The Signal, 1892-3-10, Page 21111.11111. se. iniz SIGNAL: tIODIIRICII. ONT.. h*DJ'Y� *ARCH 16. awes least mow gat, ig,„„„ I munogn sse 1010 111 aged aid MIK age sand dollars of Ithimatford • nautery safely us 61`6f'.1!? .:•614641 l'In"" hs k.11 my ponmeasion a pay esiough for ell the is wk." 1-16".'""' 1010 hu" kit. conYeasenue I hese buffered. Hy Jolty .4.4666 1.0" 1661 '1'*.s iid. though 1 dui gol (0,11,11, 50,.I0J 145 "rid sterogge and lit ...go elt0 tat is ,-001k •Tby etwtstepq leptiTio,cv. 1 _ esArrRit XXV mut cot sysa-rtterri 3... Pwissaill bad indeed gem to tiresue, Swear for a • seomeat daring all those day• that Dr. Ramer kept hint ta tad had ON- mkt* ot Lowe, c..3p...1 lion ficesties, wys hanatet With 4 terrible leer. He hied tbe streamliner natural to 44 mospeasee, and every hour 110 Wain 141 lost Ins purpose wed actions leak ot.• and hecot,..- Not wily was be hi few of kerma Louallt, hat • greater tolamity overhung lion. He had disoeutded to an orateru spei•tilator all of the farm mortgages held by the Bockey, Loan and Trust ( ompeny, and had the pro- ceeds then in his pocket. In ...ing away with Louise he bad arraniol to take thousands of dollars of Match orris gooney . During his tionimement he wee weighed down with the fear that the.* eusbessientent aliould be dm...oaten:4i mid hoard( apple headed. Every day this fear grew titrunger upon him, until st last Ise fed* eertain that t(4, secret :must come oat, and he reaulted to bo still no longer_ rto sending his atteud- aat sway he arose from his brd aed wee mit !treed to find his Innh tut....•ta With eeese on the doctor whom he put down as issoratous, ix hurried fro,., the ream sad ear 110084 oe his way to John Orem% Maas. -Thank my stank- he roottensi as he soxtos the.pisir. "I am net too late yet. I have Gaily to give to be ready. and tooight drive out for her. and tionde of ma boors we shall be rolling to the westward all hen ea eteelii 01. 1.0:40 Louise han, 01 erne, been hemmed of l'earson• tatorttose. Pearsou t migh his frtowl Mills. isad taken pains to keep her intertned Op hie conditose, Said *a Wes ewer* that tin would come &gam roan to cheles her sinew to his torestitss. So -die waited day after day with CatITI resignai ;on for the tinie to erne for the completion of her winery and Aimee. n Penrsoe reached Louise received him quads, and %harrow her lings were site had oratered them mo well that ml.e betniyed enotton, either 4,1 servo,* .'.• pinnate. "Louise., 1 bee, at laid 'vox to leans your declaim,- Peareue Ard. 1. nen they were alone. have given you more time than 1 promised, and I suppose you have your answer ready." have: idte replied. quietly. • 'And it is-----" • !a you wish.- • *Then to -night be ready fur gores away. I shall mono at a couple ot hours after dark oith a mood carriage. and tty moving promptly and keine 00 time a 4%111 coach the night ntin west, aril b. foi rtire pade kr. s kumwit rre -" loon here. A Mt itederstaed that thil nine( he nu delay'. • •*And vou will see that there is nese "Then I soppier. that is all,- and as hart.. spoke )ie*'. as if to go. but *ed.' delay strapping LIMO 00er to the gilt0 sole ate. rd..: ..• volt are 111011111 14. be. 110131e. 14on1iO4, ohjeet tir 111e kiosks you. Here. • iefore I go.. . ...t. tion,"elee cried aivelee drew he, Tao DOMINI LAtaulf NO illasicriLY. mdf back fern him. "Spare ear Out . phew 40 "Humph,- Pianos muttered, you lave to get earl la that pretty soon now, and you might ari well begin one time as another. Ilse you think I *411 1.1 you shim VW as yea world • strike when >..0 are illy own!". oo, rat spore nos now. I have .011 mated to give .170s1( 40 you to -night Finn. thenceforward I WM yours, lain tooter let me be free. It is not much I ask, an.) t041 will surely giant small a request.. “ith, yea. I inemose POLMOU replied with a roars. Irimt0. "Be yotir own mut tress for after *114 7444' are mane. Ile ready at eigisto'clock to -night. and meet me at the fence below the stable yard. - •'Very Lemke said this so eohnly and so freely thaLrOorsiWo was coostrained gaw at her tn wonder, and as he 0141411041 her quiet, itninneable countenance be begat. a doubt Twe intention'. "lark here, Losies,- IA said. "I want you to beer in mond diet. I tun in earner. ma that I will brook on foolishmes Yon 1411 rew ot night in me particular and .yotir lather will pay for it... " 1 shall not Mil yea.* lasoute teplied, 40 the anew rains tone aid manner -I ham decided to talkie year wielhee• firm/ 1 AA net tern hack. Have no fears of nye "Very well, thew 8. risnlY 101 NMI reeling el eight Lo-rollst., awl 111011 fOr the far west and • homey wife happy at lewd for nw &Idea, voreder 11.. hr.stal. liood•by for • her hours. - The •itn was set high as Kai h.,.1 tows,d magic I 'try , hut hung iluspetirlell In the direst weetarti •Ite httle eay elem. the adr of the earth. There et wo LIMO 10 lose,•. 40 noised, as he rode swiftly ea. •• awl I must rove • to essaato . o ' -rot ite• ....11111. 10 1.4.11. yestorilay "vet lien arstr I wits arras .4.I tieragg• wo..ld get wind .4 ntati.•c- at telegraph to Illetchf.r.1 ;sod get hint o here, sod 1 (111.10 4* ite did d would I.• day voth One that leer . past new and (4. g..t 'leer setting.. Thm, ...edition*. the Imal and ...en plete 041.4•004 01 hie pane Peynton 045 tinned Itt. way 10 high rlsirits, %elating Monett 4.11 er ouinier. 111 which he hatt snaked AS14. feliCit••••K 11111•104 the bright preepre the future °pried up beton. hon. 1.0411115, es the meantime, wt shout th poen.' stoma 51 WA* 110.1.*/.4,-• 444445 1118lie trIr going .44,4 1 to, oree hot ir tie to do solar from writing letter 141 bar parent... s U.,. 4.4...ent hark t,o rhino ..ii the norrroW froo. Nlage 4 ity For !leer tWo n *rote anal re wrote lettere. arid at last i.s want of mo toile -opted 45441 Alla1041 10.e! (al .t eyed. It ow tar t . no ...at t atm- to" y. tau she Save up Al 15.1pe 111/14.414j; • motto :Appetit' Otictlaaliti• lo 1141 l4'S,w1a* he,. explaining the rause of it, alai nos.l.ed 44) 4,) hat "It is better, ' she mad with • nigh, she plated ihe letter away. ••thed I 'hoer t I4,, It poor klifsW hOW I w nroirm-4e-woold-tiavea_ tegry_ himself, and would Ote of • harlot. heart 1,u1 ao it ts they will pity tot and timeiro talt, atoll perhaps think mach oor.e of :No, I derrve, b -rt they will live over it. Haring c.eivieted all her arrnotzettients Went 11l unit mother a pretense of INK 14W1011% /AR00 aervitrr fur her 'nether. foiew aii opportunity to kiwi both Mr 4.......e1es then. Iselin; that she Yea, going to break thrten, berried tour the *mei ea. elMit 4ilirpoii4*l„ ri enter it aeated Itermlf by the *iodise, *4.1 oaring .wit ate the gethering evecing 41*:441044 4 ignited for the .erniing of Peerson. 1115 111.1 1110. 1 sr -got I:. 11011103 'So tte ithp‘od ejt leord the trek as a 10 reed Mt. weal wee whirled awe, ..11. city ire% ee• '.. or toodured wittiest delay , to s. • where tort, thing um es Owned to him He Inttea .1 ...Deily ter th. 1 whole s•-•ly , as Nosey reircoliesi tie IWILV I. tier rude ...to 41 Jams 44r41-4.1 tarat(y Wet the idlato) 44 4.51,4 Pe 3-1011, , fre gr. lb 11011y •.•-• gray Mad dropper'. be 011 his 1.1,3.... evor .• t • hitartr outlier grsiosa Moir It aa. a outman 110 t.• oiler MtirAMp pitoreotra _ I. herrn .1 weenot hare the rAki Map meted ! s1..1ke. but .tt Iasi he lUisiWi need ;Lod . 1,4 .1• so • - Sly I :oil my ;hind! hoe have *fasted. , • My dynes of writ, and tar riper I have wit, toed usy hems. irsy far set . `ultra ,.‘.141 to rani. neer toast .011 eland. we; tempi lp-o• -.other 111. i *tent. 6huw me 1(408 41111. • • ' awl l'U t. rut a bullet through ins s .11siamo , besrt. s_oliar. 1 meta ere it. . *us 611 rs'oedife awl the- their mold t, .10 to so. th..: old nines quieted down,. but OS • last they vtioremimi 04 tailoring hist • histets t.. ieswo, art Scrap strikstderi hie ki I Ian ot orocesiere • I. "Prorw004 4.4111 to Illreen's to -night after the girl. end ne• milt arrange Os -get t bet e le.t••tt• hum We eon tilierre see hrW tor Ile will be in ht.lusg. we 1411 hvol hint ag vs. et fear he any get there lo.ore as mai , mho. us or the read. I will hate torn oa t wattle tor km at .ite depot With isuitetur -4 tame tit il-1.4:11 Ise ••..sei... Los.. tie -re it• In that . ev,ttvltig 'will he 444 Will catch L.:a rietantru "ere tke roomer ' i"'*' :45 was reaciitt to hy " all. and 'ben S.3-agg, she '`We 1414- :oda here. wed. as 'St attri't.•tg Alt 011.4.!si•r.. Hr. Ito 0. ono ....nth. -.P. Mr. ff'' •• t.. hi, ; : ' • • -• .• „ row JAW • 100.4 * 1 4411,4 proem.. ly :teo;f1r, Novi. It .rf ir 811444,4f • Willi;14. .4 e!li Ai/1064 .41041 1 4444-, Severe* had. smitspleted ..11 steente, %nth' sihnopand.wa 4.55 hot Loewe, Wit got E4.1.411ko04's I "'.....• lie God's mite den% hs isag dim so .. lilatalthed plessied. ••1 have been too long away from my child already, lad 1 mart re ter .1,....kly ••All right. Ail right, tellies.' the lector al hi the bled away •• II or lose a 44471111145* lotto the room he tried to lode h leg too4. l ***.4“ ,., geese an. boat Lb. emit; lossedoess th.c. Idled • k11..1 .4.1 hear, i • Ie fleeing 41.4004 ..,, to tlie ...utast ....., el let Itself or Le . yte awl fare In .:-.t .• of is,. ioisu rag Mary rel. ... al • . the& the thotor watt oterniyest. but the keret dreamed of it..ss besii...„( any , c : dim 10 li&elo, eo lir.) .1514.1 .,..1 11111g. ft, .10.10, tppresuisr. Al. 1'4 0 01 1... 6 4y1111. •AV....1, MOW Is IIIV I*.t II..*11 to night!' ••$...,...: better th....i whey c.ou st. Ir ie.. Iletele.• N1417 replied. "Hem. glad us isoar IL will be 01a41 to know it. think ..."- "I .1.....t know..iteitor. lie evenle tO hate forget vet lite r!it !rely... ••)1o, be ler t, though. I've heard from hia. sire I was here.- . ••lioe%..tyrolilly.! ,What del y..0 hear! - Nary ,044 I “4111, wit atto.11. lir haves you. though., 1 .0 se1 ll.as iie ever ,lei, ...el I think eel! ,,-1 I Inin eat lirre 'felon. 1 “(Mi. tioelor. do you 11..i.k ..u, thileird?“ I "Yee, I do. In 'art I kn •it it. 1 ••W•ire will he collie. 1 •'4 11,1. (5.0 44 01100. 1 r ,.. peel, Next Iweek ,•1 to niOrr..11. ,I he may ...taw to. Iliekli: ; "t1114. Melo,, bee here now. I know le - 1 is froin yror looks. Where ito he lad tie !11.74,11' 1,1,:itutik. r-ionos.. nt the Jou "petted zed the ; 44411 100411 ellaered. .11144 tottered ewers tho 1.11our and with the ' w.rtla, I swab ou his /nem by .1 e bedside *ad la ; gut jia.,4 s.lwaa ity kg. .; .iter'0 161111 i ! Oietire W410-/ i• 'Ile. 41:ieteir annatered tenni all Item lb r ..eti. mei with ounelese Ale they. obeyed , ...iii, !eav.u,4 fathei end Arid alpine to ; gether. - After isolate they all west b•ellr (at *h.-et...es to find the label and dattghter ,. mete 4•4101 11104 el t teitiord end +hey Se. • 0144 • ell hre'1404 &ail buried. t he test . the due t•••.- '. i14, . '41411. 14.-riaipp, ue hat. done all the i halm 100 1144). en ere nay as well go. I ea ' pect oter teen oould te more satiable this ' out .ompany. , •.I'uti niu..... 1 sot go, rimier ,' • ct ied Mary . "until 1 (4*'..eve tlutaikow l you to: hat ha,...dobe.. you , ••'',haw. pilaw. Mrs. 4 4reet.. 1 hares. don. anything 1! wa. 6..-ragp viii. brought !hie about. ••111 raver ," said Scraggy. •'it was Ha'. 1.VIten Scragge and Or. liamnai left the livery atalde. *hither thty sun to 'moire , after l'earoonto, they lent their step. c..w- atde Scraggit'.411ce. whet. -they go to remit! ors the arab 'and try to de. s Witte eel Anis of holding ia cheek. %then the. 4rri Oil At the odic, they fooled !haul Star k Lent hem awaititsig Screw. return. ••Mr. Scraggy. began. :I :on ac truatitted with your actors relater le tertian t ere and that e.ouleirel Peanuts, sad 1 know sou to he a (rims.' of the girl 141141 / rattle lo you ;bent her • ewthing has to 10 done t41 Wive her Irmo that a .ifot II her t• lw thaw I hate twos -..t the seht,..11 ball another peroo on guard o toe. aul bettor"' to wt. hat . I tow., 4 T011 r taetly how mat t.vs stared. do-rogist Pearam w go - 11%; to t•ke Loiter ate-ny'. WWI Ne Mate (I 0% rie 1001. • • 1 wer otrt- .4 that, said btraogl to the ••I oa• afraid it. replied the Ian., • I writ to 11,1.%..ti the aAJOIOUtItItil kart rot a (44 liroket..- Seragga, "me ler or A wroth losie leen heater. I .lon'*. see why vOU 4,1•41,•4 alleoll to that tilde you Ohre sgotit it, Markham. "Hitt. geutifinen, paid Paul, "we have to1 time to lose tie must act awl tall. • • 'Elute replied the darter, ••,,, moot 44•1 Mu 101.11 do wesetiring.' Seetags ultra 1*/ yost toiggest`- "I ani hot; awl Setagge 41.00k his hetet. doulditigty. ••I don't k0.1114 *4)04 10 dn. '44, ssnukt wave the girl by lot, e, kit we eand doll without putting Green ierst etude obi Iltdatchforit wow here. That i• "old settle t40 hastariss in short order.- -Perhaps bit will .11101. One evening, - the doctor saggested. -Periuspe.- replied seregg•, "bat 4 hard. jy horw for surli good fortune. - "'Then I'll 4.11 30.1 what. raid the doe - tor; ••we'il wed, until the train comes in. It will be ler then 1111 hour now, and if twitter 10 5144145141 lietipen tri vie re doree with the tnatter Methenough. and if bet chford dosi.t !Mitt 1.) 14etig,' we -II proceed against P•anoso. ny force %Veil waylsy bin, as he gues o111 to night *DJ threaten to shoot tor hang hint if he elocen't leave the t.ountt 111* 41. 41 01* 110111.11. - .W• II df, 11. 4.101. serge exclaimed, *114 • 4.- .. IlWali 1•11.11Wila. 1,... 1,•oo get up a 40100 04,0 on !ntloolnutos won., v.v. 81*14 us, and yon ma, het yr.ir boot.. 10. 11 not lie sloe about gn ins the tienned weeny A dose of western lao and notice if herbal eirltle to tirne in a burr'., '• Ito mud that isouhloo't 'Ave Joint I :teen from 41 ill.- •envie/roe • Yes. 14 pionmils replied the ,.I.1 " It take UP Wit,. MM. Witt. a &VW 11 tie 4.4111e kind of tf he got Cilit af0111•41 ha: it 1. weld SirragS4 1.40 IW Alit the worseidf it st 414 1.1 of both .•4 them." ••Nta hit,' 4.4414 404•10110. -ma well tart for 1(4. 1,14..,, and tf Itlatchfonl don't :VIM wall hike the matter in irrir 101444110." it AITICIR XXVI, 11*1 sanniwr 18 ?UV tlITUD. As Perrone rode Into town toi his or torn from Cream's, he ,un Ole neon frono 111. east at long. rhe also re St.raggs and rhr7oir 44051545014405154501id w•lk log 'loon tr. the dire, than .1 0,. tie; 1 H. did n..t Atte, 1. LA, noptortance to the tart of theme sown being together. hut when a tintment later they Were jr411111 l.t l'aul Slarkliom he hegan swim. von that something was wore. end he wart mired with fear 'They re !plotting estonst nye. ha mused . • end like as not oht rttgir. hos ielegraphea for HI•teleford. m1.1 they Nose they "nay toe milady _resssdried Ma el the great Wu14 hn life. He Ile% el 41.01.4 of Me wide daring all bie dhows. aud it &poem - ed that he had forgotten be, All his tat we. ol her .1...ager mei I.., innthei, and 0444 and siverrgam 10 w., hinowl! has neglect of them. "Theta. (lel, thank 1.414 lie mai true day, ••I Wive hel....pared t,..• ;•, go'. Ili lot f t_.s. mee. Titre thiel that 1 SJ 1rI.1l 1:41 .110 Una. r I.er loot *Oa with tier to, e 11041 111.11. At too: the end come, anti the poor old won oh.. li.d a ret:ked his life through • ten .ole oeisan'4e, rapt the sleet."' the deed. WI.. ser h lee01-11 tle%Ul4Ili.r drake. We lima !Ult. 114 W0111 Into lite 1.011.14 .4 * VIM 1 :4A 44141 1510 reward wait in 5.101 410M11 Bargains in_Cloaking, Mantles Out 'Fre of Charge, Bazaar Patterns given Aw COUGH, Mai slew doom WI Ates's Mena readers& will relieve yen Ti, 11., ti ha the hones. Yea are liable to kom • emegb sae siod no other moody is se ellective as shier world. r •nownelts=Z Pon. No with ragtag eldlinim. shomad be without dooms a live. OM saved every yew hy Da timely usu. mande 111. Jenner, Korthseltylka. writes : Cararawa (meta& law 4. eise to acknowledge the rat blew is I have derived for my chl no bens ow of Ayer"... meet excellent Cheery had lost two deer chl/drea crony sold consumption, sed tad O greatest fear of losing my only ro- sining daughter and eon. as t&ey were flunk. Happily . I find that byll= ein Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, me the y triptonas of throat or lung trouble. they relieved hose danger. Dad ars tia. .uung robust. healthy children." *In the winter of ISO I took it had which, in spite of every booms toady, grow worse. so tkot the family liveries considered ow locotable, wip- ing roe to be in e00111LUBLUOU• *5 14 Watt tried Ayer's C rry and. in a short time, the mue was pieta. aims then I have sever been ithout tha medicine. I ass fifty years ege, weigh over DM ponds. Watt at - n hut, my good bealtb to the re 41 yer's Cherry Pectoral."-G.W. Y traitor. elm 14..1. " Lust wioter I contracted a severe d, %bleb by repeated exposure. (4. - .me uite Oleitinate. 1 was much with hoe/mores and bronchial irritation. After trylver versus rnedi- •.nes, without relief. 1 at bat purchased bottle of Ayees Cherry PecWeal. Oa taking this medicine. my cough sewed 'moot immediately, and I have been ell ever since.'•-liev. Thos. B. Illoseell„ revery Holatou Conference ellet P. IL the Oreenville Llistnct, C.. wieshoro, Tenn. (;04)I(S iTRCHASED,FOR CHM/REVS WKAk 1. 14.441,4111' .41 100 t otz ALL LINEN COODS STAMPED FRE Wocle; cf .11 ix.z1 WV IWO MOW WEIN. with .fentice rid right. lit had suffered the tortures of a t hcoe and des lis 55 111.44. fins slays following the terrible awahruing to the wrens of hi* hit. Th. re I., Dot 11.14141 Mee* 10 144 a few more prges wtll sod thie story. Paul anti Louise were martial Amt. 11 kle lateT the litWitel Port sireeribed. end set tut heasekerramqQin a home .4 them " 41W11 ova to 's. Pahl n-elit Iwo the old doctiter sort WS. 410 I boontuat • • popular 0pm:tan. To -day (4.has plaued his family abort, the reach of wee.. mad he " 14..114, 0er bit' ,1 with :no shot am: P,Ca. ;4,,11,11ed 'Myriam). Havant Slar(1. ham. with' whom Alto httl fellow is a pron-• Overige. S. opt: tnie Id his 11,4•4VIP, 41•00.1 • pun -haw? for Croft's lefiti. The pro- •• were earesteel is a Mee little bawler to Magic (14, .rol, lader the dwarfsl ioduente of )*reen-tits. • John and Mary has : fruited. their old tine lighttwesot spin*it was a lonit tin.e fore they kaiewof the great Leer Lonnie had nearly made to .uvve then. itthey ' may prise her nine Ingitly or the beet pos- sess:on of their liveit. KV is Mill termUng snide place. Into ' genies., and deserts into per viperous corn WOOL CAFES MADE TO ORDE - MRS. R. B SMITH'S. SIN onot t •rragg. 111.0 better that plat, lt are tar an.. tenthe telegram. -AA e:i. it am. 34.41 who .11.1 the rest. It V flit! yoh ono niateard the koketi wit limo that what wool.' the Islam... ha,. antourdeti ••WPil. we wont :'..1(E* 1, said the dor tor. y041 5)045 1(4415(4 1514041 yOU Ware, (4,'.. 1:1e4.11. leave 7041. prat/110155g 10 .1111 a444111 4, 'morrow trawl sight. •-410,44 uglst, oad 4o4 blites you.. replied Green, rainy mei teting the doctor.* Mind. ".And 40,0. 400, Scrag" kei tiler 444 donna sad Mary bed ma been Mimed .4 the foil import of Li .1' ford • ...nun,. and they were 14)1 .117 lg. nuraut everytkimg relaUse to l'oust.a oath:act to Louise. They only know t1,.•1 Itistethford. had been brought to has dire. ter with a reventatil and f.srgiving.heart. had they had no ausprieti of thoe:r • h11.1 narrow we ine from • terrible fate. fl.. Serigyp • eureght it best so this isiatter secret. and .0 ',Lt. itnrly agreed say reolnent about It. Thev orraiog,ti to anal ult i40 rerrow to fort ha:r ...inter with Blatchford on ***ten. of bus:nese. anti then drove away. "This is a nice Metre of henries, for 14 aloactr loNslor to be engaged remarked *11.Ames as they drus s leek to Cky. "You have forfeited your right to your occupation. Sciaggs, rid have dis- t your • ailinghy that you here a heart I shall report you, au% "All right. doctor,- Gaul Sci eggs. 'load 111 retanate bv reporting you to the metds. eel profession. • •Report nse? What have I donor' shall inform the world that you kept "patient in bed a «trek miler the impel' eau tint he haA a I roken lind. when he had wile sustained a sligat sprain. resolt of those ohl fellows laughed tm ineeteely at timer waticiema. and kept up mid their mink until the reack- sit *nen- oe.ti•isUoa. lionoma had decided tea,, ('sol tato wliieh was enough for then, both. aml :-tcraggl had decided to seal 1:reeti•0 farm rid eel John eettled in heel. two el Magic 4:it) He keno oi • 54.1454 on•Tong 1.3.1- • man of (irreg.& honesty and ability. sad he reaolved 1. get hin. - • LIMA ton italSOIIMID. moviag rapidly it. the direction of Joke (.1.0,., It lacked i.ut few manutetrof elght o . lock %nen the ter:mere rod drhe rolled t long &lope in front o! :he 4•11111. and Lounte from lier pre tent at the 16 iroton bearing the runi'ol of the s elit.l. aml the t latter ,4 tin feett.-l' that th.• nue* trying moment ot her 1.4e e:o. At lumpi sh4. ter inner t temtent t It.tn that Pearsall wee • oinits,r, and at the near approach of *h. .4 her menti.'. she found horse!' use ' e10 hear up leapt, Ulor fortitude for - meth her *41 .he libel her bead .1mm no the -l -to 1 window sill ...not wept. Brit qui.kly recw• e.ing she left the heat; and ran to the place of meeting Pearstm kind surationed, and there waited t•.r th.• ..arnage. A :omit in' later it drew up, stopped, oad • man 9(544Iitt "lit. 44. WW1 at l.0*1l4.'5.1441 ir. a.. .0,414n. snd 4,54 lio. ann4 shout her. and 'he fell her muses re-etiag when & Nell known V1114.0 114.011 her natio% l'aul. Peal'. *be cried. ".5 44 your It .4. darling," Paul replied. ••aild you ase safe. thank 4:o44. and again and &WWI he strained her to Ma breast aid kissed her. ••Nee here,- vned the oLi .h.s:tor as he came tumbling otst of the .arnage, ''it seems to ma lik• that is • httle too ode - soled. Von have no right to monopo- lise things. Markham, sad 1.7 yuur &rare 111 air one twe of them hires." "Take thou arid welcome, doctor, if is erneetanes all &roe . ham. rev ar. 41, raogswwwits well ti led , thank goat -reek ID Leber, mad be no delay I s got old a 1141,1doirtro wow/ all soh here to "" pecked. and our tickets lar the. train WS there. too The carriage is Arran/of fdr, "AI hat. • driver who knows what ist. petted nt hint awl who eke be depended rm. re. there will he me trookile hat a -ora, • Theo 'he than WA, is to nfeetet• a. • Imp NMI and ro threeigh the pert .4 martyr'', ' or in all 115144 and east to depended on for a re smog 111 !he tram to meet Imo 1 belies,. that old de -tor 5 ila HT:engirt anti hia keeping me in bed . day. eras a put op job 10 10,,, wit nw I was fool not itt. know thee sonnet Well. if Iftlatehlooi -mono fee .1 to he goose flo. 1 014 4145 1 hes (nigh to hold Ile both ith Pearson quickly dinenoul114111 Del !Wining flow is-throne/I llo. leith harm doe n 4)1. I, en I et...m.1 he railroad re. (1101 Ireton,. thr Hall, png awed raki poaitiolo the 1.1.1p.....tr API, Of (lir ,101401 • 00* '1.0-4 Iiir 10404.ngert. ail irelf lel•*40 4 4r4 r 1••1 r 011411 WIT A Wotitall 4111.1 !A., 11141,14.n, and ill typed thit that 14 aa art, t54Peron* ripe. rotigratulat• 1001014 noun Not • 'ng'* alati were ehort lived, for .11 .• ...not her passenger arinprgeri. and N.Iltlese Lorre .0 too 0011 who I' WY. I here was as noistakitlet Bletehford ' r.ott.Pttwewe. j: gent everything in shay. l' • shape and will . MUIR not stmereelly, met withrtandilts the rlelay comed by nit Bas eein "Int of wow Illah! Um ea. a 41 mem rm. t. Ling nowiteine when he hasn't h' sere portigh koow ohether ne not hots ... broken By 44•04110, if I Wan if • r Pail inn tr. 40 OD. I world we the old „. lam ter maiorectue. but I onet balm ' Lout.. is willing, for pro eared 1..1 fru ,,,e. "Ab. you blessed old d041002 loirow .-ried es see new int0 IS anus -How itoo..h I liave t,, thaok yoa to. ••Tut. tut. child.- tlo .4,1 men 'aid. isie &WSW hi,S hand le'rolie o:• e yes. Lot is not he bmitab. Markham. lays yours: take her and out. (ler.. Louise. °me hack bro. There* anothII:' here eh-, want. 14. ...sr yon. Here.% ytnit grandfather. Hlittehford. And liere'e Seragge Inn !pond It all • Scraggs the nutia for yo:t to thaiik It wade thst save.1 you from Prarsoli, he • you ninent kis. seraggs. fYr he.. bashful. -1.th really fre of *bet mai.' 1.4eti • asked. as "he nestled tts he, grandfather's O 7105 arisd supported lie aged head . 41 hor shoulder ••gre.• of hini' the .I.• tor •AVP11. I nrekon you art Just let him come here tomight and well make the world tree 04 Man, tee " "Anti papa': -Nei all right Well attesd to that, wrolt we. Keraggoo''' “I (was we'll be prett• apt to. 'That's what we will, but hen, confoond it all, we're keeping lilatehford waiting here while 81' 74' rumofl(4 on like a park of feeds. mei want4 t.. hit daughter ere- . le go on to the house te. t•Iking awsy a. excitedly, sod happy aa a roe over A nen 'o>. tile gaol 01,4 doetro lot the way tu the honor while ;scraggy an.' Hlaichf.'r I came alter him. and Paul 40.1 1. ,,to• f.,• lowed a little further behind. arno In sew. aa happy as ?Ter two vogues weds -eon 101 14415. lassif When their a 'Troth. hod the door the eld doetor ttoppml. Peyote "We mare he eareful roe te. 4 Ted, Mr. Orem. iss 11 you foilt• 0111 watt nobody tom Fret* *mew I'll pr is sod brash tf'o C'HAPTk:R XXVII. TUL .1/115-1 L'Oter1. rise, eight at l'earson was dierovered S. raw0 at an early hour the next morning. and • little later upon making a shut 4.. the hank he ',anted nt 4,41 •mhertalement oi Blarehford's emery. He immediately tele implied in direetions hoping to ap- prehend the rascal, but it preyed all in rem Pearson mole good his ei,ape l•pots retnriong 4.. ttreen's aa 01,054. Scruggs ntial the doctor found Pliatt-hford • critical colditioe. The etcoteate•it of the last few days, together with the towital estemong it limeight him, had hem tat much tor hon,,and now they found hive weak mid biding. Dr. Base slammed the .4.1 mail closely, awl though no rade iia report on the ere hie face 14.'sine grav• and thoughtful, and those wlon 5510 it felt sore tlott ther• was sotnelhang set rut 111 hie patient o• ailment. Strang" would hes • •,....101 tetax wliat la had discovered that nior.:ing. hut Illatchford insisted heroine evers 'Meg shout Pearson, 11411.1 asked so loos tors isg-rding him *let rs. wine wee esentualls hoerl to ret cal 411 es knee. The "id man gioame.1 aml tithe' his teeth, end for a long • ohe roof nothing,. At las4. taxing him...1f in led. he si,-.1te, looking .teadily at lie deitgli:er. "Mee), he said. • I hdo 1.. et lest. /.,.t I has... 1/11114. Aal • 11111:/01. I rum8 empty heeded, awl e1511 1104hieg but my ,eor los.. to gpie pa.. That which I have slaved f40. and wh•ch I right was t.mrs, he ha" Ism *taloa from re by the one I took to sly htort your stead1 turned yen from my dose sod took Harry Pearson in. I left you 'a rarer while I lai oohed fftenet Oh him knd now he ion rasher' inte and left «0 peoniters, with no roof but yours to shelter my head My pousitteent n grata. hut It is not sway than I dreier Per three or foto data the loner - hearted eld nein hogree;r1 on, governs, weaker hoer by hoer in spite .1 all nor Ilverorn orld doair at last it heemer appearest that death 14,1.1 war errs hini The 4 :teens oterted thewerlves 14, the minter In melte his ket j hoer. as pleaaant as (1erohle. hot their kurtosis awl ursine), attestator sag Isented rather than drmtineltel hie etellieleti. I inanities. After Illa,teltfutire :loath it trans- pire 1 that Karelia had earned 3*.y all nie wester securities, an 1 the estrern war bed to be sold under • tri goo.. hammer, thus I•ringinc Mrs. Blatehtor.1 face to fete 044(4 ah**11 poverty. bet :kr dose not Dear the di;•:pperitment well, and sighs often tor the day . of her former grandeur Aunt Mitchell. howheit Sarah Lae newr gives her, yea ou her weal way. 11.44 1> Peeress care tim Mertul esti. 1. the ointains 0341 Hwy, e naiad • mine, and. • , • -44 .• Mt. tke owileer .our; .•:_e • to ex nearest tree. "loti.Ing 11511 .1601,4 absorpe. Mr* I ...toot ft. perranti '';':i Mr. Sharpe10.4 1wei e10gyor.I.- 11 . Sharpe to 4 4i Crepe* that 1 esitr.nee-I is kno whom she di- 11'14sey...4 Magpies eater. Use Net lTD., 01 Mee. Pies "A ;drn l.o. Mitior 1;tel.., • • • room '8,4.1P.tio 1 Mrs •:w s: &Smelts e The Safest A ND most powerful alterative la A Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young sod old are alike benefited by Da ass. For the eruptive die. lases peculiar to - tildldres nothing Ale liso effective as this medicine, while De agrees. 4. hit Savor woke" ) ft eery to edam's. later. 1 "My little boy had large sicrofo- ..e` o • lone ulcers on kis • 4, neck and throat ‘414 from which he suffered terribly. Two physicians atteaded him, bet he greys rontinnally worse ander their nue, and everybody exported be would die. I bad heard al the remarkable cures sleeted by Ayer's Sarsaparills, and decided to have my bey try It. Shortly after he bogus to tate this medicine, the ulcers came seeneed beating. *14, 1411.1 ming strveral bottles, ka was entirely eared. He M of his aga."- William 7. new as healthy and strong so boy fourteen inoiatha old, to havered* HaaentrormliVskust. nevaluniret emit, gather on ha bead body. We sp. plied various simple remedies without avail. The sores hicreseed In number and dischanred copiously. A physician was celled, bin the Doren motioned to multiply until in a tow mootbs they nearly towered the e Mid's heed and body. At low we began 114. 10. of Ayer's asz, saparilla. la • few days II Worked damp for the better was ananifeet. The 10111 10.010041 510(4* healthy coediting., the din -barges were gradually Minim. -1004, and fleally reamed al ther. The el.11.1 is livelier, Ito skin is and Its appetite better the. we have eh! earrod incenths."-Presk M. Otifilm Long Point, Texas. "The formals of Ayer's thareopereht pressen. 144 trAT0111141 dilosmoria of almost every kind, the beet rp,,id !sows to the medical world." - D. . Wilasak M. D., Whigs, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, eleNeeeMe4 /ef Dr. J. C. Ayer & Oa. Lwow% Nes& Map IC boromaa. W...�. VALUE TO Y thansilec.i .5 ereti,:• lathe c osol•les /mar biota.. of.i. is should be tr.. the p0410-is8r nf eV h. r D lag on l 44** 1410/. •1115.1• 14 41**,...„, 41111.0 tos-. 4:4144. 44r he mrsiots of Imre eel weatioe. 414//e op ':5515 • 5...o4 le of aria., WYBillExt l4bkE. !mitt; AND WIXE, If 115., lung* ..Wat weak protect arid Teem Nein by Minim'5 lentehtion weds elyetielee ;Atte& lithe eked 4 impure 040 00r 811,11111Alrit AS MIA init AND STOMACII NIT EltIt8. Volo reepeett.illy solicit ion? pairoaaa o..tk, arid promise our taaa e thorough AI terif ios. etc. I i W. C. GOODE, TIDE (AHEM I err Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Iroatealft, or Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. LOWS*, IOW& by su Drassou. Pews 14& tla T. T 4.00 HILLWATTEI TEA THIS IS THE :SEASON FOR CROSS 'CUT S.4 WS, In which we lead. CATTLE C11.4/NS, Finest in the taati,at right prices. BEST MAKES OF AXES, .11 prices whici& will make you bu R. P. WILKINSON & Co. LA GRIPPE, As many know from experience, _is frequently fol- lowed by a bard. distzemang oough CHERRY PULMONIC Has no equal hit the ors at Um. ami WI cougha oolds. etc. eta Pfepared aird aid =Iv by P. %Torben, - 3Codiai1 ILLWATTEI he rInellt fee in ,tie inarket 400 150 Do7114. Vail laws of Sugars Teas, Baking Pow I And ell Meth. 11e000.1'4011. Headquarters for ail knot,. t twice Confectionery, Fru'.*, MIRAN HADDIE AND OW Pure Candies Chocolates "ONCE A YEAR" CHRISTMAS CHEER." NUTS, DATES, 111011. MALAGA - - FRUIT. GRAPES Batger's Table jellies CANDIED - PEELS. Chas. A. Nairn, Family Grocer, GODERICH, - XIV Now t hawt E. CAMPAIGN] a...r awl Coated it - • . rt.." unloc • r.: ,rt:r1flesi • : :.•„•.t..4%•c3 all: ,qofu10114 5*! %et t -4 Ct..;RE.S DV SP7:3 S IA. B;LIOUSI ONST:PATKoN. HEADA1 SALT R:a:ELVA. scnor; HEART OkIRN. COU'•ISTO 0I2 !N.S.: 5 5. DROP RHELPAAT I S VAN DISE Pereiture Dealer, se sallIng all kinds ef runotare 01 th• ossoialle prices. le IP* wn tar 'hat be Se8.10 Ch.ea.32 1 bead. He aim sites • et Menne framing Dive hien • roll before parabola& raw 0.515 P45 maw the i;:'16dIertlitee 01 '1* toWn. Irealiadnitos 11414 mileale ker. es Parriinsee allandiere. and vow end eel MO he 410 .5 Ss raw. eons obese ror • PATENT! MPS. I RADE II MS NO Car =rid al horses, dr U. 14.tootod to at 11011ff0,4Ill Our melee se sopente the V. 8. f Geo sod w *beet, Pateets 1. has timer ressw • Mrs WISH/1W Seri /fUtriL tivDRA WINO. viebal art. tree &OA we esti CNA I fj-NL. • PAIN PA KIM We peter(44e14,101115 it (leder Dish,„ be emal U. It. 00os. nireets Isms sod to awed alien two Mar Ott V. Irrtris 411 • NNW aim.. apsom. Posies 011eandilal 1 la 140554451 10 and allYer their ewe emaysesa mimeo airways ohammasairre ei tlw eeme. !GEO. BARRY, Hamilton-st. 4. $900. t"-...:41.1kEtAl.c. .4'. •...., i ,..,„,,... 4. ........ 4 wowellse wootheedhest Testimony of Conn Jesus of asarot The sear riellOolhadall• r414I5hoe w '111•11 I* 0011111/0104 . ni• 11,er, (WWI WOOS la. loal ig: askikoitsra 1011 OMIT 111100.