fancy cattle brought • fructose goer 4c per Ib, but not many salsa were made above 4c. The general price-rsrre for butchers' cattle was from 3c to 4c, ae- on...hrl, to quality. Bulls and rough mere sold at from2(c oak per Ib,et hale mood heti fere and .teen mold up to 34c and 31c per Ib. Stocker. were la light demand at from 21ec per Ib up to 31c. Some transactions Wert+ . _26 nosed cattle, 1,038 Ila average, $3-12 per cwt ; 12 oleo, 1,700, 43 40 ; 10 •:titil cituioe heifers, 1,210, 4c per Ib ; 22 mitred cattle. 996 lbw average. $2b.50 per bead ; 9 caws, 800 115 average, =275 per cwt ; cow., 910, 48.80 per cwt ; 20 bolas. 11.120 Ib average, $3.624 per cwt ; 20 mild cat- tle, 1,038 dim ,&role, 113.36 per cwt ; 6 cows. 1.300 the average, 13.3 per bend ; 10 seised cattle. 1,075, $42 rack ; 20 meted cattle. 900, $28 per bend. M•SYe ll Use !Mei Mwrtas. The receapte d live stock at the yards of the Montreal Stock Yards Company, Pent St. 4'harles, for the week ending Merck 6 wee► B.reipteof live.tork at the Mo.tr.al Meek lard., Pt. ta. ( levies. for the week Left over trete previous week Tota; for week ... ..... ...... Oa head db, bol e.1 7 Igti tet { a There were medium receipts d cattle for the week and a fair trade. The deemed wets brisk, though no better prices were realised- T..r offerings of sheep were light ; the mar- h et arhet was line at 4e. There was ou champs is hop : bat values. 5c : the receipts were 50.44. We quote the foliowlug as being fan vol. G as: - t &1111. htekers' send Me is pie castle. astle. ben1 e*',.' medium Cottle. 0gtebrs cults a !k aur.:..'... to to ,fess., I, to cairns t 0 M MARNOCI4. [num urn ow. onttttgerotrowfv. The sunny days are making sad havoc upon the sleighing. Mir Maggie Porterfield par home a dy- ing( visit last week. A phonograph concert will be held this IThorsd.y) evaiog 01 school ho. 13. A number of Liberals atta.ded the Re• form convention in (:baton oe Tuesday. Mica Belk wad IJaie Fraser, of iflae- vaio, were visiting at Jags Agrw's last week Several of oar otiose. went to Mammals last Thursday to hoar Jambes Fax, the cock singer. sad ay they iced bap of foe. Ho' Fox MAMMAL*. -On Moodily Wm. Porterfield. Wm. Agssw. H. lied. Jobe Bell and family. Mn. Turnbull sod family, Miss K. Henry and otberakh for the Wait- ers Province. Robs. Agnew, of Tomato Intal Col- lege, retorted home this walk, having passed his Beal etteeniruoe. Ile has pr - dossed lir. Cook's practice is Chutes, where he will amenediably begin work. On Thureday evening of tett week a very laoaeseful tea.m5a4ing wa held by the MuivaI Improvement Society d Kees church, Itelgrave. Ta was served ea the Forester'. hall *ad after the 'seer w woe well material all repaired to the church. where sa 411141111141111% program was resiled. Rev. Mr. Anderps. of St. Helens; pga,. • .plwdid lecture on " Railroad Trwavlli.R," and Rev. J. A. Dyke, ei Relgrsve, spoke heed, ea the f l iraeirletie Festers d the Are, " which together with the nano given by the very efficient choir of the soci- ety made the evening pea very plata.tly and profitably. The proceeds asineeted a $54.00. Om the following evesug • social wan held which era well •treaded. CARLOW. (mow ove•ows ons mesponaery i Miss Sane Standayd with Maes L BSeb.san A Gledhill was visiting i. Kisos,dle. Inst week. Mies A. Ferman was viitiag e. flde- rieh for • few day. Mr. and Mrs Joke Stirling loft foe their hose io MOsisoie Inst Ta.esday. Oreo. .ad Maas Miry Yeses Vele resented from vanities their Meer, Mrs. Looe, of Hille (ire.. Maes Spee.., d Best&, d, hy her csusie, Mies Dew..,, were venial" at William Y.se ff1., sr.. Sea week. The Agriosieural ybold s seethe in the Therein" evelsieg. wise Mr. McMillen sad J. Nesseh Manned the m•stkeg, le the ati.6-lhe of all presoak Prosily- willRev Mr 1111•Lema essepled the 0M1551 blot Aeli eN, Ormwe.ie ea the Oa teed. Mos almsRev. J Yeaeg, .l Ipillesesv , opo eels • UI '40 nvt ►toe 1*1, r Sas +.itp eat n M Ile h• P.1 ear a M • 1. R. v.. I;t