The Signal, 1892-3-10, Page 5SCATCHYITEW& 17 Epitoase Or News B O Lh/e Oeilt O. O N IMP& as Film asap. Yooa Inst Mess es es M' -Walls ani tea« . hies. fiNngea a cwt aaaaaaroaasert.I Not a very big budgot vas yen ears truly this week, whoa 1 Ston wile. t het be sen ail it u amply tib : that 0.q d m. with aneab r 'nem fedeseday of lust week. Tb, y .ark Wisher papa. " pre= .akaad very a& tib. oto ►.a iota, tar.i.g her bawd y eaet Wee' Ymak..rtr�bo.. ss.ppleWy, hes tees obey her even wish ; .s is then 0.o est for th, nowhere to lay oar weeping , sir, is it clearly whiffet* how ,I hu•Itng .round the streak pole Lei order to ptber frac arta' Ski d At.," we have a t hose sail entertain the lath at, streage a it not, air, holt, eel Immortality was enter. death and awful desolates ruthless tread through the then home We hive rdre set sad demise of W. H Cowper, twining the rips see of 74 is hu own heads ruthlely ;teen him by his Creator. Het ,ucb to .•untend with of late iaacially and socially, all help town the on= cor,tits eoiar the mind. At Est b.• los •re 10 tee unit tad jc.tttn.ea r. we pans on from the sad to IIA fou ever hear the stilt, j;.• .hung by their own r•r. ing The old lady atret.•..w ming, Oh my, I with 1 were r 01.1 nor ties exehasad, eh 1 were Ir the tatters. f. J :July replied. with all tin ot..quesn, Oh. you relgek oil always wast the beta place' e reproduce the above, sir. m percentage of our big Naw Ir eery verge of the grave, ad e sada 4 time are 1 r� withal, like the old maple Met ntb what penisaacy to they lest pots of Egypt r, Mr. Editor, on elector lay Lome sot mw a ball. trosbls, I d Mr. `(Yater, of the Cent 1. be upon that day having ' the forhidden )aide. The re- st on Saturday last he was re He Worshiperyer Doherty of the ('rooks Aot sad fiend We believe that if as break our hod they should be dealt roily, but we are of opiate ould have been mon this aat re the mayor oo that oo lin ng the sato offence. , as 1 meekly et nurmag tea er eveoing.my tit..tights, hurry abject to the other, a het ■ the deed chieftsen. the las Maoduoald, and 1 wandered ly his heirs would shoes that extra 1600 which was awarded their for the extra log Perla Mos. If !Cir Joh■ haul lived 1. se sante, then all well sad good, =se took place before the est If over we think tow relatives rfectly stored with the eves . sir, I would wager a stick of a *het the I:overtmeot now a td term the fall amount ilea ed tie huby, sod as we swayed to a reed shakes by the wind again took a eery sweet centra these beautiful *many dsye aril I will make the syrup to flow en • barrel : sad thee, farther, ilk lot of juicy sweeties= has from big political maplae der it few 'maths ; but alas, bow and how inferior to ita purity tifal drawn from the estursi erns oar tea. sing my letter allow tee to as - at at then is another young ewe r town, he snaking his appear. Isy last. Inspector Malawi toss e ll control, and be is, i as is- m% amag Inas of great prosae. 1 draw my better to • etas, but so allow me to inform you that Mi very escouragtag letters hum ag the health of our nal eve, wad I might add, also, that w is ouch healthier than it bas oaths. The remelt is that oar t putt good natured and Immo eig. T Thus with these few re. me to remain, Respectfully yours. f( uNTbv' �Iu,y LANES. ice owe ed,tataPUN hae7.l ee IS at presst eery low with rat troubles. lea, of the vicinity of (Bees. at Jas. Johasto.e s. 'metier are again being hell o appoint delegates to a asst- s. Klectiose are only temper• soybow n ha. been for some use seller - 'ran an attack of togasma•em. hof Kiag.bridge, ie ope sown to hen of bis MOM. 1 boys have bought a football doping the faculties of kickers Wee- \o doubt we shall hear T of a leas America& Aseels- hy evwing, March tad, was the 1 very h.ppyeveat is our midst. anima o Miss Miaow. seemed T. K. /talky, of the 9th oea. etr. At Nevem o'clock tbe Nero- trfornwi by Roy. Mr. Aoderr Ice of about owe beadred avit Then a esmpt.ous repeat was h here witlss. to en/tewn9 ter whit* a most esjey is sprat with psssa,mtssie, Ne.. I hours of the might. The bride K recipient of m.. ..Iwo etch'bowl the very e piece is the � *er west hem* mere than Ilam, ting eom esead with the metas eb TMs satires • eseMe. w0. who has used Pobes'e Neral et pais cure, ueuld wet he with enet tee donors • Wittig. A s worth 14 weight is and the heat remedy it Om e..I1 d pais. it einem ..urslgls 1* • toot heath* ie elle .rnntet; lame :••e. ftm ; tiatdarhe is a tow in.I all plees jet es rsptdtt ry it talky • !ergs MttfNe r by .11 drogrets sed aeon se Pelson'. serve pale e010 THE CANADIAN BANK V F COMMERCE LJTAalJesa0 sMT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO •art T . Mae OP) 1111: $MJJOM DOLLARS MOM B L WAU(tR, Oinsert*t, hemming. 00.000. GODERICH BRANCH. A Ciersierit. IANKINO Buenas's 1 HJNSACTED. Femmes Noma Di*x uestan DSA/TS MUM PAYAat.II AT AL. POINTS 11 CANADA. AND TMa PRINCIPAL cane es ran UNITID STATUS GMAT BRITAIN, FRANCA. 1j{IRasuoA. see •Ar1No0 SAM[ •CPARTt•EMT. pEPoarTeOF T APO UPWARDS A0000 TO TMs �PM.p►AL ATIVILD, AND TNS el ALLOWED. „pvammut 1111 SOON TSAR. At1*stlss gives to tt • OsU.etion and Fanners' Sege" Moto*. Stsee Of INTEREST OF may AMO of ''r.,•trnereltl vapor. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. DOINGS IN DUNGANNON. A Complete Hebdomadal Col- lection of News Item* fear Parsersese rrep.'e4 0..e asa.ee.e .r •• Tete asa*l - Tete a areesa Reaterr of Sera\ mono . O.,T.Patia I. Pa TON (es.ss seer" weer. 1 ,IV•. 1/1'0. own I411.AL'1•0•I1L'T 1 1.. Harry, of Laokuow, wbo steads shortly to leave for Misedeea, bee seal hie mtercet s the gladsome Ai•Pwty ben to our enterprises( and rep -1. merchant` B. J. Crawford. In t.omaiti enw of good crops last season and favorable reports tram Manitoba and the Northwest, ytute • number of our Teas( nig 0..d ushen round v'wtmg that onestry THE SIGNAL: AO H. ONT.. THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 1892. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing =- tamp the uudrr.igned, OM � my' 011 bwgodsendunm as godsend the town of Votier►ch, under the Data and style of J. A. Reid A tiro-, was ou the let day of February instant dissolved by mutual consent. 1J tans A. Rain, iNiaust.•1 Rstu. eENMILLIR. 1100 LAT( wt Leer * aaa. ) T. C. Slattery was up from Windsor te poll has vote on the fateful 23rd. The funeral esn00s on beb'.11 of Mrs. Wm. Moore was preached on February 28th by Rev. W. M. Risley to a tarp and &ppre- eait.ve emagr.ption. The subject was : "Mistakes upon the Subjest.1 Death.. Rev. J. F Howell pressbsd last Sabbath at three of the M.t►s4bt ekeirabes an be. half of the sup.r..aa.Mne feed. More than half of the ^'iu,,t�r�Ala amen= baa already haeu raised. reM was able and must have required mush research. FIOLMESVILLE• I, Lave rr.a t.sau wens. ► We regret to learn that Mrs. Lacing, of the Huron Read, is wry ill, with faint bops of recovery. Rev. Mr. Mills, of Mas e. Methodist church, Mitchell, eiebaaged pulpits with Referring to the above the bun- ter's will be continued by the under- signed, to about all accounts mast be paid, anti who will n+uunte and die ob.vge all liabilities. with •vino to losing thews if they are Rev. W. Ayers, of this place. pleated with it. George Haller ie nowpr.p.red to do It 1s platen, to be able to .tate the .our I ., choir.. ••• provided he "Wel(( pod He pup"lar and entrrprieing eiteas. J•0."!17- could not do so on election day. outwith . and three •.r four members Lel ha faintly, who. have lona somewhat indisposed franc the effect* of custricted ould for .ase days, .re now on th•• way to recovery. Wether for March is teas far dedsght- 1s1, u oohaaooence of which sleighing is .bout gone for the cisme, weather bang at aeseat very *prieglik wehpresume f her all ta snding the liberal offer ode, as he w.. otherwise engaged. T. C Packard, of this village,bootas s ed up • new store of dry goods and 'hose. The eat.blishineut passes unda.r Inc title of •• The (central `Store." Mr Pick ard will doubtless receive a liberal pairosage - JAMES A. REIO 's mot - Josdaaooederteb. Feb. MA alt. 0.r' n perwu s tart no. weath We terret to learn that r number of our through April watt it arrives may pat in I citizens, several of them young men, coo 00 Sabbath sy.n,ug last the pater,, 11.v. Isfor add eetar. template removing ir.m ntutu at 00 da w L Potter, at meting service in the Meth abet church here, preached the aietrorirl arm= oo the departure of the late what sou of Mr. tad Mrs. R. Kirk. *.king as his tett 2 Samuel XII.- 22,Z3 TYe use tad (ers ore sees cosaeseosoteT. it. miutee thereof' were very appropriate for I Ow solemn occamoa. There was present aMiss a As'e Perkins, of ('•orris. asst Mae good attendance, the church being pretty I Thompson, of Mumaerbill. were sealing in well filled. I our locality a few days ago. Last week Wei. John Agar, too of Joke Mi. Lucy Hiller, of Winthrop, is at prem. tear, Ashfield, wait muted in the hoods o1 aut the gams of Mies 1.. Winless. of this uatnsiony to Mae Minnie Finlay, daughter valleys She is having as enjoyable time of T K. Fiala,. aeliBeld. We wan the renewing cid acquaintance& yosag couple • loamy and prosperous 0.405.vtea. On Monday evening last a very As oupo r et, 's rises of the •bore eays,s ku t ol suctoesaful social, wider the ttupines of the rhttb eoetel wayPreebyteti•t church hen, was held at the A.other pout bas been plucked I residesce of John ?Sparrow. As the evening From GO the parent stem, I sae all that could be desired a large crowd Mere precious far than rabies are n., present. A very enjoyable time was 1k env cestle rem. I spent. Proceeds atiouated to PO. is a treat aa..] of the fanners bored "tressed. 1)5 S.tuMay afternoon hies ahosu 'steal in the war future to buildrhea Theo. Ward was returning from (iia sell residences, there will ne doubt baa good ! ton kis bonne took fright neer tie gully deemed for brick. We are credibly informnorth of Varna and in their mad career ..l that in that locality there le aa •bund I soddenly upset the cutter, throwing Mrs. f good material for the making .d Ward with some x'.olen• on the hard ice busid 1 into thresh and reesue injuries on the there brisk for several eat present u A New iativenor ea i 010••NOP. baa day ..wing last gam. Methodist sof the Mair, . e rani te the onnellsston Lit w coded their way to the residence of John fast day. Some of them intimate the pror- 000ERICH SEED EMPORIUM. N RET11 RN I NO THANKS to our nuwerous customer. for their Iliberal patronage in the past. we hope by fair dealing and strict attention to business to still retain their confidence. In order to meet the requirements of our constantly increasing trade we are today carrying bile largest stock of seeds in the c•ulnty Our stocks of CLOVERS AND GRASSES Have been selected witb care, anti are the beet tial. call ix- bought 111 1 lir Ile rket. We wish to mil special attention w rotor of our towline varieties d Beed Grain, en, rows timing offered for the first tone CAMPBELL S WHITE CHAFF, Spring Wheat TRIUMPH, OOLORADO (EARLY GOTHLAND, left at the tsar tient for Crystal Wy.Mest' tuba' o0. Thine - dayDavid MDwee f WWII is Masi tob Let The sad St Paul tuba. They go by ll+isp _ _ and expert to be at theirdestination the last threat the 111th. They have yeas mouths ro ( totarN. Clonus New lies : J tt'� (father of Nessa. lC teary J r if not the Justly claim to be • ter 11 of to power of the Huron tract, g taken up load bare in May. 1832, not quite sixty yeas ago.He a yet • hale and hearty man, s beautiful photograph of him received from the Old Country lent week by one of his SOY showing him ea well pre- served, with an unusually fine physique for a man bordering on ninety years, acid seem- ingly with at least twenty-five yen of life yon ahead of him. Nature has dealt kindly with ba., and he has had the good !alis meat sot to diesgrse very eerimely with oaten during kis lees course el rem poets ars se gloomy in the Province that they 'stead to seek a hvelihooa elsewhere. VARNA. ante o bnck, therefore • man who i`s posted t0 the Gad fr.wen ground- $be epesined of hdfmAer bsd- sD 'moi ,skiing d brisk ,.Dosed The doctored w.s immediately east for Gad sad furnishing she . .bowing sag of roomer,. well. Y M r Hiles in any directing from - I Puitsesvirti +. •vu Auuttoil. -4a Thurs- of the pYwaftrspbsr. dolma our villnae lea member. of the Vette E A9T-ST. FLOUR St FEED eTo�. week. case would be just the efor bion to ov.m.se• W mid d errpr sd Mies Lunde Wan' lousiness in his 1 .ad is coasegseace he too by making her ibs from recipient of a has located himself sae door south of oar hominid silver cram Naas aid fruit dish popular baker acid groom, Semi Poch. 00 as s token of their *pprecistiaa of her ser )iouthamptoa-st., where be hopes that. by visw as orpaiM• AAllt.r • very es he will merit the together dsprted for strict attesting) to btssisses. *yam • belie. that they bad their several Gomm *encase, of the inhabitant* o' tad vicinity. There is a rood opening bore for • Rood, practice' vetertrry ...,.es. (to Thursday, the 3rd inst., J. L Tree. 1..S. I., ofacially visited Dtosaasea Public school and put the pupils of heti depart noe public through ooh cerIiselee•. LO% th*• ju public soil talo the junior .►epartaiest, what b in charge of Man M. Potts, is the foresees sad le Use charge the senior ampartosat in prtnctpal, A. McKay. Tweet the trustees, T. Aadsrsoe awl J. M. Roberts, were per int ue the al%sr ass.• put .• ea for short -tains s the 1 in this v' He leaves for . .ftersoca. -alt the els. of the esatit1Mtlea in • few day& ereditablc to "sag" end Wm. McAllister and fa.ily have removed epos, expressed Reed their plesesw with the wr.. Tbsy will be ristly jltiat�e .err m what the puede coq The tilos. �°rsg0° be fiRlbN seen mesdaties et the masaer in which tie is worts. An poollast program b boom shown Moor where it wee truly matted. ETHEL. in ora owe ooanasrorower. l The sleighing a about done. ('sash .sating will be l,.1d in Ethel no Friday of this week. J. C. Heffernan took s carload Let cattle to Montreal last week. of Man Cummings and Miss (:rant, EgrtosdTille, spset *today with 1). Serest. Alf. F a rao.wime old soq.•iM•eone The ..owing of good seed the first and mncst important step towards securing a boun- tiful harvest. I have received a new stock of seed,, includ- ing a Targe supply- •►f Oats, White 1R08EDAL BANNER. MUMMY, POTTER, Pease GOLDEN VINE, I ATTRILL. p- Big Mill Flour and (23e1 -4t) Feed constantly 0u handl. W. BURROWS, Seedsman. SVMMNC+-1892.. JOHN T. ACHESON pate* wet very • �tja.os prevent, bean to Wisgbam when they have °pea, uttt.d thaw islstaft as of Tem res. Tee meth snsiot• be said in eon . 1est . r village ep•oter meta the petals as to the retest of `ul P�P•e•uet' knowledge wind* they have sequined o0. the l Our grill rond o des(• ►webs( hatless different w►aiNt d duty, the courteous he j� we. 1;eo. fkw*Ner hen tow Madly hokum exhibited towards ed to the Ake of heed lmiller, wt Mees live methods and else the sag minds H•wthora as "seats" - drawn 01., t aft minds an w '� in comment Robert Mist is making plwPnra'i°ns for drawn ant. Hem ram eitn. going west. He will take • c.rle d of eet- oog neon the t>rit•m at file . withboot, ttehe H tis with him. He may rotors tamft high! eMae'd • And solicit a call from those who want to make .sure of getting good, fresh seeds. THOS.J.VIDE next Winter ( sAN or a ho.kesPer. • Mrs. McCallum, wbo hs bees �visWtg her est, John, for the pest last. TM few died at reechoes is raaince 00 (vires! took place ma Monday at 1 o'cloek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and family left this week for Merton, North Dakota of door eleopttoo ,hat ser. Sonatina should be mid to writing sad .p.lye s lhs junior room. The order was 0. woo. CONVETANCOR, J • tire., oat s.ks�s a r. allira abosAtrees�� er seism, dem fa er w45,a,w eri7wee roa K Tr► bet (esWt R rue •I lla-NI m* s� Os sty away friends here. Ma• Winnie Roamed elf of Nvletw Cort All um= eatetdb [MUCH BETTER, • Thank Youl • .dher� >1tmisaiael� 1211neP. 1 IIJI TML• Air the ��� a( breech M. C. M. R A.. latd O° lrebeusry 18 the ewla/i,. w0.• msmi� sstrl Jobs Moved by Bro. Je L .y e Mr Bre. M. W hitty that, y*seedWherums 11 y. *seed nlmiehty Clod is wisdom to vibe by demi the t..0. of ear ste.mil Bra. Thome Stiles and remove therefrom a dearly beloved lather. rsdyed, that the members of this Wm* Wolof W Bra. mastoid family their giase,v wersekg is their sad a lliatias. sad that a eipp-if We remlwties he owes oat worthy loretbse esti mead en our minutes and psbllrhtd is The (Lt1die Reasei .ad Beans Bloom. M. War7*r. Rea • Ase. Oa. Wilma: testi.. Will you bead the "Geula. y 'rats nigral �,irbap. of Ns ,rawept oes& t k itrrlklo Moms osi ma'lafoo• if lee as ttlltad ter fee .nil of footle f1 owls to rhe the riot m/ tie .mNaa car it. W. Ism flees ear *at MOMb OtH ell awe year amt.. Heim het gtt fa sea . �1Q, AVL• Asfelrf Atka, I'rr.rst. Cow. radar :ay,oseliva two, e•+ens/e:... !s'!...tee erw,M.wet 41.;.•r'., I•1.t.alw r' .r ate. ice a _ :"+a. sil�wt etieee rt .b. r.%..� t,r e_ra s...+wt•w eeii0.+er ,. 1.,�..•r a wee .t h aur. ...1 a 1,= t • .,.. n �>, r Ih.uh ,. ..- J ►•sell 1 /1.,e ta s.r•.4.leor«ww' .Oil TR r 19 TUX i-YI VERA 4/. 111217- MONr{ ,::..a rite hare iseris irrepa CIIRIIYIC ARON(•IIfTIS, CUVGHI. COLDS. on .iSr FORM O1 WAST- ING DI1bA.iE., wl:er they Seem erica 8C BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - _ - $ 1 2,000,000. REST, - 6'0O0'°oo. A Saving I rt meat has bags *ivied is am- vectiou unto this branch. Interest alloyed at current rates. GEO. DR UMM(ND, Manager Goderich Branch. On behalf of my father I beg to return thanks for the eery lib:ra patronage bestowed upon him during his clearing sale, and take pleas ure in announcing that 1 will ontinue the bnainets with a complet stock of New a-oods AT New Prices AT New Goods. New Prices. ALL HANDSON DECK For the next ten days we will be very busy placing in each department full lines of Spring goals. S== ovr� PIIc�s- worth 7c worth 9c worth 10c worth 7c worth 9a worth 12;c T .e cid St -- 2 Bales 36 in. Grey Cotton, heavy, 6c., 1 " 36 in. Grey Cotton, heavy, 7c., 1 • 36 in. Grey Cotton, heavy, c ; 1 " White Cotton, 5c7c , White Cotton, 36 in. heavy White Cotton, 10c.. Shirtings and Ginghams, Towels and Toweling, Table Linen and Napkins Paying special attention to Ureas tioods, Unties' Jacket., 4 West � ;'� for Our Dress (foods stock is now twmplete, comprising Spring costumes. (Only one costume of a pattern). which in The Ladies' Jackets and Capes are all of (het marl manufacture itself is a guarantee of a perfect 6t, style and finish. where will be found s The Carpet and Curtain Department is upstairs, complete. stock of BrusseLti Tapestry, Wools and Hemp; : Rugs of all des- criptions Curtains - insight for Icriptions : Ina: Curtain;, (,xhinelle Curtains, Tapestry , cash and will be sold at the lowest possible prices. inspection invited. ':t.'.l-tf Highest price for butter awl eggs. 5, for ...sit EMULSION I Pure Cod Liver Oil and H'( POPMOSPNITU _Of if loco foal Soda. - 11 ALMOST AS P HATABLE AS MILK. IT IS A 11114Cl►1RFT'L P'1.SAH PRODUCER 14 Ree�"A awe aJrsrd er0.P P5ea$ P•Ree. *1.M OlaMsDoeie N wi/il.fswu. Ani, b �.gA+sF.eers we ler. reed 91 DO a1COTT a mO WN& JOHN T; ACHESON. Samuel voubill,t'eal estate „eat,dappo edi of the Ian Robert Orr's residmoe• on the Diagonal road, Wiagbam. to Woe McAllis ter, of (Trey township. The sale was made and rapers shoed by Mr. Orr on Friday evening. February 26, the kat act Mr. Orr did The prloe was $1,660. sad Mr. McAI. lister Maned • bargain. It is said be in - toad, rMrokag to town shortly to live re- tire'. He bas secured • fine residence.. BESS flOOBS. R. B. DUNGANNON, Has opened his new .tock of Spring Drees Uooda, comprising full lines of all the fashionable fabrics. Customer's will find his selection first-class in every reaped .Never broke* -Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it CLOTIIIJ. GMAT PRINTS AND SATEENS in endless variety, at prices that will astonish you. Every department will be filled with new goods. Come and see osis good goods to show goods. It will pay you to buy y CLEAR1NI SALE JAS. SAUNDERS' McLEAW'S BLOCK. As be thumb retiring Iron business, he will sell his large and weII-assorted stock at bottom prim•. Chinaware, Jewellery. Wedding Rings, Silverware. Nickel and Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Albums. Plush and Other Goods. Toys, Fanny Goods.etc Hie Clothing Department contains choice selections in Scotch suitingi and Snglieh worsteds, also full lines in Canadian tweeds from the bled, manufactttt'ern. Suiting" snitsble for ladies' or jien- tleinem'n wear. Hole agent for W" F.. Hartford's celebrated readytnad.' clothing. Ordered clothing a specialty -warranted for a year. too. it's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money hack if it doesn't suit. • But it's pretty sure to suit -else it wouldn't be sold s0. HILSON a mul(f. PRICES B2IIfflT. SNILON'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ROBERTSON, POOR MAN'S FRIEND, GEO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND, Q..ODTRIOH. W. T. HAYS & Co. We beg to direct the attention of the public to the dlegant stock of new goods for the Spring trade which we are now showing. 8.000 Rolls of Wall Paper Gild Boriers. 0111. 11 011.1 a►: +..1.1' iT NAI! rel. 1. Now is your s one for bargains. Our .8 ortmn031t Comprises : Hats I Hata ! Hats l The were sad noba�t f• the ,redo. Neckwear, Can't be surpassed. Fancy Flannels, Summer Underwear, ADV FRr1'I8IC NW H WANTS IN THE SIGNAL. This GREAT • ' (:URL tint inns 11 CoMUMP'.. • 1 :(F, is w.:Soul a Bel in the ltilllory cl mre.irit•e. .111 se asttooiislt meat k• 't a retitise telt OA so oNt.r care Stn snort't.rily shad. (yes lull a tithe, Sim Timms, .e Bronchitis, a it. ht (l otic rte. 1f your chill bee he exd f. 1>. 0.•c t• h� yet Clef _vett dread: limos C �I( Ale'* Ira to tee it. h d9 cum yes Q ale`- A)Jt yes kwelst far MIIWI1'. �e so est., rad $100. U yore fit' are see a IleselmationTOAs �Ikrat Oed..d [Asses 1 bek bons. Iia *15.1*. Poems lssem Oen ,0 eel. it TOO N ant a want Nam sit= Want • West to sella so. want to Bays Yeses. Waal t.. Sets a t(rTI ,•• W.at to Itsy 1).N hal. want to Gell F .10 Want to bel a llama sr m Waal t• 0..l► Oroeerles and Urns. Want to fish Hoeesbmd Maker,. Want a d ors (Mods w .aNM w tis Cu.te.ers file A awl � The ► 11 iaNewCr'. A,1ill ke.•pO1d Ctntemeen. .Ile Nuys pers. AdAuyswmg Nakao .aLape oaA. . oraaseses. y ...ret LW. bmws�Af at AA D. THE SIGNAL Seek cempbets. White Shirts, Call and swathe our sew heaanees shirt Sporting Caps, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, etc. Umbrellas, *tee, assort meat to tee hast. Waterproof Coats, 1051 ma.afet-tared:.0 Endes and Arlon Every line of our stock has been well selected, prices have been placed at the lowest possible figures, and we shall be pleased to show our goods foralthe who may call upon us. We are agents Par ishan 'steam laundry (London) ad.ed ibsei mere thaat�e�! O�m�es king• v 1thaasw Oaf other Mwfpayes P•1I� 004► �Msesa, m0.eMw �oetrlslu wow 'irs10, pear tont iwas.. AN sssed m/Mara ummlor. sulk east W. T. HAYS&Co. - (:ef. Mmtt(ils• she Seers. MOM WALL PAPER SALE. ((;drive in all grades o/ Wall Pa- per. _9 /ter stock -taking we find 'we have several lines that must be sold a/ once to make roam Jnr other papers yet to come. Remember these papers are not old or out ()/ (late, are fresh and clean. and zed/ be sold al prices that will maks' you hut'. (ham Iwo hundred samples to select from PRASER & POR 1)isit.ral Telephone Exchange. own, 0 tr